+ "nsfm": {
+ "v1": {
+ "alarms": {"METHODS": ("GET", "PATCH"),
+ "ROLE_PERMISSION": "alarms:",
+ "<ID>": {"METHODS": ("GET", "PATCH"),
+ "ROLE_PERMISSION": "alarms:id:",
+ },
+ }
+ },
+ },
if token_info.get("id"):
cherrypy.request.login += ";session=" + token_info["id"][0:12]
+ # NS Fault Management
+ @cherrypy.expose
+ def nsfm(self, version=None, topic=None, uuid=None, project_name=None, ns_id=None, *args, **kwargs):
+ if topic == 'alarms':
+ try:
+ method = cherrypy.request.method
+ role_permission = self._check_valid_url_method(method, "nsfm", version, topic, None, None, *args)
+ query_string_operations = self._extract_query_string_operations(kwargs, method)
+ self.authenticator.authorize(role_permission, query_string_operations, None)
+ # to handle get request
+ if cherrypy.request.method == 'GET':
+ # if request is on basis of uuid
+ if uuid and uuid != 'None':
+ try:
+ alarm = self.engine.db.get_one("alarms", {"uuid": uuid})
+ alarm_action = self.engine.db.get_one("alarms_action", {"uuid": uuid})
+ alarm.update(alarm_action)
+ vnf = self.engine.db.get_one("vnfrs", {"nsr-id-ref": alarm["tags"]["ns_id"]})
+ alarm["vnf-id"] = vnf["_id"]
+ return self._format_out(str(alarm))
+ except Exception:
+ return self._format_out("Please provide valid alarm uuid")
+ elif ns_id and ns_id != 'None':
+ # if request is on basis of ns_id
+ try:
+ alarms = self.engine.db.get_list("alarms", {"tags.ns_id": ns_id})
+ for alarm in alarms:
+ alarm_action = self.engine.db.get_one("alarms_action", {"uuid": alarm['uuid']})
+ alarm.update(alarm_action)
+ return self._format_out(str(alarms))
+ except Exception:
+ return self._format_out("Please provide valid ns id")
+ else:
+ # to return only alarm which are related to given project
+ project = self.engine.db.get_one("projects", {"name": project_name})
+ project_id = project.get('_id')
+ ns_list = self.engine.db.get_list("nsrs", {"_admin.projects_read": project_id})
+ ns_ids = []
+ for ns in ns_list:
+ ns_ids.append(ns.get("_id"))
+ alarms = self.engine.db.get_list("alarms")
+ alarm_list = [alarm for alarm in alarms if alarm["tags"]["ns_id"] in ns_ids]
+ for alrm in alarm_list:
+ action = self.engine.db.get_one("alarms_action", {"uuid": alrm.get("uuid")})
+ alrm.update(action)
+ return self._format_out(str(alarm_list))
+ # to handle patch request for alarm update
+ elif cherrypy.request.method == 'PATCH':
+ data = yaml.load(cherrypy.request.body, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
+ try:
+ # check if uuid is valid
+ self.engine.db.get_one("alarms", {"uuid": data.get("uuid")})
+ except Exception:
+ return self._format_out("Please provide valid alarm uuid.")
+ if data.get("is_enable") is not None:
+ if data.get("is_enable"):
+ alarm_status = 'ok'
+ else:
+ alarm_status = 'disabled'
+ self.engine.db.set_one("alarms", {"uuid": data.get("uuid")},
+ {"alarm_status": alarm_status})
+ else:
+ self.engine.db.set_one("alarms", {"uuid": data.get("uuid")},
+ {"threshold": data.get("threshold")})
+ return self._format_out("Alarm updated")
+ except Exception as e:
+ cherrypy.response.status = e.http_code.value
+ if isinstance(e, (NbiException, EngineException, DbException, FsException, MsgException, AuthException,
+ ValidationError, AuthconnException)):
+ http_code_value = cherrypy.response.status = e.http_code.value
+ http_code_name = e.http_code.name
+ cherrypy.log("Exception {}".format(e))
+ else:
+ http_code_value = cherrypy.response.status = HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST.value # INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
+ cherrypy.log("CRITICAL: Exception {}".format(e), traceback=True)
+ http_code_name = HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST.name
+ problem_details = {
+ "code": http_code_name,
+ "status": http_code_value,
+ "detail": str(e),
+ }
+ return self._format_out(problem_details)
def token(self, method, token_id=None, kwargs=None):
token_info = None