except Exception as e:
# no entity_id aatribute, try machine attribute
entity_id = machine.machine
- self.n2vc.debug(msg='Registering machine for changes notifications: {}'.format(entity_id))
+ # self.n2vc.debug(msg='Registering machine for change notifications: {}'.format(entity_id))
entity = _Entity(entity_id=entity_id, entity_type='machine', obj=machine, db_dict=db_dict)
self.machines[entity_id] = entity
def register_application(self, application: Application, db_dict: dict):
entity_id = application.entity_id
- self.n2vc.debug(msg='Registering application for changes notifications: {}'.format(entity_id))
+ # self.n2vc.debug(msg='Registering application for change notifications: {}'.format(entity_id))
entity = _Entity(entity_id=entity_id, entity_type='application', obj=application, db_dict=db_dict)
self.applications[entity_id] = entity
def register_action(self, action: Action, db_dict: dict):
entity_id = action.entity_id
- self.n2vc.debug(msg='Registering action for changes notifications: {}'.format(entity_id))
+ # self.n2vc.debug(msg='Registering action for changes notifications: {}'.format(entity_id))
entity = _Entity(entity_id=entity_id, entity_type='action', obj=action, db_dict=db_dict)
self.actions[entity_id] = entity
if not self.is_machine_registered(machine_id):
+ self.n2vc.debug('Waiting for machine completed: {}'.format(machine_id))
# wait for a final state
entity = self.machines[machine_id]
return await self._wait_for_entity(
if not self.is_application_registered(application_id):
+ self.n2vc.debug('Waiting for application completed: {}'.format(application_id))
# application statuses: unknown, active, waiting
# wait for a final state
entity = self.applications[application_id]
if not self.is_action_registered(action_id):
+ self.n2vc.debug('Waiting for action completed: {}'.format(action_id))
# action statuses: pending, running, completed, failed, cancelled
# wait for a final state
entity = self.actions[action_id]
.format(progress_timeout, entity.entity_type, entity.entity_id)
raise N2VCTimeoutException(message=message, timeout='progress')
- self.n2vc.debug('End of wait. Final state: {}, retries: {}'
- .format(entity.obj.__getattribute__(field_to_check), retries))
+ # self.n2vc.debug('End of wait. Final state: {}, retries: {}'
+ # .format(entity.obj.__getattribute__(field_to_check), retries))
return retries
async def on_change(self, delta, old, new, model):
# log
- self.n2vc.debug('on_change(): type: {}, entity: {}, id: {}'
- .format(delta.type, delta.entity, new.entity_id))
+ # self.n2vc.debug('on_change(): type: {}, entity: {}, id: {}'
+ # .format(delta.type, delta.entity, new.entity_id))
if delta.entity == 'machine':
from http import HTTPStatus
from n2vc.loggable import Loggable
from n2vc.exceptions import N2VCBadArgumentsException
+import yaml
from osm_common.dbmongo import DbException
- async def get_status(self, namespace: str):
+ async def get_status(self, namespace: str, yaml_format: bool = True):
"""Get namespace status
:param namespace: we obtain ns from namespace
+ :param yaml_format: returns a yaml string
# TODO: review which public key
public_key = ''
# Find the path where we expect our key lives (~/.ssh)
- homedir = os.environ['HOME']
+ homedir = os.environ.get('HOME')
+ if not homedir:
+ self.warning('No HOME environment variable, using /tmp')
+ homedir = '/tmp'
sshdir = "{}/.ssh".format(homedir)
if not os.path.exists(sshdir):
self.debug('No db_dict => No database write')
- self.debug('status={} / detailed-status={} / VCA-status={} / entity_type={}'
- .format(str(status.value), detailed_status, vca_status, entity_type))
+ # self.debug('status={} / detailed-status={} / VCA-status={} / entity_type={}'
+ # .format(str(status.value), detailed_status, vca_status, entity_type))
return N2VCDeploymentStatus.UNKNOWN
return N2VCDeploymentStatus.FAILED
+def obj_to_yaml(obj: object) -> str:
+ # dump to yaml
+ dump_text = yaml.dump(obj, default_flow_style=False, indent=2)
+ # split lines
+ lines = dump_text.splitlines()
+ # remove !!python/object tags
+ yaml_text = ''
+ for line in lines:
+ index = line.find('!!python/object')
+ if index >= 0:
+ line = line[:index]
+ yaml_text += line + '\n'
+ return yaml_text
+def obj_to_dict(obj: object) -> dict:
+ # convert obj to yaml
+ yaml_text = obj_to_yaml(obj)
+ # parse to dict
+ return yaml.load(yaml_text, Loader=yaml.Loader)
import re
from n2vc.n2vc_conn import N2VCConnector
+from n2vc.n2vc_conn import obj_to_dict, obj_to_yaml
from n2vc.exceptions \
import N2VCBadArgumentsException, N2VCException, N2VCConnectionException, \
N2VCExecutionException, N2VCInvalidCertificate
self.info('N2VC juju connector initialized')
- async def get_status(self, namespace: str):
- self.info('Getting NS status. namespace: {}'.format(namespace))
+ async def get_status(self, namespace: str, yaml_format: bool = True):
+ # self.info('Getting NS status. namespace: {}'.format(namespace))
if not self._authenticated:
await self._juju_login()
status = await model.get_status()
- return status
+ if yaml_format:
+ return obj_to_yaml(status)
+ else:
+ return obj_to_dict(status)
async def create_execution_environment(
nsi_id, ns_id, vnf_id, vdu_id, vdu_count = self._get_namespace_components(namespace=namespace)
if ns_id is not None:
- self.debug('Deleting model {}'.format(ns_id))
await self._juju_destroy_model(
if not the_path[-1] == '.':
the_path = the_path + '.'
update_dict = {the_path + 'ee_id': ee_id}
- self.debug('Writing ee_id to database: {}'.format(the_path))
+ # self.debug('Writing ee_id to database: {}'.format(the_path))
application = await self._juju_get_application(model_name=model_name, application_name=application_name)
- self.debug('trying to execute action {}'.format(action_name))
unit = application.units[0]
if unit is not None:
actions = await application.get_actions()
if action_name in actions:
- self.debug('executing action {} with params {}'.format(action_name, kwargs))
+ self.debug('executing action "{}" using params: {}'.format(action_name, kwargs))
action = await unit.run_action(action_name, **kwargs)
# register action with observer
observer.register_action(action=action, db_dict=db_dict)
- self.debug(' waiting for action completed or error...')
await observer.wait_for_action(
model = await self._juju_get_model(model_name=model_name)
uuid = model.info.uuid
- self.debug('disconnecting model {}...'.format(model_name))
await self._juju_disconnect_model(model_name=model_name)
self.juju_models[model_name] = None
self.juju_observers[model_name] = None
self.debug('destroying model {}...'.format(model_name))
await self.controller.destroy_model(uuid)
+ self.debug('model destroy requested {}'.format(model_name))
# wait for model is completely destroyed
end = time.time() + total_timeout
while time.time() < end:
- self.debug('waiting for model is destroyed...')
+ self.debug('Waiting for model is destroyed...')
- await self.controller.get_model(uuid)
- except Exception:
- self.debug('model destroyed')
- return
+ # await self.controller.get_model(uuid)
+ models = await self.controller.list_models()
+ if model_name not in models:
+ self.debug('The model {} ({}) was destroyed'.format(model_name, uuid))
+ return
+ except Exception as e:
+ pass
await asyncio.sleep(1.0)
async def _juju_login(self):
await self.juju_models[model_name].disconnect()
self.juju_models[model_name] = None
self.juju_observers[model_name] = None
+ else:
+ self.warning('Cannot disconnect model: {}'.format(model_name))
def _create_juju_public_key(self):
"""Recreate the Juju public key on lcm container, if needed