# write to database
self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_dict)
+ except (asyncio.CancelledError, asyncio.TimeoutError):
+ raise
except Exception as e:
self.logger.warn('Error updating NS state for ns={}: {}'.format(nsr_id, e))
- return
def vnfd2RO(self, vnfd, new_id=None, additionalParams=None, nsrId=None):
Converts creates a new vnfd descriptor for RO base on input OSM IM vnfd
namespace += ".{}-{}".format(vdu_id, vdu_index or 0)
element_type = 'VDU'
element_under_configuration = "{}-{}".format(vdu_id, vdu_index or 0)
+ elif kdu_name:
+ namespace += ".{}".format(kdu_name)
+ element_type = 'KDU'
+ element_under_configuration = kdu_name
# Get artifact path
self.fs.sync() # Sync from FSMongo
ee_id_parts = ee_id.split('.')
model_name = ee_id_parts[0]
application_name = ee_id_parts[1]
- self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, {db_update_entry + "model": model_name,
- db_update_entry + "application": application_name,
- db_update_entry + "ee_id": ee_id})
+ db_nsr_update = {db_update_entry + "model": model_name,
+ db_update_entry + "application": application_name,
+ db_update_entry + "ee_id": ee_id}
# n2vc_redesign STEP 3.3
- element_type=element_type
+ element_type=element_type,
+ other_update=db_nsr_update
# TODO check if already done
except DbException as e:
self.logger.warn('Error writing OPERATION status for op_id: {} -> {}'.format(op_id, e))
- def _write_all_config_status(self, nsr_id: str, status: str):
+ def _write_all_config_status(self, db_nsr: dict, status: str):
- # nsrs record
- db_nsr = self.db.get_one("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id})
+ nsr_id = db_nsr["_id"]
# configurationStatus
config_status = db_nsr.get('configurationStatus')
if config_status:
+ db_nsr_update = {"configurationStatus.{}.status".format(index): status for index, v in
+ enumerate(config_status) if v}
# update status
- db_dict = dict()
- db_dict['configurationStatus'] = list()
- for c in config_status:
- c['status'] = status
- db_dict['configurationStatus'].append(c)
- self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_dict)
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_nsr_update)
except DbException as e:
self.logger.warn('Error writing all configuration status, ns={}: {}'.format(nsr_id, e))
def _write_configuration_status(self, nsr_id: str, vca_index: int, status: str = None,
- element_under_configuration: str = None, element_type: str = None):
+ element_under_configuration: str = None, element_type: str = None,
+ other_update: dict = None):
# self.logger.debug('_write_configuration_status(): vca_index={}, status={}'
# .format(vca_index, status))
db_path = 'configurationStatus.{}.'.format(vca_index)
- db_dict = dict()
+ db_dict = other_update or {}
if status:
db_dict[db_path + 'status'] = status
if element_under_configuration:
for kdur in get_iterable(vnfr_data, "kdur"):
desc_params = self._format_additional_params(kdur.get("additionalParams"))
vnfd_id = vnfr_data.get('vnfd-id')
- pkgdir = deep_get(db_vnfds.get(vnfd_id), ('_admin', 'storage', 'pkg-dir'))
if kdur.get("helm-chart"):
kdumodel = kdur["helm-chart"]
k8sclustertype = "helm-chart"
format(vnfr_data["member-vnf-index-ref"], kdur["kdu-name"]))
# check if kdumodel is a file and exists
- # path format: /vnfdid/pkkdir/kdumodel
- filename = '{}/{}/{}s/{}'.format(vnfd_id, pkgdir, k8sclustertype, kdumodel)
- if self.fs.file_exists(filename, mode='file') or self.fs.file_exists(filename, mode='dir'):
- kdumodel = self.fs.path + filename
- except asyncio.CancelledError:
+ storage = deep_get(db_vnfds.get(vnfd_id), ('_admin', 'storage'))
+ if storage and storage.get('pkg-dir'): # may be not present if vnfd has not artifacts
+ # path format: /vnfdid/pkkdir/helm-charts|juju-bundles/kdumodel
+ filename = '{}/{}/{}s/{}'.format(storage["folder"], storage["'pkg-dir"], k8sclustertype,
+ kdumodel)
+ if self.fs.file_exists(filename, mode='file') or self.fs.file_exists(filename, mode='dir'):
+ kdumodel = self.fs.path + filename
+ except (asyncio.TimeoutError, asyncio.CancelledError):
except Exception: # it is not a file
# sub-operations
- def _reintent_or_skip_suboperation(self, db_nslcmop, op_index):
- op = db_nslcmop.get('_admin', {}).get('operations', [])[op_index]
- if (op.get('operationState') == 'COMPLETED'):
+ def _retry_or_skip_suboperation(self, db_nslcmop, op_index):
+ op = deep_get(db_nslcmop, ('_admin', 'operations'), [])[op_index]
+ if op.get('operationState') == 'COMPLETED':
# b. Skip sub-operation
# _ns_execute_primitive() or RO.create_action() will NOT be executed
'lcmOperationType': operationType
op_index = self._find_suboperation(db_nslcmop, match)
- if (op_index == self.SUBOPERATION_STATUS_NOT_FOUND):
+ if op_index == self.SUBOPERATION_STATUS_NOT_FOUND:
# a. New sub-operation
# The sub-operation does not exist, add it.
# _ns_execute_primitive() will be called from scale() as usual, with non-modified arguments
vdu_id = None
vdu_count_index = None
vdu_name = None
- if (RO_nsr_id and RO_scaling_info):
+ if RO_nsr_id and RO_scaling_info:
vnf_config_primitive = None
primitive_params = None
# Return either SUBOPERATION_STATUS_SKIP (operationState == 'COMPLETED'),
# or op_index (operationState != 'COMPLETED')
- return self._reintent_or_skip_suboperation(db_nslcmop, op_index)
+ return self._retry_or_skip_suboperation(db_nslcmop, op_index)
# Function to return execution_environment id
if destroy_ee:
await self.n2vc.delete_execution_environment(vca_deployed["ee_id"])
- async def _delete_N2VC(self, nsr_id: str):
- self._write_all_config_status(nsr_id=nsr_id, status='TERMINATING')
- namespace = "." + nsr_id
+ async def _delete_all_N2VC(self, db_nsr: dict):
+ self._write_all_config_status(db_nsr=db_nsr, status='TERMINATING')
+ namespace = "." + db_nsr["_id"]
await self.n2vc.delete_namespace(namespace=namespace, total_timeout=self.timeout_charm_delete)
- self._write_all_config_status(nsr_id=nsr_id, status='DELETED')
+ self._write_all_config_status(db_nsr=db_nsr, status='DELETED')
async def _terminate_RO(self, logging_text, nsr_deployed, nsr_id, nslcmop_id, stage):
stage[1] = "Deleting all execution environments."
self.logger.debug(logging_text + stage[1])
- task_delete_ee = asyncio.ensure_future(asyncio.wait_for(self._delete_N2VC(nsr_id=nsr_id),
+ task_delete_ee = asyncio.ensure_future(asyncio.wait_for(self._delete_all_N2VC(db_nsr=db_nsr),
# task_delete_ee = asyncio.ensure_future(self.n2vc.delete_namespace(namespace="." + nsr_id))
tasks_dict_info[task_delete_ee] = "Terminating all VCA"
self.assertEqual(return_value, expected_value)
# print("scale_result: {}".format(self.db.get_one("nslcmops", {"_id": nslcmop_id}).get("detailed-status")))
- # Test _reintent_or_skip_suboperation()
+ # Test _retry_or_skip_suboperation()
# Expected result:
# - if a suboperation's 'operationState' is marked as 'COMPLETED', SUBOPERATION_STATUS_SKIP is expected
# - if marked as anything but 'COMPLETED', the suboperation index is expected
- def test_scale_reintent_or_skip_suboperation(self):
+ def test_scale_retry_or_skip_suboperation(self):
# Load an alternative 'nslcmops' YAML for this test
nslcmop_id = descriptors.test_ids["TEST-A"]["instantiate"]
db_nslcmop = self.db.get_one('nslcmops', {"_id": nslcmop_id})
op_index = 2
# Test when 'operationState' is 'COMPLETED'
db_nslcmop['_admin']['operations'][op_index]['operationState'] = 'COMPLETED'
- return_value = self.my_ns._reintent_or_skip_suboperation(db_nslcmop, op_index)
+ return_value = self.my_ns._retry_or_skip_suboperation(db_nslcmop, op_index)
expected_value = self.my_ns.SUBOPERATION_STATUS_SKIP
self.assertEqual(return_value, expected_value)
# Test when 'operationState' is not 'COMPLETED'
db_nslcmop['_admin']['operations'][op_index]['operationState'] = None
- return_value = self.my_ns._reintent_or_skip_suboperation(db_nslcmop, op_index)
+ return_value = self.my_ns._retry_or_skip_suboperation(db_nslcmop, op_index)
expected_value = op_index
self.assertEqual(return_value, expected_value)