#import json
import yaml
import utils
+import vim_thread
from db_base import HTTP_Unauthorized, HTTP_Bad_Request, HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, HTTP_Not_Found,\
HTTP_Conflict, HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed
import console_proxy_thread as cli
default_volume_size = '5' #size in GB
-vimconn_imported={} #dictionary with VIM type as key, loaded module as value
+vimconn_imported = {} # dictionary with VIM type as key, loaded module as value
+vim_threads = {"running":{}, "deleting": {}, "names": []} # threads running for attached-VIMs
logger = logging.getLogger('openmano.nfvo')
class NfvoException(Exception):
Exception.__init__(self, message)
+def get_non_used_vim_name(datacenter_name, datacenter_id, tenant_name, tenant_id):
+ name = datacenter_name[:16]
+ if name not in vim_threads["names"]:
+ vim_threads["names"].append(name)
+ return name
+ name = datatacenter_name[:16] + "." + tenant_name[:16]
+ if name not in vim_threads["names"]:
+ vim_threads["names"].append(name)
+ return name
+ name = datacenter_id + "-" + tenant_id
+ vim_threads["names"].append(name)
+ return name
+def start_service(mydb):
+ from_= 'tenants_datacenters as td join datacenters as d on td.datacenter_id=d.uuid join datacenter_tenants as dt on td.datacenter_tenant_id=dt.uuid'
+ select_ = ('type','d.config as config','d.uuid as datacenter_id', 'vim_url', 'vim_url_admin', 'd.name as datacenter_name',
+ 'dt.uuid as datacenter_tenant_id','dt.vim_tenant_name as vim_tenant_name','dt.vim_tenant_id as vim_tenant_id',
+ 'user','passwd', 'dt.config as dt_config', 'nfvo_tenant_id')
+ try:
+ vims = mydb.get_rows(FROM=from_, SELECT=select_)
+ for vim in vims:
+ extra={'datacenter_tenant_id': vim.get('datacenter_tenant_id')}
+ if vim["config"]:
+ extra.update(yaml.load(vim["config"]))
+ if vim.get('dt_config'):
+ extra.update(yaml.load(vim["dt_config"]))
+ if vim["type"] not in vimconn_imported:
+ module_info=None
+ try:
+ module = "vimconn_" + vim["type"]
+ module_info = imp.find_module(module)
+ vim_conn = imp.load_module(vim["type"], *module_info)
+ vimconn_imported[vim["type"]] = vim_conn
+ except (IOError, ImportError) as e:
+ if module_info and module_info[0]:
+ file.close(module_info[0])
+ raise NfvoException("Unknown vim type '{}'. Can not open file '{}.py'; {}: {}".format(
+ vim["type"], module, type(e).__name__, str(e)), HTTP_Bad_Request)
+ try:
+ #if not tenant:
+ # return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "You must provide a valid tenant name or uuid for VIM %s" % ( vim["type"])
+ myvim = vimconn_imported[ vim["type"] ].vimconnector(
+ uuid=vim['datacenter_id'], name=vim['datacenter_name'],
+ tenant_id=vim['vim_tenant_id'], tenant_name=vim['vim_tenant_name'],
+ url=vim['vim_url'], url_admin=vim['vim_url_admin'],
+ user=vim['user'], passwd=vim['passwd'],
+ config=extra
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise NfvoException("Error at VIM {}; {}: {}".format(vim["type"], type(e).__name__, str(e)), HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ thread_name = get_non_used_vim_name(vim['datacenter_name'], vim['vim_tenant_id'], vim['vim_tenant_name'], vim['vim_tenant_id'])
+ new_thread = vim_thread.vim_thread(myvim, thread_name)
+ new_thread.start()
+ thread_id = vim["datacenter_id"] + "-" + vim['nfvo_tenant_id']
+ vim_threads["running"][thread_id] = new_thread
+ except db_base_Exception as e:
+ raise NfvoException(str(e) + " at nfvo.get_vim", e.http_code)
+def stop_service():
+ for thread_id,thread in vim_threads["running"].items():
+ thread.insert_task("exit")
+ vim_threads["deleting"][thread_id] = thread
+ vim_threads["running"]={}
def get_flavorlist(mydb, vnf_id, nfvo_tenant=None):
'''Obtain flavorList
return result, content:
WHERE_dict['vnf_id'] = vnf_id
if nfvo_tenant is not None:
WHERE_dict['nfvo_tenant_id'] = nfvo_tenant
#result, content = mydb.get_table(FROM='vms join vnfs on vms.vnf_id = vnfs.uuid',SELECT=('uuid'),WHERE=WHERE_dict )
#result, content = mydb.get_table(FROM='vms',SELECT=('vim_flavor_id',),WHERE=WHERE_dict )
flavors = mydb.get_rows(FROM='vms join flavors on vms.flavor_id=flavors.uuid',SELECT=('flavor_id',),WHERE=WHERE_dict )
WHERE_dict['vnf_id'] = vnf_id
if nfvo_tenant is not None:
WHERE_dict['nfvo_tenant_id'] = nfvo_tenant
#result, content = mydb.get_table(FROM='vms join vnfs on vms-vnf_id = vnfs.uuid',SELECT=('uuid'),WHERE=WHERE_dict )
images = mydb.get_rows(FROM='vms join images on vms.image_id=images.uuid',SELECT=('image_id',),WHERE=WHERE_dict )
def get_vim(mydb, nfvo_tenant=None, datacenter_id=None, datacenter_name=None, datacenter_tenant_id=None,
vim_tenant=None, vim_tenant_name=None, vim_user=None, vim_passwd=None):
'''Obtain a dictionary of VIM (datacenter) classes with some of the input parameters
- return dictionary with {datacenter_id: vim_class, ... }. vim_class contain:
+ return dictionary with {datacenter_id: vim_class, ... }. vim_class contain:
raise exception upon error
raise NfvoException("Unknown vim type '{}'. Can not open file '{}.py'; {}: {}".format(
vim["type"], module, type(e).__name__, str(e)), HTTP_Bad_Request)
#if not tenant:
# return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "You must provide a valid tenant name or uuid for VIM %s" % ( vim["type"])
vim_dict[ vim['datacenter_id'] ] = vimconn_imported[ vim["type"] ].vimconnector(
uuid=vim['datacenter_id'], name=vim['datacenter_name'],
tenant_id=vim.get('vim_tenant_id',vim_tenant), tenant_name=vim.get('vim_tenant_name',vim_tenant_name),
- url=vim['vim_url'], url_admin=vim['vim_url_admin'],
+ url=vim['vim_url'], url_admin=vim['vim_url_admin'],
user=vim.get('user',vim_user), passwd=vim.get('passwd',vim_passwd),
return vim_dict
except db_base_Exception as e:
raise NfvoException(str(e) + " at nfvo.get_vim", e.http_code)
def rollback(mydb, vims, rollback_list):
- #delete things by reverse order
+ #delete things by reverse order
for i in range(len(rollback_list)-1, -1, -1):
item = rollback_list[i]
if item["where"]=="vim":
undeleted_items.append("{} {} from VIM {}".format(item['what'], item["uuid"], vim["name"]))
except db_base_Exception as e:
logger.error("Error in rollback. Not possible to delete %s '%s' from DB.datacenters Message: %s", item['what'], item["uuid"], str(e))
else: # where==mano
if item["what"]=="image":
except db_base_Exception as e:
logger.error("Error in rollback. Not possible to delete %s '%s' from DB. Message: %s", item['what'], item["uuid"], str(e))
undeleted_items.append("{} '{}'".format(item['what'], item["uuid"]))
- if len(undeleted_items)==0:
+ if len(undeleted_items)==0:
return True," Rollback successful."
return False," Rollback fails to delete: " + str(undeleted_items)
def check_vnf_descriptor(vnf_descriptor, vnf_descriptor_version=1):
global global_config
- #create a dictionary with vnfc-name: vnfc:interface-list key:values pairs
+ #create a dictionary with vnfc-name: vnfc:interface-list key:values pairs
for vnfc in vnf_descriptor["vnf"]["VNFC"]:
name_dict = {}
"Error at vnf:external-connections[name:'{}']:VNFC, value '{}' does not match any VNFC".format(
external_connection["name"], external_connection["VNFC"]),
if external_connection["local_iface_name"] not in vnfc_interfaces[ external_connection["VNFC"] ]:
raise NfvoException(
"Error at vnf:external-connections[name:'{}']:local_iface_name, value '{}' does not match any interface of this VNFC".format(
HTTP_Bad_Request )
#check if the info in internal_connections matches with the one in the vnfcs
for internal_connection in vnf_descriptor["vnf"].get("internal-connections",() ):
except vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException as e:
#Create the image in VIM only if image_dict['location'] or image_dict['new_location'] is not None
- try:
+ try:
#image_dict['location']=image_dict.get('new_location') if image_dict['location'] is None
if image_dict['location']:
image_vim_id = vim.new_image(image_dict)
elif image_db[0]["vim_id"]!=image_vim_id:
#modify existing vim_id at datacenters_images
mydb.update_rows('datacenters_images', UPDATE={'vim_id':image_vim_id}, WHERE={'datacenter_id':vim_id, 'image_id':image_mano_id})
return image_vim_id if only_create_at_vim else image_mano_id
def create_or_use_flavor(mydb, vims, flavor_dict, rollback_list, only_create_at_vim=False, return_on_error = None):
image_dict['checksum']=device.get('image checksum')
image_metadata_dict = device.get('image metadata', None)
image_metadata_str = None
- if image_metadata_dict != None:
+ if image_metadata_dict != None:
image_metadata_str = yaml.safe_dump(image_metadata_dict,default_flow_style=True,width=256)
image_id = create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, rollback_list)
#print "Additional disk image id for VNFC %s: %s" % (flavor_dict['name']+str(dev_nb)+"-img", image_id)
- dev_nb += 1
+ dev_nb += 1
temp_flavor_dict['name'] = flavor_dict['name']
temp_flavor_dict['description'] = flavor_dict.get('description',None)
content = mydb.new_row('flavors', temp_flavor_dict, add_uuid=True)
# print "Error contacting VIM to know if the flavor %s existed previously." %flavor_vim_id
# continue
#elif res_vim==0:
#Create the flavor in VIM
#Translate images at devices from MANO id to VIM id
disk_list = []
image_dict['checksum']=device.get('image checksum')
image_metadata_dict = device.get('image metadata', None)
image_metadata_str = None
- if image_metadata_dict != None:
+ if image_metadata_dict != None:
image_metadata_str = yaml.safe_dump(image_metadata_dict,default_flow_style=True,width=256)
image_mano_id=create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, rollback_list, only_create_at_vim=False, return_on_error=return_on_error )
elif flavor_db[0]["vim_id"]!=flavor_vim_id:
#modify existing vim_id at datacenters_flavors
mydb.update_rows('datacenters_flavors', UPDATE={'vim_id':flavor_vim_id}, WHERE={'datacenter_id':vim_id, 'flavor_id':flavor_mano_id})
return flavor_vim_id if only_create_at_vim else flavor_mano_id
def new_vnf(mydb, tenant_id, vnf_descriptor):
global global_config
# Step 1. Check the VNF descriptor
check_vnf_descriptor(vnf_descriptor, vnf_descriptor_version=1)
# Step 2. Check tenant exist
vims = {}
if tenant_id != "any":
- check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
+ check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
if "tenant_id" in vnf_descriptor["vnf"]:
if vnf_descriptor["vnf"]["tenant_id"] != tenant_id:
raise NfvoException("VNF can not have a different tenant owner '{}', must be '{}'".format(vnf_descriptor["vnf"]["tenant_id"], tenant_id),
del vnf_descriptor['vnf']['physical']
#print vnf_descriptor
- # Step 6. For each VNFC in the descriptor, flavors and images are created in the VIM
+ # Step 6. For each VNFC in the descriptor, flavors and images are created in the VIM
logger.debug('BEGIN creation of VNF "%s"' % vnf_name)
logger.debug("VNF %s: consisting of %d VNFC(s)" % (vnf_name,len(vnf_descriptor['vnf']['VNFC'])))
#For each VNFC, we add it to the VNFCDict and we create a flavor.
VNFCDict = {} # Dictionary, key: VNFC name, value: dict with the relevant information to create the VNF and VMs in the MANO database
rollback_list = [] # It will contain the new images created in mano. It is used for rollback
VNFCitem["name"] = vnfc['name']
VNFCitem["description"] = vnfc.get("description", 'VM %s of the VNF %s' %(vnfc['name'],vnf_name))
#print "Flavor name: %s. Description: %s" % (VNFCitem["name"]+"-flv", VNFCitem["description"])
myflavorDict = {}
myflavorDict["name"] = vnfc['name']+"-flv" #Maybe we could rename the flavor by using the field "image name" if exists
myflavorDict["description"] = VNFCitem["description"]
myflavorDict["vcpus"] = vnfc.get("vcpus", 0)
myflavorDict["disk"] = vnfc.get("disk", 1)
myflavorDict["extended"] = {}
devices = vnfc.get("devices")
if devices != None:
myflavorDict["extended"]["devices"] = devices
# Mapping from processor models to rankings should be available somehow in the NFVO. They could be taken from VIM or directly from a new database table
- # Another option is that the processor in the VNF descriptor specifies directly the ranking of the host
+ # Another option is that the processor in the VNF descriptor specifies directly the ranking of the host
# Previous code has been commented
#if vnfc['processor']['model'] == "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-4620 0 @ 2.20GHz" :
# myflavorDict["flavor"]['extended']['processor_ranking'] = 200
# else:
# return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Error creating flavor: unknown processor model. Rollback fail: you need to access VIM and delete the following %s" % message
myflavorDict['extended']['processor_ranking'] = 100 #Hardcoded value, while we decide when the mapping is done
if 'numas' in vnfc and len(vnfc['numas'])>0:
myflavorDict['extended']['numas'] = vnfc['numas']
#print myflavorDict
# Step 6.2 New flavors are created in the VIM
flavor_id = create_or_use_flavor(mydb, vims, myflavorDict, rollback_list)
#print "Flavor id for VNFC %s: %s" % (vnfc['name'],flavor_id)
VNFCitem["flavor_id"] = flavor_id
VNFCDict[vnfc['name']] = VNFCitem
logger.debug("Creating new images in the VIM for each VNFC")
# Step 6.3 New images are created in the VIM
#For each VNFC, we must create the appropriate image.
- #This "for" loop might be integrated with the previous one
+ #This "for" loop might be integrated with the previous one
#In case this integration is made, the VNFCDict might become a VNFClist.
for vnfc in vnf_descriptor['vnf']['VNFC']:
#print "Image name: %s. Description: %s" % (vnfc['name']+"-img", VNFCDict[vnfc['name']]['description'])
image_dict['checksum']=vnfc.get('image checksum')
image_metadata_dict = vnfc.get('image metadata', None)
image_metadata_str = None
- if image_metadata_dict is not None:
+ if image_metadata_dict is not None:
image_metadata_str = yaml.safe_dump(image_metadata_dict,default_flow_style=True,width=256)
#print "create_or_use_image", mydb, vims, image_dict, rollback_list
if vnfc.get("boot-data"):
VNFCDict[vnfc['name']]["boot_data"] = yaml.safe_dump(vnfc["boot-data"], default_flow_style=True, width=256)
# Step 7. Storing the VNF descriptor in the repository
if "descriptor" not in vnf_descriptor["vnf"]:
vnf_descriptor["vnf"]["descriptor"] = yaml.safe_dump(vnf_descriptor, indent=4, explicit_start=True, default_flow_style=False)
# Step 8. Adding the VNF to the NFVO DB
vnf_id = mydb.new_vnf_as_a_whole(tenant_id,vnf_name,vnf_descriptor,VNFCDict)
return vnf_id
error_text += " {} {}. {}".format(type(e).__name__, str(e), message)
#logger.error("start_scenario %s", error_text)
raise NfvoException(error_text, e.http_code)
def new_vnf_v02(mydb, tenant_id, vnf_descriptor):
global global_config
# Step 1. Check the VNF descriptor
check_vnf_descriptor(vnf_descriptor, vnf_descriptor_version=2)
# Step 2. Check tenant exist
vims = {}
if tenant_id != "any":
- check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
+ check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
if "tenant_id" in vnf_descriptor["vnf"]:
if vnf_descriptor["vnf"]["tenant_id"] != tenant_id:
raise NfvoException("VNF can not have a different tenant owner '{}', must be '{}'".format(vnf_descriptor["vnf"]["tenant_id"], tenant_id),
del vnf_descriptor['vnf']['physical']
#print vnf_descriptor
- # Step 6. For each VNFC in the descriptor, flavors and images are created in the VIM
+ # Step 6. For each VNFC in the descriptor, flavors and images are created in the VIM
logger.debug('BEGIN creation of VNF "%s"' % vnf_name)
logger.debug("VNF %s: consisting of %d VNFC(s)" % (vnf_name,len(vnf_descriptor['vnf']['VNFC'])))
#For each VNFC, we add it to the VNFCDict and we create a flavor.
VNFCDict = {} # Dictionary, key: VNFC name, value: dict with the relevant information to create the VNF and VMs in the MANO database
rollback_list = [] # It will contain the new images created in mano. It is used for rollback
VNFCitem["name"] = vnfc['name']
VNFCitem["description"] = vnfc.get("description", 'VM %s of the VNF %s' %(vnfc['name'],vnf_name))
#print "Flavor name: %s. Description: %s" % (VNFCitem["name"]+"-flv", VNFCitem["description"])
myflavorDict = {}
myflavorDict["name"] = vnfc['name']+"-flv" #Maybe we could rename the flavor by using the field "image name" if exists
myflavorDict["description"] = VNFCitem["description"]
myflavorDict["vcpus"] = vnfc.get("vcpus", 0)
myflavorDict["disk"] = vnfc.get("disk", 1)
myflavorDict["extended"] = {}
devices = vnfc.get("devices")
if devices != None:
myflavorDict["extended"]["devices"] = devices
# Mapping from processor models to rankings should be available somehow in the NFVO. They could be taken from VIM or directly from a new database table
- # Another option is that the processor in the VNF descriptor specifies directly the ranking of the host
+ # Another option is that the processor in the VNF descriptor specifies directly the ranking of the host
# Previous code has been commented
#if vnfc['processor']['model'] == "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-4620 0 @ 2.20GHz" :
# myflavorDict["flavor"]['extended']['processor_ranking'] = 200
# else:
# return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Error creating flavor: unknown processor model. Rollback fail: you need to access VIM and delete the following %s" % message
myflavorDict['extended']['processor_ranking'] = 100 #Hardcoded value, while we decide when the mapping is done
if 'numas' in vnfc and len(vnfc['numas'])>0:
myflavorDict['extended']['numas'] = vnfc['numas']
#print myflavorDict
# Step 6.2 New flavors are created in the VIM
flavor_id = create_or_use_flavor(mydb, vims, myflavorDict, rollback_list)
#print "Flavor id for VNFC %s: %s" % (vnfc['name'],flavor_id)
VNFCitem["flavor_id"] = flavor_id
VNFCDict[vnfc['name']] = VNFCitem
logger.debug("Creating new images in the VIM for each VNFC")
# Step 6.3 New images are created in the VIM
#For each VNFC, we must create the appropriate image.
- #This "for" loop might be integrated with the previous one
+ #This "for" loop might be integrated with the previous one
#In case this integration is made, the VNFCDict might become a VNFClist.
for vnfc in vnf_descriptor['vnf']['VNFC']:
#print "Image name: %s. Description: %s" % (vnfc['name']+"-img", VNFCDict[vnfc['name']]['description'])
image_dict['checksum']=vnfc.get('image checksum')
image_metadata_dict = vnfc.get('image metadata', None)
image_metadata_str = None
- if image_metadata_dict is not None:
+ if image_metadata_dict is not None:
image_metadata_str = yaml.safe_dump(image_metadata_dict,default_flow_style=True,width=256)
#print "create_or_use_image", mydb, vims, image_dict, rollback_list
# Step 7. Storing the VNF descriptor in the repository
if "descriptor" not in vnf_descriptor["vnf"]:
vnf_descriptor["vnf"]["descriptor"] = yaml.safe_dump(vnf_descriptor, indent=4, explicit_start=True, default_flow_style=False)
# Step 8. Adding the VNF to the NFVO DB
vnf_id = mydb.new_vnf_as_a_whole2(tenant_id,vnf_name,vnf_descriptor,VNFCDict)
return vnf_id
def get_vnf_id(mydb, tenant_id, vnf_id):
#check valid tenant_id
- check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
+ check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
#obtain data
where_or = {}
if tenant_id != "any":
where_or["tenant_id"] = tenant_id
where_or["public"] = True
- vnf = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('vnfs', vnf_id, "VNF", WHERE_OR=where_or, WHERE_AND_OR="AND")
+ vnf = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('vnfs', vnf_id, "VNF", WHERE_OR=where_or, WHERE_AND_OR="AND")
filter_keys = ('uuid','name','description','public', "tenant_id", "created_at")
filtered_content = dict( (k,v) for k,v in vnf.iteritems() if k in filter_keys )
data['vnf']['VNFC'] = content
#TODO: GET all the information from a VNFC and include it in the output.
- content = mydb.get_rows(FROM='vnfs join nets on vnfs.uuid=nets.vnf_id',
+ content = mydb.get_rows(FROM='vnfs join nets on vnfs.uuid=nets.vnf_id',
SELECT=('nets.uuid as uuid','nets.name as name','nets.description as description', 'nets.type as type', 'nets.multipoint as multipoint'),
WHERE={'vnfs.uuid': vnf_id} )
data['vnf']['nets'] = content
net["ip_profile"] = ipprofiles[0]
elif len(ipprofiles)>1:
raise NfvoException("More than one ip-profile found with this criteria: net_id='{}'".format(net['uuid']), HTTP_Bad_Request)
#TODO: For each net, GET its elements and relevant info per element (VNFC, iface, ip_address) and include them in the output.
#GET External Interfaces
content = mydb.get_rows(FROM='vnfs join vms on vnfs.uuid=vms.vnf_id join interfaces on vms.uuid=interfaces.vm_id',\
SELECT=('interfaces.uuid as uuid','interfaces.external_name as external_name', 'vms.name as vm_name', 'interfaces.vm_id as vm_id', \
'interfaces.internal_name as internal_name', 'interfaces.type as type', 'interfaces.vpci as vpci','interfaces.bw as bw'),\
- WHERE={'vnfs.uuid': vnf_id},
+ WHERE={'vnfs.uuid': vnf_id},
WHERE_NOT={'interfaces.external_name': None} )
#print content
data['vnf']['external-connections'] = content
return data
if tenant_id != "any":
where_or["tenant_id"] = tenant_id
where_or["public"] = True
- vnf = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('vnfs', vnf_id, "VNF", WHERE_OR=where_or, WHERE_AND_OR="AND")
+ vnf = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('vnfs', vnf_id, "VNF", WHERE_OR=where_or, WHERE_AND_OR="AND")
vnf_id = vnf["uuid"]
# "Getting the list of flavors and tenants of the VNF"
- flavorList = get_flavorlist(mydb, vnf_id)
+ flavorList = get_flavorlist(mydb, vnf_id)
if len(flavorList)==0:
logger.warn("delete_vnf error. No flavors found for the VNF id '%s'", vnf_id)
imageList = get_imagelist(mydb, vnf_id)
if len(imageList)==0:
logger.warn( "delete_vnf error. No images found for the VNF id '%s'", vnf_id)
deleted = mydb.delete_row_by_id('vnfs', vnf_id)
if deleted == 0:
raise NfvoException("vnf '{}' not found".format(vnf_id), HTTP_Not_Found)
undeletedItems = []
for flavor in flavorList:
#check if flavor is used by other vnf
logger.error("delete_vnf_error. Not possible to get flavor details and delete '%s'. %s", flavor, str(e))
undeletedItems.append("flavor %s" % flavor)
for image in imageList:
#check if image is used by other vnf
undeletedItems.append("image %s" % image)
return vnf_id + " " + vnf["name"]
- #if undeletedItems:
+ #if undeletedItems:
# return "delete_vnf. Undeleted: %s" %(undeletedItems)
def get_hosts_info(mydb, nfvo_tenant_id, datacenter_name=None):
server={'name':host['name'], 'vms':[]}
for vm in host['instances']:
#get internal name and model
- try:
+ try:
c = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('name',), FROM='instance_vms as iv join vms on iv.vm_id=vms.uuid',\
WHERE={'vim_vm_id':vm['id']} )
if len(c) == 0:
logger.warn("nfvo.get_hosts virtual machine at VIM '{}' not found at tidnfvo".format(vm['id']))
server['vms'].append( {'name':vm['name'] , 'model':c[0]['name']} )
except db_base_Exception as e:
logger.warn("nfvo.get_hosts virtual machine at VIM '{}' error {}".format(vm['id'], str(e)))
#return -400, "en construccion"
#print 'datacenters '+ json.dumps(datacenter, indent=4)
return datacenter
except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
# return result, vims
#1: parse input
if tenant_id != "any":
- check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
+ check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
if "tenant_id" in topo:
if topo["tenant_id"] != tenant_id:
raise NfvoException("VNF can not have a different tenant owner '{}', must be '{}'".format(topo["tenant_id"], tenant_id),
-#1.1: get VNFs and external_networks (other_nets).
+#1.1: get VNFs and external_networks (other_nets).
other_nets={} #external_networks, bridge_networks and data_networkds
nodes = topo['topology']['nodes']
if nodes[k]['type'] == 'VNF':
vnfs[k] = nodes[k]
vnfs[k]['ifaces'] = {}
- elif nodes[k]['type'] == 'other_network' or nodes[k]['type'] == 'external_network':
+ elif nodes[k]['type'] == 'other_network' or nodes[k]['type'] == 'external_network':
other_nets[k] = nodes[k]
- elif nodes[k]['type'] == 'network':
+ elif nodes[k]['type'] == 'network':
other_nets[k] = nodes[k]
#1.2: Check that VNF are present at database table vnfs. Insert uuid, description and external interfaces
for name,vnf in vnfs.items():
where['name'] = vnf['VNF model']
if len(where) == 0:
raise NfvoException("Descriptor need a 'vnf_id' or 'VNF model' field at " + error_pos, HTTP_Bad_Request)
vnf_db = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('uuid','name','description'),
- WHERE=where,
+ WHERE=where,
if len(vnf_db)==0:
#get external interfaces
- ext_ifaces = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('external_name as name','i.uuid as iface_uuid', 'i.type as type'),
- FROM='vnfs join vms on vnfs.uuid=vms.vnf_id join interfaces as i on vms.uuid=i.vm_id',
+ ext_ifaces = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('external_name as name','i.uuid as iface_uuid', 'i.type as type'),
+ FROM='vnfs join vms on vnfs.uuid=vms.vnf_id join interfaces as i on vms.uuid=i.vm_id',
WHERE={'vnfs.uuid':vnf['uuid']}, WHERE_NOT={'external_name':None} )
for ext_iface in ext_ifaces:
vnf['ifaces'][ ext_iface['name'] ] = {'uuid':ext_iface['iface_uuid'], 'type':ext_iface['type']}
other_nets[k]["graph"] = conections[k]["graph"]
ifaces_list.append( (k, None) )
if con_type == "external_network":
other_nets[k]['external'] = True
if conections[k].get("model"):
other_nets[k]["model"] = conections[k]["model"]
other_nets[k]["model"] = k
- if con_type == "dataplane_net" or con_type == "bridge_net":
+ if con_type == "dataplane_net" or con_type == "bridge_net":
other_nets[k]["model"] = con_type
conections_list.append(set(ifaces_list)) #from list to set to operate as a set (this conversion removes elements that are repeated in a list)
#print set(ifaces_list)
index += 1
#for k in conections_list:
# print k
#1.6 Delete non external nets
else: #external
#IF we do not want to check that external network exist at datacenter
# error_text = ""
# WHERE_={}
# if 'net_id' in net:
# print "nfvo.new_scenario Error" +error_text+ " is not present at database"
# return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "unknown " +error_text+ " at " + error_pos
# elif r>1:
-# print "nfvo.new_scenario Error more than one external_network for " +error_text+ " is present at database"
-# return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "more than one external_network for " +error_text+ "at "+ error_pos + " Concrete with 'net_id'"
+# print "nfvo.new_scenario Error more than one external_network for " +error_text+ " is present at database"
+# return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "more than one external_network for " +error_text+ "at "+ error_pos + " Concrete with 'net_id'"
# other_nets[k].update(net_db[0])
net_nb=0 #Number of nets
for con in conections_list:
for net_key in other_nets.keys():
if con[index][0]==net_key:
if other_net_index>=0:
- error_text="There is some interface connected both to net '%s' and net '%s'" % (con[other_net_index][0], net_key)
+ error_text="There is some interface connected both to net '%s' and net '%s'" % (con[other_net_index][0], net_key)
#print "nfvo.new_scenario " + error_text
raise NfvoException(error_text, HTTP_Bad_Request)
other_nets[net_target]["type"] = "data"
other_nets[net_target]["type"] = "bridge"
# if other_nets[net_target]['external'] :
# type_='data' if len(con)>1 else 'ptp' #an external net is connected to a external port, so it is ptp if only one connection is done to this net
# if type_=='data' and other_nets[net_target]['type']=="ptp":
# error_text = "Error connecting %d nodes on a not multipoint net %s" % (len(con), net_target)
# print "nfvo.new_scenario " + error_text
# return -HTTP_Bad_Request, error_text
for iface in con:
vnfs[ iface[0] ]['ifaces'][ iface[1] ]['net_key'] = net_target
net_target = "__-__net"+str(net_nb)
- net_list[net_target] = {'name': conections_list_name[net_nb], #"net-"+str(net_nb),
+ net_list[net_target] = {'name': conections_list_name[net_nb], #"net-"+str(net_nb),
'description':"net-%s in scenario %s" %(net_nb,topo['name']),
- 'external':False}
+ 'external':False}
for iface in con:
vnfs[ iface[0] ]['ifaces'][ iface[1] ]['net_key'] = net_target
iface_type = vnfs[ iface[0] ]['ifaces'][ iface[1] ]['type']
raise NfvoException(error_text, HTTP_Bad_Request)
#1.8: Connect to management net all not already connected interfaces of type 'mgmt'
- #1.8.1 obtain management net
+ #1.8.1 obtain management net
mgmt_net = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('uuid','name','description','type','shared'),
FROM='datacenter_nets', WHERE={'name':'mgmt'} )
- #1.8.2 check all interfaces from all vnfs
+ #1.8.2 check all interfaces from all vnfs
if len(mgmt_net)>0:
add_mgmt_net = False
for vnf in vnfs.values():
'public': topo.get('public', False)
return c
def new_scenario_v02(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_dict):
scenario = scenario_dict["scenario"]
if tenant_id != "any":
- check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
+ check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
if "tenant_id" in scenario:
if scenario["tenant_id"] != tenant_id:
print "nfvo.new_scenario_v02() tenant '%s' not found" % tenant_id
vnf['ifaces'] = {}
#get external interfaces
- ext_ifaces = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('external_name as name','i.uuid as iface_uuid', 'i.type as type'),
- FROM='vnfs join vms on vnfs.uuid=vms.vnf_id join interfaces as i on vms.uuid=i.vm_id',
+ ext_ifaces = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('external_name as name','i.uuid as iface_uuid', 'i.type as type'),
+ FROM='vnfs join vms on vnfs.uuid=vms.vnf_id join interfaces as i on vms.uuid=i.vm_id',
WHERE={'vnfs.uuid':vnf['uuid']}, WHERE_NOT={'external_name':None} )
for ext_iface in ext_ifaces:
vnf['ifaces'][ ext_iface['name'] ] = {'uuid':ext_iface['iface_uuid'], 'type':ext_iface['type']}
#print '================scenarioDict======================='
#print json.dumps(scenarioDict, indent=4)
#print 'BEGIN launching instance scenario "%s" based on "%s"' % (instance_scenario_name,scenarioDict['name'])
logger.debug("start_scenario Scenario %s: consisting of %d VNF(s)", scenarioDict['name'],len(scenarioDict['vnfs']))
#print yaml.safe_dump(scenarioDict, indent=4, default_flow_style=False)
auxNetDict = {} #Auxiliar dictionary. First key:'scenario' or sce_vnf uuid. Second Key: uuid of the net/sce_net. Value: vim_net_id
auxNetDict['scenario'] = {}
logger.debug("start_scenario 1. Creating new nets (sce_nets) in the VIM")
for sce_net in scenarioDict['nets']:
#print "Net name: %s. Description: %s" % (sce_net["name"], sce_net["description"])
myNetName = "%s.%s" % (instance_scenario_name, sce_net['name'])
myNetName = myNetName[0:255] #limit length
myNetType = sce_net['type']
raise NfvoException(error_text, HTTP_Bad_Request)
logger.debug("Using existent VIM network for scenario %s. Network id %s", scenarioDict['name'],sce_net['vim_id'])
auxNetDict['scenario'][sce_net['uuid']] = sce_net['vim_id']
logger.debug("start_scenario 2. Creating new nets (vnf internal nets) in the VIM")
#For each vnf net, we create it and we add it to instanceNetlist.
for sce_vnf in scenarioDict['vnfs']:
for net in sce_vnf['nets']:
#print "Net name: %s. Description: %s" % (net["name"], net["description"])
myNetName = "%s.%s" % (instance_scenario_name,net['name'])
myNetName = myNetName[0:255] #limit length
myNetType = net['type']
auxNetDict[sce_vnf['uuid']][net['uuid']] = network_id
net["created"] = True
#print "auxNetDict:"
#print yaml.safe_dump(auxNetDict, indent=4, default_flow_style=False)
logger.debug("start_scenario 3. Creating new vm instances in the VIM")
i = 0
myVMDict['start'] = "no"
myVMDict['name'] = myVMDict['name'][0:255] #limit name length
#print "VM name: %s. Description: %s" % (myVMDict['name'], myVMDict['name'])
#create image at vim in case it not exist
image_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name("images", vm['image_id'])
- image_id = create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, [], True)
+ image_id = create_or_use_image(mydb, vims, image_dict, [], True)
vm['vim_image_id'] = image_id
#create flavor at vim in case it not exist
flavor_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name("flavors", vm['flavor_id'])
if flavor_dict['extended']!=None:
flavor_dict['extended']= yaml.load(flavor_dict['extended'])
- flavor_id = create_or_use_flavor(mydb, vims, flavor_dict, [], True)
+ flavor_id = create_or_use_flavor(mydb, vims, flavor_dict, [], True)
vm['vim_flavor_id'] = flavor_id
myVMDict['imageRef'] = vm['vim_image_id']
myVMDict['flavorRef'] = vm['vim_flavor_id']
myVMDict['networks'] = []
if net["name"]==iface["internal_name"]:
logger.debug("start scenario Deployment done")
#print yaml.safe_dump(scenarioDict, indent=4, default_flow_style=False)
#r,c = mydb.new_instance_scenario_as_a_whole(nfvo_tenant,scenarioDict['name'],scenarioDict)
instance_id = mydb.new_instance_scenario_as_a_whole(tenant_id,instance_scenario_name, instance_scenario_description, scenarioDict)
return mydb.get_instance_scenario(instance_id)
except (db_base_Exception, vimconn.vimconnException) as e:
_, message = rollback(mydb, vims, rollbackList)
if isinstance(e, db_base_Exception):
datacenter_id = None
datacenter_name = None
if datacenter_id_name:
- if utils.check_valid_uuid(datacenter_id_name):
+ if utils.check_valid_uuid(datacenter_id_name):
datacenter_id = datacenter_id_name
datacenter_name = datacenter_id_name
def new_scenario_v03(mydb, tenant_id, scenario_dict):
scenario = scenario_dict["scenario"]
if tenant_id != "any":
- check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
+ check_tenant(mydb, tenant_id)
if "tenant_id" in scenario:
if scenario["tenant_id"] != tenant_id:
logger("Tenant '%s' not found", tenant_id)
vnf['ifaces'] = {}
# get external interfaces
- ext_ifaces = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('external_name as name','i.uuid as iface_uuid', 'i.type as type'),
- FROM='vnfs join vms on vnfs.uuid=vms.vnf_id join interfaces as i on vms.uuid=i.vm_id',
+ ext_ifaces = mydb.get_rows(SELECT=('external_name as name','i.uuid as iface_uuid', 'i.type as type'),
+ FROM='vnfs join vms on vnfs.uuid=vms.vnf_id join interfaces as i on vms.uuid=i.vm_id',
WHERE={'vnfs.uuid':vnf['uuid']}, WHERE_NOT={'external_name':None} )
for ext_iface in ext_ifaces:
vnf['ifaces'][ ext_iface['name'] ] = {'uuid':ext_iface['iface_uuid'], 'type':ext_iface['type']}
- # TODO? get internal-connections from db.nets and their profiles, and update scenario[vnfs][internal-connections] accordingly
+ # TODO? get internal-connections from db.nets and their profiles, and update scenario[vnfs][internal-connections] accordingly
#2: Insert net_key and ip_address at every vnf interface
for net_name,net in scenario["networks"].iteritems():
type_='data' if len(net["interfaces"])>2 else 'ptp'
if ("implementation" in net):
if (type_ == "bridge" and net["implementation"] == "underlay"):
error_text = "Error connecting interfaces of data type to a network declared as 'underlay' at 'network':'%s'" % (net_name)
#print "Checking that nfvo_tenant_id exists and getting the VIM URI and the VIM tenant_id"
#logger.debug("Creating instance...")
scenario = instance_dict["scenario"]
#find main datacenter
myvims = {}
datacenter2tenant = {}
#myvim_tenant = myvim['tenant_id']
# default_datacenter_name = vim['name']
#print "Checking that the scenario exists and getting the scenario dictionary"
scenarioDict = mydb.get_scenario(scenario, tenant_id, default_datacenter_id)
#logger.debug(">>>>>>> Dictionaries before merging")
#logger.debug(">>>>>>> InstanceDict:\n{}".format(yaml.safe_dump(instance_dict,default_flow_style=False, width=256)))
#logger.debug(">>>>>>> ScenarioDict:\n{}".format(yaml.safe_dump(scenarioDict,default_flow_style=False, width=256)))
scenarioDict['datacenter_id'] = default_datacenter_id
auxNetDict = {} #Auxiliar dictionary. First key:'scenario' or sce_vnf uuid. Second Key: uuid of the net/sce_net. Value: vim_net_id
auxNetDict['scenario'] = {}
- logger.debug("Creating instance from scenario-dict:\n%s", yaml.safe_dump(scenarioDict, indent=4, default_flow_style=False)) #TODO remove
+ logger.debug("Creating instance from scenario-dict:\n%s", yaml.safe_dump(scenarioDict, indent=4, default_flow_style=False)) #TODO remove
instance_name = instance_dict["name"]
instance_description = instance_dict.get("description")
raise NfvoException("Found more than one entries without datacenter field at instance:networks:{}:sites".format(net_name), HTTP_Bad_Request)
site_without_datacenter_field = True
site["datacenter"] = default_datacenter_id #change name to id
for vnf_name, vnf_instance_desc in instance_dict.get("vnfs",{}).iteritems():
for scenario_vnf in scenarioDict['vnfs']:
#logger.debug(">>>>>>>> Merged dictionary")
logger.debug("Creating instance scenario-dict MERGED:\n%s", yaml.safe_dump(scenarioDict, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
#1. Creating new nets (sce_nets) in the VIM"
for sce_net in scenarioDict['nets']:
lookfor_filter = {'admin_state_up': True, 'status': 'ACTIVE'} #'shared': True
if sce_net["external"]:
if not net_name:
- net_name = sce_net["name"]
+ net_name = sce_net["name"]
if "netmap-use" in site or "netmap-create" in site:
create_network = False
lookfor_network = False
if utils.check_valid_uuid(site["netmap-use"]):
filter_text = "scenario id '%s'" % site["netmap-use"]
lookfor_filter["id"] = site["netmap-use"]
- else:
+ else:
filter_text = "scenario name '%s'" % site["netmap-use"]
lookfor_filter["name"] = site["netmap-use"]
if "netmap-create" in site:
net_vim_name = net_name
if site["netmap-create"]:
net_vim_name = site["netmap-create"]
elif sce_net['vim_id'] != None:
#there is a netmap at datacenter_nets database #TODO REVISE!!!!
create_network = False
net_vim_name = net_name
create_network = True
lookfor_network = False
if lookfor_network:
vim_nets = vim.get_network_list(filter_dict=lookfor_filter)
if len(vim_nets) > 1:
auxNetDict['scenario'][sce_net['uuid']][datacenter_id] = network_id
rollbackList.append({'what':'network', 'where':'vim', 'vim_id':datacenter_id, 'uuid':network_id})
sce_net["created"] = True
#2. Creating new nets (vnf internal nets) in the VIM"
#For each vnf net, we create it and we add it to instanceNetlist.
for sce_vnf in scenarioDict['vnfs']:
net["created"] = True
#print "auxNetDict:"
#print yaml.safe_dump(auxNetDict, indent=4, default_flow_style=False)
#3. Creating new vm instances in the VIM
for sce_vnf in scenarioDict['vnfs']:
image_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name("images", vm['image_id'])
image_id = create_or_use_image(mydb, {datacenter_id: vim}, image_dict, [], True)
vm['vim_image_id'] = image_id
#create flavor at vim in case it not exist
flavor_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name("flavors", vm['flavor_id'])
if flavor_dict['extended']!=None:
vm['vim_flavor_id'] = flavor_id
myVMDict['imageRef'] = vm['vim_image_id']
myVMDict['flavorRef'] = vm['vim_flavor_id']
myVMDict['networks'] = []
error_text += " {} {}. {}".format(type(e).__name__, str(e), message)
#logger.error("create_instance: %s", error_text)
raise NfvoException(error_text, e.http_code)
def delete_instance(mydb, tenant_id, instance_id):
#print "Checking that the instance_id exists and getting the instance dictionary"
instanceDict = mydb.get_instance_scenario(instance_id, tenant_id)
error_msg+="\n VM VIM_id={} at datacenter={} Error: {} {}".format(vm['vim_vm_id'], sce_vnf["datacenter_id"], e.http_code, str(e))
logger.error("Error %d deleting VM instance '%s'uuid '%s', VIM_id '%s', from VNF_id '%s': %s",
e.http_code, vm['name'], vm['uuid'], vm['vim_vm_id'], sce_vnf['vnf_id'], str(e))
#2.2 deleting NETS
for net in instanceDict['nets']:
# Assumption: nfvo_tenant and instance_id were checked before entering into this function
#print "nfvo.refresh_instance begins"
#print json.dumps(instanceDict, indent=4)
#print "Getting the VIM URL and the VIM tenant_id"
# Returns appropriate output
#print "nfvo.refresh_instance finishes"
logger.debug("VMs updated in the database: %s; nets updated in the database %s; VMs not updated: %s; nets not updated: %s",
- str(vms_updated), str(nets_updated), str(vms_notupdated), str(nets_notupdated))
+ str(vms_updated), str(nets_updated), str(vms_notupdated), str(nets_notupdated))
instance_id = instanceDict['uuid']
if len(vms_notupdated)+len(nets_notupdated)>0:
error_msg = "VMs not updated: " + str(vms_notupdated) + "; nets not updated: " + str(nets_notupdated)
return len(vms_notupdated)+len(nets_notupdated), 'Scenario instance ' + instance_id + ' refreshed but some elements could not be updated in the database: ' + error_msg
return 0, 'Scenario instance ' + instance_id + ' refreshed.'
def instance_action(mydb,nfvo_tenant,instance_id, action_dict):
if len(vims) == 0:
raise NfvoException("datacenter '{}' not found".format(str(instanceDict['datacenter_id'])), HTTP_Not_Found)
myvim = vims.values()[0]
input_vnfs = action_dict.pop("vnfs", [])
input_vms = action_dict.pop("vms", [])
#print "console data", data
- try:
+ try:
console_thread = create_or_use_console_proxy_thread(data["server"], data["port"])
vm_result[ vm['uuid'] ] = {"vim_result": 200,
"description": "{protocol}//{ip}:{port}/{suffix}".format(
return vm_result
return vm_result
def create_or_use_console_proxy_thread(console_server, console_port):
#look for a non-used port
console_thread_key = console_server + ":" + str(console_port)
if console_thread_key in global_config["console_thread"]:
return global_config["console_thread"][console_thread_key]
for port in global_config["console_port_iterator"]():
#print "create_or_use_console_proxy_thread() port:", port
if port in global_config["console_ports"]:
def delete_tenant(mydb, tenant):
#get nfvo_tenant info
tenant_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('nfvo_tenants', tenant, 'tenant')
mydb.delete_row_by_id("nfvo_tenants", tenant_dict['uuid'])
return tenant_dict['uuid'] + " " + tenant_dict["name"]
if module_info and module_info[0]:
raise NfvoException("Incorrect datacenter type '{}'. Plugin '{}'.py not installed".format(datacenter_type, module), HTTP_Bad_Request)
datacenter_id = mydb.new_row("datacenters", datacenter_descriptor, add_uuid=True)
return datacenter_id
def edit_datacenter(mydb, datacenter_id_name, datacenter_descriptor):
#obtain data, check that only one exist
datacenter = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('datacenters', datacenter_id_name)
- #edit data
+ #edit data
datacenter_id = datacenter['uuid']
where={'uuid': datacenter['uuid']}
if "config" in datacenter_descriptor:
for k in new_config_dict:
if new_config_dict[k]==None:
config_dict = yaml.load(datacenter["config"])
#delete null fields
def associate_datacenter_to_tenant(mydb, nfvo_tenant, datacenter, vim_tenant_id=None, vim_tenant_name=None, vim_username=None, vim_password=None, config=None):
#get datacenter info
- datacenter_id, myvim = get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, None, datacenter)
- datacenter_name=myvim["name"]
- create_vim_tenant=True if vim_tenant_id==None and vim_tenant_name==None else False
+ datacenter_id, myvim = get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, None, datacenter)
+ datacenter_name = myvim["name"]
- #get nfvo_tenant info
+ create_vim_tenant = True if not vim_tenant_id and not vim_tenant_name else False
+ # get nfvo_tenant info
tenant_dict = mydb.get_table_by_uuid_name('nfvo_tenants', nfvo_tenant)
if vim_tenant_name==None:
#check that this association does not exist before
tenants_datacenter_dict={"nfvo_tenant_id":tenant_dict['uuid'], "datacenter_id":datacenter_id }
tenants_datacenters = mydb.get_rows(FROM='tenants_datacenters', WHERE=tenants_datacenter_dict)
raise NfvoException("Not possible to create vim_tenant {} at VIM: {}".format(vim_tenant_id, str(e)), HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
datacenter_tenants_dict = {}
#fill datacenter_tenants table
if not vim_tenant_id_exist_atdb:
- datacenter_tenants_dict["vim_tenant_id"] = vim_tenant_id
+ datacenter_tenants_dict["vim_tenant_id"] = vim_tenant_id
datacenter_tenants_dict["vim_tenant_name"] = vim_tenant_name
- datacenter_tenants_dict["user"] = vim_username
- datacenter_tenants_dict["passwd"] = vim_password
- datacenter_tenants_dict["datacenter_id"] = datacenter_id
+ datacenter_tenants_dict["user"] = vim_username
+ datacenter_tenants_dict["passwd"] = vim_password
+ datacenter_tenants_dict["datacenter_id"] = datacenter_id
if config:
datacenter_tenants_dict["config"] = yaml.safe_dump(config, default_flow_style=True, width=256)
id_ = mydb.new_row('datacenter_tenants', datacenter_tenants_dict, add_uuid=True)
datacenter_tenants_dict["uuid"] = id_
#fill tenants_datacenters table
mydb.new_row('tenants_datacenters', tenants_datacenter_dict)
+ # create thread
+ datacenter_id, myvim = get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, tenant_dict['uuid'], datacenter_id) # reload data
+ thread_name = get_non_used_vim_name(datacenter_name, datacenter_id, tenant_dict['name'], tenant_dict['uuid'])
+ new_thread = vim_thread.vim_thread(myvim, thread_name)
+ new_thread.start()
+ vim_threads["running"][datacenter_id + "-" + tenant_dict['uuid']] = new_thread
return datacenter_id
def deassociate_datacenter_to_tenant(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, vim_tenant_id=None):
mydb.delete_row_by_id('datacenter_tenants', tenant_datacenter_item['datacenter_tenant_id'])
if vim_tenant_dict['created']=='true':
#delete tenant at VIM if created by NFVO
- try:
+ try:
except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
warning = "Not possible to delete vim_tenant_id {} from VIM: {} ".format(vim_tenant_dict['vim_tenant_id'], str(e))
except db_base_Exception as e:
logger.error("Cannot delete datacenter_tenants " + str(e))
- pass #the error will be caused because dependencies, vim_tenant can not be deleted
+ pass # the error will be caused because dependencies, vim_tenant can not be deleted
+ thread_id = datacenter_id + "-" + tenant_datacenter_item["nfvo_tenant_id"]
+ thread = vim_threads["running"][thread_id]
+ thread.insert_task("exit")
+ vim_threads["deleting"][thread_id] = thread
return "datacenter {} detached. {}".format(datacenter_id, warning)
def datacenter_action(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, action_dict):
- #get datacenter info
+ #get datacenter info
datacenter_id, myvim = get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter)
if 'net-update' in action_dict:
elif 'net-edit' in action_dict:
net = action_dict['net-edit'].pop('net')
what = 'vim_net_id' if utils.check_valid_uuid(net) else 'name'
- result = mydb.update_rows('datacenter_nets', action_dict['net-edit'],
+ result = mydb.update_rows('datacenter_nets', action_dict['net-edit'],
WHERE={'datacenter_id':datacenter_id, what: net})
return result
elif 'net-delete' in action_dict:
net = action_dict['net-deelte'].get('net')
what = 'vim_net_id' if utils.check_valid_uuid(net) else 'name'
- result = mydb.delete_row(FROM='datacenter_nets',
+ result = mydb.delete_row(FROM='datacenter_nets',
WHERE={'datacenter_id':datacenter_id, what: net})
return result
datacenter_id, _ = get_datacenter_by_name_uuid(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter)
what = 'uuid' if utils.check_valid_uuid(netmap) else 'name'
- result = mydb.update_rows('datacenter_nets', action_dict['netmap'],
+ result = mydb.update_rows('datacenter_nets', action_dict['netmap'],
WHERE={'datacenter_id':datacenter_id, what: netmap})
return result
filter_dict["name"] = action_dict['vim_name']
filter_dict["shared"] = True
vim_nets = myvim.get_network_list(filter_dict=filter_dict)
except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
net_nfvo["status"] = "FAIL: " + str(e)
- net_list.append(net_nfvo)
- return net_list
+ net_list.append(net_nfvo)
+ return net_list
def vim_action_get(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, item, name):
#get datacenter info
except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
print "vim_action Not possible to get_%s_list from VIM: %s " % (item, str(e))
raise NfvoException("Not possible to get_{}_list from VIM: {}".format(item, str(e)), e.http_code)
def vim_action_delete(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, item, name):
#get datacenter info
if tenant_id == "any":
else: # it is a dict
item_id = items["id"]
item_name = str(items.get("name"))
if item=="networks":
content = myvim.delete_network(item_id)
elif item == "images":
content = myvim.delete_image(item_id)
- raise NfvoException(item + "?", HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed)
+ raise NfvoException(item + "?", HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed)
except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
#logger.error( "vim_action Not possible to delete_{} {}from VIM: {} ".format(item, name, str(e)))
raise NfvoException("Not possible to delete_{} {} from VIM: {}".format(item, name, str(e)), e.http_code)
return "{} {} {} deleted".format(item[:-1], item_id,item_name)
def vim_action_create(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, item, descriptor):
#get datacenter info
logger.debug("vim_action_create descriptor %s", str(descriptor))
tenant = descriptor["tenant"]
content = myvim.new_tenant(tenant["name"], tenant.get("description"))
- raise NfvoException(item + "?", HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed)
+ raise NfvoException(item + "?", HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed)
except vimconn.vimconnException as e:
raise NfvoException("Not possible to create {} at VIM: {}".format(item, str(e)), e.http_code)
return vim_action_get(mydb, tenant_id, datacenter, item, content)