--- /dev/null
+#! /usr/bin/python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# implied.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+__author__ = "Pedro de la Cruz Ramos, pedro.delacruzramos@altran.com"
+__date__ = "2019-11-20"
+import unittest
+from unittest import TestCase
+from unittest.mock import Mock
+from uuid import uuid4
+from http import HTTPStatus
+from copy import deepcopy
+from time import time
+from osm_common import dbbase, fsbase, msgbase
+from osm_nbi import authconn
+from osm_nbi.tests.test_pkg_descriptors import db_vnfds_text, db_nsds_text
+from osm_nbi.descriptor_topics import VnfdTopic
+from osm_nbi.engine import EngineException
+from osm_common.dbbase import DbException
+import yaml
+test_pid = str(uuid4())
+test_name = "test-user"
+fake_session = {"username": test_name, "project_id": (test_pid,), "method": None,
+ "admin": True, "force": False, "public": False, "allow_show_user_project_role": True}
+db_vnfd_content = yaml.load(db_vnfds_text, Loader=yaml.Loader)[0]
+db_nsd_content = yaml.load(db_nsds_text, Loader=yaml.Loader)[0]
+def norm(str):
+ """Normalize string for checking"""
+ return ' '.join(str.strip().split()).lower()
+def compare_desc(tc, d1, d2, k):
+ """
+ Compare two descriptors
+ We need this function because some methods are adding/removing items to/from the descriptors
+ before they are stored in the database, so the original and stored versions will differ
+ What we check is that COMMON LEAF ITEMS are equal
+ Lists of different length are not compared
+ :param tc: Test Case wich provides context (in particular the assert* methods)
+ :param d1,d2: Descriptors to be compared
+ :param key/item being compared
+ :return: Nothing
+ """
+ if isinstance(d1, dict) and isinstance(d2, dict):
+ for key in d1.keys():
+ if key in d2:
+ compare_desc(tc, d1[key], d2[key], k+"[{}]".format(key))
+ elif isinstance(d1, list) and isinstance(d2, list) and len(d1) == len(d2):
+ for i in range(len(d1)):
+ compare_desc(tc, d1[i], d2[i], k+"[{}]".format(i))
+ else:
+ tc.assertEqual(d1, d2, "Wrong descriptor content: {}".format(k))
+class Test_VnfdTopic(TestCase):
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ cls.test_name = "test-vnfd-topic"
+ @classmethod
+ def tearDownClass(cls):
+ pass
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.db = Mock(dbbase.DbBase())
+ self.fs = Mock(fsbase.FsBase())
+ self.msg = Mock(msgbase.MsgBase())
+ self.auth = Mock(authconn.Authconn(None, None, None))
+ self.topic = VnfdTopic(self.db, self.fs, self.msg, self.auth)
+ def test_new_vnfd(self):
+ did = db_vnfd_content["_id"]
+ self.fs.get_params.return_value = {}
+ self.fs.file_exists.return_value = False
+ self.fs.file_open.side_effect = lambda path, mode: open("/tmp/" + str(uuid4()), "a+b")
+ test_vnfd = deepcopy(db_vnfd_content)
+ del test_vnfd["_id"]
+ del test_vnfd["_admin"]
+ with self.subTest(i=1, t='Normal Creation'):
+ self.db.create.return_value = did
+ rollback = []
+ did2, oid = self.topic.new(rollback, fake_session, {})
+ db_args = self.db.create.call_args[0]
+ msg_args = self.msg.write.call_args[0]
+ self.assertEqual(len(rollback), 1, "Wrong rollback length")
+ self.assertEqual(msg_args[0], self.topic.topic_msg, "Wrong message topic")
+ self.assertEqual(msg_args[1], "created", "Wrong message action")
+ self.assertEqual(msg_args[2], {"_id": did}, "Wrong message content")
+ self.assertEqual(db_args[0], self.topic.topic, "Wrong DB topic")
+ self.assertEqual(did2, did, "Wrong DB VNFD id")
+ self.assertIsNotNone(db_args[1]["_admin"]["created"], "Wrong creation time")
+ self.assertEqual(db_args[1]["_admin"]["modified"], db_args[1]["_admin"]["created"],
+ "Wrong modification time")
+ self.assertEqual(db_args[1]["_admin"]["projects_read"], [test_pid], "Wrong read-only project list")
+ self.assertEqual(db_args[1]["_admin"]["projects_write"], [test_pid], "Wrong read-write project list")
+ tmp1 = test_vnfd["vdu"][0]["cloud-init-file"]
+ tmp2 = test_vnfd["vnf-configuration"]["juju"]
+ del test_vnfd["vdu"][0]["cloud-init-file"]
+ del test_vnfd["vnf-configuration"]["juju"]
+ try:
+ self.db.get_one.side_effect = [{"_id": did, "_admin": db_vnfd_content["_admin"]}, None]
+ self.topic.upload_content(fake_session, did, test_vnfd, {}, {"Content-Type": []})
+ msg_args = self.msg.write.call_args[0]
+ test_vnfd["_id"] = did
+ self.assertEqual(msg_args[0], self.topic.topic_msg, "Wrong message topic")
+ self.assertEqual(msg_args[1], "edited", "Wrong message action")
+ self.assertEqual(msg_args[2], test_vnfd, "Wrong message content")
+ db_args = self.db.get_one.mock_calls[0][1]
+ self.assertEqual(db_args[0], self.topic.topic, "Wrong DB topic")
+ self.assertEqual(db_args[1]["_id"], did, "Wrong DB VNFD id")
+ db_args = self.db.replace.call_args[0]
+ self.assertEqual(db_args[0], self.topic.topic, "Wrong DB topic")
+ self.assertEqual(db_args[1], did, "Wrong DB VNFD id")
+ admin = db_args[2]["_admin"]
+ db_admin = db_vnfd_content["_admin"]
+ self.assertEqual(admin["type"], "vnfd", "Wrong descriptor type")
+ self.assertEqual(admin["created"], db_admin["created"], "Wrong creation time")
+ self.assertGreater(admin["modified"], db_admin["created"], "Wrong modification time")
+ self.assertEqual(admin["projects_read"], db_admin["projects_read"], "Wrong read-only project list")
+ self.assertEqual(admin["projects_write"], db_admin["projects_write"], "Wrong read-write project list")
+ self.assertEqual(admin["onboardingState"], "ONBOARDED", "Wrong onboarding state")
+ self.assertEqual(admin["operationalState"], "ENABLED", "Wrong operational state")
+ self.assertEqual(admin["usageState"], "NOT_IN_USE", "Wrong usage state")
+ storage = admin["storage"]
+ self.assertEqual(storage["folder"], did, "Wrong storage folder")
+ self.assertEqual(storage["descriptor"], "package", "Wrong storage descriptor")
+ compare_desc(self, test_vnfd, db_args[2], "VNFD")
+ finally:
+ test_vnfd["vdu"][0]["cloud-init-file"] = tmp1
+ test_vnfd["vnf-configuration"]["juju"] = tmp2
+ self.db.get_one.side_effect = lambda table, filter, fail_on_empty=None, fail_on_more=None:\
+ {"_id": did, "_admin": db_vnfd_content["_admin"]}
+ with self.subTest(i=2, t='Check Pyangbind Validation: required properties'):
+ tmp = test_vnfd["id"]
+ del test_vnfd["id"]
+ try:
+ with self.assertRaises(EngineException, msg="Accepted VNFD with a missing required property") as e:
+ self.topic.upload_content(fake_session, did, test_vnfd, {}, {"Content-Type": []})
+ self.assertEqual(e.exception.http_code, HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, "Wrong HTTP status code")
+ self.assertIn(norm("Error in pyangbind validation: '{}'".format("id")),
+ norm(str(e.exception)), "Wrong exception text")
+ finally:
+ test_vnfd["id"] = tmp
+ with self.subTest(i=3, t='Check Pyangbind Validation: additional properties'):
+ test_vnfd["extra-property"] = 0
+ try:
+ with self.assertRaises(EngineException, msg="Accepted VNFD with an additional property") as e:
+ self.topic.upload_content(fake_session, did, test_vnfd, {}, {"Content-Type": []})
+ self.assertEqual(e.exception.http_code, HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, "Wrong HTTP status code")
+ self.assertIn(norm("Error in pyangbind validation: {} ({})"
+ .format("json object contained a key that did not exist", "extra-property")),
+ norm(str(e.exception)), "Wrong exception text")
+ finally:
+ del test_vnfd["extra-property"]
+ with self.subTest(i=4, t='Check Pyangbind Validation: property types'):
+ tmp = test_vnfd["short-name"]
+ test_vnfd["short-name"] = {"key": 0}
+ try:
+ with self.assertRaises(EngineException, msg="Accepted VNFD with a wrongly typed property") as e:
+ self.topic.upload_content(fake_session, did, test_vnfd, {}, {"Content-Type": []})
+ self.assertEqual(e.exception.http_code, HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, "Wrong HTTP status code")
+ self.assertIn(norm("Error in pyangbind validation: {} ({})"
+ .format("json object contained a key that did not exist", "key")),
+ norm(str(e.exception)), "Wrong exception text")
+ finally:
+ test_vnfd["short-name"] = tmp
+ with self.subTest(i=5, t='Check Input Validation: cloud-init'):
+ with self.assertRaises(EngineException, msg="Accepted non-existent cloud_init file") as e:
+ self.topic.upload_content(fake_session, did, test_vnfd, {}, {"Content-Type": []})
+ self.assertEqual(e.exception.http_code, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, "Wrong HTTP status code")
+ self.assertIn(norm("{} defined in vnf[id={}]:vdu[id={}] but not present in package"
+ .format("cloud-init", test_vnfd["id"], test_vnfd["vdu"][0]["id"])),
+ norm(str(e.exception)), "Wrong exception text")
+ with self.subTest(i=6, t='Check Input Validation: vnf-configuration[juju]'):
+ del test_vnfd["vdu"][0]["cloud-init-file"]
+ with self.assertRaises(EngineException, msg="Accepted non-existent charm in VNF configuration") as e:
+ self.topic.upload_content(fake_session, did, test_vnfd, {}, {"Content-Type": []})
+ self.assertEqual(e.exception.http_code, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, "Wrong HTTP status code")
+ self.assertIn(norm("{} defined in vnf[id={}] but not present in package".format("charm", test_vnfd["id"])),
+ norm(str(e.exception)), "Wrong exception text")
+ with self.subTest(i=7, t='Check Input Validation: mgmt-interface'):
+ del test_vnfd["vnf-configuration"]["juju"]
+ tmp = test_vnfd["mgmt-interface"]
+ del test_vnfd["mgmt-interface"]
+ try:
+ with self.assertRaises(EngineException, msg="Accepted VNFD without management interface") as e:
+ self.topic.upload_content(fake_session, did, test_vnfd, {}, {"Content-Type": []})
+ self.assertEqual(e.exception.http_code, HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, "Wrong HTTP status code")
+ self.assertIn(norm("'{}' is a mandatory field and it is not defined".format("mgmt-interface")),
+ norm(str(e.exception)), "Wrong exception text")
+ finally:
+ test_vnfd["mgmt-interface"] = tmp
+ with self.subTest(i=8, t='Check Input Validation: mgmt-interface[cp]'):
+ tmp = test_vnfd["mgmt-interface"]["cp"]
+ test_vnfd["mgmt-interface"]["cp"] = "wrong-cp"
+ try:
+ with self.assertRaises(EngineException,
+ msg="Accepted wrong management interface connection point") as e:
+ self.topic.upload_content(fake_session, did, test_vnfd, {}, {"Content-Type": []})
+ self.assertEqual(e.exception.http_code, HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, "Wrong HTTP status code")
+ self.assertIn(norm("mgmt-interface:cp='{}' must match an existing connection-point"
+ .format(test_vnfd["mgmt-interface"]["cp"])),
+ norm(str(e.exception)), "Wrong exception text")
+ finally:
+ test_vnfd["mgmt-interface"]["cp"] = tmp
+ with self.subTest(i=9, t='Check Input Validation: vdu[interface][external-connection-point-ref]'):
+ tmp = test_vnfd["vdu"][0]["interface"][0]["external-connection-point-ref"]
+ test_vnfd["vdu"][0]["interface"][0]["external-connection-point-ref"] = "wrong-cp"
+ try:
+ with self.assertRaises(EngineException,
+ msg="Accepted wrong VDU interface external connection point reference") as e:
+ self.topic.upload_content(fake_session, did, test_vnfd, {}, {"Content-Type": []})
+ self.assertEqual(e.exception.http_code, HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, "Wrong HTTP status code")
+ self.assertIn(norm("vdu[id='{}']:interface[name='{}']:external-connection-point-ref='{}'"
+ " must match an existing connection-point"
+ .format(test_vnfd["vdu"][0]["id"], test_vnfd["vdu"][0]["interface"][0]["name"],
+ test_vnfd["vdu"][0]["interface"][0]["external-connection-point-ref"])),
+ norm(str(e.exception)), "Wrong exception text")
+ finally:
+ test_vnfd["vdu"][0]["interface"][0]["external-connection-point-ref"] = tmp
+ with self.subTest(i=10, t='Check Input Validation: vdu[interface][internal-connection-point-ref]'):
+ tmp = test_vnfd["vdu"][1]["interface"][0]["internal-connection-point-ref"]
+ test_vnfd["vdu"][1]["interface"][0]["internal-connection-point-ref"] = "wrong-cp"
+ try:
+ with self.assertRaises(EngineException,
+ msg="Accepted wrong VDU interface internal connection point reference") as e:
+ self.topic.upload_content(fake_session, did, test_vnfd, {}, {"Content-Type": []})
+ self.assertEqual(e.exception.http_code, HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, "Wrong HTTP status code")
+ self.assertIn(norm("vdu[id='{}']:interface[name='{}']:internal-connection-point-ref='{}'"
+ " must match an existing vdu:internal-connection-point"
+ .format(test_vnfd["vdu"][1]["id"], test_vnfd["vdu"][1]["interface"][0]["name"],
+ test_vnfd["vdu"][1]["interface"][0]["internal-connection-point-ref"])),
+ norm(str(e.exception)), "Wrong exception text")
+ finally:
+ test_vnfd["vdu"][1]["interface"][0]["internal-connection-point-ref"] = tmp
+ with self.subTest(i=11, t='Check Input Validation: vdu[vdu-configuration][juju]'):
+ test_vnfd["vdu"][0]["vdu-configuration"] = {"juju": {"charm": "wrong-charm"}}
+ try:
+ with self.assertRaises(EngineException, msg="Accepted non-existent charm in VDU configuration") as e:
+ self.topic.upload_content(fake_session, did, test_vnfd, {}, {"Content-Type": []})
+ self.assertEqual(e.exception.http_code, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, "Wrong HTTP status code")
+ self.assertIn(norm("{} defined in vnf[id={}]:vdu[id={}] but not present in package"
+ .format("charm", test_vnfd["id"], test_vnfd["vdu"][0]["id"])),
+ norm(str(e.exception)), "Wrong exception text")
+ finally:
+ del test_vnfd["vdu"][0]["vdu-configuration"]
+ with self.subTest(i=12, t='Check Input Validation: Duplicated VLD name'):
+ test_vnfd["internal-vld"].append(deepcopy(test_vnfd["internal-vld"][0]))
+ test_vnfd["internal-vld"][1]["id"] = "wrong-internal-vld"
+ try:
+ with self.assertRaises(EngineException, msg="Accepted duplicated VLD name") as e:
+ self.topic.upload_content(fake_session, did, test_vnfd, {}, {"Content-Type": []})
+ self.assertEqual(e.exception.http_code, HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, "Wrong HTTP status code")
+ self.assertIn(norm("Duplicated VLD name '{}' in vnfd[id={}]:internal-vld[id={}]"
+ .format(test_vnfd["internal-vld"][1]["name"], test_vnfd["id"],
+ test_vnfd["internal-vld"][1]["id"])),
+ norm(str(e.exception)), "Wrong exception text")
+ finally:
+ del test_vnfd["internal-vld"][1]
+ with self.subTest(i=13, t='Check Input Validation: internal-vld[internal-connection-point][id-ref])'):
+ tmp = test_vnfd["internal-vld"][0]["internal-connection-point"][0]["id-ref"]
+ test_vnfd["internal-vld"][0]["internal-connection-point"][0]["id-ref"] = "wrong-icp-id-ref"
+ try:
+ with self.assertRaises(EngineException, msg="Accepted non-existent internal VLD ICP id-ref") as e:
+ self.topic.upload_content(fake_session, did, test_vnfd, {}, {"Content-Type": []})
+ self.assertEqual(e.exception.http_code, HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, "Wrong HTTP status code")
+ self.assertIn(norm("internal-vld[id='{}']:internal-connection-point='{}' must match an existing "
+ "vdu:internal-connection-point"
+ .format(test_vnfd["internal-vld"][0]["id"],
+ test_vnfd["internal-vld"][0]["internal-connection-point"][0]["id-ref"])),
+ norm(str(e.exception)), "Wrong exception text")
+ finally:
+ test_vnfd["internal-vld"][0]["internal-connection-point"][0]["id-ref"] = tmp
+ with self.subTest(i=14, t='Check Input Validation: internal-vld[ip-profile-ref])'):
+ test_vnfd["ip-profiles"] = [{"name": "fake-ip-profile-ref"}]
+ test_vnfd["internal-vld"][0]["ip-profile-ref"] = "wrong-ip-profile-ref"
+ try:
+ with self.assertRaises(EngineException, msg="Accepted non-existent IP Profile Ref") as e:
+ self.topic.upload_content(fake_session, did, test_vnfd, {}, {"Content-Type": []})
+ self.assertEqual(e.exception.http_code, HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, "Wrong HTTP status code")
+ self.assertIn(norm("internal-vld[id='{}']:ip-profile-ref='{}' does not exist"
+ .format(test_vnfd["internal-vld"][0]["id"],
+ test_vnfd["internal-vld"][0]["ip-profile-ref"])),
+ norm(str(e.exception)), "Wrong exception text")
+ finally:
+ del test_vnfd["ip-profiles"]
+ del test_vnfd["internal-vld"][0]["ip-profile-ref"]
+ with self.subTest(i=15, t='Check Input Validation: vdu[monitoring-param])'):
+ test_vnfd["monitoring-param"] = [{"id": "fake-mp-id", "vdu-monitoring-param": {
+ "vdu-monitoring-param-ref": "fake-vdu-mp-ref", "vdu-ref": "fake-vdu-ref"}}]
+ test_vnfd["vdu"][0]["monitoring-param"] = [{"id": "wrong-vdu-mp-id"}]
+ try:
+ with self.assertRaises(EngineException, msg="Accepted non-existent VDU Monitorimg Param") as e:
+ self.topic.upload_content(fake_session, did, test_vnfd, {}, {"Content-Type": []})
+ self.assertEqual(e.exception.http_code, HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, "Wrong HTTP status code")
+ mp = test_vnfd["monitoring-param"][0]["vdu-monitoring-param"]
+ self.assertIn(norm("monitoring-param:vdu-monitoring-param:vdu-monitoring-param-ref='{}' not defined"
+ " at vdu[id='{}'] or vdu does not exist"
+ .format(mp["vdu-monitoring-param-ref"], mp["vdu-ref"])),
+ norm(str(e.exception)), "Wrong exception text")
+ finally:
+ del test_vnfd["monitoring-param"]
+ del test_vnfd["vdu"][0]["monitoring-param"]
+ with self.subTest(i=16, t='Check Input Validation: vdu[vdu-configuration][metrics]'):
+ test_vnfd["monitoring-param"] = [{"id": "fake-mp-id", "vdu-metric": {
+ "vdu-metric-name-ref": "fake-vdu-mp-ref", "vdu-ref": "fake-vdu-ref"}}]
+ test_vnfd["vdu"][0]["vdu-configuration"] = {"metrics": [{"name": "wrong-vdu-mp-id"}]}
+ try:
+ with self.assertRaises(EngineException, msg="Accepted non-existent VDU Configuration Metric") as e:
+ self.topic.upload_content(fake_session, did, test_vnfd, {}, {"Content-Type": []})
+ self.assertEqual(e.exception.http_code, HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, "Wrong HTTP status code")
+ mp = test_vnfd["monitoring-param"][0]["vdu-metric"]
+ self.assertIn(norm("monitoring-param:vdu-metric:vdu-metric-name-ref='{}' not defined"
+ " at vdu[id='{}'] or vdu does not exist"
+ .format(mp["vdu-metric-name-ref"], mp["vdu-ref"])),
+ norm(str(e.exception)), "Wrong exception text")
+ finally:
+ del test_vnfd["monitoring-param"]
+ del test_vnfd["vdu"][0]["vdu-configuration"]
+ with self.subTest(i=17, t='Check Input Validation: scaling-group-descriptor[scaling-policy][scaling-criteria]'):
+ test_vnfd["monitoring-param"] = [{"id": "fake-mp-id"}]
+ test_vnfd["scaling-group-descriptor"] = [{
+ "name": "fake-vnf-sg-name",
+ "vdu": [{"vdu-id-ref": "wrong-vdu-id-ref"}],
+ "scaling-policy": [{"name": "fake-vnf-sp-name", "scaling-criteria": [{
+ "name": "fake-vnf-sc-name", "vnf-monitoring-param-ref": "wrong-vnf-mp-id"}]}]}]
+ with self.assertRaises(EngineException, msg="Accepted non-existent Scaling Group Policy Criteria") as e:
+ self.topic.upload_content(fake_session, did, test_vnfd, {}, {"Content-Type": []})
+ self.assertEqual(e.exception.http_code, HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, "Wrong HTTP status code")
+ sg = test_vnfd["scaling-group-descriptor"][0]
+ sc = sg["scaling-policy"][0]["scaling-criteria"][0]
+ self.assertIn(norm("scaling-group-descriptor[name='{}']:scaling-criteria[name='{}']:"
+ "vnf-monitoring-param-ref='{}' not defined in any monitoring-param"
+ .format(sg["name"], sc["name"], sc["vnf-monitoring-param-ref"])),
+ norm(str(e.exception)), "Wrong exception text")
+ with self.subTest(i=18, t='Check Input Validation: scaling-group-descriptor[vdu][vdu-id-ref]'):
+ sc["vnf-monitoring-param-ref"] = "fake-mp-id"
+ with self.assertRaises(EngineException, msg="Accepted non-existent Scaling Group VDU ID Reference") as e:
+ self.topic.upload_content(fake_session, did, test_vnfd, {}, {"Content-Type": []})
+ self.assertEqual(e.exception.http_code, HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, "Wrong HTTP status code")
+ self.assertIn(norm("scaling-group-descriptor[name='{}']:vdu-id-ref={} does not match any vdu"
+ .format(sg["name"], sg["vdu"][0]["vdu-id-ref"])),
+ norm(str(e.exception)), "Wrong exception text")
+ with self.subTest(i=19, t='Check Input Validation: scaling-group-descriptor[scaling-config-action]'):
+ tmp = test_vnfd["vnf-configuration"]
+ del test_vnfd["vnf-configuration"]
+ sg["vdu"][0]["vdu-id-ref"] = test_vnfd["vdu"][0]["id"]
+ sg["scaling-config-action"] = [{"trigger": "pre-scale-in"}]
+ try:
+ with self.assertRaises(EngineException, msg="Accepted non-existent Scaling Group VDU ID Reference")\
+ as e:
+ self.topic.upload_content(fake_session, did, test_vnfd, {}, {"Content-Type": []})
+ self.assertEqual(e.exception.http_code, HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, "Wrong HTTP status code")
+ self.assertIn(norm("'vnf-configuration' not defined in the descriptor but it is referenced"
+ " by scaling-group-descriptor[name='{}']:scaling-config-action"
+ .format(sg["name"])),
+ norm(str(e.exception)), "Wrong exception text")
+ finally:
+ test_vnfd["vnf-configuration"] = tmp
+ with self.subTest(i=20, t='Check Input Validation: scaling-group-descriptor[scaling-config-action]'
+ '[vnf-config-primitive-name-ref]'):
+ sg["scaling-config-action"][0]["vnf-config-primitive-name-ref"] = "wrong-sca-prim-name"
+ with self.assertRaises(EngineException, msg="Accepted non-existent Scaling Group VDU ID Reference") as e:
+ self.topic.upload_content(fake_session, did, test_vnfd, {}, {"Content-Type": []})
+ self.assertEqual(e.exception.http_code, HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, "Wrong HTTP status code")
+ self.assertIn(norm("scaling-group-descriptor[name='{}']:scaling-config-action:"
+ "vnf-config-primitive-name-ref='{}' does not match"
+ " any vnf-configuration:config-primitive:name"
+ .format(sg["name"], sg["scaling-config-action"][0]["vnf-config-primitive-name-ref"])),
+ norm(str(e.exception)), "Wrong exception text")
+ # del test_vnfd["monitoring-param"]
+ # del test_vnfd["scaling-group-descriptor"]
+ with self.subTest(i=21, t='Check Input Validation: everything right'):
+ sg["scaling-config-action"][0]["vnf-config-primitive-name-ref"] = "touch"
+ test_vnfd["id"] = "fake-vnfd-id"
+ self.db.get_one.side_effect = [{"_id": did, "_admin": db_vnfd_content["_admin"]}, None]
+ rc = self.topic.upload_content(fake_session, did, test_vnfd, {}, {"Content-Type": []})
+ self.assertTrue(rc, "Input Validation: Unexpected failure")
+ return
+ def test_edit_vnfd(self):
+ did = db_vnfd_content["_id"]
+ self.fs.file_exists.return_value = True
+ self.fs.dir_ls.return_value = True
+ with self.subTest(i=1, t='Normal Edition'):
+ now = time()
+ self.db.get_one.side_effect = [db_vnfd_content, None]
+ data = {"id": "new-vnfd-id", "name": "new-vnfd-name"}
+ self.topic.edit(fake_session, did, data)
+ db_args = self.db.replace.call_args[0]
+ msg_args = self.msg.write.call_args[0]
+ data["_id"] = did
+ self.assertEqual(msg_args[0], self.topic.topic_msg, "Wrong message topic")
+ self.assertEqual(msg_args[1], "edited", "Wrong message action")
+ self.assertEqual(msg_args[2], data, "Wrong message content")
+ self.assertEqual(db_args[0], self.topic.topic, "Wrong DB topic")
+ self.assertEqual(db_args[1], did, "Wrong DB ID")
+ self.assertEqual(db_args[2]["_admin"]["created"], db_vnfd_content["_admin"]["created"],
+ "Wrong creation time")
+ self.assertGreater(db_args[2]["_admin"]["modified"], now,
+ "Wrong modification time")
+ self.assertEqual(db_args[2]["_admin"]["projects_read"], db_vnfd_content["_admin"]["projects_read"],
+ "Wrong read-only project list")
+ self.assertEqual(db_args[2]["_admin"]["projects_write"], db_vnfd_content["_admin"]["projects_write"],
+ "Wrong read-write project list")
+ self.assertEqual(db_args[2]["id"], data["id"], "Wrong VNFD ID")
+ self.assertEqual(db_args[2]["name"], data["name"], "Wrong VNFD Name")
+ with self.subTest(i=2, t='Conflict on Edit'):
+ data = {"id": "fake-vnfd-id", "name": "new-vnfd-name"}
+ self.db.get_one.side_effect = [db_vnfd_content, {"_id": str(uuid4()), "id": data["id"]}]
+ with self.assertRaises(EngineException, msg="Accepted existing VNFD ID") as e:
+ self.topic.edit(fake_session, did, data)
+ self.assertEqual(e.exception.http_code, HTTPStatus.CONFLICT, "Wrong HTTP status code")
+ self.assertIn(norm("{} with id '{}' already exists for this project".format("vnfd", data["id"])),
+ norm(str(e.exception)), "Wrong exception text")
+ with self.subTest(i=3, t='Check Envelope'):
+ data = {"vnfd": {"id": "new-vnfd-id-1", "name": "new-vnfd-name"}}
+ with self.assertRaises(EngineException, msg="Accepted VNFD with wrong envelope") as e:
+ self.topic.edit(fake_session, did, data)
+ self.assertEqual(e.exception.http_code, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, "Wrong HTTP status code")
+ self.assertIn("'vnfd' must be a list of only one element", norm(str(e.exception)), "Wrong exception text")
+ return
+ def test_delete_vnfd(self):
+ did = db_vnfd_content["_id"]
+ self.db.get_one.return_value = db_vnfd_content
+ with self.subTest(i=1, t='Normal Deletion'):
+ self.db.get_list.return_value = []
+ self.db.del_one.return_value = {"deleted": 1}
+ self.topic.delete(fake_session, did)
+ db_args = self.db.del_one.call_args[0]
+ msg_args = self.msg.write.call_args[0]
+ self.assertEqual(msg_args[0], self.topic.topic_msg, "Wrong message topic")
+ self.assertEqual(msg_args[1], "deleted", "Wrong message action")
+ self.assertEqual(msg_args[2], {"_id": did}, "Wrong message content")
+ self.assertEqual(db_args[0], self.topic.topic, "Wrong DB topic")
+ self.assertEqual(db_args[1]["_id"], did, "Wrong DB ID")
+ self.assertEqual(db_args[1]["_admin.projects_read"], [[], ['ANY']], "Wrong DB filter")
+ db_g1_args = self.db.get_one.call_args[0]
+ self.assertEqual(db_g1_args[0], self.topic.topic, "Wrong DB topic")
+ self.assertEqual(db_g1_args[1]["_id"], did, "Wrong DB VNFD ID")
+ db_gl_calls = self.db.get_list.call_args_list
+ self.assertEqual(db_gl_calls[0][0][0], "vnfrs", "Wrong DB topic")
+ # self.assertEqual(db_gl_calls[0][0][1]["vnfd-id"], did, "Wrong DB VNFD ID") # Filter changed after call
+ self.assertEqual(db_gl_calls[1][0][0], "nsds", "Wrong DB topic")
+ self.assertEqual(db_gl_calls[1][0][1]["constituent-vnfd.ANYINDEX.vnfd-id-ref"], db_vnfd_content["id"],
+ "Wrong DB NSD constituent-vnfd id-ref")
+ db_s1_args = self.db.set_one.call_args
+ self.assertEqual(db_s1_args[0][0], self.topic.topic, "Wrong DB topic")
+ self.assertEqual(db_s1_args[0][1]["_id"], did, "Wrong DB ID")
+ self.assertIn(test_pid, db_s1_args[0][1]["_admin.projects_write.cont"], "Wrong DB filter")
+ self.assertIsNone(db_s1_args[1]["update_dict"], "Wrong DB update dictionary")
+ self.assertEqual(db_s1_args[1]["pull"]["_admin.projects_read"]["$in"], fake_session["project_id"],
+ "Wrong DB pull dictionary")
+ fs_del_calls = self.fs.file_delete.call_args_list
+ self.assertEqual(fs_del_calls[0][0][0], did, "Wrong FS file id")
+ self.assertEqual(fs_del_calls[1][0][0], did+'_', "Wrong FS folder id")
+ with self.subTest(i=2, t='Conflict on Delete - VNFD in use by VNFR'):
+ self.db.get_list.return_value = [{"_id": str(uuid4()), "name": "fake-vnfr"}]
+ with self.assertRaises(EngineException, msg="Accepted VNFD in use by VNFR") as e:
+ self.topic.delete(fake_session, did)
+ self.assertEqual(e.exception.http_code, HTTPStatus.CONFLICT, "Wrong HTTP status code")
+ self.assertIn("there is at least one vnf using this descriptor", norm(str(e.exception)),
+ "Wrong exception text")
+ with self.subTest(i=3, t='Conflict on Delete - VNFD in use by NSD'):
+ self.db.get_list.side_effect = [[], [{"_id": str(uuid4()), "name": "fake-nsd"}]]
+ with self.assertRaises(EngineException, msg="Accepted VNFD in use by NSD") as e:
+ self.topic.delete(fake_session, did)
+ self.assertEqual(e.exception.http_code, HTTPStatus.CONFLICT, "Wrong HTTP status code")
+ self.assertIn("there is at least one nsd referencing this descriptor", norm(str(e.exception)),
+ "Wrong exception text")
+ with self.subTest(i=4, t='Non-existent VNFD'):
+ excp_msg = "Not found any {} with filter='{}'".format("VNFD", {"_id": did})
+ self.db.get_one.side_effect = DbException(excp_msg, HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND)
+ with self.assertRaises(DbException, msg="Accepted non-existent VNFD ID") as e:
+ self.topic.delete(fake_session, did)
+ self.assertEqual(e.exception.http_code, HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, "Wrong HTTP status code")
+ self.assertIn(norm(excp_msg), norm(str(e.exception)), "Wrong exception text")
+ return
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()