--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This file is part of OSM Life-Cycle Management module
+# Copyright 2022 ETSI
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from osm_lcm.data_utils.database.database import Database
+__author__ = (
+ "Lluis Gifre <lluis.gifre@cttc.es>, Ricard Vilalta <ricard.vilalta@cttc.es>"
+class WimAccountDB:
+ db = None
+ db_wims = {}
+ def initialize_db():
+ WimAccountDB.db = Database().instance.db
+ def get_wim_account_with_id(wim_account_id):
+ if not WimAccountDB.db:
+ WimAccountDB.initialize_db()
+ if wim_account_id in WimAccountDB.db_wims:
+ return WimAccountDB.db_wims[wim_account_id]
+ db_wim = WimAccountDB.db.get_one("wim_accounts", {"_id": wim_account_id}) or {}
+ WimAccountDB.db_wims[wim_account_id] = db_wim
+ return db_wim
+ def get_all_wim_accounts():
+ if not WimAccountDB.db:
+ WimAccountDB.initialize_db()
+ db_wims_list = WimAccountDB.db.get_list("wim_accounts")
+ WimAccountDB.db_wims.update({db_wim["_id"]: db_wim for db_wim in db_wims_list})
+ return WimAccountDB.db_wims
# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
# contact: fbravo@whitestack.com
+from osm_lcm.data_utils.database.vim_account import VimAccountDB
+__author__ = (
+ "Lluis Gifre <lluis.gifre@cttc.es>, Ricard Vilalta <ricard.vilalta@cttc.es>"
+def get_vims_to_connect(db_nsr, db_vnfrs, target_vld, logger):
+ vims_to_connect = set()
+ vld = next(
+ (vld for vld in db_nsr["vld"] if vld["id"] == target_vld["id"]),
+ None,
+ )
+ if vld is None:
+ return vims_to_connect # VLD not in NS, means it is an internal VLD within a single VIM
+ vim_ids = set()
+ if "vnfd-connection-point-ref" in vld:
+ # during planning of VNF, use "vnfd-connection-point-ref" since "vim_info" is not available in vld
+ # get VNFD connection points (if available)
+ # iterate over VNFs and retrieve VIM IDs they are planned to be deployed to
+ vnfd_connection_point_ref = vld["vnfd-connection-point-ref"]
+ for vld_member_vnf_index_ref in vnfd_connection_point_ref:
+ vld_member_vnf_index_ref = vld_member_vnf_index_ref["member-vnf-index-ref"]
+ vim_ids.add(db_vnfrs[vld_member_vnf_index_ref]["vim-account-id"])
+ elif "vim_info" in vld:
+ # after instantiation of VNF, use "vim_info" since "vnfd-connection-point-ref" is not available in vld
+ # get VIM info (if available)
+ # iterate over VIM info and retrieve VIM IDs they are deployed to
+ vim_info = vld["vim_info"]
+ for vim_data in vim_info.values():
+ vim_ids.add(vim_data["vim_account_id"])
+ else:
+ # TODO: analyze if this situation is possible
+ # unable to retrieve planned/executed mapping of VNFs to VIMs
+ # by now, drop a log message for future debugging
+ logger.warning(
+ " ".join(
+ [
+ "Unable to identify VIMs involved in VLD to check if WIM is required.",
+ "Dumping internal variables for further debugging:",
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ logger.warning("db_nsr={:s}".format(str(db_nsr)))
+ logger.warning("db_vnfrs={:s}".format(str(db_vnfrs)))
+ logger.warning("target_vld={:s}".format(str(target_vld)))
+ return vims_to_connect
+ for vim_id in vim_ids:
+ db_vim = VimAccountDB.get_vim_account_with_id(vim_id)
+ if db_vim is None:
+ continue
+ vims_to_connect.add(db_vim["name"])
+ return vims_to_connect
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This file is part of OSM Life-Cycle Management module
+# Copyright 2022 ETSI
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from osm_lcm.data_utils.database.vim_account import VimAccountDB
+from osm_lcm.data_utils.database.wim_account import WimAccountDB
+from osm_lcm.data_utils.vim import get_vims_to_connect
+from osm_lcm.lcm_utils import LcmException
+__author__ = (
+ "Lluis Gifre <lluis.gifre@cttc.es>, Ricard Vilalta <ricard.vilalta@cttc.es>"
+def get_candidate_wims(vims_to_connect):
+ all_wim_accounts = WimAccountDB.get_all_wim_accounts()
+ candidate_wims = {}
+ for wim_id, db_wim in all_wim_accounts.items():
+ wim_port_mapping = db_wim.get("config", {}).get("wim_port_mapping", [])
+ wim_dc_ids = {
+ m.get("datacenter_id") for m in wim_port_mapping if m.get("datacenter_id")
+ }
+ not_reachable_vims = vims_to_connect.difference(wim_dc_ids)
+ if len(not_reachable_vims) > 0:
+ continue
+ # TODO: consider adding other filtering fields such as supported layer(s) [L2, L3, ...]
+ candidate_wims[wim_id] = db_wim
+ return candidate_wims
+def select_feasible_wim_account(db_nsr, db_vnfrs, target_vld, vld_params, logger):
+ logger.info("Checking if WIM is needed for VLD({:s})...".format(str(target_vld)))
+ if target_vld.get("mgmt-network", False):
+ logger.info(
+ "WIM not needed, VLD({:s}) is a management network".format(str(target_vld))
+ )
+ return None, None # assume mgmt networks do not use a WIM
+ # check if WIM account is explicitly False
+ wim_account_id = vld_params.get("wimAccountId")
+ if wim_account_id is not None and not wim_account_id:
+ logger.info(
+ "VLD({:s}) explicitly specifies not to use a WIM".format(str(target_vld))
+ )
+ return None, None # WIM account explicitly set to False, do not use a WIM
+ # find VIMs to be connected by VLD
+ vims_to_connect = get_vims_to_connect(db_nsr, db_vnfrs, target_vld, logger)
+ # check if we need a WIM to interconnect the VNFs in different VIMs
+ if len(vims_to_connect) < 2:
+ logger.info(
+ "WIM not needed, VLD({:s}) does not involve multiple VIMs".format(
+ str(target_vld)
+ )
+ )
+ return None, None
+ # if more than one VIM needs to be connected...
+ logger.info(
+ "WIM is needed, multiple VIMs to interconnect: {:s}".format(
+ str(vims_to_connect)
+ )
+ )
+ # find a WIM having these VIMs on its wim_port_mapping setting
+ candidate_wims = get_candidate_wims(vims_to_connect)
+ logger.info("Candidate WIMs: {:s}".format(str(candidate_wims)))
+ # check if a desired wim_account_id is specified in vld_params
+ wim_account_id = vld_params.get("wimAccountId")
+ if wim_account_id:
+ # check if the desired WIM account is feasible
+ # implicitly checks if it exists in the DB
+ db_wim = candidate_wims.get(wim_account_id)
+ if db_wim:
+ return wim_account_id, db_wim
+ msg = (
+ "WimAccountId specified in VldParams({:s}) cannot be used "
+ "to connect the required VIMs({:s}). Candidate WIMs are: {:s}"
+ )
+ raise LcmException(
+ msg.format(str(vld_params), str(vims_to_connect), str(candidate_wims))
+ )
+ # if multiple candidate WIMs: report error message
+ if len(candidate_wims) > 1:
+ msg = (
+ "Multiple candidate WIMs found ({:s}) and wim_account not specified. "
+ "Please, specify the WIM account to be used."
+ )
+ raise LcmException(msg.format(str(candidate_wims.keys())))
+ # a single candidate WIM has been found, retrieve it
+ return candidate_wims.popitem() # returns tuple (wim_account_id, db_wim)
+def get_target_wim_attrs(nsr_id, target_vld, vld_params):
+ target_vims = [
+ "vim:{:s}".format(vim_id) for vim_id in vld_params["vim-network-name"]
+ ]
+ wim_vld = "nsrs:{}:vld.{}".format(nsr_id, target_vld["id"])
+ vld_type = target_vld.get("type")
+ if vld_type is None:
+ vld_type = "ELAN" if len(target_vims) > 2 else "ELINE"
+ target_wim_attrs = {
+ "sdn": True,
+ "target_vims": target_vims,
+ "vlds": [wim_vld],
+ "type": vld_type,
+ }
+ return target_wim_attrs
+def get_sdn_ports(vld_params, db_wim):
+ if vld_params.get("provider-network"):
+ # if SDN ports are specified in VLD params, use them
+ return vld_params["provider-network"].get("sdn-ports")
+ # otherwise, compose SDN ports required
+ wim_port_mapping = db_wim.get("config", {}).get("wim_port_mapping", [])
+ sdn_ports = []
+ for vim_id in vld_params["vim-network-name"]:
+ db_vim = VimAccountDB.get_vim_account_with_id(vim_id)
+ vim_name = db_vim["name"]
+ mapping = next(
+ (m for m in wim_port_mapping if m["datacenter_id"] == vim_name),
+ None,
+ )
+ if mapping is None:
+ msg = "WIM({:s},{:s}) does not specify a mapping for VIM({:s},{:s})"
+ raise LcmException(
+ msg.format(
+ db_wim["name"],
+ db_wim["_id"],
+ db_vim["name"],
+ db_vim["_id"],
+ )
+ )
+ sdn_port = {
+ "device_id": vim_name,
+ "switch_id": mapping.get("device_id"),
+ "switch_port": mapping.get("device_interface_id"),
+ "service_endpoint_id": mapping.get("service_endpoint_id"),
+ }
+ service_mapping_info = mapping.get("service_mapping_info", {})
+ encapsulation = service_mapping_info.get("encapsulation", {})
+ if encapsulation.get("type"):
+ sdn_port["service_endpoint_encapsulation_type"] = encapsulation["type"]
+ if encapsulation.get("vlan"):
+ sdn_port["vlan"] = encapsulation["vlan"]
+ sdn_ports.append(sdn_port)
+ return sdn_ports
from osm_lcm.data_utils.database.database import Database
from osm_lcm.data_utils.filesystem.filesystem import Filesystem
+from osm_lcm.data_utils.wim import (
+ get_sdn_ports,
+ get_target_wim_attrs,
+ select_feasible_wim_account,
from n2vc.n2vc_juju_conn import N2VCJujuConnector
from n2vc.exceptions import N2VCException, N2VCNotFound, K8sException
target_vld["vim_info"][target_sdn]["sdn-ports"] = vld_params[
- if vld_params.get("wimAccountId"):
- target_wim = "wim:{}".format(vld_params["wimAccountId"])
- target_vld["vim_info"][target_wim] = {}
+ # check if WIM is needed; if needed, choose a feasible WIM able to connect VIMs
+ # if wim_account_id is specified in vld_params, validate if it is feasible.
+ wim_account_id, db_wim = select_feasible_wim_account(
+ db_nsr, db_vnfrs, target_vld, vld_params, self.logger
+ )
+ if wim_account_id:
+ # WIM is needed and a feasible one was found, populate WIM target and SDN ports
+ self.logger.info("WIM selected: {:s}".format(str(wim_account_id)))
+ # update vld_params with correct WIM account Id
+ vld_params["wimAccountId"] = wim_account_id
+ target_wim = "wim:{}".format(wim_account_id)
+ target_wim_attrs = get_target_wim_attrs(nsr_id, target_vld, vld_params)
+ sdn_ports = get_sdn_ports(vld_params, db_wim)
+ if len(sdn_ports) > 0:
+ target_vld["vim_info"][target_wim] = target_wim_attrs
+ target_vld["vim_info"][target_wim]["sdn-ports"] = sdn_ports
+ self.logger.debug(
+ "Target VLD with WIM data: {:s}".format(str(target_vld))
+ )
for param in ("vim-network-name", "vim-network-id"):
if vld_params.get(param):
if isinstance(vld_params[param], dict):