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+# R1 Packaging #
+## Proposer ##
+Jeremy Mordkoff (RIFT.io)
+## Type ##
+## Target MDG/TF ##
+## Description ##
+* tools for managing packages – generating, pushing and pulling packages into workspaces, signing,
+promoting and publishing releases
+** a way for the host based scripts to copy artifacts from the container to a common area on the host (I call it the host but it is really the VM at OSM).
+** a new host based script that can create the debian signatures on the packages and create a local debian repository
+** a new host based script that can promote a set of packages from the latest repository to the stable repository
+** a new host based script that can rsync the local debian repositories to the OSM public server
+** a way to access either the local or the OSM public debian repository from inside a container
+* branch support
+** We will need to teach the gerrit job in jenkins how to verify a R1.0 patch
+** We will need to jenkins job to merge R1.0 to master after verifying there are no
+conflicts and that it builds.
+** The installer should have the option to use the latest 1.0 code or the latest master (2.0)
+code instead of the v1.0.0 code.
+## Demo or definition of done ##
+sucessful installation of OSM using only packages