from osm_common.dbbase import DbException
from osm_common.fsbase import FsException
-from n2vc.vnf import N2VC, N2VCPrimitiveExecutionFailed, NetworkServiceDoesNotExist
+from n2vc.n2vc_juju_conn import N2VCJujuConnector
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from http import HTTPStatus
:param config: two level dictionary with configuration. Top level should contain 'database', 'storage',
:return: None
- # logging
- self.logger = logging.getLogger('lcm.ns')
+ super().__init__(
+ db=db,
+ msg=msg,
+ fs=fs,
+ logger=logging.getLogger('lcm.ns')
+ )
self.loop = loop
self.lcm_tasks = lcm_tasks
- super().__init__(db, msg, fs, self.logger)
self.ro_config = ro_config
- self.n2vc = N2VC(
+ self.vca_config = vca_config
+ if 'pubkey' in self.vca_config:
+ self.vca_config['public_key'] = self.vca_config['pubkey']
+ if 'cacert' in self.vca_config:
+ self.vca_config['ca_cert'] = self.vca_config['cacert']
+ # create N2VC connector
+ self.n2vc = N2VCJujuConnector(
+ db=self.db,
+ fs=self.fs,
- server=vca_config['host'],
- port=vca_config['port'],
- user=vca_config['user'],
- secret=vca_config['secret'],
- # TODO: This should point to the base folder where charms are stored,
- # if there is a common one (like object storage). Otherwise, leave
- # it unset and pass it via DeployCharms
- # artifacts=vca_config[''],
- artifacts=None,
- juju_public_key=vca_config.get('pubkey'),
- ca_cert=vca_config.get('cacert'),
- api_proxy=vca_config.get('apiproxy')
+ loop=self.loop,
+ url='{}:{}'.format(self.vca_config['host'], self.vca_config['port']),
+ username=self.vca_config.get('user', None),
+ vca_config=self.vca_config,
+ on_update_db=self._on_update_n2vc_db
+ # TODO
+ # New N2VC argument
+ # api_proxy=vca_config.get('apiproxy')
+ # create RO client
self.RO = ROclient.ROClient(self.loop, **self.ro_config)
+ def _on_update_n2vc_db(self, table, filter, path, updated_data):
+ self.logger.debug('_on_update_n2vc_db(table={}, filter={}, path={}, updated_data={})'
+ .format(table, filter, path, updated_data))
+ # write NS status to database
+ try:
+ nsrs_id = filter.get('_id')
+ # get ns record
+ nsr = self.db.get_one(table=table, q_filter=filter)
+ # get VCA deployed list
+ vca_list = deep_get(target_dict=nsr, key_list=('_admin', 'deployed', 'VCA'))
+ # get RO deployed
+ ro_list = deep_get(target_dict=nsr, key_list=('_admin', 'deployed', 'RO'))
+ for vca in vca_list:
+ status = vca.get('status')
+ detailed_status = vca.get('detailed-status')
+ for ro in ro_list:
+ pass
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error('_on_update_n2vc_db(table={},filter={},path={},updated_data={}) Error updating db: {}'
+ .format(table, filter, path, updated_data, e))
def vnfd2RO(self, vnfd, new_id=None, additionalParams=None, nsrId=None):
Converts creates a new vnfd descriptor for RO base on input OSM IM vnfd
raise LcmException("Error parsing Jinja2 to cloud-init content at vnfd[id={}]:vdu[id={}]: {}".
format(vnfd["id"], vdu["id"], e))
- def n2vc_callback(self, model_name, application_name, status, message, n2vc_info, task=None):
- """
- Callback both for charm status change and task completion
- :param model_name: Charm model name
- :param application_name: Charm application name
- :param status: Can be
- - blocked: The unit needs manual intervention
- - maintenance: The unit is actively deploying/configuring
- - waiting: The unit is waiting for another charm to be ready
- - active: The unit is deployed, configured, and ready
- - error: The charm has failed and needs attention.
- - terminated: The charm has been destroyed
- - removing,
- - removed
- :param message: detailed message error
- :param n2vc_info: dictionary with information shared with instantiate task. It contains:
- nsr_id:
- nslcmop_id:
- lcmOperationType: currently "instantiate"
- deployed: dictionary with {<application>: {operational-status: <status>, detailed-status: <text>}}
- db_update: dictionary to be filled with the changes to be wrote to database with format key.key.key: value
- n2vc_event: event used to notify instantiation task that some change has been produced
- :param task: None for charm status change, or task for completion task callback
- :return:
- """
- try:
- nsr_id = n2vc_info["nsr_id"]
- deployed = n2vc_info["deployed"]
- db_nsr_update = n2vc_info["db_update"]
- nslcmop_id = n2vc_info["nslcmop_id"]
- ns_operation = n2vc_info["lcmOperationType"]
- n2vc_event = n2vc_info["n2vc_event"]
- logging_text = "Task ns={} {}={} [n2vc_callback] application={}".format(nsr_id, ns_operation, nslcmop_id,
- application_name)
- for vca_index, vca_deployed in enumerate(deployed):
- if not vca_deployed:
- continue
- if model_name == vca_deployed["model"] and application_name == vca_deployed["application"]:
- break
- else:
- self.logger.error(logging_text + " Not present at nsr._admin.deployed.VCA. Received model_name={}".
- format(model_name))
- return
- if task:
- if task.cancelled():
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + " task Cancelled")
- vca_deployed['operational-status'] = "error"
- db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.VCA.{}.operational-status".format(vca_index)] = "error"
- vca_deployed['detailed-status'] = "Task Cancelled"
- db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.VCA.{}.detailed-status".format(vca_index)] = "Task Cancelled"
- elif task.done():
- exc = task.exception()
- if exc:
- self.logger.error(logging_text + " task Exception={}".format(exc))
- vca_deployed['operational-status'] = "error"
- db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.VCA.{}.operational-status".format(vca_index)] = "error"
- vca_deployed['detailed-status'] = str(exc)
- db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.VCA.{}.detailed-status".format(vca_index)] = str(exc)
- else:
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + " task Done")
- # task is Done, but callback is still ongoing. So ignore
- return
- elif status:
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + " Enter status={} message={}".format(status, message))
- if vca_deployed['operational-status'] == status:
- return # same status, ignore
- vca_deployed['operational-status'] = status
- db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.VCA.{}.operational-status".format(vca_index)] = status
- vca_deployed['detailed-status'] = str(message)
- db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.VCA.{}.detailed-status".format(vca_index)] = str(message)
- else:
- self.logger.critical(logging_text + " Enter with bad parameters", exc_info=True)
- return
- # wake up instantiate task
- n2vc_event.set()
- except Exception as e:
- self.logger.critical(logging_text + " Exception {}".format(e), exc_info=True)
def ns_params_2_RO(self, ns_params, nsd, vnfd_dict, n2vc_key_list):
Creates a RO ns descriptor from OSM ns_instantiate params
"wim_account": wim_account_2_RO(ns_params.get("wimAccountId")),
# "scenario": ns_params["nsdId"],
n2vc_key_list = n2vc_key_list or []
for vnfd_ref, vnfd in vnfd_dict.items():
vdu_needed_access = []
for vld_id, instance_scenario_id in vld_params["ns-net"].items():
RO_vld_ns_net = {"instance_scenario_id": instance_scenario_id, "osm_id": vld_id}
if RO_vld_ns_net:
- populate_dict(RO_ns_params, ("networks", vld_params["name"], "use-network"), RO_vld_ns_net)
+ populate_dict(RO_ns_params, ("networks", vld_params["name"], "use-network"), RO_vld_ns_net)
if "vnfd-connection-point-ref" in vld_params:
for cp_params in vld_params["vnfd-connection-point-ref"]:
# look for interface
raise LcmException("ns_update_vnfr: Not found member_vnf_index={} vdur={} interface={} "
- "from VIM info".format(vnf_index, vdur["vdu-id-ref"],
- ifacer["name"]))
+ "from VIM info"
+ .format(vnf_index, vdur["vdu-id-ref"], ifacer["name"]))
vnfr_update["vdur.{}".format(vdu_index)] = vdur
raise LcmException("ns_update_vnfr: Not found member_vnf_index={} from VIM info".format(vnf_index))
- async def instantiate_RO(self, logging_text, nsr_id, nsd, db_nsr, db_nslcmop, db_vnfrs, db_vnfds_ref,
- n2vc_key_list):
+ async def instantiate_RO(self, logging_text, nsr_id, nsd, db_nsr,
+ db_nslcmop, db_vnfrs, db_vnfds_ref, n2vc_key_list):
db_nsr_update = {}
RO_descriptor_number = 0 # number of descriptors created at RO
vnf_index_2_RO_id = {} # map between vnfd/nsd id to the id used at RO
start_deploy = time()
ns_params = db_nslcmop.get("operationParams")
# deploy RO
# get vnfds, instantiate at RO
for c_vnf in nsd.get("constituent-vnfd", ()):
member_vnf_index = c_vnf["member-vnf-index"]
RO_ns_params = self.ns_params_2_RO(ns_params, nsd, db_vnfds_ref, n2vc_key_list)
step = db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = "Deploying ns at VIM"
- desc = await self.RO.create("ns", descriptor=RO_ns_params,
- name=db_nsr["name"],
- scenario=RO_nsd_uuid)
+ desc = await self.RO.create("ns", descriptor=RO_ns_params, name=db_nsr["name"], scenario=RO_nsd_uuid)
RO_nsr_id = db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_id"] = desc["uuid"]
db_nsr_update["_admin.nsState"] = "INSTANTIATED"
db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_status"] = "BUILD"
self.ns_update_nsr(db_nsr_update, db_nsr, desc)
db_nsr_update["operational-status"] = "running"
- db_nsr["detailed-status"] = "Configuring vnfr"
+ db_nsr["detailed-status"] = "Deployed at VIM"
+ db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = "Deployed at VIM"
self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
- async def insert_key_ro(self, logging_text, pub_key, nsr_id, vnfr_id, vdu_id, vdu_index, user):
+ step = "Deployed at VIM"
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
+ # wait for ip addres at RO, and optionally, insert public key in virtual machine
+ # returns IP address
+ async def insert_key_ro(self, logging_text, nsr_id, vnfr_id, vdu_id, vdu_index, pub_key=None, user=None):
ro_nsr_id = None
ip_address = None
nb_tries = 0
target_vdu_id = None
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(10, loop=self.loop)
- # 1 wait until NS is deployed at RO
+ # wait until NS is deployed at RO
if not ro_nsr_id:
db_nsrs = self.db.get_one("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id})
ro_nsr_id = deep_get(db_nsrs, ("_admin", "deployed", "RO", "nsr_id"))
if not ro_nsr_id:
+ # get ip address
if not target_vdu_id:
db_vnfr = self.db.get_one("vnfrs", {"_id": vnfr_id})
if not vdu_id:
raise LcmException("Not found vnfr_id={}, vdu_index={}, vdu_index={}".format(
vnfr_id, vdu_id, vdu_index
if not target_vdu_id:
- try:
- ro_vm_id = "{}-{}".format(db_vnfr["member-vnf-index-ref"], target_vdu_id) # TODO add vdu_index
- result_dict = await self.RO.create_action("ns", ro_nsr_id,
- {"add_public_key": pub_key, "vms": [ro_vm_id], "user": user})
- # result_dict contains the format {VM-id: {vim_result: 200, description: text}}
- if not result_dict or not isinstance(result_dict, dict):
- raise LcmException("Unknown response from RO when injecting key")
- for result in result_dict.values():
- if result.get("vim_result") == 200:
- break
- else:
- raise ROclient.ROClientException("error injecting key: {}".format(
- result.get("description")))
- return
- except ROclient.ROClientException as e:
- nb_tries += 1
- if nb_tries >= 10:
- raise LcmException("Reaching max tries injecting key. Error: {}".format(e))
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + "error injecting key: {}".format(e))
- async def instantiate_N2VC(self, logging_text, vca_index, nsi_id, db_nsr, db_vnfr, vdu_id, vdu_index,
- deploy_params, config_descriptor, base_folder):
+ # inject public key into machine
+ if pub_key and user:
+ try:
+ ro_vm_id = "{}-{}".format(db_vnfr["member-vnf-index-ref"], target_vdu_id) # TODO add vdu_index
+ result_dict = await self.RO.create_action(
+ item="ns",
+ item_id_name=ro_nsr_id,
+ descriptor={"add_public_key": pub_key, "vms": [ro_vm_id], "user": user}
+ )
+ # result_dict contains the format {VM-id: {vim_result: 200, description: text}}
+ if not result_dict or not isinstance(result_dict, dict):
+ raise LcmException("Unknown response from RO when injecting key")
+ for result in result_dict.values():
+ if result.get("vim_result") == 200:
+ break
+ else:
+ raise ROclient.ROClientException("error injecting key: {}".format(
+ result.get("description")))
+ break
+ except ROclient.ROClientException as e:
+ nb_tries += 1
+ if nb_tries >= 10:
+ raise LcmException("Reaching max tries injecting key. Error: {}".format(e))
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "error injecting key: {}".format(e))
+ else:
+ # no user or pub_key ---> break while true
+ break
+ return ip_address
+ async def instantiate_N2VC(self, logging_text, vca_index, nsi_id, db_nsr, db_vnfr, vdu_id,
+ vdu_index, config_descriptor, deploy_params, base_folder):
nsr_id = db_nsr["_id"]
db_update_entry = "_admin.deployed.VCA.{}.".format(vca_index)
vca_deployed = db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"]["VCA"][vca_index]
- logging_text += "member_vnf_index={} vdu_id={}, vdu_index={} ".format(db_vnfr["member-vnf-index-ref"],
- vdu_id, vdu_index)
+ db_dict = {
+ 'collection': 'nsrs',
+ 'filter': {'_id': nsr_id},
+ 'path': db_update_entry
+ }
+ logging_text += "member_vnf_index={} vdu_id={}, vdu_index={} "\
+ .format(db_vnfr["member-vnf-index-ref"], vdu_id, vdu_index)
step = ""
vnfr_id = None
namespace += ".{}-{}".format(vdu_id, vdu_index or 0)
# Get artifact path
- storage_params = self.fs.get_params()
- artifact_path = "{}{}/{}/charms/{}".format(
- storage_params["path"],
+ artifact_path = "/{}/{}/charms/{}".format(
- is_proxy_charm = True if config_descriptor["juju"]["charm"] else False
- if config_descriptor["juju"].get("proxy") is False:
+ is_proxy_charm = deep_get(config_descriptor, ('juju', 'charm')) is not None
+ if deep_get(config_descriptor, ('juju', 'proxy')) is False:
is_proxy_charm = False
# n2vc_redesign STEP 3.1
+ # find old ee_id if exists
ee_id = vca_deployed.get("ee_id")
- if not ee_id:
- if is_proxy_charm:
- step = "create execution envioronment"
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- ee_id = await self.n2vc.CreateExecutionEnvironment(namespace)
- else:
- step = "register execution envioronment"
- # TODO wait until deployed by RO, when IP address has been filled. By pooling????
- credentials = {} # TODO db_credentials["ip_address"]
- # get username
- # TODO remove this when changes on IM regarding config-access:ssh-access:default-user were
- # merged. Meanwhile let's get username from initial-config-primitive
- if config_descriptor.get("initial-config-primitive"):
- for param in config_descriptor["initial-config-primitive"][0].get("parameter", ()):
- if param["name"] == "ssh-username":
- credentials["username"] = param["value"]
- if config_descriptor.get("config-access") and config_descriptor["config-access"].get("ssh-access"):
- if config_descriptor["config-access"]["ssh-access"].get("required"):
- credentials["username"] = \
- config_descriptor["config-access"]["ssh-access"].get("default-user")
- # n2vc_redesign STEP 3.2
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- ee_id = await self.n2vc.RegisterExecutionEnvioronment(credentials)
- # for compatibility with MON/POL modules, the need model and application name at database
- # TODO ask to N2VC instead of assuming the format "model_name.application_name"
- model_name, _, application_name = ee_id.partition(".")
- self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, {db_update_entry + "model": model_name,
- db_update_entry + "application": application_name,
- db_update_entry + "ee_id": ee_id})
+ # create or register execution environment in VCA
+ if is_proxy_charm:
+ step = "create execution environment"
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
+ ee_id, credentials = await self.n2vc.create_execution_environment(
+ namespace=namespace,
+ reuse_ee_id=ee_id,
+ db_dict=db_dict
+ )
+ else:
+ step = "register execution envioronment"
+ # TODO wait until deployed by RO, when IP address has been filled. By pooling????
+ credentials = {} # TODO db_credentials["ip_address"]
+ # get username
+ # TODO remove this when changes on IM regarding config-access:ssh-access:default-user were
+ # merged. Meanwhile let's get username from initial-config-primitive
+ if config_descriptor.get("initial-config-primitive"):
+ for param in config_descriptor["initial-config-primitive"][0].get("parameter", ()):
+ if param["name"] == "ssh-username":
+ credentials["username"] = param["value"]
+ if config_descriptor.get("config-access") and config_descriptor["config-access"].get("ssh-access"):
+ if config_descriptor["config-access"]["ssh-access"].get("required"):
+ credentials["username"] = \
+ config_descriptor["config-access"]["ssh-access"].get("default-user")
+ # n2vc_redesign STEP 3.2
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
+ ee_id = await self.n2vc.register_execution_environment(
+ credentials=credentials,
+ namespace=namespace,
+ db_dict=db_dict
+ )
+ # for compatibility with MON/POL modules, the need model and application name at database
+ # TODO ask to N2VC instead of assuming the format "model_name.application_name"
+ ee_id_parts = ee_id.split('.')
+ model_name = ee_id_parts[0]
+ application_name = ee_id_parts[1]
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, {db_update_entry + "model": model_name,
+ db_update_entry + "application": application_name,
+ db_update_entry + "ee_id": ee_id})
# n2vc_redesign STEP 3.3
# TODO check if already done
step = "Install configuration Software"
- # TODO db_dict with filter: 'nsr_id', path:'db_update_entry'
- pub_key = await self.n2vc.InstallConfigurationSW(self, ee_id, artifact_path)
- if is_proxy_charm and pub_key:
- # check if ssh key must be injected
- required = deep_get(config_descriptor, ("config-access", "ssh-access", "required"))
- # TODO get from config primitive: if required not user:
- if required:
- user = deep_get(config_descriptor, ("config-access", "ssh-access", "default-user"))
- # insert pub_key into VM
- # n2vc_redesign STEP 5.1
- step = "Insert public key into VM"
- await self.insert_key_ro(logging_text, pub_key, nsr_id, vnfr_id, vdu_id, vdu_index, user)
- # TODO get ip_address and add to deploy params
- deploy_params["rw_mgmt_ip"] = "TODO-ip-address"
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
+ await self.n2vc.install_configuration_sw(
+ ee_id=ee_id,
+ artifact_path=artifact_path,
+ db_dict=db_dict
+ )
+ # if SSH access is required, then get execution environment SSH public
+ required = deep_get(config_descriptor, ("config-access", "ssh-access", "required"))
+ if is_proxy_charm and required:
+ pub_key = None
+ pub_key = await self.n2vc.get_ee_ssh_public__key(
+ ee_id=ee_id,
+ db_dict=db_dict
+ )
+ user = deep_get(config_descriptor, ("config-access", "ssh-access", "default-user"))
+ # insert pub_key into VM
+ # n2vc_redesign STEP 5.1
+ step = "Insert public key into VM"
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
+ # wait for RO (ip-address)
+ rw_mgmt_ip = await self.insert_key_ro(
+ logging_text=logging_text,
+ nsr_id=nsr_id,
+ vnfr_id=vnfr_id,
+ vdu_id=vdu_id,
+ vdu_index=vdu_index,
+ user=user,
+ pub_key=pub_key
+ )
+ # store rw_mgmt_ip in deploy params for later substitution
+ self.logger.debug('rw_mgmt_ip={}'.format(rw_mgmt_ip))
+ deploy_params["rw_mgmt_ip"] = rw_mgmt_ip
# n2vc_redesign STEP 6 Execute initial config primitive
initial_config_primitive_list = config_descriptor.get('initial-config-primitive', [])
+ step = 'execute initial config primitive'
+ # sort initial config primitives by 'seq'
+ try:
+ initial_config_primitive_list.sort(key=lambda val: int(val['seq']))
+ except Exception:
+ self.logger.warn(logging_text + 'Cannot sort by "seq" field' + step)
for initial_config_primitive in initial_config_primitive_list:
# TODO check if already done
primitive_params_ = self._map_primitive_params(initial_config_primitive, {}, deploy_params)
step = "execute primitive '{}' params '{}'".format(initial_config_primitive["name"], primitive_params_)
self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- await self.n2vc.ExecutePrimitive(ee_id, initial_config_primitive["name"], primitive_params_)
+ await self.n2vc.exec_primitive(
+ ee_id=ee_id,
+ primitive_name=initial_config_primitive["name"],
+ params_dict=primitive_params_,
+ db_dict=db_dict
+ )
# TODO register in database that primitive is done
+ step = "instantiated at VCA"
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
except Exception as e: # TODO not use Exception but N2VC exception
- raise Exception("{} {}".format(step, e))
+ raise Exception("{} {}".format(step, e)) from e
# TODO raise N2VC exception with 'step' extra information
async def instantiate(self, nsr_id, nslcmop_id):
+ """
+ :param nsr_id: ns instance to deploy
+ :param nslcmop_id: operation to run
+ :return:
+ """
# Try to lock HA task here
task_is_locked_by_me = self.lcm_tasks.lock_HA('ns', 'nslcmops', nslcmop_id)
if not task_is_locked_by_me:
+ self.logger.debug('instantiate() task is not locked by me')
logging_text = "Task ns={} instantiate={} ".format(nsr_id, nslcmop_id)
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Enter")
# get all needed from database
- # start_deploy = time()
+ # database nsrs record
db_nsr = None
+ # database nslcmops record
db_nslcmop = None
+ # update operation on nsrs
db_nsr_update = {"_admin.nslcmop": nslcmop_id}
+ # update operation on nslcmops
db_nslcmop_update = {}
nslcmop_operation_state = None
- db_vnfrs = {}
+ db_vnfrs = {} # vnf's info indexed by member-index
+ # n2vc_info = {}
+ # n2vc_key_list = [] # list of public keys to be injected as authorized to VMs
task_instantiation_list = []
exc = None
# wait for any previous tasks in process
step = "Waiting for previous tasks"
await self.lcm_tasks.waitfor_related_HA('ns', 'nslcmops', nslcmop_id)
- # STEP 0: Reding database
+ # STEP 0: Reading database (nslcmops, nsrs, nsds, vnfrs, vnfds)
+ # read from db: operation
step = "Getting nslcmop={} from db".format(nslcmop_id)
db_nslcmop = self.db.get_one("nslcmops", {"_id": nslcmop_id})
+ # read from db: ns
step = "Getting nsr={} from db".format(nsr_id)
db_nsr = self.db.get_one("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id})
+ # nsd is replicated into ns (no db read)
nsd = db_nsr["nsd"]
# nsr_name = db_nsr["name"] # TODO short-name??
+ # read from db: vnf's of this ns
step = "Getting vnfrs from db"
db_vnfrs_list = self.db.get_list("vnfrs", {"nsr-id-ref": nsr_id})
- db_vnfds_ref = {}
- db_vnfds = {}
- db_vnfds_index = {}
+ # read from db: vnfd's for every vnf
+ db_vnfds_ref = {} # every vnfd data indexed by vnf name
+ db_vnfds = {} # every vnfd data indexed by vnf id
+ db_vnfds_index = {} # every vnfd data indexed by vnf member-index
+ # for each vnf in ns, read vnfd
for vnfr in db_vnfrs_list:
- db_vnfrs[vnfr["member-vnf-index-ref"]] = vnfr
- vnfd_id = vnfr["vnfd-id"]
- vnfd_ref = vnfr["vnfd-ref"]
+ db_vnfrs[vnfr["member-vnf-index-ref"]] = vnfr # vnf's dict indexed by member-index: '1', '2', etc
+ vnfd_id = vnfr["vnfd-id"] # vnfd uuid for this vnf
+ vnfd_ref = vnfr["vnfd-ref"] # vnfd name for this vnf
+ # if we haven't this vnfd, read it from db
if vnfd_id not in db_vnfds:
+ # read from cb
step = "Getting vnfd={} id='{}' from db".format(vnfd_id, vnfd_ref)
vnfd = self.db.get_one("vnfds", {"_id": vnfd_id})
- db_vnfds_ref[vnfd_ref] = vnfd
- db_vnfds[vnfd_id] = vnfd
- db_vnfds_index[vnfr["member-vnf-index-ref"]] = db_vnfds[vnfd_id]
- # Get or generates the _admin.deployed,VCA list
+ # store vnfd
+ db_vnfds_ref[vnfd_ref] = vnfd # vnfd's indexed by name
+ db_vnfds[vnfd_id] = vnfd # vnfd's indexed by id
+ db_vnfds_index[vnfr["member-vnf-index-ref"]] = db_vnfds[vnfd_id] # vnfd's indexed by member-index
+ # Get or generates the _admin.deployed.VCA list
vca_deployed_list = None
- # vca_model_name = None
if db_nsr["_admin"].get("deployed"):
vca_deployed_list = db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"].get("VCA")
- # vca_model_name = db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"].get("VCA-model-name")
if vca_deployed_list is None:
vca_deployed_list = []
db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.VCA"] = vca_deployed_list
+ # add _admin.deployed.VCA to db_nsr dictionary, value=vca_deployed_list
populate_dict(db_nsr, ("_admin", "deployed", "VCA"), vca_deployed_list)
elif isinstance(vca_deployed_list, dict):
# maintain backward compatibility. Change a dict to list at database
db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = "creating"
db_nsr_update["operational-status"] = "init"
if not isinstance(deep_get(db_nsr, ("_admin", "deployed", "RO", "vnfd")), list):
populate_dict(db_nsr, ("_admin", "deployed", "RO", "vnfd"), [])
db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.vnfd"] = []
# n2vc_redesign STEP 1 Get VCA public ssh-key
# feature 1429. Add n2vc public key to needed VMs
- n2vc_key = await self.n2vc.GetPublicKey()
+ n2vc_key = await self.n2vc.get_public_key()
# n2vc_redesign STEP 2 Deploy Network Scenario
task_ro = asyncio.ensure_future(
- self.instantiate_RO(logging_text, nsr_id, nsd, db_nsr, db_nslcmop, db_vnfrs, db_vnfds_ref, [n2vc_key])
+ self.instantiate_RO(
+ logging_text=logging_text,
+ nsr_id=nsr_id,
+ nsd=nsd,
+ db_nsr=db_nsr,
+ db_nslcmop=db_nslcmop,
+ db_vnfrs=db_vnfrs,
+ db_vnfds_ref=db_vnfds_ref,
+ n2vc_key_list=[n2vc_key]
+ )
self.lcm_tasks.register("ns", nsr_id, nslcmop_id, "instantiate_RO", task_ro)
# n2vc_redesign STEP 3 to 6 Deploy N2VC
step = "Looking for needed vnfd to configure with proxy charm"
self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- def _deploy_n2vc():
- # launch instantiate_N2VC in a asyncio task and register task object
- # Look where information of this charm is at database <nsrs>._admin.deployed.VCA
- # if not found, create one entry and update database
- # read variables logging_text, nsi_id, db_nsr, db_vnfr, vdu_id, vdu_index, deploy_params,
- # descriptor_config, base_folder, member_vnf_index, vnfd_id
- # write variables: db_nsr
- # fill db_nsr._admin.deployed.VCA.<index>
- vca_index = -1
- for vca_index, vca_deployed in enumerate(db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"]["VCA"]):
- if not vca_deployed:
- continue
- if vca_deployed.get("member-vnf-index") == member_vnf_index and \
- vca_deployed.get("vdu_id") == vdu_id and \
- vca_deployed.get("vdu_count_index", 0) == vdu_index:
- break
- else:
- # not found, create one.
- vca_deployed = {
- "member-vnf-index": member_vnf_index,
- "vdu_id": vdu_id,
- "vdu_count_index": vdu_index,
- "operational-status": "init", # TODO revise
- "detailed-status": "", # TODO revise
- "step": "initial-deploy", # TODO revise
- "vnfd_id": vnfd_id,
- "vdu_name": vdu_name,
- }
- vca_index += 1
- self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, {"_admin.deployed.VCA.{}".format(vca_index): vca_deployed})
- db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"]["VCA"].append(vca_deployed)
- # Launch task
- task_n2vc = asyncio.ensure_future(
- self.instantiate_N2VC(logging_text,
- vca_index,
- nsi_id,
- db_nsr,
- db_vnfr,
- vdu_id,
- vdu_index,
- deploy_params,
- descriptor_config,
- base_folder,
- )
- )
- self.lcm_tasks.register("ns", nsr_id, nslcmop_id, "instantiate_N2VC-{}".format(vca_index), task_n2vc)
- task_instantiation_list.append(task_n2vc)
nsi_id = None # TODO put nsi_id when this nsr belongs to a NSI
+ # get_iterable() returns a value from a dict or empty tuple if key does not exist
for c_vnf in get_iterable(nsd, "constituent-vnfd"):
vnfd_id = c_vnf["vnfd-id-ref"]
+ vnfd = db_vnfds_ref[vnfd_id]
member_vnf_index = str(c_vnf["member-vnf-index"])
db_vnfr = db_vnfrs[member_vnf_index]
base_folder = vnfd["_admin"]["storage"]
vdu_id = None
vdu_index = 0
vdu_name = None
- vnfd = db_vnfds_ref[vnfd_id]
# Get additional parameters
deploy_params = {}
descriptor_config = vnfd.get("vnf-configuration")
if descriptor_config and descriptor_config.get("juju"):
- _deploy_n2vc()
+ self._deploy_n2vc(
+ logging_text=logging_text,
+ db_nsr=db_nsr,
+ db_vnfr=db_vnfr,
+ nslcmop_id=nslcmop_id,
+ nsr_id=nsr_id,
+ nsi_id=nsi_id,
+ vnfd_id=vnfd_id,
+ vdu_id=vdu_id,
+ member_vnf_index=member_vnf_index,
+ vdu_index=vdu_index,
+ vdu_name=vdu_name,
+ deploy_params=deploy_params,
+ descriptor_config=descriptor_config,
+ base_folder=base_folder,
+ task_instantiation_list=task_instantiation_list
+ )
# Deploy charms for each VDU that supports one.
for vdud in get_iterable(vnfd, 'vdu'):
vdu_name = None
for vdu_index in range(int(vdud.get("count", 1))):
# TODO vnfr_params["rw_mgmt_ip"] = vdur["ip-address"]
- _deploy_n2vc()
+ self._deploy_n2vc(
+ logging_text=logging_text,
+ db_nsr=db_nsr,
+ db_vnfr=db_vnfr,
+ nslcmop_id=nslcmop_id,
+ nsr_id=nsr_id,
+ nsi_id=nsi_id,
+ vnfd_id=vnfd_id,
+ vdu_id=vdu_id,
+ member_vnf_index=member_vnf_index,
+ vdu_index=vdu_index,
+ vdu_name=vdu_name,
+ deploy_params=deploy_params,
+ descriptor_config=descriptor_config,
+ base_folder=base_folder,
+ task_instantiation_list=task_instantiation_list
+ )
# Check if this NS has a charm configuration
descriptor_config = nsd.get("ns-configuration")
if isinstance(v, str) and v.startswith("!!yaml "):
deploy_params[k] = yaml.safe_load(v[7:])
base_folder = nsd["_admin"]["storage"]
- _deploy_n2vc()
+ self._deploy_n2vc(
+ logging_text=logging_text,
+ db_nsr=db_nsr,
+ db_vnfr=db_vnfr,
+ nslcmop_id=nslcmop_id,
+ nsr_id=nsr_id,
+ nsi_id=nsi_id,
+ vnfd_id=vnfd_id,
+ vdu_id=vdu_id,
+ member_vnf_index=member_vnf_index,
+ vdu_index=vdu_index,
+ vdu_name=vdu_name,
+ deploy_params=deploy_params,
+ descriptor_config=descriptor_config,
+ base_folder=base_folder,
+ task_instantiation_list=task_instantiation_list
+ )
# Wait until all tasks of "task_instantiation_list" have been finished
# while time() <= start_deploy + self.total_deploy_timeout:
error_text = None
timeout = 3600 # time() - start_deploy
- task_instantiation_set = set(task_instantiation_list)
- done, pending = await asyncio.wait(task_instantiation_set, timeout=timeout)
- # TODO return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)
+ task_instantiation_set = set(task_instantiation_list) # build a set with tasks
+ done = None
+ pending = None
+ if len(task_instantiation_set) > 0:
+ done, pending = await asyncio.wait(task_instantiation_set, timeout=timeout)
if pending:
error_text = "timeout"
for task in done:
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Exit")
self.lcm_tasks.remove("ns", nsr_id, nslcmop_id, "ns_instantiate")
- async def _destroy_charm(self, model, application):
- """
- Order N2VC destroy a charm
- :param model:
- :param application:
- :return: True if charm does not exist. False if it exist
- """
- if not await self.n2vc.HasApplication(model, application):
- return True # Already removed
- await self.n2vc.RemoveCharms(model, application)
- return False
- async def _wait_charm_destroyed(self, model, application, timeout):
- """
- Wait until charm does not exist
- :param model:
- :param application:
- :param timeout:
- :return: True if not exist, False if timeout
- """
- while True:
- if not await self.n2vc.HasApplication(model, application):
- return True
- if timeout < 0:
- return False
- await asyncio.sleep(10, loop=self.loop)
- timeout -= 10
+ def _deploy_n2vc(self, logging_text, db_nsr, db_vnfr, nslcmop_id, nsr_id, nsi_id, vnfd_id, vdu_id,
+ member_vnf_index, vdu_index, vdu_name, deploy_params, descriptor_config,
+ base_folder, task_instantiation_list):
+ # launch instantiate_N2VC in a asyncio task and register task object
+ # Look where information of this charm is at database <nsrs>._admin.deployed.VCA
+ # if not found, create one entry and update database
+ # fill db_nsr._admin.deployed.VCA.<index>
+ vca_index = -1
+ for vca_index, vca_deployed in enumerate(db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"]["VCA"]):
+ if not vca_deployed:
+ continue
+ if vca_deployed.get("member-vnf-index") == member_vnf_index and \
+ vca_deployed.get("vdu_id") == vdu_id and \
+ vca_deployed.get("vdu_count_index", 0) == vdu_index:
+ break
+ else:
+ # not found, create one.
+ vca_deployed = {
+ "member-vnf-index": member_vnf_index,
+ "vdu_id": vdu_id,
+ "vdu_count_index": vdu_index,
+ "operational-status": "init", # TODO revise
+ "detailed-status": "", # TODO revise
+ "step": "initial-deploy", # TODO revise
+ "vnfd_id": vnfd_id,
+ "vdu_name": vdu_name,
+ }
+ vca_index += 1
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, {"_admin.deployed.VCA.{}".format(vca_index): vca_deployed})
+ db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"]["VCA"].append(vca_deployed)
+ # Launch task
+ task_n2vc = asyncio.ensure_future(
+ self.instantiate_N2VC(
+ logging_text=logging_text,
+ vca_index=vca_index,
+ nsi_id=nsi_id,
+ db_nsr=db_nsr,
+ db_vnfr=db_vnfr,
+ vdu_id=vdu_id,
+ vdu_index=vdu_index,
+ deploy_params=deploy_params,
+ config_descriptor=descriptor_config,
+ base_folder=base_folder,
+ )
+ )
+ self.lcm_tasks.register("ns", nsr_id, nslcmop_id, "instantiate_N2VC-{}".format(vca_index), task_n2vc)
+ task_instantiation_list.append(task_n2vc)
# Check if this VNFD has a configured terminate action
def _has_terminate_config_primitive(self, vnfd):
# 'detailed-status' : status message
# 'operationType': may be any type, in the case of scaling: 'PRE-SCALE' | 'POST-SCALE'
# Status and operation type are currently only used for 'scale', but NOT for 'terminate' sub-operations.
- def _add_suboperation(self, db_nslcmop, vnf_index, vdu_id, vdu_count_index,
- vdu_name, primitive, mapped_primitive_params,
- operationState=None, detailed_status=None, operationType=None,
+ def _add_suboperation(self, db_nslcmop, vnf_index, vdu_id, vdu_count_index, vdu_name, primitive,
+ mapped_primitive_params, operationState=None, detailed_status=None, operationType=None,
RO_nsr_id=None, RO_scaling_info=None):
if not (db_nslcmop):
# a. New: First time execution, return SUBOPERATION_STATUS_NEW
# b. Skip: Existing sub-operation exists, operationState == 'COMPLETED', return SUBOPERATION_STATUS_SKIP
# c. Reintent: Existing sub-operation exists, operationState != 'COMPLETED', return op_index to re-execute
- def _check_or_add_scale_suboperation(self, db_nslcmop, vnf_index,
- vnf_config_primitive, primitive_params, operationType,
- RO_nsr_id=None, RO_scaling_info=None):
+ def _check_or_add_scale_suboperation(self, db_nslcmop, vnf_index, vnf_config_primitive, primitive_params,
+ operationType, RO_nsr_id=None, RO_scaling_info=None):
# Find this sub-operation
if (RO_nsr_id and RO_scaling_info):
operationType = 'SCALE-RO'
# Sub-operations: Call _ns_execute_primitive() instead of action()
- db_nsr = self.db.get_one("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id})
- nsr_deployed = db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"]
- result, result_detail = await self._ns_execute_primitive(
- nsr_deployed, vnf_index, vdu_id, vdu_name, vdu_count_index, primitive,
- mapped_primitive_params)
+ # db_nsr = self.db.get_one("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id})
+ # nsr_deployed = db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"]
# nslcmop_operation_state, nslcmop_operation_state_detail = await self.action(
# nsr_id, nslcmop_terminate_action_id)
# Launch Exception if action() returns other than ['COMPLETED', 'PARTIALLY_COMPLETED']
- if result not in result_ok:
+ # if result not in result_ok:
+ # raise LcmException(
+ # "terminate_primitive_action for vnf_member_index={}",
+ # " primitive={} fails with error {}".format(
+ # vnf_index, seq.get("name"), result_detail))
+ # TODO: find ee_id
+ ee_id = None
+ try:
+ await self.n2vc.exec_primitive(
+ ee_id=ee_id,
+ primitive_name=primitive,
+ params_dict=mapped_primitive_params
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error('Error executing primitive {}: {}'.format(primitive, e))
raise LcmException(
- "terminate_primitive_action for vnf_member_index={}",
- " primitive={} fails with error {}".format(
- vnf_index, seq.get("name"), result_detail))
+ "terminate_primitive_action for vnf_member_index={}, primitive={} fails with error {}"
+ .format(vnf_index, seq.get("name"), e),
+ )
async def terminate(self, nsr_id, nslcmop_id):
db_nslcmop = None
exc = None
failed_detail = [] # annotates all failed error messages
- vca_time_destroy = None # time of where destroy charm order
db_nsr_update = {"_admin.nslcmop": nslcmop_id}
db_nslcmop_update = {}
nslcmop_operation_state = None
# Call internal terminate action
await self._terminate_action(db_nslcmop, nslcmop_id, nsr_id)
+ pending_tasks = []
db_nsr_update["operational-status"] = "terminating"
db_nsr_update["config-status"] = "terminating"
- if nsr_deployed and nsr_deployed.get("VCA-model-name"):
- vca_model_name = nsr_deployed["VCA-model-name"]
- step = "deleting VCA model name '{}' and all charms".format(vca_model_name)
+ # remove NS
+ try:
+ step = "delete execution environment"
self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- try:
- await self.n2vc.DestroyNetworkService(vca_model_name)
- except NetworkServiceDoesNotExist:
- pass
- db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.VCA-model-name"] = None
- if nsr_deployed.get("VCA"):
- for vca_index in range(0, len(nsr_deployed["VCA"])):
- db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.VCA.{}".format(vca_index)] = None
- self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
- # for backward compatibility if charm have been created with "default" model name delete one by one
- elif nsr_deployed and nsr_deployed.get("VCA"):
- try:
- step = "Scheduling configuration charms removing"
- db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = "Deleting charms"
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
- # for backward compatibility
- if isinstance(nsr_deployed["VCA"], dict):
- nsr_deployed["VCA"] = list(nsr_deployed["VCA"].values())
- db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.VCA"] = nsr_deployed["VCA"]
- self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
- for vca_index, vca_deployed in enumerate(nsr_deployed["VCA"]):
- if vca_deployed:
- if await self._destroy_charm(vca_deployed['model'], vca_deployed["application"]):
- vca_deployed.clear()
- db_nsr["_admin.deployed.VCA.{}".format(vca_index)] = None
- else:
- vca_time_destroy = time()
- except Exception as e:
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Failed while deleting charms: {}".format(e))
+ task_delete_ee = asyncio.ensure_future(self.n2vc.delete_namespace(namespace="." + nsr_id))
+ pending_tasks.append(task_delete_ee)
+ except Exception as e:
+ msg = "Failed while deleting NS in VCA: {}".format(e)
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ failed_detail.append(msg)
# remove from RO
RO_fail = False
delete_timeout = 20 * 60 # 20 minutes
while delete_timeout > 0:
- desc = await"ns", item_id_name=RO_nsr_id, extra_item="action",
- extra_item_id=RO_delete_action)
+ desc = await
+ "ns",
+ item_id_name=RO_nsr_id,
+ extra_item="action",
+ extra_item_id=RO_delete_action)
ns_status, ns_status_info = self.RO.check_action_status(desc)
if ns_status == "ERROR":
raise ROclient.ROClientException(ns_status_info)
failed_detail.append("RO_vnfd_id={} delete error: {}".format(RO_vnfd_id, e))
self.logger.error(logging_text + failed_detail[-1])
- # wait until charm deleted
- if vca_time_destroy:
- db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = db_nslcmop_update["detailed-status"] = step = \
- "Waiting for deletion of configuration charms"
- self.update_db_2("nslcmops", nslcmop_id, db_nslcmop_update)
- self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
- for vca_index, vca_deployed in enumerate(nsr_deployed["VCA"]):
- if not vca_deployed:
- continue
- step = "Waiting for deletion of charm application_name={}".format(vca_deployed["application"])
- timeout = self.timeout_charm_delete - int(time() - vca_time_destroy)
- if not await self._wait_charm_destroyed(vca_deployed['model'], vca_deployed["application"],
- timeout):
- failed_detail.append("VCA[application_name={}] Deletion timeout".format(
- vca_deployed["application"]))
- else:
- db_nsr["_admin.deployed.VCA.{}".format(vca_index)] = None
if failed_detail:
self.logger.error(logging_text + " ;".join(failed_detail))
db_nsr_update["operational-status"] = "failed"
except Exception as e:
self.logger.error(logging_text + "kafka_write notification Exception {}".format(e))
+ # wait for pending tasks
+ done = None
+ pending = None
+ if pending_tasks:
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + 'Waiting for terminate pending tasks...')
+ done, pending = await asyncio.wait(pending_tasks, timeout=3600)
+ if not pending:
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + 'All tasks finished...')
+ else:
+ + 'There are pending tasks: {}'.format(pending))
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Exit")
self.lcm_tasks.remove("ns", nsr_id, nslcmop_id, "ns_terminate")
return calculated_params
async def _ns_execute_primitive(self, db_deployed, member_vnf_index, vdu_id, vdu_name, vdu_count_index,
- primitive, primitive_params, retries=0, retries_interval=30):
- start_primitive_time = time()
+ primitive, primitive_params, retries=0, retries_interval=30) -> str, str:
+ # find vca_deployed record for this action
for vca_deployed in db_deployed["VCA"]:
if not vca_deployed:
+ # vca_deployed not found
raise LcmException("charm for member_vnf_index={} vdu_id={} vdu_name={} vdu_count_index={} is not "
"deployed".format(member_vnf_index, vdu_id, vdu_name, vdu_count_index))
- model_name = vca_deployed.get("model")
- application_name = vca_deployed.get("application")
- if not model_name or not application_name:
+ # get ee_id
+ ee_id = vca_deployed.get("ee_id")
+ if not ee_id:
raise LcmException("charm for member_vnf_index={} vdu_id={} vdu_name={} vdu_count_index={} has not "
- "model or application name" .format(member_vnf_index, vdu_id, vdu_name,
- vdu_count_index))
- # if vca_deployed["operational-status"] != "active":
- # raise LcmException("charm for member_vnf_index={} vdu_id={} operational_status={} not 'active'".format(
- # member_vnf_index, vdu_id, vca_deployed["operational-status"]))
- callback = None # self.n2vc_callback
- callback_args = () # [db_nsr, db_nslcmop, member_vnf_index, None]
- await self.n2vc.login()
+ "execution environment"
+ .format(member_vnf_index, vdu_id, vdu_name, vdu_count_index))
if primitive == "config":
primitive_params = {"params": primitive_params}
while retries >= 0:
- primitive_id = await self.n2vc.ExecutePrimitive(
- model_name,
- application_name,
- primitive,
- callback,
- *callback_args,
- **primitive_params
- )
- while time() - start_primitive_time < self.timeout_primitive:
- primitive_result_ = await self.n2vc.GetPrimitiveStatus(model_name, primitive_id)
- if primitive_result_ in ("completed", "failed"):
- primitive_result = "COMPLETED" if primitive_result_ == "completed" else "FAILED"
- detailed_result = await self.n2vc.GetPrimitiveOutput(model_name, primitive_id)
- break
- elif primitive_result_ is None and primitive == "config":
- primitive_result = "COMPLETED"
- detailed_result = None
- break
- else: # ("running", "pending", None):
- pass
- await asyncio.sleep(5, loop=self.loop)
- else:
- raise LcmException("timeout after {} seconds".format(self.timeout_primitive))
- if primitive_result == "COMPLETED":
+ try:
+ output = await self.n2vc.exec_primitive(
+ ee_id=ee_id,
+ primitive_name=primitive,
+ params_dict=primitive_params
+ )
+ # execution was OK
- retries -= 1
- if retries >= 0:
- await asyncio.sleep(retries_interval, loop=self.loop)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.debug('Error executing action {} on {} -> {}'.format(primitive, ee_id, e))
+ retries -= 1
+ if retries >= 0:
+ # wait and retry
+ await asyncio.sleep(retries_interval, loop=self.loop)
+ else:
+ return 'Cannot execute action {} on {}: {}'.format(primitive, ee_id, e), 'FAIL'
+ return output, 'OK'
- return primitive_result, detailed_result
- except (N2VCPrimitiveExecutionFailed, LcmException) as e:
- return "FAILED", str(e)
+ except Exception as e:
+ return 'Error executing action {}: {}'.format(primitive, e), 'FAIL'
async def action(self, nsr_id, nslcmop_id):
# TODO check if ns is in a proper status
- result, result_detail = await self._ns_execute_primitive(
- nsr_deployed, vnf_index, vdu_id, vdu_name, vdu_count_index, primitive,
- self._map_primitive_params(config_primitive_desc, primitive_params, desc_params))
- db_nslcmop_update["detailed-status"] = nslcmop_operation_state_detail = result_detail
+ output, detail = await self._ns_execute_primitive(
+ db_deployed=nsr_deployed,
+ member_vnf_index=vnf_index,
+ vdu_id=vdu_id,
+ vdu_name=vdu_name,
+ vdu_count_index=vdu_count_index,
+ primitive=primitive,
+ primitive_params=self._map_primitive_params(config_primitive_desc, primitive_params, desc_params))
+ detailed_status = output
+ if detail == 'OK':
+ result = 'COMPLETED'
+ else:
+ result = 'FAILED'
+ db_nslcmop_update["detailed-status"] = nslcmop_operation_state_detail = detailed_status
db_nslcmop_update["operationState"] = nslcmop_operation_state = result
db_nslcmop_update["statusEnteredTime"] = time()
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + " task Done with result {} {}".format(result, result_detail))
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + " task Done with result {} {}".format(result, detailed_status))
return # database update is called inside finally
except (DbException, LcmException) as e:
vnfr_params = {"VDU_SCALE_INFO": vdu_scaling_info}
if db_vnfr.get("additionalParamsForVnf"):
scale_process = "VCA"
db_nsr_update["config-status"] = "configuring pre-scaling"
primitive_params = self._map_primitive_params(config_primitive, {}, vnfr_params)
assert False, "ROclient.check_action_status returns unknown {}".format(ns_status)
if ns_status == "ERROR":
raise ROclient.ROClientException(ns_status_info)
elif ns_status == "BUILD":