--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2017-2018 VMware Inc.
+# This file is part of ETSI OSM
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact: osslegalrouting@vmware.com
+""" Mock tests for VMware vROPs Mon plugin """
+import sys
+import json
+import logging
+import unittest
+import mock
+import requests
+import os
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+from osm_mon.plugins.vRealiseOps import mon_plugin_vrops as monPlugin
+class TestMonPlugin(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test class for vROPs Mon Plugin class methods"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ """Setup the tests for plugin_receiver class methods"""
+ super(TestMonPlugin, self).setUp()
+ self.mon_plugin = monPlugin.MonPlugin()
+ def test_get_default_Params_valid_metric_alarm_name(self):
+ """Test get default params method"""
+ # Mock valid metric_alarm_name and response
+ metric_alarm_name = "Average_Memory_Usage_Above_Threshold"
+ exepcted_return = {'impact': 'risk', 'cancel_cycles': 2, 'adapter_kind': 'VMWARE', 'repeat': False,
+ 'cancel_period': 300, 'alarm_type': 16, 'vrops_alarm': 'Avg_Mem_Usage_Above_Thr',
+ 'enabled': True, 'period': 300, 'resource_kind': 'VirtualMachine', 'alarm_subType': 19,
+ 'action': 'acknowledge', 'evaluation': 2, 'unit': '%'}
+ # call get default param function under test
+ actual_return = self.mon_plugin.get_default_Params(metric_alarm_name)
+ # verify return value with expected value
+ self.assertEqual(exepcted_return, actual_return)
+ def test_get_default_Params_invalid_metric_alarm_name(self):
+ """Test get default params method-invalid metric alarm"""
+ # Mock valid metric_alarm_name and response
+ metric_alarm_name = "Invalid_Alarm"
+ exepcted_return = {}
+ # call get default param function under test
+ actual_return = self.mon_plugin.get_default_Params(metric_alarm_name)
+ # verify return value with expected value
+ self.assertEqual(exepcted_return, actual_return)
+ @mock.patch.object(monPlugin.requests, 'post')
+ def test_create_symptom_valid_req_response(self, m_post):
+ """Test create symptom method-valid request"""
+ # Mock valid symptom params and mock responses
+ symptom_param = {'threshold_value': 0, 'cancel_cycles': 1, 'adapter_kind_key': 'VMWARE',
+ 'resource_kind_key': 'VirtualMachine', 'severity': 'CRITICAL',
+ 'symptom_name': u'CPU_Utilization_Above_Thr-e14b203c-6bf2-4e2f-a91c-8c19d240eda4',
+ 'operation': 'GT', 'wait_cycles': 1, 'metric_key': 'cpu|usage_average'}
+ m_post.return_value.status_code = 201
+ m_post.return_value.content = '{"id":"SymptomDefinition-351c23b4-bc3c-4c7b-b4af-1ad90a673c5d",\
+ "name":"CPU_Utilization_Above_Thr-e14b203c-6bf2-4e2f-a91c-8c19d240eda4",\
+ "adapterKindKey":"VMWARE","resourceKindKey":"VirtualMachine","waitCycles":1,\
+ "cancelCycles":1,"state":{"severity":"CRITICAL","condition":{"type":"CONDITION_HT",\
+ "key":"cpu|usage_average","operator":"GT","value":"0.0","valueType":"NUMERIC",\
+ "instanced":false,"thresholdType":"STATIC"}}}'
+ exepcted_return = "SymptomDefinition-351c23b4-bc3c-4c7b-b4af-1ad90a673c5d"
+ # call create symptom method under test
+ actual_return = self.mon_plugin.create_symptom(symptom_param)
+ # verify that mocked method is called
+ m_post.assert_called()
+ # verify return value with expected value
+ self.assertEqual(exepcted_return, actual_return)
+ @mock.patch.object(monPlugin.requests, 'post')
+ def test_create_symptom_invalid_req_response(self, m_post):
+ """Test create symptom method-invalid response"""
+ # Mock valid symptom params and invalid mock responses
+ symptom_param = {'threshold_value': 0, 'cancel_cycles': 1, 'adapter_kind_key': 'VMWARE',
+ 'resource_kind_key': 'VirtualMachine', 'severity': 'CRITICAL',
+ 'symptom_name': u'CPU_Utilization_Above_Thr-e14b203c-6bf2-4e2f-a91c-8c19d240eda4',
+ 'operation': 'GT', 'wait_cycles': 1, 'metric_key': 'cpu|usage_average'}
+ m_post.return_value.status_code = 404
+ m_post.return_value.content = '404 Not Found'
+ exepcted_return = None
+ # call create symptom method under test
+ actual_return = self.mon_plugin.create_symptom(symptom_param)
+ # verify that mocked method is called
+ m_post.assert_called()
+ # verify return value with expected value
+ self.assertEqual(exepcted_return, actual_return)
+ @mock.patch.object(monPlugin.requests, 'post')
+ def test_create_symptom_incorrect_data(self, m_post):
+ """Test create symptom method-incorrect data"""
+ # Mock valid symptom params and invalid mock responses
+ symptom_param = {'threshold_value': 0, 'cancel_cycles': 1, 'adapter_kind_key': 'VMWARE',
+ 'resource_kind_key': 'VirtualMachine', 'severity': 'CRITICAL',
+ 'symptom_name': u'CPU_Utilization_Above_Thr-e14b203c-6bf2-4e2f-a91c-8c19d240eda4',
+ 'operation': 'GT', 'metric_key': 'cpu|usage_average'}
+ exepcted_return = None
+ # call create symptom method under test
+ actual_return = self.mon_plugin.create_symptom(symptom_param)
+ # verify that mocked method is not called
+ m_post.assert_not_called()
+ # verify return value with expected value
+ self.assertEqual(exepcted_return, actual_return)
+ @mock.patch.object(monPlugin.requests, 'post')
+ def test_create_alarm_definition_valid_req_response(self, m_post):
+ """Test create alarm definition method-valid response"""
+ # Mock valid alarm params and mock responses
+ alarm_param = {'description': 'CPU_Utilization_Above_Threshold', 'cancelCycles': 1, 'subType': 19,
+ 'waitCycles': 1, 'severity': 'CRITICAL', 'impact': 'risk', 'adapterKindKey': 'VMWARE',
+ 'name': 'CPU_Utilization_Above_Thr-e14b203c-6bf2-4e2f-a91c-8c19d240eda4', 'resourceKindKey': 'VirtualMachine',
+ 'symptomDefinitionId': u'SymptomDefinition-25278b06-bff8-4409-a141-9b4e064235df', 'type': 16}
+ m_post.return_value.status_code = 201
+ m_post.return_value.content = '{"id":"AlertDefinition-d4f21e4b-770a-45d6-b298-022eaf489115",\
+ "name":"CPU_Utilization_Above_Thr-e14b203c-6bf2-4e2f-a91c-8c19d240eda4",\
+ "description":"CPU_Utilization_Above_Threshold","adapterKindKey":"VMWARE",\
+ "resourceKindKey":"VirtualMachine","waitCycles":1,"cancelCycles":1,"type":16,\
+ "subType":19,"states":[{"severity":"CRITICAL","base-symptom-set":{"type":"SYMPTOM_SET",\
+ "relation":"SELF","aggregation":"ALL","symptomSetOperator":"AND",\
+ "symptomDefinitionIds":["SymptomDefinition-25278b06-bff8-4409-a141-9b4e064235df"]},\
+ "impact":{"impactType":"BADGE","detail":"risk"}}]}'
+ exepcted_return = "AlertDefinition-d4f21e4b-770a-45d6-b298-022eaf489115"
+ # call create alarm definition method under test
+ actual_return = self.mon_plugin.create_alarm_definition(alarm_param)
+ # verify that mocked method is called
+ m_post.assert_called()
+ # verify return value with expected value
+ self.assertEqual(exepcted_return, actual_return)
+# For testing purpose
+#if __name__ == '__main__':
+# unittest.main()
""" Mock tests for VMware vROPs plugin recevier """
import sys
import json
import requests
-from osm_mon.plugins.vRealiseOps import plugin_receiver as monPluginRec
+import os
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+from osm_mon.plugins.vRealiseOps import plugin_receiver as monPluginRec
class Message(object):
"""A class to mock a message object value for alarm and matric requests"""
@mock.patch.object(monPluginRec.PluginReceiver, 'verify_metric')
def test_consume_update_metric_request_key(self, m_verify_metric, m_publish_update_metric_response):
"""Test functionality of update metric request key"""
# Mock a message
msg = Message()
msg.topic = "metric_request"
m_publish.assert_called_with(key='delete_metric_response', value=mock.ANY, topic='metric_response')
+ @mock.patch.object(monPluginRec.MonPlugin, 'get_triggered_alarms_list')
+ def test_list_alarms(self, m_get_triggered_alarms_list):
+ """ Test functionality of list alarms method"""
+ # Mock list alarm input
+ list_alarm_input = {'severity': 'CRITICAL',
+ 'correlation_id': 'e14b203c',
+ 'alarm_name': 'CPU_Utilization_Above_Threshold',
+ 'resource_uuid': 'd14b203c'}
+ # set return value to mocked method
+ m_return = m_get_triggered_alarms_list.return_value = [{'status': 'ACTIVE', 'update_date': '2018-01-12T08:34:05',
+ 'severity': 'CRITICAL', 'resource_uuid': 'e14b203c',
+ 'cancel_date': '0000-00-00T00:00:00','alarm_instance_uuid': 'd9e3bc84',
+ 'alarm_uuid': '5714977d', 'vim_type': 'VMware',
+ 'start_date': '2018-01-12T08:34:05'},
+ {'status': 'CANCELED', 'update_date': '2017-12-20T09:37:57',
+ 'severity': 'CRITICAL', 'resource_uuid': 'e14b203c',
+ 'cancel_date': '2018-01-12T06:49:19', 'alarm_instance_uuid': 'd3bbeef6',
+ 'alarm_uuid': '7ba1bf3e', 'vim_type': 'VMware',
+ 'start_date': '2017-12-20T09:37:57'}]
+ # call list alarms method under test
+ return_value = self.plugin_receiver.list_alarms(list_alarm_input)
+ # verify mocked method called with correct params
+ m_get_triggered_alarms_list.assert_called_with(list_alarm_input)
+ # verify list alarm method returns correct list
+ self.assertEqual(return_value, m_return)
+ @mock.patch.object(monPluginRec.KafkaProducer, 'publish')
+ def test_publish_list_alarm_response(self, m_publish):
+ """ Test functionality of publish list alarm response method"""
+ # Mock list alarm input
+ msg_key = 'list_alarm_response'
+ topic = 'alarm_response'
+ list_alarm_input = {'alarm_list_request': {'severity': 'CRITICAL',
+ 'correlation_id': 'e14b203c',
+ 'alarm_name': 'CPU_Utilization_Above_Threshold',
+ 'resource_uuid': 'd14b203c'},'vim_type' : 'VMware'}
+ triggered_alarm_list = [{'status': 'ACTIVE', 'update_date': '2018-01-12T08:34:05', 'severity': 'CRITICAL',
+ 'resource_uuid': 'e14b203c', 'cancel_date': '0000-00-00T00:00:00','alarm_instance_uuid': 'd9e3bc84',
+ 'alarm_uuid': '5714977d', 'vim_type': 'VMware', 'start_date': '2018-01-12T08:34:05'}]
+ # call publish list alarm response method under test
+ self.plugin_receiver.publish_list_alarm_response(triggered_alarm_list, list_alarm_input)
+ # verify mocked method called with correct params
+ m_publish.assert_called_with(key=msg_key,value=mock.ANY, topic=topic)
+ @mock.patch.object(monPluginRec.KafkaProducer, 'publish')
+ def test_publish_access_update_response(self, m_publish):
+ """ Test functionality of publish access update response method"""
+ # Mock required inputs
+ access_update_status = True
+ msg_key = 'vim_access_credentials_response'
+ topic = 'access_credentials'
+ access_info_req = {'access_config': {'vrops_password': 'vmware', 'vcloud-site': '',
+ 'vrops_user': 'Admin', 'correlation_id': 'e14b203c', 'tenant_id': 'Org2'}, 'vim_type': u'VMware'}
+ # call publish access update response method under test
+ self.plugin_receiver.publish_access_update_response(access_update_status, access_info_req)
+ # verify mocked method called with correct params
+ m_publish.assert_called_with(key=msg_key ,value=mock.ANY, topic=topic)
+ @mock.patch.object(monPluginRec.PluginReceiver, 'write_access_config')
+ def test_update_access_credentials_successful(self, m_write_access_config):
+ """ Test functionality of update access credentials-positive case"""
+ # Mock access_info
+ access_info = {'vrops_site':'','vrops_user':'admin', 'vrops_password':'vmware',
+ 'vcloud-site':'','admin_username':'admin','admin_password':'vmware',
+ 'vcenter_ip':'','vcenter_port':'443','vcenter_user':'admin','vcenter_password':'vmware',
+ 'vim_tenant_name':'Org2','orgname':'Org2','tenant_id':'Org2'}
+ # Mock return values
+ expected_status = m_write_access_config.return_value = True
+ # call publish update acccess credentials method under test
+ actual_status = self.plugin_receiver.update_access_credentials(access_info)
+ # check write_access_config called with correct params
+ m_write_access_config.assert_called_with(access_info)
+ # verify update access credentials returns correct status
+ self.assertEqual(expected_status, actual_status)
+ @mock.patch.object(monPluginRec.PluginReceiver, 'write_access_config')
+ def test_update_access_credentials_less_config_params(self, m_write_access_config):
+ """ Test functionality of update access credentials-negative case"""
+ # Mock access_info
+ access_info = {'vrops_site':'','vrops_user':'admin', 'vrops_password':'vmware',
+ 'vcloud-site':'','admin_username':'admin','admin_password':'vmware',
+ 'vcenter_ip':'','vcenter_port':'443','vcenter_user':'admin',
+ 'vim_tenant_name':'Org2','orgname':'Org2','tenant_id':'Org2'}
+ # Mock return values
+ expected_status = m_write_access_config.return_value = False
+ # call publish update acccess credentials method under test
+ actual_status = self.plugin_receiver.update_access_credentials(access_info)
+ # check if mocked method not called
+ m_write_access_config.assert_not_called()
+ # verify update access credentials returns correct status
+ self.assertEqual(expected_status, actual_status)
+ @mock.patch.object(monPluginRec.PluginReceiver, 'write_access_config')
+ def test_update_access_credentials_failed(self, m_write_access_config):
+ """ Test functionality of update access credentials-failed case """
+ # Mock access_info
+ access_info = {'vrops_site':'','vrops_user':'admin', 'vrops_password':'vmware',
+ 'vcloud-site':'','admin_username':'admin','admin_password':'vmware',
+ 'vcenter_ip':'','vcenter_port':'443','vcenter_user':'admin','vcenter_password':'vmware',
+ 'vim_tenant_name':'Org2','orgname':'Org2','tenant_id':'Org2'}
+ # Mock return values
+ expected_status = m_write_access_config.return_value = False
+ # call publish update acccess credentials method under test
+ actual_status = self.plugin_receiver.update_access_credentials(access_info)
+ # check write_access_config called with correct params
+ m_write_access_config.assert_called_with(access_info)
+ # verify update access credentials returns correct status
+ self.assertEqual(expected_status, actual_status)
+ def test_write_access_config_successful(self):
+ """ Test functionality of write access config method-positive case"""
+ # Mock access_info
+ access_info = {'vrops_sit':'','vrops_user':'admin', 'vrops_password':'vmware',
+ 'vcloud-site':'','admin_username':'admin','admin_password':'vmware',
+ 'vcenter_ip':'','vcenter_port':'443','vcenter_user':'admin','vcenter_password':'vmware',
+ 'vim_tenant_name':'Org2','orgname':'Org2','tenant_id':'Org2'}
+ # call write acccess config method under test
+ actual_status = self.plugin_receiver.write_access_config(access_info)
+ # verify write access config returns correct status
+ self.assertEqual(True, actual_status)
+ def test_write_access_config_failed(self):
+ """ Test functionality of write access config method-negative case"""
+ # Mock access_info
+ access_info = [] # provided incorrect info to generate error
+ # call write acccess config method under test
+ actual_status = self.plugin_receiver.write_access_config(access_info)
+ # verify write access config returns correct status
+ self.assertEqual(False, actual_status)
# For testing purpose
#if __name__ == '__main__':
# unittest.main()