class Cloud(object):
- def add_credential(self):
+ """Cloud
+ :ivar name: Name of the cloud
+ """
+ def add_credential(self, credential):
"""Add or replaces credentials for this cloud.
+ :param `juju.Credential` credential: The Credential to add
- def bootstrap(self):
+ def bootstrap(
+ self, controller_name, region=None, agent_version=None,
+ auto_upgrade=False, bootstrap_constraints=None,
+ bootstrap_series=None, config=None, constraints=None,
+ credential=None, default_model=None, keep_broken=False,
+ metadata_source=None, no_gui=False, to=None,
+ upload_tools=False):
"""Initialize a cloud environment.
+ :param str controller_name: Name of controller to create
+ :param str region: Cloud region in which to bootstrap
+ :param str agent_version: Version of tools to use for Juju agents
+ :param bool auto_upgrade: Upgrade to latest path release tools on first
+ bootstrap
+ :param :class:`juju.Constraints` bootstrap_constraints: Constraints
+ for the bootstrap machine
+ :param str bootstrap_series: Series of the bootstrap machine
+ :param dict config: Controller configuration
+ :param :class:`juju.Constraints` constraints: Default constraints for
+ all future workload machines
+ :param :class:`juju.Credential` credential: Credential to use when
+ bootstrapping
+ :param str default_model: Name to give the default model
+ :param bool keep_broken: Don't destroy model if bootstrap fails
+ :param str metadata_source: Local path to use as tools and/or metadata
+ source
+ :param bool no_gui: Don't install the Juju GUI in the controller when
+ bootstrapping
+ :param str to: Placement directive for bootstrap node (typically used
+ with MAAS)
+ :param bool upload_tools: Upload local version of tools before
+ bootstrapping
class Controller(object):
- def add_model(self):
+ def add_model(self, name, config=None, credential=None, owner=None):
"""Add a model to this controller.
+ :param str name: Name of the model
+ :param dict config: Model configuration
+ :param str credential: e.g. '<cloud>:<credential>'
+ :param str owner: Owner username
- def add_user(self):
+ def add_user(self, username, display_name=None, acl=None, models=None):
"""Add a user to this controller.
+ :param str username: Username
+ :param str display_name: Display name
+ :param str acl: Access control, e.g. 'read'
+ :param list models: Models to which the user is granted access
- def change_user_password(self):
+ def change_user_password(self, username, password):
"""Change the password for a user in this controller.
+ :param str username: Username
+ :param str password: New password
- def destroy(self):
+ def destroy(self, destroy_all_models=False):
"""Destroy this controller.
+ :param bool destroy_all_models: Destroy all hosted models in the
+ controller.
- def disable_user(self):
+ def disable_user(self, username):
"""Disable a user.
+ :param str username: Username
- def get_models(self):
+ def get_models(self, all_=False, username=None):
"""Return list of available models on this controller.
+ :param bool all_: List all models, regardless of user accessibilty
+ (admin use only)
+ :param str username: User for which to list models (admin use only)
- def get_payloads(self):
+ def get_payloads(self, *patterns):
"""Return list of known payloads.
+ :param str \*patterns: Patterns to match against
+ Each pattern will be checked against the following info in Juju::
+ - unit name
+ - machine id
+ - payload type
+ - payload class
+ - payload id
+ - payload tag
+ - payload status
class Model(object):
- def add_machine(self):
+ def add_machine(
+ self, spec=None, constraints=None, disks=None, series=None,
+ count=1):
"""Start a new, empty machine and optionally a container, or add a
container to a machine.
+ :param str spec: Machine specification
+ Examples::
+ (None) - starts a new machine
+ 'lxc' - starts a new machine with on lxc container
+ 'lxc:4' - starts a new lxc container on machine 4
+ 'ssh:user@' - manually provisions a machine with ssh
+ 'zone=us-east-1a' - starts a machine in zone us-east-1s on AWS
+ '' - acquire machine on MAAS
+ :param :class:`juju.Constraints` constraints: Machine constraints
+ :param list disks: List of disk :class:`constraints <juju.Constraints>`
+ :param str series: Series
+ :param int count: Number of machines to deploy
+ Supported container types are: lxc, lxd, kvm
+ When deploying a container to an existing machine, constraints cannot
+ be used.
add_machines = add_machine
- def add_relation(self):
+ def add_relation(self, relation1, relation2):
"""Add a relation between two services.
+ :param str relation1: '<service>[:<relation_name>]'
+ :param str relation2: '<service>[:<relation_name>]'
- def add_space(self):
+ def add_space(self, name, *cidrs):
"""Add a new network space.
+ Adds a new space with the given name and associates the given
+ (optional) list of existing subnet CIDRs with it.
+ :param str name: Name of the space
+ :param \*cidrs: Optional list of existing subnet CIDRs
- def add_ssh_key(self):
+ def add_ssh_key(self, key):
"""Add a public SSH key to this model.
+ :param str key: The public ssh key
add_ssh_keys = add_ssh_key
- def add_subnet(self):
+ def add_subnet(self, cidr_or_id, space, *zones):
"""Add an existing subnet to this model.
+ :param str cidr_or_id: CIDR or provider ID of the existing subnet
+ :param str space: Network space with which to associate
+ :param str \*zones: Zone(s) in which the subnet resides
- def block(self):
+ def block(self, *commands):
"""Add a new block to this model.
+ :param str \*commands: The commands to block. Valid values are
+ 'all-changes', 'destroy-model', 'remove-object'
- def get_cached_images(self):
+ def get_cached_images(self, arch=None, kind=None, series=None):
"""Return a list of cached OS images.
+ :param str arch: Filter by image architecture
+ :param str kind: Filter by image kind, e.g. 'lxd'
+ :param str series: Filter by image series, e.g. 'xenial'
- def create_backup(self):
+ def create_backup(self, note=None, no_download=False):
"""Create a backup of this model.
+ :param str note: A note to store with the backup
+ :param bool no_download: Do not download the backup archive
+ :return str: Path to downloaded archive
- def create_storage_pool(self):
+ def create_storage_pool(self, name, provider_type, **pool_config):
"""Create or define a storage pool.
+ :param str name: Name to give the storage pool
+ :param str provider_type: Pool provider type
+ :param \*\*pool_config: key/value pool configuration pairs
- def debug_log(self):
+ def debug_log(
+ self, no_tail=False, exclude_module=None, include_module=None,
+ include=None, level=None, limit=0, lines=10, replay=False,
+ exclude=None):
"""Get log messages for this model.
- """
- pass
- def deploy(self):
+ :param bool no_tail: Stop after returning existing log messages
+ :param list exclude_module: Do not show log messages for these logging
+ modules
+ :param list include_module: Only show log messages for these logging
+ modules
+ :param list include: Only show log messages for these entities
+ :param str level: Log level to show, valid options are 'TRACE',
+ :param int limit: Return this many of the most recent (possibly
+ filtered) lines are shown
+ :param int lines: Yield this many of the most recent lines, and keep
+ yielding
+ :param bool replay: Yield the entire log, and keep yielding
+ :param list exclude: Do not show log messages for these entities
+ """
+ pass
+ def deploy(
+ self, entity_url, service_name=None, bind=None, budget=None,
+ channel=None, config=None, constraints=None, force=False,
+ num_units=1, plan=None, resource=None, series=None, storage=None,
+ to=None):
"""Deploy a new service or bundle.
+ :param str entity_url: Charm or bundle url
+ :param str service_name: Name to give the service
+ :param dict bind: <charm endpoint>:<network space> pairs
+ :param dict budget: <budget name>:<limit> pairs
+ :param str channel: Charm store channel from which to retrieve
+ the charm or bundle, e.g. 'development'
+ :param dict config: Charm configuration dictionary
+ :param :class:`juju.Constraints` constraints: Service constraints
+ :param bool force: Allow charm to be deployed to a machine running
+ an unsupported series
+ :param int num_units: Number of units to deploy
+ :param str plan: Plan under which to deploy charm
+ :param dict resource: <resource name>:<file path> pairs
+ :param str series: Series on which to deploy
+ :param dict storage: Storage constraints TODO how do these look?
+ :param str to: Placement directive, e.g.::
+ '23' - machine 23
+ 'lxc:7' - new lxc container on machine 7
+ '24/lxc/3' - lxc container 3 or machine 24
+ If None, a new machine is provisioned.
- def get_backup(self):
+ def get_backup(self, archive_id):
"""Download a backup archive file.
+ :param str archive_id: The id of the archive to download
+ :return str: Path to the archive file
- def enable_ha(self):
+ def enable_ha(
+ self, num_controllers=0, constraints=None, series=None, to=None):
"""Ensure sufficient controllers exist to provide redundancy.
+ :param int num_controllers: Number of controllers to make available
+ :param :class:`juju.Constraints` constraints: Constraints to apply
+ to the controller machines
+ :param str series: Series of the controller machines
+ :param list to: Placement directives for controller machines, e.g.::
+ '23' - machine 23
+ 'lxc:7' - new lxc container on machine 7
+ '24/lxc/3' - lxc container 3 or machine 24
+ If None, a new machine is provisioned.
- def grant(self):
+ def grant(self, username, acl='read'):
"""Grant a user access to this model.
+ :param str username: Username
+ :param str acl: Access control ('read' or 'write')
- def import_ssh_key(self):
+ def import_ssh_key(self, identity):
"""Add a public SSH key from a trusted indentity source to this model.
- """
- pass
- import_ssh_keys = import_ssh_key
- def get_machine(self, machine_id):
- """Get a machine by id.
+ :param str identity: User identity in the form <lp|gh>:<username>
+ import_ssh_keys = import_ssh_key
- def get_machines(self):
+ def get_machines(self, utc=False):
"""Return list of machines in this model.
+ :param bool utc: Display time as UTC in RFC3339 format
class Service(object):
- def add_relation(self):
+ def add_relation(self, local_relation, remote_relation):
"""Add a relation to another service.
+ :param str local_relation: Name of relation on this service
+ :param str remote_relation: Name of relation on the other service in
+ the form '<service>[:<relation_name>]'
- def add_unit(self):
+ def add_unit(self, count=1, to=None):
"""Add one or more units to this service.
+ :param int count: Number of units to add
+ :param str to: Placement directive, e.g.::
+ '23' - machine 23
+ 'lxc:7' - new lxc container on machine 7
+ '24/lxc/3' - lxc container 3 or machine 24
+ If None, a new machine is provisioned.
add_units = add_unit
- def allocate(self):
+ def allocate(self, budget, value):
"""Allocate budget to this service.
+ :param str budget: Name of budget
+ :param int value: Budget limit
- def attach(self):
+ def attach(self, resource_name, file_path):
"""Upload a file as a resource for this service.
+ :param str resource: Name of the resource
+ :param str file_path: Path to the file to upload
- def destroy_relation(self):
+ def destroy_relation(self, local_relation, remote_relation):
"""Remove a relation to another service.
+ :param str local_relation: Name of relation on this service
+ :param str remote_relation: Name of relation on the other service in
+ the form '<service>[:<relation_name>]'
remove_relation = destroy_relation
- def get_actions(self):
+ def get_actions(self, schema=False):
"""Get actions defined for this service.
+ :param bool schema: Return the full action schema
- def get_resources(self):
+ def get_resources(self, details=False):
"""Return resources for this service.
+ :param bool details: Include detailed info about resources used by each
+ unit