# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
# contact: helena.mcgough@intel.com or adrian.hoban@intel.com
-"""Notifier class for alarm notification response."""
+# __author__ = Helena McGough
+"""A Webserver to send alarm notifications from Aodh to the SO."""
import json
-import logging as log
- import aodhclient
-except ImportError:
- log.warn("Failed to import the aodhclient")
+import logging
+import sys
-from core.message_bus.producer import KafkaProducer
+import time
-from plugins.OpenStack.Aodh.alarming import Alarming
-from plugins.OpenStack.response import OpenStack_Response
-from plugins.OpenStack.settings import Config
-__author__ = "Helena McGough"
+from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler
+from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer
- "average_memory_usage_above_threshold",
- "disk_read_ops",
- "disk_write_ops",
- "disk_read_bytes",
- "disk_write_bytes",
- "net_packets_dropped",
- "packets_in_above_threshold",
- "packets_out_above_threshold",
- "cpu_utilization_above_threshold"]
+# Initialise a logger for alarm notifier
+ format='%(asctime)s %(message)s',
+ datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p', filemode='a',
+ level=logging.INFO)
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def register_notifier():
- """Run the notifier instance."""
- config = Config.instance()
- instance = Notifier(config=config)
- instance.config()
- instance.notify()
+from core.message_bus.producer import KafkaProducer
+from plugins.OpenStack.Aodh.alarming import Alarming
+from plugins.OpenStack.common import Common
+from plugins.OpenStack.response import OpenStack_Response
+from plugins.OpenStack.settings import Config
-class Notifier(object):
- """Alarm Notification class."""
- def __init__(self, config):
- """Initialize alarm notifier."""
- log.info("Initialize the notifier for the SO.")
- self._config = config
- self._response = OpenStack_Response()
- self._producer = KafkaProducer("alarm_response")
+class NotifierHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
+ """Handler class for alarm_actions triggered by OSM alarms."""
+ def _set_headers(self):
+ """Set the headers for a request."""
+ self.send_response(200)
+ self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html')
+ self.end_headers()
+ def do_GET(self):
+ """Get request functionality."""
+ self._set_headers()
+ self.wfile.write("<html><body><h1>hi!</h1></body></html>")
+ def do_POST(self):
+ """POST request function."""
+ # Gets header and data from the post request and records info
+ self._set_headers()
+ # Gets the size of data
+ content_length = int(self.headers['Content-Length'])
+ post_data = self.rfile.read(content_length)
+ self.wfile.write("<html><body><h1>POST!</h1></body></tml>")
+ log.info("This alarm was triggered: %s", json.loads(post_data))
+ # Generate a notify_alarm response for the SO
+ self.notify_alarm(json.loads(post_data))
+ def notify_alarm(self, values):
+ """Send a notifcation repsonse message to the SO."""
+ # Initialiase configuration and authentication for response message
+ config = Config.instance()
+ config.read_environ("aodh")
self._alarming = Alarming()
- def config(self):
- """Configure the alarm notifier."""
- log.info("Configure the notifier instance.")
- self._config.read_environ("aodh")
- def notify(self):
- """Send alarm notifications responses to the SO."""
- log.info("Checking for alarm notifications")
- auth_token, endpoint = self._alarming.authenticate()
- while(1):
- alarm_list = self._alarming.list_alarms(endpoint, auth_token)
- for alarm in json.loads(alarm_list):
- alarm_id = alarm['alarm_id']
- alarm_name = alarm['name']
- # Send a notification response to the SO on alarm trigger
- if alarm_name in ALARM_NAMES:
- alarm_state = self._alarming.get_alarm_state(
- endpoint, auth_token, alarm_id)
- if alarm_state == "alarm":
- # Generate and send an alarm notification response
- try:
- a_date = alarm['state_timestamp'].replace("T", " ")
- rule = alarm['gnocchi_resources_threshold_rule']
- resp_message = self._response.generate_response(
- 'notify_alarm', a_id=alarm_id,
- r_id=rule['resource_id'],
- sev=alarm['severity'], date=a_date,
- state=alarm_state, vim_type="OpenStack")
- self._producer.notify_alarm(
- 'notify_alarm', resp_message, 'alarm_response')
- except Exception as exc:
- log.warn("Failed to send notify response:%s", exc)
-if aodhclient:
- register_notifier()
+ self._common = Common()
+ self._response = OpenStack_Response()
+ self._producer = KafkaProducer('alarm_response')
+ alarm_id = values['alarm_id']
+ auth_token = self._common._authenticate()
+ endpoint = self._common.get_endpoint("alarming")
+ # If authenticated generate and send response message
+ if (auth_token is not None and endpoint is not None):
+ url = "{}/v2/alarms/%s".format(endpoint) % alarm_id
+ # Get the resource_id of the triggered alarm
+ result = self._common._perform_request(
+ url, auth_token, req_type="get")
+ alarm_details = json.loads(result.text)
+ gnocchi_rule = alarm_details['gnocchi_resources_threshold_rule']
+ resource_id = gnocchi_rule['resource_id']
+ # Process an alarm notification if resource_id is valid
+ if resource_id is not None:
+ # Get date and time for response message
+ a_date = time.strftime("%d-%m-%Y") + " " + time.strftime("%X")
+ # Try generate and send response
+ try:
+ resp_message = self._response.generate_response(
+ 'notify_alarm', a_id=alarm_id,
+ r_id=resource_id,
+ sev=values['severity'], date=a_date,
+ state=values['current'], vim_type="OpenStack")
+ self._producer.notify_alarm(
+ 'notify_alarm', resp_message, 'alarm_response')
+ log.info("Sent an alarm response to SO: %s", resp_message)
+ except Exception as exc:
+ log.warn("Couldn't notify SO of the alarm: %s", exc)
+ else:
+ log.warn("No resource_id for alarm; no SO response sent.")
+ else:
+ log.warn("Authentication failure; SO notification not sent.")
+def run(server_class=HTTPServer, handler_class=NotifierHandler, port=8662):
+ """Run the webserver application to retreive alarm notifications."""
+ try:
+ server_address = ('', port)
+ httpd = server_class(server_address, handler_class)
+ print('Starting alarm notifier...')
+ log.info("Starting alarm notifier server on port: %s", port)
+ httpd.serve_forever()
+ except Exception as exc:
+ log.warn("Failed to start webserver, %s", exc)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ from sys import argv
+ # Runs the webserver
+ if len(argv) == 2:
+ run(port=int(argv[1]))
+ else:
+ run()
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2017 Intel Research and Development Ireland Limited
+# *************************************************************
+# This file is part of OSM Monitoring module
+# All Rights Reserved to Intel Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact: helena.mcgough@intel.com or adrian.hoban@intel.com
+"""Tests for all common OpenStack methods."""
+import json
+import unittest
+from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler
+from core.message_bus.producer import KafkaProducer
+import mock
+from plugins.OpenStack.Aodh.alarming import Alarming
+from plugins.OpenStack.common import Common
+from plugins.OpenStack.response import OpenStack_Response
+from plugins.OpenStack.settings import Config
+__author__ = "Helena McGough"
+# Mock data from post request
+post_data = json.dumps({"severity": "critical",
+ "alarm_name": "my_alarm",
+ "current": "current_state",
+ "alarm_id": "my_alarm_id",
+ "reason": "Threshold has been broken",
+ "reason_data": {"count": 1,
+ "most_recent": "null",
+ "type": "threshold",
+ "disposition": "unknown"},
+ "previous": "previous_state"})
+valid_get_resp = '{"gnocchi_resources_threshold_rule":\
+ {"resource_id": "my_resource_id"}}'
+invalid_get_resp = '{"gnocchi_resources_threshold_rule":\
+ {"resource_id": "None"}}'
+valid_notify_resp = '{"notify_details": {"status": "current_state",\
+ "severity": "critical",\
+ "resource_uuid": "my_resource_id",\
+ "alarm_uuid": "my_alarm_id",\
+ "vim_type": "OpenStack",\
+ "start_date": "dd-mm-yyyy 00:00"},\
+ "schema_version": "1.0",\
+ "schema_type": "notify_alarm"}'
+invalid_notify_resp = '{"notify_details": {"invalid":"mock_details"}'
+class Response(object):
+ """Mock a response class for generating responses."""
+ def __init__(self, text):
+ """Initialise a mock response with a text attribute."""
+ self.text = text
+class NotifierHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
+ """Mock the NotifierHandler class for testing purposes."""
+ def __init__(self, request, client_address, server):
+ """Initilase mock NotifierHandler."""
+ self.request = request
+ self.client_address = client_address
+ self.server = server
+ self.setup()
+ try:
+ self.handle()
+ finally:
+ self.finish()
+ def setup(self):
+ """Mock setup function."""
+ pass
+ def handle(self):
+ """Mock handle function."""
+ pass
+ def finish(self):
+ """Mock finish function."""
+ pass
+ def _set_headers(self):
+ """Mock getting the request headers."""
+ pass
+ def do_GET(self):
+ """Mock functionality for GET request."""
+ self._set_headers()
+ pass
+ def do_POST(self):
+ """Mock functionality for a POST request."""
+ self._set_headers()
+ self.notify_alarm(json.loads(post_data))
+ def notify_alarm(self, values):
+ """Mock the notify_alarm functionality to generate a valid response."""
+ config = Config.instance()
+ config.read_environ("aodh")
+ self._alarming = Alarming()
+ self._common = Common()
+ self._response = OpenStack_Response()
+ self._producer = KafkaProducer('alarm_response')
+ alarm_id = values['alarm_id']
+ auth_token = self._common._authenticate()
+ endpoint = self._common.get_endpoint("alarming")
+ # If authenticated generate and send response message
+ if (auth_token is not None and endpoint is not None):
+ url = "{}/v2/alarms/%s".format(endpoint) % alarm_id
+ # Get the resource_id of the triggered alarm and the date
+ result = self._common._perform_request(
+ url, auth_token, req_type="get")
+ alarm_details = json.loads(result.text)
+ gnocchi_rule = alarm_details['gnocchi_resources_threshold_rule']
+ resource_id = gnocchi_rule['resource_id']
+ a_date = "dd-mm-yyyy 00:00"
+ # Process an alarm notification if resource_id is valid
+ if resource_id is not None:
+ # Try generate and send response
+ try:
+ resp_message = self._response.generate_response(
+ 'notify_alarm', a_id=alarm_id,
+ r_id=resource_id,
+ sev=values['severity'], date=a_date,
+ state=values['current'], vim_type="OpenStack")
+ self._producer.notify_alarm(
+ 'notify_alarm', resp_message, 'alarm_response')
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+class TestNotifier(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test the NotifierHandler class for requests from aodh."""
+ def setUp(self):
+ """Setup tests."""
+ super(TestNotifier, self).setUp()
+ self.handler = NotifierHandler(
+ "mock_request", "mock_address", "mock_server")
+ @mock.patch.object(NotifierHandler, "_set_headers")
+ def test_do_GET(self, set_head):
+ """Test do_GET, generates headers for get request."""
+ self.handler.do_GET()
+ set_head.assert_called_once
+ @mock.patch.object(NotifierHandler, "notify_alarm")
+ @mock.patch.object(NotifierHandler, "_set_headers")
+ def test_do_POST(self, set_head, notify):
+ """Test do_POST functionality for a POST request."""
+ self.handler.do_POST()
+ set_head.assert_called_once
+ notify.assert_called_with(json.loads(post_data))
+ @mock.patch.object(Common, "get_endpoint")
+ @mock.patch.object(Common, "_authenticate")
+ @mock.patch.object(Common, "_perform_request")
+ def test_notify_alarm_unauth(self, perf_req, auth, endpoint):
+ """Test notify alarm when not authenticated with keystone."""
+ # Response request will not be performed unless there is a valid
+ # auth_token and endpoint
+ # Invalid auth_token and endpoint
+ auth.return_value = None
+ endpoint.return_value = None
+ self.handler.notify_alarm(json.loads(post_data))
+ perf_req.assert_not_called
+ # Valid endpoint
+ auth.return_value = None
+ endpoint.return_value = "my_endpoint"
+ self.handler.notify_alarm(json.loads(post_data))
+ perf_req.assert_not_called
+ # Valid auth_token
+ auth.return_value = "my_auth_token"
+ endpoint.return_value = None
+ self.handler.notify_alarm(json.loads(post_data))
+ perf_req.assert_not_called
+ @mock.patch.object(Common, "get_endpoint")
+ @mock.patch.object(OpenStack_Response, "generate_response")
+ @mock.patch.object(Common, "_authenticate")
+ @mock.patch.object(Common, "_perform_request")
+ def test_notify_alarm_invalid_alarm(self, perf_req, auth, resp, endpoint):
+ """Test valid authentication, invalid alarm details."""
+ # Mock valid auth_token and endpoint
+ auth.return_value = "my_auth_token"
+ endpoint.return_value = "my_endpoint"
+ perf_req.return_value = Response(invalid_get_resp)
+ self.handler.notify_alarm(json.loads(post_data))
+ # Response is not generated
+ resp.assert_not_called
+ @mock.patch.object(Common, "get_endpoint")
+ @mock.patch.object(OpenStack_Response, "generate_response")
+ @mock.patch.object(Common, "_authenticate")
+ @mock.patch.object(Common, "_perform_request")
+ def test_notify_alarm_resp_call(self, perf_req, auth, response, endpoint):
+ """Test notify_alarm tries to generate a response for SO."""
+ # Mock valid auth token and endpoint, valid response from aodh
+ auth.return_value = "my_auth_token"
+ endpoint.returm_value = "my_endpoint"
+ perf_req.return_value = Response(valid_get_resp)
+ self.handler.notify_alarm(json.loads(post_data))
+ response.assert_called_with('notify_alarm', a_id="my_alarm_id",
+ r_id="my_resource_id", sev="critical",
+ date="dd-mm-yyyy 00:00",
+ state="current_state",
+ vim_type="OpenStack")
+ @mock.patch.object(Common, "get_endpoint")
+ @mock.patch.object(KafkaProducer, "notify_alarm")
+ @mock.patch.object(OpenStack_Response, "generate_response")
+ @mock.patch.object(Common, "_authenticate")
+ @mock.patch.object(Common, "_perform_request")
+ def test_notify_alarm_invalid_resp(
+ self, perf_req, auth, response, notify, endpoint):
+ """Test the notify_alarm function, sends response to the producer."""
+ # Generate return values for valid notify_alarm operation
+ auth.return_value = "my_auth_token"
+ endpoint.return_value = "my_endpoint"
+ perf_req.return_value = Response(valid_get_resp)
+ response.return_value = invalid_notify_resp
+ self.handler.notify_alarm(json.loads(post_data))
+ notify.assert_not_called
+ @mock.patch.object(Common, "get_endpoint")
+ @mock.patch.object(KafkaProducer, "notify_alarm")
+ @mock.patch.object(OpenStack_Response, "generate_response")
+ @mock.patch.object(Common, "_authenticate")
+ @mock.patch.object(Common, "_perform_request")
+ def test_notify_alarm_valid_resp(
+ self, perf_req, auth, response, notify, endpoint):
+ """Test the notify_alarm function, sends response to the producer."""
+ # Generate return values for valid notify_alarm operation
+ auth.return_value = "my_auth_token"
+ endpoint.return_value = "my_endpoint"
+ perf_req.return_value = Response(valid_get_resp)
+ response.return_value = valid_notify_resp
+ self.handler.notify_alarm(json.loads(post_data))
+ notify.assert_called_with(
+ "notify_alarm", valid_notify_resp, "alarm_response")