echo -e " -t <docker tag> specify osm docker tag (default is latest)"
echo -e " -l: LXD cloud yaml file"
echo -e " -L: LXD credentials yaml file"
+ echo -e " -K: Specifies the name of the controller to use - The controller must be already bootstrapped"
echo -e " --nolxd: do not install and configure LXD, allowing unattended installations (assumes LXD is already installed and confifured)"
echo -e " --nodocker: do not install docker, do not initialize a swarm (assumes docker is already installed and a swarm has been initialized)"
echo -e " --nojuju: do not juju, assumes already installed"
echo -e " --charmed: install OSM with charms"
echo -e " --bundle <bundle path>: Specify with which bundle to deploy OSM with charms (--charmed option)"
echo -e " --kubeconfig <kubeconfig path>: Specify with which kubernetes to deploy OSM with charms (--charmed option)"
- echo -e " --lxdendpoint <lxd endpoint ip>: Specify with which LXD to deploy OSM with charms (--charmed option)"
- echo -e " --lxdcert <lxd cert path>: Specify external LXD cert to deploy OSM with charms (--charmed option)"
+ echo -e " --controller <name>: Specifies the name of the controller to use - The controller must be already bootstrapped (--charmed option)"
+ echo -e " --lxd-cloud <yaml path>: Takes a YAML file as a parameter with the LXD Cloud information (--charmed option)"
+ echo -e " --lxd-credentials <yaml path>: Takes a YAML file as a parameter with the LXD Credentials information (--charmed option)"
echo -e " --microstack: Installs microstack as a vim. (--charmed option)"
remove_volumes $OSM_STACK_NAME
remove_network $OSM_STACK_NAME
- remove_iptables $OSM_STACK_NAME
+ [ -z "$CONTROLLER_NAME" ] && remove_iptables $OSM_STACK_NAME
echo "Removing $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR"
- sg lxd -c "juju destroy-controller --destroy-all-models --yes $OSM_STACK_NAME"
+ [ -z "$CONTROLLER_NAME" ] && sg lxd -c "juju destroy-controller --destroy-all-models --yes $OSM_STACK_NAME"
echo "Some docker images will be kept in case they are used by other docker stacks"
echo "To remove them, just run 'docker image prune' in a terminal"
# Install LXD snap
sudo apt-get remove --purge -y liblxc1 lxc-common lxcfs lxd lxd-client
sudo snap install lxd
+ sudo apt-get install zfsutils-linux -y
# Configure LXD
sudo usermod -a -G lxd `whoami`
- cat /usr/share/osm-devops/installers/lxd-preseed.conf | sg lxd -c "lxd init --preseed"
+ cat /usr/share/osm-devops/installers/lxd-preseed.conf | sed 's/^config: {}/config:\n core.https_address: '$DEFAULT_IP':8443/' | sg lxd -c "lxd init --preseed"
sg lxd -c "lxd waitready"
DEFAULT_INTERFACE=$(route -n | awk '$1~/^ {print $8}')
DEFAULT_MTU=$(ip addr show $DEFAULT_INTERFACE | perl -ne 'if (/mtu\s(\d+)/) {print $1;}')
function juju_createcontroller() {
if ! juju show-controller $OSM_STACK_NAME &> /dev/null; then
# Not found created, create the controller
- [ -n "$LXD_CLOUD_FILE" ] && OSM_VCA_CLOUDNAME="lxd-cloud"
sudo usermod -a -G lxd ${USER}
- sg lxd -c "juju bootstrap --bootstrap-series=xenial $OSM_VCA_CLOUDNAME $OSM_STACK_NAME"
+ sg lxd -c "juju bootstrap $OSM_VCA_CLOUDNAME $OSM_STACK_NAME"
[ $(juju controllers | awk "/^${OSM_STACK_NAME}[\*| ]/{print $1}"|wc -l) -eq 1 ] || FATAL "Juju installation failed"
[ -z "$INSTALL_NOJUJU" ] && install_juju
track juju_install
- if [ -n "$LXD_CLOUD_FILE" ]; then
- [ -z "$LXD_CRED_FILE" ] && FATAL "The installer needs the LXD credential yaml if the LXD is external"
- juju add-cloud lxd-cloud $LXD_CLOUD_FILE --force || juju update-cloud lxd-cloud --client -f $LXD_CLOUD_FILE
- juju add-credential lxd-cloud -f $LXD_CRED_FILE || juju update-credential lxd-cloud lxd-cloud-creds -f $LXD_CRED_FILE
- fi
if [ -z "$OSM_VCA_HOST" ]; then
- juju_createcontroller
- OSM_VCA_HOST=`sg lxd -c "juju show-controller $OSM_STACK_NAME"|grep api-endpoints|awk -F\' '{print $2}'|awk -F\: '{print $1}'`
+ if [ -z "$CONTROLLER_NAME" ]; then
+ if [ -n "$LXD_CLOUD_FILE" ]; then
+ [ -z "$LXD_CRED_FILE" ] && FATAL "The installer needs the LXD credential yaml if the LXD is external"
+ OSM_VCA_CLOUDNAME="lxd-cloud"
+ juju add-cloud $OSM_VCA_CLOUDNAME $LXD_CLOUD_FILE --force || juju update-cloud $OSM_VCA_CLOUDNAME --client -f $LXD_CLOUD_FILE
+ juju add-credential $OSM_VCA_CLOUDNAME -f $LXD_CRED_FILE || juju update-credential $OSM_VCA_CLOUDNAME lxd-cloud-creds -f $LXD_CRED_FILE
+ fi
+ juju_createcontroller
+ else
+ OSM_VCA_CLOUDNAME="lxd-cloud"
+ if [ -n "$LXD_CLOUD_FILE" ]; then
+ [ -z "$LXD_CRED_FILE" ] && FATAL "The installer needs the LXD credential yaml if the LXD is external"
+ juju add-cloud -c $CONTROLLER_NAME $OSM_VCA_CLOUDNAME $LXD_CLOUD_FILE --force || juju update-cloud lxd-cloud -c $CONTROLLER_NAME -f $LXD_CLOUD_FILE
+ juju add-credential -c $CONTROLLER_NAME $OSM_VCA_CLOUDNAME -f $LXD_CRED_FILE || juju update-credential lxd-cloud -c $CONTROLLER_NAME -f $LXD_CRED_FILE
+ else
+ mkdir -p ~/.osm
+ cat << EOF > ~/.osm/lxd-cloud.yaml
+ lxd-cloud:
+ type: lxd
+ auth-types: [certificate]
+ endpoint: "https://$DEFAULT_IP:8443"
+ config:
+ ssl-hostname-verification: false
+ openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -keyout ~/.osm/client.key -out ~/.osm/client.crt -days 365 -subj "/C=FR/ST=Nice/L=Nice/O=ETSI/OU=OSM/"
+ local server_cert=`cat /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/server.crt | sed 's/^/ /'`
+ local client_cert=`cat ~/.osm/client.crt | sed 's/^/ /'`
+ local client_key=`cat ~/.osm/client.key | sed 's/^/ /'`
+ cat << EOF > ~/.osm/lxd-credentials.yaml
+ lxd-cloud:
+ lxd-cloud:
+ auth-type: certificate
+ server-cert: |
+ client-cert: |
+ client-key: |
+ lxc config trust add local: ~/.osm/client.crt
+ juju add-cloud -c $CONTROLLER_NAME $OSM_VCA_CLOUDNAME ~/.osm/lxd-cloud.yaml --force || juju update-cloud lxd-cloud -c $CONTROLLER_NAME -f ~/.osm/lxd-cloud.yaml
+ juju add-credential -c $CONTROLLER_NAME $OSM_VCA_CLOUDNAME -f ~/.osm/lxd-credentials.yaml || juju update-credential lxd-cloud -c $CONTROLLER_NAME -f ~/.osm/lxd-credentials.yaml
+ fi
+ fi
+ [ -z "$CONTROLLER_NAME" ] && OSM_VCA_HOST=`sg lxd -c "juju show-controller $OSM_STACK_NAME"|grep api-endpoints|awk -F\' '{print $2}'|awk -F\: '{print $1}'`
+ [ -n "$CONTROLLER_NAME" ] && OSM_VCA_HOST=`juju show-controller $CONTROLLER_NAME |grep api-endpoints|awk -F\' '{print $2}'|awk -F\: '{print $1}'`
[ -z "$OSM_VCA_HOST" ] && FATAL "Cannot obtain juju controller IP address"
track juju_controller
if [ -z "$OSM_VCA_SECRET" ]; then
- OSM_VCA_SECRET=$(parse_juju_password $OSM_STACK_NAME)
+ [ -z "$CONTROLLER_NAME" ] && OSM_VCA_SECRET=$(parse_juju_password $OSM_STACK_NAME)
+ [ -n "$CONTROLLER_NAME" ] && OSM_VCA_SECRET=$(parse_juju_password $CONTROLLER_NAME)
[ -z "$OSM_VCA_SECRET" ] && FATAL "Cannot obtain juju secret"
if [ -z "$OSM_VCA_PUBKEY" ]; then
[ -z "$OSM_VCA_PUBKEY" ] && FATAL "Cannot obtain juju public key"
if [ -z "$OSM_VCA_CACERT" ]; then
- OSM_VCA_CACERT=$(juju controllers --format json | jq -r '.controllers["osm"]["ca-cert"]' | base64 | tr -d \\n)
+ [ -z "$CONTROLLER_NAME" ] && OSM_VCA_CACERT=$(juju controllers --format json | jq -r --arg controller $OSM_STACK_NAME '.controllers[$controller]["ca-cert"]' | base64 | tr -d \\n)
+ [ -n "$CONTROLLER_NAME" ] && OSM_VCA_CACERT=$(juju controllers --format json | jq -r --arg controller $CONTROLLER_NAME '.controllers[$controller]["ca-cert"]' | base64 | tr -d \\n)
[ -z "$OSM_VCA_CACERT" ] && FATAL "Cannot obtain juju CA certificate"
if [ -z "$OSM_VCA_APIPROXY" ]; then
-while getopts ":b:r:c:k:u:R:D:o:m:H:S:s:w:t:U:P:A:l:L:-: hy" o; do
+while getopts ":b:r:c:k:u:R:D:o:m:H:S:s:w:t:U:P:A:l:L:K:-: hy" o; do
case "${o}" in
+ K)
+ ;;
[ "${OPTARG}" == "help" ] && usage && exit 0
[ "${OPTARG}" == "source" ] && INSTALL_FROM_SOURCE="y" && PULL_IMAGES="" && continue
# if develop, we force master
[ -z "$COMMIT_ID" ] && [ -n "$DEVELOP" ] && COMMIT_ID="master"
-need_packages="git jq wget curl tar"
+need_packages="git wget curl tar"
echo -e "Checking required packages: $need_packages"
dpkg -l $need_packages &>/dev/null \
|| ! echo -e "One or several required packages are not installed. Updating apt cache requires root privileges." \
|| ! echo -e "Installing $need_packages requires root privileges." \
|| sudo apt-get install -y $need_packages \
|| FATAL "failed to install $need_packages"
+sudo snap install jq
if [ -z "$OSM_DEVOPS" ]; then
if [ -n "$TEST_INSTALLER" ]; then
echo -e "\nUsing local devops repo for OSM installation"