__author__="Alfonso Tierno, Gerardo Garcia, Pablo Montes"
__date__ ="$26-aug-2014 11:09:29$"
version_date="Jul 2016"
database_version="0.10" #expected database schema version
import httpserver
import time
-import os
import sys
import getopt
import yaml
import nfvo_db
from jsonschema import validate as js_v, exceptions as js_e
-import utils
from openmano_schemas import config_schema
import nfvo
import logging
import logging.handlers as log_handlers
+import socket
global global_config
global logger
-logger = logging.getLogger('openmano')
class LoadConfigurationException(Exception):
'log_level_db': 'ERROR',
'log_level_vimconn': 'DEBUG',
'log_level_nfvo': 'DEBUG',
+ 'log_socket_port': 9022,
#Check config file exists
- if not os.path.isfile(configuration_file):
- raise LoadConfigurationException("Error: Configuration file '"+configuration_file+"' does not exist.")
- #Read file
- (return_status, code) = utils.read_file(configuration_file)
- if not return_status:
- raise LoadConfigurationException("Error loading configuration file '"+configuration_file+"': "+code)
+ with open(configuration_file, 'r') as f:
+ config_str = f.read()
#Parse configuration file
- try:
- config = yaml.load(code)
- except yaml.YAMLError, exc:
- error_pos = ""
- if hasattr(exc, 'problem_mark'):
- mark = exc.problem_mark
- error_pos = " at position: (%s:%s)" % (mark.line+1, mark.column+1)
- raise LoadConfigurationException("Error loading configuration file '"+configuration_file+"'"+error_pos+": content format error: Failed to parse yaml format")
+ config = yaml.load(config_str)
#Validate configuration file with the config_schema
- try:
- js_v(config, config_schema)
- except js_e.ValidationError, exc:
- error_pos = ""
- if len(exc.path)>0: error_pos=" at '" + ":".join(map(str, exc.path))+"'"
- raise LoadConfigurationException("Error loading configuration file '"+configuration_file+"'"+error_pos+": "+exc.message)
+ js_v(config, config_schema)
- #Check default values tokens
+ #Add default values tokens
for k,v in default_tokens.items():
- if k not in config: config[k]=v
+ if k not in config:
+ config[k]=v
+ return config
- except Exception,e:
- raise LoadConfigurationException("Error loading configuration file '"+configuration_file+"': "+str(e))
+ except yaml.YAMLError as e:
+ error_pos = ""
+ if hasattr(e, 'problem_mark'):
+ mark = e.problem_mark
+ error_pos = " at line:{} column:{}".format(mark.line+1, mark.column+1)
+ raise LoadConfigurationException("Bad YAML format at configuration file '{file}'{pos}".format(file=configuration_file, pos=error_pos) )
+ except js_e.ValidationError as e:
+ error_pos = ""
+ if e.path:
+ error_pos=" at '" + ":".join(map(str, e.path))+"'"
+ raise LoadConfigurationException("Invalid field at configuration file '{file}'{pos} {message}".format(file=configuration_file, pos=error_pos, message=str(e)) )
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise LoadConfigurationException("Cannot load configuration file '{file}' {message}".format(file=configuration_file, message=str(e) ) )
- return config
def console_port_iterator():
'''this iterator deals with the http_console_ports
print( " -h|--help: shows this help")
print( " -p|--port [port_number]: changes port number and overrides the port number in the configuration file (default: 9090)")
print( " -P|--adminport [port_number]: changes admin port number and overrides the port number in the configuration file (default: 9095)")
- print( " -V|--vnf-repository: changes the path of the vnf-repository and overrides the path in the configuration file")
+ #print( " -V|--vnf-repository: changes the path of the vnf-repository and overrides the path in the configuration file")
+ print( " --log-socket-host: send logs to this host")
+ print( " --log-socket-port: send logs using this port (default: 9022)")
if __name__=="__main__":
+ #Configure logging step 1
+ hostname = socket.gethostname()
#streamformat = "%(levelname)s (%(module)s:%(lineno)d) %(message)s"
- logging_local_format = "%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s"
- logging_complete_format = "%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d %(funcName)s %(process)d: %(message)s"
- logging.basicConfig(format=logging_local_format, level= logging.DEBUG)
+ # "%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d %(funcName)s %(process)d: %(message)s"
+ log_formatter_complete = logging.Formatter(
+ '%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d00Z[{host}@openmanod] %(filename)s:%(lineno)s severity:%(levelname)s logger:%(name)s log:%(message)s'.format(host=hostname),
+ datefmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S',
+ )
+ log_format_simple = "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)s %(message)s"
+ log_formatter_simple = logging.Formatter(log_format_simple, datefmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
+ logging.basicConfig(format=log_format_simple, level= logging.DEBUG)
+ logger = logging.getLogger('openmano')
+ socket_handler = None
file_handler = None
# Read parameters and configuration file
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hvc:V:p:P:", ["config", "help", "version", "port", "vnf-repository", "adminport"])
+ #load parameters and configuration
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hvc:V:p:P:", ["config", "help", "version", "port", "vnf-repository", "adminport", "log-socket-host"])
port_admin = None
config_file = 'openmanod.cfg'
vnf_repository = None
+ log_socket_host = None
+ log_socket_port = None
for o, a in opts:
if o in ("-v", "--version"):
- print "openmanod version", __version__, version_date
- print "(c) Copyright Telefonica"
+ print ("openmanod version " + __version__ + ' ' + version_date)
+ print ("(c) Copyright Telefonica")
elif o in ("-h", "--help"):
port = a
elif o in ("-P", "--adminport"):
port_admin = a
+ elif o == "--log-socket-port":
+ log_socket_port = a
+ elif o == "--log-socket-port":
+ log_socket_host = a
assert False, "Unhandled option"
global_config = load_configuration(config_file)
#print global_config
+ # Override parameters obtained by command line
+ if port:
+ global_config['http_port'] = port
+ if port_admin:
+ global_config['http_admin_port'] = port_admin
+ if log_socket_host:
+ global_config['log_socket_host'] = log_socket_host
+ if log_socket_port:
+ global_config['log_socket_port'] = log_socket_port
+# if vnf_repository is not None:
+# global_config['vnf_repository'] = vnf_repository
+# else:
+# if not 'vnf_repository' in global_config:
+# logger.error( os.getcwd() )
+# global_config['vnf_repository'] = os.getcwd()+'/vnfrepo'
+# #print global_config
+# if not os.path.exists(global_config['vnf_repository']):
+# logger.error( "Creating folder vnf_repository folder: '%s'.", global_config['vnf_repository'])
+# try:
+# os.makedirs(global_config['vnf_repository'])
+# except Exception as e:
+# logger.error( "Error '%s'. Ensure the path 'vnf_repository' is properly set at %s",e.args[1], config_file)
+# exit(-1)
+ global_config["console_port_iterator"] = console_port_iterator
+ global_config["console_thread"]={}
+ global_config["console_ports"]={}
+ #Configure logging STEP 2
logging.basicConfig(level = getattr(logging, global_config.get('log_level',"debug")))
logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, global_config['log_level']))
if "log_host" in global_config:
- socket_handler= log_handlers.SocketHandler(global_config["log_host"], global_config["log_port"])
+ socket_handler= log_handlers.SocketHandler(global_config["log_socket_host"], global_config["log_socket_port"])
+ socket_handler.setFormatter(log_formatter_complete)
+ if global_config.get("log_socket_level") and global_config["log_socket_level"] != global_config["log_level"]:
+ socket_handler.setLevel(global_config["log_socket_level"])
if "log_file" in global_config:
file_handler= logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(global_config["log_file"], maxBytes=100e6, backupCount=9, delay=0)
- file_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fmt=logging_complete_format))
+ file_handler.setFormatter(log_formatter_simple)
except IOError as e:
- print "Error opening logging file '{}': {}. Check folder exist and permissions".fomat(global_config["log_file"], str(e))
- # Override parameters obtained by command line
- print logger.handlers
- if port is not None: global_config['http_port'] = port
- if port_admin is not None: global_config['http_admin_port'] = port_admin
- if vnf_repository is not None:
- global_config['vnf_repository'] = vnf_repository
- else:
- if not 'vnf_repository' in global_config:
- logger.error( os.getcwd() )
- global_config['vnf_repository'] = os.getcwd()+'/vnfrepo'
- #print global_config
- if not os.path.exists(global_config['vnf_repository']):
- logger.error( "Creating folder vnf_repository folder: '%s'.", global_config['vnf_repository'])
- try:
- os.makedirs(global_config['vnf_repository'])
- except Exception as e:
- logger.error( "Error '%s'. Ensure the path 'vnf_repository' is properly set at %s",e.args[1], config_file)
- exit(-1)
+ raise LoadConfigurationException("Cannot open logging file '{}': {}. Check folder exist and permissions".format(global_config["log_file"], str(e)) )
- global_config["console_port_iterator"] = console_port_iterator
- global_config["console_thread"]={}
- global_config["console_ports"]={}
# Initialize DB connection
mydb = nfvo_db.nfvo_db(log_level=global_config["log_level_db"]);
if mydb.connect(global_config['db_host'], global_config['db_user'], global_config['db_passwd'], global_config['db_name']) == -1:
- logger.error("Error connecting to database %s at %s@%s", global_config['db_name'], global_config['db_user'], global_config['db_host'])
+ logger.critical("Cannot connect to database %s at %s@%s", global_config['db_name'], global_config['db_user'], global_config['db_host'])
r = mydb.get_db_version()
if r[0]<0:
- logger.error("Error DATABASE is not a MANO one or it is a '0.0' version. Try to upgrade to version '%s' with './database_utils/migrate_mano_db.sh'", database_version)
+ logger.critical("DATABASE is not a MANO one or it is a '0.0' version. Try to upgrade to version '%s' with './database_utils/migrate_mano_db.sh'", database_version)
elif r[1]!=database_version:
- logger.error("Error DATABASE wrong version '%s'. Try to upgrade/downgrade to version '%s' with './database_utils/migrate_mano_db.sh'", r[1], database_version)
+ logger.critical("DATABASE wrong version '%s'. Try to upgrade/downgrade to version '%s' with './database_utils/migrate_mano_db.sh'", r[1], database_version)
for thread in global_config["console_thread"]:
thread.terminate = True
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- logger.info('KyboardInterrupt')
+ except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
+ logger.info(str(e))
except SystemExit:
except getopt.GetoptError as e:
- logger.error("Error: %s", str(e)) # will print something like "option -a not recognized"
+ logger.critical(str(e)) # will print something like "option -a not recognized"
except LoadConfigurationException as e:
- logger.error("Error: %s", str(e))
+ logger.critical(str(e))