vnfd_list(ctx, nf_type, filter, long)
-@cli_osm.command(name='vnfpkg-repo-list', short_help='list all xNF from OSM repositories')
-@click.option('--filter', default=None,
- help='restricts the list to the NFpkg matching the filter')
-@click.option('--repo', default=None,
- help='restricts the list to a particular OSM repository')
-@click.option('--long', is_flag=True, help='get more details')
-def vnfd_list3(ctx, filter, repo, long):
- """list xNF packages from OSM repositories"""
- pkgtype = 'vnf'
- pkg_repo_list(ctx, pkgtype, filter, repo, long)
@cli_osm.command(name='nfpkg-list', short_help='list all xNF packages (VNF, HNF, PNF)')
@click.option('--nf_type', help='type of NF (vnf, pnf, hnf)')
@click.option('--filter', default=None,
# print(str(e))
# exit(1)
+@cli_osm.command(name='vnfpkg-repo-list', short_help='list all xNF from OSM repositories')
+@click.option('--filter', default=None,
+ help='restricts the list to the NFpkg matching the filter')
+@click.option('--repo', default=None,
+ help='restricts the list to a particular OSM repository')
+@click.option('--long', is_flag=True, help='get more details')
+def nfpkg_repo_list1(ctx, filter, repo, long):
+ """list xNF packages from OSM repositories"""
+ pkgtype = 'vnf'
+ pkg_repo_list(ctx, pkgtype, filter, repo, long)
@cli_osm.command(name='nfpkg-repo-list', short_help='list all xNF from OSM repositories')
@click.option('--filter', default=None,
help='restricts the list to the NFpkg matching the filter')
help='restricts the list to a particular OSM repository')
@click.option('--long', is_flag=True, help='get more details')
-def vnfd_list4(ctx, filter, repo, long):
+def nfpkg_repo_list2(ctx, filter, repo, long):
"""list xNF packages from OSM repositories"""
pkgtype = 'vnf'
pkg_repo_list(ctx, pkgtype, filter, repo, long)
help='restricts the list to a particular OSM repository')
@click.option('--long', is_flag=True, help='get more details')
-def nsd_list3(ctx, filter, repo, long):
+def nspkg_repo_list(ctx, filter, repo, long):
"""list xNF packages from OSM repositories"""
pkgtype = 'ns'
pkg_repo_list(ctx, pkgtype, filter, repo, long)
help='restricts the list to a particular OSM repository')
@click.option('--long', is_flag=True, help='get more details')
-def nspkg_list(ctx, filter, repo, long):
+def nspkg_repo_list2(ctx, filter, repo, long):
"""list xNF packages from OSM repositories"""
pkgtype = 'ns'
pkg_repo_list(ctx, pkgtype, filter, repo, long)