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-# Distributed Cloud Emulator
+# son-emu
+Here comes a brief description of the repository and the code inside.
+## Development
+(if applicable)
+### Building
+Describe briefly how to build the software.
+### Dependencies
+Name all the dependencies needed by the software, including version, license (!), and a link. For example
+* [pyaml](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyaml) >=15.8.2 (WTFPL)
+* [zerorpc](http://www.zerorpc.io) >= 0.5.2 (MIT)
+* [tabulate](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/tabulate) >= 0.7.5 (public domain)
+* [argparse](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/argparse) >= 1.4.0 (Python software foundation License)
+* [networkx](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/networkx/) >= 1.11 (BSD)
+* [six](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/six/) >=1.9 (MIT)
+* [ryu](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ryu/4.4) >= 4.4 (Apache 2.0)
+* [oslo.config](http://docs.openstack.org/developer/oslo.config/) >= 3.9.0 (Apache 2.0)
+* [pytest](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytest) >= 2.9 (MIT)
+* [pytest-runner](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytest-runner) >= 2.8 (MIT)
+* [Flask](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Flask) >= 0.11 (BSD)
+* [flask_restful](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Flask-RESTful) >= 0.3 (BSD)
+* [requests](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/requests) >= 2.10 (Apache 2.0)
+* [docker-py](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/docker-py) == 1.7.1(Apache 2.0)
+* [paramiko](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/paramiko/1.16.0) >= 1.6 (LGPL)
+* [prometheus_client](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/prometheus_client) >= 0.0.13 (Apache 2.0)
+* [urllib3](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/urllib3) >= 1.15 (MIT)
+### Contributing
+(if applicable) Description (encouraging) how to contribute to this project/repository.
+## Installation
+(if applicable) Describe briefly how to install the software. You may want to put a link to son-install instead:
+The installation of this component can be done using the [son-install](https://github.com/sonata-nfv/son-install) script.
+## Usage
+(if applicable) Describe briefly how to use the software.
+## License
+This [SOFTWARE] is published under Apache 2.0 license. Please see the LICENSE file for more details.
+## Useful Links
+* Any useful link and brief description. For example:
+* http://www.google/ Don't be evil.
+#### Lead Developers
-### Lead Developers
The following lead developers are responsible for this repository and have admin rights. They can, for example, merge pull requests.
* Manuel Peuster (mpeuster)
* Steven Van Rossem (stevenvanrossem)
-### Environment
-* Python 2.7
-* Latest [Containernet](https://github.com/mpeuster/containernet) installed on the system
-### Dependencies
-* pyaml (public domain)
-* zerorpc (MIT)
-* tabulate (public domain)
-* argparse (Python software foundation license)
-* networkx (BSD)
-* six>=1.9 (MIT)
-* ryu (Apache 2.0)
-* oslo.config (Apache 2.0)
-* pytest (MIT)
-* pytest-runner (MIT)
-* Flask (BSD)
-* flask_restful (BSD)
-* requests (Apache 2.0)
-* docker-py (Apache 2.0)
-* paramiko (LGPL)
-### 3rd-party code used
-* (none)
-### Project structure
-* **src/emuvim/** all emulator code
- * **api/** Data center API endpoint implementations (zerorpc, OpenStack REST, ...)
- * **cli/** CLI client to interact with a running emulator
- * **dcemulator/** Containernet wrapper that introduces the notion of data centers and API endpoints
- * **examples/** Example topology scripts
- * **test/** Unit tests
-* **ansible/** Ansible install scripts
-* **util/** helper scripts
-### Installation
-Automatic installation is provide through Ansible playbooks.
-* Requires: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
-* `sudo apt-get install ansible git`
-* `sudo vim /etc/ansible/hosts`
-* Add: `localhost ansible_connection=local`
-#### 1. Containernet
-* `cd`
-* `git clone https://github.com/mpeuster/containernet.git`
-* `cd ~/containernet/ansible`
-* `sudo ansible-playbook install.yml`
-* Wait (and have a coffee) ...
-#### 2. Emulator
-* Fork the repository.
-* `cd`
-* `git clone https://github.com/<user>/son-emu.git`
-* `cd ~/son-emu/ansible`
-* `sudo ansible-playbook install.yml`
-### Run
-In the `~/son-emu` directory:
-* During development:
- * `python setup.py develop`
-* Otherwise, for a classic installation:
- * `python setup.py install`
-* First terminal:
- * `sudo python src/emuvim/examples/simple_topology.py
-* Second terminal:
- * `son-emu-cli compute start -d datacenter1 -n vnf1`
- * `son-emu-cli compute start -d datacenter1 -n vnf2`
- * `son-emu-cli compute list`
-* First terminal:
- * `containernet> vnf1 ping -c 2 vnf2`
-### Run Unit Tests
-* `cd ~/son-emu`
-* `sudo py.test -v src/emuvim/test/unittests`
-### CLI
-* [Full CLI command documentation](https://github.com/sonata-nfv/son-emu/wiki/CLI-Command-Overview)
-### Vagrant VM creation
-A Vagrantfile allows to automatically create and provision a VM in which son-emu is installed and ready to be used.
-* `cd ~/son-emu`
-* `vagrant up`
-* `vagrant ssh` to enter the new VM in which the emulator is installed.
-Follow the MOTD in the VM to run the example topology and the fake-gatekeeper. The fake-gatekeeper's default port 5000 is forwarded to the host machine and can be accessed from it by using, e.g., curl
+#### Feedback-Chanel
+* You may use the mailing list sonata-dev@lists.atosresearch.eu
+* Please use the GitHub issues to report bugs.