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+# Improved scalability of OSM platform #
+## Proposer ##
+- Francisco Javier Ramon (Telefonica)
+- Gerardo Garcia (Telefonica)
+- Alfonso Tierno (Telefonica)
+## Type ##
+## Target MDG/TF ##
+All components deployed in OSM platform (LCM, RO, NBI, MON, POL, UI, Mongo DB, MySQL DB, Keystone)
+## Description ##
+**This feature obsoletes feature #666: https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/#/c/666**
+OSM should be capable of increasing its resources via scaling-out components
+whenever possible.
+In order to make these strategies possible, it might be desirable:
+- Identifying which components (inside each of the current modules) are
+intended to store permanent information (databases, repositories) or should be
+considered as stateful, and devise specific HA strategies for them.
+- Identifying which components are stateless (or can recover efficiently their
+state from databases or stateful components) and devise bootstrap and load
+balancing procedures for them.
+- Identifying the flow by which databases and the state of the different
+components should be populated after a scale-out.
+## Demo or definition of done ##
+- The feature will be considered done when the instructions on how to scale-out
+and load balance each module are captured in the OSM wiki or any other OSM
+document. On-demand load balance, if available, should be also properly
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