import argparse
import asyncio
-from functools import partial
import logging
import os
import ssl
-import sys
-import time
- from jujuclient.juju1.environment import Environment as Env1
- from jujuclient.juju2.environment import Environment as Env2
-except ImportError as e:
- # Try importing older jujuclient
- from jujuclient import Environment as Env1
+import juju.loop
+from juju.controller import Controller
+from juju.model import Model, ModelObserver
ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
+class JujuAuthenticationError(Exception):
+ pass
+class JujuMonitor(ModelObserver):
+ """Monitor state changes within the Juju Model."""
+ # async def on_change(self, delta, old, new, model):
+ # """React to changes in the Juju model."""
+ #
+ # # TODO: Setup the hook to update the UI if the status of a unit changes
+ # # to be used when deploying a charm and waiting for it to be "ready"
+ # if delta.entity in ['application', 'unit'] and delta.type == "change":
+ # pass
+ #
+ # # TODO: Add a hook when an action is complete
+ pass
class JujuApi(object):
- '''
- JujuApi wrapper on jujuclient library
+ """JujuApi wrapper on jujuclient library.
There should be one instance of JujuApi for each VNF manged by Juju.
Currently we use one unit per service/VNF. So once a service
is deployed, we store the unit name and reuse it
+ """
log = None
+ controller = None
+ models = {}
+ model = None
+ model_name = None
+ model_uuid = None
+ authenticated = False
+ def __init__(self,
+ log=None,
+ loop=None,
+ server='',
+ port=17070,
+ user='admin',
+ secret=None,
+ version=None,
+ model_name='default',
+ ):
+ """Initialize with the Juju credentials."""
+ if log:
+ self.log = log
+ else:
+ self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ self.log.debug('JujuApi instantiated')
- def __init__ (self,
- log=None,
- loop=None,
- server='',
- port=17070,
- user='admin',
- secret=None,
- version=None):
- '''Initialize with the Juju credentials'''
self.server = server
self.port = port
self.user = 'user-{}'.format(user)
- self.loop = loop
+ self.endpoint = '%s:%d' % (server, int(port))
+ self.model_name = model_name
+ if loop:
+ self.loop = loop
+ def __del__(self):
+ """Close any open connections."""
+ yield self.logout()
+ async def apply_config(self, config, application):
+ """Apply a configuration to the application."""
+ return await self.set_config(application=application, config=config)
+ async def deploy_application(self, charm, name="", path=""):
+ """Deploy an application."""
+ if not self.authenticated:
+ await self.login()
+ app = await self.get_application(name)
+ if app is None:
+ # TODO: Handle the error if the charm isn't found.
+ app = await self.model.deploy(
+ path,
+ application_name=name,
+ series='xenial',
+ )
+ return app
+ deploy_service = deploy_application
+ async def get_action_status(self, uuid):
+ """Get the status of an action."""
+ if not self.authenticated:
+ await self.login()
+ action = await self.model.wait_for_action(uuid)
+ return action.status
+ async def get_application(self, application):
+ """Get the deployed application."""
+ if not self.authenticated:
+ await self.login()
+ app = None
+ if application in self.model.applications:
+ app = self.model.applications[application]
+ return app
+ async def get_application_status(self, application, status=None):
+ """Get the status of an application."""
+ if not self.authenticated:
+ await self.login()
+ status = None
+ app = await self.get_application(application)
+ if app:
+ status = app.status
- if log is not None:
- self.log = log
- else:
- self.log = JujuApi._get_logger()
+ return status
+ get_service_status = get_application_status
- if self.log is None:
- raise JujuApiError("Logger not defined")
+ async def get_config(self, application):
+ """Get the configuration of an application."""
+ if not self.authenticated:
+ await self.login()
- self.version = None
- if version:
- self.version = version
- else:
- try:
- if Env2:
- pass
- except NameError:
- self.log.warn("Using older version of Juju client, which " \
- "supports only Juju 1.x")
- self.version = 1
- endpoint = 'wss://%s:%d' % (server, int(port))
- self.endpoint = endpoint
- self.charm = None # Charm used
- self.service = None # Service deployed
- self.units = [] # Storing as list to support more units in future
- self.destroy_retries = 25 # Number retires to destroy service
- self.retry_delay = 5 # seconds
- def __str__(self):
- return ("JujuApi-{}".format(self.endpoint))
- @classmethod
- def _get_logger(cls):
- if cls.log is not None:
- return cls.log
- fmt = logging.Formatter(
- '%(asctime)-23s %(levelname)-5s (%(name)s@%(process)d:' \
- '%(filename)s:%(lineno)d) - %(message)s')
- stderr_handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stderr)
- stderr_handler.setFormatter(fmt)
- logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
- cls.log = logging.getLogger('juju-api')
- cls.log.addHandler(stderr_handler)
- return cls.log
- @staticmethod
- def format_charm_name(name):
- '''Format the name to valid charm name
- Charm service name accepts only a to z and -.
- '''
- new_name = ''
- for c in name:
- if c.isdigit():
- c = chr(97 + int(c))
- elif not c.isalpha():
- c = "-"
- new_name += c
- return new_name.lower()
- def _get_version_tag(self, tag):
- version_tag_map = {
- 'applications': {
- 1: 'Services',
- 2: 'applications',
- },
- 'units': {
- 1: 'Units',
- 2: 'units',
- },
- 'status': {
- 1: 'Status',
- 2: 'status',
- },
- 'workload-status': {
- 1: 'Workload',
- 2: 'workload-status',
- },
- 'charm-url': {
- 1: 'CharmURL',
- 2: 'charm-url',
- },
- }
+ config = None
+ app = await self.get_application(application)
+ if app:
+ config = await app.get_config()
- return version_tag_map[tag][self.version]
- def _get_env1(self):
- try:
- env = Env1(self.endpoint)
- l = env.login(self.secret, user=self.user)
- return env
- except ConnectionRefusedError as e:
- msg = "{}: Failed Juju 1.x connect: {}".format(self, e)
- self.log.error(msg)
- self.log.exception(e)
- raise e
- except Exception as e:
- msg = "{}: Failed Juju 1.x connect: {}".format(self, e)
- self.log.error(msg)
- self.log.exception(e)
- raise JujuEnvError(msg)
- def _get_env2(self):
- try:
- env = Env2(self.endpoint)
- l = env.login(self.secret, user=self.user)
- except KeyError as e:
- msg = "{}: Failed Juju 2.x connect: {}".format(self, e)
- self.log.debug(msg)
- raise JujuVersionError(msg)
- try:
- models = env.models.list()
- for m in models['user-models']:
- if m['model']['name'] == 'default':
- mep = '{}/model/{}/api'.format(self.endpoint,
- m['model']['uuid'])
- model = Env2(mep, env_uuid=m['model']['uuid'])
- l = model.login(self.secret, user=self.user)
- break
- if model is None:
- raise
- return model
- except Exception as e:
- msg = "{}: Failed logging to model: {}".format(self, e)
- self.log.error(msg)
- self.log.exception(e)
- env.close()
- raise JujuModelError(msg)
- def _get_env(self):
- self.log.debug("{}: Connect to endpoint {}".
- format(self, self.endpoint))
- if self.version is None:
- # Try version 2 first
- try:
- env = self._get_env2()
- self.version = 2
- except JujuVersionError as e:
-"Unable to login as Juju 2.x, trying 1.x")
- env = self._get_env1()
- self.version = 1
- return env
- elif self.version == 2:
- return self._get_env2()
- elif self.version == 1:
- return self._get_env1()
+ return config
- else:
- msg = "{}: Unknown version set: {}".format(self, self.version)
- self.log.error(msg)
- raise JujuVersionError(msg)
- @asyncio.coroutine
- def get_env(self):
- ''' Connect to the Juju controller'''
- env = yield from self.loop.run_in_executor(
- None,
- self._get_env,
- )
- return env
- def _get_status(self, env=None):
- if env is None:
- env = self._get_env()
- try:
- status = env.status()
- return status
- except Exception as e:
- msg = "{}: exception in getting status: {}". \
- format(self, e)
- self.log.error(msg)
- self.log.exception(e)
- raise JujuStatusError(msg)
- @asyncio.coroutine
- def get_status(self, env=None):
- '''Get Juju controller status'''
- pf = partial(self._get_status, env=env)
- status = yield from self.loop.run_in_executor(
- None,
- pf,
- )
- return status
+ async def get_model(self, name='default'):
+ """Get a model from the Juju Controller.
- def get_all_units(self, status, service=None):
- '''Parse the status and get the units'''
- results = {}
- services = status.get(self._get_version_tag('applications'), {})
- for svc_name, svc_data in services.items():
- if service and service != svc_name:
- continue
- units = svc_data[self._get_version_tag('units')] or {}
- results[svc_name] = {}
- for unit in units:
- results[svc_name][unit] = \
- units[unit][self._get_version_tag('workload-status')] \
- [self._get_version_tag('status')] or None
- return results
- def _get_service_units(self, service=None, status=None, env=None):
- if service is None:
- service = self.service
- # Optimizing calls to Juju, as currently we deploy only 1 unit per
- # service.
- # if self.service == service and len(self.units):
- # return self.units
- if env is None:
- env = self._get_env()
- if status is None:
- status = self._get_status(env=env)
- try:
- resp = self.get_all_units(status, service=service)
- self.log.debug("Get all units: {}".format(resp))
- units = set(resp[service].keys())
- if self.service == service:
- self.units = units
- return units
- except Exception as e:
- msg = "{}: exception in get units {}".format(self, e)
- self.log.error(msg)
- self.log.exception(e)
- raise JujuUnitsError(msg)
- @asyncio.coroutine
- def get_service_units(self, service=None, status=None, env=None):
- '''Get the unit names for a service'''
- pf = partial(self._get_service_units,
- service=service,
- status=status,
- env=env)
- units = yield from self.loop.run_in_executor(
- None,
- pf,
- )
- return units
- def _get_service_status(self, service=None, status=None, env=None):
- if env is None:
- env = self._get_env()
- if status is None:
- status = self._get_status(env=env)
- if service is None:
- service = self.service
- try:
- srv_status = status[self._get_version_tag('applications')] \
- [service][self._get_version_tag('status')] \
- [self._get_version_tag('status')]
- self.log.debug("{}: Service {} status is {}".
- format(self, service, srv_status))
- return srv_status
- except KeyError as e:
-"self: Did not find service {}, e={}".format(self, service, e))
- return 'NA'
- except Exception as e:
- msg = "{}: exception checking service status for {}, e {}". \
- format(self, service, e)
- self.log.error(msg)
- self.log.exception(e)
- raise JujuStatusError(msg)
- @asyncio.coroutine
- def get_service_status(self, service=None, status=None, env=None):
- ''' Get service status
- maintenance : The unit is not yet providing services, but is actively doing stuff.
- unknown : Service has finished an event but the charm has not called status-set yet.
- waiting : Service is unable to progress to an active state because of dependency.
- blocked : Service needs manual intervention to get back to the Running state.
- active : Service correctly offering all the services.
- NA : Service is not deployed
- '''
- pf = partial(self._get_service_status,
- service=service,
- status=status,
- env=env)
- srv_status = yield from self.loop.run_in_executor(
- None,
- pf,
- )
- return srv_status
- def _is_service_deployed(self, service=None, status=None, env=None):
- resp = self._get_service_status(service=service,
- status=status,
- env=env)
- if resp not in ['terminated', 'NA']:
- return True
- return False
- @asyncio.coroutine
- def is_service_deployed(self, service=None, status=None, env=None):
- '''Check if the service is deployed'''
- pf = partial(self._is_service_deployed,
- service=service,
- status=status,
- env=env)
- rc = yield from self.loop.run_in_executor(
- None,
- pf,
- )
- return rc
- def _is_service_error(self, service=None, status=None, env=None):
- resp = self._get_service_status(service=service,
- status=status,
- env=env)
- if resp in ['error']:
- return True
- return False
- @asyncio.coroutine
- def is_service_error(self, service=None, status=None, env=None):
- '''Check if the service is in error state'''
- pf = partial(self._is_service_error,
- service=service,
- status=status,
- env=env)
- rc = yield from self.loop.run_in_executor(
- None,
- pf,
- )
- return rc
- def _is_service_maint(self, service=None, status=None, env=None):
- resp = self._get_service_status(service=service,
- status=status,
- env=env)
- if resp in ['maintenance']:
- return True
- return False
- @asyncio.coroutine
- def is_service_maint(self, service=None, status=None, env=None):
- '''Check if the service is in error state'''
- pf = partial(self._is_service_maint,
- service=service,
- status=status,
- env=env)
- rc = yield from self.loop.run_in_executor(
- None,
- pf,
- )
- return rc
- def _is_service_active(self, service=None, status=None, env=None):
- resp = self._get_service_status(service=service,
- status=status,
- env=env)
- if resp in ['active']:
- return True
- return False
- @asyncio.coroutine
- def is_service_active(self, service=None, status=None, env=None):
- '''Check if the service is active'''
- pf = partial(self._is_service_active,
- service=service,
- status=status,
- env=env)
- rc = yield from self.loop.run_in_executor(
- None,
- pf,
- )
- return rc
- def _is_service_blocked(self, service=None, status=None, env=None):
- resp = self._get_service_status(service=service,
- status=status,
- env=env)
- if resp in ['blocked']:
- return True
- return False
- @asyncio.coroutine
- def is_service_blocked(self, service=None, status=None, env=None):
- '''Check if the service is blocked'''
- pf = partial(self._is_service_blocked,
- service=service,
- status=status,
- env=env)
- rc = yield from self.loop.run_in_executor(
+ Note: Model objects returned must call disconnected() before it goes
+ out of scope."""
+ if not self.authenticated:
+ await self.login()
+ model = Model()
+ uuid = await self.get_model_uuid(name)
+ await model.connect(
+ self.endpoint,
+ uuid,
+ self.user,
+ self.secret,
- pf,
- return rc
- def _is_service_up(self, service=None, status=None, env=None):
- resp = self._get_service_status(service=service,
- status=status,
- env=env)
+ return model
- if resp in ['active', 'blocked']:
- return True
+ async def get_model_uuid(self, name='default'):
+ """Get the UUID of a model.
- return False
+ Iterate through all models in a controller and find the matching model.
+ """
+ if not self.authenticated:
+ await self.login()
- @asyncio.coroutine
- def is_service_up(self, service=None, status=None, env=None):
- '''Check if the service is installed and up'''
- pf = partial(self._is_service_up,
- service=service,
- status=status,
- env=env)
+ uuid = None
- rc = yield from self.loop.run_in_executor(
- None,
- pf,
- )
- return rc
+ models = await self.controller.get_models()
+ for model in models.user_models:
+ if == name:
+ uuid = model.model.uuid
+ break
- def _apply_config(self, config, service=None, env=None):
- if service is None:
- service = self.service
+ return uuid
- if config is None or len(config) == 0:
- self.log.warn("{}: Empty config passed for service {}".
- format(self, service))
- return
+ async def get_status(self):
+ """Get the model status."""
+ if not self.authenticated:
+ await self.login()
- if env is None:
- env = self._get_env()
- status = self._get_status(env=env)
- if not self._is_service_deployed(service=service,
- status=status,
- env=env):
- raise JujuSrvNotDeployedError("{}: service {} is not deployed".
- format(self, service))
- self.log.debug("{}: Config for service {} update to: {}".
- format(self, service, config))
- try:
- # Try to fix error on service, most probably due to config issue
- if self._is_service_error(service=service, status=status, env=env):
- self._resolve_error(service=service, env=env)
- if self.version == 2:
- env.service.set(service, config)
- else:
- env.set_config(service, config)
- except Exception as e:
- self.log.error("{}: exception setting config for {} with {}, e {}".
- format(self, service, config, e))
- self.log.exception(e)
- raise e
- @asyncio.coroutine
- def apply_config(self, config, service=None, env=None, wait=True):
- '''Apply a config on the service'''
- pf = partial(self._apply_config,
- config,
- service=service,
- env=env)
- yield from self.loop.run_in_executor(
- None,
- pf,
- )
+ if not self.model:
+ self.model = self.get_model(self.model_name)
- if wait:
- # Wait till config finished applying
- self.log.debug("{}: Wait for config apply to finish".
- format(self))
- delay = 3 # secs
- maint = True
- while maint:
- # Sleep first to give time for config_changed hook to be invoked
- yield from asyncio.sleep(delay, loop=self.loop)
- maint = yield from self.is_service_maint(service=service,
- env=env)
- err = yield from self.is_service_error(service=service, env=env)
- if err:
- self.log.error("{}: Service is in error state".
- format(self))
- return False
- self.log.debug("{}: Finished applying config".format(self))
- return True
- def _set_parameter(self, parameter, value, service=None):
- return self._apply_config({parameter : value}, service=service)
- @asyncio.coroutine
- def set_parameter(self, parameter, value, service=None):
- '''Set a config parameter for a service'''
- return self.apply_config({parameter : value}, service=service)
- def _resolve_error(self, service=None, status=None, env=None):
- if env is None:
- env = self._get_env()
- if status is None:
- status = self._get_status(env=env)
- if service is None:
- service = self.service
- if env is None:
- env = self._get_env()
- if self._is_service_deployed(service=service, status=status):
- units = self.get_all_units(status, service=service)
- for unit, ustatus in units[service].items():
- if ustatus == 'error':
-"{}: Found unit {} with status {}".
- format(self, unit, ustatus))
- try:
- # Takes the unit name as service_name/idx unlike action
- env.resolved(unit)
- except Exception as e:
- msg = "{}: Resolve on unit {}: {}". \
- format(self, unit, e)
- self.log.warn(msg)
- @asyncio.coroutine
- def resolve_error(self, service=None, status=None, env=None):
- '''Resolve units in error state'''
- pf = partial(self._resolve_error,
- service=service,
- status=status,
- env=env)
- yield from self.loop.run_in_executor(
- None,
- pf,
- )
+ class model_state:
+ applications = {}
+ machines = {}
+ relations = {}
+ status = model_state()
+ status.applications = self.model.applications
+ status.machines = self.model.machines
- def _deploy_service(self, charm, service,
- path=None, config=None, env=None):
- self.log.debug("{}: Deploy service for charm {}({}) with service {}".
- format(self, charm, path, service))
+ return status
- if env is None:
- env = self._get_env()
+ async def is_application_active(self, application):
+ """Check if the application is in an active state."""
+ if not self.authenticated:
+ await self.login()
+ state = False
+ status = await self.get_application_status(application)
+ if status and status in ['active']:
+ state = True
+ return state
+ is_service_active = is_application_active
+ async def is_application_blocked(self, application):
+ """Check if the application is in a blocked state."""
+ if not self.authenticated:
+ await self.login()
+ state = False
+ status = await self.get_application_status(application)
+ if status and status in ['blocked']:
+ state = True
+ return state
+ is_service_blocked = is_application_blocked
+ async def is_application_deployed(self, application):
+ """Check if the application is in a deployed state."""
+ if not self.authenticated:
+ await self.login()
+ state = False
+ status = await self.get_application_status(application)
+ if status and status in ['active']:
+ state = True
+ return state
+ is_service_deployed = is_application_deployed
+ async def is_application_error(self, application):
+ """Check if the application is in an error state."""
+ if not self.authenticated:
+ await self.login()
+ state = False
+ status = await self.get_application_status(application)
+ if status and status in ['error']:
+ state = True
+ return state
+ is_service_error = is_application_error
+ async def is_application_maint(self, application):
+ """Check if the application is in a maintenance state."""
+ if not self.authenticated:
+ await self.login()
+ state = False
+ status = await self.get_application_status(application)
+ if status and status in ['maintenance']:
+ state = True
+ return state
+ is_service_maint = is_application_maint
+ async def is_application_up(self, application=None):
+ """Check if the application is up."""
+ if not self.authenticated:
+ await self.login()
+ state = False
+ status = await self.get_application_status(application)
+ if status and status in ['active', 'blocked']:
+ state = True
+ return state
+ is_service_up = is_application_up
+ async def login(self):
+ """Login to the Juju controller."""
+ if self.authenticated:
+ return
+ cacert = None
+ self.controller = Controller()
+ if self.secret:
+ await self.controller.connect(
+ self.endpoint,
+ self.user,
+ self.secret,
+ cacert,
+ )
+ else:
+ await self.controller.connect_current()
- self.service = service
- self.charm = charm
+ self.authenticated = True
+ self.model = await self.get_model(self.model_name)
- if self._is_service_deployed(service=service, env=env):
-"{}: Charm service {} already deployed".
- format (self, service))
- if config:
- self._apply_config(config, service=service, env=env)
+ async def logout(self):
+ """Logout of the Juju controller."""
+ if not self.authenticated:
- series = "trusty"
- deploy_to = None
- if self.version == 1:
- deploy_to = "lxc:0"
- if path is None:
- prefix=os.getenv('RIFT_INSTALL', '/')
- path = os.path.join(prefix, 'usr/rift/charms', series, charm)
- try:
- self.log.debug("{}: Local charm settings: dir={}, series={}".
- format(self, path, series))
- result = env.add_local_charm_dir(path, series)
- url = result[self._get_version_tag('charm-url')]
- except Exception as e:
- msg = '{}: Error setting local charm directory {} for {}: {}'. \
- format(self, path, service, e)
- self.log.error(msg)
- self.log.exception(e)
- raise JujuAddCharmError(msg)
- try:
- self.log.debug("{}: Deploying using: service={}, url={}, to={}, config={}".
- format(self, service, url, deploy_to, config))
- env.deploy(service, url, config=config, machine_spec=deploy_to)
- except Exception as e:
- msg = '{}: Error deploying {}: {}'.format(self, service, e)
- self.log.error(msg)
- self.log.exception(e)
- raise JujuDeployError(msg)
- @asyncio.coroutine
- def deploy_service(self, charm, service,
- wait=False, timeout=300,
- path=None, config=None):
- '''Deploy a service using the charm name provided'''
- env = yield from self.get_env()
- pf = partial(self._deploy_service,
- charm,
- service,
- path=path,
- config=config,
- env=env)
- yield from self.loop.run_in_executor(
- None,
- pf,
- )
+ if self.model:
+ await self.model.disconnect()
+ self.model = None
+ if self.controller:
+ await self.controller.disconnect()
+ self.controller = None
+ self.authenticated = False
+ async def remove_application(self, name):
+ """Remove the application."""
+ if not self.authenticated:
+ await self.login()
+ app = await self.get_application(name)
+ if app:
+ await app.destroy()
+ async def resolve_error(self, application=None, status=None):
+ """Resolve units in error state."""
+ if not self.authenticated:
+ await self.login()
+ app = await self.get_application(application)
+ if app:
+ for unit in app.units:
+ app.resolved(retry=True)
+ async def run_action(self, application, action_name, **params):
+ """Execute an action and return an Action object."""
+ if not self.authenticated:
+ await self.login()
+ result = {
+ 'status': '',
+ 'action': {
+ 'tag': None,
+ 'results': None,
+ }
+ }
+ app = await self.get_application(application)
+ if app:
+ # We currently only have one unit per application
+ # so use the first unit available.
+ unit = app.units[0]
- rc = True
- if wait is True:
- # Wait for the deployed units to start
- try:
- self.log.debug("{}: Waiting for service {} to come up".
- format(self, service))
- rc = yield from self.wait_for_service(timeout=timeout, env=env)
- except Exception as e:
- msg = '{}: Error starting all units for {}: {}'. \
- format(self, service, e)
- self.log.error(msg)
- self.log.exception(e)
- raise JujuWaitUnitsError(msg)
- return rc
- @asyncio.coroutine
- def wait_for_service(self, service=None, timeout=0, env=None):
- '''Wait for the service to come up'''
- if service is None:
- service = self.service
- if env is None:
- env = yield from self.get_env()
- status = yield from self.get_status(env=env)
- if self._is_service_up(service=service, status=status, env=env):
- self.log.debug("{}: Service {} is already up".
- format(self, service))
- return True
- # Check if service is deployed
- if not self._is_service_deployed(service=service, status=status, env=env):
- raise JujuSrvNotDeployedError("{}: service {} is not deployed".
- format(self, service))
- if timeout < 0:
- timeout = 0
- count = 0
- delay = self.retry_delay # seconds
- self.log.debug("{}: In wait for service {}".format(self, service))
- start_time = time.time()
- max_time = time.time() + timeout
- while timeout != 0 and (time.time() <= max_time):
- count += 1
- rc = yield from self.is_service_up(service=service, env=env)
- if rc:
- self.log.debug("{}: Service {} is up after {} seconds".
- format(self, service, time.time()-start_time))
- return True
- yield from asyncio.sleep(delay, loop=self.loop)
- return False
- def _destroy_service(self, service=None):
- '''Destroy a service on Juju controller'''
- self.log.debug("{}: Destroy charm service: {}".format(self,service))
- if service is None:
- service = self.service
- env = self._get_env()
- status = self._get_status(env=env)
- count = 0
- while self._is_service_deployed(service=service, status=status, env=env):
- count += 1
- self.log.debug("{}: Destroy service {}, count {}".
- format(self, service, count))
- if count > self.destroy_retries:
- msg = "{}: Not able to destroy service {} after {} tries". \
- format(self, service, count)
- self.log.error(msg)
- raise JujuDestroyError(msg)
- if self._is_service_error(service=service, status=status):
- self._resolve_error(service, status)
- try:
- env.destroy_service(service)
- except Exception as e:
- msg = "{}: Exception when running destroy on service {}: {}". \
- format(self, service, e)
- self.log.error(msg)
- self.log.exception(e)
- raise JujuDestroyError(msg)
- time.sleep(self.retry_delay)
- status = self._get_status(env=env)
- self.log.debug("{}: Destroyed service {} ({})".
- format(self, service, count))
- @asyncio.coroutine
- def destroy_service(self, service=None):
- '''Destroy a service on Juju controller'''
- pf = partial(self._destroy_service,
- service=service)
- yield from self.loop.run_in_executor(
- None,
- pf,
- )
+ action = await unit.run_action(action_name, **params)
+ # Wait for the action to complete
+ await action.wait()
- def _get_action_status(self, action_tag, env=None):
- if env is None:
- env = self._get_env()
- if not action_tag.startswith('action-'):
- action_tag = 'action-{}'.format(action_tag)
- try:
- action = env.actions
- except Exception as e:
- msg = "{}: exception in Action API: {}".format(self, e)
- self.log.error(msg)
- self.log.exception(e)
- raise JujuActionApiError(msg)
- try:
- status =[{'Tag': action_tag}])
- self.log.debug("{}: Action {} status {}".
- format(self, action_tag, status))
- return status['results'][0]
- except Exception as e:
- msg = "{}: exception in get action status {}".format(self, e)
- self.log.error(msg)
- self.log.exception(e)
- raise JujuActionInfoError(msg)
- @asyncio.coroutine
- def get_action_status(self, action_tag, env=None):
- '''
- Get the status of an action queued on the controller
- responds with the action status, which is one of three values:
- - completed
- - pending
- - failed
- @param action_tag - the action UUID return from the enqueue method
- eg: action-3428e20d-fcd7-4911-803b-9b857a2e5ec9
- '''
- pf = partial(self._get_action_status,
- action_tag,
- env=env,)
- status = yield from self.loop.run_in_executor(
- None,
- pf,
- )
- return status
+ result['status'] = action.status
+ result['action']['tag'] =['id']
+ result['action']['results'] = action.results
- def _execute_action(self, action_name, params, service=None, env=None):
- '''Execute the action on all units of a service'''
- if service is None:
- service = self.service
- if env is None:
- env = self._get_env()
- try:
- action = env.actions
- except Exception as e:
- msg = "{}: exception in Action API: {}".format(self, e)
- self.log.error(msg)
- self.log.exception(e)
- raise JujuActionApiError(msg)
- units = self._get_service_units(service)
- self.log.debug("{}: Apply action {} on units {}".
- format(self, action_name, units))
- # Rename units from <service>/<n> to unit-<service>-<n>
- unit_tags = []
- for unit in units:
- idx = int(unit[unit.index('/')+1:])
- unit_name = "unit-%s-%d" % (service, idx)
- unit_tags.append(unit_name)
- self.log.debug("{}: Unit tags for action: {}".
- format(self, unit_tags))
- try:
- result = action.enqueue_units(unit_tags, action_name, params)
- self.log.debug("{}: Response for action: {}".
- format(self, result))
- return result['results'][0]
- except Exception as e:
- msg = "{}: Exception enqueing action {} on units {} with " \
- "params {}: {}".format(self, action, unit_tags, params, e)
- self.log.error(msg)
- self.log.exception(e)
- raise JujuActionExecError(msg)
- @asyncio.coroutine
- def execute_action(self, action_name, params, service=None, env=None):
- '''Execute an action for a service on the controller
- Currently, we execute the action on all units of the service
- '''
- pf = partial(self._execute_action,
- action_name,
- params,
- service=service,
- env=env)
- result = yield from self.loop.run_in_executor(
- None,
- pf,
- )
return result
+ execute_action = run_action
+ async def set_config(self, application, config):
+ """Apply a configuration to the application."""
+ if not self.authenticated:
+ await self.login()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Test Juju')
- parser.add_argument("-s", "--server", default='', help="Juju controller")
- parser.add_argument("-u", "--user", default='admin', help="User, default user-admin")
- parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", default='nfvjuju', help="Password for the user")
- parser.add_argument("-P", "--port", default=17070, help="Port number, default 17070")
- parser.add_argument("-d", "--directory", help="Local directory for the charm")
- parser.add_argument("--service", help="Charm service name")
- parser.add_argument("--vnf-ip", help="IP of the VNF to configure")
- args = parser.parse_args()
+ app = await self.get_application(application)
+ if app:
+ await app.set_config(config)
- api = JujuApi(server=args.server,
- port=args.port,
- user=args.user,
- secret=args.password)
+ async def set_parameter(self, parameter, value, application=None):
+ """Set a config parameter for a service."""
+ if not self.authenticated:
+ await self.login()
- env = api._get_env()
- if env is None:
- raise "Not able to login to the Juju controller"
+ return await self.apply_config(
+ {parameter: value},
+ application=application,
+ )
- print("Status: {}".format(api._get_status(env=env)))
+ async def wait_for_application(self, name, timeout=300):
+ """Wait for an application to become active."""
+ if not self.authenticated:
+ await self.login()
- if and args.service:
- # Deploy the charm
- charm = os.path.basename(
- api._deploy_service(charm, args.service,
- env=env)
+ app = await self.get_application(name)
+ if app:
+ await self.model.block_until(
+ lambda: all(
+ unit.agent_status == 'idle'
+ and unit.workload_status
+ in ['active', 'unknown'] for unit in app.units
+ ),
+ timeout=timeout,
+ )
- while not api._is_service_up():
- time.sleep(5)
- print ("Service {} is deployed with status {}".
- format(args.service, api._get_service_status()))
+def get_argparser():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Test Juju')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-s", "--server",
+ default='',
+ help="Juju controller"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-u", "--user",
+ default='admin',
+ help="User, default user-admin"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-p", "--password",
+ default='',
+ help="Password for the user"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-P", "--port",
+ default=17070,
+ help="Port number, default 17070"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-d", "--directory",
+ help="Local directory for the charm"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--application",
+ help="Charm name"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--vnf-ip",
+ help="IP of the VNF to configure"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-m", "--model",
+ default='default',
+ help="The model to connect to."
+ )
+ return parser.parse_args()
- if args.vnf_ip and \
- ('clearwater-aio' in
- # Execute config on charm
- api._apply_config({'proxied_ip': args.vnf_ip})
- while not api._is_service_active():
- time.sleep(10)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ args = get_argparser()
- print ("Service {} is in status {}".
- format(args.service, api._get_service_status()))
+ # Set logging level to debug so we can see verbose output from the
+ # juju library.
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
- res = api._execute_action('create-update-user', {'number': '125252352525',
- 'password': 'asfsaf'})
+ # Quiet logging from the websocket library. If you want to see
+ # everything sent over the wire, set this to DEBUG.
+ ws_logger = logging.getLogger('websockets.protocol')
+ ws_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
- print ("Action 'creat-update-user response: {}".format(res))
+ endpoint = '%s:%d' % (args.server, int(args.port))
- status = res['status']
- while status not in [ 'completed', 'failed' ]:
- time.sleep(2)
- status = api._get_action_status(res['action']['tag'])['status']
+ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
- print("Action status: {}".format(status))
+ api = JujuApi(server=args.server,
+ port=args.port,
+ user=args.user,
+ secret=args.password,
+ loop=loop,
+ log=ws_logger,
+ model_name=args.model
+ )
- # This action will fail as the number is non-numeric
- res = api._execute_action('delete-user', {'number': '125252352525asf'})
- print ("Action 'delete-user response: {}".format(res))
+ status =
- status = res['status']
- while status not in [ 'completed', 'failed' ]:
- time.sleep(2)
- status = api._get_action_status(res['action']['tag'])['status']
+ print('Applications:', list(status.applications.keys()))
+ print('Machines:', list(status.machines.keys()))
- print("Action status: {}".format(status))
+ if and args.application:
+ # Deploy the charm
+ charm = os.path.basename(
+ api.deploy_application(charm,
+ name=args.application,
+ )
+ )
+ # Wait for the service to come up
+ up =
+ print("Application is {}".format("up" if up else "down"))
+ print("Service {} is deployed".format(args.application))
+ ###########################
+ # Execute config on charm #
+ ###########################
+ config =
+ hostname = config['ssh-username']['value']
+ rhostname = hostname[::-1]
+ # Apply the configuration
+ {'ssh-username': rhostname}, application=args.application
+ ))
+ # Get the configuration
+ config =
+ # Verify the configuration has been updated
+ assert(config['ssh-username']['value'] == rhostname)
+ ####################################
+ # Get the status of an application #
+ ####################################
+ status =
+ print("Application Status: {}".format(status))
+ ###########################
+ # Execute a simple action #
+ ###########################
+ result =, 'get-ssh-public-key'))
+ print("Action {} status is {} and returned {}".format(
+ result['status'],
+ result['action']['tag'],
+ result['action']['results']
+ ))
+ #####################################
+ # Execute an action with parameters #
+ #####################################
+ result =
+ api.run_action(charm, 'run', command='hostname')
+ )
+ print("Action {} status is {} and returned {}".format(
+ result['status'],
+ result['action']['tag'],
+ result['action']['results']
+ ))
+ loop.close()
+ # if args.vnf_ip and \
+ # ('clearwater-aio' in
+ # # Execute config on charm
+ # api._apply_config({'proxied_ip': args.vnf_ip})
+ #
+ # while not api._is_service_active():
+ # time.sleep(10)
+ #
+ # print ("Service {} is in status {}".
+ # format(args.service, api._get_service_status()))
+ #
+ # res = api._execute_action('create-update-user', {'number': '125252352525',
+ # 'password': 'asfsaf'})
+ #
+ # print ("Action 'creat-update-user response: {}".format(res))
+ #
+ # status = res['status']
+ # while status not in [ 'completed', 'failed' ]:
+ # time.sleep(2)
+ # status = api._get_action_status(res['action']['tag'])['status']
+ #
+ # print("Action status: {}".format(status))
+ #
+ # # This action will fail as the number is non-numeric
+ # res = api._execute_action('delete-user', {'number': '125252352525asf'})
+ #
+ # print ("Action 'delete-user response: {}".format(res))
+ #
+ # status = res['status']
+ # while status not in [ 'completed', 'failed' ]:
+ # time.sleep(2)
+ # status = api._get_action_status(res['action']['tag'])['status']
+ #
+ # print("Action status: {}".format(status))