--- /dev/null
+#! /bin/bash
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+function check_arguments(){
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
+ case $1 in
+ --bundle) BUNDLE="$2" ;;
+ --kubeconfig) KUBECFG="$2" ;;
+ --lxd-endpoint) LXDENDPOINT="$2" ;;
+ --lxd-cert) LXDCERT="$2" ;;
+ --microstack) MICROSTACK=y
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+function install_snaps(){
+ sudo snap install juju --classic
+ if [ -z "$KUBECFG" ]; then sudo snap install microk8s --classic; fi
+function bootstrap_k8s_lxd(){
+ if [ -n "$KUBECFG" ]; then
+ echo "Using specified K8s"
+ cat $KUBECFG | juju add-k8s k8s-cluster --client
+ juju bootstrap k8s-cluster controller
+ else
+ sudo microk8s.enable storage dns
+ sudo usermod -a -G microk8s ubuntu
+ sg microk8s -c "juju bootstrap microk8s controller"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$LXDENDPOINT" ]; then
+ if [ -n "$LXDCERT" ]; then
+ local server_cert=`cat $LXDCERT | sed 's/^/ /'`
+ else
+ echo "The installer needs the LXD server certificate if the LXD is external"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ lxd init --auto --network-address $LXDENDPOINT
+ lxc network set lxdbr0 ipv6.address none
+ local server_cert=`cat /var/lib/lxd/server.crt | sed 's/^/ /'`
+ fi
+ sudo cat << EOF > ~/.osm/lxd-cloud.yaml
+ lxd-cloud:
+ type: lxd
+ auth-types: [certificate]
+ endpoint: "https://$LXDENDPOINT:8443"
+ config:
+ ssl-hostname-verification: false
+ openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -keyout ~/.osm/private.key -out ~/.osm/publickey.crt -days 365 -subj "/C=FR/ST=Nice/L=Nice/O=ETSI/OU=OSM/CN=osm.etsi.org"
+ local client_cert=`cat ~/.osm/publickey.crt | sed 's/^/ /'`
+ local client_key=`cat ~/.osm/private.key | sed 's/^/ /'`
+ sudo cat << EOF > ~/.osm/lxd-credentials.yaml
+ lxd-cloud:
+ admin:
+ auth-type: certificate
+ server-cert: |
+ client-cert: |
+ client-key: |
+ lxc config trust add local: ~/.osm/publickey.crt
+ juju add-cloud -c controller lxd-cloud ~/.osm/lxd-cloud.yaml --force
+ juju add-credential -c controller lxd-cloud -f ~/.osm/lxd-credentials.yaml
+ juju add-model test lxd-cloud
+function deploy_charmed_osm(){
+ create_overlay
+ echo "Creating OSM model"
+ if [ -n "$KUBECFG" ]; then
+ juju add-model osm-on-k8s k8s-cluster
+ else
+ sg microk8s -c "juju add-model osm-on-k8s microk8s"
+ fi
+ echo "Deploying OSM with charms"
+ echo $BUNDLE
+ if [ -n "$BUNDLE" ]; then
+ juju deploy $BUNDLE --overlay ~/.osm/vca-overlay.yaml
+ else
+ juju deploy osm --overlay ~/.osm/vca-overlay.yaml
+ fi
+ echo "Waiting for deployment to finish..."
+ check_osm_deployed &> /dev/null
+ echo "OSM with charms deployed"
+ sudo microk8s.enable ingress
+ juju config ui-k8s juju-external-hostname=osm.$DEFAULT_IP.xip.io
+ juju expose ui-k8s
+function check_osm_deployed() {
+ while true
+ do
+ pod_name=`sg microk8s -c "microk8s.kubectl -n osm-on-k8s get pods | grep ui-k8s | grep -v operator" | awk '{print $1}'
+ if [[ `sg microk8s -c "microk8s.kubectl -n osm-on-k8s wait pod $pod_name --for condition=Ready"` ]]; then
+ if [[ `sg microk8s -c "microk8s.kubectl -n osm-on-k8s wait pod lcm-k8s-0 --for condition=Ready"` ]]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ fi
+ sleep 10
+ done
+function create_overlay() {
+ sudo snap install yq
+ local YQ="$SNAP/bin/yq"
+ local HOME=/home/$USER
+ local vca_user=$(cat $HOME/.local/share/juju/accounts.yaml | yq r - controllers.controller.user)
+ local vca_password=$(cat $HOME/.local/share/juju/accounts.yaml | yq r - controllers.controller.password)
+ local vca_host=$(cat $HOME/.local/share/juju/controllers.yaml | yq r - controllers.controller.api-endpoints[0] | cut -d ":" -f 1)
+ local vca_port=$(cat $HOME/.local/share/juju/controllers.yaml | yq r - controllers.controller.api-endpoints[0] | cut -d ":" -f 2)
+ local vca_pubkey=\"$(cat $HOME/.local/share/juju/ssh/juju_id_rsa.pub)\"
+ local vca_cloud="lxd-cloud"
+ # Get the VCA Certificate
+ local vca_cacert=$(cat $HOME/.local/share/juju/controllers.yaml | yq r - controllers.controller.ca-cert | base64 | tr -d \\n)
+ # Calculate the default route of this machine
+ local DEFAULT_IF=`route -n |awk '$1~/^ {print $8}'`
+ local vca_apiproxy=`ip -o -4 a |grep ${DEFAULT_IF}|awk '{split($4,a,"/"); print a[1]}'`
+ # Generate a new overlay.yaml, overriding any existing one
+ sudo cat << EOF > /tmp/vca-overlay.yaml
+ lcm-k8s:
+ options:
+ vca_user: $vca_user
+ vca_password: $vca_password
+ vca_host: $vca_host
+ vca_port: $vca_port
+ vca_pubkey: $vca_pubkey
+ vca_cacert: $vca_cacert
+ vca_apiproxy: $vca_apiproxy
+ vca_cloud: $vca_cloud
+ mon-k8s:
+ options:
+ vca_user: $vca_user
+ vca_password: $vca_password
+ vca_host: $vca_host
+ vca_cacert: $vca_cacert
+ sudo cp /tmp/vca-overlay.yaml ~/.osm/
+ OSM_VCA_HOST=$vca_host
+function install_osmclient() {
+ sudo snap install osmclient
+ sudo snap alias osmclient.osm osm
+function create_iptables() {
+ check_install_iptables_persistent
+ if ! sudo iptables -t nat -C PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp -d $DEFAULT_IP --dport 17070 -j DNAT --to-destination $OSM_VCA_HOST; then
+ sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp -d $DEFAULT_IP --dport 17070 -j DNAT --to-destination $OSM_VCA_HOST
+ sudo netfilter-persistent save
+ fi
+function check_install_iptables_persistent(){
+ echo -e "\nChecking required packages: iptables-persistent"
+ if ! dpkg -l iptables-persistent &>/dev/null; then
+ echo -e " Not installed.\nInstalling iptables-persistent requires root privileges"
+ echo iptables-persistent iptables-persistent/autosave_v4 boolean true | sudo debconf-set-selections
+ echo iptables-persistent iptables-persistent/autosave_v6 boolean true | sudo debconf-set-selections
+ sudo apt-get -yq install iptables-persistent
+ fi
+function install_microstack() {
+ sudo snap install microstack --classic --beta
+ sudo microstack.init --auto
+ wget https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/16.04/release/ubuntu-16.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img -P ~/.osm/
+ microstack.openstack image create \
+ --public \
+ --disk-format qcow2 \
+ --container-format bare \
+ --file ~/.osm/ubuntu-16.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img \
+ ubuntu1604
+ ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f ~/.ssh/microstack
+ microstack.openstack keypair create --public-key ~/.ssh/microstack.pub microstack
+ export OSM_HOSTNAME=`juju status --format yaml | yq r - applications.nbi-k8s.address`
+ osm vim-create --name microstack-site \
+ --user admin \
+ --password keystone \
+ --auth_url \
+ --tenant admin \
+ --account_type openstack \
+ --config='{security_groups: default,
+ keypair: microstack,
+ project_name: admin,
+ user_domain_name: default,
+ region_name: microstack,
+ insecure: True,
+ availability_zone: nova,
+ version: 3}'
+DEFAULT_IF=`route -n |awk '$1~/^ {print $8}'`
+DEFAULT_IP=`ip -o -4 a |grep ${DEFAULT_IF}|awk '{split($4,a,"/"); print a[1]}'`
+check_arguments $@
+mkdir ~/.osm
+if [ -n "$MICROSTACK" ]; then
+ install_microstack
--- /dev/null
+#! /bin/bash
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+function remove_iptables() {
+ stack=$1
+ if [ -z "$OSM_VCA_HOST" ]; then
+ OSM_VCA_HOST=`sg lxd -c "juju show-controller controller"|grep api-endpoints|awk -F\' '{print $2}'|awk -F\: '{print $1}'`
+ [ -z "$OSM_VCA_HOST" ] && FATAL "Cannot obtain juju controller IP address"
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$DEFAULT_IP" ]; then
+ DEFAULT_IF=`route -n |awk '$1~/^ {print $8}'`
+ [ -z "$DEFAULT_IF" ] && FATAL "Not possible to determine the interface with the default route"
+ DEFAULT_IP=`ip -o -4 a |grep ${DEFAULT_IF}|awk '{split($4,a,"/"); print a[1]}'`
+ [ -z "$DEFAULT_IP" ] && FATAL "Not possible to determine the IP address of the interface with the default route"
+ fi
+ if sudo iptables -t nat -C PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp -d $DEFAULT_IP --dport 17070 -j DNAT --to-destination $OSM_VCA_HOST; then
+ sudo iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp -d $DEFAULT_IP --dport 17070 -j DNAT --to-destination $OSM_VCA_HOST
+ sudo netfilter-persistent save
+ fi
+juju destroy-model osm-on-k8s --destroy-storage
+juju destroy-model test --destroy-storage
+sudo snap unalias osm
+sudo snap remove osmclient
echo -e " --showopts: print chosen options and exit (only for debugging)"
echo -e " -y: do not prompt for confirmation, assumes yes"
echo -e " -h / --help: print this help"
+ echo -e " --charmed: install OSM with charms"
+ echo -e " --bundle <bundle path>: Specify with which bundle to deploy OSM with charms (--charmed option)"
+ echo -e " --kubeconfig <kubeconfig path>: Specify with which kubernetes to deploy OSM with charms (--charmed option)"
+ echo -e " --lxdendpoint <lxd endpoint ip>: Specify with which LXD to deploy OSM with charms (--charmed option)"
+ echo -e " --lxdcert <lxd cert path>: Specify external LXD cert to deploy OSM with charms (--charmed option)"
+ echo -e " --microstack: Installs microstack as a vim. (--charmed option)"
# takes a juju/accounts.yaml file and returns the password specific
[ "${OPTARG}" == "nohostclient" ] && INSTALL_NOHOSTCLIENT="y" && continue
[ "${OPTARG}" == "pullimages" ] && continue
[ "${OPTARG}" == "k8s_monitor" ] && INSTALL_K8S_MONITOR="y" && continue
+ [ "${OPTARG}" == "charmed" ] && CHARMED="y" && continue
+ [ "${OPTARG}" == "bundle" ] && continue
+ [ "${OPTARG}" == "kubeconfig" ] && continue
+ [ "${OPTARG}" == "lxdendpoint" ] && continue
+ [ "${OPTARG}" == "lxdcert" ] && continue
+ [ "${OPTARG}" == "microstack" ] && continue
echo -e "Invalid option: '--$OPTARG'\n" >&2
usage && exit 1
exit 0
+if [ -n "$CHARMED" ]; then
+ if [ -n "$UNINSTALL" ]; then
+ /usr/share/osm-devops/installers/charmed_uninstall.sh -R $RELEASE -r $REPOSITORY -u $REPOSITORY_BASE -D /usr/share/osm-devops -t $DOCKER_TAG "$@"
+ else
+ /usr/share/osm-devops/installers/charmed_install.sh -R $RELEASE -r $REPOSITORY -u $REPOSITORY_BASE -D /usr/share/osm-devops -t $DOCKER_TAG "$@"
+ fi
+ echo "Your installation is now complete, follow these steps for configuring the osmclient:"
+ echo
+ echo "1. Get the NBI IP with the following command:"
+ echo
+ echo "juju status --format yaml | yq r - applications.nbi-k8s.address"
+ echo
+ echo "2. Create the OSM_HOSTNAME environment variable with the NBI IP"
+ echo
+ echo "export OSM_HOSTNAME=<NBI-IP>"
+ echo
+ echo "3. Add the previous command to your .bashrc for other Shell sessions"
+ echo
+ echo "export OSM_HOSTNAME=<previous-IP> >> ~/.bashrc"
+ echo
+ echo "DONE"
+ exit 0
# if develop, we force master
[ -z "$COMMIT_ID" ] && [ -n "$DEVELOP" ] && COMMIT_ID="master"
wget -q -O- https://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-7.0-seven/README2.txt &> /dev/null
track end
echo -e "\nDONE"