screen -S sonemu -X stuff "${1}^M"
+Vnf() {
+ # Send a command inside the vnf1 container
+ docker exec -t "mn.${1}" /bin/bash -c "${2}" && sync
if ! screen --version | grep 'Screen version'; then
# Install screen and do an initial cleanup
# Gather some infos
Cmd 'sh sync'
Cmd 'sh echo "... starting various checks"'
-sync # avoid text overlapping
-Cmd 'vnf1 ifconfig && echo -e "\\n... checked vnf1"'
-W "^... checked vnf1"
-Cmd 'vnf2 ifconfig && echo -e "\\n... checked vnf2"'
-W "^... checked vnf2"
+sync # avoid text overlappin
+Cmd 'links'
+Vnf vnf1 'ifconfig'
+Vnf vnf2 'ifconfig'
# Try to ping vnfs
-Cmd 'vnf1 ping -c 2 vnf2 && echo -e "\\n... checked ping"'
-W "^... checked ping" 20s
+IP_2=$(Vnf vnf2 'ip -f inet -o addr show vnf2-eth0' | cut -d\ -f 7 | cut -d/ -f 1)
+# IP_1=$(Vnf vnf1 'ip -f inet -o addr show vnf1-eth0' | cut -d\ -f 7 | cut -d/ -f 1)
+OUTPUT_A=$(Vnf vnf1 "ping -v -c 2 ${IP_2}")
Cmd 'quit'
# Wait for sonemu to end
W '*** Done'
# Check the ping result
-if grep ', 2 received' screenlog.0; then
+if echo ${OUTPUT_A} | grep ', 2 received'; then
echo 'No problems detected'
exit 0