# Here, we are assuming that there is no HTTP server at
url = ""
url_downloader = downloader.PackageFileDownloader(url, "1", "/", "VNFD", proxy)
+ self.log.debug("Downloader url: {}".format(url_downloader))
download_id = yield from self.job_handler.register_downloader(url_downloader)
+ self.log.debug("Download id: {}".format(download_id))
assert download_id is not None
# Waiting for 10 secs to be sure all reconnect attempts have been exhausted
yield from asyncio.sleep(10, loop=self.loop)
- xpath = "/download-jobs/job[download-id='{}']".format(
- download_id)
+ xpath = self.project.add_project("/download-jobs/job[download-id='{}']".
+ format(download_id))
result = yield from self.read_xpath(xpath)
self.log.debug("Test result before complete check - %s", result)
assert result.status == "FAILED"