echo -e " -P <VCA pubkey> use VCA/juju public key file"
echo -e " -A <VCA apiproxy> use VCA/juju API proxy"
echo -e " --pla: install the PLA module for placement support"
- echo -e " --ng-sa: install Airflow and Pushgateway to get VNF and NS status (experimental)"
+ echo -e " --old-sa: install old Service Assurance framework (MON, POL); do not install Airflow and Pushgateway"
+ echo -e " --ng-sa: install new Service Assurance framework (Airflow, AlertManager and Pushgateway) (enabled by default)"
echo -e " -m <MODULE>: install OSM but only rebuild or pull the specified docker images (NG-UI, NBI, LCM, RO, MON, POL, PLA, KAFKA, MONGO, PROMETHEUS, PROMETHEUS-CADVISOR, KEYSTONE-DB, NONE)"
echo -e " -o <ADDON>: ONLY (un)installs one of the addons (k8s_monitor, ng-sa)"
echo -e " -O <openrc file path/cloud name>: Install OSM to an OpenStack infrastructure. <openrc file/cloud name> is required. If a <cloud name> is used, the clouds.yaml file should be under ~/.config/openstack/ or /etc/openstack/"
[ "${OPTARG}" == "tag" ] && continue
[ "${OPTARG}" == "registry" ] && continue
[ "${OPTARG}" == "pla" ] && INSTALL_PLA="y" && continue
+ [ "${OPTARG}" == "old-sa" ] && INSTALL_NGSA="" && continue
[ "${OPTARG}" == "ng-sa" ] && INSTALL_NGSA="y" && continue
[ "${OPTARG}" == "volume" ] && OPENSTACK_ATTACH_VOLUME="true" && continue
[ "${OPTARG}" == "nocachelxdimages" ] && continue
# update airflow-values.yaml to use the right tag
echo "Updating Helm values file helm/values/airflow-values.yaml to use defaultAirflowTag: ${OSM_DOCKER_TAG}"
sudo sed -i "s#defaultAirflowTag:.*#defaultAirflowTag: ${OSM_DOCKER_TAG}#g" ${OSM_HELM_WORK_DIR}/airflow-values.yaml
- echo "Updating Helm values file helm/values/airflow-values.yaml to use the right image: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL}${DOCKER_USER}/airflow"
- sudo sed -i "s#defaultAirflowRepository:-*#defaultAirflowRepository: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL}${DOCKER_USER}/airflow#g" ${OSM_HELM_WORK_DIR}/airflow-values.yaml
+ echo "Updating Helm values file helm/values/airflow-values.yaml to use defaultAirflowRepository: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL}${DOCKER_USER}/airflow"
+ sudo sed -i "s#defaultAirflowRepository:.*#defaultAirflowRepository: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL}${DOCKER_USER}/airflow#g" ${OSM_HELM_WORK_DIR}/airflow-values.yaml
if ! helm -n osm status airflow 2> /dev/null ; then
# if it does not exist, create secrets and install
kubectl -n osm create secret generic airflow-webserver-secret --from-literal="webserver-secret-key=$(python3 -c 'import secrets; print(secrets.token_hex(16))')"