# Copy the current directory contents into the container at /app
ADD . /app
-RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y git python3 \
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y git python3 \
python3-pip python3-pymongo python3-yaml python3-aiohttp \
- && pip3 install aiokafka juju \
- && mkdir -p /app/storage/kafka && mkdir -p /app/log
+ python3-stdeb python3-setuptools python3-all python-all \
+ python3-bitarray python3-regex python3-lxml debhelper dh-python tox wget \
+ python3-cffi \
+ && pip3 install -U aiokafka pyang lxml six enum34
+RUN git clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/N2VC.git \
+ && cd N2VC \
+ && git fetch https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/N2VC refs/changes/70/5870/46 \
+ && git checkout FETCH_HEAD \
+ && cd modules/libjuju && python3 setup.py develop && cd ../.. \
+ && pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt \
+ && python3 setup.py develop \
+ && cd ..
+RUN mkdir -p /app/storage/kafka && mkdir -p /app/log
LABEL Maintainer="alfonso.tiernosepulveda@telefonica.com" \
ENV PYTHONPATH /app/osm_common
# Run app.py when the container launches
CMD ["python3", "lcm.py"]
from fsbase import FsException
from msgbase import MsgException
from os import environ
-from vca import DeployApplication, RemoveApplication
+# from vca import DeployApplication, RemoveApplication
+from n2vc.vnf import N2VC
+import os.path
+import time
from copy import deepcopy
from http import HTTPStatus
"logger_name": "lcm.ROclient",
"loglevel": "ERROR",
self.vca = config["VCA"] # TODO VCA
self.loop = None
if "loglevel" in config[k1]:
+ self.n2vc = N2VC(
+ log=self.logger,
+ server=config['VCA']['host'],
+ port=config['VCA']['port'],
+ user=config['VCA']['user'],
+ secret=config['VCA']['secret'],
+ # TODO: This should point to the base folder where charms are stored,
+ # if there is a common one (like object storage). Otherwise, leave
+ # it unset and pass it via DeployCharms
+ # artifacts=config['VCA'][''],
+ artifacts=None,
+ )
if config["database"]["driver"] == "mongo":
self.db = dbmongo.DbMongo()
except DbException as e:
self.logger.error("Updating nsr_id={}: {}".format(nsr_id, e))
+ def n2vc_callback(self, nsd, vnfd, vnf_member_index, workload_status, *args):
+ """Update the lcm database with the status of the charm.
+ Updates the VNF's operational status with the state of the charm:
+ - blocked: The unit needs manual intervention
+ - maintenance: The unit is actively deploying/configuring
+ - waiting: The unit is waiting for another charm to be ready
+ - active: The unit is deployed, configured, and ready
+ - error: The charm has failed and needs attention.
+ - terminated: The charm has been destroyed
+ Updates the network service's config-status to reflect the state of all
+ charms.
+ """
+ if workload_status and len(args) == 3:
+ # self.logger.debug("[n2vc_callback] Workload status \"{}\"".format(workload_status))
+ try:
+ (db_nsr, vnf_index, task) = args
+ nsr_id = db_nsr["_id"]
+ nsr_lcm = db_nsr["_admin"]["deploy"]
+ nsr_lcm["VCA"][vnf_index]['operational-status'] = workload_status
+ if task:
+ if task.cancelled():
+ return
+ if task.done():
+ exc = task.exception()
+ if exc:
+ nsr_lcm = db_nsr["_admin"]["deploy"]
+ nsr_lcm["VCA"][vnf_index]['operational-status'] = "failed"
+ db_nsr["detailed-status"] = "fail configuring vnf_index={} {}".format(vnf_index, exc)
+ db_nsr["config-status"] = "failed"
+ self.update_nsr_db(nsr_id, db_nsr)
+ else:
+ units = len(nsr_lcm["VCA"])
+ active = 0
+ statusmap = {}
+ for vnf_index in nsr_lcm["VCA"]:
+ if 'operational-status' in nsr_lcm["VCA"][vnf_index]:
+ if nsr_lcm["VCA"][vnf_index]['operational-status'] not in statusmap:
+ # Initialize it
+ statusmap[nsr_lcm["VCA"][vnf_index]['operational-status']] = 0
+ statusmap[nsr_lcm["VCA"][vnf_index]['operational-status']] += 1
+ if nsr_lcm["VCA"][vnf_index]['operational-status'] == "active":
+ active += 1
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug("No operational-status")
+ cs = ""
+ for status in statusmap:
+ cs += "{} ({}) ".format(status, statusmap[status])
+ db_nsr["config-status"] = cs
+ self.update_nsr_db(nsr_id, db_nsr)
+ except Exception as e:
+ # self.logger.critical("Task create_ns={} n2vc_callback Exception {}".format(nsr_id, e), exc_info=True)
+ self.logger.critical("Task create_ns n2vc_callback Exception {}".format(e), exc_info=True)
+ pass
def vca_deploy_callback(self, db_nsr, vnf_index, status, task):
# TODO study using this callback when VCA.DeployApplication success from VCAMonitor
# By the moment this callback is used only to capture exception conditions from VCA DeployApplication
+ self.logger.debug("Passing artifacts path '{}' for {}".format(charm_path, proxy_charm))
task = asyncio.ensure_future(
- DeployApplication(
- self.config['VCA'],
- self.db,
- db_nsr,
- vnfd,
- vnf_index,
- charm_path,
- )
+ self.n2vc.DeployCharms(nsd, vnfd, vnf_index, charm_path, self.n2vc_callback, db_nsr, vnf_index, None)
- task.add_done_callback(functools.partial(self.vca_deploy_callback, db_nsr, vnf_index, None))
+ task.add_done_callback(functools.partial(self.n2vc_callback, None, None, None, None, None, db_nsr, vnf_index))
+ # task.add_done_callback(functools.partial(self.vca_deploy_callback, db_nsr, vnf_index, None))
self.lcm_tasks[nsr_id][order_id]["create_charm:" + vnf_index] = task
db_nsr["config-status"] = "configuring" if vnfd_to_config else "configured"
db_nsr["detailed-status"] = "Configuring 1/{}".format(vnfd_to_config) if vnfd_to_config else "done"
self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
for vnf_index, deploy_info in nsr_lcm["VCA"].items():
if deploy_info and deploy_info.get("appliation"):
task = asyncio.ensure_future(
- RemoveApplication(
- self.config['VCA'],
- self.db,
- db_nsr,
- vnf_index,
- )
+ self.n2vc.RemoveCharms(nsd, vnfd, vnf_index, self.n2vc_callback, db_nsr, vnf_index, None)
self.lcm_tasks[nsr_id][order_id]["delete_charm:" + vnf_index] = task
except Exception as e: