+ default=False,
+ help='update list from RO')
-def vim_list(ctx):
- resp = ctx.obj.vim.list()
+def vim_list(ctx, ro_update):
+ resp = ctx.obj.vim.list(ro_update)
table = PrettyTable(['vim name', 'uuid'])
for vim in resp:
table.add_row([vim['name'], vim['uuid']])
from osmclient.common.exceptions import ClientException
from osmclient.common.exceptions import NotFound
import json
+import time
class Vim(object):
raise ClientException("failed to delete vim {} - {}".format(vim_name, resp))
- def list(self):
- self._update_ro_accounts()
+ def list(self, ro_update):
+ if ro_update:
+ self._update_ro_accounts()
+ # the ro_update needs to be made synchronous, for now this works around the issue
+ # and waits a resonable amount of time for the update to finish
+ time.sleep(2)
if self._client._so_version == 'v3':
resp = self._http.get_cmd('v1/api/operational/{}ro-account-state'