self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
await self.n2vc.install_configuration_sw(ee_id=ee_id, artifact_path=artifact_path, db_dict=db_dict)
+ # write in db flag of configuration_sw already installed
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, {db_update_entry + "config_sw_installed": True})
+ # add relations for this VCA (wait for other peers related with this VCA)
+ await self._add_vca_relations(logging_text=logging_text, nsr_id=nsr_id, vca_index=vca_index)
# if SSH access is required, then get execution environment SSH public
if is_proxy_charm: # if native charm we have waited already to VM be UP
pub_key = None
initial_config_primitive_list = config_descriptor.get('initial-config-primitive')
# sort initial config primitives by 'seq'
- try:
- initial_config_primitive_list.sort(key=lambda val: int(val['seq']))
- except Exception as e:
- self.logger.error(logging_text + step + ": " + str(e))
+ if initial_config_primitive_list:
+ try:
+ initial_config_primitive_list.sort(key=lambda val: int(val['seq']))
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error(logging_text + step + ": " + str(e))
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + step + ": No initial-config-primitive")
# add config if not present for NS charm
initial_config_primitive_list = self._get_initial_config_primitive_list(initial_config_primitive_list,
except Exception as e:
self.logger.warn('Error writing all configuration status, ns={}: {}'.format(nsr_id, e))
- def _write_configuration_status(self, nsr_id: str, vca_index: int, status: str,
+ def _write_configuration_status(self, nsr_id: str, vca_index: int, status: str = None,
element_under_configuration: str = None, element_type: str = None):
# self.logger.debug('_write_configuration_status(): vca_index={}, status={}'
db_path = 'configurationStatus.{}.'.format(vca_index)
db_dict = dict()
- db_dict[db_path + 'status'] = status
+ if status:
+ db_dict[db_path + 'status'] = status
if element_under_configuration:
db_dict[db_path + 'elementUnderConfiguration'] = element_under_configuration
if element_type:
vnfd_ref = vnfr["vnfd-ref"] # vnfd name for this vnf
# if we haven't this vnfd, read it from db
if vnfd_id not in db_vnfds:
- # read from cb
+ # read from db
step = "Getting vnfd={} id='{}' from db".format(vnfd_id, vnfd_ref)
self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
vnfd = self.db.get_one("vnfds", {"_id": vnfd_id})
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Exit")
self.lcm_tasks.remove("ns", nsr_id, nslcmop_id, "ns_instantiate")
+ async def _add_vca_relations(self, logging_text, nsr_id, vca_index: int, timeout: int = 3600) -> bool:
+ # steps:
+ # 1. find all relations for this VCA
+ # 2. wait for other peers related
+ # 3. add relations
+ try:
+ # STEP 1: find all relations for this VCA
+ # read nsr record
+ db_nsr = self.db.get_one("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id})
+ # this VCA data
+ my_vca = deep_get(db_nsr, ('_admin', 'deployed', 'VCA'))[vca_index]
+ # read all ns-configuration relations
+ ns_relations = list()
+ db_ns_relations = deep_get(db_nsr, ('nsd', 'ns-configuration', 'relation'))
+ if db_ns_relations:
+ for r in db_ns_relations:
+ # check if this VCA is in the relation
+ if my_vca.get('member-vnf-index') in\
+ (r.get('entities')[0].get('id'), r.get('entities')[1].get('id')):
+ ns_relations.append(r)
+ # read all vnf-configuration relations
+ vnf_relations = list()
+ db_vnfd_list = db_nsr.get('vnfd-id')
+ if db_vnfd_list:
+ for vnfd in db_vnfd_list:
+ db_vnfd = self.db.get_one("vnfds", {"_id": vnfd})
+ db_vnf_relations = deep_get(db_vnfd, ('vnf-configuration', 'relation'))
+ if db_vnf_relations:
+ for r in db_vnf_relations:
+ # check if this VCA is in the relation
+ if my_vca.get('vdu_id') in (r.get('entities')[0].get('id'), r.get('entities')[1].get('id')):
+ vnf_relations.append(r)
+ # if no relations, terminate
+ if not ns_relations and not vnf_relations:
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + ' No relations')
+ return True
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + ' adding relations\n {}\n {}'.format(ns_relations, vnf_relations))
+ # add all relations
+ start = time()
+ while True:
+ # check timeout
+ now = time()
+ if now - start >= timeout:
+ self.logger.error(logging_text + ' : timeout adding relations')
+ return False
+ # reload nsr from database (we need to update record: _admin.deloyed.VCA)
+ db_nsr = self.db.get_one("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id})
+ # for each defined NS relation, find the VCA's related
+ for r in ns_relations:
+ from_vca_ee_id = None
+ to_vca_ee_id = None
+ from_vca_endpoint = None
+ to_vca_endpoint = None
+ vca_list = deep_get(db_nsr, ('_admin', 'deployed', 'VCA'))
+ for vca in vca_list:
+ if vca.get('member-vnf-index') == r.get('entities')[0].get('id') \
+ and vca.get('config_sw_installed'):
+ from_vca_ee_id = vca.get('ee_id')
+ from_vca_endpoint = r.get('entities')[0].get('endpoint')
+ if vca.get('member-vnf-index') == r.get('entities')[1].get('id') \
+ and vca.get('config_sw_installed'):
+ to_vca_ee_id = vca.get('ee_id')
+ to_vca_endpoint = r.get('entities')[1].get('endpoint')
+ if from_vca_ee_id and to_vca_ee_id:
+ # add relation
+ await self.n2vc.add_relation(
+ ee_id_1=from_vca_ee_id,
+ ee_id_2=to_vca_ee_id,
+ endpoint_1=from_vca_endpoint,
+ endpoint_2=to_vca_endpoint)
+ # remove entry from relations list
+ ns_relations.remove(r)
+ else:
+ # check failed peers
+ try:
+ vca_status_list = db_nsr.get('configurationStatus')
+ if vca_status_list:
+ for i in range(len(vca_list)):
+ vca = vca_list[i]
+ vca_status = vca_status_list[i]
+ if vca.get('member-vnf-index') == r.get('entities')[0].get('id'):
+ if vca_status.get('status') == 'BROKEN':
+ # peer broken: remove relation from list
+ ns_relations.remove(r)
+ if vca.get('member-vnf-index') == r.get('entities')[1].get('id'):
+ if vca_status.get('status') == 'BROKEN':
+ # peer broken: remove relation from list
+ ns_relations.remove(r)
+ except Exception:
+ # ignore
+ pass
+ # for each defined VNF relation, find the VCA's related
+ for r in vnf_relations:
+ from_vca_ee_id = None
+ to_vca_ee_id = None
+ from_vca_endpoint = None
+ to_vca_endpoint = None
+ vca_list = deep_get(db_nsr, ('_admin', 'deployed', 'VCA'))
+ for vca in vca_list:
+ if vca.get('vdu_id') == r.get('entities')[0].get('id') and vca.get('config_sw_installed'):
+ from_vca_ee_id = vca.get('ee_id')
+ from_vca_endpoint = r.get('entities')[0].get('endpoint')
+ if vca.get('vdu_id') == r.get('entities')[1].get('id') and vca.get('config_sw_installed'):
+ to_vca_ee_id = vca.get('ee_id')
+ to_vca_endpoint = r.get('entities')[1].get('endpoint')
+ if from_vca_ee_id and to_vca_ee_id:
+ # add relation
+ await self.n2vc.add_relation(
+ ee_id_1=from_vca_ee_id,
+ ee_id_2=to_vca_ee_id,
+ endpoint_1=from_vca_endpoint,
+ endpoint_2=to_vca_endpoint)
+ # remove entry from relations list
+ vnf_relations.remove(r)
+ else:
+ # check failed peers
+ try:
+ vca_status_list = db_nsr.get('configurationStatus')
+ if vca_status_list:
+ for i in range(len(vca_list)):
+ vca = vca_list[i]
+ vca_status = vca_status_list[i]
+ if vca.get('vdu_id') == r.get('entities')[0].get('id'):
+ if vca_status.get('status') == 'BROKEN':
+ # peer broken: remove relation from list
+ ns_relations.remove(r)
+ if vca.get('vdu_id') == r.get('entities')[1].get('id'):
+ if vca_status.get('status') == 'BROKEN':
+ # peer broken: remove relation from list
+ ns_relations.remove(r)
+ except Exception:
+ # ignore
+ pass
+ # wait for next try
+ await asyncio.sleep(5.0)
+ if not ns_relations and not vnf_relations:
+ self.logger.debug('Relations added')
+ break
+ return True
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.warn(logging_text + ' ERROR adding relations: {}'.format(e))
+ return False
async def deploy_kdus(self, logging_text, nsr_id, db_nsr, db_vnfrs):
# Launch kdus if present in the descriptor