- _admin:
created: 1566823354.3716335
+ K8s: []
nsd_id: 876573b5-968d-40b9-b52b-91bf5c5844f7
nsr_id: c9fe9908-3180-430d-b633-fca2f68db008
create-time: 1566823354.36234
datacenter: ea958ba5-4e58-4405-bf42-6e3be15d4c3a
description: default description
+ vcaStatus:
+ 8c707f16-2d9b-49d6-af5e-2ce9985b2adf:
+ applications:
+ app-vnf-1fb8538dfc39:
+ can_upgrade_to: ''
+ charm: 'local:xenial/simple-1'
+ charm_profile: ''
+ charm_version: ''
+ endpoint_bindings: null
+ err: null
+ exposed: false
+ int_: null
+ life: ''
+ meter_statuses: { }
+ provider_id: null
+ public_address: ''
+ relations: { }
+ series: xenial
+ status:
+ data: { }
+ err: null
+ info: Ready!
+ kind: ''
+ life: ''
+ since: '2021-02-17T08:39:54.239185095Z'
+ status: active
+ unknown_fields: { }
+ version: ''
+ subordinate_to: [ ]
+ units:
+ app-vnf-1fb8538dfc39/0:
+ address: null
+ agent_status:
+ data: { }
+ err: null
+ info: ''
+ kind: ''
+ life: ''
+ since: '2021-02-17T08:52:18.077155028Z'
+ status: idle
+ unknown_fields: { }
+ version: 2.8.1
+ charm: ''
+ leader: true
+ machine: '0'
+ opened_ports: null
+ provider_id: null
+ public_address:
+ subordinates: { }
+ unknown_fields: { }
+ workload_status:
+ data: { }
+ err: null
+ info: Ready!
+ kind: ''
+ life: ''
+ since: '2021-02-17T08:39:54.239185095Z'
+ status: active
+ unknown_fields: { }
+ version: ''
+ workload_version: ''
+ unknown_fields:
+ charm-verion: ''
+ workload_version: ''
+ actions:
+ generate-ssh-key: >-
+ Generate a new SSH keypair for this unit. This will replace any
+ existing previously generated keypair.
+ get-ssh-public-key: Get the public SSH key for this unit.
+ reboot: Reboot the VNF virtual machine.
+ restart: Stop the service on the VNF.
+ run: Run an arbitrary command
+ start: Stop the service on the VNF.
+ stop: Stop the service on the VNF.
+ touch: Touch a file on the VNF.
+ upgrade: Upgrade the software on the VNF.
+ verify-ssh-credentials: >-
+ Verify that this unit can authenticate with server specified by
+ ssh-hostname and ssh-username.
+ configs:
+ boolean-option:
+ default: false
+ description: A short description of the configuration option
+ source: default
+ type: boolean
+ value: false
+ int-option:
+ default: 9001
+ description: A short description of the configuration option
+ source: default
+ type: int
+ value: 9001
+ ssh-hostname:
+ default: ''
+ description: The hostname or IP address of the machine to
+ source: user
+ type: string
+ value:
+ ssh-key-bits:
+ default: 4096
+ description: The number of bits to use for the SSH key.
+ source: default
+ type: int
+ value: 4096
+ ssh-key-type:
+ default: rsa
+ description: The type of encryption to use for the SSH key.
+ source: default
+ type: string
+ value: rsa
+ ssh-password:
+ default: ''
+ description: The password used to authenticate.
+ source: user
+ type: string
+ value: osm4u
+ ssh-private-key:
+ default: ''
+ description: DEPRECATED. The private ssh key to be used to authenticate.
+ source: default
+ type: string
+ value: ''
+ ssh-public-key:
+ default: ''
+ description: The public key of this unit.
+ source: default
+ type: string
+ value: ''
+ ssh-username:
+ default: ''
+ description: The username to login as.
+ source: user
+ type: string
+ value: ubuntu
+ string-option:
+ default: Default Value
+ description: A short description of the configuration option
+ source: default
+ type: string
+ value: Default Value
+ app-vnf-943ab4274bb6:
+ can_upgrade_to: ''
+ charm: 'local:xenial/simple-0'
+ charm_profile: ''
+ charm_version: ''
+ endpoint_bindings: null
+ err: null
+ exposed: false
+ int_: null
+ life: ''
+ meter_statuses: { }
+ provider_id: null
+ public_address: ''
+ relations: { }
+ series: xenial
+ status:
+ data: { }
+ err: null
+ info: Ready!
+ kind: ''
+ life: ''
+ since: '2021-02-17T08:39:15.165682713Z'
+ status: active
+ unknown_fields: { }
+ version: ''
+ subordinate_to: [ ]
+ units:
+ app-vnf-943ab4274bb6/0:
+ address: null
+ agent_status:
+ data: { }
+ err: null
+ info: ''
+ kind: ''
+ life: ''
+ since: '2021-02-17T08:46:06.473054303Z'
+ status: idle
+ unknown_fields: { }
+ version: 2.8.1
+ charm: ''
+ leader: true
+ machine: '1'
+ opened_ports: null
+ provider_id: null
+ public_address:
+ subordinates: { }
+ unknown_fields: { }
+ workload_status:
+ data: { }
+ err: null
+ info: Ready!
+ kind: ''
+ life: ''
+ since: '2021-02-17T08:39:15.165682713Z'
+ status: active
+ unknown_fields: { }
+ version: ''
+ workload_version: ''
+ unknown_fields:
+ charm-verion: ''
+ workload_version: ''
+ actions:
+ generate-ssh-key: >-
+ Generate a new SSH keypair for this unit. This will replace any
+ existing previously generated keypair.
+ get-ssh-public-key: Get the public SSH key for this unit.
+ reboot: Reboot the VNF virtual machine.
+ restart: Stop the service on the VNF.
+ run: Run an arbitrary command
+ start: Stop the service on the VNF.
+ stop: Stop the service on the VNF.
+ touch: Touch a file on the VNF.
+ upgrade: Upgrade the software on the VNF.
+ verify-ssh-credentials: >-
+ Verify that this unit can authenticate with server specified by
+ ssh-hostname and ssh-username.
+ configs:
+ boolean-option:
+ default: false
+ description: A short description of the configuration option
+ source: default
+ type: boolean
+ value: false
+ int-option:
+ default: 9001
+ description: A short description of the configuration option
+ source: default
+ type: int
+ value: 9001
+ ssh-hostname:
+ default: ''
+ description: The hostname or IP address of the machine to
+ source: user
+ type: string
+ value:
+ ssh-key-bits:
+ default: 4096
+ description: The number of bits to use for the SSH key.
+ source: default
+ type: int
+ value: 4096
+ ssh-key-type:
+ default: rsa
+ description: The type of encryption to use for the SSH key.
+ source: default
+ type: string
+ value: rsa
+ ssh-password:
+ default: ''
+ description: The password used to authenticate.
+ source: user
+ type: string
+ value: osm4u
+ ssh-private-key:
+ default: ''
+ description: DEPRECATED. The private ssh key to be used to authenticate.
+ source: default
+ type: string
+ value: ''
+ ssh-public-key:
+ default: ''
+ description: The public key of this unit.
+ source: default
+ type: string
+ value: ''
+ ssh-username:
+ default: ''
+ description: The username to login as.
+ source: user
+ type: string
+ value: ubuntu
+ string-option:
+ default: Default Value
+ description: A short description of the configuration option
+ source: default
+ type: string
+ value: Default Value
+ branches: { }
+ controller_timestamp: '2021-02-17T09:17:38.006569064Z'
+ machines:
+ '0':
+ agent_status:
+ data: { }
+ err: null
+ info: ''
+ kind: ''
+ life: ''
+ since: '2021-02-17T08:37:46.637167056Z'
+ status: started
+ unknown_fields: { }
+ version: 2.8.1
+ constraints: ''
+ containers: { }
+ display_name: ''
+ dns_name:
+ hardware: arch=amd64 cores=0 mem=0M
+ has_vote: false
+ id_: '0'
+ instance_id: juju-0f027b-0
+ instance_status:
+ data: { }
+ err: null
+ info: Running
+ kind: ''
+ life: ''
+ since: '2021-02-17T08:35:58.435458338Z'
+ status: running
+ unknown_fields: { }
+ version: ''
+ ip_addresses:
+ -
+ jobs:
+ - JobHostUnits
+ lxd_profiles: { }
+ modification_status:
+ data: { }
+ err: null
+ info: ''
+ kind: ''
+ life: ''
+ since: '2021-02-17T08:35:34.663795891Z'
+ status: idle
+ unknown_fields: { }
+ version: ''
+ network_interfaces:
+ eth0:
+ dns_nameservers: null
+ gateway:
+ ip_addresses:
+ -
+ is_up: true
+ mac_address: '00:16:3e:99:bf:c7'
+ space: null
+ unknown_fields: { }
+ primary_controller_machine: null
+ series: xenial
+ unknown_fields: { }
+ wants_vote: false
+ '1':
+ agent_status:
+ data: { }
+ err: null
+ info: ''
+ kind: ''
+ life: ''
+ since: '2021-02-17T08:37:00.893313184Z'
+ status: started
+ unknown_fields: { }
+ version: 2.8.1
+ constraints: ''
+ containers: { }
+ display_name: ''
+ dns_name:
+ hardware: arch=amd64 cores=0 mem=0M
+ has_vote: false
+ id_: '1'
+ instance_id: juju-0f027b-1
+ instance_status:
+ data: { }
+ err: null
+ info: Running
+ kind: ''
+ life: ''
+ since: '2021-02-17T08:36:23.354547217Z'
+ status: running
+ unknown_fields: { }
+ version: ''
+ ip_addresses:
+ -
+ jobs:
+ - JobHostUnits
+ lxd_profiles: { }
+ modification_status:
+ data: { }
+ err: null
+ info: ''
+ kind: ''
+ life: ''
+ since: '2021-02-17T08:35:34.768829507Z'
+ status: idle
+ unknown_fields: { }
+ version: ''
+ network_interfaces:
+ eth0:
+ dns_nameservers: null
+ gateway:
+ ip_addresses:
+ -
+ is_up: true
+ mac_address: '00:16:3e:99:fe:1c'
+ space: null
+ unknown_fields: { }
+ primary_controller_machine: null
+ series: xenial
+ unknown_fields: { }
+ wants_vote: false
+ model:
+ available_version: ''
+ cloud_tag: cloud-localhost
+ migration: null
+ name: 7c707f16-2d9b-49d6-af5e-2ce9985b2adf
+ region: localhost
+ unknown_fields:
+ meter-status:
+ color: ''
+ message: ''
+ model-status:
+ data: { }
+ info: ''
+ kind: ''
+ life: ''
+ since: '2021-02-17T08:35:31.856691457Z'
+ status: available
+ version: ''
+ sla: unsupported
+ type: iaas
+ version: 2.8.1
+ offers: { }
+ relations: [ ]
+ remote_applications: { }
+ unknown_fields: { }
+ executedActions:
+ - id: '6'
+ action: touch
+ status: completed
+ Code: '0'
+ output: ''
+ - id: '4'
+ action: touch
+ status: completed
+ Code: '0'
+ output: ''
+ - id: '2'
+ action: verify-ssh-credentials
+ status: completed
+ Code: '0'
+ output: ALF-1-mgmtvm-1
+ verified: 'True'
detailed-status: 'ERROR executing proxy charm initial primitives for member_vnf_index=1
vdu_id=None: charm error executing primitive verify-ssh-credentials for member_vnf_index=1
vdu_id=None: ''timeout after 600 seconds'''
create-time: 1575034636.9990137
datacenter: ea958ba5-4e58-4405-bf42-6e3be15d4c3a
description: default description
+ vcaStatus: {}
detailed-status: done
id: 0bcb701c-ee4d-41ab-8ee6-f4156f7f114d
self.assertEqual(return_value, expected_value)
# print("scale_result: {}".format(self.db.get_one("nslcmops", {"_id": nslcmop_id}).get("detailed-status")))
+ async def test_vca_status_refresh(self):
+ nsr_id = descriptors.test_ids["TEST-A"]["ns"]
+ nslcmop_id = descriptors.test_ids["TEST-A"]["instantiate"]
+ await self.my_ns.vca_status_refresh(nsr_id, nslcmop_id)
+ expected_value = dict()
+ return_value = dict()
+ vnf_descriptors = self.db.get_list("vnfds")
+ for i, _ in enumerate(vnf_descriptors):
+ for j, value in enumerate(vnf_descriptors[i]["df"]):
+ if "lcm-operations-configuration" in vnf_descriptors[i]["df"][j]:
+ if "day1-2" in value["lcm-operations-configuration"]["operate-vnf-op-config"]:
+ for k, v in enumerate(value["lcm-operations-configuration"]["operate-vnf-op-config"]["day1-2"]):
+ if "juju" in v["execution-environment-list"][k]:
+ expected_value = self.db.get_list("nsrs")[i]["vcaStatus"]
+ await self.my_ns._on_update_n2vc_db("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id},
+ "_admin.deployed.VCA.0", {})
+ return_value = self.db.get_list("nsrs")[i]["vcaStatus"]
+ self.assertEqual(return_value, expected_value)
# Test _retry_or_skip_suboperation()
# Expected result:
# - if a suboperation's 'operationState' is marked as 'COMPLETED', SUBOPERATION_STATUS_SKIP is expected