import logging.handlers
import traceback
import json
-from jinja2 import Environment, Template, meta, TemplateError, TemplateNotFound, TemplateSyntaxError
+from jinja2 import Environment, TemplateError, TemplateNotFound, StrictUndefined, UndefinedError
from osm_lcm import ROclient
-from osm_lcm.lcm_utils import LcmException, LcmExceptionNoMgmtIP, LcmBase, deep_get
+from osm_lcm.ng_ro import NgRoClient, NgRoException
+from osm_lcm.lcm_utils import LcmException, LcmExceptionNoMgmtIP, LcmBase, deep_get, get_iterable, populate_dict
from n2vc.k8s_helm_conn import K8sHelmConnector
from n2vc.k8s_juju_conn import K8sJujuConnector
from osm_common.fsbase import FsException
from n2vc.n2vc_juju_conn import N2VCJujuConnector
-from n2vc.exceptions import N2VCException
+from n2vc.exceptions import N2VCException, N2VCNotFound, K8sException
+from osm_lcm.lcm_helm_conn import LCMHelmConn
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from http import HTTPStatus
from time import time
from uuid import uuid4
-__author__ = "Alfonso Tierno"
-def get_iterable(in_dict, in_key):
- """
- Similar to <dict>.get(), but if value is None, False, ..., An empty tuple is returned instead
- :param in_dict: a dictionary
- :param in_key: the key to look for at in_dict
- :return: in_dict[in_var] or () if it is None or not present
- """
- if not in_dict.get(in_key):
- return ()
- return in_dict[in_key]
-def populate_dict(target_dict, key_list, value):
- """
- Update target_dict creating nested dictionaries with the key_list. Last key_list item is asigned the value.
- Example target_dict={K: J}; key_list=[a,b,c]; target_dict will be {K: J, a: {b: {c: value}}}
- :param target_dict: dictionary to be changed
- :param key_list: list of keys to insert at target_dict
- :param value:
- :return: None
- """
- for key in key_list[0:-1]:
- if key not in target_dict:
- target_dict[key] = {}
- target_dict = target_dict[key]
- target_dict[key_list[-1]] = value
+from random import randint
+__author__ = "Alfonso Tierno <>"
+class N2VCJujuConnectorLCM(N2VCJujuConnector):
+ async def create_execution_environment(self, namespace: str, db_dict: dict, reuse_ee_id: str = None,
+ progress_timeout: float = None, total_timeout: float = None,
+ config: dict = None, artifact_path: str = None,
+ vca_type: str = None) -> (str, dict):
+ # admit two new parameters, artifact_path and vca_type
+ if vca_type == "k8s_proxy_charm":
+ ee_id = await self.install_k8s_proxy_charm(
+ charm_name=artifact_path[artifact_path.rfind("/") + 1:],
+ namespace=namespace,
+ artifact_path=artifact_path,
+ db_dict=db_dict)
+ return ee_id, None
+ else:
+ return await super().create_execution_environment(
+ namespace=namespace, db_dict=db_dict, reuse_ee_id=reuse_ee_id,
+ progress_timeout=progress_timeout, total_timeout=total_timeout)
+ async def install_configuration_sw(self, ee_id: str, artifact_path: str, db_dict: dict,
+ progress_timeout: float = None, total_timeout: float = None,
+ config: dict = None, num_units: int = 1, vca_type: str = "lxc_proxy_charm"):
+ if vca_type == "k8s_proxy_charm":
+ return
+ return await super().install_configuration_sw(
+ ee_id=ee_id, artifact_path=artifact_path, db_dict=db_dict, progress_timeout=progress_timeout,
+ total_timeout=total_timeout, config=config, num_units=num_units)
class NsLcm(LcmBase):
timeout_vca_on_error = 5 * 60 # Time for charm from first time at blocked,error status to mark as failed
- total_deploy_timeout = 2 * 3600 # global timeout for deployment
+ timeout_ns_deploy = 2 * 3600 # default global timeout for deployment a ns
+ timeout_ns_terminate = 1800 # default global timeout for un deployment a ns
timeout_charm_delete = 10 * 60
- timeout_primitive = 10 * 60 # timeout for primitive execution
+ timeout_primitive = 30 * 60 # timeout for primitive execution
+ timeout_progress_primitive = 10 * 60 # timeout for some progress in a primitive execution
+ task_name_deploy_vca = "Deploying VCA"
- def __init__(self, db, msg, fs, lcm_tasks, ro_config, vca_config, loop):
+ def __init__(self, db, msg, fs, lcm_tasks, config, loop, prometheus=None):
Init, Connect to database, filesystem storage, and messaging
:param config: two level dictionary with configuration. Top level should contain 'database', 'storage',
self.loop = loop
self.lcm_tasks = lcm_tasks
- self.ro_config = ro_config
- self.vca_config = vca_config
- if 'pubkey' in self.vca_config:
- self.vca_config['public_key'] = self.vca_config['pubkey']
- if 'cacert' in self.vca_config:
- self.vca_config['ca_cert'] = self.vca_config['cacert']
- if 'apiproxy' in self.vca_config:
- self.vca_config['api_proxy'] = self.vca_config['apiproxy']
+ self.timeout = config["timeout"]
+ self.ro_config = config["ro_config"]
+ self.ng_ro = config["ro_config"].get("ng")
+ self.vca_config = config["VCA"].copy()
# create N2VC connector
- self.n2vc = N2VCJujuConnector(
+ self.n2vc = N2VCJujuConnectorLCM(
url='{}:{}'.format(self.vca_config['host'], self.vca_config['port']),
username=self.vca_config.get('user', None),
- on_update_db=self._on_update_n2vc_db,
- # ca_cert=self.vca_config.get('cacert'),
- # api_proxy=self.vca_config.get('apiproxy'),
+ on_update_db=self._on_update_n2vc_db
+ )
+ self.conn_helm_ee = LCMHelmConn(
+ db=self.db,
+ fs=self.fs,
+ log=self.logger,
+ loop=self.loop,
+ url=None,
+ username=None,
+ vca_config=self.vca_config,
+ on_update_db=self._on_update_n2vc_db
self.k8sclusterhelm = K8sHelmConnector(
+ loop=self.loop,
+ vca_config=self.vca_config,
+ self.k8scluster_map = {
+ "helm-chart": self.k8sclusterhelm,
+ "chart": self.k8sclusterhelm,
+ "juju-bundle": self.k8sclusterjuju,
+ "juju": self.k8sclusterjuju,
+ }
+ self.vca_map = {
+ "lxc_proxy_charm": self.n2vc,
+ "native_charm": self.n2vc,
+ "k8s_proxy_charm": self.n2vc,
+ "helm": self.conn_helm_ee
+ }
+ self.prometheus = prometheus
# create RO client
- self.RO = ROclient.ROClient(self.loop, **self.ro_config)
+ if self.ng_ro:
+ self.RO = NgRoClient(self.loop, **self.ro_config)
+ else:
+ self.RO = ROclient.ROClient(self.loop, **self.ro_config)
- def _on_update_n2vc_db(self, table, filter, path, updated_data):
+ def _on_update_ro_db(self, nsrs_id, ro_descriptor):
- self.logger.debug('_on_update_n2vc_db(table={}, filter={}, path={}, updated_data={}'
- .format(table, filter, path, updated_data))
+ # self.logger.debug('_on_update_ro_db(nsrs_id={}'.format(nsrs_id))
- return
- # write NS status to database
- # try:
- # # nsrs_id = filter.get('_id')
- # # print(nsrs_id)
- # # get ns record
- # nsr = self.db.get_one(table=table, q_filter=filter)
- # # get VCA deployed list
- # vca_list = deep_get(target_dict=nsr, key_list=('_admin', 'deployed', 'VCA'))
- # # get RO deployed
- # # ro_list = deep_get(target_dict=nsr, key_list=('_admin', 'deployed', 'RO'))
- # for vca in vca_list:
- # # status = vca.get('status')
- # # print(status)
- # # detailed_status = vca.get('detailed-status')
- # # print(detailed_status)
- # # for ro in ro_list:
- # # print(ro)
- #
- # except Exception as e:
- # self.logger.error('Error writing NS status to db: {}'.format(e))
+ try:
+ # TODO filter RO descriptor fields...
+ # write to database
+ db_dict = dict()
+ # db_dict['deploymentStatus'] = yaml.dump(ro_descriptor, default_flow_style=False, indent=2)
+ db_dict['deploymentStatus'] = ro_descriptor
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsrs_id, db_dict)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.warn('Cannot write database RO deployment for ns={} -> {}'.format(nsrs_id, e))
+ async def _on_update_n2vc_db(self, table, filter, path, updated_data):
+ # remove last dot from path (if exists)
+ if path.endswith('.'):
+ path = path[:-1]
+ # self.logger.debug('_on_update_n2vc_db(table={}, filter={}, path={}, updated_data={}'
+ # .format(table, filter, path, updated_data))
+ try:
+ nsr_id = filter.get('_id')
+ # read ns record from database
+ nsr = self.db.get_one(table='nsrs', q_filter=filter)
+ current_ns_status = nsr.get('nsState')
+ # get vca status for NS
+ status_dict = await self.n2vc.get_status(namespace='.' + nsr_id, yaml_format=False)
+ # vcaStatus
+ db_dict = dict()
+ db_dict['vcaStatus'] = status_dict
+ # update configurationStatus for this VCA
+ try:
+ vca_index = int(path[path.rfind(".")+1:])
+ vca_list = deep_get(target_dict=nsr, key_list=('_admin', 'deployed', 'VCA'))
+ vca_status = vca_list[vca_index].get('status')
+ configuration_status_list = nsr.get('configurationStatus')
+ config_status = configuration_status_list[vca_index].get('status')
+ if config_status == 'BROKEN' and vca_status != 'failed':
+ db_dict['configurationStatus'][vca_index] = 'READY'
+ elif config_status != 'BROKEN' and vca_status == 'failed':
+ db_dict['configurationStatus'][vca_index] = 'BROKEN'
+ except Exception as e:
+ # not update configurationStatus
+ self.logger.debug('Error updating vca_index (ignore): {}'.format(e))
+ # if nsState = 'READY' check if juju is reporting some error => nsState = 'DEGRADED'
+ # if nsState = 'DEGRADED' check if all is OK
+ is_degraded = False
+ if current_ns_status in ('READY', 'DEGRADED'):
+ error_description = ''
+ # check machines
+ if status_dict.get('machines'):
+ for machine_id in status_dict.get('machines'):
+ machine = status_dict.get('machines').get(machine_id)
+ # check machine agent-status
+ if machine.get('agent-status'):
+ s = machine.get('agent-status').get('status')
+ if s != 'started':
+ is_degraded = True
+ error_description += 'machine {} agent-status={} ; '.format(machine_id, s)
+ # check machine instance status
+ if machine.get('instance-status'):
+ s = machine.get('instance-status').get('status')
+ if s != 'running':
+ is_degraded = True
+ error_description += 'machine {} instance-status={} ; '.format(machine_id, s)
+ # check applications
+ if status_dict.get('applications'):
+ for app_id in status_dict.get('applications'):
+ app = status_dict.get('applications').get(app_id)
+ # check application status
+ if app.get('status'):
+ s = app.get('status').get('status')
+ if s != 'active':
+ is_degraded = True
+ error_description += 'application {} status={} ; '.format(app_id, s)
+ if error_description:
+ db_dict['errorDescription'] = error_description
+ if current_ns_status == 'READY' and is_degraded:
+ db_dict['nsState'] = 'DEGRADED'
+ if current_ns_status == 'DEGRADED' and not is_degraded:
+ db_dict['nsState'] = 'READY'
+ # write to database
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_dict)
+ except (asyncio.CancelledError, asyncio.TimeoutError):
+ raise
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.warn('Error updating NS state for ns={}: {}'.format(nsr_id, e))
+ @staticmethod
+ def _parse_cloud_init(cloud_init_text, additional_params, vnfd_id, vdu_id):
+ try:
+ env = Environment(undefined=StrictUndefined)
+ template = env.from_string(cloud_init_text)
+ return template.render(additional_params or {})
+ except UndefinedError as e:
+ raise LcmException("Variable {} at vnfd[id={}]:vdu[id={}]:cloud-init/cloud-init-"
+ "file, must be provided in the instantiation parameters inside the "
+ "'additionalParamsForVnf/Vdu' block".format(e, vnfd_id, vdu_id))
+ except (TemplateError, TemplateNotFound) as e:
+ raise LcmException("Error parsing Jinja2 to cloud-init content at vnfd[id={}]:vdu[id={}]: {}".
+ format(vnfd_id, vdu_id, e))
+ def _get_cloud_init(self, vdu, vnfd):
+ try:
+ cloud_init_content = cloud_init_file = None
+ if vdu.get("cloud-init-file"):
+ base_folder = vnfd["_admin"]["storage"]
+ cloud_init_file = "{}/{}/cloud_init/{}".format(base_folder["folder"], base_folder["pkg-dir"],
+ vdu["cloud-init-file"])
+ with self.fs.file_open(cloud_init_file, "r") as ci_file:
+ cloud_init_content =
+ elif vdu.get("cloud-init"):
+ cloud_init_content = vdu["cloud-init"]
+ return cloud_init_content
+ except FsException as e:
+ raise LcmException("Error reading vnfd[id={}]:vdu[id={}]:cloud-init-file={}: {}".
+ format(vnfd["id"], vdu["id"], cloud_init_file, e))
+ def _get_osm_params(self, db_vnfr, vdu_id=None, vdu_count_index=0):
+ osm_params = {x.replace("-", "_"): db_vnfr[x] for x in ("ip-address", "vim-account-id", "vnfd-id", "vnfd-ref")
+ if db_vnfr.get(x) is not None}
+ osm_params["ns_id"] = db_vnfr["nsr-id-ref"]
+ osm_params["vnf_id"] = db_vnfr["_id"]
+ osm_params["member_vnf_index"] = db_vnfr["member-vnf-index-ref"]
+ if db_vnfr.get("vdur"):
+ osm_params["vdu"] = {}
+ for vdur in db_vnfr["vdur"]:
+ vdu = {
+ "count_index": vdur["count-index"],
+ "vdu_id": vdur["vdu-id-ref"],
+ "interfaces": {}
+ }
+ if vdur.get("ip-address"):
+ vdu["ip_address"] = vdur["ip-address"]
+ for iface in vdur["interfaces"]:
+ vdu["interfaces"][iface["name"]] = \
+ {x.replace("-", "_"): iface[x] for x in ("mac-address", "ip-address", "vnf-vld-id", "name")
+ if iface.get(x) is not None}
+ vdu_id_index = "{}-{}".format(vdur["vdu-id-ref"], vdur["count-index"])
+ osm_params["vdu"][vdu_id_index] = vdu
+ if vdu_id:
+ osm_params["vdu_id"] = vdu_id
+ osm_params["count_index"] = vdu_count_index
+ return osm_params
+ def _get_vdu_additional_params(self, db_vnfr, vdu_id):
+ vdur = next(vdur for vdur in db_vnfr.get("vdur") if vdu_id == vdur["vdu-id-ref"])
+ additional_params = vdur.get("additionalParams")
+ return self._format_additional_params(additional_params)
def vnfd2RO(self, vnfd, new_id=None, additionalParams=None, nsrId=None):
:param nsrId: Id of the NSR
:return: copy of vnfd
- try:
- vnfd_RO = deepcopy(vnfd)
- # remove unused by RO configuration, monitoring, scaling and internal keys
- vnfd_RO.pop("_id", None)
- vnfd_RO.pop("_admin", None)
- vnfd_RO.pop("vnf-configuration", None)
- vnfd_RO.pop("monitoring-param", None)
- vnfd_RO.pop("scaling-group-descriptor", None)
- vnfd_RO.pop("kdu", None)
- vnfd_RO.pop("k8s-cluster", None)
- if new_id:
- vnfd_RO["id"] = new_id
- # parse cloud-init or cloud-init-file with the provided variables using Jinja2
- for vdu in get_iterable(vnfd_RO, "vdu"):
- cloud_init_file = None
- if vdu.get("cloud-init-file"):
- base_folder = vnfd["_admin"]["storage"]
- cloud_init_file = "{}/{}/cloud_init/{}".format(base_folder["folder"], base_folder["pkg-dir"],
- vdu["cloud-init-file"])
- with self.fs.file_open(cloud_init_file, "r") as ci_file:
- cloud_init_content =
- vdu.pop("cloud-init-file", None)
- elif vdu.get("cloud-init"):
- cloud_init_content = vdu["cloud-init"]
- else:
- continue
- env = Environment()
- ast = env.parse(cloud_init_content)
- mandatory_vars = meta.find_undeclared_variables(ast)
- if mandatory_vars:
- for var in mandatory_vars:
- if not additionalParams or var not in additionalParams.keys():
- raise LcmException("Variable '{}' defined at vnfd[id={}]:vdu[id={}]:cloud-init/cloud-init-"
- "file, must be provided in the instantiation parameters inside the "
- "'additionalParamsForVnf' block".format(var, vnfd["id"], vdu["id"]))
- template = Template(cloud_init_content)
- cloud_init_content = template.render(additionalParams or {})
- vdu["cloud-init"] = cloud_init_content
- return vnfd_RO
- except FsException as e:
- raise LcmException("Error reading vnfd[id={}]:vdu[id={}]:cloud-init-file={}: {}".
- format(vnfd["id"], vdu["id"], cloud_init_file, e))
- except (TemplateError, TemplateNotFound, TemplateSyntaxError) as e:
- raise LcmException("Error parsing Jinja2 to cloud-init content at vnfd[id={}]:vdu[id={}]: {}".
- format(vnfd["id"], vdu["id"], e))
- def ns_params_2_RO(self, ns_params, nsd, vnfd_dict, n2vc_key_list):
+ vnfd_RO = deepcopy(vnfd)
+ # remove unused by RO configuration, monitoring, scaling and internal keys
+ vnfd_RO.pop("_id", None)
+ vnfd_RO.pop("_admin", None)
+ vnfd_RO.pop("vnf-configuration", None)
+ vnfd_RO.pop("monitoring-param", None)
+ vnfd_RO.pop("scaling-group-descriptor", None)
+ vnfd_RO.pop("kdu", None)
+ vnfd_RO.pop("k8s-cluster", None)
+ if new_id:
+ vnfd_RO["id"] = new_id
+ # parse cloud-init or cloud-init-file with the provided variables using Jinja2
+ for vdu in get_iterable(vnfd_RO, "vdu"):
+ vdu.pop("cloud-init-file", None)
+ vdu.pop("cloud-init", None)
+ return vnfd_RO
+ def _ns_params_2_RO(self, ns_params, nsd, vnfd_dict, db_vnfrs, n2vc_key_list):
Creates a RO ns descriptor from OSM ns_instantiate params
:param ns_params: OSM instantiate params
+ :param vnfd_dict: database content of vnfds, indexed by id (not _id). {id: {vnfd_object}, ...}
+ :param db_vnfrs: database content of vnfrs, indexed by member-vnf-index. {member-vnf-index: {vnfr_object}, ...}
:return: The RO ns descriptor
vim_2_RO = {}
"wim_account": wim_account_2_RO(ns_params.get("wimAccountId")),
# "scenario": ns_params["nsdId"],
+ # set vim_account of each vnf if different from general vim_account.
+ # Get this information from <vnfr> database content, key vim-account-id
+ # Vim account can be set by placement_engine and it may be different from
+ # the instantiate parameters (vnfs.member-vnf-index.datacenter).
+ for vnf_index, vnfr in db_vnfrs.items():
+ if vnfr.get("vim-account-id") and vnfr["vim-account-id"] != ns_params["vimAccountId"]:
+ populate_dict(RO_ns_params, ("vnfs", vnf_index, "datacenter"), vim_account_2_RO(vnfr["vim-account-id"]))
n2vc_key_list = n2vc_key_list or []
for vnfd_ref, vnfd in vnfd_dict.items():
("vnfs", vnf_member["member-vnf-index"], "vdus", vdu, "mgmt_keys"),
+ # cloud init
+ for vdu in get_iterable(vnfd, "vdu"):
+ cloud_init_text = self._get_cloud_init(vdu, vnfd)
+ if not cloud_init_text:
+ continue
+ for vnf_member in nsd.get("constituent-vnfd"):
+ if vnf_member["vnfd-id-ref"] != vnfd_ref:
+ continue
+ db_vnfr = db_vnfrs[vnf_member["member-vnf-index"]]
+ additional_params = self._get_vdu_additional_params(db_vnfr, vdu["id"]) or {}
+ cloud_init_list = []
+ for vdu_index in range(0, int(vdu.get("count", 1))):
+ additional_params["OSM"] = self._get_osm_params(db_vnfr, vdu["id"], vdu_index)
+ cloud_init_list.append(self._parse_cloud_init(cloud_init_text, additional_params, vnfd["id"],
+ vdu["id"]))
+ populate_dict(RO_ns_params,
+ ("vnfs", vnf_member["member-vnf-index"], "vdus", vdu["id"], "cloud_init"),
+ cloud_init_list)
if ns_params.get("vduImage"):
RO_ns_params["vduImage"] = ns_params["vduImage"]
raise LcmException("Invalid instantiate parameter vnf:member-vnf-index={} is not present at nsd:"
- if vnf_params.get("vimAccountId"):
- populate_dict(RO_ns_params, ("vnfs", vnf_params["member-vnf-index"], "datacenter"),
- vim_account_2_RO(vnf_params["vimAccountId"]))
for vdu_params in get_iterable(vnf_params, "vdu"):
# TODO feature 1417: check that this VDU exist and it is not a PDU
vdu_id_ref = vdur["vdu-id-ref"]
if vdu_create and vdu_create.get(vdu_id_ref):
+ vdur_copy = deepcopy(vdur)
+ vdur_copy["status"] = "BUILD"
+ vdur_copy["status-detailed"] = None
+ vdur_copy["ip_address"]: None
+ for iface in vdur_copy["interfaces"]:
+ iface["ip-address"] = None
+ iface["mac-address"] = None
+ iface.pop("mgmt_vnf", None) # only first vdu can be managment of vnf # TODO ALF
for index in range(0, vdu_create[vdu_id_ref]):
- vdur = deepcopy(vdur)
- vdur["_id"] = str(uuid4())
- vdur["count-index"] += 1
- vdurs.insert(vdu_index+1+index, vdur)
+ vdur_copy["_id"] = str(uuid4())
+ vdur_copy["count-index"] += 1
+ vdurs.insert(vdu_index+1+index, vdur_copy)
+ self.logger.debug("scale out, adding vdu={}".format(vdur_copy))
+ vdur_copy = deepcopy(vdur_copy)
del vdu_create[vdu_id_ref]
if vdu_delete and vdu_delete.get(vdu_id_ref):
del vdurs[vdu_index]
raise LcmException("ns_update_nsr: Not found vld={} at RO info".format(vld["id"]))
+ def set_vnfr_at_error(self, db_vnfrs, error_text):
+ try:
+ for db_vnfr in db_vnfrs.values():
+ vnfr_update = {"status": "ERROR"}
+ for vdu_index, vdur in enumerate(get_iterable(db_vnfr, "vdur")):
+ if "status" not in vdur:
+ vdur["status"] = "ERROR"
+ vnfr_update["vdur.{}.status".format(vdu_index)] = "ERROR"
+ if error_text:
+ vdur["status-detailed"] = str(error_text)
+ vnfr_update["vdur.{}.status-detailed".format(vdu_index)] = "ERROR"
+ self.update_db_2("vnfrs", db_vnfr["_id"], vnfr_update)
+ except DbException as e:
+ self.logger.error("Cannot update vnf. {}".format(e))
def ns_update_vnfr(self, db_vnfrs, nsr_desc_RO):
Updates database vnfr with the RO info, e.g. ip_address, vim_id... Descriptor db_vnfrs is also updated
if vnf_RO.get("ip_address"):
db_vnfr["ip-address"] = vnfr_update["ip-address"] = vnf_RO["ip_address"].split(";")[0]
elif not db_vnfr.get("ip-address"):
- raise LcmExceptionNoMgmtIP("ns member_vnf_index '{}' has no IP address".format(vnf_index))
+ if db_vnfr.get("vdur"): # if not VDUs, there is not ip_address
+ raise LcmExceptionNoMgmtIP("ns member_vnf_index '{}' has no IP address".format(vnf_index))
for vdu_index, vdur in enumerate(get_iterable(db_vnfr, "vdur")):
vdur_RO_count_index = 0
return ns_config_info
- def _get_initial_config_primitive_list(desc_primitive_list, vca_deployed):
+ def _get_initial_config_primitive_list(desc_primitive_list, vca_deployed, ee_descriptor_id):
Generates a list of initial-config-primitive based on the list provided by the descriptor. It includes internal
primitives as verify-ssh-credentials, or config when needed
:param desc_primitive_list: information of the descriptor
:param vca_deployed: information of the deployed, needed for known if it is related to an NS, VNF, VDU and if
this element contains a ssh public key
+ :param ee_descriptor_id: execution environment descriptor id. It is the value of
+; it can be None
:return: The modified list. Can ba an empty list, but always a list
- if desc_primitive_list:
- primitive_list = desc_primitive_list.copy()
- else:
- primitive_list = []
+ primitive_list = desc_primitive_list or []
+ # filter primitives by ee_id
+ primitive_list = [p for p in primitive_list if p.get("execution-environment-ref") == ee_descriptor_id]
+ # sort by 'seq'
+ if primitive_list:
+ primitive_list.sort(key=lambda val: int(val['seq']))
# look for primitive config, and get the position. None if not present
config_position = None
for index, primitive in enumerate(primitive_list):
if not vca_deployed["member-vnf-index"] and config_position is None:
primitive_list.insert(0, {"name": "config", "parameter": []})
config_position = 0
- # for VNF/VDU add verify-ssh-credentials after config
+ # TODO revise if needed: for VNF/VDU add verify-ssh-credentials after config
if vca_deployed["member-vnf-index"] and config_position is not None and vca_deployed.get("ssh-public-key"):
primitive_list.insert(config_position + 1, {"name": "verify-ssh-credentials", "parameter": []})
return primitive_list
- async def instantiate_RO(self, logging_text, nsr_id, nsd, db_nsr,
- db_nslcmop, db_vnfrs, db_vnfds_ref, n2vc_key_list):
+ async def _instantiate_ng_ro(self, logging_text, nsr_id, nsd, db_nsr, db_nslcmop, db_vnfrs, db_vnfds_ref,
+ n2vc_key_list, stage, start_deploy, timeout_ns_deploy):
+ nslcmop_id = db_nslcmop["_id"]
+ target = {
+ "name": db_nsr["name"],
+ "ns": {"vld": []},
+ "vnf": [],
+ "image": deepcopy(db_nsr["image"]),
+ "flavor": deepcopy(db_nsr["flavor"]),
+ "action_id": nslcmop_id,
+ }
+ for image in target["image"]:
+ image["vim_info"] = []
+ for flavor in target["flavor"]:
+ flavor["vim_info"] = []
+ ns_params = db_nslcmop.get("operationParams")
+ ssh_keys = []
+ if ns_params.get("ssh_keys"):
+ ssh_keys += ns_params.get("ssh_keys")
+ if n2vc_key_list:
+ ssh_keys += n2vc_key_list
+ cp2target = {}
+ for vld_index, vld in enumerate(nsd.get("vld")):
+ target_vld = {"id": vld["id"],
+ "name": vld["name"],
+ "mgmt-network": vld.get("mgmt-network", False),
+ "type": vld.get("type"),
+ "vim_info": [{"vim-network-name": vld.get("vim-network-name"),
+ "vim_account_id": ns_params["vimAccountId"]}],
+ }
+ for cp in vld["vnfd-connection-point-ref"]:
+ cp2target["member_vnf:{}.{}".format(cp["member-vnf-index-ref"], cp["vnfd-connection-point-ref"])] = \
+ "nsrs:{}:vld.{}".format(nsr_id, vld_index)
+ target["ns"]["vld"].append(target_vld)
+ for vnfr in db_vnfrs.values():
+ vnfd = db_vnfds_ref[vnfr["vnfd-ref"]]
+ target_vnf = deepcopy(vnfr)
+ for vld in target_vnf.get("vld", ()):
+ # check if connected to a ns.vld
+ vnf_cp = next((cp for cp in vnfd.get("connection-point", ()) if
+ cp.get("internal-vld-ref") == vld["id"]), None)
+ if vnf_cp:
+ ns_cp = "member_vnf:{}.{}".format(vnfr["member-vnf-index-ref"], vnf_cp["id"])
+ if cp2target.get(ns_cp):
+ vld["target"] = cp2target[ns_cp]
+ vld["vim_info"] = [{"vim-network-name": vld.get("vim-network-name"),
+ "vim_account_id": vnfr["vim-account-id"]}]
+ for vdur in target_vnf.get("vdur", ()):
+ vdur["vim_info"] = [{"vim_account_id": vnfr["vim-account-id"]}]
+ vdud_index, vdud = next(k for k in enumerate(vnfd["vdu"]) if k[1]["id"] == vdur["vdu-id-ref"])
+ # vdur["additionalParams"] = vnfr.get("additionalParamsForVnf") # TODO additional params for VDU
+ if ssh_keys:
+ if deep_get(vdud, ("vdu-configuration", "config-access", "ssh-access", "required")):
+ vdur["ssh-keys"] = ssh_keys
+ vdur["ssh-access-required"] = True
+ elif deep_get(vnfd, ("vnf-configuration", "config-access", "ssh-access", "required")) and \
+ any(iface.get("mgmt-vnf") for iface in vdur["interfaces"]):
+ vdur["ssh-keys"] = ssh_keys
+ vdur["ssh-access-required"] = True
+ # cloud-init
+ if vdud.get("cloud-init-file"):
+ vdur["cloud-init"] = "{}:file:{}".format(vnfd["_id"], vdud.get("cloud-init-file"))
+ elif vdud.get("cloud-init"):
+ vdur["cloud-init"] = "{}:vdu:{}".format(vnfd["_id"], vdud_index)
+ # flavor
+ ns_flavor = target["flavor"][int(vdur["ns-flavor-id"])]
+ if not next((vi for vi in ns_flavor["vim_info"] if
+ vi and vi.get("vim_account_id") == vnfr["vim-account-id"]), None):
+ ns_flavor["vim_info"].append({"vim_account_id": vnfr["vim-account-id"]})
+ # image
+ ns_image = target["image"][int(vdur["ns-image-id"])]
+ if not next((vi for vi in ns_image["vim_info"] if
+ vi and vi.get("vim_account_id") == vnfr["vim-account-id"]), None):
+ ns_image["vim_info"].append({"vim_account_id": vnfr["vim-account-id"]})
+ vdur["vim_info"] = [{"vim_account_id": vnfr["vim-account-id"]}]
+ target["vnf"].append(target_vnf)
+ desc = await self.RO.deploy(nsr_id, target)
+ action_id = desc["action_id"]
+ await self._wait_ng_ro(self, nsr_id, action_id, nslcmop_id, start_deploy, timeout_ns_deploy, stage)
+ # Updating NSR
+ db_nsr_update = {
+ "_admin.deployed.RO.operational-status": "running",
+ "detailed-status": " ".join(stage)
+ }
+ # db_nsr["_admin.deployed.RO.detailed-status"] = "Deployed at VIM"
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
+ self._write_op_status(nslcmop_id, stage)
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "ns deployed at RO. RO_id={}".format(action_id))
+ return
+ async def _wait_ng_ro(self, nsr_id, action_id, nslcmop_id, start_time, timeout, stage):
+ detailed_status_old = None
+ db_nsr_update = {}
+ while time() <= start_time + timeout:
+ desc_status = await self.RO.status(nsr_id, action_id)
+ if desc_status["status"] == "FAILED":
+ raise NgRoException(desc_status["details"])
+ elif desc_status["status"] == "BUILD":
+ stage[2] = "VIM: ({})".format(desc_status["details"])
+ elif desc_status["status"] == "DONE":
+ stage[2] = "Deployed at VIM"
+ break
+ else:
+ assert False, "ROclient.check_ns_status returns unknown {}".format(desc_status["status"])
+ if stage[2] != detailed_status_old:
+ detailed_status_old = stage[2]
+ db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = " ".join(stage)
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
+ self._write_op_status(nslcmop_id, stage)
+ await asyncio.sleep(5, loop=self.loop)
+ else: # timeout_ns_deploy
+ raise NgRoException("Timeout waiting ns to deploy")
+ async def _terminate_ng_ro(self, logging_text, nsr_deployed, nsr_id, nslcmop_id, stage):
db_nsr_update = {}
- RO_descriptor_number = 0 # number of descriptors created at RO
- vnf_index_2_RO_id = {} # map between vnfd/nsd id to the id used at RO
+ failed_detail = []
+ action_id = None
start_deploy = time()
- vdu_flag = False # If any of the VNFDs has VDUs
- ns_params = db_nslcmop.get("operationParams")
+ try:
+ target = {
+ "ns": {"vld": []},
+ "vnf": [],
+ "image": [],
+ "flavor": [],
+ }
+ desc = await self.RO.deploy(nsr_id, target)
+ action_id = desc["action_id"]
+ db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_delete_action_id"] = action_id
+ db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_status"] = "DELETING"
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "ns terminate action at RO. action_id={}".format(action_id))
+ # wait until done
+ delete_timeout = 20 * 60 # 20 minutes
+ await self._wait_ng_ro(self, nsr_id, action_id, nslcmop_id, start_deploy, delete_timeout, stage)
+ db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_delete_action_id"] = None
+ db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_status"] = "DELETED"
+ # delete all nsr
+ await self.RO.delete(nsr_id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ if isinstance(e, NgRoException) and e.http_code == 404: # not found
+ db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_id"] = None
+ db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_status"] = "DELETED"
+ db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_delete_action_id"] = None
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "RO_action_id={} already deleted".format(action_id))
+ elif isinstance(e, NgRoException) and e.http_code == 409: # conflict
+ failed_detail.append("delete conflict: {}".format(e))
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "RO_action_id={} delete conflict: {}".format(action_id, e))
+ else:
+ failed_detail.append("delete error: {}".format(e))
+ self.logger.error(logging_text + "RO_action_id={} delete error: {}".format(action_id, e))
- # deploy RO
- # get vnfds, instantiate at RO
- for c_vnf in nsd.get("constituent-vnfd", ()):
- member_vnf_index = c_vnf["member-vnf-index"]
- vnfd = db_vnfds_ref[c_vnf['vnfd-id-ref']]
- if vnfd.get("vdu"):
- vdu_flag = True
- vnfd_ref = vnfd["id"]
- step = db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.detailed-status"] = "Creating vnfd='{}' member_vnf_index='{}' at" \
- " RO".format(vnfd_ref, member_vnf_index)
- # self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- vnfd_id_RO = "{}.{}.{}".format(nsr_id, RO_descriptor_number, member_vnf_index[:23])
- vnf_index_2_RO_id[member_vnf_index] = vnfd_id_RO
- RO_descriptor_number += 1
+ if failed_detail:
+ stage[2] = "Error deleting from VIM"
+ else:
+ stage[2] = "Deleted from VIM"
+ db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = " ".join(stage)
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
+ self._write_op_status(nslcmop_id, stage)
- # look position at deployed.RO.vnfd if not present it will be appended at the end
- for index, vnf_deployed in enumerate(db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"]["RO"]["vnfd"]):
- if vnf_deployed["member-vnf-index"] == member_vnf_index:
- break
+ if failed_detail:
+ raise LcmException("; ".join(failed_detail))
+ return
+ async def instantiate_RO(self, logging_text, nsr_id, nsd, db_nsr, db_nslcmop, db_vnfrs, db_vnfds_ref,
+ n2vc_key_list, stage):
+ """
+ Instantiate at RO
+ :param logging_text: preffix text to use at logging
+ :param nsr_id: nsr identity
+ :param nsd: database content of ns descriptor
+ :param db_nsr: database content of ns record
+ :param db_nslcmop: database content of ns operation, in this case, 'instantiate'
+ :param db_vnfrs:
+ :param db_vnfds_ref: database content of vnfds, indexed by id (not _id). {id: {vnfd_object}, ...}
+ :param n2vc_key_list: ssh-public-key list to be inserted to management vdus via cloud-init
+ :param stage: list with 3 items: [general stage, tasks, vim_specific]. This task will write over vim_specific
+ :return: None or exception
+ """
+ try:
+ db_nsr_update = {}
+ RO_descriptor_number = 0 # number of descriptors created at RO
+ vnf_index_2_RO_id = {} # map between vnfd/nsd id to the id used at RO
+ nslcmop_id = db_nslcmop["_id"]
+ start_deploy = time()
+ ns_params = db_nslcmop.get("operationParams")
+ if ns_params and ns_params.get("timeout_ns_deploy"):
+ timeout_ns_deploy = ns_params["timeout_ns_deploy"]
- index = len(db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"]["RO"]["vnfd"])
- db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"]["RO"]["vnfd"].append(None)
- # look if present
- RO_update = {"member-vnf-index": member_vnf_index}
- vnfd_list = await self.RO.get_list("vnfd", filter_by={"osm_id": vnfd_id_RO})
- if vnfd_list:
- RO_update["id"] = vnfd_list[0]["uuid"]
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + "vnfd='{}' member_vnf_index='{}' exists at RO. Using RO_id={}".
- format(vnfd_ref, member_vnf_index, vnfd_list[0]["uuid"]))
+ timeout_ns_deploy = self.timeout.get("ns_deploy", self.timeout_ns_deploy)
+ # Check for and optionally request placement optimization. Database will be updated if placement activated
+ stage[2] = "Waiting for Placement."
+ if await self._do_placement(logging_text, db_nslcmop, db_vnfrs):
+ # in case of placement change ns_params[vimAcountId) if not present at any vnfrs
+ for vnfr in db_vnfrs.values():
+ if ns_params["vimAccountId"] == vnfr["vim-account-id"]:
+ break
+ else:
+ ns_params["vimAccountId"] == vnfr["vim-account-id"]
+ if self.ng_ro:
+ return await self._instantiate_ng_ro(logging_text, nsr_id, nsd, db_nsr, db_nslcmop, db_vnfrs,
+ db_vnfds_ref, n2vc_key_list, stage, start_deploy,
+ timeout_ns_deploy)
+ # deploy RO
+ # get vnfds, instantiate at RO
+ for c_vnf in nsd.get("constituent-vnfd", ()):
+ member_vnf_index = c_vnf["member-vnf-index"]
+ vnfd = db_vnfds_ref[c_vnf['vnfd-id-ref']]
+ vnfd_ref = vnfd["id"]
+ stage[2] = "Creating vnfd='{}' member_vnf_index='{}' at RO".format(vnfd_ref, member_vnf_index)
+ db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = " ".join(stage)
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
+ self._write_op_status(nslcmop_id, stage)
+ # self.logger.debug(logging_text + stage[2])
+ vnfd_id_RO = "{}.{}.{}".format(nsr_id, RO_descriptor_number, member_vnf_index[:23])
+ vnf_index_2_RO_id[member_vnf_index] = vnfd_id_RO
+ RO_descriptor_number += 1
+ # look position at deployed.RO.vnfd if not present it will be appended at the end
+ for index, vnf_deployed in enumerate(db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"]["RO"]["vnfd"]):
+ if vnf_deployed["member-vnf-index"] == member_vnf_index:
+ break
+ else:
+ index = len(db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"]["RO"]["vnfd"])
+ db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"]["RO"]["vnfd"].append(None)
+ # look if present
+ RO_update = {"member-vnf-index": member_vnf_index}
+ vnfd_list = await self.RO.get_list("vnfd", filter_by={"osm_id": vnfd_id_RO})
+ if vnfd_list:
+ RO_update["id"] = vnfd_list[0]["uuid"]
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "vnfd='{}' member_vnf_index='{}' exists at RO. Using RO_id={}".
+ format(vnfd_ref, member_vnf_index, vnfd_list[0]["uuid"]))
+ else:
+ vnfd_RO = self.vnfd2RO(vnfd, vnfd_id_RO, db_vnfrs[c_vnf["member-vnf-index"]].
+ get("additionalParamsForVnf"), nsr_id)
+ desc = await self.RO.create("vnfd", descriptor=vnfd_RO)
+ RO_update["id"] = desc["uuid"]
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "vnfd='{}' member_vnf_index='{}' created at RO. RO_id={}".format(
+ vnfd_ref, member_vnf_index, desc["uuid"]))
+ db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.vnfd.{}".format(index)] = RO_update
+ db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"]["RO"]["vnfd"][index] = RO_update
+ # create nsd at RO
+ nsd_ref = nsd["id"]
+ stage[2] = "Creating nsd={} at RO".format(nsd_ref)
+ db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = " ".join(stage)
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
+ self._write_op_status(nslcmop_id, stage)
+ # self.logger.debug(logging_text + stage[2])
+ RO_osm_nsd_id = "{}.{}.{}".format(nsr_id, RO_descriptor_number, nsd_ref[:23])
+ RO_descriptor_number += 1
+ nsd_list = await self.RO.get_list("nsd", filter_by={"osm_id": RO_osm_nsd_id})
+ if nsd_list:
+ db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsd_id"] = RO_nsd_uuid = nsd_list[0]["uuid"]
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "nsd={} exists at RO. Using RO_id={}".format(
+ nsd_ref, RO_nsd_uuid))
- vnfd_RO = self.vnfd2RO(vnfd, vnfd_id_RO, db_vnfrs[c_vnf["member-vnf-index"]].
- get("additionalParamsForVnf"), nsr_id)
- desc = await self.RO.create("vnfd", descriptor=vnfd_RO)
- RO_update["id"] = desc["uuid"]
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + "vnfd='{}' member_vnf_index='{}' created at RO. RO_id={}".format(
- vnfd_ref, member_vnf_index, desc["uuid"]))
- db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.vnfd.{}".format(index)] = RO_update
- db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"]["RO"]["vnfd"][index] = RO_update
+ nsd_RO = deepcopy(nsd)
+ nsd_RO["id"] = RO_osm_nsd_id
+ nsd_RO.pop("_id", None)
+ nsd_RO.pop("_admin", None)
+ for c_vnf in nsd_RO.get("constituent-vnfd", ()):
+ member_vnf_index = c_vnf["member-vnf-index"]
+ c_vnf["vnfd-id-ref"] = vnf_index_2_RO_id[member_vnf_index]
+ for c_vld in nsd_RO.get("vld", ()):
+ for cp in c_vld.get("vnfd-connection-point-ref", ()):
+ member_vnf_index = cp["member-vnf-index-ref"]
+ cp["vnfd-id-ref"] = vnf_index_2_RO_id[member_vnf_index]
+ desc = await self.RO.create("nsd", descriptor=nsd_RO)
+ db_nsr_update["_admin.nsState"] = "INSTANTIATED"
+ db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsd_id"] = RO_nsd_uuid = desc["uuid"]
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "nsd={} created at RO. RO_id={}".format(nsd_ref, RO_nsd_uuid))
self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
- self._on_update_n2vc_db("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id}, "_admin.deployed", db_nsr_update)
- # create nsd at RO
- nsd_ref = nsd["id"]
- step = db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.detailed-status"] = "Creating nsd={} at RO".format(nsd_ref)
- # self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- RO_osm_nsd_id = "{}.{}.{}".format(nsr_id, RO_descriptor_number, nsd_ref[:23])
- RO_descriptor_number += 1
- nsd_list = await self.RO.get_list("nsd", filter_by={"osm_id": RO_osm_nsd_id})
- if nsd_list:
- db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsd_id"] = RO_nsd_uuid = nsd_list[0]["uuid"]
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + "nsd={} exists at RO. Using RO_id={}".format(
- nsd_ref, RO_nsd_uuid))
- else:
- nsd_RO = deepcopy(nsd)
- nsd_RO["id"] = RO_osm_nsd_id
- nsd_RO.pop("_id", None)
- nsd_RO.pop("_admin", None)
- for c_vnf in nsd_RO.get("constituent-vnfd", ()):
- member_vnf_index = c_vnf["member-vnf-index"]
- c_vnf["vnfd-id-ref"] = vnf_index_2_RO_id[member_vnf_index]
- for c_vld in nsd_RO.get("vld", ()):
- for cp in c_vld.get("vnfd-connection-point-ref", ()):
- member_vnf_index = cp["member-vnf-index-ref"]
- cp["vnfd-id-ref"] = vnf_index_2_RO_id[member_vnf_index]
- desc = await self.RO.create("nsd", descriptor=nsd_RO)
- db_nsr_update["_admin.nsState"] = "INSTANTIATED"
- db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsd_id"] = RO_nsd_uuid = desc["uuid"]
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + "nsd={} created at RO. RO_id={}".format(nsd_ref, RO_nsd_uuid))
- self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
- self._on_update_n2vc_db("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id}, "_admin.deployed", db_nsr_update)
+ # Crate ns at RO
+ stage[2] = "Creating nsd={} at RO".format(nsd_ref)
+ db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = " ".join(stage)
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
+ self._write_op_status(nslcmop_id, stage)
- # Crate ns at RO
- # if present use it unless in error status
- RO_nsr_id = deep_get(db_nsr, ("_admin", "deployed", "RO", "nsr_id"))
- if RO_nsr_id:
- try:
- step = db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.detailed-status"] = "Looking for existing ns at RO"
- # self.logger.debug(logging_text + step + " RO_ns_id={}".format(RO_nsr_id))
- desc = await"ns", RO_nsr_id)
- except ROclient.ROClientException as e:
- if e.http_code != HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND:
- raise
- RO_nsr_id = db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_id"] = None
+ # if present use it unless in error status
+ RO_nsr_id = deep_get(db_nsr, ("_admin", "deployed", "RO", "nsr_id"))
if RO_nsr_id:
- ns_status, ns_status_info = self.RO.check_ns_status(desc)
- db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_status"] = ns_status
- if ns_status == "ERROR":
- step = db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.detailed-status"] = "Deleting ns at RO. RO_ns_id={}"\
- .format(RO_nsr_id)
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- await self.RO.delete("ns", RO_nsr_id)
+ try:
+ stage[2] = "Looking for existing ns at RO"
+ db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = " ".join(stage)
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
+ self._write_op_status(nslcmop_id, stage)
+ # self.logger.debug(logging_text + stage[2] + " RO_ns_id={}".format(RO_nsr_id))
+ desc = await"ns", RO_nsr_id)
+ except ROclient.ROClientException as e:
+ if e.http_code != HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND:
+ raise
RO_nsr_id = db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_id"] = None
- if not RO_nsr_id:
- step = db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.detailed-status"] = "Checking dependencies"
- # self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
+ if RO_nsr_id:
+ ns_status, ns_status_info = self.RO.check_ns_status(desc)
+ db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_status"] = ns_status
+ if ns_status == "ERROR":
+ stage[2] = "Deleting ns at RO. RO_ns_id={}".format(RO_nsr_id)
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + stage[2])
+ await self.RO.delete("ns", RO_nsr_id)
+ RO_nsr_id = db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_id"] = None
+ if not RO_nsr_id:
+ stage[2] = "Checking dependencies"
+ db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = " ".join(stage)
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
+ self._write_op_status(nslcmop_id, stage)
+ # self.logger.debug(logging_text + stage[2])
+ # check if VIM is creating and wait look if previous tasks in process
+ task_name, task_dependency = self.lcm_tasks.lookfor_related("vim_account", ns_params["vimAccountId"])
+ if task_dependency:
+ stage[2] = "Waiting for related tasks '{}' to be completed".format(task_name)
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + stage[2])
+ await asyncio.wait(task_dependency, timeout=3600)
+ if ns_params.get("vnf"):
+ for vnf in ns_params["vnf"]:
+ if "vimAccountId" in vnf:
+ task_name, task_dependency = self.lcm_tasks.lookfor_related("vim_account",
+ vnf["vimAccountId"])
+ if task_dependency:
+ stage[2] = "Waiting for related tasks '{}' to be completed.".format(task_name)
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + stage[2])
+ await asyncio.wait(task_dependency, timeout=3600)
+ stage[2] = "Checking instantiation parameters."
+ RO_ns_params = self._ns_params_2_RO(ns_params, nsd, db_vnfds_ref, db_vnfrs, n2vc_key_list)
+ stage[2] = "Deploying ns at VIM."
+ db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = " ".join(stage)
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
+ self._write_op_status(nslcmop_id, stage)
- # check if VIM is creating and wait look if previous tasks in process
- task_name, task_dependency = self.lcm_tasks.lookfor_related("vim_account", ns_params["vimAccountId"])
- if task_dependency:
- step = "Waiting for related tasks to be completed: {}".format(task_name)
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- await asyncio.wait(task_dependency, timeout=3600)
- if ns_params.get("vnf"):
- for vnf in ns_params["vnf"]:
- if "vimAccountId" in vnf:
- task_name, task_dependency = self.lcm_tasks.lookfor_related("vim_account",
- vnf["vimAccountId"])
- if task_dependency:
- step = "Waiting for related tasks to be completed: {}".format(task_name)
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- await asyncio.wait(task_dependency, timeout=3600)
- step = db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.detailed-status"] = "Checking instantiation parameters"
- RO_ns_params = self.ns_params_2_RO(ns_params, nsd, db_vnfds_ref, n2vc_key_list)
- step = db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = "Deploying ns at VIM"
- # step = db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.detailed-status"] = "Deploying ns at VIM"
- desc = await self.RO.create("ns", descriptor=RO_ns_params, name=db_nsr["name"], scenario=RO_nsd_uuid)
- RO_nsr_id = db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_id"] = desc["uuid"]
- db_nsr_update["_admin.nsState"] = "INSTANTIATED"
- db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_status"] = "BUILD"
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + "ns created at RO. RO_id={}".format(desc["uuid"]))
- self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
- self._on_update_n2vc_db("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id}, "_admin.deployed", db_nsr_update)
+ desc = await self.RO.create("ns", descriptor=RO_ns_params, name=db_nsr["name"], scenario=RO_nsd_uuid)
+ RO_nsr_id = db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_id"] = desc["uuid"]
+ db_nsr_update["_admin.nsState"] = "INSTANTIATED"
+ db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_status"] = "BUILD"
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "ns created at RO. RO_id={}".format(desc["uuid"]))
- # wait until NS is ready
- step = ns_status_detailed = detailed_status = "Waiting VIM to deploy ns. RO_ns_id={}".format(RO_nsr_id)
- detailed_status_old = None
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- while time() <= start_deploy + self.total_deploy_timeout:
- desc = await"ns", RO_nsr_id)
- ns_status, ns_status_info = self.RO.check_ns_status(desc)
- db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_status"] = ns_status
- if ns_status == "ERROR":
- raise ROclient.ROClientException(ns_status_info)
- elif ns_status == "BUILD":
- detailed_status = ns_status_detailed + "; {}".format(ns_status_info)
- elif ns_status == "ACTIVE":
- step = detailed_status = "Waiting for management IP address reported by the VIM. Updating VNFRs"
- try:
- if vdu_flag:
- self.ns_update_vnfr(db_vnfrs, desc)
- break
- except LcmExceptionNoMgmtIP:
- pass
- else:
- assert False, "ROclient.check_ns_status returns unknown {}".format(ns_status)
- if detailed_status != detailed_status_old:
- detailed_status_old = db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.detailed-status"] = detailed_status
- self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
- self._on_update_n2vc_db("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id}, "_admin.deployed", db_nsr_update)
- await asyncio.sleep(5, loop=self.loop)
- else: # total_deploy_timeout
- raise ROclient.ROClientException("Timeout waiting ns to be ready")
+ # wait until NS is ready
+ stage[2] = "Waiting VIM to deploy ns."
+ db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = " ".join(stage)
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
+ self._write_op_status(nslcmop_id, stage)
+ detailed_status_old = None
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + stage[2] + " RO_ns_id={}".format(RO_nsr_id))
- step = "Updating NSR"
- self.ns_update_nsr(db_nsr_update, db_nsr, desc)
+ old_desc = None
+ while time() <= start_deploy + timeout_ns_deploy:
+ desc = await"ns", RO_nsr_id)
- db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.operational-status"] = "running"
- db_nsr["_admin.deployed.RO.detailed-status"] = "Deployed at VIM"
- db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.detailed-status"] = "Deployed at VIM"
- self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
- self._on_update_n2vc_db("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id}, "_admin.deployed", db_nsr_update)
+ # deploymentStatus
+ if desc != old_desc:
+ # desc has changed => update db
+ self._on_update_ro_db(nsrs_id=nsr_id, ro_descriptor=desc)
+ old_desc = desc
+ ns_status, ns_status_info = self.RO.check_ns_status(desc)
+ db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_status"] = ns_status
+ if ns_status == "ERROR":
+ raise ROclient.ROClientException(ns_status_info)
+ elif ns_status == "BUILD":
+ stage[2] = "VIM: ({})".format(ns_status_info)
+ elif ns_status == "ACTIVE":
+ stage[2] = "Waiting for management IP address reported by the VIM. Updating VNFRs."
+ try:
+ self.ns_update_vnfr(db_vnfrs, desc)
+ break
+ except LcmExceptionNoMgmtIP:
+ pass
+ else:
+ assert False, "ROclient.check_ns_status returns unknown {}".format(ns_status)
+ if stage[2] != detailed_status_old:
+ detailed_status_old = stage[2]
+ db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = " ".join(stage)
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
+ self._write_op_status(nslcmop_id, stage)
+ await asyncio.sleep(5, loop=self.loop)
+ else: # timeout_ns_deploy
+ raise ROclient.ROClientException("Timeout waiting ns to be ready")
+ # Updating NSR
+ self.ns_update_nsr(db_nsr_update, db_nsr, desc)
+ db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.operational-status"] = "running"
+ # db_nsr["_admin.deployed.RO.detailed-status"] = "Deployed at VIM"
+ stage[2] = "Deployed at VIM"
+ db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = " ".join(stage)
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
+ self._write_op_status(nslcmop_id, stage)
+ # await self._on_update_n2vc_db("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id}, "_admin.deployed", db_nsr_update)
+ # self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Deployed at VIM")
+ except (ROclient.ROClientException, LcmException, DbException, NgRoException) as e:
+ stage[2] = "ERROR deploying at VIM"
+ self.set_vnfr_at_error(db_vnfrs, str(e))
+ raise
+ async def wait_kdu_up(self, logging_text, nsr_id, vnfr_id, kdu_name):
+ """
+ Wait for kdu to be up, get ip address
+ :param logging_text: prefix use for logging
+ :param nsr_id:
+ :param vnfr_id:
+ :param kdu_name:
+ :return: IP address
+ """
+ # self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Starting wait_kdu_up")
+ nb_tries = 0
+ while nb_tries < 360:
+ db_vnfr = self.db.get_one("vnfrs", {"_id": vnfr_id})
+ kdur = next((x for x in get_iterable(db_vnfr, "kdur") if x.get("kdu-name") == kdu_name), None)
+ if not kdur:
+ raise LcmException("Not found vnfr_id={}, kdu_name={}".format(vnfr_id, kdu_name))
+ if kdur.get("status"):
+ if kdur["status"] in ("READY", "ENABLED"):
+ return kdur.get("ip-address")
+ else:
+ raise LcmException("target KDU={} is in error state".format(kdu_name))
- step = "Deployed at VIM"
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
+ await asyncio.sleep(10, loop=self.loop)
+ nb_tries += 1
+ raise LcmException("Timeout waiting KDU={} instantiated".format(kdu_name))
async def wait_vm_up_insert_key_ro(self, logging_text, nsr_id, vnfr_id, vdu_id, vdu_index, pub_key=None, user=None):
raise LcmException("Not found _admin.deployed.RO.nsr_id for nsr_id: {}".format(nsr_id))
await asyncio.sleep(10, loop=self.loop)
- # wait until NS is deployed at RO
- if not ro_nsr_id:
- db_nsrs = self.db.get_one("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id})
- ro_nsr_id = deep_get(db_nsrs, ("_admin", "deployed", "RO", "nsr_id"))
- if not ro_nsr_id:
- continue
# get ip address
if not target_vdu_id:
db_vnfr = self.db.get_one("vnfrs", {"_id": vnfr_id})
if not vdu_id: # for the VNF case
+ if db_vnfr.get("status") == "ERROR":
+ raise LcmException("Cannot inject ssh-key because target VNF is in error state")
ip_address = db_vnfr.get("ip-address")
if not ip_address:
vdur = next((x for x in get_iterable(db_vnfr, "vdur")
if x.get("vdu-id-ref") == vdu_id and x.get("count-index") == vdu_index), None)
+ if not vdur and len(db_vnfr.get("vdur", ())) == 1: # If only one, this should be the target vdu
+ vdur = db_vnfr["vdur"][0]
if not vdur:
- raise LcmException("Not found vnfr_id={}, vdu_index={}, vdu_index={}".format(
- vnfr_id, vdu_id, vdu_index
- ))
+ raise LcmException("Not found vnfr_id={}, vdu_id={}, vdu_index={}".format(vnfr_id, vdu_id,
+ vdu_index))
- if vdur.get("status") == "ACTIVE":
+ if vdur.get("pdu-type") or vdur.get("status") == "ACTIVE":
ip_address = vdur.get("ip-address")
if not ip_address:
if not target_vdu_id:
- # self.logger.debug(logging_text + "IP address={}".format(ip_address))
# inject public key into machine
if pub_key and user:
+ # wait until NS is deployed at RO
+ if not ro_nsr_id:
+ db_nsrs = self.db.get_one("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id})
+ ro_nsr_id = deep_get(db_nsrs, ("_admin", "deployed", "RO", "nsr_id"))
+ if not ro_nsr_id:
+ continue
# self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Inserting RO key")
+ if vdur.get("pdu-type"):
+ self.logger.error(logging_text + "Cannot inject ssh-ky to a PDU")
+ return ip_address
ro_vm_id = "{}-{}".format(db_vnfr["member-vnf-index-ref"], target_vdu_id) # TODO add vdu_index
- result_dict = await self.RO.create_action(
- item="ns",
- item_id_name=ro_nsr_id,
- descriptor={"add_public_key": pub_key, "vms": [ro_vm_id], "user": user}
- )
- # result_dict contains the format {VM-id: {vim_result: 200, description: text}}
- if not result_dict or not isinstance(result_dict, dict):
- raise LcmException("Unknown response from RO when injecting key")
- for result in result_dict.values():
- if result.get("vim_result") == 200:
- break
- else:
- raise ROclient.ROClientException("error injecting key: {}".format(
- result.get("description")))
- break
+ if self.ng_ro:
+ target = {"action": "inject_ssh_key", "key": pub_key, "user": user,
+ "vnf": [{"_id": vnfr_id, "vdur": [{"id": vdu_id}]}],
+ }
+ await self.RO.deploy(nsr_id, target)
+ else:
+ result_dict = await self.RO.create_action(
+ item="ns",
+ item_id_name=ro_nsr_id,
+ descriptor={"add_public_key": pub_key, "vms": [ro_vm_id], "user": user}
+ )
+ # result_dict contains the format {VM-id: {vim_result: 200, description: text}}
+ if not result_dict or not isinstance(result_dict, dict):
+ raise LcmException("Unknown response from RO when injecting key")
+ for result in result_dict.values():
+ if result.get("vim_result") == 200:
+ break
+ else:
+ raise ROclient.ROClientException("error injecting key: {}".format(
+ result.get("description")))
+ break
+ except NgRoException as e:
+ raise LcmException("Reaching max tries injecting key. Error: {}".format(e))
except ROclient.ROClientException as e:
if not nb_tries:
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "error injecting key: {}. Retrying until {} seconds".
my_vca = vca_deployed_list[vca_index]
if my_vca.get("vdu_id") or my_vca.get("kdu_name"):
+ # vdu or kdu: no dependencies
timeout = 300
while timeout >= 0:
- for index, vca_deployed in enumerate(vca_deployed_list):
+ db_nsr = self.db.get_one("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id})
+ vca_deployed_list = db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"]["VCA"]
+ configuration_status_list = db_nsr["configurationStatus"]
+ for index, vca_deployed in enumerate(configuration_status_list):
if index == vca_index:
+ # myself
if not my_vca.get("member-vnf-index") or \
(vca_deployed.get("member-vnf-index") == my_vca.get("member-vnf-index")):
- if not vca_deployed.get("instantiation"):
- break # wait
- if vca_deployed["instantiation"] == "FAILED":
+ internal_status = configuration_status_list[index].get("status")
+ if internal_status == 'READY':
+ continue
+ elif internal_status == 'BROKEN':
raise LcmException("Configuration aborted because dependent charm/s has failed")
+ else:
+ break
+ # no dependencies, return
await asyncio.sleep(10)
timeout -= 1
- db_nsr = self.db.get_one("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id})
- vca_deployed_list = db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"]["VCA"]
raise LcmException("Configuration aborted because dependent charm/s timeout")
- async def instantiate_N2VC(self, logging_text, vca_index, nsi_id, db_nsr, db_vnfr, vdu_id,
- kdu_name, vdu_index, config_descriptor, deploy_params, base_folder):
+ async def instantiate_N2VC(self, logging_text, vca_index, nsi_id, db_nsr, db_vnfr, vdu_id, kdu_name, vdu_index,
+ config_descriptor, deploy_params, base_folder, nslcmop_id, stage, vca_type, vca_name,
+ ee_config_descriptor):
nsr_id = db_nsr["_id"]
db_update_entry = "_admin.deployed.VCA.{}.".format(vca_index)
vca_deployed_list = db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"]["VCA"]
vca_deployed = db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"]["VCA"][vca_index]
+ osm_config = {"osm": {"ns_id": db_nsr["_id"]}}
db_dict = {
'collection': 'nsrs',
'filter': {'_id': nsr_id},
step = ""
+ element_type = 'NS'
+ element_under_configuration = nsr_id
vnfr_id = None
if db_vnfr:
vnfr_id = db_vnfr["_id"]
+ osm_config["osm"]["vnf_id"] = vnfr_id
namespace = "{nsi}.{ns}".format(
nsi=nsi_id if nsi_id else "",
if vnfr_id:
- namespace += "." + vnfr_id
+ element_type = 'VNF'
+ element_under_configuration = vnfr_id
+ namespace += ".{}".format(vnfr_id)
if vdu_id:
namespace += ".{}-{}".format(vdu_id, vdu_index or 0)
+ element_type = 'VDU'
+ element_under_configuration = "{}-{}".format(vdu_id, vdu_index or 0)
+ osm_config["osm"]["vdu_id"] = vdu_id
+ elif kdu_name:
+ namespace += ".{}".format(kdu_name)
+ element_type = 'KDU'
+ element_under_configuration = kdu_name
+ osm_config["osm"]["kdu_name"] = kdu_name
# Get artifact path
- artifact_path = "{}/{}/charms/{}".format(
+ artifact_path = "{}/{}/{}/{}".format(
- config_descriptor["juju"]["charm"]
+ "charms" if vca_type in ("native_charm", "lxc_proxy_charm", "k8s_proxy_charm") else "helm-charts",
+ vca_name
+ # get initial_config_primitive_list that applies to this element
+ initial_config_primitive_list = config_descriptor.get('initial-config-primitive')
- is_proxy_charm = deep_get(config_descriptor, ('juju', 'charm')) is not None
- if deep_get(config_descriptor, ('juju', 'proxy')) is False:
- is_proxy_charm = False
+ # add config if not present for NS charm
+ ee_descriptor_id = ee_config_descriptor.get("id")
+ initial_config_primitive_list = self._get_initial_config_primitive_list(initial_config_primitive_list,
+ vca_deployed, ee_descriptor_id)
# n2vc_redesign STEP 3.1
# find old ee_id if exists
ee_id = vca_deployed.get("ee_id")
# create or register execution environment in VCA
- if is_proxy_charm:
+ if vca_type in ("lxc_proxy_charm", "k8s_proxy_charm", "helm"):
+ self._write_configuration_status(
+ nsr_id=nsr_id,
+ vca_index=vca_index,
+ status='CREATING',
+ element_under_configuration=element_under_configuration,
+ element_type=element_type
+ )
step = "create execution environment"
self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- ee_id, credentials = await self.n2vc.create_execution_environment(namespace=namespace,
- reuse_ee_id=ee_id,
- db_dict=db_dict)
- else:
+ ee_id, credentials = await self.vca_map[vca_type].create_execution_environment(
+ namespace=namespace,
+ reuse_ee_id=ee_id,
+ db_dict=db_dict,
+ config=osm_config,
+ artifact_path=artifact_path,
+ vca_type=vca_type)
+ elif vca_type == "native_charm":
step = "Waiting to VM being up and getting IP address"
self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
rw_mgmt_ip = await self.wait_vm_up_insert_key_ro(logging_text, nsr_id, vnfr_id, vdu_id, vdu_index,
username = deep_get(config_descriptor, ("config-access", "ssh-access", "default-user"))
# TODO remove this when changes on IM regarding config-access:ssh-access:default-user were
# merged. Meanwhile let's get username from initial-config-primitive
- if not username and config_descriptor.get("initial-config-primitive"):
- for config_primitive in config_descriptor["initial-config-primitive"]:
+ if not username and initial_config_primitive_list:
+ for config_primitive in initial_config_primitive_list:
for param in config_primitive.get("parameter", ()):
if param["name"] == "ssh-username":
username = param["value"]
if not username:
- raise LcmException("Cannot determine the username neither with 'initial-config-promitive' nor with "
+ raise LcmException("Cannot determine the username neither with 'initial-config-primitive' nor with "
credentials["username"] = username
# n2vc_redesign STEP 3.2
+ self._write_configuration_status(
+ nsr_id=nsr_id,
+ vca_index=vca_index,
+ status='REGISTERING',
+ element_under_configuration=element_under_configuration,
+ element_type=element_type
+ )
step = "register execution environment {}".format(credentials)
self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- ee_id = await self.n2vc.register_execution_environment(credentials=credentials, namespace=namespace,
- db_dict=db_dict)
+ ee_id = await self.vca_map[vca_type].register_execution_environment(
+ credentials=credentials, namespace=namespace, db_dict=db_dict)
# for compatibility with MON/POL modules, the need model and application name at database
- # TODO ask to N2VC instead of assuming the format "model_name.application_name"
+ # TODO ask MON/POL if needed to not assuming anymore the format "model_name.application_name"
ee_id_parts = ee_id.split('.')
- model_name = ee_id_parts[0]
- application_name = ee_id_parts[1]
- self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, {db_update_entry + "model": model_name,
- db_update_entry + "application": application_name,
- db_update_entry + "ee_id": ee_id})
+ db_nsr_update = {db_update_entry + "ee_id": ee_id}
+ if len(ee_id_parts) >= 2:
+ model_name = ee_id_parts[0]
+ application_name = ee_id_parts[1]
+ db_nsr_update[db_update_entry + "model"] = model_name
+ db_nsr_update[db_update_entry + "application"] = application_name
# n2vc_redesign STEP 3.3
step = "Install configuration Software"
+ self._write_configuration_status(
+ nsr_id=nsr_id,
+ vca_index=vca_index,
+ status='INSTALLING SW',
+ element_under_configuration=element_under_configuration,
+ element_type=element_type,
+ other_update=db_nsr_update
+ )
# TODO check if already done
self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- await self.n2vc.install_configuration_sw(ee_id=ee_id, artifact_path=artifact_path, db_dict=db_dict)
+ config = None
+ if vca_type == "native_charm":
+ config_primitive = next((p for p in initial_config_primitive_list if p["name"] == "config"), None)
+ if config_primitive:
+ config = self._map_primitive_params(
+ config_primitive,
+ {},
+ deploy_params
+ )
+ num_units = 1
+ if vca_type == "lxc_proxy_charm":
+ if element_type == "NS":
+ num_units = db_nsr.get("config-units") or 1
+ elif element_type == "VNF":
+ num_units = db_vnfr.get("config-units") or 1
+ elif element_type == "VDU":
+ for v in db_vnfr["vdur"]:
+ if vdu_id == v["vdu-id-ref"]:
+ num_units = v.get("config-units") or 1
+ break
+ await self.vca_map[vca_type].install_configuration_sw(
+ ee_id=ee_id,
+ artifact_path=artifact_path,
+ db_dict=db_dict,
+ config=config,
+ num_units=num_units,
+ vca_type=vca_type
+ )
+ # write in db flag of configuration_sw already installed
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, {db_update_entry + "config_sw_installed": True})
+ # add relations for this VCA (wait for other peers related with this VCA)
+ await self._add_vca_relations(logging_text=logging_text, nsr_id=nsr_id,
+ vca_index=vca_index, vca_type=vca_type)
# if SSH access is required, then get execution environment SSH public
- if is_proxy_charm: # if native charm we have waited already to VM be UP
+ # if native charm we have waited already to VM be UP
+ if vca_type in ("k8s_proxy_charm", "lxc_proxy_charm", "helm"):
pub_key = None
user = None
+ # self.logger.debug("get ssh key block")
if deep_get(config_descriptor, ("config-access", "ssh-access", "required")):
+ # self.logger.debug("ssh key needed")
# Needed to inject a ssh key
user = deep_get(config_descriptor, ("config-access", "ssh-access", "default-user"))
step = "Install configuration Software, getting public ssh key"
- pub_key = await self.n2vc.get_ee_ssh_public__key(ee_id=ee_id, db_dict=db_dict)
+ pub_key = await self.vca_map[vca_type].get_ee_ssh_public__key(ee_id=ee_id, db_dict=db_dict)
step = "Insert public key into VM user={} ssh_key={}".format(user, pub_key)
+ # self.logger.debug("no need to get ssh key")
step = "Waiting to VM being up and getting IP address"
self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
# n2vc_redesign STEP 5.1
# wait for RO (ip-address) Insert pub_key into VM
if vnfr_id:
- rw_mgmt_ip = await self.wait_vm_up_insert_key_ro(logging_text, nsr_id, vnfr_id, vdu_id, vdu_index,
- user=user, pub_key=pub_key)
+ if kdu_name:
+ rw_mgmt_ip = await self.wait_kdu_up(logging_text, nsr_id, vnfr_id, kdu_name)
+ else:
+ rw_mgmt_ip = await self.wait_vm_up_insert_key_ro(logging_text, nsr_id, vnfr_id, vdu_id,
+ vdu_index, user=user, pub_key=pub_key)
rw_mgmt_ip = None # This is for a NS configuration
# n2vc_redesign STEP 6 Execute initial config primitive
step = 'execute initial config primitive'
- initial_config_primitive_list = config_descriptor.get('initial-config-primitive')
- # sort initial config primitives by 'seq'
- try:
- initial_config_primitive_list.sort(key=lambda val: int(val['seq']))
- except Exception as e:
- self.logger.error(logging_text + step + ": " + str(e))
- # add config if not present for NS charm
- initial_config_primitive_list = self._get_initial_config_primitive_list(initial_config_primitive_list,
- vca_deployed)
+ # wait for dependent primitives execution (NS -> VNF -> VDU)
if initial_config_primitive_list:
await self._wait_dependent_n2vc(nsr_id, vca_deployed_list, vca_index)
+ # stage, in function of element type: vdu, kdu, vnf or ns
+ my_vca = vca_deployed_list[vca_index]
+ if my_vca.get("vdu_id") or my_vca.get("kdu_name"):
+ # VDU or KDU
+ stage[0] = 'Stage 3/5: running Day-1 primitives for VDU.'
+ elif my_vca.get("member-vnf-index"):
+ # VNF
+ stage[0] = 'Stage 4/5: running Day-1 primitives for VNF.'
+ else:
+ # NS
+ stage[0] = 'Stage 5/5: running Day-1 primitives for NS.'
+ self._write_configuration_status(
+ nsr_id=nsr_id,
+ vca_index=vca_index,
+ )
+ self._write_op_status(
+ op_id=nslcmop_id,
+ stage=stage
+ )
+ check_if_terminated_needed = True
for initial_config_primitive in initial_config_primitive_list:
# adding information on the vca_deployed if it is a NS execution environment
if not vca_deployed["member-vnf-index"]:
step = "execute primitive '{}' params '{}'".format(initial_config_primitive["name"], primitive_params_)
self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- await self.n2vc.exec_primitive(
+ await self.vca_map[vca_type].exec_primitive(
+ # Once some primitive has been exec, check and write at db if it needs to exec terminated primitives
+ if check_if_terminated_needed:
+ if config_descriptor.get('terminate-config-primitive'):
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, {db_update_entry + "needed_terminate": True})
+ check_if_terminated_needed = False
# TODO register in database that primitive is done
+ # STEP 7 Configure metrics
+ if vca_type == "helm":
+ prometheus_jobs = await self.add_prometheus_metrics(
+ ee_id=ee_id,
+ artifact_path=artifact_path,
+ ee_config_descriptor=ee_config_descriptor,
+ vnfr_id=vnfr_id,
+ nsr_id=nsr_id,
+ target_ip=rw_mgmt_ip,
+ )
+ if prometheus_jobs:
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, {db_update_entry + "prometheus_jobs": prometheus_jobs})
step = "instantiated at VCA"
- self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, {db_update_entry + "instantiation": "COMPLETED"})
self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
+ self._write_configuration_status(
+ nsr_id=nsr_id,
+ vca_index=vca_index,
+ status='READY'
+ )
except Exception as e: # TODO not use Exception but N2VC exception
- self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, {db_update_entry + "instantiation": "FAILED"})
- raise Exception("{} {}".format(step, e)) from e
- # TODO raise N2VC exception with 'step' extra information
+ # self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, {db_update_entry + "instantiation": "FAILED"})
+ if not isinstance(e, (DbException, N2VCException, LcmException, asyncio.CancelledError)):
+ self.logger.error("Exception while {} : {}".format(step, e), exc_info=True)
+ self._write_configuration_status(
+ nsr_id=nsr_id,
+ vca_index=vca_index,
+ status='BROKEN'
+ )
+ raise LcmException("{} {}".format(step, e)) from e
def _write_ns_status(self, nsr_id: str, ns_state: str, current_operation: str, current_operation_id: str,
- error_description: str = None, error_detail: str = None):
+ error_description: str = None, error_detail: str = None, other_update: dict = None):
+ """
+ Update db_nsr fields.
+ :param nsr_id:
+ :param ns_state:
+ :param current_operation:
+ :param current_operation_id:
+ :param error_description:
+ :param error_detail:
+ :param other_update: Other required changes at database if provided, will be cleared
+ :return:
+ """
- db_dict = dict()
- if ns_state:
- db_dict["nsState"] = ns_state
+ db_dict = other_update or {}
+ db_dict["_admin.nslcmop"] = current_operation_id # for backward compatibility
+ db_dict["_admin.current-operation"] = current_operation_id
+ db_dict["_admin.operation-type"] = current_operation if current_operation != "IDLE" else None
db_dict["currentOperation"] = current_operation
db_dict["currentOperationID"] = current_operation_id
db_dict["errorDescription"] = error_description
db_dict["errorDetail"] = error_detail
+ if ns_state:
+ db_dict["nsState"] = ns_state
self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_dict)
- except Exception as e:
- self.logger.warn('Error writing NS status: {}'.format(e))
+ except DbException as e:
+ self.logger.warn('Error writing NS status, ns={}: {}'.format(nsr_id, e))
+ def _write_op_status(self, op_id: str, stage: list = None, error_message: str = None, queuePosition: int = 0,
+ operation_state: str = None, other_update: dict = None):
+ try:
+ db_dict = other_update or {}
+ db_dict['queuePosition'] = queuePosition
+ if isinstance(stage, list):
+ db_dict['stage'] = stage[0]
+ db_dict['detailed-status'] = " ".join(stage)
+ elif stage is not None:
+ db_dict['stage'] = str(stage)
+ if error_message is not None:
+ db_dict['errorMessage'] = error_message
+ if operation_state is not None:
+ db_dict['operationState'] = operation_state
+ db_dict["statusEnteredTime"] = time()
+ self.update_db_2("nslcmops", op_id, db_dict)
+ except DbException as e:
+ self.logger.warn('Error writing OPERATION status for op_id: {} -> {}'.format(op_id, e))
+ def _write_all_config_status(self, db_nsr: dict, status: str):
+ try:
+ nsr_id = db_nsr["_id"]
+ # configurationStatus
+ config_status = db_nsr.get('configurationStatus')
+ if config_status:
+ db_nsr_update = {"configurationStatus.{}.status".format(index): status for index, v in
+ enumerate(config_status) if v}
+ # update status
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
+ except DbException as e:
+ self.logger.warn('Error writing all configuration status, ns={}: {}'.format(nsr_id, e))
+ def _write_configuration_status(self, nsr_id: str, vca_index: int, status: str = None,
+ element_under_configuration: str = None, element_type: str = None,
+ other_update: dict = None):
+ # self.logger.debug('_write_configuration_status(): vca_index={}, status={}'
+ # .format(vca_index, status))
+ try:
+ db_path = 'configurationStatus.{}.'.format(vca_index)
+ db_dict = other_update or {}
+ if status:
+ db_dict[db_path + 'status'] = status
+ if element_under_configuration:
+ db_dict[db_path + 'elementUnderConfiguration'] = element_under_configuration
+ if element_type:
+ db_dict[db_path + 'elementType'] = element_type
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_dict)
+ except DbException as e:
+ self.logger.warn('Error writing configuration status={}, ns={}, vca_index={}: {}'
+ .format(status, nsr_id, vca_index, e))
+ async def _do_placement(self, logging_text, db_nslcmop, db_vnfrs):
+ """
+ Check and computes the placement, (vim account where to deploy). If it is decided by an external tool, it
+ sends the request via kafka and wait until the result is wrote at database (nslcmops _admin.plca).
+ Database is used because the result can be obtained from a different LCM worker in case of HA.
+ :param logging_text: contains the prefix for logging, with the ns and nslcmop identifiers
+ :param db_nslcmop: database content of nslcmop
+ :param db_vnfrs: database content of vnfrs, indexed by member-vnf-index.
+ :return: True if some modification is done. Modifies database vnfrs and parameter db_vnfr with the
+ computed 'vim-account-id'
+ """
+ modified = False
+ nslcmop_id = db_nslcmop['_id']
+ placement_engine = deep_get(db_nslcmop, ('operationParams', 'placement-engine'))
+ if placement_engine == "PLA":
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Invoke and wait for placement optimization")
+ await self.msg.aiowrite("pla", "get_placement", {'nslcmopId': nslcmop_id}, loop=self.loop)
+ db_poll_interval = 5
+ wait = db_poll_interval * 10
+ pla_result = None
+ while not pla_result and wait >= 0:
+ await asyncio.sleep(db_poll_interval)
+ wait -= db_poll_interval
+ db_nslcmop = self.db.get_one("nslcmops", {"_id": nslcmop_id})
+ pla_result = deep_get(db_nslcmop, ('_admin', 'pla'))
+ if not pla_result:
+ raise LcmException("Placement timeout for nslcmopId={}".format(nslcmop_id))
+ for pla_vnf in pla_result['vnf']:
+ vnfr = db_vnfrs.get(pla_vnf['member-vnf-index'])
+ if not pla_vnf.get('vimAccountId') or not vnfr:
+ continue
+ modified = True
+ self.db.set_one("vnfrs", {"_id": vnfr["_id"]}, {"vim-account-id": pla_vnf['vimAccountId']})
+ # Modifies db_vnfrs
+ vnfr["vim-account-id"] = pla_vnf['vimAccountId']
+ return modified
+ def update_nsrs_with_pla_result(self, params):
+ try:
+ nslcmop_id = deep_get(params, ('placement', 'nslcmopId'))
+ self.update_db_2("nslcmops", nslcmop_id, {"_admin.pla": params.get('placement')})
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.warn('Update failed for nslcmop_id={}:{}'.format(nslcmop_id, e))
async def instantiate(self, nsr_id, nslcmop_id):
# Try to lock HA task here
task_is_locked_by_me = self.lcm_tasks.lock_HA('ns', 'nslcmops', nslcmop_id)
if not task_is_locked_by_me:
- self.logger.debug('instantiate() task is not locked by me')
+ self.logger.debug('instantiate() task is not locked by me, ns={}'.format(nsr_id))
logging_text = "Task ns={} instantiate={} ".format(nsr_id, nslcmop_id)
db_nslcmop = None
# update operation on nsrs
- db_nsr_update = {"_admin.nslcmop": nslcmop_id,
- "_admin.current-operation": nslcmop_id,
- "_admin.operation-type": "instantiate"}
- self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
+ db_nsr_update = {}
# update operation on nslcmops
db_nslcmop_update = {}
nslcmop_operation_state = None
db_vnfrs = {} # vnf's info indexed by member-index
# n2vc_info = {}
- task_instantiation_list = []
- task_instantiation_info = {} # from task to info text
+ tasks_dict_info = {} # from task to info text
exc = None
+ error_list = []
+ stage = ['Stage 1/5: preparation of the environment.', "Waiting for previous operations to terminate.", ""]
+ # ^ stage, step, VIM progress
# wait for any previous tasks in process
- step = "Waiting for previous operations to terminate"
await self.lcm_tasks.waitfor_related_HA('ns', 'nslcmops', nslcmop_id)
- # STEP 0: Reading database (nslcmops, nsrs, nsds, vnfrs, vnfds)
+ stage[1] = "Sync filesystem from database."
+ self.fs.sync() # TODO, make use of partial sync, only for the needed packages
+ # STEP 0: Reading database (nslcmops, nsrs, nsds, vnfrs, vnfds)
+ stage[1] = "Reading from database."
# nsState="BUILDING", currentOperation="INSTANTIATING", currentOperationID=nslcmop_id
+ db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = "creating"
+ db_nsr_update["operational-status"] = "init"
- current_operation_id=nslcmop_id
+ current_operation_id=nslcmop_id,
+ other_update=db_nsr_update
+ )
+ self._write_op_status(
+ op_id=nslcmop_id,
+ stage=stage,
+ queuePosition=0
# read from db: operation
- step = "Getting nslcmop={} from db".format(nslcmop_id)
+ stage[1] = "Getting nslcmop={} from db.".format(nslcmop_id)
db_nslcmop = self.db.get_one("nslcmops", {"_id": nslcmop_id})
+ ns_params = db_nslcmop.get("operationParams")
+ if ns_params and ns_params.get("timeout_ns_deploy"):
+ timeout_ns_deploy = ns_params["timeout_ns_deploy"]
+ else:
+ timeout_ns_deploy = self.timeout.get("ns_deploy", self.timeout_ns_deploy)
# read from db: ns
- step = "Getting nsr={} from db".format(nsr_id)
+ stage[1] = "Getting nsr={} from db.".format(nsr_id)
db_nsr = self.db.get_one("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id})
- # nsd is replicated into ns (no db read)
- nsd = db_nsr["nsd"]
+ stage[1] = "Getting nsd={} from db.".format(db_nsr["nsd-id"])
+ nsd = self.db.get_one("nsds", {"_id": db_nsr["nsd-id"]})
+ db_nsr["nsd"] = nsd
# nsr_name = db_nsr["name"] # TODO short-name??
# read from db: vnf's of this ns
- step = "Getting vnfrs from db"
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
+ stage[1] = "Getting vnfrs from db."
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + stage[1])
db_vnfrs_list = self.db.get_list("vnfrs", {"nsr-id-ref": nsr_id})
# read from db: vnfd's for every vnf
db_vnfrs[vnfr["member-vnf-index-ref"]] = vnfr # vnf's dict indexed by member-index: '1', '2', etc
vnfd_id = vnfr["vnfd-id"] # vnfd uuid for this vnf
vnfd_ref = vnfr["vnfd-ref"] # vnfd name for this vnf
# if we haven't this vnfd, read it from db
if vnfd_id not in db_vnfds:
- # read from cb
- step = "Getting vnfd={} id='{}' from db".format(vnfd_id, vnfd_ref)
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
+ # read from db
+ stage[1] = "Getting vnfd={} id='{}' from db.".format(vnfd_id, vnfd_ref)
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + stage[1])
vnfd = self.db.get_one("vnfds", {"_id": vnfd_id})
# store vnfd
vca_deployed_list = db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"].get("VCA")
if vca_deployed_list is None:
vca_deployed_list = []
+ configuration_status_list = []
db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.VCA"] = vca_deployed_list
+ db_nsr_update["configurationStatus"] = configuration_status_list
# add _admin.deployed.VCA to db_nsr dictionary, value=vca_deployed_list
populate_dict(db_nsr, ("_admin", "deployed", "VCA"), vca_deployed_list)
elif isinstance(vca_deployed_list, dict):
db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.VCA"] = vca_deployed_list
populate_dict(db_nsr, ("_admin", "deployed", "VCA"), vca_deployed_list)
- db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = "creating"
- db_nsr_update["operational-status"] = "init"
if not isinstance(deep_get(db_nsr, ("_admin", "deployed", "RO", "vnfd")), list):
populate_dict(db_nsr, ("_admin", "deployed", "RO", "vnfd"), [])
db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.vnfd"] = []
# set state to INSTANTIATED. When instantiated NBI will not delete directly
db_nsr_update["_admin.nsState"] = "INSTANTIATED"
self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Before deploy_kdus")
+ self.db.set_list("vnfrs", {"nsr-id-ref": nsr_id}, {"_admin.nsState": "INSTANTIATED"})
+ # n2vc_redesign STEP 2 Deploy Network Scenario
+ stage[0] = 'Stage 2/5: deployment of KDUs, VMs and execution environments.'
+ self._write_op_status(
+ op_id=nslcmop_id,
+ stage=stage
+ )
+ stage[1] = "Deploying KDUs."
+ # self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Before deploy_kdus")
# Call to deploy_kdus in case exists the "vdu:kdu" param
- task_kdu = asyncio.ensure_future(
- self.deploy_kdus(
- logging_text=logging_text,
- nsr_id=nsr_id,
- db_nsr=db_nsr,
- db_vnfrs=db_vnfrs,
- )
+ await self.deploy_kdus(
+ logging_text=logging_text,
+ nsr_id=nsr_id,
+ nslcmop_id=nslcmop_id,
+ db_vnfrs=db_vnfrs,
+ db_vnfds=db_vnfds,
+ task_instantiation_info=tasks_dict_info,
- self.lcm_tasks.register("ns", nsr_id, nslcmop_id, "instantiate_KDUs", task_kdu)
- task_instantiation_info[task_kdu] = "Deploy KDUs"
- task_instantiation_list.append(task_kdu)
+ stage[1] = "Getting VCA public key."
# n2vc_redesign STEP 1 Get VCA public ssh-key
# feature 1429. Add n2vc public key to needed VMs
n2vc_key = self.n2vc.get_public_key()
if self.vca_config.get("public_key"):
- # n2vc_redesign STEP 2 Deploy Network Scenario
+ stage[1] = "Deploying NS at VIM."
task_ro = asyncio.ensure_future(
- n2vc_key_list=n2vc_key_list
+ n2vc_key_list=n2vc_key_list,
+ stage=stage
self.lcm_tasks.register("ns", nsr_id, nslcmop_id, "instantiate_RO", task_ro)
- task_instantiation_info[task_ro] = "Deploy at VIM"
- task_instantiation_list.append(task_ro)
+ tasks_dict_info[task_ro] = "Deploying at VIM"
# n2vc_redesign STEP 3 to 6 Deploy N2VC
- step = "Looking for needed vnfd to configure with proxy charm"
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
+ stage[1] = "Deploying Execution Environments."
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + stage[1])
nsi_id = None # TODO put nsi_id when this nsr belongs to a NSI
# get_iterable() returns a value from a dict or empty tuple if key does not exist
kdu_name = None
# Get additional parameters
- deploy_params = {}
+ deploy_params = {"OSM": self._get_osm_params(db_vnfr)}
if db_vnfr.get("additionalParamsForVnf"):
- deploy_params = self._format_additional_params(db_vnfr["additionalParamsForVnf"].copy())
+ deploy_params.update(self._format_additional_params(db_vnfr["additionalParamsForVnf"].copy()))
descriptor_config = vnfd.get("vnf-configuration")
- if descriptor_config and descriptor_config.get("juju"):
+ if descriptor_config:
logging_text=logging_text + "member_vnf_index={} ".format(member_vnf_index),
- task_instantiation_list=task_instantiation_list,
- task_instantiation_info=task_instantiation_info
+ task_instantiation_info=tasks_dict_info,
+ stage=stage
# Deploy charms for each VDU that supports one.
deploy_params_vdu = self._format_additional_params(vdur["additionalParams"])
deploy_params_vdu = deploy_params
- if descriptor_config and descriptor_config.get("juju"):
- # look for vdu index in the db_vnfr["vdu"] section
- # for vdur_index, vdur in enumerate(db_vnfr["vdur"]):
- # if vdur["vdu-id-ref"] == vdu_id:
- # break
- # else:
- # raise LcmException("Mismatch vdu_id={} not found in the vnfr['vdur'] list for "
- # "member_vnf_index={}".format(vdu_id, member_vnf_index))
- # vdu_name = vdur.get("name")
+ deploy_params_vdu["OSM"] = self._get_osm_params(db_vnfr, vdu_id, vdu_count_index=0)
+ if descriptor_config:
vdu_name = None
kdu_name = None
for vdu_index in range(int(vdud.get("count", 1))):
- task_instantiation_list=task_instantiation_list,
- task_instantiation_info=task_instantiation_info
+ task_instantiation_info=tasks_dict_info,
+ stage=stage
for kdud in get_iterable(vnfd, 'kdu'):
kdu_name = kdud["name"]
descriptor_config = kdud.get('kdu-configuration')
- if descriptor_config and descriptor_config.get("juju"):
+ if descriptor_config:
vdu_id = None
vdu_index = 0
vdu_name = None
- # look for vdu index in the db_vnfr["vdu"] section
- # for vdur_index, vdur in enumerate(db_vnfr["vdur"]):
- # if vdur["vdu-id-ref"] == vdu_id:
- # break
- # else:
- # raise LcmException("Mismatch vdu_id={} not found in the vnfr['vdur'] list for "
- # "member_vnf_index={}".format(vdu_id, member_vnf_index))
- # vdu_name = vdur.get("name")
- # vdu_name = None
+ kdur = next(x for x in db_vnfr["kdur"] if x["kdu-name"] == kdu_name)
+ deploy_params_kdu = {"OSM": self._get_osm_params(db_vnfr)}
+ if kdur.get("additionalParams"):
+ deploy_params_kdu = self._format_additional_params(kdur["additionalParams"])
- deploy_params=deploy_params,
+ deploy_params=deploy_params_kdu,
- task_instantiation_list=task_instantiation_list,
- task_instantiation_info=task_instantiation_info
+ task_instantiation_info=tasks_dict_info,
+ stage=stage
# Check if this NS has a charm configuration
vdu_name = None
# Get additional parameters
- deploy_params = {}
+ deploy_params = {"OSM": self._get_osm_params(db_vnfr)}
if db_nsr.get("additionalParamsForNs"):
- deploy_params = self._format_additional_params(db_nsr["additionalParamsForNs"].copy())
+ deploy_params.update(self._format_additional_params(db_nsr["additionalParamsForNs"].copy()))
base_folder = nsd["_admin"]["storage"]
- task_instantiation_list=task_instantiation_list,
- task_instantiation_info=task_instantiation_info
+ task_instantiation_info=tasks_dict_info,
+ stage=stage
- # Wait until all tasks of "task_instantiation_list" have been finished
- # while time() <= start_deploy + self.total_deploy_timeout:
- error_text_list = []
- timeout = 3600
- # let's begin with all OK
- instantiated_ok = True
- # let's begin with RO 'running' status (later we can change it)
- db_nsr_update["operational-status"] = "running"
- # let's begin with VCA 'configured' status (later we can change it)
- db_nsr_update["config-status"] = "configured"
- if task_instantiation_list:
- # wait for all tasks completion
- done, pending = await asyncio.wait(task_instantiation_list, timeout=timeout)
- for task in pending:
- instantiated_ok = False
- if task == task_ro:
- db_nsr_update["operational-status"] = "failed"
- else:
- db_nsr_update["config-status"] = "failed"
- self.logger.error(logging_text + task_instantiation_info[task] + ": Timeout")
- error_text_list.append(task_instantiation_info[task] + ": Timeout")
- for task in done:
- if task.cancelled():
- instantiated_ok = False
- if task == task_ro:
- db_nsr_update["operational-status"] = "failed"
- else:
- db_nsr_update["config-status"] = "failed"
- self.logger.warn(logging_text + task_instantiation_info[task] + ": Cancelled")
- error_text_list.append(task_instantiation_info[task] + ": Cancelled")
- else:
- exc = task.exception()
- if exc:
- instantiated_ok = False
- if task == task_ro:
- db_nsr_update["operational-status"] = "failed"
- else:
- db_nsr_update["config-status"] = "failed"
- self.logger.error(logging_text + task_instantiation_info[task] + ": Failed")
- if isinstance(exc, (N2VCException, ROclient.ROClientException)):
- error_text_list.append(task_instantiation_info[task] + ": {}".format(exc))
- else:
- exc_traceback = "".join(traceback.format_exception(None, exc, exc.__traceback__))
- self.logger.error(logging_text + task_instantiation_info[task] + exc_traceback)
- error_text_list.append(task_instantiation_info[task] + ": " + exc_traceback)
- else:
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + task_instantiation_info[task] + ": Done")
- if error_text_list:
- error_text = "\n".join(error_text_list)
- db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = error_text
- db_nslcmop_update["operationState"] = nslcmop_operation_state = "FAILED_TEMP"
- db_nslcmop_update["detailed-status"] = error_text
- db_nslcmop_update["statusEnteredTime"] = time()
- else:
- # all is done
- db_nslcmop_update["operationState"] = nslcmop_operation_state = "COMPLETED"
- db_nslcmop_update["statusEnteredTime"] = time()
- db_nslcmop_update["detailed-status"] = "done"
- db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = "done"
+ # rest of staff will be done at finally
- except (ROclient.ROClientException, DbException, LcmException) as e:
- self.logger.error(logging_text + "Exit Exception while '{}': {}".format(step, e))
+ except (ROclient.ROClientException, DbException, LcmException, N2VCException) as e:
+ self.logger.error(logging_text + "Exit Exception while '{}': {}".format(stage[1], e))
exc = e
except asyncio.CancelledError:
- self.logger.error(logging_text + "Cancelled Exception while '{}'".format(step))
+ self.logger.error(logging_text + "Cancelled Exception while '{}'".format(stage[1]))
exc = "Operation was cancelled"
except Exception as e:
exc = traceback.format_exc()
- self.logger.critical(logging_text + "Exit Exception {} while '{}': {}".format(type(e).__name__, step, e),
- exc_info=True)
+ self.logger.critical(logging_text + "Exit Exception while '{}': {}".format(stage[1], e), exc_info=True)
if exc:
- if db_nsr:
- db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
- db_nsr_update["operational-status"] = "failed"
- db_nsr_update["config-status"] = "failed"
- if db_nslcmop:
- db_nslcmop_update["detailed-status"] = "FAILED {}: {}".format(step, exc)
- db_nslcmop_update["operationState"] = nslcmop_operation_state = "FAILED"
- db_nslcmop_update["statusEnteredTime"] = time()
+ error_list.append(str(exc))
- if db_nsr:
- db_nsr_update["_admin.nslcmop"] = None
- db_nsr_update["_admin.current-operation"] = None
- db_nsr_update["_admin.operation-type"] = None
- self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
- # nsState="READY/BROKEN", currentOperation="IDLE", currentOperationID=None
- ns_state = None
- error_description = None
- error_detail = None
- if instantiated_ok:
- ns_state = "READY"
+ # wait for pending tasks
+ if tasks_dict_info:
+ stage[1] = "Waiting for instantiate pending tasks."
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + stage[1])
+ error_list += await self._wait_for_tasks(logging_text, tasks_dict_info, timeout_ns_deploy,
+ stage, nslcmop_id, nsr_id=nsr_id)
+ stage[1] = stage[2] = ""
+ except asyncio.CancelledError:
+ error_list.append("Cancelled")
+ # TODO cancel all tasks
+ except Exception as exc:
+ error_list.append(str(exc))
+ # update operation-status
+ db_nsr_update["operational-status"] = "running"
+ # let's begin with VCA 'configured' status (later we can change it)
+ db_nsr_update["config-status"] = "configured"
+ for task, task_name in tasks_dict_info.items():
+ if not task.done() or task.cancelled() or task.exception():
+ if task_name.startswith(self.task_name_deploy_vca):
+ # A N2VC task is pending
+ db_nsr_update["config-status"] = "failed"
- ns_state = "BROKEN"
- error_description = 'Operation: INSTANTIATING.{}, step: {}'.format(nslcmop_id, step)
- error_detail = error_text
- self._write_ns_status(
- nsr_id=nsr_id,
- ns_state=ns_state,
- current_operation="IDLE",
- current_operation_id=None,
- error_description=error_description,
- error_detail=error_detail
- )
+ # RO or KDU task is pending
+ db_nsr_update["operational-status"] = "failed"
+ # update status at database
+ if error_list:
+ error_detail = ". ".join(error_list)
+ self.logger.error(logging_text + error_detail)
+ error_description_nslcmop = '{} Detail: {}'.format(stage[0], error_detail)
+ error_description_nsr = 'Operation: INSTANTIATING.{}, {}'.format(nslcmop_id, stage[0])
+ db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = error_description_nsr + " Detail: " + error_detail
+ db_nslcmop_update["detailed-status"] = error_detail
+ nslcmop_operation_state = "FAILED"
+ ns_state = "BROKEN"
+ else:
+ error_detail = None
+ error_description_nsr = error_description_nslcmop = None
+ ns_state = "READY"
+ db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = "Done"
+ db_nslcmop_update["detailed-status"] = "Done"
+ nslcmop_operation_state = "COMPLETED"
+ if db_nsr:
+ self._write_ns_status(
+ nsr_id=nsr_id,
+ ns_state=ns_state,
+ current_operation="IDLE",
+ current_operation_id=None,
+ error_description=error_description_nsr,
+ error_detail=error_detail,
+ other_update=db_nsr_update
+ )
+ self._write_op_status(
+ op_id=nslcmop_id,
+ stage="",
+ error_message=error_description_nslcmop,
+ operation_state=nslcmop_operation_state,
+ other_update=db_nslcmop_update,
+ )
- if db_nslcmop_update:
- self.update_db_2("nslcmops", nslcmop_id, db_nslcmop_update)
- except DbException as e:
- self.logger.error(logging_text + "Cannot update database: {}".format(e))
if nslcmop_operation_state:
await self.msg.aiowrite("ns", "instantiated", {"nsr_id": nsr_id, "nslcmop_id": nslcmop_id,
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Exit")
self.lcm_tasks.remove("ns", nsr_id, nslcmop_id, "ns_instantiate")
- async def deploy_kdus(self, logging_text, nsr_id, db_nsr, db_vnfrs):
+ async def _add_vca_relations(self, logging_text, nsr_id, vca_index: int,
+ timeout: int = 3600, vca_type: str = None) -> bool:
+ # steps:
+ # 1. find all relations for this VCA
+ # 2. wait for other peers related
+ # 3. add relations
+ try:
+ vca_type = vca_type or "lxc_proxy_charm"
+ # STEP 1: find all relations for this VCA
+ # read nsr record
+ db_nsr = self.db.get_one("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id})
+ nsd = self.db.get_one("nsds", {"_id": db_nsr["nsd-id"]})
+ # this VCA data
+ my_vca = deep_get(db_nsr, ('_admin', 'deployed', 'VCA'))[vca_index]
+ # read all ns-configuration relations
+ ns_relations = list()
+ db_ns_relations = deep_get(nsd, ('ns-configuration', 'relation'))
+ if db_ns_relations:
+ for r in db_ns_relations:
+ # check if this VCA is in the relation
+ if my_vca.get('member-vnf-index') in\
+ (r.get('entities')[0].get('id'), r.get('entities')[1].get('id')):
+ ns_relations.append(r)
+ # read all vnf-configuration relations
+ vnf_relations = list()
+ db_vnfd_list = db_nsr.get('vnfd-id')
+ if db_vnfd_list:
+ for vnfd in db_vnfd_list:
+ db_vnfd = self.db.get_one("vnfds", {"_id": vnfd})
+ db_vnf_relations = deep_get(db_vnfd, ('vnf-configuration', 'relation'))
+ if db_vnf_relations:
+ for r in db_vnf_relations:
+ # check if this VCA is in the relation
+ if my_vca.get('vdu_id') in (r.get('entities')[0].get('id'), r.get('entities')[1].get('id')):
+ vnf_relations.append(r)
+ # if no relations, terminate
+ if not ns_relations and not vnf_relations:
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + ' No relations')
+ return True
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + ' adding relations\n {}\n {}'.format(ns_relations, vnf_relations))
+ # add all relations
+ start = time()
+ while True:
+ # check timeout
+ now = time()
+ if now - start >= timeout:
+ self.logger.error(logging_text + ' : timeout adding relations')
+ return False
+ # reload nsr from database (we need to update record: _admin.deloyed.VCA)
+ db_nsr = self.db.get_one("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id})
+ # for each defined NS relation, find the VCA's related
+ for r in ns_relations.copy():
+ from_vca_ee_id = None
+ to_vca_ee_id = None
+ from_vca_endpoint = None
+ to_vca_endpoint = None
+ vca_list = deep_get(db_nsr, ('_admin', 'deployed', 'VCA'))
+ for vca in vca_list:
+ if vca.get('member-vnf-index') == r.get('entities')[0].get('id') \
+ and vca.get('config_sw_installed'):
+ from_vca_ee_id = vca.get('ee_id')
+ from_vca_endpoint = r.get('entities')[0].get('endpoint')
+ if vca.get('member-vnf-index') == r.get('entities')[1].get('id') \
+ and vca.get('config_sw_installed'):
+ to_vca_ee_id = vca.get('ee_id')
+ to_vca_endpoint = r.get('entities')[1].get('endpoint')
+ if from_vca_ee_id and to_vca_ee_id:
+ # add relation
+ await self.vca_map[vca_type].add_relation(
+ ee_id_1=from_vca_ee_id,
+ ee_id_2=to_vca_ee_id,
+ endpoint_1=from_vca_endpoint,
+ endpoint_2=to_vca_endpoint)
+ # remove entry from relations list
+ ns_relations.remove(r)
+ else:
+ # check failed peers
+ try:
+ vca_status_list = db_nsr.get('configurationStatus')
+ if vca_status_list:
+ for i in range(len(vca_list)):
+ vca = vca_list[i]
+ vca_status = vca_status_list[i]
+ if vca.get('member-vnf-index') == r.get('entities')[0].get('id'):
+ if vca_status.get('status') == 'BROKEN':
+ # peer broken: remove relation from list
+ ns_relations.remove(r)
+ if vca.get('member-vnf-index') == r.get('entities')[1].get('id'):
+ if vca_status.get('status') == 'BROKEN':
+ # peer broken: remove relation from list
+ ns_relations.remove(r)
+ except Exception:
+ # ignore
+ pass
+ # for each defined VNF relation, find the VCA's related
+ for r in vnf_relations.copy():
+ from_vca_ee_id = None
+ to_vca_ee_id = None
+ from_vca_endpoint = None
+ to_vca_endpoint = None
+ vca_list = deep_get(db_nsr, ('_admin', 'deployed', 'VCA'))
+ for vca in vca_list:
+ key_to_check = "vdu_id"
+ if vca.get("vdu_id") is None:
+ key_to_check = "vnfd_id"
+ if vca.get(key_to_check) == r.get('entities')[0].get('id') and vca.get('config_sw_installed'):
+ from_vca_ee_id = vca.get('ee_id')
+ from_vca_endpoint = r.get('entities')[0].get('endpoint')
+ if vca.get(key_to_check) == r.get('entities')[1].get('id') and vca.get('config_sw_installed'):
+ to_vca_ee_id = vca.get('ee_id')
+ to_vca_endpoint = r.get('entities')[1].get('endpoint')
+ if from_vca_ee_id and to_vca_ee_id:
+ # add relation
+ await self.vca_map[vca_type].add_relation(
+ ee_id_1=from_vca_ee_id,
+ ee_id_2=to_vca_ee_id,
+ endpoint_1=from_vca_endpoint,
+ endpoint_2=to_vca_endpoint)
+ # remove entry from relations list
+ vnf_relations.remove(r)
+ else:
+ # check failed peers
+ try:
+ vca_status_list = db_nsr.get('configurationStatus')
+ if vca_status_list:
+ for i in range(len(vca_list)):
+ vca = vca_list[i]
+ vca_status = vca_status_list[i]
+ if vca.get('vdu_id') == r.get('entities')[0].get('id'):
+ if vca_status.get('status') == 'BROKEN':
+ # peer broken: remove relation from list
+ vnf_relations.remove(r)
+ if vca.get('vdu_id') == r.get('entities')[1].get('id'):
+ if vca_status.get('status') == 'BROKEN':
+ # peer broken: remove relation from list
+ vnf_relations.remove(r)
+ except Exception:
+ # ignore
+ pass
+ # wait for next try
+ await asyncio.sleep(5.0)
+ if not ns_relations and not vnf_relations:
+ self.logger.debug('Relations added')
+ break
+ return True
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.warn(logging_text + ' ERROR adding relations: {}'.format(e))
+ return False
+ async def _install_kdu(self, nsr_id: str, nsr_db_path: str, vnfr_data: dict, kdu_index: int, kdud: dict,
+ vnfd: dict, k8s_instance_info: dict, k8params: dict = None, timeout: int = 600):
+ try:
+ k8sclustertype = k8s_instance_info["k8scluster-type"]
+ # Instantiate kdu
+ db_dict_install = {"collection": "nsrs",
+ "filter": {"_id": nsr_id},
+ "path": nsr_db_path}
+ kdu_instance = await self.k8scluster_map[k8sclustertype].install(
+ cluster_uuid=k8s_instance_info["k8scluster-uuid"],
+ kdu_model=k8s_instance_info["kdu-model"],
+ atomic=True,
+ params=k8params,
+ db_dict=db_dict_install,
+ timeout=timeout,
+ kdu_name=k8s_instance_info["kdu-name"],
+ namespace=k8s_instance_info["namespace"])
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, {nsr_db_path + ".kdu-instance": kdu_instance})
+ # Obtain services to obtain management service ip
+ services = await self.k8scluster_map[k8sclustertype].get_services(
+ cluster_uuid=k8s_instance_info["k8scluster-uuid"],
+ kdu_instance=kdu_instance,
+ namespace=k8s_instance_info["namespace"])
+ # Obtain management service info (if exists)
+ vnfr_update_dict = {}
+ if services:
+ vnfr_update_dict["kdur.{}.services".format(kdu_index)] = services
+ mgmt_services = [service for service in kdud.get("service", []) if service.get("mgmt-service")]
+ for mgmt_service in mgmt_services:
+ for service in services:
+ if service["name"].startswith(mgmt_service["name"]):
+ # Mgmt service found, Obtain service ip
+ ip = service.get("external_ip", service.get("cluster_ip"))
+ if isinstance(ip, list) and len(ip) == 1:
+ ip = ip[0]
+ vnfr_update_dict["kdur.{}.ip-address".format(kdu_index)] = ip
+ # Check if must update also mgmt ip at the vnf
+ service_external_cp = mgmt_service.get("external-connection-point-ref")
+ if service_external_cp:
+ if deep_get(vnfd, ("mgmt-interface", "cp")) == service_external_cp:
+ vnfr_update_dict["ip-address"] = ip
+ break
+ else:
+ self.logger.warn("Mgmt service name: {} not found".format(mgmt_service["name"]))
+ vnfr_update_dict["kdur.{}.status".format(kdu_index)] = "READY"
+ self.update_db_2("vnfrs", vnfr_data.get("_id"), vnfr_update_dict)
+ kdu_config = kdud.get("kdu-configuration")
+ if kdu_config and kdu_config.get("initial-config-primitive") and kdu_config.get("juju") is None:
+ initial_config_primitive_list = kdu_config.get("initial-config-primitive")
+ initial_config_primitive_list.sort(key=lambda val: int(val["seq"]))
+ for initial_config_primitive in initial_config_primitive_list:
+ primitive_params_ = self._map_primitive_params(initial_config_primitive, {}, {})
+ await asyncio.wait_for(
+ self.k8scluster_map[k8sclustertype].exec_primitive(
+ cluster_uuid=k8s_instance_info["k8scluster-uuid"],
+ kdu_instance=kdu_instance,
+ primitive_name=initial_config_primitive["name"],
+ params=primitive_params_, db_dict={}),
+ timeout=timeout)
+ except Exception as e:
+ # Prepare update db with error and raise exception
+ try:
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, {nsr_db_path + ".detailed-status": str(e)})
+ self.update_db_2("vnfrs", vnfr_data.get("_id"), {"kdur.{}.status".format(kdu_index): "ERROR"})
+ except Exception:
+ # ignore to keep original exception
+ pass
+ # reraise original error
+ raise
+ return kdu_instance
+ async def deploy_kdus(self, logging_text, nsr_id, nslcmop_id, db_vnfrs, db_vnfds, task_instantiation_info):
# Launch kdus if present in the descriptor
k8scluster_id_2_uuic = {"helm-chart": {}, "juju-bundle": {}}
- def _get_cluster_id(cluster_id, cluster_type):
+ async def _get_cluster_id(cluster_id, cluster_type):
nonlocal k8scluster_id_2_uuic
if cluster_id in k8scluster_id_2_uuic[cluster_type]:
return k8scluster_id_2_uuic[cluster_type][cluster_id]
+ # check if K8scluster is creating and wait look if previous tasks in process
+ task_name, task_dependency = self.lcm_tasks.lookfor_related("k8scluster", cluster_id)
+ if task_dependency:
+ text = "Waiting for related tasks '{}' on k8scluster {} to be completed".format(task_name, cluster_id)
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + text)
+ await asyncio.wait(task_dependency, timeout=3600)
db_k8scluster = self.db.get_one("k8sclusters", {"_id": cluster_id}, fail_on_empty=False)
if not db_k8scluster:
raise LcmException("K8s cluster {} cannot be found".format(cluster_id))
k8s_id = deep_get(db_k8scluster, ("_admin", cluster_type, "id"))
if not k8s_id:
- raise LcmException("K8s cluster '{}' has not been initilized for '{}'".format(cluster_id, cluster_type))
+ raise LcmException("K8s cluster '{}' has not been initialized for '{}'".format(cluster_id,
+ cluster_type))
k8scluster_id_2_uuic[cluster_type][cluster_id] = k8s_id
return k8s_id
logging_text += "Deploy kdus: "
+ step = ""
db_nsr_update = {"_admin.deployed.K8s": []}
self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
- # Look for all vnfds
- pending_tasks = {}
index = 0
+ updated_cluster_list = []
for vnfr_data in db_vnfrs.values():
- for kdur in get_iterable(vnfr_data, "kdur"):
+ for kdu_index, kdur in enumerate(get_iterable(vnfr_data, "kdur")):
+ # Step 0: Prepare and set parameters
desc_params = self._format_additional_params(kdur.get("additionalParams"))
- kdumodel = None
- k8sclustertype = None
- error_text = None
- cluster_uuid = None
+ vnfd_id = vnfr_data.get('vnfd-id')
+ kdud = next(kdud for kdud in db_vnfds[vnfd_id]["kdu"] if kdud["name"] == kdur["kdu-name"])
+ namespace = kdur.get("k8s-namespace")
if kdur.get("helm-chart"):
kdumodel = kdur["helm-chart"]
- k8sclustertype = "chart"
- k8sclustertype_full = "helm-chart"
+ k8sclustertype = "helm-chart"
elif kdur.get("juju-bundle"):
kdumodel = kdur["juju-bundle"]
- k8sclustertype = "juju"
- k8sclustertype_full = "juju-bundle"
+ k8sclustertype = "juju-bundle"
- error_text = "kdu type is neither helm-chart not juju-bundle. Maybe an old NBI version is" \
- " running"
+ raise LcmException("kdu type for kdu='{}.{}' is neither helm-chart nor "
+ "juju-bundle. Maybe an old NBI version is running".
+ format(vnfr_data["member-vnf-index-ref"], kdur["kdu-name"]))
+ # check if kdumodel is a file and exists
- if not error_text:
- cluster_uuid = _get_cluster_id(kdur["k8s-cluster"]["id"], k8sclustertype_full)
- except LcmException as e:
- error_text = str(e)
- step = "Instantiate KDU {} in k8s cluster {}".format(kdur["kdu-name"], cluster_uuid)
- k8s_instace_info = {"kdu-instance": None, "k8scluster-uuid": cluster_uuid,
- "k8scluster-type": k8sclustertype,
- "kdu-name": kdur["kdu-name"], "kdu-model": kdumodel}
- if error_text:
- k8s_instace_info["detailed-status"] = error_text
- db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.K8s.{}".format(index)] = k8s_instace_info
+ storage = deep_get(db_vnfds.get(vnfd_id), ('_admin', 'storage'))
+ if storage and storage.get('pkg-dir'): # may be not present if vnfd has not artifacts
+ # path format: /vnfdid/pkkdir/helm-charts|juju-bundles/kdumodel
+ filename = '{}/{}/{}s/{}'.format(storage["folder"], storage["pkg-dir"], k8sclustertype,
+ kdumodel)
+ if self.fs.file_exists(filename, mode='file') or self.fs.file_exists(filename, mode='dir'):
+ kdumodel = self.fs.path + filename
+ except (asyncio.TimeoutError, asyncio.CancelledError):
+ raise
+ except Exception: # it is not a file
+ pass
+ k8s_cluster_id = kdur["k8s-cluster"]["id"]
+ step = "Synchronize repos for k8s cluster '{}'".format(k8s_cluster_id)
+ cluster_uuid = await _get_cluster_id(k8s_cluster_id, k8sclustertype)
+ # Synchronize repos
+ if k8sclustertype == "helm-chart" and cluster_uuid not in updated_cluster_list:
+ del_repo_list, added_repo_dict = await asyncio.ensure_future(
+ self.k8sclusterhelm.synchronize_repos(cluster_uuid=cluster_uuid))
+ if del_repo_list or added_repo_dict:
+ unset = {'_admin.helm_charts_added.' + item: None for item in del_repo_list}
+ updated = {'_admin.helm_charts_added.' +
+ item: name for item, name in added_repo_dict.items()}
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "repos synchronized on k8s cluster '{}' to_delete: {}, "
+ "to_add: {}".format(k8s_cluster_id, del_repo_list,
+ added_repo_dict))
+ self.db.set_one("k8sclusters", {"_id": k8s_cluster_id}, updated, unset=unset)
+ updated_cluster_list.append(cluster_uuid)
+ # Instantiate kdu
+ step = "Instantiating KDU {}.{} in k8s cluster {}".format(vnfr_data["member-vnf-index-ref"],
+ kdur["kdu-name"], k8s_cluster_id)
+ k8s_instance_info = {"kdu-instance": None,
+ "k8scluster-uuid": cluster_uuid,
+ "k8scluster-type": k8sclustertype,
+ "member-vnf-index": vnfr_data["member-vnf-index-ref"],
+ "kdu-name": kdur["kdu-name"],
+ "kdu-model": kdumodel,
+ "namespace": namespace}
+ db_path = "_admin.deployed.K8s.{}".format(index)
+ db_nsr_update[db_path] = k8s_instance_info
self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
- if error_text:
- continue
- db_dict = {"collection": "nsrs", "filter": {"_id": nsr_id}, "path": "_admin.deployed.K8s."
- "{}".format(index)}
- if k8sclustertype == "chart":
- task = asyncio.ensure_future(
- self.k8sclusterhelm.install(cluster_uuid=cluster_uuid, kdu_model=kdumodel, atomic=True,
- params=desc_params, db_dict=db_dict, timeout=3600)
- )
- else:
- task = self.k8sclusterjuju.install(cluster_uuid=cluster_uuid, kdu_model=kdumodel,
- atomic=True, params=desc_params,
- db_dict=db_dict, timeout=600)
+ task = asyncio.ensure_future(
+ self._install_kdu(nsr_id, db_path, vnfr_data, kdu_index, kdud, db_vnfds[vnfd_id],
+ k8s_instance_info, k8params=desc_params, timeout=600))
+ self.lcm_tasks.register("ns", nsr_id, nslcmop_id, "instantiate_KDU-{}".format(index), task)
+ task_instantiation_info[task] = "Deploying KDU {}".format(kdur["kdu-name"])
- pending_tasks[task] = "_admin.deployed.K8s.{}.".format(index)
index += 1
- if not pending_tasks:
- return
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + 'Waiting for terminate pending tasks...')
- pending_list = list(pending_tasks.keys())
- while pending_list:
- done_list, pending_list = await asyncio.wait(pending_list, timeout=30*60,
- return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)
- if not done_list: # timeout
- for task in pending_list:
- db_nsr_update[pending_tasks(task) + "detailed-status"] = "Timeout"
- break
- for task in done_list:
- exc = task.exception()
- if exc:
- db_nsr_update[pending_tasks[task] + "detailed-status"] = "{}".format(exc)
- else:
- db_nsr_update[pending_tasks[task] + "kdu-instance"] = task.result()
+ except (LcmException, asyncio.CancelledError):
+ raise
except Exception as e:
- self.logger.critical(logging_text + "Exit Exception {} while '{}': {}".format(type(e).__name__, step, e))
- raise LcmException("{} Exit Exception {} while '{}': {}".format(logging_text, type(e).__name__, step, e))
+ msg = "Exception {} while {}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, step, e)
+ if isinstance(e, (N2VCException, DbException)):
+ self.logger.error(logging_text + msg)
+ else:
+ self.logger.critical(logging_text + msg, exc_info=True)
+ raise LcmException(msg)
- # TODO Write in data base
if db_nsr_update:
self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
def _deploy_n2vc(self, logging_text, db_nsr, db_vnfr, nslcmop_id, nsr_id, nsi_id, vnfd_id, vdu_id,
kdu_name, member_vnf_index, vdu_index, vdu_name, deploy_params, descriptor_config,
- base_folder, task_instantiation_list, task_instantiation_info):
+ base_folder, task_instantiation_info, stage):
# launch instantiate_N2VC in a asyncio task and register task object
# Look where information of this charm is at database <nsrs>._admin.deployed.VCA
# if not found, create one entry and update database
# fill db_nsr._admin.deployed.VCA.<index>
- vca_index = -1
- for vca_index, vca_deployed in enumerate(db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"]["VCA"]):
- if not vca_deployed:
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "_deploy_n2vc vnfd_id={}, vdu_id={}".format(vnfd_id, vdu_id))
+ if descriptor_config.get("juju"): # There is one execution envioronment of type juju
+ ee_list = [descriptor_config]
+ elif descriptor_config.get("execution-environment-list"):
+ ee_list = descriptor_config.get("execution-environment-list")
+ else: # other types as script are not supported
+ ee_list = []
+ for ee_item in ee_list:
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "_deploy_n2vc ee_item juju={}, helm={}".format(ee_item.get('juju'),
+ ee_item.get("helm-chart")))
+ ee_descriptor_id = ee_item.get("id")
+ if ee_item.get("juju"):
+ vca_name = ee_item['juju'].get('charm')
+ vca_type = "lxc_proxy_charm" if ee_item['juju'].get('charm') is not None else "native_charm"
+ if ee_item['juju'].get('cloud') == "k8s":
+ vca_type = "k8s_proxy_charm"
+ elif ee_item['juju'].get('proxy') is False:
+ vca_type = "native_charm"
+ elif ee_item.get("helm-chart"):
+ vca_name = ee_item['helm-chart']
+ vca_type = "helm"
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "skipping non juju neither charm configuration")
- if vca_deployed.get("member-vnf-index") == member_vnf_index and \
- vca_deployed.get("vdu_id") == vdu_id and \
- vca_deployed.get("kdu_name") == kdu_name and \
- vca_deployed.get("vdu_count_index", 0) == vdu_index:
- break
- else:
- # not found, create one.
- vca_deployed = {
- "member-vnf-index": member_vnf_index,
- "vdu_id": vdu_id,
- "kdu_name": kdu_name,
- "vdu_count_index": vdu_index,
- "operational-status": "init", # TODO revise
- "detailed-status": "", # TODO revise
- "step": "initial-deploy", # TODO revise
- "vnfd_id": vnfd_id,
- "vdu_name": vdu_name,
- }
- vca_index += 1
- self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, {"_admin.deployed.VCA.{}".format(vca_index): vca_deployed})
- db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"]["VCA"].append(vca_deployed)
- # Launch task
- task_n2vc = asyncio.ensure_future(
- self.instantiate_N2VC(
- logging_text=logging_text,
- vca_index=vca_index,
- nsi_id=nsi_id,
- db_nsr=db_nsr,
- db_vnfr=db_vnfr,
- vdu_id=vdu_id,
- kdu_name=kdu_name,
- vdu_index=vdu_index,
- deploy_params=deploy_params,
- config_descriptor=descriptor_config,
- base_folder=base_folder,
+ vca_index = -1
+ for vca_index, vca_deployed in enumerate(db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"]["VCA"]):
+ if not vca_deployed:
+ continue
+ if vca_deployed.get("member-vnf-index") == member_vnf_index and \
+ vca_deployed.get("vdu_id") == vdu_id and \
+ vca_deployed.get("kdu_name") == kdu_name and \
+ vca_deployed.get("vdu_count_index", 0) == vdu_index and \
+ vca_deployed.get("ee_descriptor_id") == ee_descriptor_id:
+ break
+ else:
+ # not found, create one.
+ target = "ns" if not member_vnf_index else "vnf/{}".format(member_vnf_index)
+ if vdu_id:
+ target += "/vdu/{}/{}".format(vdu_id, vdu_index or 0)
+ elif kdu_name:
+ target += "/kdu/{}".format(kdu_name)
+ vca_deployed = {
+ "target_element": target,
+ # ^ target_element will replace member-vnf-index, kdu_name, vdu_id ... in a single string
+ "member-vnf-index": member_vnf_index,
+ "vdu_id": vdu_id,
+ "kdu_name": kdu_name,
+ "vdu_count_index": vdu_index,
+ "operational-status": "init", # TODO revise
+ "detailed-status": "", # TODO revise
+ "step": "initial-deploy", # TODO revise
+ "vnfd_id": vnfd_id,
+ "vdu_name": vdu_name,
+ "type": vca_type,
+ "ee_descriptor_id": ee_descriptor_id
+ }
+ vca_index += 1
+ # create VCA and configurationStatus in db
+ db_dict = {
+ "_admin.deployed.VCA.{}".format(vca_index): vca_deployed,
+ "configurationStatus.{}".format(vca_index): dict()
+ }
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_dict)
+ db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"]["VCA"].append(vca_deployed)
+ # Launch task
+ task_n2vc = asyncio.ensure_future(
+ self.instantiate_N2VC(
+ logging_text=logging_text,
+ vca_index=vca_index,
+ nsi_id=nsi_id,
+ db_nsr=db_nsr,
+ db_vnfr=db_vnfr,
+ vdu_id=vdu_id,
+ kdu_name=kdu_name,
+ vdu_index=vdu_index,
+ deploy_params=deploy_params,
+ config_descriptor=descriptor_config,
+ base_folder=base_folder,
+ nslcmop_id=nslcmop_id,
+ stage=stage,
+ vca_type=vca_type,
+ vca_name=vca_name,
+ ee_config_descriptor=ee_item
+ )
- )
- self.lcm_tasks.register("ns", nsr_id, nslcmop_id, "instantiate_N2VC-{}".format(vca_index), task_n2vc)
- task_instantiation_info[task_n2vc] = "Deploy VCA {}.{}".format(member_vnf_index or "", vdu_id or "")
- task_instantiation_list.append(task_n2vc)
- # Check if this VNFD has a configured terminate action
- def _has_terminate_config_primitive(self, vnfd):
- vnf_config = vnfd.get("vnf-configuration")
- if vnf_config and vnf_config.get("terminate-config-primitive"):
- return True
- else:
- return False
+ self.lcm_tasks.register("ns", nsr_id, nslcmop_id, "instantiate_N2VC-{}".format(vca_index), task_n2vc)
+ task_instantiation_info[task_n2vc] = self.task_name_deploy_vca + " {}.{}".format(
+ member_vnf_index or "", vdu_id or "")
- def _get_terminate_config_primitive_seq_list(vnfd):
- """ Get a numerically sorted list of the sequences for this VNFD's terminate action """
- # No need to check for existing primitive twice, already done before
- vnf_config = vnfd.get("vnf-configuration")
- seq_list = vnf_config.get("terminate-config-primitive")
- # Get all 'seq' tags in seq_list, order sequences numerically, ascending.
- seq_list_sorted = sorted(seq_list, key=lambda x: int(x['seq']))
- return seq_list_sorted
+ def _get_terminate_config_primitive(primitive_list, vca_deployed):
+ """ Get a sorted terminate config primitive list. In case ee_descriptor_id is present at vca_deployed,
+ it get only those primitives for this execution envirom"""
+ primitive_list = primitive_list or []
+ # filter primitives by ee_descriptor_id
+ ee_descriptor_id = vca_deployed.get("ee_descriptor_id")
+ primitive_list = [p for p in primitive_list if p.get("execution-environment-ref") == ee_descriptor_id]
+ if primitive_list:
+ primitive_list.sort(key=lambda val: int(val['seq']))
+ return primitive_list
def _create_nslcmop(nsr_id, operation, params):
# sub-operations
- def _reintent_or_skip_suboperation(self, db_nslcmop, op_index):
- op = db_nslcmop.get('_admin', {}).get('operations', [])[op_index]
- if (op.get('operationState') == 'COMPLETED'):
+ def _retry_or_skip_suboperation(self, db_nslcmop, op_index):
+ op = deep_get(db_nslcmop, ('_admin', 'operations'), [])[op_index]
+ if op.get('operationState') == 'COMPLETED':
# b. Skip sub-operation
# _ns_execute_primitive() or RO.create_action() will NOT be executed
- # c. Reintent executing sub-operation
+ # c. retry executing sub-operation
# The sub-operation exists, and operationState != 'COMPLETED'
- # Update operationState = 'PROCESSING' to indicate a reintent.
+ # Update operationState = 'PROCESSING' to indicate a retry.
operationState = 'PROCESSING'
detailed_status = 'In progress'
# Find a sub-operation where all keys in a matching dictionary must match
# Returns the index of the matching sub-operation, or SUBOPERATION_STATUS_NOT_FOUND if no match
def _find_suboperation(self, db_nslcmop, match):
- if (db_nslcmop and match):
+ if db_nslcmop and match:
op_list = db_nslcmop.get('_admin', {}).get('operations', [])
for i, op in enumerate(op_list):
if all(op.get(k) == match[k] for k in match):
def _add_suboperation(self, db_nslcmop, vnf_index, vdu_id, vdu_count_index, vdu_name, primitive,
mapped_primitive_params, operationState=None, detailed_status=None, operationType=None,
RO_nsr_id=None, RO_scaling_info=None):
- if not (db_nslcmop):
+ if not db_nslcmop:
# Get the "_admin.operations" list, if it exists
db_nslcmop_admin = db_nslcmop.get('_admin', {})
# Check for 3 different cases:
# a. New: First time execution, return SUBOPERATION_STATUS_NEW
# b. Skip: Existing sub-operation exists, operationState == 'COMPLETED', return SUBOPERATION_STATUS_SKIP
- # c. Reintent: Existing sub-operation exists, operationState != 'COMPLETED', return op_index to re-execute
+ # c. retry: Existing sub-operation exists, operationState != 'COMPLETED', return op_index to re-execute
def _check_or_add_scale_suboperation(self, db_nslcmop, vnf_index, vnf_config_primitive, primitive_params,
operationType, RO_nsr_id=None, RO_scaling_info=None):
# Find this sub-operation
- if (RO_nsr_id and RO_scaling_info):
+ if RO_nsr_id and RO_scaling_info:
operationType = 'SCALE-RO'
match = {
'member_vnf_index': vnf_index,
'lcmOperationType': operationType
op_index = self._find_suboperation(db_nslcmop, match)
- if (op_index == self.SUBOPERATION_STATUS_NOT_FOUND):
+ if op_index == self.SUBOPERATION_STATUS_NOT_FOUND:
# a. New sub-operation
# The sub-operation does not exist, add it.
# _ns_execute_primitive() will be called from scale() as usual, with non-modified arguments
vdu_id = None
vdu_count_index = None
vdu_name = None
- if (RO_nsr_id and RO_scaling_info):
+ if RO_nsr_id and RO_scaling_info:
vnf_config_primitive = None
primitive_params = None
# Return either SUBOPERATION_STATUS_SKIP (operationState == 'COMPLETED'),
# or op_index (operationState != 'COMPLETED')
- return self._reintent_or_skip_suboperation(db_nslcmop, op_index)
+ return self._retry_or_skip_suboperation(db_nslcmop, op_index)
# Function to return execution_environment id
def _get_ee_id(self, vnf_index, vdu_id, vca_deployed_list):
+ # TODO vdu_index_count
for vca in vca_deployed_list:
if vca["member-vnf-index"] == vnf_index and vca["vdu_id"] == vdu_id:
return vca["ee_id"]
- # Helper methods for terminate()
+ async def destroy_N2VC(self, logging_text, db_nslcmop, vca_deployed, config_descriptor,
+ vca_index, destroy_ee=True, exec_primitives=True):
+ """
+ Execute the terminate primitives and destroy the execution environment (if destroy_ee=False
+ :param logging_text:
+ :param db_nslcmop:
+ :param vca_deployed: Dictionary of deployment info at db_nsr._admin.depoloyed.VCA.<INDEX>
+ :param config_descriptor: Configuration descriptor of the NSD, VNFD, VNFD.vdu or VNFD.kdu
+ :param vca_index: index in the database _admin.deployed.VCA
+ :param destroy_ee: False to do not destroy, because it will be destroyed all of then at once
+ :param exec_primitives: False to do not execute terminate primitives, because the config is not completed or has
+ not executed properly
+ :return: None or exception
+ """
- async def _terminate_action(self, db_nslcmop, nslcmop_id, nsr_id):
- """ Create a primitive with params from VNFD
- Called from terminate() before deleting instance
- Calls action() to execute the primitive """
- logging_text = "Task ns={} _terminate_action={} ".format(nsr_id, nslcmop_id)
- db_nsr = self.db.get_one("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id})
- vca_deployed_list = db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"]["VCA"]
- db_vnfrs_list = self.db.get_list("vnfrs", {"nsr-id-ref": nsr_id})
- db_vnfds = {}
- # Loop over VNFRs
- for vnfr in db_vnfrs_list:
- vnfd_id = vnfr["vnfd-id"]
- vnf_index = vnfr["member-vnf-index-ref"]
- if vnfd_id not in db_vnfds:
- step = "Getting vnfd={} id='{}' from db".format(vnfd_id, vnfd_id)
- vnfd = self.db.get_one("vnfds", {"_id": vnfd_id})
- db_vnfds[vnfd_id] = vnfd
- vnfd = db_vnfds[vnfd_id]
- if not self._has_terminate_config_primitive(vnfd):
- continue
- # Get the primitive's sorted sequence list
- seq_list = self._get_terminate_config_primitive_seq_list(vnfd)
- for seq in seq_list:
- # For each sequence in list, get primitive and call _ns_execute_primitive()
- step = "Calling terminate action for vnf_member_index={} primitive={}".format(
- vnf_index, seq.get("name"))
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- # Create the primitive for each sequence, i.e. "primitive": "touch"
- primitive = seq.get('name')
- mapped_primitive_params = self._get_terminate_primitive_params(seq, vnf_index)
- # The following 3 parameters are currently set to None for 'terminate':
- # vdu_id, vdu_count_index, vdu_name
- vdu_id = db_nslcmop["operationParams"].get("vdu_id")
- vdu_count_index = db_nslcmop["operationParams"].get("vdu_count_index")
- vdu_name = db_nslcmop["operationParams"].get("vdu_name")
- # Add sub-operation
- self._add_suboperation(db_nslcmop,
- nslcmop_id,
- vnf_index,
- vdu_id,
- vdu_count_index,
- vdu_name,
- primitive,
- mapped_primitive_params)
- # Sub-operations: Call _ns_execute_primitive() instead of action()
- # db_nsr = self.db.get_one("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id})
- # nsr_deployed = db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"]
- # nslcmop_operation_state, nslcmop_operation_state_detail = await self.action(
- # nsr_id, nslcmop_terminate_action_id)
- # Launch Exception if action() returns other than ['COMPLETED', 'PARTIALLY_COMPLETED']
- # if result not in result_ok:
- # raise LcmException(
- # "terminate_primitive_action for vnf_member_index={}",
- # " primitive={} fails with error {}".format(
- # vnf_index, seq.get("name"), result_detail))
- ee_id = self._get_ee_id(vnf_index, vdu_id, vca_deployed_list)
+ self.logger.debug(
+ logging_text + " vca_index: {}, vca_deployed: {}, config_descriptor: {}, destroy_ee: {}".format(
+ vca_index, vca_deployed, config_descriptor, destroy_ee
+ )
+ )
+ vca_type = vca_deployed.get("type", "lxc_proxy_charm")
+ # execute terminate_primitives
+ if exec_primitives:
+ terminate_primitives = self._get_terminate_config_primitive(
+ config_descriptor.get("terminate-config-primitive"), vca_deployed)
+ vdu_id = vca_deployed.get("vdu_id")
+ vdu_count_index = vca_deployed.get("vdu_count_index")
+ vdu_name = vca_deployed.get("vdu_name")
+ vnf_index = vca_deployed.get("member-vnf-index")
+ if terminate_primitives and vca_deployed.get("needed_terminate"):
+ for seq in terminate_primitives:
+ # For each sequence in list, get primitive and call _ns_execute_primitive()
+ step = "Calling terminate action for vnf_member_index={} primitive={}".format(
+ vnf_index, seq.get("name"))
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
+ # Create the primitive for each sequence, i.e. "primitive": "touch"
+ primitive = seq.get('name')
+ mapped_primitive_params = self._get_terminate_primitive_params(seq, vnf_index)
+ # Add sub-operation
+ self._add_suboperation(db_nslcmop,
+ vnf_index,
+ vdu_id,
+ vdu_count_index,
+ vdu_name,
+ primitive,
+ mapped_primitive_params)
+ # Sub-operations: Call _ns_execute_primitive() instead of action()
+ try:
+ result, result_detail = await self._ns_execute_primitive(vca_deployed["ee_id"], primitive,
+ mapped_primitive_params,
+ vca_type=vca_type)
+ except LcmException:
+ # this happens when VCA is not deployed. In this case it is not needed to terminate
+ continue
+ if result not in result_ok:
+ raise LcmException("terminate_primitive {} for vnf_member_index={} fails with "
+ "error {}".format(seq.get("name"), vnf_index, result_detail))
+ # set that this VCA do not need terminated
+ db_update_entry = "_admin.deployed.VCA.{}.needed_terminate".format(vca_index)
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", db_nslcmop["nsInstanceId"], {db_update_entry: False})
+ if vca_deployed.get("prometheus_jobs") and self.prometheus:
+ await self.prometheus.update(remove_jobs=vca_deployed["prometheus_jobs"])
+ if destroy_ee:
+ await self.vca_map[vca_type].delete_execution_environment(vca_deployed["ee_id"])
+ async def _delete_all_N2VC(self, db_nsr: dict):
+ self._write_all_config_status(db_nsr=db_nsr, status='TERMINATING')
+ namespace = "." + db_nsr["_id"]
+ try:
+ await self.n2vc.delete_namespace(namespace=namespace, total_timeout=self.timeout_charm_delete)
+ except N2VCNotFound: # already deleted. Skip
+ pass
+ self._write_all_config_status(db_nsr=db_nsr, status='DELETED')
+ async def _terminate_RO(self, logging_text, nsr_deployed, nsr_id, nslcmop_id, stage):
+ """
+ Terminates a deployment from RO
+ :param logging_text:
+ :param nsr_deployed: db_nsr._admin.deployed
+ :param nsr_id:
+ :param nslcmop_id:
+ :param stage: list of string with the content to write on db_nslcmop.detailed-status.
+ this method will update only the index 2, but it will write on database the concatenated content of the list
+ :return:
+ """
+ db_nsr_update = {}
+ failed_detail = []
+ ro_nsr_id = ro_delete_action = None
+ if nsr_deployed and nsr_deployed.get("RO"):
+ ro_nsr_id = nsr_deployed["RO"].get("nsr_id")
+ ro_delete_action = nsr_deployed["RO"].get("nsr_delete_action_id")
+ try:
+ if ro_nsr_id:
+ stage[2] = "Deleting ns from VIM."
+ db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = " ".join(stage)
+ self._write_op_status(nslcmop_id, stage)
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + stage[2])
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
+ self._write_op_status(nslcmop_id, stage)
+ desc = await self.RO.delete("ns", ro_nsr_id)
+ ro_delete_action = desc["action_id"]
+ db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_delete_action_id"] = ro_delete_action
+ db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_id"] = None
+ db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_status"] = "DELETED"
+ if ro_delete_action:
+ # wait until NS is deleted from VIM
+ stage[2] = "Waiting ns deleted from VIM."
+ detailed_status_old = None
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + stage[2] + " RO_id={} ro_delete_action={}".format(ro_nsr_id,
+ ro_delete_action))
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
+ self._write_op_status(nslcmop_id, stage)
+ delete_timeout = 20 * 60 # 20 minutes
+ while delete_timeout > 0:
+ desc = await
+ "ns",
+ item_id_name=ro_nsr_id,
+ extra_item="action",
+ extra_item_id=ro_delete_action)
+ # deploymentStatus
+ self._on_update_ro_db(nsrs_id=nsr_id, ro_descriptor=desc)
+ ns_status, ns_status_info = self.RO.check_action_status(desc)
+ if ns_status == "ERROR":
+ raise ROclient.ROClientException(ns_status_info)
+ elif ns_status == "BUILD":
+ stage[2] = "Deleting from VIM {}".format(ns_status_info)
+ elif ns_status == "ACTIVE":
+ db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_delete_action_id"] = None
+ db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_status"] = "DELETED"
+ break
+ else:
+ assert False, "ROclient.check_action_status returns unknown {}".format(ns_status)
+ if stage[2] != detailed_status_old:
+ detailed_status_old = stage[2]
+ db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = " ".join(stage)
+ self._write_op_status(nslcmop_id, stage)
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
+ await asyncio.sleep(5, loop=self.loop)
+ delete_timeout -= 5
+ else: # delete_timeout <= 0:
+ raise ROclient.ROClientException("Timeout waiting ns deleted from VIM")
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
+ if isinstance(e, ROclient.ROClientException) and e.http_code == 404: # not found
+ db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_id"] = None
+ db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_status"] = "DELETED"
+ db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_delete_action_id"] = None
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "RO_ns_id={} already deleted".format(ro_nsr_id))
+ elif isinstance(e, ROclient.ROClientException) and e.http_code == 409: # conflict
+ failed_detail.append("delete conflict: {}".format(e))
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "RO_ns_id={} delete conflict: {}".format(ro_nsr_id, e))
+ else:
+ failed_detail.append("delete error: {}".format(e))
+ self.logger.error(logging_text + "RO_ns_id={} delete error: {}".format(ro_nsr_id, e))
+ # Delete nsd
+ if not failed_detail and deep_get(nsr_deployed, ("RO", "nsd_id")):
+ ro_nsd_id = nsr_deployed["RO"]["nsd_id"]
+ try:
+ stage[2] = "Deleting nsd from RO."
+ db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = " ".join(stage)
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
+ self._write_op_status(nslcmop_id, stage)
+ await self.RO.delete("nsd", ro_nsd_id)
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "ro_nsd_id={} deleted".format(ro_nsd_id))
+ db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsd_id"] = None
+ except Exception as e:
+ if isinstance(e, ROclient.ROClientException) and e.http_code == 404: # not found
+ db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsd_id"] = None
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "ro_nsd_id={} already deleted".format(ro_nsd_id))
+ elif isinstance(e, ROclient.ROClientException) and e.http_code == 409: # conflict
+ failed_detail.append("ro_nsd_id={} delete conflict: {}".format(ro_nsd_id, e))
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + failed_detail[-1])
+ else:
+ failed_detail.append("ro_nsd_id={} delete error: {}".format(ro_nsd_id, e))
+ self.logger.error(logging_text + failed_detail[-1])
+ if not failed_detail and deep_get(nsr_deployed, ("RO", "vnfd")):
+ for index, vnf_deployed in enumerate(nsr_deployed["RO"]["vnfd"]):
+ if not vnf_deployed or not vnf_deployed["id"]:
+ continue
- await self.n2vc.exec_primitive(
- ee_id=ee_id,
- primitive_name=primitive,
- params_dict=mapped_primitive_params
- )
+ ro_vnfd_id = vnf_deployed["id"]
+ stage[2] = "Deleting member_vnf_index={} ro_vnfd_id={} from RO.".format(
+ vnf_deployed["member-vnf-index"], ro_vnfd_id)
+ db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = " ".join(stage)
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
+ self._write_op_status(nslcmop_id, stage)
+ await self.RO.delete("vnfd", ro_vnfd_id)
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "ro_vnfd_id={} deleted".format(ro_vnfd_id))
+ db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.vnfd.{}.id".format(index)] = None
except Exception as e:
- self.logger.error('Error executing primitive {}: {}'.format(primitive, e))
- raise LcmException(
- "terminate_primitive_action for vnf_member_index={}, primitive={} fails with error {}"
- .format(vnf_index, seq.get("name"), e),
- )
+ if isinstance(e, ROclient.ROClientException) and e.http_code == 404: # not found
+ db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.vnfd.{}.id".format(index)] = None
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "ro_vnfd_id={} already deleted ".format(ro_vnfd_id))
+ elif isinstance(e, ROclient.ROClientException) and e.http_code == 409: # conflict
+ failed_detail.append("ro_vnfd_id={} delete conflict: {}".format(ro_vnfd_id, e))
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + failed_detail[-1])
+ else:
+ failed_detail.append("ro_vnfd_id={} delete error: {}".format(ro_vnfd_id, e))
+ self.logger.error(logging_text + failed_detail[-1])
- async def terminate(self, nsr_id, nslcmop_id):
+ if failed_detail:
+ stage[2] = "Error deleting from VIM"
+ else:
+ stage[2] = "Deleted from VIM"
+ db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = " ".join(stage)
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
+ self._write_op_status(nslcmop_id, stage)
+ if failed_detail:
+ raise LcmException("; ".join(failed_detail))
+ async def terminate(self, nsr_id, nslcmop_id):
# Try to lock HA task here
task_is_locked_by_me = self.lcm_tasks.lock_HA('ns', 'nslcmops', nslcmop_id)
if not task_is_locked_by_me:
logging_text = "Task ns={} terminate={} ".format(nsr_id, nslcmop_id)
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Enter")
+ timeout_ns_terminate = self.timeout_ns_terminate
db_nsr = None
db_nslcmop = None
+ operation_params = None
exc = None
- failed_detail = [] # annotates all failed error messages
- db_nsr_update = {"_admin.nslcmop": nslcmop_id,
- "_admin.current-operation": nslcmop_id,
- "_admin.operation-type": "terminate"}
- self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
+ error_list = [] # annotates all failed error messages
db_nslcmop_update = {}
- nslcmop_operation_state = None
autoremove = False # autoremove after terminated
- pending_tasks = []
+ tasks_dict_info = {}
+ db_nsr_update = {}
+ stage = ["Stage 1/3: Preparing task.", "Waiting for previous operations to terminate.", ""]
+ # ^ contains [stage, step, VIM-status]
# wait for any previous tasks in process
- step = "Waiting for previous operations to terminate"
await self.lcm_tasks.waitfor_related_HA("ns", 'nslcmops', nslcmop_id)
+ stage[1] = "Getting nslcmop={} from db.".format(nslcmop_id)
+ db_nslcmop = self.db.get_one("nslcmops", {"_id": nslcmop_id})
+ operation_params = db_nslcmop.get("operationParams") or {}
+ if operation_params.get("timeout_ns_terminate"):
+ timeout_ns_terminate = operation_params["timeout_ns_terminate"]
+ stage[1] = "Getting nsr={} from db.".format(nsr_id)
+ db_nsr = self.db.get_one("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id})
+ db_nsr_update["operational-status"] = "terminating"
+ db_nsr_update["config-status"] = "terminating"
- current_operation_id=nslcmop_id
+ current_operation_id=nslcmop_id,
+ other_update=db_nsr_update
- step = "Getting nslcmop={} from db".format(nslcmop_id)
- db_nslcmop = self.db.get_one("nslcmops", {"_id": nslcmop_id})
- step = "Getting nsr={} from db".format(nsr_id)
- db_nsr = self.db.get_one("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id})
- # nsd = db_nsr["nsd"]
- nsr_deployed = deepcopy(db_nsr["_admin"].get("deployed"))
+ self._write_op_status(
+ op_id=nslcmop_id,
+ queuePosition=0,
+ stage=stage
+ )
+ nsr_deployed = deepcopy(db_nsr["_admin"].get("deployed")) or {}
if db_nsr["_admin"]["nsState"] == "NOT_INSTANTIATED":
- # #TODO check if VIM is creating and wait
- # RO_vim_id = db_vim["_admin"]["deployed"]["RO"]
- # Call internal terminate action
- await self._terminate_action(db_nslcmop, nslcmop_id, nsr_id)
- pending_tasks = []
- db_nsr_update["operational-status"] = "terminating"
- db_nsr_update["config-status"] = "terminating"
- # remove NS
- try:
- step = "delete execution environment"
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- task_delete_ee = asyncio.ensure_future(self.n2vc.delete_namespace(namespace="." + nsr_id))
- pending_tasks.append(task_delete_ee)
- except Exception as e:
- msg = "Failed while deleting NS in VCA: {}".format(e)
- self.logger.error(msg)
- failed_detail.append(msg)
- try:
- # Delete from k8scluster
- step = "delete kdus"
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- # print(nsr_deployed)
- if nsr_deployed:
- for kdu in nsr_deployed.get("K8s", ()):
- kdu_instance = kdu.get("kdu-instance")
- if not kdu_instance:
- continue
- if kdu.get("k8scluster-type") == "chart":
- task_delete_kdu_instance = asyncio.ensure_future(
- self.k8sclusterhelm.uninstall(cluster_uuid=kdu.get("k8scluster-uuid"),
- kdu_instance=kdu_instance))
- elif kdu.get("k8scluster-type") == "juju":
- task_delete_kdu_instance = asyncio.ensure_future(
- self.k8sclusterjuju.uninstall(cluster_uuid=kdu.get("k8scluster-uuid"),
- kdu_instance=kdu_instance))
- else:
- self.error(logging_text + "Unknown k8s deployment type {}".
- format(kdu.get("k8scluster-type")))
- continue
- pending_tasks.append(task_delete_kdu_instance)
- except LcmException as e:
- msg = "Failed while deleting KDUs from NS: {}".format(e)
- self.logger.error(msg)
- failed_detail.append(msg)
- # remove from RO
- RO_fail = False
- # Delete ns
- RO_nsr_id = RO_delete_action = None
- if nsr_deployed and nsr_deployed.get("RO"):
- RO_nsr_id = nsr_deployed["RO"].get("nsr_id")
- RO_delete_action = nsr_deployed["RO"].get("nsr_delete_action_id")
- try:
- if RO_nsr_id:
- step = db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = db_nslcmop_update["detailed-status"] = \
- "Deleting ns from VIM"
- self.update_db_2("nslcmops", nslcmop_id, db_nslcmop_update)
- self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- desc = await self.RO.delete("ns", RO_nsr_id)
- RO_delete_action = desc["action_id"]
- db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_delete_action_id"] = RO_delete_action
- db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_id"] = None
- db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_status"] = "DELETED"
- if RO_delete_action:
- # wait until NS is deleted from VIM
- step = detailed_status = "Waiting ns deleted from VIM. RO_id={} RO_delete_action={}".\
- format(RO_nsr_id, RO_delete_action)
- detailed_status_old = None
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- delete_timeout = 20 * 60 # 20 minutes
- while delete_timeout > 0:
- desc = await
- "ns",
- item_id_name=RO_nsr_id,
- extra_item="action",
- extra_item_id=RO_delete_action)
- ns_status, ns_status_info = self.RO.check_action_status(desc)
- if ns_status == "ERROR":
- raise ROclient.ROClientException(ns_status_info)
- elif ns_status == "BUILD":
- detailed_status = step + "; {}".format(ns_status_info)
- elif ns_status == "ACTIVE":
- db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_delete_action_id"] = None
- db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_status"] = "DELETED"
- break
- else:
- assert False, "ROclient.check_action_status returns unknown {}".format(ns_status)
- if detailed_status != detailed_status_old:
- detailed_status_old = db_nslcmop_update["detailed-status"] = \
- db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = detailed_status
- self.update_db_2("nslcmops", nslcmop_id, db_nslcmop_update)
- self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
- await asyncio.sleep(5, loop=self.loop)
- delete_timeout -= 5
- else: # delete_timeout <= 0:
- raise ROclient.ROClientException("Timeout waiting ns deleted from VIM")
- except ROclient.ROClientException as e:
- if e.http_code == 404: # not found
- db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_id"] = None
- db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_status"] = "DELETED"
- db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsr_delete_action_id"] = None
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + "RO_ns_id={} already deleted".format(RO_nsr_id))
- elif e.http_code == 409: # conflict
- failed_detail.append("RO_ns_id={} delete conflict: {}".format(RO_nsr_id, e))
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + failed_detail[-1])
- RO_fail = True
+ stage[1] = "Getting vnf descriptors from db."
+ db_vnfrs_list = self.db.get_list("vnfrs", {"nsr-id-ref": nsr_id})
+ db_vnfds_from_id = {}
+ db_vnfds_from_member_index = {}
+ # Loop over VNFRs
+ for vnfr in db_vnfrs_list:
+ vnfd_id = vnfr["vnfd-id"]
+ if vnfd_id not in db_vnfds_from_id:
+ vnfd = self.db.get_one("vnfds", {"_id": vnfd_id})
+ db_vnfds_from_id[vnfd_id] = vnfd
+ db_vnfds_from_member_index[vnfr["member-vnf-index-ref"]] = db_vnfds_from_id[vnfd_id]
+ # Destroy individual execution environments when there are terminating primitives.
+ # Rest of EE will be deleted at once
+ # TODO - check before calling _destroy_N2VC
+ # if not operation_params.get("skip_terminate_primitives"):#
+ # or not vca.get("needed_terminate"):
+ stage[0] = "Stage 2/3 execute terminating primitives."
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + stage[0])
+ stage[1] = "Looking execution environment that needs terminate."
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + stage[1])
+ # self.logger.debug("nsr_deployed: {}".format(nsr_deployed))
+ for vca_index, vca in enumerate(get_iterable(nsr_deployed, "VCA")):
+ config_descriptor = None
+ if not vca or not vca.get("ee_id"):
+ continue
+ if not vca.get("member-vnf-index"):
+ # ns
+ config_descriptor = db_nsr.get("ns-configuration")
+ elif vca.get("vdu_id"):
+ db_vnfd = db_vnfds_from_member_index[vca["member-vnf-index"]]
+ vdud = next((vdu for vdu in db_vnfd.get("vdu", ()) if vdu["id"] == vca.get("vdu_id")), None)
+ if vdud:
+ config_descriptor = vdud.get("vdu-configuration")
+ elif vca.get("kdu_name"):
+ db_vnfd = db_vnfds_from_member_index[vca["member-vnf-index"]]
+ kdud = next((kdu for kdu in db_vnfd.get("kdu", ()) if kdu["name"] == vca.get("kdu_name")), None)
+ if kdud:
+ config_descriptor = kdud.get("kdu-configuration")
- failed_detail.append("RO_ns_id={} delete error: {}".format(RO_nsr_id, e))
- self.logger.error(logging_text + failed_detail[-1])
- RO_fail = True
- # Delete nsd
- if not RO_fail and nsr_deployed and nsr_deployed.get("RO") and nsr_deployed["RO"].get("nsd_id"):
- RO_nsd_id = nsr_deployed["RO"]["nsd_id"]
- try:
- step = db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = db_nslcmop_update["detailed-status"] =\
- "Deleting nsd from RO"
- await self.RO.delete("nsd", RO_nsd_id)
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + "RO_nsd_id={} deleted".format(RO_nsd_id))
- db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsd_id"] = None
- except ROclient.ROClientException as e:
- if e.http_code == 404: # not found
- db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.nsd_id"] = None
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + "RO_nsd_id={} already deleted".format(RO_nsd_id))
- elif e.http_code == 409: # conflict
- failed_detail.append("RO_nsd_id={} delete conflict: {}".format(RO_nsd_id, e))
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + failed_detail[-1])
- RO_fail = True
- else:
- failed_detail.append("RO_nsd_id={} delete error: {}".format(RO_nsd_id, e))
- self.logger.error(logging_text + failed_detail[-1])
- RO_fail = True
- if not RO_fail and nsr_deployed and nsr_deployed.get("RO") and nsr_deployed["RO"].get("vnfd"):
- for index, vnf_deployed in enumerate(nsr_deployed["RO"]["vnfd"]):
- if not vnf_deployed or not vnf_deployed["id"]:
- continue
- try:
- RO_vnfd_id = vnf_deployed["id"]
- step = db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = db_nslcmop_update["detailed-status"] =\
- "Deleting member_vnf_index={} RO_vnfd_id={} from RO".format(
- vnf_deployed["member-vnf-index"], RO_vnfd_id)
- await self.RO.delete("vnfd", RO_vnfd_id)
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + "RO_vnfd_id={} deleted".format(RO_vnfd_id))
- db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.vnfd.{}.id".format(index)] = None
- except ROclient.ROClientException as e:
- if e.http_code == 404: # not found
- db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.RO.vnfd.{}.id".format(index)] = None
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + "RO_vnfd_id={} already deleted ".format(RO_vnfd_id))
- elif e.http_code == 409: # conflict
- failed_detail.append("RO_vnfd_id={} delete conflict: {}".format(RO_vnfd_id, e))
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + failed_detail[-1])
- else:
- failed_detail.append("RO_vnfd_id={} delete error: {}".format(RO_vnfd_id, e))
- self.logger.error(logging_text + failed_detail[-1])
+ config_descriptor = db_vnfds_from_member_index[vca["member-vnf-index"]].get("vnf-configuration")
+ vca_type = vca.get("type")
+ exec_terminate_primitives = (not operation_params.get("skip_terminate_primitives") and
+ vca.get("needed_terminate"))
+ # For helm we must destroy_ee. Also for native_charm, as juju_model cannot be deleted if there are
+ # pending native charms
+ destroy_ee = True if vca_type in ("helm", "native_charm") else False
+ # self.logger.debug(logging_text + "vca_index: {}, ee_id: {}, vca_type: {} destroy_ee: {}".format(
+ # vca_index, vca.get("ee_id"), vca_type, destroy_ee))
+ task = asyncio.ensure_future(
+ self.destroy_N2VC(logging_text, db_nslcmop, vca, config_descriptor, vca_index,
+ destroy_ee, exec_terminate_primitives))
+ tasks_dict_info[task] = "Terminating VCA {}".format(vca.get("ee_id"))
+ # wait for pending tasks of terminate primitives
+ if tasks_dict_info:
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + 'Waiting for tasks {}'.format(list(tasks_dict_info.keys())))
+ error_list = await self._wait_for_tasks(logging_text, tasks_dict_info,
+ min(self.timeout_charm_delete, timeout_ns_terminate),
+ stage, nslcmop_id)
+ tasks_dict_info.clear()
+ if error_list:
+ return # raise LcmException("; ".join(error_list))
+ # remove All execution environments at once
+ stage[0] = "Stage 3/3 delete all."
+ if nsr_deployed.get("VCA"):
+ stage[1] = "Deleting all execution environments."
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + stage[1])
+ task_delete_ee = asyncio.ensure_future(asyncio.wait_for(self._delete_all_N2VC(db_nsr=db_nsr),
+ timeout=self.timeout_charm_delete))
+ # task_delete_ee = asyncio.ensure_future(self.n2vc.delete_namespace(namespace="." + nsr_id))
+ tasks_dict_info[task_delete_ee] = "Terminating all VCA"
+ # Delete from k8scluster
+ stage[1] = "Deleting KDUs."
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + stage[1])
+ # print(nsr_deployed)
+ for kdu in get_iterable(nsr_deployed, "K8s"):
+ if not kdu or not kdu.get("kdu-instance"):
+ continue
+ kdu_instance = kdu.get("kdu-instance")
+ if kdu.get("k8scluster-type") in self.k8scluster_map:
+ task_delete_kdu_instance = asyncio.ensure_future(
+ self.k8scluster_map[kdu["k8scluster-type"]].uninstall(
+ cluster_uuid=kdu.get("k8scluster-uuid"),
+ kdu_instance=kdu_instance))
+ else:
+ self.logger.error(logging_text + "Unknown k8s deployment type {}".
+ format(kdu.get("k8scluster-type")))
+ continue
+ tasks_dict_info[task_delete_kdu_instance] = "Terminating KDU '{}'".format(kdu.get("kdu-name"))
- if failed_detail:
- terminate_ok = False
- self.logger.error(logging_text + " ;".join(failed_detail))
- db_nsr_update["operational-status"] = "failed"
- db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = "Deletion errors " + "; ".join(failed_detail)
- db_nslcmop_update["detailed-status"] = "; ".join(failed_detail)
- db_nslcmop_update["operationState"] = nslcmop_operation_state = "FAILED"
- db_nslcmop_update["statusEnteredTime"] = time()
+ # remove from RO
+ stage[1] = "Deleting ns from VIM."
+ if self.ng_ro:
+ task_delete_ro = asyncio.ensure_future(
+ self._terminate_ng_ro(logging_text, nsr_deployed, nsr_id, nslcmop_id, stage))
- terminate_ok = True
- db_nsr_update["operational-status"] = "terminated"
- db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = "Done"
- db_nsr_update["_admin.nsState"] = "NOT_INSTANTIATED"
- db_nslcmop_update["detailed-status"] = "Done"
- db_nslcmop_update["operationState"] = nslcmop_operation_state = "COMPLETED"
- db_nslcmop_update["statusEnteredTime"] = time()
- if db_nslcmop["operationParams"].get("autoremove"):
- autoremove = True
+ task_delete_ro = asyncio.ensure_future(
+ self._terminate_RO(logging_text, nsr_deployed, nsr_id, nslcmop_id, stage))
+ tasks_dict_info[task_delete_ro] = "Removing deployment from VIM"
- except (ROclient.ROClientException, DbException, LcmException) as e:
+ # rest of staff will be done at finally
+ except (ROclient.ROClientException, DbException, LcmException, N2VCException) as e:
self.logger.error(logging_text + "Exit Exception {}".format(e))
exc = e
except asyncio.CancelledError:
- self.logger.error(logging_text + "Cancelled Exception while '{}'".format(step))
+ self.logger.error(logging_text + "Cancelled Exception while '{}'".format(stage[1]))
exc = "Operation was cancelled"
except Exception as e:
exc = traceback.format_exc()
- self.logger.critical(logging_text + "Exit Exception {}".format(e), exc_info=True)
+ self.logger.critical(logging_text + "Exit Exception while '{}': {}".format(stage[1], e), exc_info=True)
- if exc and db_nslcmop:
- db_nslcmop_update["detailed-status"] = "FAILED {}: {}".format(step, exc)
- db_nslcmop_update["operationState"] = nslcmop_operation_state = "FAILED"
- db_nslcmop_update["statusEnteredTime"] = time()
+ if exc:
+ error_list.append(str(exc))
- if db_nslcmop and db_nslcmop_update:
- self.update_db_2("nslcmops", nslcmop_id, db_nslcmop_update)
- if db_nsr:
- db_nsr_update["_admin.nslcmop"] = None
- db_nsr_update["_admin.current-operation"] = None
- db_nsr_update["_admin.operation-type"] = None
- self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
- if terminate_ok:
- ns_state = "IDLE"
- error_description = None
- error_detail = None
- else:
- ns_state = "BROKEN"
- error_description = 'Operation: TERMINATING.{}, step: {}'.format(nslcmop_id, step)
- error_detail = "; ".join(failed_detail)
+ # wait for pending tasks
+ if tasks_dict_info:
+ stage[1] = "Waiting for terminate pending tasks."
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + stage[1])
+ error_list += await self._wait_for_tasks(logging_text, tasks_dict_info, timeout_ns_terminate,
+ stage, nslcmop_id)
+ stage[1] = stage[2] = ""
+ except asyncio.CancelledError:
+ error_list.append("Cancelled")
+ # TODO cancell all tasks
+ except Exception as exc:
+ error_list.append(str(exc))
+ # update status at database
+ if error_list:
+ error_detail = "; ".join(error_list)
+ # self.logger.error(logging_text + error_detail)
+ error_description_nslcmop = '{} Detail: {}'.format(stage[0], error_detail)
+ error_description_nsr = 'Operation: TERMINATING.{}, {}.'.format(nslcmop_id, stage[0])
- self._write_ns_status(
- nsr_id=nsr_id,
- ns_state=ns_state,
- current_operation="IDLE",
- current_operation_id=None,
- error_description=error_description,
- error_detail=error_detail
- )
+ db_nsr_update["operational-status"] = "failed"
+ db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = error_description_nsr + " Detail: " + error_detail
+ db_nslcmop_update["detailed-status"] = error_detail
+ nslcmop_operation_state = "FAILED"
+ ns_state = "BROKEN"
+ else:
+ error_detail = None
+ error_description_nsr = error_description_nslcmop = None
+ ns_state = "NOT_INSTANTIATED"
+ db_nsr_update["operational-status"] = "terminated"
+ db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = "Done"
+ db_nsr_update["_admin.nsState"] = "NOT_INSTANTIATED"
+ db_nslcmop_update["detailed-status"] = "Done"
+ nslcmop_operation_state = "COMPLETED"
- except DbException as e:
- self.logger.error(logging_text + "Cannot update database: {}".format(e))
+ if db_nsr:
+ self._write_ns_status(
+ nsr_id=nsr_id,
+ ns_state=ns_state,
+ current_operation="IDLE",
+ current_operation_id=None,
+ error_description=error_description_nsr,
+ error_detail=error_detail,
+ other_update=db_nsr_update
+ )
+ self._write_op_status(
+ op_id=nslcmop_id,
+ stage="",
+ error_message=error_description_nslcmop,
+ operation_state=nslcmop_operation_state,
+ other_update=db_nslcmop_update,
+ )
+ if ns_state == "NOT_INSTANTIATED":
+ try:
+ self.db.set_list("vnfrs", {"nsr-id-ref": nsr_id}, {"_admin.nsState": "NOT_INSTANTIATED"})
+ except DbException as e:
+ self.logger.warn(logging_text + 'Error writing VNFR status for nsr-id-ref: {} -> {}'.
+ format(nsr_id, e))
+ if operation_params:
+ autoremove = operation_params.get("autoremove", False)
if nslcmop_operation_state:
await self.msg.aiowrite("ns", "terminated", {"nsr_id": nsr_id, "nslcmop_id": nslcmop_id,
except Exception as e:
self.logger.error(logging_text + "kafka_write notification Exception {}".format(e))
- # wait for pending tasks
- done = None
- pending = None
- if pending_tasks:
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + 'Waiting for terminate pending tasks...')
- done, pending = await asyncio.wait(pending_tasks, timeout=3600)
- if not pending:
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + 'All tasks finished...')
- else:
- + 'There are pending tasks: {}'.format(pending))
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Exit")
self.lcm_tasks.remove("ns", nsr_id, nslcmop_id, "ns_terminate")
- @staticmethod
- def _map_primitive_params(primitive_desc, params, instantiation_params):
+ async def _wait_for_tasks(self, logging_text, created_tasks_info, timeout, stage, nslcmop_id, nsr_id=None):
+ time_start = time()
+ error_detail_list = []
+ error_list = []
+ pending_tasks = list(created_tasks_info.keys())
+ num_tasks = len(pending_tasks)
+ num_done = 0
+ stage[1] = "{}/{}.".format(num_done, num_tasks)
+ self._write_op_status(nslcmop_id, stage)
+ while pending_tasks:
+ new_error = None
+ _timeout = timeout + time_start - time()
+ done, pending_tasks = await asyncio.wait(pending_tasks, timeout=_timeout,
+ return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)
+ num_done += len(done)
+ if not done: # Timeout
+ for task in pending_tasks:
+ new_error = created_tasks_info[task] + ": Timeout"
+ error_detail_list.append(new_error)
+ error_list.append(new_error)
+ break
+ for task in done:
+ if task.cancelled():
+ exc = "Cancelled"
+ else:
+ exc = task.exception()
+ if exc:
+ if isinstance(exc, asyncio.TimeoutError):
+ exc = "Timeout"
+ new_error = created_tasks_info[task] + ": {}".format(exc)
+ error_list.append(created_tasks_info[task])
+ error_detail_list.append(new_error)
+ if isinstance(exc, (str, DbException, N2VCException, ROclient.ROClientException, LcmException,
+ K8sException)):
+ self.logger.error(logging_text + new_error)
+ else:
+ exc_traceback = "".join(traceback.format_exception(None, exc, exc.__traceback__))
+ self.logger.error(logging_text + created_tasks_info[task] + exc_traceback)
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + created_tasks_info[task] + ": Done")
+ stage[1] = "{}/{}.".format(num_done, num_tasks)
+ if new_error:
+ stage[1] += " Errors: " + ". ".join(error_detail_list) + "."
+ if nsr_id: # update also nsr
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, {"errorDescription": "Error at: " + ", ".join(error_list),
+ "errorDetail": ". ".join(error_detail_list)})
+ self._write_op_status(nslcmop_id, stage)
+ return error_detail_list
+ def _map_primitive_params(self, primitive_desc, params, instantiation_params):
Generates the params to be provided to charm before executing primitive. If user does not provide a parameter,
The default-value is used. If it is between < > it look for a value at instantiation_params
elif isinstance(calculated_params[param_name], str) and calculated_params[param_name].startswith("!!yaml "):
calculated_params[param_name] = calculated_params[param_name][7:]
+ if parameter.get("data-type") == "INTEGER":
+ try:
+ calculated_params[param_name] = int(calculated_params[param_name])
+ except ValueError: # error converting string to int
+ raise LcmException(
+ "Parameter {} of primitive {} must be integer".format(param_name, primitive_desc["name"]))
+ elif parameter.get("data-type") == "BOOLEAN":
+ calculated_params[param_name] = not ((str(calculated_params[param_name])).lower() == 'false')
# add always ns_config_info if primitive name is config
if primitive_desc["name"] == "config":
if "ns_config_info" in instantiation_params:
calculated_params["ns_config_info"] = instantiation_params["ns_config_info"]
+ calculated_params["VCA"] = self.vca_config
return calculated_params
- async def _ns_execute_primitive(self, db_deployed, member_vnf_index, vdu_id, vdu_name, vdu_count_index,
- primitive, primitive_params, retries=0, retries_interval=30) -> (str, str):
- # find vca_deployed record for this action
+ def _look_for_deployed_vca(self, deployed_vca, member_vnf_index, vdu_id, vdu_count_index, kdu_name=None,
+ ee_descriptor_id=None):
+ # find vca_deployed record for this action. Raise LcmException if not found or there is not any id.
+ for vca in deployed_vca:
+ if not vca:
+ continue
+ if member_vnf_index != vca["member-vnf-index"] or vdu_id != vca["vdu_id"]:
+ continue
+ if vdu_count_index is not None and vdu_count_index != vca["vdu_count_index"]:
+ continue
+ if kdu_name and kdu_name != vca["kdu_name"]:
+ continue
+ if ee_descriptor_id and ee_descriptor_id != vca["ee_descriptor_id"]:
+ continue
+ break
+ else:
+ # vca_deployed not found
+ raise LcmException("charm for member_vnf_index={} vdu_id={}.{} kdu_name={}{}"
+ " is not deployed".format(member_vnf_index, vdu_id, vdu_count_index, kdu_name,
+ ee_descriptor_id))
+ # get ee_id
+ ee_id = vca.get("ee_id")
+ vca_type = vca.get("type", "lxc_proxy_charm") # default value for backward compatibility - proxy charm
+ if not ee_id:
+ raise LcmException("charm for member_vnf_index={} vdu_id={} kdu_name={} vdu_count_index={} has not "
+ "execution environment"
+ .format(member_vnf_index, vdu_id, kdu_name, vdu_count_index))
+ return ee_id, vca_type
+ async def _ns_execute_primitive(self, ee_id, primitive, primitive_params, retries=0,
+ retries_interval=30, timeout=None,
+ vca_type=None, db_dict=None) -> (str, str):
- for vca_deployed in db_deployed["VCA"]:
- if not vca_deployed:
- continue
- if member_vnf_index != vca_deployed["member-vnf-index"] or vdu_id != vca_deployed["vdu_id"]:
- continue
- if vdu_name and vdu_name != vca_deployed["vdu_name"]:
- continue
- if vdu_count_index and vdu_count_index != vca_deployed["vdu_count_index"]:
- continue
- break
- else:
- # vca_deployed not found
- raise LcmException("charm for member_vnf_index={} vdu_id={} vdu_name={} vdu_count_index={} is not "
- "deployed".format(member_vnf_index, vdu_id, vdu_name, vdu_count_index))
- # get ee_id
- ee_id = vca_deployed.get("ee_id")
- if not ee_id:
- raise LcmException("charm for member_vnf_index={} vdu_id={} vdu_name={} vdu_count_index={} has not "
- "execution environment"
- .format(member_vnf_index, vdu_id, vdu_name, vdu_count_index))
if primitive == "config":
primitive_params = {"params": primitive_params}
+ vca_type = vca_type or "lxc_proxy_charm"
while retries >= 0:
- output = await self.n2vc.exec_primitive(
- ee_id=ee_id,
- primitive_name=primitive,
- params_dict=primitive_params
- )
+ output = await asyncio.wait_for(
+ self.vca_map[vca_type].exec_primitive(
+ ee_id=ee_id,
+ primitive_name=primitive,
+ params_dict=primitive_params,
+ progress_timeout=self.timeout_progress_primitive,
+ total_timeout=self.timeout_primitive,
+ db_dict=db_dict),
+ timeout=timeout or self.timeout_primitive)
# execution was OK
- except Exception as e:
+ except asyncio.CancelledError:
+ raise
+ except Exception as e: # asyncio.TimeoutError
+ if isinstance(e, asyncio.TimeoutError):
+ e = "Timeout"
retries -= 1
if retries >= 0:
self.logger.debug('Error executing action {} on {} -> {}'.format(primitive, ee_id, e))
# wait and retry
await asyncio.sleep(retries_interval, loop=self.loop)
- return 'Cannot execute action {} on {}: {}'.format(primitive, ee_id, e), 'FAIL'
+ return 'FAILED', str(e)
- return output, 'OK'
+ return 'COMPLETED', output
+ except (LcmException, asyncio.CancelledError):
+ raise
except Exception as e:
- return 'Error executing action {}: {}'.format(primitive, e), 'FAIL'
+ return 'FAIL', 'Error executing action {}: {}'.format(primitive, e)
async def action(self, nsr_id, nslcmop_id):
# get all needed from database
db_nsr = None
db_nslcmop = None
- db_nsr_update = {"_admin.nslcmop": nslcmop_id,
- "_admin.current-operation": nslcmop_id,
- "_admin.operation-type": "action"}
- self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
+ db_nsr_update = {}
db_nslcmop_update = {}
nslcmop_operation_state = None
- nslcmop_operation_state_detail = None
+ error_description_nslcmop = None
exc = None
# wait for any previous tasks in process
vdu_id = db_nslcmop["operationParams"].get("vdu_id")
kdu_name = db_nslcmop["operationParams"].get("kdu_name")
vdu_count_index = db_nslcmop["operationParams"].get("vdu_count_index")
- vdu_name = db_nslcmop["operationParams"].get("vdu_name")
+ primitive = db_nslcmop["operationParams"]["primitive"]
+ primitive_params = db_nslcmop["operationParams"]["primitive_params"]
+ timeout_ns_action = db_nslcmop["operationParams"].get("timeout_ns_action", self.timeout_primitive)
if vnf_index:
step = "Getting vnfr from database"
step = "Getting vnfd from database"
db_vnfd = self.db.get_one("vnfds", {"_id": db_vnfr["vnfd-id"]})
- if db_nsr.get("nsd"):
- db_nsd = db_nsr.get("nsd") # TODO this will be removed
- else:
- step = "Getting nsd from database"
- db_nsd = self.db.get_one("nsds", {"_id": db_nsr["nsd-id"]})
+ step = "Getting nsd from database"
+ db_nsd = self.db.get_one("nsds", {"_id": db_nsr["nsd-id"]})
# for backward compatibility
if nsr_deployed and isinstance(nsr_deployed.get("VCA"), dict):
db_nsr_update["_admin.deployed.VCA"] = nsr_deployed["VCA"]
self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
- primitive = db_nslcmop["operationParams"]["primitive"]
- primitive_params = db_nslcmop["operationParams"]["primitive_params"]
# look for primitive
- config_primitive_desc = None
+ config_primitive_desc = descriptor_configuration = None
if vdu_id:
for vdu in get_iterable(db_vnfd, "vdu"):
if vdu_id == vdu["id"]:
- for config_primitive in vdu.get("vdu-configuration", {}).get("config-primitive", ()):
- if config_primitive["name"] == primitive:
- config_primitive_desc = config_primitive
- break
+ descriptor_configuration = vdu.get("vdu-configuration")
+ break
elif kdu_name:
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Checking actions in KDUs")
- kdur = next((x for x in db_vnfr["kdur"] if x["kdu-name"] == kdu_name), None)
- desc_params = self._format_additional_params(kdur.get("additionalParams")) or {}
- if primitive_params:
- desc_params.update(primitive_params)
- # TODO Check if we will need something at vnf level
- index = 0
- for kdu in get_iterable(nsr_deployed, "K8s"):
- if kdu_name == kdu["kdu-name"]:
- db_dict = {"collection": "nsrs", "filter": {"_id": nsr_id},
- "path": "_admin.deployed.K8s.{}".format(index)}
- if primitive == "upgrade":
- if desc_params.get("kdu_model"):
- kdu_model = desc_params.get("kdu_model")
- del desc_params["kdu_model"]
- else:
- kdu_model = kdu.get("kdu-model")
- parts = kdu_model.split(sep=":")
- if len(parts) == 2:
- kdu_model = parts[0]
- if kdu.get("k8scluster-type") == "chart":
- output = await self.k8sclusterhelm.upgrade(cluster_uuid=kdu.get("k8scluster-uuid"),
- kdu_instance=kdu.get("kdu-instance"),
- atomic=True, kdu_model=kdu_model,
- params=desc_params, db_dict=db_dict,
- timeout=300)
- elif kdu.get("k8scluster-type") == "juju":
- output = await self.k8sclusterjuju.upgrade(cluster_uuid=kdu.get("k8scluster-uuid"),
- kdu_instance=kdu.get("kdu-instance"),
- atomic=True, kdu_model=kdu_model,
- params=desc_params, db_dict=db_dict,
- timeout=300)
- else:
- msg = "k8scluster-type not defined"
- raise LcmException(msg)
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + " Upgrade of kdu {} done".format(output))
- break
- elif primitive == "rollback":
- if kdu.get("k8scluster-type") == "chart":
- output = await self.k8sclusterhelm.rollback(cluster_uuid=kdu.get("k8scluster-uuid"),
- kdu_instance=kdu.get("kdu-instance"),
- db_dict=db_dict)
- elif kdu.get("k8scluster-type") == "juju":
- output = await self.k8sclusterjuju.rollback(cluster_uuid=kdu.get("k8scluster-uuid"),
- kdu_instance=kdu.get("kdu-instance"),
- db_dict=db_dict)
- else:
- msg = "k8scluster-type not defined"
- raise LcmException(msg)
- break
- elif primitive == "status":
- if kdu.get("k8scluster-type") == "chart":
- output = await self.k8sclusterhelm.status_kdu(cluster_uuid=kdu.get("k8scluster-uuid"),
- kdu_instance=kdu.get("kdu-instance"))
- elif kdu.get("k8scluster-type") == "juju":
- output = await self.k8sclusterjuju.status_kdu(cluster_uuid=kdu.get("k8scluster-uuid"),
- kdu_instance=kdu.get("kdu-instance"))
- else:
- msg = "k8scluster-type not defined"
- raise LcmException(msg)
- break
- index += 1
- else:
- raise LcmException("KDU '{}' not found".format(kdu_name))
- if output:
- db_nslcmop_update["detailed-status"] = output
- db_nslcmop_update["operationState"] = 'COMPLETED'
- db_nslcmop_update["statusEnteredTime"] = time()
- else:
- db_nslcmop_update["detailed-status"] = ''
- db_nslcmop_update["operationState"] = 'FAILED'
- db_nslcmop_update["statusEnteredTime"] = time()
- return
- elif vnf_index:
- for config_primitive in db_vnfd.get("vnf-configuration", {}).get("config-primitive", ()):
- if config_primitive["name"] == primitive:
- config_primitive_desc = config_primitive
+ for kdu in get_iterable(db_vnfd, "kdu"):
+ if kdu_name == kdu["name"]:
+ descriptor_configuration = kdu.get("kdu-configuration")
+ elif vnf_index:
+ descriptor_configuration = db_vnfd.get("vnf-configuration")
- for config_primitive in db_nsd.get("ns-configuration", {}).get("config-primitive", ()):
+ descriptor_configuration = db_nsd.get("ns-configuration")
+ if descriptor_configuration and descriptor_configuration.get("config-primitive"):
+ for config_primitive in descriptor_configuration["config-primitive"]:
if config_primitive["name"] == primitive:
config_primitive_desc = config_primitive
if not config_primitive_desc:
- raise LcmException("Primitive {} not found at [ns|vnf|vdu]-configuration:config-primitive ".
- format(primitive))
+ if not (kdu_name and primitive in ("upgrade", "rollback", "status")):
+ raise LcmException("Primitive {} not found at [ns|vnf|vdu]-configuration:config-primitive ".
+ format(primitive))
+ primitive_name = primitive
+ ee_descriptor_id = None
+ else:
+ primitive_name = config_primitive_desc.get("execution-environment-primitive", primitive)
+ ee_descriptor_id = config_primitive_desc.get("execution-environment-ref")
- desc_params = {}
if vnf_index:
- if db_vnfr.get("additionalParamsForVnf"):
- desc_params = self._format_additional_params(db_vnfr["additionalParamsForVnf"])
if vdu_id:
vdur = next((x for x in db_vnfr["vdur"] if x["vdu-id-ref"] == vdu_id), None)
- if vdur.get("additionalParams"):
- desc_params = self._format_additional_params(vdur["additionalParams"])
+ desc_params = self._format_additional_params(vdur.get("additionalParams"))
+ elif kdu_name:
+ kdur = next((x for x in db_vnfr["kdur"] if x["kdu-name"] == kdu_name), None)
+ desc_params = self._format_additional_params(kdur.get("additionalParams"))
+ else:
+ desc_params = self._format_additional_params(db_vnfr.get("additionalParamsForVnf"))
- if db_nsr.get("additionalParamsForNs"):
- desc_params.update(self._format_additional_params(db_nsr["additionalParamsForNs"]))
+ desc_params = self._format_additional_params(db_nsr.get("additionalParamsForNs"))
+ if kdu_name:
+ kdu_action = True if not deep_get(kdu, ("kdu-configuration", "juju")) else False
# TODO check if ns is in a proper status
- output, detail = await self._ns_execute_primitive(
- db_deployed=nsr_deployed,
- member_vnf_index=vnf_index,
- vdu_id=vdu_id,
- vdu_name=vdu_name,
- vdu_count_index=vdu_count_index,
- primitive=primitive,
- primitive_params=self._map_primitive_params(config_primitive_desc, primitive_params, desc_params))
- detailed_status = output
- if detail == 'OK':
- result = 'COMPLETED'
+ if kdu_name and (primitive_name in ("upgrade", "rollback", "status") or kdu_action):
+ # kdur and desc_params already set from before
+ if primitive_params:
+ desc_params.update(primitive_params)
+ # TODO Check if we will need something at vnf level
+ for index, kdu in enumerate(get_iterable(nsr_deployed, "K8s")):
+ if kdu_name == kdu["kdu-name"] and kdu["member-vnf-index"] == vnf_index:
+ break
+ else:
+ raise LcmException("KDU '{}' for vnf '{}' not deployed".format(kdu_name, vnf_index))
+ if kdu.get("k8scluster-type") not in self.k8scluster_map:
+ msg = "unknown k8scluster-type '{}'".format(kdu.get("k8scluster-type"))
+ raise LcmException(msg)
+ db_dict = {"collection": "nsrs",
+ "filter": {"_id": nsr_id},
+ "path": "_admin.deployed.K8s.{}".format(index)}
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Exec k8s {} on {}.{}".format(primitive_name, vnf_index, kdu_name))
+ step = "Executing kdu {}".format(primitive_name)
+ if primitive_name == "upgrade":
+ if desc_params.get("kdu_model"):
+ kdu_model = desc_params.get("kdu_model")
+ del desc_params["kdu_model"]
+ else:
+ kdu_model = kdu.get("kdu-model")
+ parts = kdu_model.split(sep=":")
+ if len(parts) == 2:
+ kdu_model = parts[0]
+ detailed_status = await asyncio.wait_for(
+ self.k8scluster_map[kdu["k8scluster-type"]].upgrade(
+ cluster_uuid=kdu.get("k8scluster-uuid"),
+ kdu_instance=kdu.get("kdu-instance"),
+ atomic=True, kdu_model=kdu_model,
+ params=desc_params, db_dict=db_dict,
+ timeout=timeout_ns_action),
+ timeout=timeout_ns_action + 10)
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + " Upgrade of kdu {} done".format(detailed_status))
+ elif primitive_name == "rollback":
+ detailed_status = await asyncio.wait_for(
+ self.k8scluster_map[kdu["k8scluster-type"]].rollback(
+ cluster_uuid=kdu.get("k8scluster-uuid"),
+ kdu_instance=kdu.get("kdu-instance"),
+ db_dict=db_dict),
+ timeout=timeout_ns_action)
+ elif primitive_name == "status":
+ detailed_status = await asyncio.wait_for(
+ self.k8scluster_map[kdu["k8scluster-type"]].status_kdu(
+ cluster_uuid=kdu.get("k8scluster-uuid"),
+ kdu_instance=kdu.get("kdu-instance")),
+ timeout=timeout_ns_action)
+ else:
+ kdu_instance = kdu.get("kdu-instance") or "{}-{}".format(kdu["kdu-name"], nsr_id)
+ params = self._map_primitive_params(config_primitive_desc, primitive_params, desc_params)
+ detailed_status = await asyncio.wait_for(
+ self.k8scluster_map[kdu["k8scluster-type"]].exec_primitive(
+ cluster_uuid=kdu.get("k8scluster-uuid"),
+ kdu_instance=kdu_instance,
+ primitive_name=primitive_name,
+ params=params, db_dict=db_dict,
+ timeout=timeout_ns_action),
+ timeout=timeout_ns_action)
+ if detailed_status:
+ nslcmop_operation_state = 'COMPLETED'
+ else:
+ detailed_status = ''
+ nslcmop_operation_state = 'FAILED'
- result = 'FAILED'
- db_nslcmop_update["detailed-status"] = nslcmop_operation_state_detail = detailed_status
- db_nslcmop_update["operationState"] = nslcmop_operation_state = result
- db_nslcmop_update["statusEnteredTime"] = time()
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + " task Done with result {} {}".format(result, detailed_status))
+ ee_id, vca_type = self._look_for_deployed_vca(nsr_deployed["VCA"],
+ member_vnf_index=vnf_index,
+ vdu_id=vdu_id,
+ vdu_count_index=vdu_count_index,
+ ee_descriptor_id=ee_descriptor_id)
+ db_nslcmop_notif = {"collection": "nslcmops",
+ "filter": {"_id": nslcmop_id},
+ "path": "admin.VCA"}
+ nslcmop_operation_state, detailed_status = await self._ns_execute_primitive(
+ ee_id,
+ primitive=primitive_name,
+ primitive_params=self._map_primitive_params(config_primitive_desc, primitive_params, desc_params),
+ timeout=timeout_ns_action,
+ vca_type=vca_type,
+ db_dict=db_nslcmop_notif)
+ db_nslcmop_update["detailed-status"] = detailed_status
+ error_description_nslcmop = detailed_status if nslcmop_operation_state == "FAILED" else ""
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + " task Done with result {} {}".format(nslcmop_operation_state,
+ detailed_status))
return # database update is called inside finally
- except (DbException, LcmException) as e:
+ except (DbException, LcmException, N2VCException, K8sException) as e:
self.logger.error(logging_text + "Exit Exception {}".format(e))
exc = e
except asyncio.CancelledError:
self.logger.error(logging_text + "Cancelled Exception while '{}'".format(step))
exc = "Operation was cancelled"
+ except asyncio.TimeoutError:
+ self.logger.error(logging_text + "Timeout while '{}'".format(step))
+ exc = "Timeout"
except Exception as e:
exc = traceback.format_exc()
self.logger.critical(logging_text + "Exit Exception {} {}".format(type(e).__name__, e), exc_info=True)
- if exc and db_nslcmop:
- db_nslcmop_update["detailed-status"] = nslcmop_operation_state_detail = \
+ if exc:
+ db_nslcmop_update["detailed-status"] = detailed_status = error_description_nslcmop = \
"FAILED {}: {}".format(step, exc)
- db_nslcmop_update["operationState"] = nslcmop_operation_state = "FAILED"
- db_nslcmop_update["statusEnteredTime"] = time()
- try:
- if db_nslcmop_update:
- self.update_db_2("nslcmops", nslcmop_id, db_nslcmop_update)
- if db_nsr:
- db_nsr_update["_admin.nslcmop"] = None
- db_nsr_update["_admin.operation-type"] = None
- db_nsr_update["_admin.nslcmop"] = None
- db_nsr_update["_admin.current-operation"] = None
- self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
- self._write_ns_status(
- nsr_id=nsr_id,
- ns_state=None,
- current_operation="IDLE",
- current_operation_id=None
- )
- except DbException as e:
- self.logger.error(logging_text + "Cannot update database: {}".format(e))
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Exit")
+ nslcmop_operation_state = "FAILED"
+ if db_nsr:
+ self._write_ns_status(
+ nsr_id=nsr_id,
+ ns_state=db_nsr["nsState"], # TODO check if degraded. For the moment use previous status
+ current_operation="IDLE",
+ current_operation_id=None,
+ # error_description=error_description_nsr,
+ # error_detail=error_detail,
+ other_update=db_nsr_update
+ )
+ self._write_op_status(
+ op_id=nslcmop_id,
+ stage="",
+ error_message=error_description_nslcmop,
+ operation_state=nslcmop_operation_state,
+ other_update=db_nslcmop_update,
+ )
if nslcmop_operation_state:
await self.msg.aiowrite("ns", "actioned", {"nsr_id": nsr_id, "nslcmop_id": nslcmop_id,
self.logger.error(logging_text + "kafka_write notification Exception {}".format(e))
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Exit")
self.lcm_tasks.remove("ns", nsr_id, nslcmop_id, "ns_action")
- return nslcmop_operation_state, nslcmop_operation_state_detail
+ return nslcmop_operation_state, detailed_status
async def scale(self, nsr_id, nslcmop_id):
db_nslcmop = None
db_nslcmop_update = {}
nslcmop_operation_state = None
- db_nsr_update = {"_admin.nslcmop": nslcmop_id,
- "_admin.current-operation": nslcmop_id,
- "_admin.operation-type": "scale"}
- self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
+ db_nsr_update = {}
exc = None
# in case of error, indicates what part of scale was failed to put nsr at error status
scale_process = None
old_operational_status = ""
old_config_status = ""
- vnfr_scaled = False
# wait for any previous tasks in process
step = "Waiting for previous operations to terminate"
vdu_scaling_info["scaling_direction"] = "OUT"
vdu_scaling_info["vdu-create"] = {}
for vdu_scale_info in scaling_descriptor["vdu"]:
+ vdud = next(vdu for vdu in db_vnfd.get("vdu") if vdu["id"] == vdu_scale_info["vdu-id-ref"])
+ vdu_index = len([x for x in db_vnfr.get("vdur", ())
+ if x.get("vdu-id-ref") == vdu_scale_info["vdu-id-ref"] and
+ x.get("member-vnf-index-ref") == vnf_index])
+ cloud_init_text = self._get_cloud_init(vdud, db_vnfd)
+ if cloud_init_text:
+ additional_params = self._get_vdu_additional_params(db_vnfr, vdud["id"]) or {}
+ cloud_init_list = []
+ for x in range(vdu_scale_info.get("count", 1)):
+ if cloud_init_text:
+ # TODO Information of its own ip is not available because db_vnfr is not updated.
+ additional_params["OSM"] = self._get_osm_params(db_vnfr, vdu_scale_info["vdu-id-ref"],
+ vdu_index + x)
+ cloud_init_list.append(self._parse_cloud_init(cloud_init_text, additional_params,
+ db_vnfd["id"], vdud["id"]))
RO_scaling_info.append({"osm_vdu_id": vdu_scale_info["vdu-id-ref"], "member-vnf-index": vnf_index,
"type": "create", "count": vdu_scale_info.get("count", 1)})
+ if cloud_init_list:
+ RO_scaling_info[-1]["cloud_init"] = cloud_init_list
vdu_scaling_info["vdu-create"][vdu_scale_info["vdu-id-ref"]] = vdu_scale_info.get("count", 1)
elif scaling_type == "SCALE_IN":
raise LcmException(
"Invalid vnfd descriptor at scaling-group-descriptor[name='{}']:scaling-config-action"
"[vnf-config-primitive-name-ref='{}'] does not match any vnf-configuration:config-"
- "primitive".format(scaling_group, config_primitive))
+ "primitive".format(scaling_group, vnf_config_primitive))
vnfr_params = {"VDU_SCALE_INFO": vdu_scaling_info}
if db_vnfr.get("additionalParamsForVnf"):
db_nsr_update["config-status"] = "configuring pre-scaling"
primitive_params = self._map_primitive_params(config_primitive, {}, vnfr_params)
- # Pre-scale reintent check: Check if this sub-operation has been executed before
+ # Pre-scale retry check: Check if this sub-operation has been executed before
op_index = self._check_or_add_scale_suboperation(
db_nslcmop, nslcmop_id, vnf_index, vnf_config_primitive, primitive_params, 'PRE-SCALE')
- if (op_index == self.SUBOPERATION_STATUS_SKIP):
+ if op_index == self.SUBOPERATION_STATUS_SKIP:
# Skip sub-operation
result = 'COMPLETED'
result_detail = 'Done'
"vnf_config_primitive={} Skipped sub-operation, result {} {}".format(
vnf_config_primitive, result, result_detail))
- if (op_index == self.SUBOPERATION_STATUS_NEW):
+ if op_index == self.SUBOPERATION_STATUS_NEW:
# New sub-operation: Get index of this sub-operation
op_index = len(db_nslcmop.get('_admin', {}).get('operations')) - 1
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "vnf_config_primitive={} New sub-operation".
- # Reintent: Get registered params for this existing sub-operation
+ # retry: Get registered params for this existing sub-operation
op = db_nslcmop.get('_admin', {}).get('operations', [])[op_index]
vnf_index = op.get('member_vnf_index')
vnf_config_primitive = op.get('primitive')
primitive_params = op.get('primitive_params')
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + "vnf_config_primitive={} Sub-operation reintent".
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "vnf_config_primitive={} Sub-operation retry".
# Execute the primitive, either with new (first-time) or registered (reintent) args
+ ee_descriptor_id = config_primitive.get("execution-environment-ref")
+ primitive_name = config_primitive.get("execution-environment-primitive",
+ vnf_config_primitive)
+ ee_id, vca_type = self._look_for_deployed_vca(nsr_deployed["VCA"],
+ member_vnf_index=vnf_index,
+ vdu_id=None,
+ vdu_count_index=None,
+ ee_descriptor_id=ee_descriptor_id)
result, result_detail = await self._ns_execute_primitive(
- nsr_deployed, vnf_index, None, None, None, vnf_config_primitive, primitive_params)
+ ee_id, primitive_name, primitive_params, vca_type)
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "vnf_config_primitive={} Done with result {} {}".format(
vnf_config_primitive, result, result_detail))
# Update operationState = COMPLETED | FAILED
# if (RO_nsr_id and RO_scaling_info):
if RO_scaling_info:
scale_process = "RO"
- # Scale RO reintent check: Check if this sub-operation has been executed before
+ # Scale RO retry check: Check if this sub-operation has been executed before
op_index = self._check_or_add_scale_suboperation(
db_nslcmop, vnf_index, None, None, 'SCALE-RO', RO_nsr_id, RO_scaling_info)
- if (op_index == self.SUBOPERATION_STATUS_SKIP):
+ if op_index == self.SUBOPERATION_STATUS_SKIP:
# Skip sub-operation
result = 'COMPLETED'
result_detail = 'Done'
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Skipped sub-operation RO, result {} {}".format(
result, result_detail))
- if (op_index == self.SUBOPERATION_STATUS_NEW):
+ if op_index == self.SUBOPERATION_STATUS_NEW:
# New sub-operation: Get index of this sub-operation
op_index = len(db_nslcmop.get('_admin', {}).get('operations')) - 1
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "New sub-operation RO")
- # Reintent: Get registered params for this existing sub-operation
+ # retry: Get registered params for this existing sub-operation
op = db_nslcmop.get('_admin', {}).get('operations', [])[op_index]
RO_nsr_id = op.get('RO_nsr_id')
RO_scaling_info = op.get('RO_scaling_info')
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Sub-operation RO reintent".format(
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Sub-operation RO retry for primitive {}".format(
RO_desc = await self.RO.create_action("ns", RO_nsr_id, {"vdu-scaling": RO_scaling_info})
db_nslcmop_update["_admin.deploy.RO"] = RO_nslcmop_id
RO_task_done = False
- step = detailed_status = "Waiting RO_task_id={} to complete the scale action.".format(RO_nslcmop_id)
+ step = detailed_status = "Waiting for VIM to scale. RO_task_id={}.".format(RO_nslcmop_id)
detailed_status_old = None
self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
if not RO_task_done:
desc = await"ns", item_id_name=RO_nsr_id, extra_item="action",
+ # deploymentStatus
+ self._on_update_ro_db(nsrs_id=nsr_id, ro_descriptor=desc)
ns_status, ns_status_info = self.RO.check_action_status(desc)
if ns_status == "ERROR":
raise ROclient.ROClientException(ns_status_info)
detailed_status = step + "; {}".format(ns_status_info)
elif ns_status == "ACTIVE":
RO_task_done = True
+ self.scale_vnfr(db_vnfr, vdu_create=vdu_create, vdu_delete=vdu_delete)
step = detailed_status = "Waiting ns ready at RO. RO_id={}".format(RO_nsr_id)
self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
assert False, "ROclient.check_action_status returns unknown {}".format(ns_status)
+ desc = await"ns", RO_nsr_id)
+ ns_status, ns_status_info = self.RO.check_ns_status(desc)
+ # deploymentStatus
+ self._on_update_ro_db(nsrs_id=nsr_id, ro_descriptor=desc)
if ns_status == "ERROR":
raise ROclient.ROClientException(ns_status_info)
elif ns_status == "ACTIVE":
step = detailed_status = \
"Waiting for management IP address reported by the VIM. Updating VNFRs"
- if not vnfr_scaled:
- self.scale_vnfr(db_vnfr, vdu_create=vdu_create, vdu_delete=vdu_delete)
- vnfr_scaled = True
- desc = await"ns", RO_nsr_id)
# nsr_deployed["nsr_ip"] = RO.get_ns_vnf_info(desc)
self.ns_update_vnfr({db_vnfr["member-vnf-index-ref"]: db_vnfr}, desc)
if config_primitive["name"] == vnf_config_primitive:
- raise LcmException("Invalid vnfd descriptor at scaling-group-descriptor[name='{}']:"
- "scaling-config-action[vnf-config-primitive-name-ref='{}'] does not "
- "match any vnf-configuration:config-primitive".format(scaling_group,
- config_primitive))
+ raise LcmException(
+ "Invalid vnfd descriptor at scaling-group-descriptor[name='{}']:scaling-config-"
+ "action[vnf-config-primitive-name-ref='{}'] does not match any vnf-configuration:"
+ "config-primitive".format(scaling_group, vnf_config_primitive))
scale_process = "VCA"
db_nsr_update["config-status"] = "configuring post-scaling"
primitive_params = self._map_primitive_params(config_primitive, {}, vnfr_params)
- # Post-scale reintent check: Check if this sub-operation has been executed before
+ # Post-scale retry check: Check if this sub-operation has been executed before
op_index = self._check_or_add_scale_suboperation(
db_nslcmop, nslcmop_id, vnf_index, vnf_config_primitive, primitive_params, 'POST-SCALE')
if op_index == self.SUBOPERATION_STATUS_SKIP:
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "vnf_config_primitive={} New sub-operation".
- # Reintent: Get registered params for this existing sub-operation
+ # retry: Get registered params for this existing sub-operation
op = db_nslcmop.get('_admin', {}).get('operations', [])[op_index]
vnf_index = op.get('member_vnf_index')
vnf_config_primitive = op.get('primitive')
primitive_params = op.get('primitive_params')
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + "vnf_config_primitive={} Sub-operation reintent".
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "vnf_config_primitive={} Sub-operation retry".
# Execute the primitive, either with new (first-time) or registered (reintent) args
+ ee_descriptor_id = config_primitive.get("execution-environment-ref")
+ primitive_name = config_primitive.get("execution-environment-primitive",
+ vnf_config_primitive)
+ ee_id, vca_type = self._look_for_deployed_vca(nsr_deployed["VCA"],
+ member_vnf_index=vnf_index,
+ vdu_id=None,
+ vdu_count_index=None,
+ ee_descriptor_id=ee_descriptor_id)
result, result_detail = await self._ns_execute_primitive(
- nsr_deployed, vnf_index, None, None, None, vnf_config_primitive, primitive_params)
+ ee_id, primitive_name, primitive_params, vca_type)
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "vnf_config_primitive={} Done with result {} {}".format(
vnf_config_primitive, result, result_detail))
# Update operationState = COMPLETED | FAILED
scale_process = None
- db_nslcmop_update["operationState"] = nslcmop_operation_state = "COMPLETED"
- db_nslcmop_update["statusEnteredTime"] = time()
- db_nslcmop_update["detailed-status"] = "done"
db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = "" # "scaled {} {}".format(scaling_group, scaling_type)
db_nsr_update["operational-status"] = "running" if old_operational_status == "failed" \
else old_operational_status
exc = traceback.format_exc()
self.logger.critical(logging_text + "Exit Exception {} {}".format(type(e).__name__, e), exc_info=True)
+ self._write_ns_status(
+ nsr_id=nsr_id,
+ ns_state=None,
+ current_operation="IDLE",
+ current_operation_id=None
+ )
if exc:
- if db_nslcmop:
- db_nslcmop_update["detailed-status"] = "FAILED {}: {}".format(step, exc)
- db_nslcmop_update["operationState"] = nslcmop_operation_state = "FAILED"
- db_nslcmop_update["statusEnteredTime"] = time()
+ db_nslcmop_update["detailed-status"] = error_description_nslcmop = "FAILED {}: {}".format(step, exc)
+ nslcmop_operation_state = "FAILED"
if db_nsr:
db_nsr_update["operational-status"] = old_operational_status
db_nsr_update["config-status"] = old_config_status
db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = ""
- db_nsr_update["_admin.nslcmop"] = None
if scale_process:
if "VCA" in scale_process:
db_nsr_update["config-status"] = "failed"
db_nsr_update["operational-status"] = "failed"
db_nsr_update["detailed-status"] = "FAILED scaling nslcmop={} {}: {}".format(nslcmop_id, step,
- try:
- if db_nslcmop and db_nslcmop_update:
- self.update_db_2("nslcmops", nslcmop_id, db_nslcmop_update)
- if db_nsr:
- db_nsr_update["_admin.current-operation"] = None
- db_nsr_update["_admin.operation-type"] = None
- db_nsr_update["_admin.nslcmop"] = None
- self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
+ else:
+ error_description_nslcmop = None
+ nslcmop_operation_state = "COMPLETED"
+ db_nslcmop_update["detailed-status"] = "Done"
- self._write_ns_status(
- nsr_id=nsr_id,
- ns_state=None,
- current_operation="IDLE",
- current_operation_id=None
- )
+ self._write_op_status(
+ op_id=nslcmop_id,
+ stage="",
+ error_message=error_description_nslcmop,
+ operation_state=nslcmop_operation_state,
+ other_update=db_nslcmop_update,
+ )
+ if db_nsr:
+ self._write_ns_status(
+ nsr_id=nsr_id,
+ ns_state=None,
+ current_operation="IDLE",
+ current_operation_id=None,
+ other_update=db_nsr_update
+ )
- except DbException as e:
- self.logger.error(logging_text + "Cannot update database: {}".format(e))
if nslcmop_operation_state:
await self.msg.aiowrite("ns", "scaled", {"nsr_id": nsr_id, "nslcmop_id": nslcmop_id,
self.logger.error(logging_text + "kafka_write notification Exception {}".format(e))
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Exit")
self.lcm_tasks.remove("ns", nsr_id, nslcmop_id, "ns_scale")
+ async def add_prometheus_metrics(self, ee_id, artifact_path, ee_config_descriptor, vnfr_id, nsr_id, target_ip):
+ if not self.prometheus:
+ return
+ # look if exist a file called 'prometheus*.j2' and
+ artifact_content = self.fs.dir_ls(artifact_path)
+ job_file = next((f for f in artifact_content if f.startswith("prometheus") and f.endswith(".j2")), None)
+ if not job_file:
+ return
+ with self.fs.file_open((artifact_path, job_file), "r") as f:
+ job_data =
+ # TODO get_service
+ _, _, service = ee_id.partition(".") # remove prefix "namespace."
+ host_name = "{}-{}".format(service, ee_config_descriptor["metric-service"])
+ host_port = "80"
+ vnfr_id = vnfr_id.replace("-", "")
+ variables = {
+ "JOB_NAME": vnfr_id,
+ "TARGET_IP": target_ip,
+ "EXPORTER_POD_IP": host_name,
+ "EXPORTER_POD_PORT": host_port,
+ }
+ job_list = self.prometheus.parse_job(job_data, variables)
+ # ensure job_name is using the vnfr_id. Adding the metadata nsr_id
+ for job in job_list:
+ if not isinstance(job.get("job_name"), str) or vnfr_id not in job["job_name"]:
+ job["job_name"] = vnfr_id + "_" + str(randint(1, 10000))
+ job["nsr_id"] = nsr_id
+ job_dict = {jl["job_name"]: jl for jl in job_list}
+ if await self.prometheus.update(job_dict):
+ return list(job_dict.keys())
# under the License.
-import asyncio
import yaml
+import asyncio
import logging
import logging.handlers
from osm_lcm import ROclient
from n2vc.exceptions import K8sException, N2VCException
from osm_common.dbbase import DbException
from copy import deepcopy
+from time import time
__author__ = "Alfonso Tierno"
vim_config_encrypted = {"1.1": ("admin_password", "nsx_password", "vcenter_password"),
"default": ("admin_password", "nsx_password", "vcenter_password", "vrops_password")}
- def __init__(self, db, msg, fs, lcm_tasks, ro_config, loop):
+ def __init__(self, db, msg, fs, lcm_tasks, config, loop):
Init, Connect to database, filesystem storage, and messaging
:param config: two level dictionary with configuration. Top level should contain 'database', 'storage',
self.logger = logging.getLogger('lcm.vim')
self.loop = loop
self.lcm_tasks = lcm_tasks
- self.ro_config = ro_config
+ self.ro_config = config["ro_config"]
super().__init__(db, msg, fs, self.logger)
vim_id = vim_content["_id"]
- vim_content.pop("op_id", None)
logging_text = "Task vim_create={} ".format(vim_id)
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Enter")
db_vim_update = {}
exc = None
RO_sdn_id = None
- operationState_HA = ''
- detailed_status_HA = ''
step = "Getting vim-id='{}' from db".format(vim_id)
db_vim = self.db.get_one("vim_accounts", {"_id": vim_id})
db_vim_update["_admin.operationalState"] = "ENABLED"
db_vim_update["_admin.detailed-status"] = "Done"
# Mark the VIM 'create' HA task as successful
- operationState_HA = 'COMPLETED'
- detailed_status_HA = 'Done'
+ operation_state = 'COMPLETED'
+ operation_details = 'Done'
# await asyncio.sleep(15) # TODO remove. This is for test
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Exit Ok VIM account created at RO_vim_account_id={}".format(desc["uuid"]))
- except (ROclient.ROClientException, DbException) as e:
+ except (ROclient.ROClientException, DbException, asyncio.CancelledError) as e:
self.logger.error(logging_text + "Exit Exception {}".format(e))
exc = e
except Exception as e:
db_vim_update["_admin.operationalState"] = "ERROR"
db_vim_update["_admin.detailed-status"] = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
# Mark the VIM 'create' HA task as erroneous
- operationState_HA = 'FAILED'
- detailed_status_HA = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
+ operation_state = 'FAILED'
+ operation_details = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
if db_vim_update:
self.update_db_2("vim_accounts", vim_id, db_vim_update)
# Register the VIM 'create' HA task either
# succesful or erroneous, or do nothing (if legacy NBI)
- self.lcm_tasks.register_HA('vim', 'create', op_id,
- operationState=operationState_HA,
- detailed_status=detailed_status_HA)
+ self.lcm_tasks.unlock_HA('vim', 'create', op_id,
+ operationState=operation_state,
+ detailed_status=operation_details)
except DbException as e:
self.logger.error(logging_text + "Cannot update database: {}".format(e))
vim_id = vim_content["_id"]
- vim_content.pop("op_id", None)
logging_text = "Task vim_edit={} ".format(vim_id)
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Enter")
RO_sdn_id = None
RO_vim_id = None
db_vim_update = {}
- operationState_HA = ''
- detailed_status_HA = ''
step = "Getting vim-id='{}' from db".format(vim_id)
# wait for any previous tasks in process
await RO.edit("vim_account", RO_vim_id, descriptor=vim_account_RO)
db_vim_update["_admin.operationalState"] = "ENABLED"
# Mark the VIM 'edit' HA task as successful
- operationState_HA = 'COMPLETED'
- detailed_status_HA = 'Done'
+ operation_state = 'COMPLETED'
+ operation_details = 'Done'
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Exit Ok RO_vim_id={}".format(RO_vim_id))
- except (ROclient.ROClientException, DbException) as e:
+ except (ROclient.ROClientException, DbException, asyncio.CancelledError) as e:
self.logger.error(logging_text + "Exit Exception {}".format(e))
exc = e
except Exception as e:
db_vim_update["_admin.operationalState"] = "ERROR"
db_vim_update["_admin.detailed-status"] = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
# Mark the VIM 'edit' HA task as erroneous
- operationState_HA = 'FAILED'
- detailed_status_HA = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
+ operation_state = 'FAILED'
+ operation_details = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
if db_vim_update:
self.update_db_2("vim_accounts", vim_id, db_vim_update)
# Register the VIM 'edit' HA task either
# succesful or erroneous, or do nothing (if legacy NBI)
- self.lcm_tasks.register_HA('vim', 'edit', op_id,
- operationState=operationState_HA,
- detailed_status=detailed_status_HA)
+ self.lcm_tasks.unlock_HA('vim', 'edit', op_id,
+ operationState=operation_state,
+ detailed_status=operation_details)
except DbException as e:
self.logger.error(logging_text + "Cannot update database: {}".format(e))
db_vim = None
db_vim_update = {}
exc = None
- operationState_HA = ''
- detailed_status_HA = ''
step = "Getting vim from db"
# wait for any previous tasks in process
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Exit Ok")
- except (ROclient.ROClientException, DbException) as e:
+ except (ROclient.ROClientException, DbException, asyncio.CancelledError) as e:
self.logger.error(logging_text + "Exit Exception {}".format(e))
exc = e
except Exception as e:
db_vim_update["_admin.operationalState"] = "ERROR"
db_vim_update["_admin.detailed-status"] = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
# Mark the VIM 'delete' HA task as erroneous
- operationState_HA = 'FAILED'
- detailed_status_HA = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
- self.lcm_tasks.register_HA('vim', 'delete', op_id,
- operationState=operationState_HA,
- detailed_status=detailed_status_HA)
+ operation_state = 'FAILED'
+ operation_details = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
+ self.lcm_tasks.unlock_HA('vim', 'delete', op_id,
+ operationState=operation_state,
+ detailed_status=operation_details)
if db_vim and db_vim_update:
self.update_db_2("vim_accounts", vim_id, db_vim_update)
# values that are encrypted at wim config because they are passwords
wim_config_encrypted = ()
- def __init__(self, db, msg, fs, lcm_tasks, ro_config, loop):
+ def __init__(self, db, msg, fs, lcm_tasks, config, loop):
Init, Connect to database, filesystem storage, and messaging
:param config: two level dictionary with configuration. Top level should contain 'database', 'storage',
self.logger = logging.getLogger('lcm.vim')
self.loop = loop
self.lcm_tasks = lcm_tasks
- self.ro_config = ro_config
+ self.ro_config = config["ro_config"]
super().__init__(db, msg, fs, self.logger)
self.lcm_tasks.lock_HA('wim', 'create', op_id)
wim_id = wim_content["_id"]
- wim_content.pop("op_id", None)
logging_text = "Task wim_create={} ".format(wim_id)
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Enter")
db_wim = None
db_wim_update = {}
exc = None
- operationState_HA = ''
- detailed_status_HA = ''
step = "Getting wim-id='{}' from db".format(wim_id)
db_wim = self.db.get_one("wim_accounts", {"_id": wim_id})
db_wim_update["_admin.operationalState"] = "ENABLED"
db_wim_update["_admin.detailed-status"] = "Done"
# Mark the WIM 'create' HA task as successful
- operationState_HA = 'COMPLETED'
- detailed_status_HA = 'Done'
+ operation_state = 'COMPLETED'
+ operation_details = 'Done'
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Exit Ok WIM account created at RO_wim_account_id={}".format(desc["uuid"]))
- except (ROclient.ROClientException, DbException) as e:
+ except (ROclient.ROClientException, DbException, asyncio.CancelledError) as e:
self.logger.error(logging_text + "Exit Exception {}".format(e))
exc = e
except Exception as e:
db_wim_update["_admin.operationalState"] = "ERROR"
db_wim_update["_admin.detailed-status"] = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
# Mark the WIM 'create' HA task as erroneous
- operationState_HA = 'FAILED'
- detailed_status_HA = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
+ operation_state = 'FAILED'
+ operation_details = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
if db_wim_update:
self.update_db_2("wim_accounts", wim_id, db_wim_update)
# Register the WIM 'create' HA task either
# succesful or erroneous, or do nothing (if legacy NBI)
- self.lcm_tasks.register_HA('wim', 'create', op_id,
- operationState=operationState_HA,
- detailed_status=detailed_status_HA)
+ self.lcm_tasks.unlock_HA('wim', 'create', op_id,
+ operationState=operation_state,
+ detailed_status=operation_details)
except DbException as e:
self.logger.error(logging_text + "Cannot update database: {}".format(e))
self.lcm_tasks.remove("wim_account", wim_id, order_id)
wim_id = wim_content["_id"]
- wim_content.pop("op_id", None)
logging_text = "Task wim_edit={} ".format(wim_id)
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Enter")
RO_wim_id = None
db_wim_update = {}
step = "Getting wim-id='{}' from db".format(wim_id)
- operationState_HA = ''
- detailed_status_HA = ''
# wait for any previous tasks in process
await self.lcm_tasks.waitfor_related_HA('wim', 'edit', op_id)
await RO.edit("wim_account", RO_wim_id, descriptor=wim_account_RO)
db_wim_update["_admin.operationalState"] = "ENABLED"
# Mark the WIM 'edit' HA task as successful
- operationState_HA = 'COMPLETED'
- detailed_status_HA = 'Done'
+ operation_state = 'COMPLETED'
+ operation_details = 'Done'
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Exit Ok RO_wim_id={}".format(RO_wim_id))
- except (ROclient.ROClientException, DbException) as e:
+ except (ROclient.ROClientException, DbException, asyncio.CancelledError) as e:
self.logger.error(logging_text + "Exit Exception {}".format(e))
exc = e
except Exception as e:
db_wim_update["_admin.operationalState"] = "ERROR"
db_wim_update["_admin.detailed-status"] = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
# Mark the WIM 'edit' HA task as erroneous
- operationState_HA = 'FAILED'
- detailed_status_HA = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
+ operation_state = 'FAILED'
+ operation_details = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
if db_wim_update:
self.update_db_2("wim_accounts", wim_id, db_wim_update)
# Register the WIM 'edit' HA task either
# succesful or erroneous, or do nothing (if legacy NBI)
- self.lcm_tasks.register_HA('wim', 'edit', op_id,
- operationState=operationState_HA,
- detailed_status=detailed_status_HA)
+ self.lcm_tasks.unlock_HA('wim', 'edit', op_id,
+ operationState=operation_state,
+ detailed_status=operation_details)
except DbException as e:
self.logger.error(logging_text + "Cannot update database: {}".format(e))
self.lcm_tasks.remove("wim_account", wim_id, order_id)
db_wim_update = {}
exc = None
step = "Getting wim from db"
- operationState_HA = ''
- detailed_status_HA = ''
# wait for any previous tasks in process
await self.lcm_tasks.waitfor_related_HA('wim', 'delete', op_id)
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Exit Ok")
- except (ROclient.ROClientException, DbException) as e:
+ except (ROclient.ROClientException, DbException, asyncio.CancelledError) as e:
self.logger.error(logging_text + "Exit Exception {}".format(e))
exc = e
except Exception as e:
db_wim_update["_admin.operationalState"] = "ERROR"
db_wim_update["_admin.detailed-status"] = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
# Mark the WIM 'delete' HA task as erroneous
- operationState_HA = 'FAILED'
- detailed_status_HA = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
- self.lcm_tasks.register_HA('wim', 'delete', op_id,
- operationState=operationState_HA,
- detailed_status=detailed_status_HA)
+ operation_state = 'FAILED'
+ operation_details = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
+ self.lcm_tasks.unlock_HA('wim', 'delete', op_id,
+ operationState=operation_state,
+ detailed_status=operation_details)
if db_wim and db_wim_update:
self.update_db_2("wim_accounts", wim_id, db_wim_update)
class SdnLcm(LcmBase):
- def __init__(self, db, msg, fs, lcm_tasks, ro_config, loop):
+ def __init__(self, db, msg, fs, lcm_tasks, config, loop):
Init, Connect to database, filesystem storage, and messaging
:param config: two level dictionary with configuration. Top level should contain 'database', 'storage',
self.logger = logging.getLogger('lcm.sdn')
self.loop = loop
self.lcm_tasks = lcm_tasks
- self.ro_config = ro_config
+ self.ro_config = config["ro_config"]
super().__init__(db, msg, fs, self.logger)
self.lcm_tasks.lock_HA('sdn', 'create', op_id)
sdn_id = sdn_content["_id"]
- sdn_content.pop("op_id", None)
logging_text = "Task sdn_create={} ".format(sdn_id)
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Enter")
db_sdn_update = {}
RO_sdn_id = None
exc = None
- operationState_HA = ''
- detailed_status_HA = ''
step = "Getting sdn from db"
db_sdn = self.db.get_one("sdns", {"_id": sdn_id})
db_sdn_update["_admin.operationalState"] = "ENABLED"
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Exit Ok RO_sdn_id={}".format(RO_sdn_id))
# Mark the SDN 'create' HA task as successful
- operationState_HA = 'COMPLETED'
- detailed_status_HA = 'Done'
+ operation_state = 'COMPLETED'
+ operation_details = 'Done'
- except (ROclient.ROClientException, DbException) as e:
+ except (ROclient.ROClientException, DbException, asyncio.CancelledError) as e:
self.logger.error(logging_text + "Exit Exception {}".format(e))
exc = e
except Exception as e:
db_sdn_update["_admin.operationalState"] = "ERROR"
db_sdn_update["_admin.detailed-status"] = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
# Mark the SDN 'create' HA task as erroneous
- operationState_HA = 'FAILED'
- detailed_status_HA = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
+ operation_state = 'FAILED'
+ operation_details = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
if db_sdn and db_sdn_update:
self.update_db_2("sdns", sdn_id, db_sdn_update)
# Register the SDN 'create' HA task either
# succesful or erroneous, or do nothing (if legacy NBI)
- self.lcm_tasks.register_HA('sdn', 'create', op_id,
- operationState=operationState_HA,
- detailed_status=detailed_status_HA)
+ self.lcm_tasks.unlock_HA('sdn', 'create', op_id,
+ operationState=operation_state,
+ detailed_status=operation_details)
except DbException as e:
self.logger.error(logging_text + "Cannot update database: {}".format(e))
self.lcm_tasks.remove("sdn", sdn_id, order_id)
sdn_id = sdn_content["_id"]
- sdn_content.pop("op_id", None)
logging_text = "Task sdn_edit={} ".format(sdn_id)
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Enter")
db_sdn = None
db_sdn_update = {}
exc = None
- operationState_HA = ''
- detailed_status_HA = ''
step = "Getting sdn from db"
# wait for any previous tasks in process
await RO.edit("sdn", RO_sdn_id, descriptor=sdn_RO)
db_sdn_update["_admin.operationalState"] = "ENABLED"
# Mark the SDN 'edit' HA task as successful
- operationState_HA = 'COMPLETED'
- detailed_status_HA = 'Done'
+ operation_state = 'COMPLETED'
+ operation_details = 'Done'
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Exit Ok RO_sdn_id={}".format(RO_sdn_id))
- except (ROclient.ROClientException, DbException) as e:
+ except (ROclient.ROClientException, DbException, asyncio.CancelledError) as e:
self.logger.error(logging_text + "Exit Exception {}".format(e))
exc = e
except Exception as e:
db_sdn["_admin.operationalState"] = "ERROR"
db_sdn["_admin.detailed-status"] = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
# Mark the SDN 'edit' HA task as erroneous
- operationState_HA = 'FAILED'
- detailed_status_HA = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
+ operation_state = 'FAILED'
+ operation_details = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
if db_sdn_update:
self.update_db_2("sdns", sdn_id, db_sdn_update)
# Register the SDN 'edit' HA task either
# succesful or erroneous, or do nothing (if legacy NBI)
- self.lcm_tasks.register_HA('sdn', 'edit', op_id,
- operationState=operationState_HA,
- detailed_status=detailed_status_HA)
+ self.lcm_tasks.unlock_HA('sdn', 'edit', op_id,
+ operationState=operation_state,
+ detailed_status=operation_details)
except DbException as e:
self.logger.error(logging_text + "Cannot update database: {}".format(e))
self.lcm_tasks.remove("sdn", sdn_id, order_id)
db_sdn = None
db_sdn_update = {}
exc = None
- operationState_HA = ''
- detailed_status_HA = ''
step = "Getting sdn from db"
# wait for any previous tasks in process
self.logger.debug("sdn_delete task sdn_id={} Exit Ok".format(sdn_id))
- except (ROclient.ROClientException, DbException) as e:
+ except (ROclient.ROClientException, DbException, asyncio.CancelledError) as e:
self.logger.error(logging_text + "Exit Exception {}".format(e))
exc = e
except Exception as e:
db_sdn["_admin.operationalState"] = "ERROR"
db_sdn["_admin.detailed-status"] = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
# Mark the SDN 'delete' HA task as erroneous
- operationState_HA = 'FAILED'
- detailed_status_HA = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
- self.lcm_tasks.register_HA('sdn', 'delete', op_id,
- operationState=operationState_HA,
- detailed_status=detailed_status_HA)
+ operation_state = 'FAILED'
+ operation_details = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
+ self.lcm_tasks.unlock_HA('sdn', 'delete', op_id,
+ operationState=operation_state,
+ detailed_status=operation_details)
if db_sdn and db_sdn_update:
self.update_db_2("sdns", sdn_id, db_sdn_update)
class K8sClusterLcm(LcmBase):
+ timeout_create = 300
- def __init__(self, db, msg, fs, lcm_tasks, vca_config, loop):
+ def __init__(self, db, msg, fs, lcm_tasks, config, loop):
Init, Connect to database, filesystem storage, and messaging
:param config: two level dictionary with configuration. Top level should contain 'database', 'storage',
self.logger = logging.getLogger('lcm.k8scluster')
self.loop = loop
self.lcm_tasks = lcm_tasks
- self.vca_config = vca_config
+ self.vca_config = config["VCA"]
self.fs = fs
self.db = db
- on_update_db=None
+ loop=self.loop,
+ on_update_db=None,
+ vca_config=self.vca_config,
+ self.k8s_map = {
+ "helm-chart": self.helm_k8scluster,
+ "juju-bundle": self.juju_k8scluster,
+ }
super().__init__(db, msg, fs, self.logger)
async def create(self, k8scluster_content, order_id):
- # HA tasks and backward compatibility:
- # If 'vim_content' does not include 'op_id', we a running a legacy NBI version.
- # In such a case, HA is not supported by NBI, 'op_id' is None, and lock_HA() will do nothing.
- # Register 'create' task here for related future HA operations
op_id = k8scluster_content.pop('op_id', None)
if not self.lcm_tasks.lock_HA('k8scluster', 'create', op_id):
k8scluster_id = k8scluster_content["_id"]
- k8scluster_content.pop("op_id", None)
logging_text = "Task k8scluster_create={} ".format(k8scluster_id)
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Enter")
db_k8scluster = None
db_k8scluster_update = {}
exc = None
- operationState_HA = ''
- detailed_status_HA = ''
step = "Getting k8scluster-id='{}' from db".format(k8scluster_id)
self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
self.db.encrypt_decrypt_fields(db_k8scluster.get("credentials"), 'decrypt', ['password', 'secret'],
schema_version=db_k8scluster["schema_version"], salt=db_k8scluster["_id"])
k8s_credentials = yaml.safe_dump(db_k8scluster.get("credentials"))
- error_text_list = []
- # helm-chart
- k8s_hc_id = None
- try:
- k8s_hc_id, uninstall_sw = await self.helm_k8scluster.init_env(k8s_credentials)
- db_k8scluster_update[""] = k8s_hc_id
- db_k8scluster_update["_admin.helm-chart.created"] = uninstall_sw
- except Exception as e:
- error_text_list.append("Failing init helm-chart: {}".format(e))
- db_k8scluster_update["_admin.helm-chart.error_msg"] = str(e)
- if isinstance(e, K8sException):
- self.logger.error(logging_text + "Failing init helm-chart: {}".format(e))
- else:
- self.logger.error(logging_text + "Failing init helm-chart: {}".format(e), exc_info=True)
+ pending_tasks = []
+ task2name = {}
+ init_target = deep_get(db_k8scluster, ("_admin", "init"))
+ step = "Launching k8scluster init tasks"
+ for task_name in ("helm-chart", "juju-bundle"):
+ if init_target and task_name not in init_target:
+ continue
+ task = asyncio.ensure_future(self.k8s_map[task_name].init_env(k8s_credentials,
+ reuse_cluster_uuid=k8scluster_id))
+ pending_tasks.append(task)
+ task2name[task] = task_name
- # Juju/k8s cluster
- k8s_jb_id = None
- try:
- k8s_jb_id, uninstall_sw = await self.juju_k8scluster.init_env(k8s_credentials)
- db_k8scluster_update[""] = k8s_jb_id
- db_k8scluster_update["_admin.juju-bundle.created"] = uninstall_sw
- except Exception as e:
- error_text_list.append("Failing init juju-bundle: {}".format(e))
- db_k8scluster_update["_admin.juju-bundle.error_msg"] = str(e)
- if isinstance(e, N2VCException):
- self.logger.error(logging_text + "Failing init juju-bundle: {}".format(e))
- else:
- self.logger.error(logging_text + "Failing init juju-bundle: {}".format(e), exc_info=True)
- step = "Getting the list of repos"
- if k8s_hc_id:
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- task_list = []
- db_k8srepo_list = self.db.get_list("k8srepos", {"type": "helm-chart"})
- for repo in db_k8srepo_list:
- step = "Adding repo {} to cluster: {}".format(repo["name"], k8s_hc_id)
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- task = asyncio.ensure_future(self.helm_k8scluster.repo_add(cluster_uuid=k8s_hc_id,
- name=repo["name"], url=repo["url"],
- repo_type="chart"))
- task_list.append(task)
- repo_k8scluster_list = deep_get(repo, ("_admin", "cluster-inserted")) or []
- repo_k8scluster_list.append(k8s_hc_id)
- self.update_db_2("k8srepos", repo["_id"], {"_admin.cluster-inserted": repo_k8scluster_list})
- if task_list:
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + 'Waiting for terminate tasks of repo_add')
- done, pending = await asyncio.wait(task_list, timeout=3600)
- if pending:
- self.logger.error(logging_text + 'There are pending tasks: {}'.format(pending))
- # mark as an error if both helm-chart and juju-bundle have been failed
- if k8s_hc_id or k8s_jb_id:
- db_k8scluster_update["_admin.operationalState"] = "ENABLED"
+ error_text_list = []
+ tasks_name_ok = []
+ reached_timeout = False
+ now = time()
+ while pending_tasks:
+ _timeout = max(1, self.timeout_create - (time() - now)) # ensure not negative with max
+ step = "Waiting for k8scluster init tasks"
+ done, pending_tasks = await asyncio.wait(pending_tasks, timeout=_timeout,
+ return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)
+ if not done:
+ # timeout. Set timeout is reached and process pending as if they hase been finished
+ done = pending_tasks
+ pending_tasks = None
+ reached_timeout = True
+ for task in done:
+ task_name = task2name[task]
+ if reached_timeout:
+ exc = "Timeout"
+ elif task.cancelled():
+ exc = "Cancelled"
+ else:
+ exc = task.exception()
+ if exc:
+ error_text_list.append("Failing init {}: {}".format(task_name, exc))
+ db_k8scluster_update["_admin.{}.error_msg".format(task_name)] = str(exc)
+ db_k8scluster_update["_admin.{}.id".format(task_name)] = None
+ db_k8scluster_update["_admin.{}.operationalState".format(task_name)] = "ERROR"
+ self.logger.error(logging_text + "{} init fail: {}".format(task_name, exc),
+ exc_info=not isinstance(exc, (N2VCException, str)))
+ else:
+ k8s_id, uninstall_sw = task.result()
+ tasks_name_ok.append(task_name)
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "{} init success. id={} created={}".format(
+ task_name, k8s_id, uninstall_sw))
+ db_k8scluster_update["_admin.{}.error_msg".format(task_name)] = None
+ db_k8scluster_update["_admin.{}.id".format(task_name)] = k8s_id
+ db_k8scluster_update["_admin.{}.created".format(task_name)] = uninstall_sw
+ db_k8scluster_update["_admin.{}.operationalState".format(task_name)] = "ENABLED"
+ # update database
+ step = "Updating database for " + task_name
+ self.update_db_2("k8sclusters", k8scluster_id, db_k8scluster_update)
+ if tasks_name_ok:
+ operation_details = "ready for " + ", ".join(tasks_name_ok)
+ operation_state = "COMPLETED"
+ db_k8scluster_update["_admin.operationalState"] = "ENABLED" if not error_text_list else "DEGRADED"
+ operation_details += "; " + ";".join(error_text_list)
db_k8scluster_update["_admin.operationalState"] = "ERROR"
- db_k8scluster_update["_admin.detailed-status"] = ";".join(error_text_list)
+ operation_state = "FAILED"
+ operation_details = ";".join(error_text_list)
+ db_k8scluster_update["_admin.detailed-status"] = operation_details
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Done. Result: " + operation_state)
+ exc = None
except Exception as e:
- self.logger.critical(logging_text + "Exit Exception {}".format(e), exc_info=True)
+ if isinstance(e, (LcmException, DbException, K8sException, N2VCException, asyncio.CancelledError)):
+ self.logger.error(logging_text + "Exit Exception {}".format(e))
+ else:
+ self.logger.critical(logging_text + "Exit Exception {}".format(e), exc_info=True)
exc = e
if exc and db_k8scluster:
db_k8scluster_update["_admin.operationalState"] = "ERROR"
db_k8scluster_update["_admin.detailed-status"] = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
- # Mark the k8scluster 'create' HA task as erroneous
- operationState_HA = 'FAILED'
- detailed_status_HA = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
+ operation_state = 'FAILED'
+ operation_details = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
- if db_k8scluster_update:
+ if db_k8scluster and db_k8scluster_update:
self.update_db_2("k8sclusters", k8scluster_id, db_k8scluster_update)
- # Register the K8scluster 'create' HA task either
- # succesful or erroneous, or do nothing (if legacy NBI)
- self.lcm_tasks.register_HA('k8scluster', 'create', op_id,
- operationState=operationState_HA,
- detailed_status=detailed_status_HA)
+ # Register the operation and unlock
+ self.lcm_tasks.unlock_HA('k8scluster', 'create', op_id,
+ operationState=operation_state,
+ detailed_status=operation_details)
except DbException as e:
self.logger.error(logging_text + "Cannot update database: {}".format(e))
- self.lcm_tasks.remove("k8sclusters", k8scluster_id, order_id)
+ self.lcm_tasks.remove("k8scluster", k8scluster_id, order_id)
async def delete(self, k8scluster_content, order_id):
k8scluster_id = k8scluster_content["_id"]
- k8scluster_content.pop("op_id", None)
logging_text = "Task k8scluster_delete={} ".format(k8scluster_id)
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Enter")
db_k8scluster = None
db_k8scluster_update = {}
exc = None
- operationState_HA = ''
- detailed_status_HA = ''
step = "Getting k8scluster='{}' from db".format(k8scluster_id)
self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
k8s_hc_id = deep_get(db_k8scluster, ("_admin", "helm-chart", "id"))
k8s_jb_id = deep_get(db_k8scluster, ("_admin", "juju-bundle", "id"))
- uninstall_sw = deep_get(db_k8scluster, ("_admin", "helm-chart", "created"))
cluster_removed = True
+ if k8s_jb_id: # delete in reverse order of creation
+ step = "Removing juju-bundle '{}'".format(k8s_jb_id)
+ uninstall_sw = deep_get(db_k8scluster, ("_admin", "juju-bundle", "created")) or False
+ cluster_removed = await self.juju_k8scluster.reset(cluster_uuid=k8s_jb_id, uninstall_sw=uninstall_sw)
+ db_k8scluster_update[""] = None
+ db_k8scluster_update["_admin.juju-bundle.operationalState"] = "DISABLED"
if k8s_hc_id:
- uninstall_sw = uninstall_sw or False
+ step = "Removing helm-chart '{}'".format(k8s_hc_id)
+ uninstall_sw = deep_get(db_k8scluster, ("_admin", "helm-chart", "created")) or False
cluster_removed = await self.helm_k8scluster.reset(cluster_uuid=k8s_hc_id, uninstall_sw=uninstall_sw)
+ db_k8scluster_update[""] = None
+ db_k8scluster_update["_admin.helm-chart.operationalState"] = "DISABLED"
- if k8s_jb_id:
- uninstall_sw = uninstall_sw or False
- cluster_removed = await self.juju_k8scluster.reset(cluster_uuid=k8s_jb_id, uninstall_sw=uninstall_sw)
+ # Try to remove from cluster_inserted to clean old versions
if k8s_hc_id and cluster_removed:
step = "Removing k8scluster='{}' from k8srepos".format(k8scluster_id)
self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
self.update_db_2("k8srepos", k8srepo["_id"], {"_admin.cluster-inserted": cluster_list})
except Exception as e:
self.logger.error("{}: {}".format(step, e))
- self.db.del_one("k8sclusters", {"_id": k8scluster_id})
- else:
- raise LcmException("An error happened during the reset of the k8s cluster '{}'".format(k8scluster_id))
- # if not cluster_removed:
- # raise Exception("K8scluster was not properly removed")
+ self.db.del_one("k8sclusters", {"_id": k8scluster_id})
+ db_k8scluster_update = None
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Done")
except Exception as e:
- self.logger.critical(logging_text + "Exit Exception {}".format(e), exc_info=True)
+ if isinstance(e, (LcmException, DbException, K8sException, N2VCException, asyncio.CancelledError)):
+ self.logger.error(logging_text + "Exit Exception {}".format(e))
+ else:
+ self.logger.critical(logging_text + "Exit Exception {}".format(e), exc_info=True)
exc = e
if exc and db_k8scluster:
db_k8scluster_update["_admin.operationalState"] = "ERROR"
db_k8scluster_update["_admin.detailed-status"] = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
# Mark the WIM 'create' HA task as erroneous
- operationState_HA = 'FAILED'
- detailed_status_HA = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
+ operation_state = 'FAILED'
+ operation_details = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
+ else:
+ operation_state = 'COMPLETED'
+ operation_details = "deleted"
if db_k8scluster_update:
self.update_db_2("k8sclusters", k8scluster_id, db_k8scluster_update)
# Register the K8scluster 'delete' HA task either
# succesful or erroneous, or do nothing (if legacy NBI)
- self.lcm_tasks.register_HA('k8scluster', 'delete', op_id,
- operationState=operationState_HA,
- detailed_status=detailed_status_HA)
+ self.lcm_tasks.unlock_HA('k8scluster', 'delete', op_id,
+ operationState=operation_state,
+ detailed_status=operation_details)
except DbException as e:
self.logger.error(logging_text + "Cannot update database: {}".format(e))
- self.lcm_tasks.remove("k8sclusters", k8scluster_id, order_id)
+ self.lcm_tasks.remove("k8scluster", k8scluster_id, order_id)
class K8sRepoLcm(LcmBase):
- def __init__(self, db, msg, fs, lcm_tasks, vca_config, loop):
+ def __init__(self, db, msg, fs, lcm_tasks, config, loop):
Init, Connect to database, filesystem storage, and messaging
:param config: two level dictionary with configuration. Top level should contain 'database', 'storage',
self.logger = logging.getLogger('lcm.k8srepo')
self.loop = loop
self.lcm_tasks = lcm_tasks
- self.vca_config = vca_config
+ self.vca_config = config["VCA"]
self.fs = fs
self.db = db
db_k8srepo = None
db_k8srepo_update = {}
exc = None
- operationState_HA = ''
- detailed_status_HA = ''
+ operation_state = 'COMPLETED'
+ operation_details = ''
step = "Getting k8srepo-id='{}' from db".format(k8srepo_id)
self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
db_k8srepo = self.db.get_one("k8srepos", {"_id": k8srepo_id})
- step = "Getting k8scluster_list from db"
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- db_k8scluster_list = self.db.get_list("k8sclusters", {})
- db_k8srepo_update["_admin.cluster-inserted"] = []
- task_list = []
- for k8scluster in db_k8scluster_list:
- hc_id = deep_get(k8scluster, ("_admin", "helm-chart", "id"))
- if hc_id:
- step = "Adding repo to cluster: {}".format(hc_id)
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- task = asyncio.ensure_future(self.k8srepo.repo_add(cluster_uuid=hc_id,
- name=db_k8srepo["name"], url=db_k8srepo["url"],
- repo_type="chart"))
- task_list.append(task)
- db_k8srepo_update["_admin.cluster-inserted"].append(hc_id)
- done = None
- pending = None
- if len(task_list) > 0:
- self.logger.debug('Waiting for terminate pending tasks...')
- done, pending = await asyncio.wait(task_list, timeout=3600)
- if not pending:
- self.logger.debug('All tasks finished...')
- else:
-'There are pending tasks: {}'.format(pending))
db_k8srepo_update["_admin.operationalState"] = "ENABLED"
except Exception as e:
- self.logger.critical(logging_text + "Exit Exception {}".format(e), exc_info=True)
+ self.logger.error(logging_text + "Exit Exception {}".format(e),
+ exc_info=not isinstance(e, (LcmException, DbException, K8sException, N2VCException,
+ asyncio.CancelledError)))
exc = e
if exc and db_k8srepo:
db_k8srepo_update["_admin.operationalState"] = "ERROR"
db_k8srepo_update["_admin.detailed-status"] = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
# Mark the WIM 'create' HA task as erroneous
- operationState_HA = 'FAILED'
- detailed_status_HA = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
+ operation_state = 'FAILED'
+ operation_details = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
if db_k8srepo_update:
self.update_db_2("k8srepos", k8srepo_id, db_k8srepo_update)
# Register the K8srepo 'create' HA task either
# succesful or erroneous, or do nothing (if legacy NBI)
- self.lcm_tasks.register_HA('k8srepo', 'create', op_id,
- operationState=operationState_HA,
- detailed_status=detailed_status_HA)
+ self.lcm_tasks.unlock_HA('k8srepo', 'create', op_id,
+ operationState=operation_state,
+ detailed_status=operation_details)
except DbException as e:
self.logger.error(logging_text + "Cannot update database: {}".format(e))
self.lcm_tasks.remove("k8srepo", k8srepo_id, order_id)
db_k8srepo = None
db_k8srepo_update = {}
- operationState_HA = ''
- detailed_status_HA = ''
+ exc = None
+ operation_state = 'COMPLETED'
+ operation_details = ''
step = "Getting k8srepo-id='{}' from db".format(k8srepo_id)
self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
db_k8srepo = self.db.get_one("k8srepos", {"_id": k8srepo_id})
- step = "Getting k8scluster_list from db"
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- db_k8scluster_list = self.db.get_list("k8sclusters", {})
- task_list = []
- for k8scluster in db_k8scluster_list:
- hc_id = deep_get(k8scluster, ("_admin", "helm-chart", "id"))
- if hc_id:
- task = asyncio.ensure_future(self.k8srepo.repo_remove(cluster_uuid=hc_id,
- name=db_k8srepo["name"]))
- task_list.append(task)
- done = None
- pending = None
- if len(task_list) > 0:
- self.logger.debug('Waiting for terminate pending tasks...')
- done, pending = await asyncio.wait(task_list, timeout=3600)
- if not pending:
- self.logger.debug('All tasks finished...')
- else:
-'There are pending tasks: {}'.format(pending))
- self.db.del_one("k8srepos", {"_id": k8srepo_id})
except Exception as e:
- self.logger.critical(logging_text + "Exit Exception {}".format(e), exc_info=True)
+ self.logger.error(logging_text + "Exit Exception {}".format(e),
+ exc_info=not isinstance(e, (LcmException, DbException, K8sException, N2VCException,
+ asyncio.CancelledError)))
exc = e
if exc and db_k8srepo:
db_k8srepo_update["_admin.operationalState"] = "ERROR"
db_k8srepo_update["_admin.detailed-status"] = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
# Mark the WIM 'create' HA task as erroneous
- operationState_HA = 'FAILED'
- detailed_status_HA = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
+ operation_state = 'FAILED'
+ operation_details = "ERROR {}: {}".format(step, exc)
if db_k8srepo_update:
self.update_db_2("k8srepos", k8srepo_id, db_k8srepo_update)
# Register the K8srepo 'delete' HA task either
# succesful or erroneous, or do nothing (if legacy NBI)
- self.lcm_tasks.register_HA('k8srepo', 'delete', op_id,
- operationState=operationState_HA,
- detailed_status=detailed_status_HA)
+ self.lcm_tasks.unlock_HA('k8srepo', 'delete', op_id,
+ operationState=operation_state,
+ detailed_status=operation_details)
+ self.db.del_one("k8srepos", {"_id": k8srepo_id})
except DbException as e:
self.logger.error(logging_text + "Cannot update database: {}".format(e))
self.lcm_tasks.remove("k8srepo", k8srepo_id, order_id)