def get_endpoint(service_type, vim_uuid, verify_ssl=True):
- """Get the endpoint for Gnocchi/Aodh."""
+ """
+ Gets the public endpoint for an OpenStack service in the configured region (default: RegionOne).
+ :param service_type: Service type name (eg. metric or alarming)
+ :param vim_uuid: VIM UUID generated by OSM
+ :param verify_ssl: If False, disables SSL validation. Useful when using self signed certs.
+ :return: Endpoint url string.
+ :raises ValueError If it can't find services, or if it can find services but no endpoint for specified region.
+ """
auth_manager = AuthManager()
creds = auth_manager.get_credentials(vim_uuid)
auth = v3.Password(auth_url=creds.url,
sess = session.Session(auth=auth, verify=verify_ssl)
ks = client.Client(session=sess, interface='public')
- service = ks.services.list(type=service_type)[0]
+ services = ks.services.list(type=service_type)
+ if not services:
+ raise ValueError("No services found for {}. Is the corresponding service enabled?".format(service_type))
+ service = services[0]
endpoints = ks.endpoints.list(service)
endpoint_type = 'publicURL'
region_name = 'RegionOne'
for endpoint in endpoints:
if endpoint.interface in endpoint_type and endpoint.region == region_name:
return endpoint.url
+ raise ValueError("No endpoints found for service {} in region {}".format(service_type, region_name))
def perform_request(url, auth_token,