--- /dev/null
+# Overview
+This repository contains the [Juju] layer that represents a working example of a proxy charm.
+# What is a proxy charm?
+A proxy charm is a limited type of charm that does not interact with software running on the same host, such as controlling and configuring a remote device (a static VM image, a router/switch, etc.). It cannot take advantage of some of Juju's key features, such as [scaling], [relations], and [leadership].
+Proxy charms are primarily a stop-gap, intended to prototype quickly, with the end goal being to develop it into a full-featured charm, which installs and executes code on the same machine as the charm is running.
+# Usage
+# Clone this repository
+git clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/juju-charms
+cd juju-charms
+# Setup environment variables
+source juju-env.sh
+cd layers/pingpong
+charm build
+# Examine the built charm
+cd ../../builds/pingpong
+actions config.yaml icon.svg metadata.yaml tests
+actions.yaml copyright layer.yaml reactive tox.ini
+bin deps lib README.md wheelhouse
+builds hooks Makefile requirements.txt
+You can view a screencast of this: https://asciinema.org/a/96738
+The `charm build` process combines this pingpong layer with each layer that it
+has included in the `metadata.yaml` file, along with their various dependencies.
+This built charm is what will then be used by the SO to communicate with the
+# Configuration
+The pingpong charm has several configuration properties that can be set via
+the SO:
+- ssh-hostname
+- ssh-username
+- ssh-password
+- ssh-private-key
+- mode
+The ssh-* keys are included by the `sshproxy` layer, and enable the charm to
+connect to the VNF image.
+The mode key must be one of two values: `ping` or `pong`. This informs the
+charm as to which function it is serving.
+# Contact Information
+For support, please send an email to the [OSM Tech] list.
+[OSM Tech]: mailto:OSM_TECH@list.etsi.org
+[Juju]: https://jujucharms.com/about
+[configure]: https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.0/charms-config
+[scaling]: https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.0/charms-scaling
+[relations]: https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.0/charms-relations
+[leadership]: https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.0/developer-leadership
+[created your charm]: https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.0/developer-getting-started
+# Integration
+After you've [created your charm], open `interfaces.yaml` and add
+`layer:sshproxy` to the includes stanza, as shown below:
+includes: ['layer:basic', 'layer:sshproxy']
+## Reactive states
+This layer will set the following states:
+- `sshproxy.configured` This state is set when SSH credentials have been supplied to the charm.
+## Example
+In `reactive/mycharm.py`, you can add logic to execute commands over SSH. This
+example is run via a `start` action, and starts a service running on a remote
+import charms.sshproxy
+def start():
+ """ Execute's the command, via the start action` using the
+ configured SSH credentials
+ """
+ sshproxy.ssh("service myservice start")
+## Actions
+This layer includes a built-in `run` action useful for debugging or running arbitrary commands:
+$ juju run-action mycharm/0 run command=hostname
+Action queued with id: 014b72f3-bc02-4ecb-8d38-72bce03bbb63
+$ juju show-action-output 014b72f3-bc02-4ecb-8d38-72bce03bbb63
+ output: juju-66a5f3-11
+status: completed
+ completed: 2016-10-27 19:53:49 +0000 UTC
+ enqueued: 2016-10-27 19:53:44 +0000 UTC
+ started: 2016-10-27 19:53:48 +0000 UTC
+## Known Limitations and Issues
+### Security issues
+- Password and key-based authentications are supported, with the caveat that
+both (password and private key) are stored plaintext within the Juju controller.
+# Configuration and Usage
+This layer adds the following configuration options:
+- ssh-hostname
+- ssh-username
+- ssh-password
+- ssh-private-key
+Once [configure] those values at any time. Once they are set, the `sshproxy.configured` state flag will be toggled:
+juju deploy mycharm ssh-hostname= ssh-username=ubuntu ssh-password=yourpassword
+juju deploy mycharm ssh-hostname= ssh-username=ubuntu ssh-private-key="cat `~/.ssh/id_rsa`"
+# Contact Information
+Homepage: https://github.com/AdamIsrael/layer-sshproxy
+[Juju]: https://jujucharms.com/about
+[configure]: https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.0/charms-config
+[scaling]: https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.0/charms-scaling
+[relations]: https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.0/charms-relations
+[leadership]: https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.0/developer-leadership
+[created your charm]: https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.0/developer-getting-started
--- /dev/null
+ description: "Set the target IP address and port"
+ params:
+ server-ip:
+ description: "IP on which the target service is listening."
+ type: string
+ default: ""
+ server-port:
+ description: "Port on which the target service is listening."
+ type: integer
+ default: 5555
+ required:
+ - server-ip
+ description: "Set the rate of packet generation."
+ params:
+ rate:
+ description: "Packet rate."
+ type: integer
+ default: 5
+ description: "Get the stats."
+ description: "Get the admin state of the target service."
+ description: "Get the rate set on the target service."
+ description: "Get the target server and IP set"
+ description: "Start the traffic generator."
+ description: "Stop the traffic generator."
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import sys
+from charms.reactive import main
+from charms.reactive import set_state
+from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import action_fail
+`set_state` only works here because it's flushed to disk inside the `main()`
+loop. remove_state will need to be called inside the action method.
+ main()
+except Exception as e:
+ action_fail(repr(e))
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import sys
+from charms.reactive import main
+from charms.reactive import set_state
+from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import action_fail
+`set_state` only works here because it's flushed to disk inside the `main()`
+loop. remove_state will need to be called inside the action method.
+ main()
+except Exception as e:
+ action_fail(repr(e))
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import sys
+from charms.reactive import main
+from charms.reactive import set_state
+from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import action_fail
+`set_state` only works here because it's flushed to disk inside the `main()`
+loop. remove_state will need to be called inside the action method.
+ main()
+except Exception as e:
+ action_fail(repr(e))
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import sys
+from charms.reactive import main
+from charms.reactive import set_state
+from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import action_fail
+`set_state` only works here because it's flushed to disk inside the `main()`
+loop. remove_state will need to be called inside the action method.
+ main()
+except Exception as e:
+ action_fail(repr(e))
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import sys
+from charms.reactive import main
+from charms.reactive import set_state
+from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import action_fail
+`set_state` only works here because it's flushed to disk inside the `main()`
+loop. remove_state will need to be called inside the action method.
+ main()
+except Exception as e:
+ action_fail(repr(e))
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import sys
+from charms.reactive import main
+from charms.reactive import set_state
+from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import action_fail
+`set_state` only works here because it's flushed to disk inside the `main()`
+loop. remove_state will need to be called inside the action method.
+ main()
+except Exception as e:
+ action_fail(repr(e))
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import sys
+from charms.reactive import main
+from charms.reactive import set_state
+from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import action_fail
+`set_state` only works here because it's flushed to disk inside the `main()`
+loop. remove_state will need to be called inside the action method.
+ main()
+except Exception as e:
+ action_fail(repr(e))
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import sys
+from charms.reactive import main
+from charms.reactive import set_state
+from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import action_fail
+`set_state` only works here because it's flushed to disk inside the `main()`
+loop. remove_state will need to be called inside the action method.
+ main()
+except Exception as e:
+ action_fail(repr(e))
--- /dev/null
+ mode:
+ type: string
+ default:
+ description: "The service type: [ping, pong]"
--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
+ - layer:basic
+ - layer:vnfproxy
--- /dev/null
+name: pingpong
+summary: <Fill in summary here>
+maintainer: Adam Israel <Adam.Israel@ronin>
+description: |
+ <Multi-line description here>
+ # Replace "misc" with one or more whitelisted tags from this list:
+ # https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/authors-charm-metadata
+ - misc
+subordinate: false
+ - trusty
+ - xenial
--- /dev/null
+from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
+ action_get,
+ action_fail,
+ action_set,
+ config,
+ status_set,
+from charms.reactive import (
+ remove_state as remove_flag,
+ set_state as set_flag,
+ when,
+import charms.sshproxy
+import json
+cfg = config()
+def config_changed():
+ if all(k in cfg for k in ['mode']):
+ if cfg['mode'] in ['ping', 'pong']:
+ set_flag('pingpong.configured')
+ status_set('active', 'ready!')
+ return
+ status_set('blocked', 'Waiting for configuration')
+def is_ping():
+ if cfg['mode'] == 'ping':
+ return True
+ return False
+def is_pong():
+ return not is_ping()
+def get_port():
+ port = 18888
+ if is_pong():
+ port = 18889
+ return port
+def start():
+ err = ''
+ try:
+ cmd = "service {} start".format(cfg['mode'])
+ result, err = charms.sshproxy._run(cmd)
+ except:
+ action_fail('command failed:' + err)
+ else:
+ action_set({'outout': result})
+ finally:
+ remove_flag('actions.start')
+def stop():
+ err = ''
+ try:
+ # Enter the command to stop your service(s)
+ cmd = "service {} stop".format(cfg['mode'])
+ result, err = charms.sshproxy._run(cmd)
+ except:
+ action_fail('command failed:' + err)
+ else:
+ action_set({'outout': result})
+ finally:
+ remove_flag('actions.stop')
+def restart():
+ err = ''
+ try:
+ # Enter the command to restart your service(s)
+ cmd = "service {} restart".format(cfg['mode'])
+ result, err = charms.sshproxy._run(cmd)
+ except:
+ action_fail('command failed:' + err)
+ else:
+ action_set({'outout': result})
+ finally:
+ remove_flag('actions.restart')
+def set_server():
+ err = ''
+ try:
+ # Get the target service info
+ target_ip = action_get('server-ip')
+ target_port = action_get('server-port')
+ data = json.dumps({'ip': target_ip, 'port': target_port})
+ cmd = format_curl(
+ 'POST',
+ '/server',
+ data,
+ )
+ result, err = charms.sshproxy._run(cmd)
+ except Exception as err:
+ print("error: {0}".format(err))
+ action_fail('command failed:' + err)
+ else:
+ action_set({'outout': result})
+ finally:
+ remove_flag('actions.set-server')
+def set_rate():
+ err = ''
+ try:
+ if is_ping():
+ rate = action_get('rate')
+ cmd = format_curl('POST', '/rate', '{"rate": {}}'.format(rate))
+ result, err = charms.sshproxy._run(cmd)
+ except:
+ action_fail('command failed:' + err)
+ else:
+ action_set({'outout': result})
+ finally:
+ remove_flag('actions.set-rate')
+def get_rate():
+ err = ''
+ try:
+ if is_ping():
+ cmd = format_curl('GET', '/rate')
+ result, err = charms.sshproxy._run(cmd)
+ except:
+ action_fail('command failed:' + err)
+ else:
+ action_set({'outout': result})
+ finally:
+ remove_flag('actions.get-rate')
+def get_state():
+ err = ''
+ try:
+ cmd = format_curl('GET', '/state')
+ result, err = charms.sshproxy._run(cmd)
+ except:
+ action_fail('command failed:' + err)
+ else:
+ action_set({'outout': result})
+ finally:
+ remove_flag('actions.get-state')
+def get_stats():
+ err = ''
+ try:
+ cmd = format_curl('GET', '/stats')
+ result, err = charms.sshproxy._run(cmd)
+ except:
+ action_fail('command failed:' + err)
+ else:
+ action_set({'outout': result})
+ finally:
+ remove_flag('actions.get-stats')
+def start_ping():
+ err = ''
+ try:
+ cmd = format_curl('POST', '/adminstatus/state', '{"enable":true}')
+ result, err = charms.sshproxy._run(cmd)
+ except:
+ action_fail('command failed:' + err)
+ else:
+ action_set({'outout': result})
+ finally:
+ remove_flag('actions.start-ping')
+def stop_ping():
+ err = ''
+ try:
+ cmd = format_curl('POST', '/adminstatus/state', '{"enable":false}')
+ result, err = charms.sshproxy._run(cmd)
+ except:
+ action_fail('command failed:' + err)
+ else:
+ action_set({'outout': result})
+ finally:
+ remove_flag('actions.stop-ping')
+def format_curl(method, path, data=None):
+ """ A utility function to build the curl command line. """
+ # method must be GET or POST
+ if method not in ['GET', 'POST']:
+ # Throw exception
+ return None
+ # Get our service info
+ host = cfg['ssh-hostname']
+ port = get_port()
+ mode = cfg['mode']
+ cmd = ['curl',
+ # '-D', '/dev/stdout',
+ '-H', '"Accept: application/vnd.yang.data+xml"',
+ '-H', '"Content-Type: application/vnd.yang.data+json"',
+ '-X', method]
+ if method == "POST" and data:
+ cmd.append('-d')
+ cmd.append("'{}'".format(data))
+ cmd.append(
+ 'http://{}:{}/api/v1/{}{}'.format(host, port, mode, path)
+ )
+ return cmd
--- /dev/null
+sudo add-apt-repository ppa:juju/stable -y
+sudo apt-get update
+sudo apt-get install amulet python-requests -y
--- /dev/null
+import amulet
+import requests
+import unittest
+class TestCharm(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.d = amulet.Deployment()
+ self.d.add('pingpong')
+ self.d.expose('pingpong')
+ self.d.setup(timeout=900)
+ self.d.sentry.wait()
+ self.unit = self.d.sentry['pingpong'][0]
+ def test_service(self):
+ # test we can access over http
+ page = requests.get('http://{}'.format(self.unit.info['public-address']))
+ self.assertEqual(page.status_code, 200)
+ # Now you can use self.d.sentry[SERVICE][UNIT] to address each of the units and perform
+ # more in-depth steps. Each self.d.sentry[SERVICE][UNIT] has the following methods:
+ # - .info - An array of the information of that unit from Juju
+ # - .file(PATH) - Get the details of a file on that unit
+ # - .file_contents(PATH) - Get plain text output of PATH file from that unit
+ # - .directory(PATH) - Get details of directory
+ # - .directory_contents(PATH) - List files and folders in PATH on that unit
+ # - .relation(relation, service:rel) - Get relation data from return service
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()