import logging\r
from mininet.node import OVSSwitch\r
import ast\r
+import time\r
self.port = '8080'\r
self.REST_api = 'http://{0}:{1}'.format(self.ip,self.port)\r
+ self.previous_measurement = 0\r
+ self.previous_monitor_time = 0\r
- def get_rate(self, vnf_name, direction='tx'):\r
+ def get_rate(self, vnf_name, direction='tx', metric='packets'):\r
+ # check if port is specified (vnf:port)\r
+ vnf_interface = vnf_name.split(':')[1]\r
+ except:\r
+ # take first interface by default\r
+ connected_sw =[0]\r
+ link_dict =[vnf_name][connected_sw]\r
+ vnf_interface = link_dict[0]['src_port_id']\r
+ # vnf_source_interface = 0\r
+ vnf_name = vnf_name.split(':')[0]\r
+ # take into account that this is a MultiGraph\r
+ #mon_port =[vnf_name][connected_sw][0]['dst_port']\r
+ for connected_sw in\r
+ link_dict =[vnf_name][connected_sw]\r
+ for link in link_dict:\r
+ #"{0},{1}".format(link_dict[link],vnf_source_interface))\r
+ if link_dict[link]['src_port_id'] == vnf_interface:\r
+ # found the right link and connected switch\r
+ #"{0},{1}".format(link_dict[link]['src_port_id'], vnf_source_interface))\r
+ #src_sw = connected_sw\r
+ mon_port = link_dict[link]['dst_port']\r
+ break\r
+ try:\r
+ # default port direction to monitor\r
+ if direction is None:\r
+ direction = 'tx'\r
vnf_switch =\r
if len(vnf_switch) > 1:\r"vnf: {0} is not connected to switch".format(vnf_name))\r
- mon_port =[vnf_name][vnf_switch]['dst_port']\r
switch_dpid = x = int(str(next_node.dpid),16)\r
+ # TODO get metric name from arg\r
+ key = '{0}_{1}'.format(direction, metric)\r
ret = self.REST_cmd('stats/port', switch_dpid)\r
port_stat_dict = ast.literal_eval(ret)\r
for port_stat in port_stat_dict[str(switch_dpid)]:\r
if port_stat['port_no'] == mon_port:\r
- return port_stat\r
- break\r
+ port_uptime = port_stat['duration_sec'] + port_stat['duration_nsec'] * 10 ** (-9)\r
+ this_measurement = port_stat[key]\r
+ if self.previous_monitor_time <= 0 or self.previous_monitor_time >= port_uptime:\r
+ self.previous_measurement = port_stat[key]\r
+ self.previous_monitor_time = port_uptime\r
+ # do first measurement\r
+ time.sleep(1)\r
+ byte_rate = self.get_rate(vnf_name,direction)\r
+ return byte_rate\r
+ else:\r
+ time_delta = (port_uptime - self.previous_monitor_time)\r
+ byte_rate = (this_measurement - self.previous_measurement) / float(time_delta)\r
+'uptime:{2} delta:{0} rate:{1}'.format(time_delta,byte_rate,port_uptime))\r
+ #return byte_rate\r
+ self.previous_measurement = this_measurement\r
+ self.previous_monitor_time = port_uptime\r
+ return byte_rate\r
return ret\r
# to remove chain do setChain( src, dst, cmd='del-flows')
def setChain(self, vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, cmd='add-flow'):
+ #check if port is specified (vnf:port)
+ try:
+ vnf_source_interface = vnf_src_name.split(':')[1]
+ except:
+ # take first interface by default
+ connected_sw = self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_src_name)[0]
+ link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[vnf_src_name][connected_sw]
+ vnf_source_interface = link_dict[0]['src_port_id']
+ #vnf_source_interface = 0
+ vnf_src_name = vnf_src_name.split(':')[0]
+ for connected_sw in self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_src_name):
+ link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[vnf_src_name][connected_sw]
+ for link in link_dict:
+ if link_dict[link]['src_port_id'] == vnf_source_interface:
+ # found the right link and connected switch
+"{0},{1}".format(link_dict[link]['src_port_id'], vnf_source_interface))
+ src_sw = connected_sw
+ src_sw_inport = link_dict[link]['dst_port']
+ break
+ try:
+ vnf_dest_interface = vnf_dst_name.split(':')[1]
+ except:
+ # take first interface by default
+ connected_sw = self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_dst_name)[0]
+ link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[connected_sw][vnf_dst_name]
+ vnf_dest_interface = link_dict[0]['dst_port_id']
+ #vnf_dest_interface = 0
+ vnf_dst_name = vnf_dst_name.split(':')[0]
+ for connected_sw in self.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(vnf_dst_name):
+ link_dict = self.DCNetwork_graph[connected_sw][vnf_dst_name]
+ for link in link_dict:
+ if link_dict[link]['dst_port_id'] == vnf_dest_interface:
+ # found the right link and connected switch
+ dst_sw = connected_sw
+ dst_sw_outport = link_dict[link]['src_port']
+ break
# get shortest path
- path = nx.shortest_path(self.DCNetwork_graph, vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name)
+ #path = nx.shortest_path(self.DCNetwork_graph, vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name)
+ try:
+ path = nx.shortest_path(self.DCNetwork_graph, src_sw, dst_sw)
+ except:
+"No path could be found between {0} and {1}".format(vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name))
+ return "No path could be found between {0} and {1}".format(vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name)
+"Path between {0} and {1}: {2}".format(vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, path))
- current_hop = vnf_src_name
+ #current_hop = vnf_src_name
+ current_hop = src_sw
+ switch_inport = src_sw_inport
for i in range(0,len(path)):
- next_hop = path[path.index(current_hop)+1]
+ current_node = self.getNodeByName(current_hop)
+ if path.index(current_hop) < len(path)-1:
+ next_hop = path[path.index(current_hop)+1]
+ else:
+ #last switch reached
+ next_hop = vnf_dst_name
next_node = self.getNodeByName(next_hop)
if next_hop == vnf_dst_name:
- return "path added between {0} and {1}".format(vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name)
+ switch_outport = dst_sw_outport
+"end node reached: {0}".format(vnf_dst_name))
elif not isinstance( next_node, OVSSwitch ):"Next node: {0} is not a switch".format(next_hop))
return "Next node: {0} is not a switch".format(next_hop)
+ else:
+ index_edge_out = 0
+ switch_outport = self.DCNetwork_graph[current_hop][next_hop][index_edge_out]['src_port']
+ # take into account that multiple edges are possible between 2 nodes
+ index_edge_in = 0
+ #switch_inport = self.DCNetwork_graph[current_hop][next_hop][index_edge_in]['dst_port']
- switch_inport = self.DCNetwork_graph[current_hop][next_hop]['dst_port']
- next2_hop = path[path.index(current_hop)+2]
- switch_outport = self.DCNetwork_graph[next_hop][next2_hop]['src_port']
+ #next2_hop = path[path.index(current_hop)+2]
+ #index_edge_out = 0
+ #switch_outport = self.DCNetwork_graph[next_hop][next2_hop][index_edge_out]['src_port']
+ #switch_outport = self.DCNetwork_graph[current_hop][next_hop][index_edge_out]['src_port']
-"add flow in switch: {0} in_port: {1} out_port: {2}".format(, switch_inport, switch_outport))
+"add flow in switch: {0} in_port: {1} out_port: {2}".format(, switch_inport, switch_outport))
# set of entry via ovs-ofctl
# TODO use rest API of ryu to set flow entries to correct witch dpid
- if isinstance( next_node, OVSSwitch ):
+ if isinstance( current_node, OVSSwitch ):
match = 'in_port=%s' % switch_inport
if cmd=='add-flow':
- next_node.dpctl(cmd, ofcmd)
+ current_node.dpctl(cmd, ofcmd)
+"add flow in switch: {0} in_port: {1} out_port: {2}".format(, switch_inport,
+ switch_outport))
+ switch_inport = self.DCNetwork_graph[current_hop][next_hop][index_edge_out]['dst_port']
current_hop = next_hop
- return "destination node: {0} not reached".format(vnf_dst_name)
+ return "path added between {0} and {1}".format(vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name)
+ #return "destination node: {0} not reached".format(vnf_dst_name)
# start Ryu Openflow controller as Remote Controller for the DCNetwork
def startRyu(self):
ryu_cmd = 'ryu-manager'
FNULL = open("/tmp/ryu.log", 'w')
self.ryu_process = Popen([ryu_cmd, ryu_path, ryu_path2, ryu_option, ryu_of_port], stdout=FNULL, stderr=FNULL)
+ # no learning switch
+ #self.ryu_process = Popen([ryu_cmd, ryu_path2, ryu_option, ryu_of_port], stdout=FNULL, stderr=FNULL)
def stopRyu(self):