Bullet: require('./bullet/bullet.js')
-// require('../../assets/js/n3-line-chart.js');
-// var Gauge = require('../../assets/js/gauge-modified.js');
-// var bulletController = function($scope, $element) {
-// this.$element = $element;
-// this.vertical = false;
-// this.value = 0;
-// this.min = 0;
-// this.max = 100;
-// //this.range = this.max - this.min;
-// //this.percent = (this.value - this.min) / this.range;
-// this.displayValue = this.value;
-// this.isPercent = (this.units == '')? true:false;
-// this.bulletColor = "#6BB814";
-// this.fontsize = 28;
-// this.radius = 4;
-// this.containerMarginX = 0;
-// this.containerMarginY = 0;
-// this.textMarginX = 5;
-// this.textMarginY = 42;
-// this.bulletMargin = 0;
-// this.width = 512;
-// this.height = 64;
-// this.markerX = -100; // puts it off screen unless set
-// var self = this;
-// if (this.isPercent) {
-// this.displayValue + "%";
-// }
-// $scope.$watch(
-// function() {
-// return self.value;
-// },
-// function() {
-// self.valueChanged();
-// }
-// );
-// }
-// bulletController.prototype = {
-// valueChanged: function() {
-// var range = this.max - this.min;
-// var normalizedValue = (this.value - this.min) / range;
-// if (this.isPercent) {
-// this.displayValue = String(Math.round(normalizedValue * 100)) + "%";
-// } else {
-// this.displayValue = this.value;
-// }
-// // All versions of IE as of Jan 2015 does not support inline CSS transforms on SVG
-// if (platform.name == 'IE') {
-// this.bulletWidth = Math.round(100 * normalizedValue) + '%';
-// } else {
-// this.bulletWidth = this.width - (2 * this.containerMarginX);
-// var transform = 'scaleX(' + normalizedValue + ')';
-// var bullet = $(this.$element).find('.bullet2');
-// bullet.css('transform', transform);
-// bullet.css('-webkit-transform', transform);
-// }
-// },
-// markerChanged: function() {
-// var range = this.max - this.min;
-// var w = this.width - (2 * this.containerMarginX);
-// this.markerX = this.containerMarginX + ((this.marker - this.min) / range ) * w;
-// this.markerY1 = 7;
-// this.markerY2 = this.width - 7;
-// }
-// }
-// angular.module('components', ['n3-line-chart'])
-// .directive('rwBullet', function() {
-// return {
-// restrict : 'E',
-// templateUrl: 'modules/views/rw.bullet.tmpl.html',
-// bindToController: true,
-// controllerAs: 'bullet',
-// controller: bulletController,
-// replace: true,
-// scope: {
-// min : '@?',
-// max : '@?',
-// value : '@',
-// marker: '@?',
-// units: '@?',
-// bulletColor: '@?',
-// label: '@?'
-// }
-// };
-// })
-// .directive('rwSlider', function() {
-// var controller = function($scope, $element, $timeout) {
-// // Q: is there a way to force attributes to be ints?
-// $scope.min = $scope.min || "0";
-// $scope.max = $scope.max || "100";
-// $scope.step = $scope.step || "1";
-// $scope.height = $scope.height || "30";
-// $scope.orientation = $scope.orientation || 'horizontal';
-// $scope.tooltipInvert = $scope.tooltipInvert || false;
-// $scope.percent = $scope.percent || false;
-// $scope.kvalue = $scope.kvalue || false;
-// $scope.direction = $scope.direction || "ltr";
-// $($element).noUiSlider({
-// start: parseInt($scope.value),
-// step: parseInt($scope.step),
-// orientation: $scope.orientation,
-// range: {
-// min: parseInt($scope.min),
-// max: parseInt($scope.max)
-// },
-// direction: $scope.direction
-// });
-// //$(".no-Ui-target").Link('upper').to('-inline-<div class="tooltip"></div>')
-// var onSlide = function(e, value) {
-// $timeout(function(){
-// $scope.value = value;
-// })
-// };
-// $($element).on({
-// change: onSlide,
-// slide: onSlide,
-// set: $scope.onSet({value: $scope.value})
-// });
-// var val = String(Math.round($scope.value));
-// if ($scope.percent) {
-// val += "%"
-// } else if ($scope.kvalue) {
-// val += "k"
-// }
-// $($element).height($scope.height);
-// if ($scope.tooltipInvert) {
-// $($element).find('.noUi-handle').append("<div class='tooltip' style='position:relative;right:20px'>" + val + "</div>");
-// } else {
-// $($element).find('.noUi-handle').append("<div class='tooltip' style='position:relative;left:-20px'>" + val + "</div>");
-// }
-// $scope.$watch('value', function(value) {
-// var val = String(Math.round($scope.value));
-// if ($scope.percent) {
-// val += "%"
-// } else if($scope.kvalue) {
-// val += "k"
-// }
-// $($element).val(value);
-// $($element).find('.tooltip').html(val);
-// if ($scope.tooltipInvert) {
-// $($element).find('.tooltip').css('right', $($element).find('.tooltip').innerWidth() * -1);
-// } else {
-// $($element).find('.tooltip').css('left', $($element).find('.tooltip').innerWidth() * -1);
-// }
-// });
-// };
-// return {
-// restrict : 'E',
-// template: '<div></div>',
-// controller : controller,
-// replace: true,
-// scope: {
-// min : '@',
-// max : '@',
-// width: '@',
-// height: '@',
-// step : '@',
-// orientation : '@',
-// tooltipInvert: '@',
-// percent: '@',
-// kvalue: '@?',
-// onSet:'&?',
-// direction: '@?',
-// value:'=?'
-// }
-// };
-// })
-// .directive('rwGauge', function() {
-// return {
-// restrict: 'AE',
-// template: '<canvas class="rwgauge" style="width:100%;height:100%;max-width:{{width}}px;max-height:240px;"></canvas>',
-// replace: true,
-// scope: {
-// min: '@?',
-// max: '@?',
-// size: '@?',
-// color: '@?',
-// value: '@?',
-// resize: '@?',
-// isAggregate: '@?',
-// units: '@?',
-// valueFormat: '=?',
-// width: '@?'
-// },
-// bindToController: true,
-// controllerAs: 'gauge',
-// controller: function($scope, $element) {
-// var self = this;
-// this.gauge = null;
-// this.min = this.min || 0;
-// this.max = this.max || 100;
-// this.nSteps = 14;
-// this.size = this.size || 300;
-// this.units = this.units || '';
-// $scope.width = this.width || 240;
-// this.color = this.color || 'hsla(212, 57%, 50%, 1)';
-// if (!this.valueFormat) {
-// if (this.max > 1000 || this.value) {
-// self.valueFormat = {
-// "int": 1,
-// "dec": 0
-// };
-// } else {
-// self.valueFormat = {
-// "int": 1,
-// "dec": 2
-// };
-// }
-// }
-// this.isAggregate = this.isAggregate || false;
-// this.resize = this.resize || false;
-// if (this.format == 'percent') {
-// self.valueFormat = {
-// "int": 3,
-// "dec": 0
-// };
-// }
-// $scope.$watch(function() {
-// return self.max;
-// }, function(n, o) {
-// if(n !== o) {
-// renderGauge();
-// }
-// });
-// $scope.$watch(function() {
-// return self.valueFormat;
-// }, function(n, o) {
-// if(n != 0) {
-// renderGauge();
-// }
-// });
-// $scope.$watch(function() {
-// return self.value;
-// }, function() {
-// if (self.gauge) {
-// // w/o rounding gauge will unexplainably thrash round.
-// self.valueFormat = determineValueFormat(self.value);
-// self.gauge.setValue(Math.ceil(self.value * 100) / 100);
-// //self.gauge.setValue(Math.round(self.value));
-// }
-// });
-// angular.element($element).ready(function() {
-// console.log('rendering')
-// renderGauge();
-// })
-// window.testme = renderGauge;
-// function determineValueFormat(value) {
-// if (value > 999 || self.units == "%") {
-// return {
-// "int": 1,
-// "dec": 0
-// }
-// }
-// return {
-// "int": 1,
-// "dec": 2
-// }
-// }
-// function renderGauge(calcWidth) {
-// if (self.max == self.min) {
-// self.max = 14;
-// }
-// var range = self.max - self.min;
-// var step = Math.round(range / self.nSteps);
-// var majorTicks = [];
-// for (var i = 0; i <= self.nSteps; i++) {
-// majorTicks.push(self.min + (i * step));
-// };
-// var redLine = self.min + (range * 0.9);
-// var config = {
-// isAggregate: self.isAggregate,
-// renderTo: angular.element($element)[0],
-// width: calcWidth || self.size,
-// height: calcWidth || self.size,
-// glow: false,
-// units: self.units,
-// title: false,
-// minValue: self.min,
-// maxValue: self.max,
-// majorTicks: majorTicks,
-// valueFormat: determineValueFormat(self.value),
-// minorTicks: 0,
-// strokeTicks: false,
-// highlights: [],
-// colors: {
-// plate: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
-// majorTicks: 'rgba(15, 123, 182, .84)',
-// minorTicks: '#ccc',
-// title: 'rgba(50,50,50,100)',
-// units: 'rgba(50,50,50,100)',
-// numbers: '#fff',
-// needle: {
-// start: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)',
-// end: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)'
-// }
-// }
-// };
-// var min = config.minValue;
-// var max = config.maxValue;
-// var N = 1000;
-// var increment = (max - min) / N;
-// for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
-// var temp_color = 'rgb(0, 172, 238)';
-// if (i > 0.5714 * N && i <= 0.6428 * N) {
-// temp_color = 'rgb(0,157,217)';
-// } else if (i >= 0.6428 * N && i < 0.7142 * N) {
-// temp_color = 'rgb(0,142,196)';
-// } else if (i >= 0.7142 * N && i < 0.7857 * N) {
-// temp_color = 'rgb(0,126,175)';
-// } else if (i >= 0.7857 * N && i < 0.8571 * N) {
-// temp_color = 'rgb(0,122,154)';
-// } else if (i >= 0.8571 * N && i < 0.9285 * N) {
-// temp_color = 'rgb(0,96,133)';
-// } else if (i >= 0.9285 * N) {
-// temp_color = 'rgb(0,80,112)';
-// }
-// config.highlights.push({
-// from: i * increment,
-// to: increment * (i + 2),
-// color: temp_color
-// })
-// }
-// var updateSize = _.debounce(function() {
-// config.maxValue = self.max;
-// var clientWidth = self.parentNode.parentNode.clientWidth / 2;
-// var calcWidth = (300 > clientWidth) ? clientWidth : 300;
-// self.gauge.config.width = self.gauge.config.height = calcWidth;
-// self.renderGauge(calcWidth);
-// }, 500);
-// if (self.resize) $(window).resize(updateSize)
-// if (self.gauge) {
-// self.gauge.updateConfig(config);
-// } else {
-// self.gauge = new Gauge(config);
-// self.gauge.draw();
-// }
-// };
-// },
-// }
-// });
'package-type': 'VNFD',
'package-id': uuid()
+ var uri = utils.projectContextUrl(req, utils.confdPort(api_server) + '/api/operations/package-update');
+ input = utils.addProjectContextToRPCPayload(req, uri, input);
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
- uri: utils.projectContextUrl(req, utils.confdPort(api_server) + '/api/operations/package-update'),
+ uri: uri,
method: 'POST',
headers: _.extend({}, constants.HTTP_HEADERS.accept.collection, {
'Authorization': req.session && req.session.authorization
download_host = req.protocol + '://' + req.get('host');//req.api_server + ':' + utils.getPortForProtocol(req.protocol);
+ var input = {
+ 'external-url': download_host + '/composer/upload/' + req.file.filename,
+ 'package-type': 'VNFD',
+ 'package-id': uuid()
+ };
+ var uri = utils.projectContextUrl(req, utils.confdPort(api_server) + '/api/operations/package-create');
+ input = utils.addProjectContextToRPCPayload(req, uri, input);
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
- uri: utils.projectContextUrl(req, utils.confdPort(api_server) + '/api/operations/package-create'),
+ uri: uri,
method: 'POST',
headers: _.extend({}, constants.HTTP_HEADERS.accept.collection, {
'Authorization': req.session && req.session.authorization
resolveWithFullResponse: true,
json: true,
body: {
- input: {
- 'external-url': download_host + '/composer/upload/' + req.file.filename,
- 'package-type': 'VNFD',
- 'package-id': uuid()
- }
+ input: input
]).then(function(result) {
'package-id': package_id,
'package-path': package_path + '/' + req.file.filename
+ var uri = utils.projectContextUrl(req, utils.confdPort(api_server) + '/api/operations/package-file-add');
+ input = utils.addProjectContextToRPCPayload(req, uri, input);
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
- uri: utils.projectContextUrl(req, utils.confdPort(api_server) + '/api/operations/package-file-add'),
+ uri: uri,
method: 'POST',
headers: _.extend({}, constants.HTTP_HEADERS.accept.collection, {
'Authorization': req.session && req.session.authorization
Composer.exportPackage = function(req) {
- // /api/operations/package-export
var api_server = req.query['api_server'];
+ var uri = utils.projectContextUrl(req, utils.confdPort(api_server) + '/api/operations/package-export');
+ var input = req.body;
+ input = utils.addProjectContextToRPCPayload(req, uri, input);
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
- uri: utils.projectContextUrl(req, utils.confdPort(api_server) + '/api/operations/package-export'),
+ uri: uri,
method: 'POST',
headers: _.extend({}, constants.HTTP_HEADERS.accept.collection, {
'Authorization': req.session && req.session.authorization
rejectUnauthorized: false,
resolveWithFullResponse: true,
json: true,
- body: { "input": req.body}
+ body: { "input": input }
]).then(function(result) {
var data = {};
function deleteFile(payload) {
+ var uri = utils.projectContextUrl(req, utils.confdPort(api_server) + '/api/operations/rw-pkg-mgmt:package-file-delete');
+ payload.input = utils.addProjectContextToRPCPayload(req, uri, payload.input);
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
- uri: utils.projectContextUrl(req, utils.confdPort(api_server) + '/api/operations/rw-pkg-mgmt:package-file-delete'),
+ uri: uri,
method: 'POST',
headers: _.extend({}, constants.HTTP_HEADERS.accept.collection, {
'Authorization': req.session && req.session.authorization
function download(payload) {
+ var uri = utils.projectContextUrl(req, utils.confdPort(api_server) + '/api/operations/rw-pkg-mgmt:package-file-add');
+ payload.input = utils.addProjectContextToRPCPayload(req, uri, payload.input);
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
- uri: utils.projectContextUrl(req, utils.confdPort(api_server) + '/api/operations/rw-pkg-mgmt:package-file-add'),
+ uri: uri,
method: 'POST',
headers: _.extend({}, constants.HTTP_HEADERS.accept.collection, {
'Authorization': req.session && req.session.authorization
function list(payload) {
+ var uri = utils.projectContextUrl(req, utils.confdPort(api_server) + '/api/operations/get-package-endpoint');
+ payload.input = utils.addProjectContextToRPCPayload(req, uri, payload.input);
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
- uri: utils.projectContextUrl(req, utils.confdPort(api_server) + '/api/operations/get-package-endpoint'),
+ uri: uri,
method: 'POST',
headers: _.extend({}, constants.HTTP_HEADERS.accept.collection, {
'Authorization': req.session && req.session.authorization