--lxd) LXD_CLOUD="$2" ;;
--lxd-cred) LXD_CREDENTIALS="$2" ;;
--microstack) MICROSTACK=y ;;
+ --ha) BUNDLE="osm-ha" ;;
--tag) TAG="$2" ;;
function install_snaps(){
- sudo snap install juju --classic
- [ ! -v KUBECFG ] && sudo snap install microk8s --classic && sudo usermod -a -G microk8s ubuntu && mkdir -p ~/.kube && sudo chown -f -R `whoami` ~/.kube
- [ -v KUBECFG ] && sudo snap install kubectl --classic && KUBECTL="kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECFG"
+ sudo snap install juju --classic --channel=2.7/stable
+ [ ! -v KUBECFG ] && sudo snap install microk8s --classic && sudo usermod -a -G microk8s `whoami` && mkdir -p ~/.kube && sudo chown -f -R `whoami` ~/.kube
function bootstrap_k8s_lxd(){
sg microk8s -c "echo ${DEFAULT_IP}-${DEFAULT_IP} | microk8s.enable metallb"
sg microk8s -c "microk8s.enable storage dns"
+ while true
+ do
+ sg microk8s -c "microk8s.status" | grep 'storage: enabled'
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ sleep 1
+ done
[ ! -v BOOTSTRAP_NEEDED ] && sg microk8s -c "microk8s.config" | juju add-k8s $K8S_CLOUD_NAME $ADD_K8S_OPTS
[ -v BOOTSTRAP_NEEDED ] && sg microk8s -c "juju bootstrap microk8s $CONTROLLER_NAME --config controller-service-type=loadbalancer" && K8S_CLOUD_NAME=microk8s
function check_osm_deployed() {
while true
- pod_name=`sg microk8s -c "$KUBECTL -n osm get pods | grep ui-k8s | grep -v operator" | awk '{print $1}'`
- if [[ `sg microk8s -c "$KUBECTL -n osm wait pod $pod_name --for condition=Ready"` ]]; then
- if [[ `sg microk8s -c "$KUBECTL -n osm wait pod lcm-k8s-0 --for condition=Ready"` ]]; then
+ pod_name=`sg microk8s -c "microk8s.kubectl -n osm get pods | grep ui-k8s | grep -v operator" | awk '{print $1; exit}'`
+ if [[ `sg microk8s -c "microk8s.kubectl -n osm wait pod $pod_name --for condition=Ready"` ]]; then
+ if [[ `sg microk8s -c "microk8s.kubectl -n osm wait pod lcm-k8s-0 --for condition=Ready"` ]]; then
local vca_cacert=$(cat $HOME/.local/share/juju/controllers.yaml | yq --arg CONTROLLER_NAME $CONTROLLER_NAME '.controllers[$CONTROLLER_NAME]["ca-cert"]' --raw-output | base64 | tr -d \\n)
# Calculate the default route of this machine
- local DEFAULT_IF=`route -n |awk '$1~/^ {print $8}'`
+ local DEFAULT_IF=`ip route list match | awk '{print $5}'`
local vca_apiproxy=`ip -o -4 a |grep ${DEFAULT_IF}|awk '{split($4,a,"/"); print a[1]}'`
# Generate a new overlay.yaml, overriding any existing one
ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f ~/.ssh/microstack
microstack.openstack keypair create --public-key ~/.ssh/microstack.pub microstack
- export OSM_HOSTNAME=`juju status --format yaml | yq -r '.applications["nbi-k8s"].address'`
+ export OSM_HOSTNAME=`juju status --format json | jq -rc '.applications."nbi-k8s".address'`
osm vim-create --name microstack-site \
--user admin \
--password keystone \
version: 3}'
-DEFAULT_IF=`route -n |awk '$1~/^ {print $8}'`
+DEFAULT_IF=`ip route list match | awk '{print $5}'`
DEFAULT_IP=`ip -o -4 a |grep ${DEFAULT_IF}|awk '{split($4,a,"/"); print a[1]}'`
check_arguments $@
echo -e " --charmed: Deploy and operate OSM with Charms on k8s"
echo -e " [--bundle <bundle path>]: Specify with which bundle to deploy OSM with charms (--charmed option)"
echo -e " [--k8s <kubeconfig path>]: Specify with which kubernetes to deploy OSM with charms (--charmed option)"
- echo -e " [--vca <name>]: Specifies the name of the controller to use - The controller must be already bootstrapped (--charmed option)"
- echo -e " [--lxd <yaml path>]: Takes a YAML file as a parameter with the LXD Cloud information (--charmed option)"
+ echo -e " [--vca <name>]: Specifies the name of the controller to use - The controller must be already bootstrapped (--charmed option)"
+ echo -e " [--lxd <yaml path>]: Takes a YAML file as a parameter with the LXD Cloud information (--charmed option)"
echo -e " [--lxd-cred <yaml path>]: Takes a YAML file as a parameter with the LXD Credentials information (--charmed option)"
echo -e " [--microstack]: Installs microstack as a vim. (--charmed option)"
+ echo -e " [--ha]: Installs High Availability bundle. (--charmed option)"
echo -e " [--tag]: Docker image tag"
#Configure NAT rules, based on the current IP addresses of containers
function nat(){
echo -e "\nConfiguring NAT rules"
echo -e " Required root privileges"
sudo $OSM_DEVOPS/installers/nat_osm
function install_juju() {
echo "Installing juju"
- sudo snap install juju --classic
+ sudo snap install juju --classic --channel=2.7/stable
[[ ":$PATH": != *":/snap/bin:"* ]] && PATH="/snap/bin:${PATH}"
echo "Finished installation of juju"
return 0
if [ -z "$TO_REBUILD" ] || echo $TO_REBUILD | grep -q PROMETHEUS ; then
sg docker -c "docker pull google/cadvisor:${PROMETHEUS_CADVISOR_TAG}" || FATAL "cannot get prometheus cadvisor docker image"
- fi
+ fi
echo "Finished generation of docker images"
[ "${OPTARG}" == "lxd" ] && continue
[ "${OPTARG}" == "lxd-cred" ] && continue
[ "${OPTARG}" == "microstack" ] && continue
+ [ "${OPTARG}" == "ha" ] && continue
[ "${OPTARG}" == "tag" ] && continue
[ "${OPTARG}" == "pla" ] && INSTALL_PLA="y" && continue
echo -e "Invalid option: '--$OPTARG'\n" >&2
/usr/share/osm-devops/installers/charmed_uninstall.sh -R $RELEASE -r $REPOSITORY -u $REPOSITORY_BASE -D /usr/share/osm-devops -t $DOCKER_TAG "$@"
/usr/share/osm-devops/installers/charmed_install.sh -R $RELEASE -r $REPOSITORY -u $REPOSITORY_BASE -D /usr/share/osm-devops -t $DOCKER_TAG "$@"
- fi
- echo "Your installation is now complete, follow these steps for configuring the osmclient:"
- echo
- echo "1. Get the NBI IP with the following command:"
- echo
- echo "juju status --format yaml | yq -r '.applications[\"nbi-k8s\"].address'"
- echo
- echo "2. Create the OSM_HOSTNAME environment variable with the NBI IP"
- echo
- echo "export OSM_HOSTNAME=<NBI-IP>"
- echo
- echo "3. Add the previous command to your .bashrc for other Shell sessions"
- echo
- echo "export OSM_HOSTNAME=<previous-IP> >> ~/.bashrc"
- echo
- echo "DONE"
+ echo "Your installation is now complete, follow these steps for configuring the osmclient:"
+ echo
+ echo "1. Get the NBI IP with the following command:"
+ echo
+ echo NBI_IP='`juju status --format json | jq -rc '"'"'.applications."nbi-k8s".address'"'"'`'
+ echo
+ echo "2. Create the OSM_HOSTNAME environment variable with the NBI IP"
+ echo
+ echo "export OSM_HOSTNAME=\$NBI_IP"
+ echo
+ echo "3. Add the previous command to your .bashrc for other Shell sessions"
+ echo
+ echo "echo \"export OSM_HOSTNAME=\$NBI_IP\" >> ~/.bashrc"
+ echo
+ echo "DONE"
+ fi
exit 0