project = '-'
deployment_status = nsr['operational-status'] if 'operational-status' in nsr else 'Not found'
ns_state = deployment_status
- config_status = nsr['config-status'] if 'config-status' in nsr else 'Not found'
+ config_status = nsr.get('config-status', 'Not found')
current_operation = "Unknown"
- error_details = nsr['detailed-status'] if 'detailed-status' in nsr else 'Not found'
+ error_details = nsr.get('detailed-status', 'Not found')
if config_status == "config_not_needed":
config_status = "configured (no charms)"
# help='update list from RO')
@click.option('--filter', default=None,
help='restricts the list to the VIM accounts matching the filter')
+@click.option('--long', is_flag=True,
+ help='get more details of the NS (project, vim, deployment status, configuration status.')
-def vim_list(ctx, filter):
+def vim_list(ctx, filter, long):
"""list all VIM accounts"""
if filter:
resp = ctx.obj.vim.list(filter)
# else:
# resp = ctx.obj.vim.list(ro_update)
- table = PrettyTable(['vim name', 'uuid'])
+ if long:
+ table = PrettyTable(['vim name', 'uuid', 'operational state', 'error details'])
+ else:
+ table = PrettyTable(['vim name', 'uuid'])
for vim in resp:
- table.add_row([vim['name'], vim['uuid']])
+ if long:
+ vim_details = ctx.obj.vim.get(vim['uuid'])
+ if 'vim_password' in vim_details:
+ vim_details['vim_password']='********'
+ logger.debug('VIM details: {}'.format(yaml.safe_dump(vim_details)))
+ vim_state = vim_details['_admin'].get('operationalState', '-')
+ error_details = 'N/A'
+ if vim_state == 'ERROR':
+ error_details = vim_details['_admin'].get('detailed-status', 'Not found')
+ table.add_row([vim['name'], vim['uuid'], vim_state, wrap_text(text=error_details, width=80)])
+ else:
+ table.add_row([vim['name'], vim['uuid']])
table.align = 'l'