* (This will be replaced / extended by a REST API later)
### Project structure
-* **emuvim/** all emulator code
+* **src/emuvim/** all emulator code
* **api/** Data center API endpoint implementations (zerorpc, OpenStack REST, ...)
* **cli/** CLI client to interact with a running emulator
* **dcemulator/** Dockernet wrapper that introduces the notion of data centers and API endpoints
### Run
* First terminal:
- * `cd ~/son-emu/emuvim`
+ * `cd ~/son-emu/src/emuvim`
* `sudo python example_topology.py`
* Second terminal:
- * `cd ~/son-emu/emuvim/cli`
+ * `cd ~/son-emu/src/emuvim/cli`
* `./son-emu-cli compute start -d datacenter1 -n vnf1`
* `./son-emu-cli compute start -d datacenter1 -n vnf2`
* `./son-emu-cli compute list`
* `./start_example_chain` sets up an example service chain, using the example docker container from `package_samples` https://github.com/sonata-nfv/packaging_samples/tree/master/VNFs
### Run Unit Tests
-* `cd ~/son-emu/emuvim`
+* `cd ~/son-emu/src/emuvim`
* `sudo python test` or `sudo python test -v` for more outputs
### CLI
+++ /dev/null
-Distributed Cloud Emulator (dcemulator)
-(c) 2015 by Manuel Peuster <manuel.peuster@upb.de>
-import logging
-import threading
-import zerorpc
-class ZeroRpcApiEndpoint(object):
- """
- Simple API endpoint that offers a zerorpc-based
- interface. This interface will be used by the
- default command line client.
- It can be used as a reference to implement
- REST interfaces providing the same semantics,
- like e.g. OpenStack compute API.
- """
- def __init__(self, listenip, port):
- self.dcs = {}
- self.ip = listenip
- self.port = port
- logging.debug("Created API endpoint %s(%s:%d)" % (
- self.__class__.__name__, self.ip, self.port))
- def connectDatacenter(self, dc):
- self.dcs[dc.label] = dc
- logging.info("Connected DC(%s) to API endpoint %s(%s:%d)" % (
- dc.label, self.__class__.__name__, self.ip, self.port))
- def start(self):
- thread = threading.Thread(target=self._api_server_thread, args=())
- thread.daemon = True
- thread.start()
- logging.debug("Started API endpoint %s(%s:%d)" % (
- self.__class__.__name__, self.ip, self.port))
- def _api_server_thread(self):
- s = zerorpc.Server(MultiDatacenterApi(self.dcs))
- s.bind("tcp://%s:%d" % (self.ip, self.port))
- s.run()
-class MultiDatacenterApi(object):
- """
- Just pass through the corresponding request to the
- selected data center. Do not implement provisioning
- logic here because will will have multiple API
- endpoint implementations at the end.
- """
- def __init__(self, dcs):
- self.dcs = dcs
- def compute_action_start(self, dc_label, compute_name, image, command, network):
- """
- Start a new compute instance: A docker container
- :param dc_label: name of the DC
- :param compute_name: compute container name
- :param image: image name
- :param command: command to execute
- :param network:
- :return: networks list({"ip": ""}, {"ip": ""})
- """
- # TODO what to return UUID / given name / internal name ?
- logging.debug("RPC CALL: compute start")
- try:
- c = self.dcs.get(dc_label).startCompute(
- compute_name, image=image, command=command, network=network)
- return str(c.name)
- except Exception as ex:
- logging.exception("RPC error.")
- return ex.message
- def compute_action_stop(self, dc_label, compute_name):
- logging.debug("RPC CALL: compute stop")
- try:
- return self.dcs.get(dc_label).stopCompute(compute_name)
- except Exception as ex:
- logging.exception("RPC error.")
- return ex.message
- def compute_list(self, dc_label):
- logging.debug("RPC CALL: compute list")
- try:
- if dc_label is None:
- # return list with all compute nodes in all DCs
- all_containers = []
- for dc in self.dcs.itervalues():
- all_containers += dc.listCompute()
- return [(c.name, c.getStatus())
- for c in all_containers]
- else:
- # return list of compute nodes for specified DC
- return [(c.name, c.getStatus())
- for c in self.dcs.get(dc_label).listCompute()]
- except Exception as ex:
- logging.exception("RPC error.")
- return ex.message
- def compute_status(self, dc_label, compute_name):
- logging.debug("RPC CALL: compute status")
- try:
- return self.dcs.get(
- dc_label).containers.get(compute_name).getStatus()
- except Exception as ex:
- logging.exception("RPC error.")
- return ex.message
- def datacenter_list(self):
- logging.debug("RPC CALL: datacenter list")
- try:
- return [d.getStatus() for d in self.dcs.itervalues()]
- except Exception as ex:
- logging.exception("RPC error.")
- return ex.message
- def datacenter_status(self, dc_label):
- logging.debug("RPC CALL: datacenter status")
- try:
- return self.dcs.get(dc_label).getStatus()
- except Exception as ex:
- logging.exception("RPC error.")
- return ex.message
+++ /dev/null
-Distributed Cloud Emulator (dcemulator)\r
-(c) 2015 by Manuel Peuster <manuel.peuster@upb.de>\r
-import logging\r
-import threading\r
-import zerorpc\r
-class ZeroRpcApiEndpointDCNetwork(object):\r
- """\r
- Simple API endpoint that offers a zerorpc-based\r
- interface. This interface will be used by the\r
- default command line client.\r
- It can be used as a reference to implement\r
- REST interfaces providing the same semantics,\r
- like e.g. OpenStack compute API.\r
- """\r
- def __init__(self, listenip, port, DCNetwork=None):\r
- if DCNetwork :\r
- self.connectDCNetwork(DCNetwork)\r
- self.ip = listenip\r
- self.port = port\r
- logging.debug("Created monitoring API endpoint %s(%s:%d)" % (\r
- self.__class__.__name__, self.ip, self.port))\r
- def connectDCNetwork(self, net):\r
- self.net = net\r
- logging.info("Connected DCNetwork to API endpoint %s(%s:%d)" % (\r
- self.__class__.__name__, self.ip, self.port))\r
- def start(self):\r
- thread = threading.Thread(target=self._api_server_thread, args=())\r
- thread.daemon = True\r
- thread.start()\r
- logging.debug("Started API endpoint %s(%s:%d)" % (\r
- self.__class__.__name__, self.ip, self.port))\r
- def _api_server_thread(self):\r
- s = zerorpc.Server(DCNetworkApi(self.net))\r
- s.bind("tcp://%s:%d" % (self.ip, self.port))\r
- s.run()\r
- def stop(self):\r
- logging.info("Stop the monitoring API endpoint")\r
- return\r
-class DCNetworkApi(object):\r
- """\r
- The networking and monitoring commands need the scope of the\r
- whole DC network to find the requested vnf. So this API is intended\r
- to work with a DCNetwork.\r
- Just pass through the corresponding request to the\r
- selected data center network. Do not implement provisioning\r
- logic here because will will have multiple API\r
- endpoint implementations at the end.\r
- """\r
- def __init__(self, net):\r
- self.net = net\r
- def network_action_start(self, vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name):\r
- # call DCNetwork method, not really datacenter specific API for now...\r
- # provided dc name needs to be part of API endpoint\r
- # no check if vnfs are really connected to this datacenter...\r
- logging.debug("RPC CALL: network chain start")\r
- try:\r
- c = self.net.setChain(\r
- vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name)\r
- return str(c)\r
- except Exception as ex:\r
- logging.exception("RPC error.")\r
- return ex.message\r
- def network_action_stop(self, vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name):\r
- # call DCNetwork method, not really datacenter specific API for now...\r
- # provided dc name needs to be part of API endpoint\r
- # no check if vnfs are really connected to this datacenter...\r
- logging.debug("RPC CALL: network chain stop")\r
- try:\r
- c = self.net.setChain(\r
- vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, cmd='del-flows')\r
- return c\r
- except Exception as ex:\r
- logging.exception("RPC error.")\r
- return ex.message\r
- # get egress(default) or ingress rate of a vnf\r
- def monitor_get_rate(self, vnf_name, direction):\r
- logging.debug("RPC CALL: get rate")\r
- try:\r
- c = self.net.monitor_agent.get_rate(vnf_name, direction)\r
- return c\r
- except Exception as ex:\r
- logging.exception("RPC error.")\r
- return ex.message\r
+++ /dev/null
-son-emu compute CLI
-(c) 2016 by Manuel Peuster <manuel.peuster@upb.de>
-import argparse
-import pprint
-from tabulate import tabulate
-import zerorpc
-pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
-class ZeroRpcClient(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.c = zerorpc.Client()
- self.c.connect("tcp://") # TODO hard coded for now. we'll change this later
- self.cmds = {}
- def execute_command(self, args):
- if getattr(self, args["command"]) is not None:
- # call the local method with the same name as the command arg
- getattr(self, args["command"])(args)
- else:
- print "Command not implemented."
- def start(self, args):
- nw_list = list()
- if args.get("network") is not None:
- networks = args.get("network").split(",")
- for nw in networks:
- nw_list.append({"ip": nw})
- r = self.c.compute_action_start(
- args.get("datacenter"),
- args.get("name"),
- args.get("image"),
- args.get("docker_command"),
- nw_list)
- pp.pprint(r)
- def stop(self, args):
- r = self.c.compute_action_stop(
- args.get("datacenter"), args.get("name"))
- pp.pprint(r)
- def list(self, args):
- r = self.c.compute_list(
- args.get("datacenter"))
- table = []
- for c in r:
- # for each container add a line to the output table
- if len(c) > 1:
- name = c[0]
- status = c[1]
- eth0ip = None
- eth0status = "down"
- if len(status.get("network")) > 0:
- eth0ip = status.get("network")[0][1]
- eth0status = "up" if status.get(
- "network")[0][3] else "down"
- table.append([status.get("datacenter"),
- name,
- status.get("image"),
- eth0ip,
- eth0status,
- status.get("state").get("Status")])
- headers = ["Datacenter",
- "Container",
- "Image",
- "eth0 IP",
- "eth0 status",
- "Status"]
- print tabulate(table, headers=headers, tablefmt="grid")
- def status(self, args):
- r = self.c.compute_status(
- args.get("datacenter"), args.get("name"))
- pp.pprint(r)
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='son-emu compute')
- "command",
- choices=['start', 'stop', 'list', 'status'],
- help="Action to be executed.")
- "--datacenter", "-d", dest="datacenter",
- help="Data center to in which the compute instance should be executed")
- "--name", "-n", dest="name",
- help="Name of compute instance e.g. 'vnf1'")
- "--image","-i", dest="image",
- help="Name of container image to be used e.g. 'ubuntu'")
- "--dcmd", "-c", dest="docker_command",
- help="Startup command of the container e.g. './start.sh'")
- "--net", dest="network",
- help="Network properties of compute instance e.g. \
- '' or ',' for multiple interfaces.")
-def main(argv):
- args = vars(parser.parse_args(argv))
- c = ZeroRpcClient()
- c.execute_command(args)
+++ /dev/null
-son-emu datacenter CLI
-(c) 2016 by Manuel Peuster <manuel.peuster@upb.de>
-import argparse
-import pprint
-from tabulate import tabulate
-import zerorpc
-pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
-class ZeroRpcClient(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.c = zerorpc.Client()
- self.c.connect("tcp://") # TODO hard coded for now. we'll change this later
- self.cmds = {}
- def execute_command(self, args):
- if getattr(self, args["command"]) is not None:
- # call the local method with the same name as the command arg
- getattr(self, args["command"])(args)
- else:
- print "Command not implemented."
- def list(self, args):
- r = self.c.datacenter_list()
- table = []
- for d in r:
- # for each dc add a line to the output table
- if len(d) > 0:
- table.append([d.get("label"),
- d.get("internalname"),
- d.get("switch"),
- d.get("n_running_containers"),
- len(d.get("metadata"))])
- headers = ["Label",
- "Internal Name",
- "Switch",
- "# Containers",
- "# Metadata Items"]
- print tabulate(table, headers=headers, tablefmt="grid")
- def status(self, args):
- r = self.c.datacenter_status(
- args.get("datacenter"))
- pp.pprint(r)
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='son-emu datacenter')
- "command",
- choices=['list', 'status'],
- help="Action to be executed.")
- "--datacenter", "-d", dest="datacenter",
- help="Data center to which the command should be applied.")
-def main(argv):
- args = vars(parser.parse_args(argv))
- c = ZeroRpcClient()
- c.execute_command(args)
+++ /dev/null
-son-emu network CLI\r
-(c) 2016 by Manuel Peuster <manuel.peuster@upb.de>\r
-import argparse\r
-import pprint\r
-from tabulate import tabulate\r
-import zerorpc\r
-pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)\r
-class ZeroRpcClient(object):\r
- def __init__(self):\r
- self.c = zerorpc.Client()\r
- # TODO connect to DCNetwork API\r
- #self.c.connect("tcp://") # TODO hard coded for now. we'll change this later\r
- self.c.connect("tcp://")\r
- self.cmds = {}\r
- def execute_command(self, args):\r
- if getattr(self, args["command"]) is not None:\r
- # call the local method with the same name as the command arg\r
- getattr(self, args["command"])(args)\r
- else:\r
- print "Command not implemented."\r
- def get_rate(self, args):\r
- r = self.c.monitor_get_rate(\r
- args.get("vnf_name"),\r
- args.get("direction"))\r
- pp.pprint(r)\r
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='son-emu network')\r
- "command",\r
- help="Action to be executed: get_rate")\r
- "--vnf_name", "-vnf", dest="vnf_name",\r
- help="vnf name to be monitored")\r
- "--direction", "-d", dest="direction",\r
- help="in (ingress rate) or out (egress rate)")\r
-def main(argv):\r
- print "This is the son-emu monitor CLI."\r
- print "Arguments: %s" % str(argv)\r
- args = vars(parser.parse_args(argv))\r
- c = ZeroRpcClient()\r
- c.execute_command(args)\r
+++ /dev/null
-son-emu network CLI\r
-(c) 2016 by Manuel Peuster <manuel.peuster@upb.de>\r
-import argparse\r
-import pprint\r
-from tabulate import tabulate\r
-import zerorpc\r
-pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)\r
-class ZeroRpcClient(object):\r
- def __init__(self):\r
- self.c = zerorpc.Client()\r
- # TODO connect to DCNetwork API\r
- #self.c.connect("tcp://") # TODO hard coded for now. we'll change this later\r
- self.c.connect("tcp://")\r
- self.cmds = {}\r
- def execute_command(self, args):\r
- if getattr(self, args["command"]) is not None:\r
- # call the local method with the same name as the command arg\r
- getattr(self, args["command"])(args)\r
- else:\r
- print "Command not implemented."\r
- def add(self, args):\r
- r = self.c.network_action_start(\r
- #args.get("datacenter"),\r
- args.get("source"),\r
- args.get("destination"))\r
- pp.pprint(r)\r
- def remove(self, args):\r
- r = self.c.network_action_stop(\r
- #args.get("datacenter"),\r
- args.get("source"),\r
- args.get("destination"))\r
- pp.pprint(r)\r
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='son-emu network')\r
- "command",\r
- help="Action to be executed: add|remove")\r
- "--datacenter", "-d", dest="datacenter",\r
- help="Data center to in which the network action should be initiated")\r
- "--source", "-src", dest="source",\r
- help="vnf name of the source of the chain")\r
- "--destination", "-dst", dest="destination",\r
- help="vnf name of the destination of the chain")\r
-def main(argv):\r
- args = vars(parser.parse_args(argv))\r
- c = ZeroRpcClient()\r
- c.execute_command(args)\r
+++ /dev/null
- Simple CLI client to interact with a running emulator.
- (c) 2016 by Manuel Peuster <manuel.peuster@upb.de>
- The CLI offers different tools, e.g., compute, network, ...
- Each of these tools is implemented as an independent Python
- module.
- cli compute start dc1 my_name flavor_a
- cli network create dc1
-import sys
-import compute
-import network
-import datacenter
-import monitor
-def main():
- if len(sys.argv) < 2:
- print "Usage: son-emu-cli <toolname> <arguments>"
- exit(0)
- if sys.argv[1] == "compute":
- compute.main(sys.argv[2:])
- elif sys.argv[1] == "network":
- network.main(sys.argv[2:])
- elif sys.argv[1] == "datacenter":
- datacenter.main(sys.argv[2:])
- elif sys.argv[1] == "monitor":
- monitor.main(sys.argv[2:])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
+++ /dev/null
-Distributed Cloud Emulator (dcemulator)
-(c) 2015 by Manuel Peuster <manuel.peuster@upb.de>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-__author__ = 'Administrator'\r
-import urllib2\r
-import logging\r
-from mininet.node import OVSSwitch\r
-import ast\r
-class to read openflow stats from the Ryu controller of the DCNEtwork\r
-class DCNetworkMonitor():\r
- def __init__(self, net):\r
- self.net = net\r
- # link to REST_API\r
- self.ip = ''\r
- self.port = '8080'\r
- self.REST_api = 'http://{0}:{1}'.format(self.ip,self.port)\r
- def get_rate(self, vnf_name, direction='tx'):\r
- try:\r
- vnf_switch = self.net.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(str(vnf_name))\r
- if len(vnf_switch) > 1:\r
- logging.info("vnf: {0} has multiple ports".format(vnf_name))\r
- return\r
- elif len(vnf_switch) == 0:\r
- logging.info("vnf: {0} is not connected".format(vnf_name))\r
- return\r
- else:\r
- vnf_switch = vnf_switch[0]\r
- next_node = self.net.getNodeByName(vnf_switch)\r
- if not isinstance( next_node, OVSSwitch ):\r
- logging.info("vnf: {0} is not connected to switch".format(vnf_name))\r
- return\r
- mon_port = self.net.DCNetwork_graph[vnf_name][vnf_switch]['dst_port']\r
- switch_dpid = x = int(str(next_node.dpid),16)\r
- ret = self.REST_cmd('stats/port', switch_dpid)\r
- port_stat_dict = ast.literal_eval(ret)\r
- for port_stat in port_stat_dict[str(switch_dpid)]:\r
- if port_stat['port_no'] == mon_port:\r
- return port_stat\r
- break\r
- return ret\r
- except Exception as ex:\r
- logging.exception("get_txrate error.")\r
- return ex.message\r
- def REST_cmd(self, prefix, dpid):\r
- url = self.REST_api + '/' + str(prefix) + '/' + str(dpid)\r
- req = urllib2.Request(url)\r
- ret = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()\r
- return ret
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-Distributed Cloud Emulator (dcemulator)
-(c) 2015 by Manuel Peuster <manuel.peuster@upb.de>
-import logging
-import site
-from subprocess import Popen
-import os
-from mininet.net import Dockernet
-from mininet.node import Controller, OVSSwitch, OVSKernelSwitch, Switch, Docker, Host, RemoteController
-from mininet.cli import CLI
-from mininet.log import setLogLevel, info, debug
-from mininet.link import TCLink, Link
-import networkx as nx
-from monitoring import DCNetworkMonitor
-from node import Datacenter, EmulatorCompute
-class DCNetwork(Dockernet):
- """
- Wraps the original Mininet/Dockernet class and provides
- methods to add data centers, switches, etc.
- This class is used by topology definition scripts.
- """
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- self.dcs = {}
- # create a Mininet/Dockernet network
- # call original Docker.__init__ and setup default controller
- #Dockernet.__init__(
- # self, controller=RemoteController, switch=OVSKernelSwitch, **kwargs)
- Dockernet.__init__(
- self, controller=RemoteController, switch=OVSKernelSwitch, **kwargs)
- self.addController('c0', controller=RemoteController)
- # graph of the complete DC network
- self.DCNetwork_graph=nx.DiGraph()
- # monitoring agent
- self.monitor_agent = DCNetworkMonitor(self)
- # start Ryu controller
- self.startRyu()
- def addDatacenter(self, label, metadata={}):
- """
- Create and add a logical cloud data center to the network.
- """
- if label in self.dcs:
- raise Exception("Data center label already exists: %s" % label)
- dc = Datacenter(label, metadata=metadata)
- dc.net = self # set reference to network
- self.dcs[label] = dc
- dc.create() # finally create the data center in our Mininet instance
- logging.info("added data center: %s" % label)
- return dc
- def addLink(self, node1, node2, **params):
- """
- Able to handle Datacenter objects as link
- end points.
- """
- assert node1 is not None
- assert node2 is not None
- logging.debug("addLink: n1=%s n2=%s" % (str(node1), str(node2)))
- # ensure type of node1
- if isinstance( node1, basestring ):
- if node1 in self.dcs:
- node1 = self.dcs[node1].switch
- if isinstance( node1, Datacenter ):
- node1 = node1.switch
- # ensure type of node2
- if isinstance( node2, basestring ):
- if node2 in self.dcs:
- node2 = self.dcs[node2].switch
- if isinstance( node2, Datacenter ):
- node2 = node2.switch
- # try to give containers a default IP
- if isinstance( node1, Docker ):
- if not "params1" in params:
- params["params1"] = {}
- if not "ip" in params["params1"]:
- params["params1"]["ip"] = self.getNextIp()
- if isinstance( node2, Docker ):
- if not "params2" in params:
- params["params2"] = {}
- if not "ip" in params["params2"]:
- params["params2"]["ip"] = self.getNextIp()
- link = Dockernet.addLink(self, node1, node2, **params) # TODO we need TCLinks with user defined performance here
- # add edge and assigned port number to graph in both directions between node1 and node2
- self.DCNetwork_graph.add_edge(node1.name, node2.name, \
- {'src_port': node1.ports[link.intf1], 'dst_port': node2.ports[link.intf2]})
- self.DCNetwork_graph.add_edge(node2.name, node1.name, \
- {'src_port': node2.ports[link.intf2], 'dst_port': node1.ports[link.intf1]})
- return link
- def addDocker( self, label, **params ):
- """
- Wrapper for addDocker method to use custom container class.
- """
- self.DCNetwork_graph.add_node(label)
- return Dockernet.addDocker(self, label, cls=EmulatorCompute, **params)
- def removeDocker( self, label, **params ):
- """
- Wrapper for removeDocker method to update graph.
- """
- self.DCNetwork_graph.remove_node(label)
- return Dockernet.removeDocker(self, label, **params)
- def addSwitch( self, name, add_to_graph=True, **params ):
- """
- Wrapper for addSwitch method to store switch also in graph.
- """
- if add_to_graph:
- self.DCNetwork_graph.add_node(name)
- return Dockernet.addSwitch(self, name, protocols='OpenFlow10,OpenFlow12,OpenFlow13', **params)
- def getAllContainers(self):
- """
- Returns a list with all containers within all data centers.
- """
- all_containers = []
- for dc in self.dcs.itervalues():
- all_containers += dc.listCompute()
- return all_containers
- def start(self):
- # start
- for dc in self.dcs.itervalues():
- dc.start()
- Dockernet.start(self)
- def stop(self):
- # stop Ryu controller
- self.ryu_process.terminate()
- #self.ryu_process.kill()
- Dockernet.stop(self)
- def CLI(self):
- CLI(self)
- # to remove chain do setChain( src, dst, cmd='del-flows')
- def setChain(self, vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, cmd='add-flow'):
- # get shortest path
- path = nx.shortest_path(self.DCNetwork_graph, vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name)
- logging.info("Path between {0} and {1}: {2}".format(vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, path))
- current_hop = vnf_src_name
- for i in range(0,len(path)):
- next_hop = path[path.index(current_hop)+1]
- next_node = self.getNodeByName(next_hop)
- if next_hop == vnf_dst_name:
- return "path added between {0} and {1}".format(vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name)
- elif not isinstance( next_node, OVSSwitch ):
- logging.info("Next node: {0} is not a switch".format(next_hop))
- return "Next node: {0} is not a switch".format(next_hop)
- switch_inport = self.DCNetwork_graph[current_hop][next_hop]['dst_port']
- next2_hop = path[path.index(current_hop)+2]
- switch_outport = self.DCNetwork_graph[next_hop][next2_hop]['src_port']
- logging.info("add flow in switch: {0} in_port: {1} out_port: {2}".format(next_node.name, switch_inport, switch_outport))
- # set of entry via ovs-ofctl
- # TODO use rest API of ryu to set flow entries to correct witch dpid
- if isinstance( next_node, OVSSwitch ):
- match = 'in_port=%s' % switch_inport
- if cmd=='add-flow':
- action = 'action=%s' % switch_outport
- s = ','
- ofcmd = s.join([match,action])
- elif cmd=='del-flows':
- ofcmd = match
- else:
- ofcmd=''
- next_node.dpctl(cmd, ofcmd)
- current_hop = next_hop
- return "destination node: {0} not reached".format(vnf_dst_name)
- # start Ryu Openflow controller as Remote Controller for the DCNetwork
- def startRyu(self):
- # start Ryu controller with rest-API
- python_install_path = site.getsitepackages()[0]
- ryu_path = python_install_path + '/ryu/app/simple_switch_13.py'
- ryu_path2 = python_install_path + '/ryu/app/ofctl_rest.py'
- # change the default Openflow controller port to 6653 (official IANA-assigned port number), as used by Mininet
- # Ryu still uses 6633 as default
- ryu_option = '--ofp-tcp-listen-port'
- ryu_of_port = '6653'
- ryu_cmd = 'ryu-manager'
- FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w')
- self.ryu_process = Popen([ryu_cmd, ryu_path, ryu_path2, ryu_option, ryu_of_port], stdout=FNULL, stderr=FNULL)
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-Distributed Cloud Emulator (dcemulator)
-(c) 2015 by Manuel Peuster <manuel.peuster@upb.de>
-from mininet.node import Docker
-import logging
-DCDPID_BASE = 1000 # start of switch dpid's used for data center switches
-class EmulatorCompute(Docker):
- """
- Emulator specific compute node class.
- Inherits from Dockernet's Docker host class.
- Represents a single container connected to a (logical)
- data center.
- We can add emulator specific helper functions to it.
- """
- def __init__(
- self, name, dimage, **kwargs):
- logging.debug("Create EmulatorCompute instance: %s" % name)
- self.datacenter = None # pointer to current DC
- # call original Docker.__init__
- Docker.__init__(self, name, dimage, **kwargs)
- def getNetworkStatus(self):
- """
- Helper method to receive information about the virtual networks
- this compute instance is connected to.
- """
- # format list of tuples (name, Ip, MAC, isUp, status)
- return [(str(i), i.IP(), i.MAC(), i.isUp(), i.status())
- for i in self.intfList()]
- def getStatus(self):
- """
- Helper method to receive information about this compute instance.
- """
- status = {}
- status["name"] = self.name
- status["network"] = self.getNetworkStatus()
- status["image"] = self.dimage
- status["cpu_quota"] = self.cpu_quota
- status["cpu_period"] = self.cpu_period
- status["cpu_shares"] = self.cpu_shares
- status["cpuset"] = self.cpuset
- status["mem_limit"] = self.mem_limit
- status["memswap_limit"] = self.memswap_limit
- status["state"] = self.dcli.inspect_container(self.dc)["State"]
- status["id"] = self.dcli.inspect_container(self.dc)["Id"]
- status["datacenter"] = (None if self.datacenter is None
- else self.datacenter.label)
- return status
-class Datacenter(object):
- """
- Represents a logical data center to which compute resources
- (Docker containers) can be added at runtime.
- Will also implement resource bookkeeping in later versions.
- """
- def __init__(self, label, metadata={}):
- self.net = None # DCNetwork to which we belong
- # each node (DC) has a short internal name used by Mininet
- # this is caused by Mininets naming limitations for swtiches etc.
- self.name = "dc%d" % Datacenter.DC_COUNTER
- Datacenter.DC_COUNTER += 1
- # use this for user defined names that can be longer than self.name
- self.label = label
- # dict to store arbitrary metadata (e.g. latitude and longitude)
- self.metadata = metadata
- self.switch = None # first prototype assumes one "bigswitch" per DC
- self.containers = {} # keep track of running containers
- def _get_next_dc_dpid(self):
- global DCDPID_BASE
- return DCDPID_BASE
- def create(self):
- """
- Each data center is represented by a single switch to which
- compute resources can be connected at run time.
- TODO: This will be changed in the future to support multiple networks
- per data center
- """
- self.switch = self.net.addSwitch(
- "%s.s1" % self.name, dpid=hex(self._get_next_dc_dpid())[2:])
- logging.debug("created data center switch: %s" % str(self.switch))
- def start(self):
- pass
- def startCompute(self, name, image=None, command=None, network=None):
- """
- Create a new container as compute resource and connect it to this
- data center.
- :param name: name (string)
- :param image: image name (string)
- :param command: command (string)
- :param network: networks list({"ip": ""}, {"ip": ""})
- :return:
- """
- assert name is not None
- # no duplications
- if name in [c.name for c in self.net.getAllContainers()]:
- raise Exception("Container with name %s already exists." % name)
- # set default parameter
- if image is None:
- image = "ubuntu"
- if network is None:
- network = {} # {"ip": ""}
- if isinstance(network, dict):
- network = [network] # if we have only one network, put it in a list
- if isinstance(network, list):
- if len(network) < 1:
- network.append({})
- # create the container
- d = self.net.addDocker("%s" % (name), dimage=image, dcmd=command)
- # connect all given networks
- for nw in network:
- self.net.addLink(d, self.switch, params1=nw)
- # do bookkeeping
- self.containers[name] = d
- d.datacenter = self
- return d # we might use UUIDs for naming later on
- def stopCompute(self, name):
- """
- Stop and remove a container from this data center.
- """
- assert name is not None
- if name not in self.containers:
- raise Exception("Container with name %s not found." % name)
- self.net.removeLink(
- link=None, node1=self.containers[name], node2=self.switch)
- self.net.removeDocker("%s" % (name))
- del self.containers[name]
- return True
- def listCompute(self):
- """
- Return a list of all running containers assigned to this
- data center.
- """
- return list(self.containers.itervalues())
- def getStatus(self):
- """
- Return a dict with status information about this DC.
- """
- return {
- "label": self.label,
- "internalname": self.name,
- "switch": self.switch.name,
- "n_running_containers": len(self.containers),
- "metadata": self.metadata
- }
+++ /dev/null
-This is an example topology for the distributed cloud emulator (dcemulator).
-(c) 2015 by Manuel Peuster <manuel.peuster@upb.de>
-This is an example that shows how a user of the emulation tool can
-define network topologies with multiple emulated cloud data centers.
-The definition is done with a Python API which looks very similar to the
-Mininet API (in fact it is a wrapper for it).
-We only specify the topology *between* data centers not within a single
-data center (data center internal setups or placements are not of interest,
-we want to experiment with VNF chains deployed across multiple PoPs).
-The original Mininet API has to be completely hidden and not be used by this
-import logging
-from mininet.log import setLogLevel
-from dcemulator.net import DCNetwork
-from api.zerorpcapi import ZeroRpcApiEndpoint
-from api.zerorpcapi_DCNetwork import ZeroRpcApiEndpointDCNetwork
-def create_topology1():
- """
- 1. Create a data center network object (DCNetwork)
- """
- net = DCNetwork()
- """
- 1b. add a monitoring agent to the DCNetwork
- """
- mon_api = ZeroRpcApiEndpointDCNetwork("", 5151)
- mon_api.connectDCNetwork(net)
- mon_api.start()
- """
- 2. Add (logical) data centers to the topology
- (each data center is one "bigswitch" in our simplified
- first prototype)
- """
- dc1 = net.addDatacenter("datacenter1")
- dc2 = net.addDatacenter("datacenter2")
- dc3 = net.addDatacenter("long_data_center_name3")
- dc4 = net.addDatacenter(
- "datacenter4",
- metadata={"mydata": "we can also add arbitrary metadata to each DC"})
- """
- 3. You can add additional SDN switches for data center
- interconnections to the network.
- """
- s1 = net.addSwitch("s1")
- """
- 4. Add links between your data centers and additional switches
- to define you topology.
- These links can use Mininet's features to limit bw, add delay or jitter.
- """
- net.addLink(dc1, dc2)
- net.addLink("datacenter1", s1)
- net.addLink(s1, dc3)
- net.addLink(s1, "datacenter4")
- """
- 5. We want to access and control our data centers from the outside,
- e.g., we want to connect an orchestrator to start/stop compute
- resources aka. VNFs (represented by Docker containers in the emulated)
- So we need to instantiate API endpoints (e.g. a zerorpc or REST
- interface). Depending on the endpoint implementations, we can connect
- one or more data centers to it, which can then be controlled through
- this API, e.g., start/stop/list compute instances.
- """
- # create a new instance of a endpoint implementation
- zapi1 = ZeroRpcApiEndpoint("", 4242)
- # connect data centers to this endpoint
- zapi1.connectDatacenter(dc1)
- zapi1.connectDatacenter(dc2)
- zapi1.connectDatacenter(dc3)
- zapi1.connectDatacenter(dc4)
- # run API endpoint server (in another thread, don't block)
- zapi1.start()
- """
- 5.1. For our example, we create a second endpoint to illustrate that
- this is supported by our design. This feature allows us to have
- one API endpoint for each data center. This makes the emulation
- environment more realistic because you can easily create one
- OpenStack-like REST API endpoint for *each* data center.
- This will look like a real-world multi PoP/data center deployment
- from the perspective of an orchestrator.
- """
- zapi2 = ZeroRpcApiEndpoint("", 4343)
- zapi2.connectDatacenter(dc3)
- zapi2.connectDatacenter(dc4)
- zapi2.start()
- """
- 6. Finally we are done and can start our network (the emulator).
- We can also enter the Mininet CLI to interactively interact
- with our compute resources (just like in default Mininet).
- But we can also implement fully automated experiments that
- can be executed again and again.
- """
- net.start()
- net.CLI()
- # when the user types exit in the CLI, we stop the emulator
- net.stop()
-def main():
- setLogLevel('info') # set Mininet loglevel
- create_topology1()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
+++ /dev/null
-import runner
-import os
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- thisdir = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath( __file__ ) )
- runner.main(thisdir)
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Run all tests
- -v : verbose output
- -e : emulator test only (no API tests)
- -a : API tests only
-from unittest import defaultTestLoader, TextTestRunner, TestSuite
-import os
-import sys
-from mininet.util import ensureRoot
-from mininet.clean import cleanup
-from mininet.log import setLogLevel
-def runTests( testDir, verbosity=1, emuonly=False, apionly=False ):
- "discover and run all tests in testDir"
- # ensure inport paths work
- sys.path.append("%s/.." % testDir)
- # ensure root and cleanup before starting tests
- ensureRoot()
- cleanup()
- # discover all tests in testDir
- testSuite = defaultTestLoader.discover( testDir )
- if emuonly:
- testSuiteFiltered = [s for s in testSuite if "Emulator" in str(s)]
- testSuite = TestSuite()
- testSuite.addTests(testSuiteFiltered)
- if apionly:
- testSuiteFiltered = [s for s in testSuite if "Api" in str(s)]
- testSuite = TestSuite()
- testSuite.addTests(testSuiteFiltered)
- # run tests
- TextTestRunner( verbosity=verbosity ).run( testSuite )
-def main(thisdir):
- setLogLevel( 'warning' )
- # get the directory containing example tests
- vlevel = 2 if '-v' in sys.argv else 1
- emuonly = ('-e' in sys.argv)
- apionly = ('-a' in sys.argv)
- runTests(
- testDir=thisdir, verbosity=vlevel, emuonly=emuonly, apionly=apionly)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- thisdir = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath( __file__ ) )
- main(thisdir)
+++ /dev/null
-#TODO we'll need this at some time. But I'am lazy. A good REST API seems to be more important.
+++ /dev/null
-Test suite to automatically test emulator functionalities.
-Directly interacts with the emulator through the Mininet-like
-Python API.
-Does not test API endpoints. This is done in separated test suites.
-import unittest
-import os
-import time
-import subprocess
-import docker
-from dcemulator.net import DCNetwork
-from dcemulator.node import EmulatorCompute
-from mininet.node import Host, Controller, OVSSwitch, Docker
-from mininet.link import TCLink
-from mininet.topo import SingleSwitchTopo, LinearTopo
-from mininet.log import setLogLevel
-from mininet.util import quietRun
-from mininet.clean import cleanup
-class simpleTestTopology( unittest.TestCase ):
- """
- Helper class to do basic test setups.
- s1 -- s2 -- s3 -- ... -- sN
- """
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self.net = None
- self.s = [] # list of switches
- self.h = [] # list of hosts
- self.d = [] # list of docker containers
- self.dc = [] # list of data centers
- self.docker_cli = None
- super(simpleTestTopology, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- def createNet(
- self,
- nswitches=0, ndatacenter=0, nhosts=0, ndockers=0,
- autolinkswitches=False):
- """
- Creates a Mininet instance and automatically adds some
- nodes to it.
- """
- self.net = net = DCNetwork()
- # add some switches
- for i in range(0, nswitches):
- self.s.append(self.net.addSwitch('s%d' % i))
- # if specified, chain all switches
- if autolinkswitches:
- for i in range(0, len(self.s) - 1):
- self.net.addLink(self.s[i], self.s[i + 1])
- # add some data centers
- for i in range(0, ndatacenter):
- self.dc.append(
- self.net.addDatacenter(
- 'datacenter%d' % i,
- metadata={"unittest_dc": i}))
- # add some hosts
- for i in range(0, nhosts):
- self.h.append(self.net.addHost('h%d' % i))
- # add some dockers
- for i in range(0, ndockers):
- self.d.append(self.net.addDocker('d%d' % i, dimage="ubuntu"))
- def startNet(self):
- self.net.start()
- def stopNet(self):
- self.net.stop()
- def getDockerCli(self):
- """
- Helper to interact with local docker instance.
- """
- if self.docker_cli is None:
- self.docker_cli = docker.Client(
- base_url='unix://var/run/docker.sock')
- return self.docker_cli
- def getDockernetContainers(self):
- """
- List the containers managed by dockernet
- """
- return self.getDockerCli().containers(filters={"label": "com.dockernet"})
- @staticmethod
- def setUp():
- pass
- @staticmethod
- def tearDown():
- cleanup()
- # make sure that all pending docker containers are killed
- with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
- subprocess.call(
- "sudo docker rm -f $(sudo docker ps --filter 'label=com.dockernet' -a -q)",
- stdout=devnull,
- stderr=devnull,
- shell=True)
-#@unittest.skip("disabled topology tests for development")
-class testEmulatorTopology( simpleTestTopology ):
- """
- Tests to check the topology API of the emulator.
- """
- def testSingleDatacenter(self):
- """
- Create a single data center and add check if its switch is up
- by using manually added hosts. Tests especially the
- data center specific addLink method.
- """
- # create network
- self.createNet(nswitches=0, ndatacenter=1, nhosts=2, ndockers=0)
- # setup links
- self.net.addLink(self.dc[0], self.h[0])
- self.net.addLink(self.h[1], self.dc[0])
- # start Mininet network
- self.startNet()
- # check number of running nodes
- assert(len(self.getDockernetContainers()) == 0)
- assert(len(self.net.hosts) == 2)
- assert(len(self.net.switches) == 1)
- # check connectivity by using ping
- assert(self.net.ping([self.h[0], self.h[1]]) <= 0.0)
- # stop Mininet network
- self.stopNet()
- def testMultipleDatacenterDirect(self):
- """
- Create a two data centers and interconnect them.
- """
- # create network
- self.createNet(nswitches=0, ndatacenter=2, nhosts=2, ndockers=0)
- # setup links
- self.net.addLink(self.dc[0], self.h[0])
- self.net.addLink(self.h[1], self.dc[1])
- self.net.addLink(self.dc[0], self.dc[1])
- # start Mininet network
- self.startNet()
- # check number of running nodes
- assert(len(self.getDockernetContainers()) == 0)
- assert(len(self.net.hosts) == 2)
- assert(len(self.net.switches) == 2)
- # check connectivity by using ping
- assert(self.net.ping([self.h[0], self.h[1]]) <= 0.0)
- # stop Mininet network
- self.stopNet()
- def testMultipleDatacenterWithIntermediateSwitches(self):
- """
- Create a two data centers and interconnect them with additional
- switches between them.
- """
- # create network
- self.createNet(
- nswitches=3, ndatacenter=2, nhosts=2, ndockers=0,
- autolinkswitches=True)
- # setup links
- self.net.addLink(self.dc[0], self.h[0])
- self.net.addLink(self.h[1], self.dc[1])
- self.net.addLink(self.dc[0], self.s[0])
- self.net.addLink(self.s[2], self.dc[1])
- # start Mininet network
- self.startNet()
- # check number of running nodes
- assert(len(self.getDockernetContainers()) == 0)
- assert(len(self.net.hosts) == 2)
- assert(len(self.net.switches) == 5)
- # check connectivity by using ping
- assert(self.net.ping([self.h[0], self.h[1]]) <= 0.0)
- # stop Mininet network
- self.stopNet()
-#@unittest.skip("disabled compute tests for development")
-class testEmulatorCompute( simpleTestTopology ):
- """
- Tests to check the emulator's API to add and remove
- compute resources at runtime.
- """
- def testAddSingleComputeSingleDC(self):
- """
- Adds a single compute instance to
- a single DC and checks its connectivity with a
- manually added host.
- """
- # create network
- self.createNet(nswitches=0, ndatacenter=1, nhosts=1, ndockers=0)
- # setup links
- self.net.addLink(self.dc[0], self.h[0])
- # start Mininet network
- self.startNet()
- # add compute resources
- vnf1 = self.dc[0].startCompute("vnf1")
- # check number of running nodes
- assert(len(self.getDockernetContainers()) == 1)
- assert(len(self.net.hosts) == 2)
- assert(len(self.net.switches) == 1)
- # check compute list result
- assert(len(self.dc[0].listCompute()) == 1)
- assert(isinstance(self.dc[0].listCompute()[0], EmulatorCompute))
- assert(self.dc[0].listCompute()[0].name == "vnf1")
- # check connectivity by using ping
- assert(self.net.ping([self.h[0], vnf1]) <= 0.0)
- # stop Mininet network
- self.stopNet()
- def testRemoveSingleComputeSingleDC(self):
- """
- Test stop method for compute instances.
- Check that the instance is really removed.
- """
- # create network
- self.createNet(nswitches=0, ndatacenter=1, nhosts=1, ndockers=0)
- # setup links
- self.net.addLink(self.dc[0], self.h[0])
- # start Mininet network
- self.startNet()
- # add compute resources
- vnf1 = self.dc[0].startCompute("vnf1")
- # check number of running nodes
- assert(len(self.getDockernetContainers()) == 1)
- assert(len(self.net.hosts) == 2)
- assert(len(self.net.switches) == 1)
- # check compute list result
- assert(len(self.dc[0].listCompute()) == 1)
- # check connectivity by using ping
- assert(self.net.ping([self.h[0], vnf1]) <= 0.0)
- # remove compute resources
- self.dc[0].stopCompute("vnf1")
- # check number of running nodes
- assert(len(self.getDockernetContainers()) == 0)
- assert(len(self.net.hosts) == 1)
- assert(len(self.net.switches) == 1)
- # check compute list result
- assert(len(self.dc[0].listCompute()) == 0)
- # stop Mininet network
- self.stopNet()
- def testGetStatusSingleComputeSingleDC(self):
- """
- Check if the getStatus functionality of EmulatorCompute
- objects works well.
- """
- # create network
- self.createNet(nswitches=0, ndatacenter=1, nhosts=1, ndockers=0)
- # setup links
- self.net.addLink(self.dc[0], self.h[0])
- # start Mininet network
- self.startNet()
- # add compute resources
- vnf1 = self.dc[0].startCompute("vnf1")
- # check number of running nodes
- assert(len(self.getDockernetContainers()) == 1)
- assert(len(self.net.hosts) == 2)
- assert(len(self.net.switches) == 1)
- # check compute list result
- assert(len(self.dc[0].listCompute()) == 1)
- assert(isinstance(self.dc[0].listCompute()[0], EmulatorCompute))
- assert(self.dc[0].listCompute()[0].name == "vnf1")
- # check connectivity by using ping
- assert(self.net.ping([self.h[0], vnf1]) <= 0.0)
- # check get status
- s = self.dc[0].containers.get("vnf1").getStatus()
- assert(s["name"] == "vnf1")
- assert(s["state"]["Running"])
- # stop Mininet network
- self.stopNet()
- def testConnectivityMultiDC(self):
- """
- Test if compute instances started in different data centers
- are able to talk to each other.
- """
- # create network
- self.createNet(
- nswitches=3, ndatacenter=2, nhosts=0, ndockers=0,
- autolinkswitches=True)
- # setup links
- self.net.addLink(self.dc[0], self.s[0])
- self.net.addLink(self.dc[1], self.s[2])
- # start Mininet network
- self.startNet()
- # add compute resources
- vnf1 = self.dc[0].startCompute("vnf1")
- vnf2 = self.dc[1].startCompute("vnf2")
- # check number of running nodes
- assert(len(self.getDockernetContainers()) == 2)
- assert(len(self.net.hosts) == 2)
- assert(len(self.net.switches) == 5)
- # check compute list result
- assert(len(self.dc[0].listCompute()) == 1)
- assert(len(self.dc[1].listCompute()) == 1)
- # check connectivity by using ping
- assert(self.net.ping([vnf1, vnf2]) <= 0.0)
- # stop Mininet network
- self.stopNet()
- def testInterleavedAddRemoveMultiDC(self):
- """
- Test multiple, interleaved add and remove operations and ensure
- that always all expected compute instances are reachable.
- """
- # create network
- self.createNet(
- nswitches=3, ndatacenter=2, nhosts=0, ndockers=0,
- autolinkswitches=True)
- # setup links
- self.net.addLink(self.dc[0], self.s[0])
- self.net.addLink(self.dc[1], self.s[2])
- # start Mininet network
- self.startNet()
- # add compute resources
- vnf1 = self.dc[0].startCompute("vnf1")
- vnf2 = self.dc[1].startCompute("vnf2")
- # check number of running nodes
- assert(len(self.getDockernetContainers()) == 2)
- assert(len(self.net.hosts) == 2)
- assert(len(self.net.switches) == 5)
- # check compute list result
- assert(len(self.dc[0].listCompute()) == 1)
- assert(len(self.dc[1].listCompute()) == 1)
- # check connectivity by using ping
- assert(self.net.ping([vnf1, vnf2]) <= 0.0)
- # remove compute resources
- self.dc[0].stopCompute("vnf1")
- # check number of running nodes
- assert(len(self.getDockernetContainers()) == 1)
- assert(len(self.net.hosts) == 1)
- assert(len(self.net.switches) == 5)
- # check compute list result
- assert(len(self.dc[0].listCompute()) == 0)
- assert(len(self.dc[1].listCompute()) == 1)
- # add compute resources
- vnf3 = self.dc[0].startCompute("vnf3")
- vnf4 = self.dc[0].startCompute("vnf4")
- # check compute list result
- assert(len(self.dc[0].listCompute()) == 2)
- assert(len(self.dc[1].listCompute()) == 1)
- assert(self.net.ping([vnf3, vnf2]) <= 0.0)
- assert(self.net.ping([vnf4, vnf2]) <= 0.0)
- # remove compute resources
- self.dc[0].stopCompute("vnf3")
- self.dc[0].stopCompute("vnf4")
- self.dc[1].stopCompute("vnf2")
- # check compute list result
- assert(len(self.dc[0].listCompute()) == 0)
- assert(len(self.dc[1].listCompute()) == 0)
- # stop Mininet network
- self.stopNet()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main()
--- /dev/null
+Distributed Cloud Emulator (dcemulator)
+(c) 2015 by Manuel Peuster <manuel.peuster@upb.de>
+import logging
+import threading
+import zerorpc
+class ZeroRpcApiEndpoint(object):
+ """
+ Simple API endpoint that offers a zerorpc-based
+ interface. This interface will be used by the
+ default command line client.
+ It can be used as a reference to implement
+ REST interfaces providing the same semantics,
+ like e.g. OpenStack compute API.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, listenip, port):
+ self.dcs = {}
+ self.ip = listenip
+ self.port = port
+ logging.debug("Created API endpoint %s(%s:%d)" % (
+ self.__class__.__name__, self.ip, self.port))
+ def connectDatacenter(self, dc):
+ self.dcs[dc.label] = dc
+ logging.info("Connected DC(%s) to API endpoint %s(%s:%d)" % (
+ dc.label, self.__class__.__name__, self.ip, self.port))
+ def start(self):
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=self._api_server_thread, args=())
+ thread.daemon = True
+ thread.start()
+ logging.debug("Started API endpoint %s(%s:%d)" % (
+ self.__class__.__name__, self.ip, self.port))
+ def _api_server_thread(self):
+ s = zerorpc.Server(MultiDatacenterApi(self.dcs))
+ s.bind("tcp://%s:%d" % (self.ip, self.port))
+ s.run()
+class MultiDatacenterApi(object):
+ """
+ Just pass through the corresponding request to the
+ selected data center. Do not implement provisioning
+ logic here because will will have multiple API
+ endpoint implementations at the end.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, dcs):
+ self.dcs = dcs
+ def compute_action_start(self, dc_label, compute_name, image, command, network):
+ """
+ Start a new compute instance: A docker container
+ :param dc_label: name of the DC
+ :param compute_name: compute container name
+ :param image: image name
+ :param command: command to execute
+ :param network:
+ :return: networks list({"ip": ""}, {"ip": ""})
+ """
+ # TODO what to return UUID / given name / internal name ?
+ logging.debug("RPC CALL: compute start")
+ try:
+ c = self.dcs.get(dc_label).startCompute(
+ compute_name, image=image, command=command, network=network)
+ return str(c.name)
+ except Exception as ex:
+ logging.exception("RPC error.")
+ return ex.message
+ def compute_action_stop(self, dc_label, compute_name):
+ logging.debug("RPC CALL: compute stop")
+ try:
+ return self.dcs.get(dc_label).stopCompute(compute_name)
+ except Exception as ex:
+ logging.exception("RPC error.")
+ return ex.message
+ def compute_list(self, dc_label):
+ logging.debug("RPC CALL: compute list")
+ try:
+ if dc_label is None:
+ # return list with all compute nodes in all DCs
+ all_containers = []
+ for dc in self.dcs.itervalues():
+ all_containers += dc.listCompute()
+ return [(c.name, c.getStatus())
+ for c in all_containers]
+ else:
+ # return list of compute nodes for specified DC
+ return [(c.name, c.getStatus())
+ for c in self.dcs.get(dc_label).listCompute()]
+ except Exception as ex:
+ logging.exception("RPC error.")
+ return ex.message
+ def compute_status(self, dc_label, compute_name):
+ logging.debug("RPC CALL: compute status")
+ try:
+ return self.dcs.get(
+ dc_label).containers.get(compute_name).getStatus()
+ except Exception as ex:
+ logging.exception("RPC error.")
+ return ex.message
+ def datacenter_list(self):
+ logging.debug("RPC CALL: datacenter list")
+ try:
+ return [d.getStatus() for d in self.dcs.itervalues()]
+ except Exception as ex:
+ logging.exception("RPC error.")
+ return ex.message
+ def datacenter_status(self, dc_label):
+ logging.debug("RPC CALL: datacenter status")
+ try:
+ return self.dcs.get(dc_label).getStatus()
+ except Exception as ex:
+ logging.exception("RPC error.")
+ return ex.message
--- /dev/null
+Distributed Cloud Emulator (dcemulator)\r
+(c) 2015 by Manuel Peuster <manuel.peuster@upb.de>\r
+import logging\r
+import threading\r
+import zerorpc\r
+class ZeroRpcApiEndpointDCNetwork(object):\r
+ """\r
+ Simple API endpoint that offers a zerorpc-based\r
+ interface. This interface will be used by the\r
+ default command line client.\r
+ It can be used as a reference to implement\r
+ REST interfaces providing the same semantics,\r
+ like e.g. OpenStack compute API.\r
+ """\r
+ def __init__(self, listenip, port, DCNetwork=None):\r
+ if DCNetwork :\r
+ self.connectDCNetwork(DCNetwork)\r
+ self.ip = listenip\r
+ self.port = port\r
+ logging.debug("Created monitoring API endpoint %s(%s:%d)" % (\r
+ self.__class__.__name__, self.ip, self.port))\r
+ def connectDCNetwork(self, net):\r
+ self.net = net\r
+ logging.info("Connected DCNetwork to API endpoint %s(%s:%d)" % (\r
+ self.__class__.__name__, self.ip, self.port))\r
+ def start(self):\r
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=self._api_server_thread, args=())\r
+ thread.daemon = True\r
+ thread.start()\r
+ logging.debug("Started API endpoint %s(%s:%d)" % (\r
+ self.__class__.__name__, self.ip, self.port))\r
+ def _api_server_thread(self):\r
+ s = zerorpc.Server(DCNetworkApi(self.net))\r
+ s.bind("tcp://%s:%d" % (self.ip, self.port))\r
+ s.run()\r
+ def stop(self):\r
+ logging.info("Stop the monitoring API endpoint")\r
+ return\r
+class DCNetworkApi(object):\r
+ """\r
+ The networking and monitoring commands need the scope of the\r
+ whole DC network to find the requested vnf. So this API is intended\r
+ to work with a DCNetwork.\r
+ Just pass through the corresponding request to the\r
+ selected data center network. Do not implement provisioning\r
+ logic here because will will have multiple API\r
+ endpoint implementations at the end.\r
+ """\r
+ def __init__(self, net):\r
+ self.net = net\r
+ def network_action_start(self, vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name):\r
+ # call DCNetwork method, not really datacenter specific API for now...\r
+ # provided dc name needs to be part of API endpoint\r
+ # no check if vnfs are really connected to this datacenter...\r
+ logging.debug("RPC CALL: network chain start")\r
+ try:\r
+ c = self.net.setChain(\r
+ vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name)\r
+ return str(c)\r
+ except Exception as ex:\r
+ logging.exception("RPC error.")\r
+ return ex.message\r
+ def network_action_stop(self, vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name):\r
+ # call DCNetwork method, not really datacenter specific API for now...\r
+ # provided dc name needs to be part of API endpoint\r
+ # no check if vnfs are really connected to this datacenter...\r
+ logging.debug("RPC CALL: network chain stop")\r
+ try:\r
+ c = self.net.setChain(\r
+ vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, cmd='del-flows')\r
+ return c\r
+ except Exception as ex:\r
+ logging.exception("RPC error.")\r
+ return ex.message\r
+ # get egress(default) or ingress rate of a vnf\r
+ def monitor_get_rate(self, vnf_name, direction):\r
+ logging.debug("RPC CALL: get rate")\r
+ try:\r
+ c = self.net.monitor_agent.get_rate(vnf_name, direction)\r
+ return c\r
+ except Exception as ex:\r
+ logging.exception("RPC error.")\r
+ return ex.message\r
--- /dev/null
+son-emu compute CLI
+(c) 2016 by Manuel Peuster <manuel.peuster@upb.de>
+import argparse
+import pprint
+from tabulate import tabulate
+import zerorpc
+pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
+class ZeroRpcClient(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.c = zerorpc.Client()
+ self.c.connect("tcp://") # TODO hard coded for now. we'll change this later
+ self.cmds = {}
+ def execute_command(self, args):
+ if getattr(self, args["command"]) is not None:
+ # call the local method with the same name as the command arg
+ getattr(self, args["command"])(args)
+ else:
+ print "Command not implemented."
+ def start(self, args):
+ nw_list = list()
+ if args.get("network") is not None:
+ networks = args.get("network").split(",")
+ for nw in networks:
+ nw_list.append({"ip": nw})
+ r = self.c.compute_action_start(
+ args.get("datacenter"),
+ args.get("name"),
+ args.get("image"),
+ args.get("docker_command"),
+ nw_list)
+ pp.pprint(r)
+ def stop(self, args):
+ r = self.c.compute_action_stop(
+ args.get("datacenter"), args.get("name"))
+ pp.pprint(r)
+ def list(self, args):
+ r = self.c.compute_list(
+ args.get("datacenter"))
+ table = []
+ for c in r:
+ # for each container add a line to the output table
+ if len(c) > 1:
+ name = c[0]
+ status = c[1]
+ eth0ip = None
+ eth0status = "down"
+ if len(status.get("network")) > 0:
+ eth0ip = status.get("network")[0][1]
+ eth0status = "up" if status.get(
+ "network")[0][3] else "down"
+ table.append([status.get("datacenter"),
+ name,
+ status.get("image"),
+ eth0ip,
+ eth0status,
+ status.get("state").get("Status")])
+ headers = ["Datacenter",
+ "Container",
+ "Image",
+ "eth0 IP",
+ "eth0 status",
+ "Status"]
+ print tabulate(table, headers=headers, tablefmt="grid")
+ def status(self, args):
+ r = self.c.compute_status(
+ args.get("datacenter"), args.get("name"))
+ pp.pprint(r)
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='son-emu compute')
+ "command",
+ choices=['start', 'stop', 'list', 'status'],
+ help="Action to be executed.")
+ "--datacenter", "-d", dest="datacenter",
+ help="Data center to in which the compute instance should be executed")
+ "--name", "-n", dest="name",
+ help="Name of compute instance e.g. 'vnf1'")
+ "--image","-i", dest="image",
+ help="Name of container image to be used e.g. 'ubuntu'")
+ "--dcmd", "-c", dest="docker_command",
+ help="Startup command of the container e.g. './start.sh'")
+ "--net", dest="network",
+ help="Network properties of compute instance e.g. \
+ '' or ',' for multiple interfaces.")
+def main(argv):
+ args = vars(parser.parse_args(argv))
+ c = ZeroRpcClient()
+ c.execute_command(args)
--- /dev/null
+son-emu datacenter CLI
+(c) 2016 by Manuel Peuster <manuel.peuster@upb.de>
+import argparse
+import pprint
+from tabulate import tabulate
+import zerorpc
+pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
+class ZeroRpcClient(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.c = zerorpc.Client()
+ self.c.connect("tcp://") # TODO hard coded for now. we'll change this later
+ self.cmds = {}
+ def execute_command(self, args):
+ if getattr(self, args["command"]) is not None:
+ # call the local method with the same name as the command arg
+ getattr(self, args["command"])(args)
+ else:
+ print "Command not implemented."
+ def list(self, args):
+ r = self.c.datacenter_list()
+ table = []
+ for d in r:
+ # for each dc add a line to the output table
+ if len(d) > 0:
+ table.append([d.get("label"),
+ d.get("internalname"),
+ d.get("switch"),
+ d.get("n_running_containers"),
+ len(d.get("metadata"))])
+ headers = ["Label",
+ "Internal Name",
+ "Switch",
+ "# Containers",
+ "# Metadata Items"]
+ print tabulate(table, headers=headers, tablefmt="grid")
+ def status(self, args):
+ r = self.c.datacenter_status(
+ args.get("datacenter"))
+ pp.pprint(r)
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='son-emu datacenter')
+ "command",
+ choices=['list', 'status'],
+ help="Action to be executed.")
+ "--datacenter", "-d", dest="datacenter",
+ help="Data center to which the command should be applied.")
+def main(argv):
+ args = vars(parser.parse_args(argv))
+ c = ZeroRpcClient()
+ c.execute_command(args)
--- /dev/null
+son-emu network CLI\r
+(c) 2016 by Manuel Peuster <manuel.peuster@upb.de>\r
+import argparse\r
+import pprint\r
+from tabulate import tabulate\r
+import zerorpc\r
+pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)\r
+class ZeroRpcClient(object):\r
+ def __init__(self):\r
+ self.c = zerorpc.Client()\r
+ # TODO connect to DCNetwork API\r
+ #self.c.connect("tcp://") # TODO hard coded for now. we'll change this later\r
+ self.c.connect("tcp://")\r
+ self.cmds = {}\r
+ def execute_command(self, args):\r
+ if getattr(self, args["command"]) is not None:\r
+ # call the local method with the same name as the command arg\r
+ getattr(self, args["command"])(args)\r
+ else:\r
+ print "Command not implemented."\r
+ def get_rate(self, args):\r
+ r = self.c.monitor_get_rate(\r
+ args.get("vnf_name"),\r
+ args.get("direction"))\r
+ pp.pprint(r)\r
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='son-emu network')\r
+ "command",\r
+ help="Action to be executed: get_rate")\r
+ "--vnf_name", "-vnf", dest="vnf_name",\r
+ help="vnf name to be monitored")\r
+ "--direction", "-d", dest="direction",\r
+ help="in (ingress rate) or out (egress rate)")\r
+def main(argv):\r
+ print "This is the son-emu monitor CLI."\r
+ print "Arguments: %s" % str(argv)\r
+ args = vars(parser.parse_args(argv))\r
+ c = ZeroRpcClient()\r
+ c.execute_command(args)\r
--- /dev/null
+son-emu network CLI\r
+(c) 2016 by Manuel Peuster <manuel.peuster@upb.de>\r
+import argparse\r
+import pprint\r
+from tabulate import tabulate\r
+import zerorpc\r
+pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)\r
+class ZeroRpcClient(object):\r
+ def __init__(self):\r
+ self.c = zerorpc.Client()\r
+ # TODO connect to DCNetwork API\r
+ #self.c.connect("tcp://") # TODO hard coded for now. we'll change this later\r
+ self.c.connect("tcp://")\r
+ self.cmds = {}\r
+ def execute_command(self, args):\r
+ if getattr(self, args["command"]) is not None:\r
+ # call the local method with the same name as the command arg\r
+ getattr(self, args["command"])(args)\r
+ else:\r
+ print "Command not implemented."\r
+ def add(self, args):\r
+ r = self.c.network_action_start(\r
+ #args.get("datacenter"),\r
+ args.get("source"),\r
+ args.get("destination"))\r
+ pp.pprint(r)\r
+ def remove(self, args):\r
+ r = self.c.network_action_stop(\r
+ #args.get("datacenter"),\r
+ args.get("source"),\r
+ args.get("destination"))\r
+ pp.pprint(r)\r
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='son-emu network')\r
+ "command",\r
+ help="Action to be executed: add|remove")\r
+ "--datacenter", "-d", dest="datacenter",\r
+ help="Data center to in which the network action should be initiated")\r
+ "--source", "-src", dest="source",\r
+ help="vnf name of the source of the chain")\r
+ "--destination", "-dst", dest="destination",\r
+ help="vnf name of the destination of the chain")\r
+def main(argv):\r
+ args = vars(parser.parse_args(argv))\r
+ c = ZeroRpcClient()\r
+ c.execute_command(args)\r
--- /dev/null
+ Simple CLI client to interact with a running emulator.
+ (c) 2016 by Manuel Peuster <manuel.peuster@upb.de>
+ The CLI offers different tools, e.g., compute, network, ...
+ Each of these tools is implemented as an independent Python
+ module.
+ cli compute start dc1 my_name flavor_a
+ cli network create dc1
+import sys
+import compute
+import network
+import datacenter
+import monitor
+def main():
+ if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+ print "Usage: son-emu-cli <toolname> <arguments>"
+ exit(0)
+ if sys.argv[1] == "compute":
+ compute.main(sys.argv[2:])
+ elif sys.argv[1] == "network":
+ network.main(sys.argv[2:])
+ elif sys.argv[1] == "datacenter":
+ datacenter.main(sys.argv[2:])
+ elif sys.argv[1] == "monitor":
+ monitor.main(sys.argv[2:])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
--- /dev/null
+Distributed Cloud Emulator (dcemulator)
+(c) 2015 by Manuel Peuster <manuel.peuster@upb.de>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+__author__ = 'Administrator'\r
+import urllib2\r
+import logging\r
+from mininet.node import OVSSwitch\r
+import ast\r
+class to read openflow stats from the Ryu controller of the DCNEtwork\r
+class DCNetworkMonitor():\r
+ def __init__(self, net):\r
+ self.net = net\r
+ # link to REST_API\r
+ self.ip = ''\r
+ self.port = '8080'\r
+ self.REST_api = 'http://{0}:{1}'.format(self.ip,self.port)\r
+ def get_rate(self, vnf_name, direction='tx'):\r
+ try:\r
+ vnf_switch = self.net.DCNetwork_graph.neighbors(str(vnf_name))\r
+ if len(vnf_switch) > 1:\r
+ logging.info("vnf: {0} has multiple ports".format(vnf_name))\r
+ return\r
+ elif len(vnf_switch) == 0:\r
+ logging.info("vnf: {0} is not connected".format(vnf_name))\r
+ return\r
+ else:\r
+ vnf_switch = vnf_switch[0]\r
+ next_node = self.net.getNodeByName(vnf_switch)\r
+ if not isinstance( next_node, OVSSwitch ):\r
+ logging.info("vnf: {0} is not connected to switch".format(vnf_name))\r
+ return\r
+ mon_port = self.net.DCNetwork_graph[vnf_name][vnf_switch]['dst_port']\r
+ switch_dpid = x = int(str(next_node.dpid),16)\r
+ ret = self.REST_cmd('stats/port', switch_dpid)\r
+ port_stat_dict = ast.literal_eval(ret)\r
+ for port_stat in port_stat_dict[str(switch_dpid)]:\r
+ if port_stat['port_no'] == mon_port:\r
+ return port_stat\r
+ break\r
+ return ret\r
+ except Exception as ex:\r
+ logging.exception("get_txrate error.")\r
+ return ex.message\r
+ def REST_cmd(self, prefix, dpid):\r
+ url = self.REST_api + '/' + str(prefix) + '/' + str(dpid)\r
+ req = urllib2.Request(url)\r
+ ret = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()\r
+ return ret
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Distributed Cloud Emulator (dcemulator)
+(c) 2015 by Manuel Peuster <manuel.peuster@upb.de>
+import logging
+import site
+from subprocess import Popen
+import os
+from mininet.net import Dockernet
+from mininet.node import Controller, OVSSwitch, OVSKernelSwitch, Switch, Docker, Host, RemoteController
+from mininet.cli import CLI
+from mininet.log import setLogLevel, info, debug
+from mininet.link import TCLink, Link
+import networkx as nx
+from monitoring import DCNetworkMonitor
+from node import Datacenter, EmulatorCompute
+class DCNetwork(Dockernet):
+ """
+ Wraps the original Mininet/Dockernet class and provides
+ methods to add data centers, switches, etc.
+ This class is used by topology definition scripts.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ self.dcs = {}
+ # create a Mininet/Dockernet network
+ # call original Docker.__init__ and setup default controller
+ #Dockernet.__init__(
+ # self, controller=RemoteController, switch=OVSKernelSwitch, **kwargs)
+ Dockernet.__init__(
+ self, controller=RemoteController, switch=OVSKernelSwitch, **kwargs)
+ self.addController('c0', controller=RemoteController)
+ # graph of the complete DC network
+ self.DCNetwork_graph=nx.DiGraph()
+ # monitoring agent
+ self.monitor_agent = DCNetworkMonitor(self)
+ # start Ryu controller
+ self.startRyu()
+ def addDatacenter(self, label, metadata={}):
+ """
+ Create and add a logical cloud data center to the network.
+ """
+ if label in self.dcs:
+ raise Exception("Data center label already exists: %s" % label)
+ dc = Datacenter(label, metadata=metadata)
+ dc.net = self # set reference to network
+ self.dcs[label] = dc
+ dc.create() # finally create the data center in our Mininet instance
+ logging.info("added data center: %s" % label)
+ return dc
+ def addLink(self, node1, node2, **params):
+ """
+ Able to handle Datacenter objects as link
+ end points.
+ """
+ assert node1 is not None
+ assert node2 is not None
+ logging.debug("addLink: n1=%s n2=%s" % (str(node1), str(node2)))
+ # ensure type of node1
+ if isinstance( node1, basestring ):
+ if node1 in self.dcs:
+ node1 = self.dcs[node1].switch
+ if isinstance( node1, Datacenter ):
+ node1 = node1.switch
+ # ensure type of node2
+ if isinstance( node2, basestring ):
+ if node2 in self.dcs:
+ node2 = self.dcs[node2].switch
+ if isinstance( node2, Datacenter ):
+ node2 = node2.switch
+ # try to give containers a default IP
+ if isinstance( node1, Docker ):
+ if not "params1" in params:
+ params["params1"] = {}
+ if not "ip" in params["params1"]:
+ params["params1"]["ip"] = self.getNextIp()
+ if isinstance( node2, Docker ):
+ if not "params2" in params:
+ params["params2"] = {}
+ if not "ip" in params["params2"]:
+ params["params2"]["ip"] = self.getNextIp()
+ link = Dockernet.addLink(self, node1, node2, **params) # TODO we need TCLinks with user defined performance here
+ # add edge and assigned port number to graph in both directions between node1 and node2
+ self.DCNetwork_graph.add_edge(node1.name, node2.name, \
+ {'src_port': node1.ports[link.intf1], 'dst_port': node2.ports[link.intf2]})
+ self.DCNetwork_graph.add_edge(node2.name, node1.name, \
+ {'src_port': node2.ports[link.intf2], 'dst_port': node1.ports[link.intf1]})
+ return link
+ def addDocker( self, label, **params ):
+ """
+ Wrapper for addDocker method to use custom container class.
+ """
+ self.DCNetwork_graph.add_node(label)
+ return Dockernet.addDocker(self, label, cls=EmulatorCompute, **params)
+ def removeDocker( self, label, **params ):
+ """
+ Wrapper for removeDocker method to update graph.
+ """
+ self.DCNetwork_graph.remove_node(label)
+ return Dockernet.removeDocker(self, label, **params)
+ def addSwitch( self, name, add_to_graph=True, **params ):
+ """
+ Wrapper for addSwitch method to store switch also in graph.
+ """
+ if add_to_graph:
+ self.DCNetwork_graph.add_node(name)
+ return Dockernet.addSwitch(self, name, protocols='OpenFlow10,OpenFlow12,OpenFlow13', **params)
+ def getAllContainers(self):
+ """
+ Returns a list with all containers within all data centers.
+ """
+ all_containers = []
+ for dc in self.dcs.itervalues():
+ all_containers += dc.listCompute()
+ return all_containers
+ def start(self):
+ # start
+ for dc in self.dcs.itervalues():
+ dc.start()
+ Dockernet.start(self)
+ def stop(self):
+ # stop Ryu controller
+ self.ryu_process.terminate()
+ #self.ryu_process.kill()
+ Dockernet.stop(self)
+ def CLI(self):
+ CLI(self)
+ # to remove chain do setChain( src, dst, cmd='del-flows')
+ def setChain(self, vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, cmd='add-flow'):
+ # get shortest path
+ path = nx.shortest_path(self.DCNetwork_graph, vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name)
+ logging.info("Path between {0} and {1}: {2}".format(vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name, path))
+ current_hop = vnf_src_name
+ for i in range(0,len(path)):
+ next_hop = path[path.index(current_hop)+1]
+ next_node = self.getNodeByName(next_hop)
+ if next_hop == vnf_dst_name:
+ return "path added between {0} and {1}".format(vnf_src_name, vnf_dst_name)
+ elif not isinstance( next_node, OVSSwitch ):
+ logging.info("Next node: {0} is not a switch".format(next_hop))
+ return "Next node: {0} is not a switch".format(next_hop)
+ switch_inport = self.DCNetwork_graph[current_hop][next_hop]['dst_port']
+ next2_hop = path[path.index(current_hop)+2]
+ switch_outport = self.DCNetwork_graph[next_hop][next2_hop]['src_port']
+ logging.info("add flow in switch: {0} in_port: {1} out_port: {2}".format(next_node.name, switch_inport, switch_outport))
+ # set of entry via ovs-ofctl
+ # TODO use rest API of ryu to set flow entries to correct witch dpid
+ if isinstance( next_node, OVSSwitch ):
+ match = 'in_port=%s' % switch_inport
+ if cmd=='add-flow':
+ action = 'action=%s' % switch_outport
+ s = ','
+ ofcmd = s.join([match,action])
+ elif cmd=='del-flows':
+ ofcmd = match
+ else:
+ ofcmd=''
+ next_node.dpctl(cmd, ofcmd)
+ current_hop = next_hop
+ return "destination node: {0} not reached".format(vnf_dst_name)
+ # start Ryu Openflow controller as Remote Controller for the DCNetwork
+ def startRyu(self):
+ # start Ryu controller with rest-API
+ python_install_path = site.getsitepackages()[0]
+ ryu_path = python_install_path + '/ryu/app/simple_switch_13.py'
+ ryu_path2 = python_install_path + '/ryu/app/ofctl_rest.py'
+ # change the default Openflow controller port to 6653 (official IANA-assigned port number), as used by Mininet
+ # Ryu still uses 6633 as default
+ ryu_option = '--ofp-tcp-listen-port'
+ ryu_of_port = '6653'
+ ryu_cmd = 'ryu-manager'
+ FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w')
+ self.ryu_process = Popen([ryu_cmd, ryu_path, ryu_path2, ryu_option, ryu_of_port], stdout=FNULL, stderr=FNULL)
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Distributed Cloud Emulator (dcemulator)
+(c) 2015 by Manuel Peuster <manuel.peuster@upb.de>
+from mininet.node import Docker
+import logging
+DCDPID_BASE = 1000 # start of switch dpid's used for data center switches
+class EmulatorCompute(Docker):
+ """
+ Emulator specific compute node class.
+ Inherits from Dockernet's Docker host class.
+ Represents a single container connected to a (logical)
+ data center.
+ We can add emulator specific helper functions to it.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self, name, dimage, **kwargs):
+ logging.debug("Create EmulatorCompute instance: %s" % name)
+ self.datacenter = None # pointer to current DC
+ # call original Docker.__init__
+ Docker.__init__(self, name, dimage, **kwargs)
+ def getNetworkStatus(self):
+ """
+ Helper method to receive information about the virtual networks
+ this compute instance is connected to.
+ """
+ # format list of tuples (name, Ip, MAC, isUp, status)
+ return [(str(i), i.IP(), i.MAC(), i.isUp(), i.status())
+ for i in self.intfList()]
+ def getStatus(self):
+ """
+ Helper method to receive information about this compute instance.
+ """
+ status = {}
+ status["name"] = self.name
+ status["network"] = self.getNetworkStatus()
+ status["image"] = self.dimage
+ status["cpu_quota"] = self.cpu_quota
+ status["cpu_period"] = self.cpu_period
+ status["cpu_shares"] = self.cpu_shares
+ status["cpuset"] = self.cpuset
+ status["mem_limit"] = self.mem_limit
+ status["memswap_limit"] = self.memswap_limit
+ status["state"] = self.dcli.inspect_container(self.dc)["State"]
+ status["id"] = self.dcli.inspect_container(self.dc)["Id"]
+ status["datacenter"] = (None if self.datacenter is None
+ else self.datacenter.label)
+ return status
+class Datacenter(object):
+ """
+ Represents a logical data center to which compute resources
+ (Docker containers) can be added at runtime.
+ Will also implement resource bookkeeping in later versions.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, label, metadata={}):
+ self.net = None # DCNetwork to which we belong
+ # each node (DC) has a short internal name used by Mininet
+ # this is caused by Mininets naming limitations for swtiches etc.
+ self.name = "dc%d" % Datacenter.DC_COUNTER
+ Datacenter.DC_COUNTER += 1
+ # use this for user defined names that can be longer than self.name
+ self.label = label
+ # dict to store arbitrary metadata (e.g. latitude and longitude)
+ self.metadata = metadata
+ self.switch = None # first prototype assumes one "bigswitch" per DC
+ self.containers = {} # keep track of running containers
+ def _get_next_dc_dpid(self):
+ global DCDPID_BASE
+ return DCDPID_BASE
+ def create(self):
+ """
+ Each data center is represented by a single switch to which
+ compute resources can be connected at run time.
+ TODO: This will be changed in the future to support multiple networks
+ per data center
+ """
+ self.switch = self.net.addSwitch(
+ "%s.s1" % self.name, dpid=hex(self._get_next_dc_dpid())[2:])
+ logging.debug("created data center switch: %s" % str(self.switch))
+ def start(self):
+ pass
+ def startCompute(self, name, image=None, command=None, network=None):
+ """
+ Create a new container as compute resource and connect it to this
+ data center.
+ :param name: name (string)
+ :param image: image name (string)
+ :param command: command (string)
+ :param network: networks list({"ip": ""}, {"ip": ""})
+ :return:
+ """
+ assert name is not None
+ # no duplications
+ if name in [c.name for c in self.net.getAllContainers()]:
+ raise Exception("Container with name %s already exists." % name)
+ # set default parameter
+ if image is None:
+ image = "ubuntu"
+ if network is None:
+ network = {} # {"ip": ""}
+ if isinstance(network, dict):
+ network = [network] # if we have only one network, put it in a list
+ if isinstance(network, list):
+ if len(network) < 1:
+ network.append({})
+ # create the container
+ d = self.net.addDocker("%s" % (name), dimage=image, dcmd=command)
+ # connect all given networks
+ for nw in network:
+ self.net.addLink(d, self.switch, params1=nw)
+ # do bookkeeping
+ self.containers[name] = d
+ d.datacenter = self
+ return d # we might use UUIDs for naming later on
+ def stopCompute(self, name):
+ """
+ Stop and remove a container from this data center.
+ """
+ assert name is not None
+ if name not in self.containers:
+ raise Exception("Container with name %s not found." % name)
+ self.net.removeLink(
+ link=None, node1=self.containers[name], node2=self.switch)
+ self.net.removeDocker("%s" % (name))
+ del self.containers[name]
+ return True
+ def listCompute(self):
+ """
+ Return a list of all running containers assigned to this
+ data center.
+ """
+ return list(self.containers.itervalues())
+ def getStatus(self):
+ """
+ Return a dict with status information about this DC.
+ """
+ return {
+ "label": self.label,
+ "internalname": self.name,
+ "switch": self.switch.name,
+ "n_running_containers": len(self.containers),
+ "metadata": self.metadata
+ }
--- /dev/null
+This is an example topology for the distributed cloud emulator (dcemulator).
+(c) 2015 by Manuel Peuster <manuel.peuster@upb.de>
+This is an example that shows how a user of the emulation tool can
+define network topologies with multiple emulated cloud data centers.
+The definition is done with a Python API which looks very similar to the
+Mininet API (in fact it is a wrapper for it).
+We only specify the topology *between* data centers not within a single
+data center (data center internal setups or placements are not of interest,
+we want to experiment with VNF chains deployed across multiple PoPs).
+The original Mininet API has to be completely hidden and not be used by this
+import logging
+from mininet.log import setLogLevel
+from dcemulator.net import DCNetwork
+from api.zerorpcapi import ZeroRpcApiEndpoint
+from api.zerorpcapi_DCNetwork import ZeroRpcApiEndpointDCNetwork
+def create_topology1():
+ """
+ 1. Create a data center network object (DCNetwork)
+ """
+ net = DCNetwork()
+ """
+ 1b. add a monitoring agent to the DCNetwork
+ """
+ mon_api = ZeroRpcApiEndpointDCNetwork("", 5151)
+ mon_api.connectDCNetwork(net)
+ mon_api.start()
+ """
+ 2. Add (logical) data centers to the topology
+ (each data center is one "bigswitch" in our simplified
+ first prototype)
+ """
+ dc1 = net.addDatacenter("datacenter1")
+ dc2 = net.addDatacenter("datacenter2")
+ dc3 = net.addDatacenter("long_data_center_name3")
+ dc4 = net.addDatacenter(
+ "datacenter4",
+ metadata={"mydata": "we can also add arbitrary metadata to each DC"})
+ """
+ 3. You can add additional SDN switches for data center
+ interconnections to the network.
+ """
+ s1 = net.addSwitch("s1")
+ """
+ 4. Add links between your data centers and additional switches
+ to define you topology.
+ These links can use Mininet's features to limit bw, add delay or jitter.
+ """
+ net.addLink(dc1, dc2)
+ net.addLink("datacenter1", s1)
+ net.addLink(s1, dc3)
+ net.addLink(s1, "datacenter4")
+ """
+ 5. We want to access and control our data centers from the outside,
+ e.g., we want to connect an orchestrator to start/stop compute
+ resources aka. VNFs (represented by Docker containers in the emulated)
+ So we need to instantiate API endpoints (e.g. a zerorpc or REST
+ interface). Depending on the endpoint implementations, we can connect
+ one or more data centers to it, which can then be controlled through
+ this API, e.g., start/stop/list compute instances.
+ """
+ # create a new instance of a endpoint implementation
+ zapi1 = ZeroRpcApiEndpoint("", 4242)
+ # connect data centers to this endpoint
+ zapi1.connectDatacenter(dc1)
+ zapi1.connectDatacenter(dc2)
+ zapi1.connectDatacenter(dc3)
+ zapi1.connectDatacenter(dc4)
+ # run API endpoint server (in another thread, don't block)
+ zapi1.start()
+ """
+ 5.1. For our example, we create a second endpoint to illustrate that
+ this is supported by our design. This feature allows us to have
+ one API endpoint for each data center. This makes the emulation
+ environment more realistic because you can easily create one
+ OpenStack-like REST API endpoint for *each* data center.
+ This will look like a real-world multi PoP/data center deployment
+ from the perspective of an orchestrator.
+ """
+ zapi2 = ZeroRpcApiEndpoint("", 4343)
+ zapi2.connectDatacenter(dc3)
+ zapi2.connectDatacenter(dc4)
+ zapi2.start()
+ """
+ 6. Finally we are done and can start our network (the emulator).
+ We can also enter the Mininet CLI to interactively interact
+ with our compute resources (just like in default Mininet).
+ But we can also implement fully automated experiments that
+ can be executed again and again.
+ """
+ net.start()
+ net.CLI()
+ # when the user types exit in the CLI, we stop the emulator
+ net.stop()
+def main():
+ setLogLevel('info') # set Mininet loglevel
+ create_topology1()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
--- /dev/null
+import runner
+import os
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ thisdir = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath( __file__ ) )
+ runner.main(thisdir)
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Run all tests
+ -v : verbose output
+ -e : emulator test only (no API tests)
+ -a : API tests only
+from unittest import defaultTestLoader, TextTestRunner, TestSuite
+import os
+import sys
+from mininet.util import ensureRoot
+from mininet.clean import cleanup
+from mininet.log import setLogLevel
+def runTests( testDir, verbosity=1, emuonly=False, apionly=False ):
+ "discover and run all tests in testDir"
+ # ensure inport paths work
+ sys.path.append("%s/.." % testDir)
+ # ensure root and cleanup before starting tests
+ ensureRoot()
+ cleanup()
+ # discover all tests in testDir
+ testSuite = defaultTestLoader.discover( testDir )
+ if emuonly:
+ testSuiteFiltered = [s for s in testSuite if "Emulator" in str(s)]
+ testSuite = TestSuite()
+ testSuite.addTests(testSuiteFiltered)
+ if apionly:
+ testSuiteFiltered = [s for s in testSuite if "Api" in str(s)]
+ testSuite = TestSuite()
+ testSuite.addTests(testSuiteFiltered)
+ # run tests
+ TextTestRunner( verbosity=verbosity ).run( testSuite )
+def main(thisdir):
+ setLogLevel( 'warning' )
+ # get the directory containing example tests
+ vlevel = 2 if '-v' in sys.argv else 1
+ emuonly = ('-e' in sys.argv)
+ apionly = ('-a' in sys.argv)
+ runTests(
+ testDir=thisdir, verbosity=vlevel, emuonly=emuonly, apionly=apionly)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ thisdir = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath( __file__ ) )
+ main(thisdir)
--- /dev/null
+#TODO we'll need this at some time. But I'am lazy. A good REST API seems to be more important.
--- /dev/null
+Test suite to automatically test emulator functionalities.
+Directly interacts with the emulator through the Mininet-like
+Python API.
+Does not test API endpoints. This is done in separated test suites.
+import unittest
+import os
+import time
+import subprocess
+import docker
+from dcemulator.net import DCNetwork
+from dcemulator.node import EmulatorCompute
+from mininet.node import Host, Controller, OVSSwitch, Docker
+from mininet.link import TCLink
+from mininet.topo import SingleSwitchTopo, LinearTopo
+from mininet.log import setLogLevel
+from mininet.util import quietRun
+from mininet.clean import cleanup
+class simpleTestTopology( unittest.TestCase ):
+ """
+ Helper class to do basic test setups.
+ s1 -- s2 -- s3 -- ... -- sN
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.net = None
+ self.s = [] # list of switches
+ self.h = [] # list of hosts
+ self.d = [] # list of docker containers
+ self.dc = [] # list of data centers
+ self.docker_cli = None
+ super(simpleTestTopology, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def createNet(
+ self,
+ nswitches=0, ndatacenter=0, nhosts=0, ndockers=0,
+ autolinkswitches=False):
+ """
+ Creates a Mininet instance and automatically adds some
+ nodes to it.
+ """
+ self.net = net = DCNetwork()
+ # add some switches
+ for i in range(0, nswitches):
+ self.s.append(self.net.addSwitch('s%d' % i))
+ # if specified, chain all switches
+ if autolinkswitches:
+ for i in range(0, len(self.s) - 1):
+ self.net.addLink(self.s[i], self.s[i + 1])
+ # add some data centers
+ for i in range(0, ndatacenter):
+ self.dc.append(
+ self.net.addDatacenter(
+ 'datacenter%d' % i,
+ metadata={"unittest_dc": i}))
+ # add some hosts
+ for i in range(0, nhosts):
+ self.h.append(self.net.addHost('h%d' % i))
+ # add some dockers
+ for i in range(0, ndockers):
+ self.d.append(self.net.addDocker('d%d' % i, dimage="ubuntu"))
+ def startNet(self):
+ self.net.start()
+ def stopNet(self):
+ self.net.stop()
+ def getDockerCli(self):
+ """
+ Helper to interact with local docker instance.
+ """
+ if self.docker_cli is None:
+ self.docker_cli = docker.Client(
+ base_url='unix://var/run/docker.sock')
+ return self.docker_cli
+ def getDockernetContainers(self):
+ """
+ List the containers managed by dockernet
+ """
+ return self.getDockerCli().containers(filters={"label": "com.dockernet"})
+ @staticmethod
+ def setUp():
+ pass
+ @staticmethod
+ def tearDown():
+ cleanup()
+ # make sure that all pending docker containers are killed
+ with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
+ subprocess.call(
+ "sudo docker rm -f $(sudo docker ps --filter 'label=com.dockernet' -a -q)",
+ stdout=devnull,
+ stderr=devnull,
+ shell=True)
+#@unittest.skip("disabled topology tests for development")
+class testEmulatorTopology( simpleTestTopology ):
+ """
+ Tests to check the topology API of the emulator.
+ """
+ def testSingleDatacenter(self):
+ """
+ Create a single data center and add check if its switch is up
+ by using manually added hosts. Tests especially the
+ data center specific addLink method.
+ """
+ # create network
+ self.createNet(nswitches=0, ndatacenter=1, nhosts=2, ndockers=0)
+ # setup links
+ self.net.addLink(self.dc[0], self.h[0])
+ self.net.addLink(self.h[1], self.dc[0])
+ # start Mininet network
+ self.startNet()
+ # check number of running nodes
+ assert(len(self.getDockernetContainers()) == 0)
+ assert(len(self.net.hosts) == 2)
+ assert(len(self.net.switches) == 1)
+ # check connectivity by using ping
+ assert(self.net.ping([self.h[0], self.h[1]]) <= 0.0)
+ # stop Mininet network
+ self.stopNet()
+ def testMultipleDatacenterDirect(self):
+ """
+ Create a two data centers and interconnect them.
+ """
+ # create network
+ self.createNet(nswitches=0, ndatacenter=2, nhosts=2, ndockers=0)
+ # setup links
+ self.net.addLink(self.dc[0], self.h[0])
+ self.net.addLink(self.h[1], self.dc[1])
+ self.net.addLink(self.dc[0], self.dc[1])
+ # start Mininet network
+ self.startNet()
+ # check number of running nodes
+ assert(len(self.getDockernetContainers()) == 0)
+ assert(len(self.net.hosts) == 2)
+ assert(len(self.net.switches) == 2)
+ # check connectivity by using ping
+ assert(self.net.ping([self.h[0], self.h[1]]) <= 0.0)
+ # stop Mininet network
+ self.stopNet()
+ def testMultipleDatacenterWithIntermediateSwitches(self):
+ """
+ Create a two data centers and interconnect them with additional
+ switches between them.
+ """
+ # create network
+ self.createNet(
+ nswitches=3, ndatacenter=2, nhosts=2, ndockers=0,
+ autolinkswitches=True)
+ # setup links
+ self.net.addLink(self.dc[0], self.h[0])
+ self.net.addLink(self.h[1], self.dc[1])
+ self.net.addLink(self.dc[0], self.s[0])
+ self.net.addLink(self.s[2], self.dc[1])
+ # start Mininet network
+ self.startNet()
+ # check number of running nodes
+ assert(len(self.getDockernetContainers()) == 0)
+ assert(len(self.net.hosts) == 2)
+ assert(len(self.net.switches) == 5)
+ # check connectivity by using ping
+ assert(self.net.ping([self.h[0], self.h[1]]) <= 0.0)
+ # stop Mininet network
+ self.stopNet()
+#@unittest.skip("disabled compute tests for development")
+class testEmulatorCompute( simpleTestTopology ):
+ """
+ Tests to check the emulator's API to add and remove
+ compute resources at runtime.
+ """
+ def testAddSingleComputeSingleDC(self):
+ """
+ Adds a single compute instance to
+ a single DC and checks its connectivity with a
+ manually added host.
+ """
+ # create network
+ self.createNet(nswitches=0, ndatacenter=1, nhosts=1, ndockers=0)
+ # setup links
+ self.net.addLink(self.dc[0], self.h[0])
+ # start Mininet network
+ self.startNet()
+ # add compute resources
+ vnf1 = self.dc[0].startCompute("vnf1")
+ # check number of running nodes
+ assert(len(self.getDockernetContainers()) == 1)
+ assert(len(self.net.hosts) == 2)
+ assert(len(self.net.switches) == 1)
+ # check compute list result
+ assert(len(self.dc[0].listCompute()) == 1)
+ assert(isinstance(self.dc[0].listCompute()[0], EmulatorCompute))
+ assert(self.dc[0].listCompute()[0].name == "vnf1")
+ # check connectivity by using ping
+ assert(self.net.ping([self.h[0], vnf1]) <= 0.0)
+ # stop Mininet network
+ self.stopNet()
+ def testRemoveSingleComputeSingleDC(self):
+ """
+ Test stop method for compute instances.
+ Check that the instance is really removed.
+ """
+ # create network
+ self.createNet(nswitches=0, ndatacenter=1, nhosts=1, ndockers=0)
+ # setup links
+ self.net.addLink(self.dc[0], self.h[0])
+ # start Mininet network
+ self.startNet()
+ # add compute resources
+ vnf1 = self.dc[0].startCompute("vnf1")
+ # check number of running nodes
+ assert(len(self.getDockernetContainers()) == 1)
+ assert(len(self.net.hosts) == 2)
+ assert(len(self.net.switches) == 1)
+ # check compute list result
+ assert(len(self.dc[0].listCompute()) == 1)
+ # check connectivity by using ping
+ assert(self.net.ping([self.h[0], vnf1]) <= 0.0)
+ # remove compute resources
+ self.dc[0].stopCompute("vnf1")
+ # check number of running nodes
+ assert(len(self.getDockernetContainers()) == 0)
+ assert(len(self.net.hosts) == 1)
+ assert(len(self.net.switches) == 1)
+ # check compute list result
+ assert(len(self.dc[0].listCompute()) == 0)
+ # stop Mininet network
+ self.stopNet()
+ def testGetStatusSingleComputeSingleDC(self):
+ """
+ Check if the getStatus functionality of EmulatorCompute
+ objects works well.
+ """
+ # create network
+ self.createNet(nswitches=0, ndatacenter=1, nhosts=1, ndockers=0)
+ # setup links
+ self.net.addLink(self.dc[0], self.h[0])
+ # start Mininet network
+ self.startNet()
+ # add compute resources
+ vnf1 = self.dc[0].startCompute("vnf1")
+ # check number of running nodes
+ assert(len(self.getDockernetContainers()) == 1)
+ assert(len(self.net.hosts) == 2)
+ assert(len(self.net.switches) == 1)
+ # check compute list result
+ assert(len(self.dc[0].listCompute()) == 1)
+ assert(isinstance(self.dc[0].listCompute()[0], EmulatorCompute))
+ assert(self.dc[0].listCompute()[0].name == "vnf1")
+ # check connectivity by using ping
+ assert(self.net.ping([self.h[0], vnf1]) <= 0.0)
+ # check get status
+ s = self.dc[0].containers.get("vnf1").getStatus()
+ assert(s["name"] == "vnf1")
+ assert(s["state"]["Running"])
+ # stop Mininet network
+ self.stopNet()
+ def testConnectivityMultiDC(self):
+ """
+ Test if compute instances started in different data centers
+ are able to talk to each other.
+ """
+ # create network
+ self.createNet(
+ nswitches=3, ndatacenter=2, nhosts=0, ndockers=0,
+ autolinkswitches=True)
+ # setup links
+ self.net.addLink(self.dc[0], self.s[0])
+ self.net.addLink(self.dc[1], self.s[2])
+ # start Mininet network
+ self.startNet()
+ # add compute resources
+ vnf1 = self.dc[0].startCompute("vnf1")
+ vnf2 = self.dc[1].startCompute("vnf2")
+ # check number of running nodes
+ assert(len(self.getDockernetContainers()) == 2)
+ assert(len(self.net.hosts) == 2)
+ assert(len(self.net.switches) == 5)
+ # check compute list result
+ assert(len(self.dc[0].listCompute()) == 1)
+ assert(len(self.dc[1].listCompute()) == 1)
+ # check connectivity by using ping
+ assert(self.net.ping([vnf1, vnf2]) <= 0.0)
+ # stop Mininet network
+ self.stopNet()
+ def testInterleavedAddRemoveMultiDC(self):
+ """
+ Test multiple, interleaved add and remove operations and ensure
+ that always all expected compute instances are reachable.
+ """
+ # create network
+ self.createNet(
+ nswitches=3, ndatacenter=2, nhosts=0, ndockers=0,
+ autolinkswitches=True)
+ # setup links
+ self.net.addLink(self.dc[0], self.s[0])
+ self.net.addLink(self.dc[1], self.s[2])
+ # start Mininet network
+ self.startNet()
+ # add compute resources
+ vnf1 = self.dc[0].startCompute("vnf1")
+ vnf2 = self.dc[1].startCompute("vnf2")
+ # check number of running nodes
+ assert(len(self.getDockernetContainers()) == 2)
+ assert(len(self.net.hosts) == 2)
+ assert(len(self.net.switches) == 5)
+ # check compute list result
+ assert(len(self.dc[0].listCompute()) == 1)
+ assert(len(self.dc[1].listCompute()) == 1)
+ # check connectivity by using ping
+ assert(self.net.ping([vnf1, vnf2]) <= 0.0)
+ # remove compute resources
+ self.dc[0].stopCompute("vnf1")
+ # check number of running nodes
+ assert(len(self.getDockernetContainers()) == 1)
+ assert(len(self.net.hosts) == 1)
+ assert(len(self.net.switches) == 5)
+ # check compute list result
+ assert(len(self.dc[0].listCompute()) == 0)
+ assert(len(self.dc[1].listCompute()) == 1)
+ # add compute resources
+ vnf3 = self.dc[0].startCompute("vnf3")
+ vnf4 = self.dc[0].startCompute("vnf4")
+ # check compute list result
+ assert(len(self.dc[0].listCompute()) == 2)
+ assert(len(self.dc[1].listCompute()) == 1)
+ assert(self.net.ping([vnf3, vnf2]) <= 0.0)
+ assert(self.net.ping([vnf4, vnf2]) <= 0.0)
+ # remove compute resources
+ self.dc[0].stopCompute("vnf3")
+ self.dc[0].stopCompute("vnf4")
+ self.dc[1].stopCompute("vnf2")
+ # check compute list result
+ assert(len(self.dc[0].listCompute()) == 0)
+ assert(len(self.dc[1].listCompute()) == 0)
+ # stop Mininet network
+ self.stopNet()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()