+@click.option('--filter', default=None,
+ help='restricts the list to the Physical Deployment Units matching the filter')
+def pdu_list(ctx, filter):
+ '''list all Physical Deployment Units (PDU)'''
+ try:
+ check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ resp = ctx.obj.pdu.list(filter)
+ except ClientException as inst:
+ print((inst.message))
+ exit(1)
+ table = PrettyTable(
+ ['pdu name',
+ 'id',
+ 'type',
+ 'shared',
+ 'mgmt ip address'])
+ for pdu in resp:
+ pdu_name = pdu['name']
+ pdu_id = pdu['_id']
+ pdu_type = pdu['type']
+ pdu_shared = pdu['shared']
+ pdu_ipaddress = "None"
+ for iface in pdu['interfaces']:
+ if iface['mgmt']:
+ pdu_ipaddress = iface['ip-address']
+ break
+ table.add_row(
+ [pdu_name,
+ pdu_id,
+ pdu_type,
+ pdu_shared,
+ pdu_ipaddress])
+ table.align = 'l'
+ print(table)
# SHOW operations
nsi_op_show(ctx, id, filter)
+@cli.command(name='pdu-show', short_help='shows the content of a Physical Deployment Unit (PDU)')
+@click.option('--literal', is_flag=True,
+ help='print literally, no pretty table')
+@click.option('--filter', default=None)
+def pdu_show(ctx, name, literal, filter):
+ '''shows the content of a Physical Deployment Unit (PDU)
+ NAME: name or ID of the PDU
+ '''
+ try:
+ check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ pdu = ctx.obj.pdu.get(name)
+ except ClientException as inst:
+ print((inst.message))
+ exit(1)
+ if literal:
+ print(yaml.safe_dump(pdu))
+ return
+ table = PrettyTable(['field', 'value'])
+ for k, v in list(pdu.items()):
+ if filter is None or filter in k:
+ table.add_row([k, json.dumps(v, indent=2)])
+ table.align = 'l'
+ print(table)
# CREATE operations
nsi_create(ctx, nst_name, nsi_name, vim_account, ssh_keys, config, config_file)
+@cli.command(name='pdu-create', short_help='adds a new Physical Deployment Unit to the catalog')
+@click.option('--name', help='name of the Physical Deployment Unit')
+@click.option('--pdu_type', help='type of PDU (e.g. router, firewall, FW001)')
+ help='interface(s) of the PDU: name=<NAME>,mgmt=<true|false>,ip-address=<IP_ADDRESS>'+
+ '[,type=<overlay|underlay>][,mac-address=<MAC_ADDRESS>][,vim-network-name=<VIM_NET_NAME>]',
+ multiple=True)
+@click.option('--description', help='human readable description')
+@click.option('--shared', is_flag=True, help='flag to indicate if the PDU is shared')
+@click.option('--vimAccounts', help='list of VIM accounts where this PDU is physically connected')
+@click.option('--descriptor_file', default=None, help='PDU descriptor file (as an alternative to using the other arguments')
+def pdu_create(ctx, name, pdu_type, interface, description, shared, vimAccounts, descriptor_file):
+ '''creates a new Physical Deployment Unit (PDU)'''
+ try:
+ check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ pdu = {}
+ if not descriptor_file:
+ if not name:
+ raise ClientException('in absence of descriptor file, option "--name" is mandatory')
+ if not pdu_type:
+ raise ClientException('in absence of descriptor file, option "--pdu_type" is mandatory')
+ if not interface:
+ raise ClientException('in absence of descriptor file, option "--interface" is mandatory (at least once)')
+ else:
+ with open(descriptor_file, 'r') as df:
+ pdu = yaml.load(df.read())
+ if name: pdu["name"] = name
+ if pdu_type: pdu["type"] = pdu_type
+ if description: pdu["description"] = description
+ if shared: pdu["shared"] = shared
+ if vimAccounts: pdu["vim_accounts"] = yaml.load(vimAccounts)
+ if interface:
+ ifaces_list = []
+ for iface in interface:
+ ifaces_list.append({k:v for k,v in [i.split('=') for i in iface.split(',')]})
+ pdu["interfaces"] = ifaces_list
+ ctx.obj.pdu.create(pdu)
+ except ClientException as inst:
+ print((inst.message))
+ exit(1)
# UPDATE operations
nsi_delete(ctx, name, force)
+@cli.command(name='pdu-delete', short_help='deletes a Physical Deployment Unit (PDU)')
+@click.option('--force', is_flag=True, help='forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions')
+def pdu_delete(ctx, name, force):
+ '''deletes a Physical Deployment Unit (PDU)
+ NAME: name or ID of the PDU to be deleted
+ '''
+ try:
+ check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ ctx.obj.pdu.delete(name, force)
+ except ClientException as inst:
+ print((inst.message))
+ exit(1)
# VIM operations
from osmclient.sol005 import sdncontroller
from osmclient.sol005 import project as projectmodule
from osmclient.sol005 import user as usermodule
+from osmclient.sol005 import pdud
from osmclient.common.exceptions import ClientException
import json
self.vnf = vnf.Vnf(self._http_client, client=self)
self.project = projectmodule.Project(self._http_client, client=self)
self.user = usermodule.User(self._http_client, client=self)
+ self.pdu = pdud.Pdu(self._http_client, client=self)
self.vca = vca.Vca(http_client, client=self, **kwargs)
self.utils = utils.Utils(http_client, **kwargs)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2018 Telefonica
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+OSM pdud API handling
+from osmclient.common.exceptions import NotFound
+from osmclient.common.exceptions import ClientException
+from osmclient.common import utils
+import json
+class Pdu(object):
+ def __init__(self, http=None, client=None):
+ self._http = http
+ self._client = client
+ self._apiName = '/pdu'
+ self._apiVersion = '/v1'
+ self._apiResource = '/pdu_descriptors'
+ self._apiBase = '{}{}{}'.format(self._apiName,
+ self._apiVersion, self._apiResource)
+ def list(self, filter=None):
+ filter_string = ''
+ if filter:
+ filter_string = '?{}'.format(filter)
+ resp = self._http.get_cmd('{}{}'.format(self._apiBase,filter_string))
+ if resp:
+ return resp
+ return list()
+ def get(self, name):
+ if utils.validate_uuid4(name):
+ for pdud in self.list():
+ if name == pdud['_id']:
+ return pdud
+ else:
+ for pdud in self.list():
+ if 'name' in pdud and name == pdud['name']:
+ return pdud
+ raise NotFound("pdud {} not found".format(name))
+ def get_individual(self, name):
+ pdud = self.get(name)
+ # It is redundant, since the previous one already gets the whole pdudInfo
+ # The only difference is that a different primitive is exercised
+ resp = self._http.get_cmd('{}/{}'.format(self._apiBase, pdud['_id']))
+ #print yaml.safe_dump(resp)
+ if resp:
+ return resp
+ raise NotFound("pdu {} not found".format(name))
+ def delete(self, name, force=False):
+ pdud = self.get(name)
+ querystring = ''
+ if force:
+ querystring = '?FORCE=True'
+ http_code, resp = self._http.delete_cmd('{}/{}{}'.format(self._apiBase,
+ pdud['_id'], querystring))
+ #print 'HTTP CODE: {}'.format(http_code)
+ #print 'RESP: {}'.format(resp)
+ if http_code == 202:
+ print('Deletion in progress')
+ elif http_code == 204:
+ print('Deleted')
+ else:
+ msg = ""
+ if resp:
+ try:
+ msg = json.loads(resp)
+ except ValueError:
+ msg = resp
+ raise ClientException("failed to delete pdu {} - {}".format(name, msg))
+ def create(self, pdu, update_endpoint=None):
+ headers= self._client._headers
+ headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
+ http_header = ['{}: {}'.format(key,val)
+ for (key,val) in list(headers.items())]
+ self._http.set_http_header(http_header)
+ if update_endpoint:
+ http_code, resp = self._http.put_cmd(endpoint=update_endpoint, postfields_dict=pdu)
+ else:
+ self._apiResource = '/pdu_descriptors_content'
+ self._apiBase = '{}{}{}'.format(self._apiName,
+ self._apiVersion, self._apiResource)
+ endpoint = self._apiBase
+ #endpoint = '{}{}'.format(self._apiBase,ow_string)
+ http_code, resp = self._http.post_cmd(endpoint=endpoint, postfields_dict=pdu)
+ #print 'HTTP CODE: {}'.format(http_code)
+ #print 'RESP: {}'.format(resp)
+ if http_code in (200, 201, 202, 204):
+ if resp:
+ resp = json.loads(resp)
+ if not resp or 'id' not in resp:
+ raise ClientException('unexpected response from server: '.format(
+ resp))
+ print(resp['id'])
+ else:
+ msg = "Error {}".format(http_code)
+ if resp:
+ try:
+ msg = "{} - {}".format(msg, json.loads(resp))
+ except ValueError:
+ msg = "{} - {}".format(msg, resp)
+ raise ClientException("failed to create/update pdu - {}".format(msg))
+ def update(self, name, filename):
+ pdud = self.get(name)
+ endpoint = '{}/{}'.format(self._apiBase, pdud['_id'])
+ self.create(filename=filename, update_endpoint=endpoint)