VnfrDtsHandler(dts, log, loop, self),
NsdRefCountDtsHandler(dts, log, loop, self),
NsrDtsHandler(dts, log, loop, self),
- ScalingRpcHandler(log, dts, loop, self.scale_rpc_callback),
self._loop.create_task(nsr.delete_scale_group_instance(scale_group_name, instance_id))
- def scale_rpc_callback(self, xact, msg, action):
- """Callback handler for RPC calls
- Args:
- xact : Transaction Handler
- msg : RPC input
- action : Scaling Action
- """
- ScalingGroupInstance = NsrYang.YangData_Nsr_NsInstanceConfig_Nsr_ScalingGroup_Instance
- ScalingGroup = NsrYang.YangData_Nsr_NsInstanceConfig_Nsr_ScalingGroup
- xpath = ('C,/nsr:ns-instance-config/nsr:nsr[nsr:id="{}"]').format(
- msg.nsr_id_ref)
- instance = ScalingGroupInstance.from_dict({"id": msg.instance_id})
- @asyncio.coroutine
- def get_nsr_scaling_group():
- results = yield from self._dts.query_read(xpath, rwdts.XactFlag.MERGE)
- for result in results:
- res = yield from result
- nsr_config = res.result
- for scaling_group in nsr_config.scaling_group:
- if scaling_group.scaling_group_name_ref == msg.scaling_group_name_ref:
- break
- else:
- scaling_group = nsr_config.scaling_group.add()
- scaling_group.scaling_group_name_ref = msg.scaling_group_name_ref
- return (nsr_config, scaling_group)
- @asyncio.coroutine
- def update_config(nsr_config):
- xml = self._ncclient.convert_to_xml(RwNsrYang, nsr_config)
- xml = '<config xmlns:xc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">{}</config>'.format(xml)
- yield from self._ncclient.connect()
- yield from self._ncclient.manager.edit_config(target="running", config=xml, default_operation="replace")
- @asyncio.coroutine
- def scale_out():
- nsr_config, scaling_group = yield from get_nsr_scaling_group()
- scaling_group.instance.append(instance)
- yield from update_config(nsr_config)
- @asyncio.coroutine
- def scale_in():
- nsr_config, scaling_group = yield from get_nsr_scaling_group()
- scaling_group.instance.remove(instance)
- yield from update_config(nsr_config)
- if action == ScalingRpcHandler.ACTION.SCALE_OUT:
- self._loop.create_task(scale_out())
- else:
- self._loop.create_task(scale_in())
- # Opdata based calls, disabled for now!
- # if action == ScalingRpcHandler.ACTION.SCALE_OUT:
- # self.scale_nsr_out(
- # msg.nsr_id_ref,
- # msg.scaling_group_name_ref,
- # msg.instance_id,
- # xact)
- # else:
- # self.scale_nsr_in(
- # msg.nsr_id_ref,
- # msg.scaling_group_name_ref,
- # msg.instance_id)
def nsr_update_cfg(self, nsr_id, msg):
nsr = self._nsrs[nsr_id]
nsr.nsr_cfg_msg= msg
path = VirtualLinkRecord.vlr_xpath(vlr)
return (yield from self._vlr_pub_hdlr.delete(xact, path))
-class ScalingRpcHandler(mano_dts.DtsHandler):
- """ The Network service Monitor DTS handler """
- SCALE_IN_INPUT_XPATH = "I,/nsr:exec-scale-in"
- SCALE_IN_OUTPUT_XPATH = "O,/nsr:exec-scale-in"
- SCALE_OUT_INPUT_XPATH = "I,/nsr:exec-scale-out"
- SCALE_OUT_OUTPUT_XPATH = "O,/nsr:exec-scale-out"
- def __init__(self, log, dts, loop, callback=None):
- super().__init__(log, dts, loop)
- self.callback = callback
- self.last_instance_id = defaultdict(int)
- @asyncio.coroutine
- def register(self):
- @asyncio.coroutine
- def on_scale_in_prepare(xact_info, action, ks_path, msg):
- assert action == rwdts.QueryAction.RPC
- try:
- if self.callback:
- self.callback(xact_info.xact, msg, self.ACTION.SCALE_IN)
- rpc_op = NsrYang.YangOutput_Nsr_ExecScaleIn.from_dict({
- "instance_id": msg.instance_id})
- xact_info.respond_xpath(
- rwdts.XactRspCode.ACK,
- self.__class__.SCALE_IN_OUTPUT_XPATH,
- rpc_op)
- except Exception as e:
- self.log.exception(e)
- xact_info.respond_xpath(
- rwdts.XactRspCode.NACK,
- self.__class__.SCALE_IN_OUTPUT_XPATH)
- @asyncio.coroutine
- def on_scale_out_prepare(xact_info, action, ks_path, msg):
- assert action == rwdts.QueryAction.RPC
- try:
- scaling_group = msg.scaling_group_name_ref
- if not msg.instance_id:
- last_instance_id = self.last_instance_id[scale_group]
- msg.instance_id = last_instance_id + 1
- self.last_instance_id[scale_group] += 1
- if self.callback:
- self.callback(xact_info.xact, msg, self.ACTION.SCALE_OUT)
- rpc_op = NsrYang.YangOutput_Nsr_ExecScaleOut.from_dict({
- "instance_id": msg.instance_id})
- xact_info.respond_xpath(
- rwdts.XactRspCode.ACK,
- self.__class__.SCALE_OUT_OUTPUT_XPATH,
- rpc_op)
- except Exception as e:
- self.log.exception(e)
- xact_info.respond_xpath(
- rwdts.XactRspCode.NACK,
- self.__class__.SCALE_OUT_OUTPUT_XPATH)
- scale_in_hdl = rift.tasklets.DTS.RegistrationHandler(
- on_prepare=on_scale_in_prepare)
- scale_out_hdl = rift.tasklets.DTS.RegistrationHandler(
- on_prepare=on_scale_out_prepare)
- with self.dts.group_create() as group:
- group.register(
- xpath=self.__class__.SCALE_IN_INPUT_XPATH,
- handler=scale_in_hdl,
- flags=rwdts.Flag.PUBLISHER)
- group.register(
- xpath=self.__class__.SCALE_OUT_INPUT_XPATH,
- handler=scale_out_hdl,
- flags=rwdts.Flag.PUBLISHER)
class NsmTasklet(rift.tasklets.Tasklet):
The network service manager tasklet