--- /dev/null
+This is a placeholder. This folder will contain a OpenStack/HEAT like interface to the emulator.
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Distributed Cloud Emulator (dcemulator)
+(c) 2015 by Manuel Peuster <manuel.peuster@upb.de>
+import logging
+import threading
+import zerorpc
+class ZeroRpcApiEndpoint(object):
+ """
+ Simple API endpoint that offers a zerorpc-based
+ interface. This interface will be used by the
+ default command line client.
+ It can be used as a reference to implement
+ REST interfaces providing the same semantics,
+ like e.g. OpenStack compute API.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, listenip, port):
+ self.dcs = {}
+ self.ip = listenip
+ self.port = port
+ logging.debug("Created API endpoint %s(%s:%d)" % (
+ self.__class__.__name__, self.ip, self.port))
+ def connectDatacenter(self, dc):
+ self.dcs[dc.label] = dc
+ logging.info("Connected DC(%s) to API endpoint %s(%s:%d)" % (
+ dc.label, self.__class__.__name__, self.ip, self.port))
+ def start(self):
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=self._api_server_thread, args=())
+ thread.daemon = True
+ thread.start()
+ logging.debug("Started API endpoint %s(%s:%d)" % (
+ self.__class__.__name__, self.ip, self.port))
+ def _api_server_thread(self):
+ s = zerorpc.Server(MultiDatacenterApi(self.dcs))
+ s.bind("tcp://%s:%d" % (self.ip, self.port))
+ s.run()
+class MultiDatacenterApi(object):
+ """
+ Just pass through the corresponding request to the
+ selected data center. Do not implement provisioning
+ logic here because will will have multiple API
+ endpoint implementations at the end.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, dcs):
+ self.dcs = dcs
+ def compute_action_start(self, dc_label, compute_name, image, command, network):
+ """
+ Start a new compute instance: A docker container
+ :param dc_label: name of the DC
+ :param compute_name: compute container name
+ :param image: image name
+ :param command: command to execute
+ :param network:
+ :return: networks list({"ip": ""}, {"ip": ""})
+ """
+ # TODO what to return UUID / given name / internal name ?
+ logging.debug("RPC CALL: compute start")
+ try:
+ c = self.dcs.get(dc_label).startCompute(
+ compute_name, image=image, command=command, network=network)
+ return str(c.name)
+ except Exception as ex:
+ logging.exception("RPC error.")
+ return ex.message
+ def compute_action_stop(self, dc_label, compute_name):
+ logging.debug("RPC CALL: compute stop")
+ try:
+ return self.dcs.get(dc_label).stopCompute(compute_name)
+ except Exception as ex:
+ logging.exception("RPC error.")
+ return ex.message
+ def compute_list(self, dc_label):
+ logging.debug("RPC CALL: compute list")
+ try:
+ if dc_label is None:
+ # return list with all compute nodes in all DCs
+ all_containers = []
+ for dc in self.dcs.itervalues():
+ all_containers += dc.listCompute()
+ return [(c.name, c.getStatus())
+ for c in all_containers]
+ else:
+ # return list of compute nodes for specified DC
+ return [(c.name, c.getStatus())
+ for c in self.dcs.get(dc_label).listCompute()]
+ except Exception as ex:
+ logging.exception("RPC error.")
+ return ex.message
+ def compute_status(self, dc_label, compute_name):
+ logging.debug("RPC CALL: compute status")
+ try:
+ return self.dcs.get(
+ dc_label).containers.get(compute_name).getStatus()
+ except Exception as ex:
+ logging.exception("RPC error.")
+ return ex.message
+ def datacenter_list(self):
+ logging.debug("RPC CALL: datacenter list")
+ try:
+ return [d.getStatus() for d in self.dcs.itervalues()]
+ except Exception as ex:
+ logging.exception("RPC error.")
+ return ex.message
+ def datacenter_status(self, dc_label):
+ logging.debug("RPC CALL: datacenter status")
+ try:
+ return self.dcs.get(dc_label).getStatus()
+ except Exception as ex:
+ logging.exception("RPC error.")
+ return ex.message
--- /dev/null
+Distributed Cloud Emulator (dcemulator)
+import logging
+import threading
+import zerorpc
+class ZeroRpcApiEndpointDCNetwork(object):
+ """
+ Simple API endpoint that offers a zerorpc-based
+ interface. This interface will be used by the
+ default command line client.
+ It can be used as a reference to implement
+ REST interfaces providing the same semantics,
+ like e.g. OpenStack compute API.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, listenip, port, DCNetwork=None):
+ if DCNetwork :
+ self.connectDCNetwork(DCNetwork)
+ self.ip = listenip
+ self.port = port
+ logging.debug("Created monitoring API endpoint %s(%s:%d)" % (
+ self.__class__.__name__, self.ip, self.port))
+ def connectDCNetwork(self, net):
+ self.net = net
+ logging.info("Connected DCNetwork to API endpoint %s(%s:%d)" % (
+ self.__class__.__name__, self.ip, self.port))
+ def start(self):
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=self._api_server_thread, args=())
+ thread.daemon = True
+ thread.start()
+ logging.debug("Started API endpoint %s(%s:%d)" % (
+ self.__class__.__name__, self.ip, self.port))
+ def _api_server_thread(self):
+ s = zerorpc.Server(DCNetworkApi(self.net))
+ s.bind("tcp://%s:%d" % (self.ip, self.port))
+ s.run()
+ def stop(self):
+ logging.info("Stop the monitoring API endpoint")
+ return
+class DCNetworkApi(object):
+ """
+ The networking and monitoring commands need the scope of the
+ whole DC network to find the requested vnf. So this API is intended
+ to work with a DCNetwork.
+ Just pass through the corresponding request to the
+ selected data center network. Do not implement provisioning
+ logic here because will will have multiple API
+ endpoint implementations at the end.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, net):
+ self.net = net
+ def network_action_start(self, vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name):
+ # call DCNetwork method, not really datacenter specific API for now...
+ # provided dc name needs to be part of API endpoint
+ # no check if vnfs are really connected to this datacenter...
+ logging.debug("RPC CALL: network chain start")
+ try:
+ c = self.net.setChain(
+ vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name)
+ return str(c)
+ except Exception as ex:
+ logging.exception("RPC error.")
+ return ex.message
+ def network_action_stop(self, vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name):
+ # call DCNetwork method, not really datacenter specific API for now...
+ # provided dc name needs to be part of API endpoint
+ # no check if vnfs are really connected to this datacenter...
+ logging.debug("RPC CALL: network chain stop")
+ try:
+ c = self.net.setChain(
+ vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, cmd='del-flows')
+ return c
+ except Exception as ex:
+ logging.exception("RPC error.")
+ return ex.message
+ # get egress(default) or ingress rate of a vnf
+ def monitor_get_rate(self, vnf_name, direction):
+ logging.debug("RPC CALL: get rate")
+ try:
+ c = self.net.monitor_agent.get_rate(vnf_name, direction)
+ return c
+ except Exception as ex:
+ logging.exception("RPC error.")
+ return ex.message
+++ /dev/null
-Distributed Cloud Emulator (dcemulator)
-(c) 2015 by Manuel Peuster <manuel.peuster@upb.de>
-import logging
-import threading
-import zerorpc
-class ZeroRpcApiEndpoint(object):
- """
- Simple API endpoint that offers a zerorpc-based
- interface. This interface will be used by the
- default command line client.
- It can be used as a reference to implement
- REST interfaces providing the same semantics,
- like e.g. OpenStack compute API.
- """
- def __init__(self, listenip, port):
- self.dcs = {}
- self.ip = listenip
- self.port = port
- logging.debug("Created API endpoint %s(%s:%d)" % (
- self.__class__.__name__, self.ip, self.port))
- def connectDatacenter(self, dc):
- self.dcs[dc.label] = dc
- logging.info("Connected DC(%s) to API endpoint %s(%s:%d)" % (
- dc.label, self.__class__.__name__, self.ip, self.port))
- def start(self):
- thread = threading.Thread(target=self._api_server_thread, args=())
- thread.daemon = True
- thread.start()
- logging.debug("Started API endpoint %s(%s:%d)" % (
- self.__class__.__name__, self.ip, self.port))
- def _api_server_thread(self):
- s = zerorpc.Server(MultiDatacenterApi(self.dcs))
- s.bind("tcp://%s:%d" % (self.ip, self.port))
- s.run()
-class MultiDatacenterApi(object):
- """
- Just pass through the corresponding request to the
- selected data center. Do not implement provisioning
- logic here because will will have multiple API
- endpoint implementations at the end.
- """
- def __init__(self, dcs):
- self.dcs = dcs
- def compute_action_start(self, dc_label, compute_name, image, command, network):
- """
- Start a new compute instance: A docker container
- :param dc_label: name of the DC
- :param compute_name: compute container name
- :param image: image name
- :param command: command to execute
- :param network:
- :return: networks list({"ip": ""}, {"ip": ""})
- """
- # TODO what to return UUID / given name / internal name ?
- logging.debug("RPC CALL: compute start")
- try:
- c = self.dcs.get(dc_label).startCompute(
- compute_name, image=image, command=command, network=network)
- return str(c.name)
- except Exception as ex:
- logging.exception("RPC error.")
- return ex.message
- def compute_action_stop(self, dc_label, compute_name):
- logging.debug("RPC CALL: compute stop")
- try:
- return self.dcs.get(dc_label).stopCompute(compute_name)
- except Exception as ex:
- logging.exception("RPC error.")
- return ex.message
- def compute_list(self, dc_label):
- logging.debug("RPC CALL: compute list")
- try:
- if dc_label is None:
- # return list with all compute nodes in all DCs
- all_containers = []
- for dc in self.dcs.itervalues():
- all_containers += dc.listCompute()
- return [(c.name, c.getStatus())
- for c in all_containers]
- else:
- # return list of compute nodes for specified DC
- return [(c.name, c.getStatus())
- for c in self.dcs.get(dc_label).listCompute()]
- except Exception as ex:
- logging.exception("RPC error.")
- return ex.message
- def compute_status(self, dc_label, compute_name):
- logging.debug("RPC CALL: compute status")
- try:
- return self.dcs.get(
- dc_label).containers.get(compute_name).getStatus()
- except Exception as ex:
- logging.exception("RPC error.")
- return ex.message
- def datacenter_list(self):
- logging.debug("RPC CALL: datacenter list")
- try:
- return [d.getStatus() for d in self.dcs.itervalues()]
- except Exception as ex:
- logging.exception("RPC error.")
- return ex.message
- def datacenter_status(self, dc_label):
- logging.debug("RPC CALL: datacenter status")
- try:
- return self.dcs.get(dc_label).getStatus()
- except Exception as ex:
- logging.exception("RPC error.")
- return ex.message
+++ /dev/null
-Distributed Cloud Emulator (dcemulator)\r
-(c) 2015 by Manuel Peuster <manuel.peuster@upb.de>\r
-import logging\r
-import threading\r
-import zerorpc\r
-class ZeroRpcApiEndpointDCNetwork(object):\r
- """\r
- Simple API endpoint that offers a zerorpc-based\r
- interface. This interface will be used by the\r
- default command line client.\r
- It can be used as a reference to implement\r
- REST interfaces providing the same semantics,\r
- like e.g. OpenStack compute API.\r
- """\r
- def __init__(self, listenip, port, DCNetwork=None):\r
- if DCNetwork :\r
- self.connectDCNetwork(DCNetwork)\r
- self.ip = listenip\r
- self.port = port\r
- logging.debug("Created monitoring API endpoint %s(%s:%d)" % (\r
- self.__class__.__name__, self.ip, self.port))\r
- def connectDCNetwork(self, net):\r
- self.net = net\r
- logging.info("Connected DCNetwork to API endpoint %s(%s:%d)" % (\r
- self.__class__.__name__, self.ip, self.port))\r
- def start(self):\r
- thread = threading.Thread(target=self._api_server_thread, args=())\r
- thread.daemon = True\r
- thread.start()\r
- logging.debug("Started API endpoint %s(%s:%d)" % (\r
- self.__class__.__name__, self.ip, self.port))\r
- def _api_server_thread(self):\r
- s = zerorpc.Server(DCNetworkApi(self.net))\r
- s.bind("tcp://%s:%d" % (self.ip, self.port))\r
- s.run()\r
- def stop(self):\r
- logging.info("Stop the monitoring API endpoint")\r
- return\r
-class DCNetworkApi(object):\r
- """\r
- The networking and monitoring commands need the scope of the\r
- whole DC network to find the requested vnf. So this API is intended\r
- to work with a DCNetwork.\r
- Just pass through the corresponding request to the\r
- selected data center network. Do not implement provisioning\r
- logic here because will will have multiple API\r
- endpoint implementations at the end.\r
- """\r
- def __init__(self, net):\r
- self.net = net\r
- def network_action_start(self, vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name):\r
- # call DCNetwork method, not really datacenter specific API for now...\r
- # provided dc name needs to be part of API endpoint\r
- # no check if vnfs are really connected to this datacenter...\r
- logging.debug("RPC CALL: network chain start")\r
- try:\r
- c = self.net.setChain(\r
- vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name)\r
- return str(c)\r
- except Exception as ex:\r
- logging.exception("RPC error.")\r
- return ex.message\r
- def network_action_stop(self, vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name):\r
- # call DCNetwork method, not really datacenter specific API for now...\r
- # provided dc name needs to be part of API endpoint\r
- # no check if vnfs are really connected to this datacenter...\r
- logging.debug("RPC CALL: network chain stop")\r
- try:\r
- c = self.net.setChain(\r
- vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, cmd='del-flows')\r
- return c\r
- except Exception as ex:\r
- logging.exception("RPC error.")\r
- return ex.message\r
- # get egress(default) or ingress rate of a vnf\r
- def monitor_get_rate(self, vnf_name, direction):\r
- logging.debug("RPC CALL: get rate")\r
- try:\r
- c = self.net.monitor_agent.get_rate(vnf_name, direction)\r
- return c\r
- except Exception as ex:\r
- logging.exception("RPC error.")\r
- return ex.message\r
import logging
from mininet.log import setLogLevel
from emuvim.dcemulator.net import DCNetwork
-from emuvim.api.zerorpcapi import ZeroRpcApiEndpoint
-from emuvim.api.zerorpcapi_DCNetwork import ZeroRpcApiEndpointDCNetwork
+from emuvim.api.zerorpc.compute import ZeroRpcApiEndpoint
+from emuvim.api.zerorpc.network import ZeroRpcApiEndpointDCNetwork
import logging
from mininet.log import setLogLevel
from emuvim.dcemulator.net import DCNetwork
-from emuvim.api.zerorpcapi import ZeroRpcApiEndpoint
+from emuvim.api.zerorpc.compute import ZeroRpcApiEndpoint