--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2018 SONATA-NFV, 5GTANGO and Paderborn University
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Neither the name of the SONATA-NFV, 5GTANGO, Paderborn University
+# nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote
+# products derived from this software without specific prior written
+# permission.
+# This work has been performed in the framework of the SONATA project,
+# funded by the European Commission under Grant number 671517 through
+# the Horizon 2020 and 5G-PPP programmes. The authors would like to
+# acknowledge the contributions of their colleagues of the SONATA
+# partner consortium (www.sonata-nfv.eu).
+# This work has also been performed in the framework of the 5GTANGO project,
+# funded by the European Commission under Grant number 761493 through
+# the Horizon 2020 and 5G-PPP programmes. The authors would like to
+# acknowledge the contributions of their colleagues of the 5GTANGO
+# partner consortium (www.5gtango.eu).
+import logging
+import os
+import uuid
+import hashlib
+import zipfile
+import yaml
+import threading
+from docker import DockerClient
+from flask import Flask, request
+import flask_restful as fr
+from collections import defaultdict
+import pkg_resources
+from subprocess import Popen
+from random import randint
+import ipaddress
+import copy
+import time
+from functools import reduce
+LOG = logging.getLogger("5gtango.llcm")
+GK_STORAGE = "/tmp/vim-emu-tango-llcm/"
+UPLOAD_FOLDER = os.path.join(GK_STORAGE, "uploads/")
+CATALOG_FOLDER = os.path.join(GK_STORAGE, "catalog/")
+# Enable Dockerfile build functionality
+# flag to indicate that we run without the emulator (only the bare API for
+# integration testing)
+# should a new version of an image be pulled even if its available
+# Automatically deploy SAPs (endpoints) of the service as new containers
+# Attention: This is not a configuration switch but a global variable!
+# Don't change its default value.
+# flag to indicate if we use bidirectional forwarding rules in the
+# automatic chaining process
+# override the management interfaces in the descriptors with default
+# docker0 interfaces in the containers
+# automatically deploy uploaded packages (no need to execute son-access
+# deploy --latest separately)
+# and also automatically terminate any other running services
+def generate_subnets(prefix, base, subnet_size=50, mask=24):
+ # Generate a list of ipaddress in subnets
+ r = list()
+ for net in range(base, base + subnet_size):
+ subnet = "{0}.{1}.0/{2}".format(prefix, net, mask)
+ r.append(ipaddress.ip_network(unicode(subnet)))
+ return r
+# private subnet definitions for the generated interfaces
+# 10.10.xxx.0/24
+SAP_SUBNETS = generate_subnets('10.10', 0, subnet_size=50, mask=30)
+# 10.20.xxx.0/30
+ELAN_SUBNETS = generate_subnets('10.20', 0, subnet_size=50, mask=24)
+# 10.30.xxx.0/30
+ELINE_SUBNETS = generate_subnets('10.30', 0, subnet_size=50, mask=30)
+# path to the VNFD for the SAP VNF that is deployed as internal SAP point
+SAP_VNFD = None
+# Time in seconds to wait for vnf stop scripts to execute fully
+class OnBoardingException(BaseException):
+ pass
+class Gatekeeper(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.services = dict()
+ self.dcs = dict()
+ self.net = None
+ # used to generate short names for VNFs (Mininet limitation)
+ self.vnf_counter = 0
+ LOG.info("Initialized 5GTANGO LLCM module.")
+ def register_service_package(self, service_uuid, service):
+ """
+ register new service package
+ :param service_uuid
+ :param service object
+ """
+ self.services[service_uuid] = service
+ # lets perform all steps needed to onboard the service
+ service.onboard()
+ def get_next_vnf_name(self):
+ self.vnf_counter += 1
+ return "vnf%d" % self.vnf_counter
+class Service(object):
+ """
+ This class represents a NS uploaded as a *.son package to the
+ dummy gatekeeper.
+ Can have multiple running instances of this service.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ service_uuid,
+ package_file_hash,
+ package_file_path):
+ self.uuid = service_uuid
+ self.package_file_hash = package_file_hash
+ self.package_file_path = package_file_path
+ self.package_content_path = os.path.join(
+ CATALOG_FOLDER, "services/%s" % self.uuid)
+ self.manifest = None
+ self.nsd = None
+ self.vnfds = dict()
+ self.saps = dict()
+ self.saps_ext = list()
+ self.saps_int = list()
+ self.local_docker_files = dict()
+ self.remote_docker_image_urls = dict()
+ self.instances = dict()
+ # dict to find the vnf_name for any vnf id
+ self.vnf_id2vnf_name = dict()
+ def onboard(self):
+ """
+ Do all steps to prepare this service to be instantiated
+ :return:
+ """
+ # 1. extract the contents of the package and store them in our catalog
+ self._unpack_service_package()
+ # 2. read in all descriptor files
+ self._load_package_descriptor()
+ self._load_nsd()
+ self._load_vnfd()
+ if self.nsd is None:
+ raise OnBoardingException("No NSD found.")
+ if len(self.vnfds) < 1:
+ raise OnBoardingException("No VNFDs found.")
+ self._load_saps()
+ # 3. prepare container images (e.g. download or build Dockerfile)
+ self._load_docker_files()
+ self._build_images_from_dockerfiles()
+ else:
+ self._load_docker_urls()
+ self._pull_predefined_dockerimages()
+ LOG.info("On-boarded service: %r" % self.manifest.get("name"))
+ def start_service(self):
+ """
+ This methods creates and starts a new service instance.
+ It computes placements, iterates over all VNFDs, and starts
+ each VNFD as a Docker container in the data center selected
+ by the placement algorithm.
+ :return:
+ """
+ LOG.info("Starting service %r" % self.uuid)
+ # 1. each service instance gets a new uuid to identify it
+ instance_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
+ # build a instances dict (a bit like a NSR :))
+ self.instances[instance_uuid] = dict()
+ self.instances[instance_uuid]["vnf_instances"] = list()
+ # 2. compute placement of this service instance (adds DC names to
+ # VNFDs)
+ # self._calculate_placement(FirstDcPlacement)
+ self._calculate_placement(RoundRobinDcPlacementWithSAPs)
+ # 3. start all vnfds that we have in the service (except SAPs)
+ for vnf_id in self.vnfds:
+ vnfd = self.vnfds[vnf_id]
+ vnfi = None
+ vnfi = self._start_vnfd(vnfd, vnf_id)
+ self.instances[instance_uuid]["vnf_instances"].append(vnfi)
+ # 4. start all SAPs in the service
+ for sap in self.saps:
+ self._start_sap(self.saps[sap], instance_uuid)
+ # 5. Deploy E-Line and E_LAN links
+ # Attention: Only done if ""forwarding_graphs" section in NSD exists,
+ # even if "forwarding_graphs" are not used directly.
+ if "virtual_links" in self.nsd and "forwarding_graphs" in self.nsd:
+ vlinks = self.nsd["virtual_links"]
+ # constituent virtual links are not checked
+ # fwd_links = self.nsd["forwarding_graphs"][0]["constituent_virtual_links"]
+ eline_fwd_links = [l for l in vlinks if (
+ l["connectivity_type"] == "E-Line")]
+ elan_fwd_links = [l for l in vlinks if (
+ l["connectivity_type"] == "E-LAN")]
+ GK.net.deployed_elines.extend(eline_fwd_links)
+ GK.net.deployed_elans.extend(elan_fwd_links)
+ # 5a. deploy E-Line links
+ self._connect_elines(eline_fwd_links, instance_uuid)
+ # 5b. deploy E-LAN links
+ self._connect_elans(elan_fwd_links, instance_uuid)
+ # 6. run the emulator specific entrypoint scripts in the VNFIs of this
+ # service instance
+ self._trigger_emulator_start_scripts_in_vnfis(
+ self.instances[instance_uuid]["vnf_instances"])
+ LOG.info("Service started. Instance id: %r" % instance_uuid)
+ return instance_uuid
+ def stop_service(self, instance_uuid):
+ """
+ This method stops a running service instance.
+ It iterates over all VNF instances, stopping them each
+ and removing them from their data center.
+ :param instance_uuid: the uuid of the service instance to be stopped
+ """
+ LOG.info("Stopping service %r" % self.uuid)
+ # get relevant information
+ # instance_uuid = str(self.uuid.uuid4())
+ vnf_instances = self.instances[instance_uuid]["vnf_instances"]
+ # trigger stop skripts in vnf instances and wait a few seconds for
+ # completion
+ self._trigger_emulator_stop_scripts_in_vnfis(vnf_instances)
+ time.sleep(VNF_STOP_WAIT_TIME)
+ for v in vnf_instances:
+ self._stop_vnfi(v)
+ for sap_name in self.saps_ext:
+ ext_sap = self.saps[sap_name]
+ target_dc = ext_sap.get("dc")
+ target_dc.removeExternalSAP(sap_name)
+ LOG.info("Stopping the SAP instance: %r in DC %r" %
+ (sap_name, target_dc))
+ # remove placement?
+ # self._remove_placement(RoundRobinPlacement)
+ None
+ # last step: remove the instance from the list of all instances
+ del self.instances[instance_uuid]
+ def _start_vnfd(self, vnfd, vnf_id, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Start a single VNFD of this service
+ :param vnfd: vnfd descriptor dict
+ :param vnf_id: unique id of this vnf in the nsd
+ :return:
+ """
+ # the vnf_name refers to the container image to be deployed
+ vnf_name = vnfd.get("name")
+ # iterate over all deployment units within each VNFDs
+ for u in vnfd.get("virtual_deployment_units"):
+ # 1. get the name of the docker image to start and the assigned DC
+ if vnf_id not in self.remote_docker_image_urls:
+ raise Exception("No image name for %r found. Abort." % vnf_id)
+ docker_name = self.remote_docker_image_urls.get(vnf_id)
+ target_dc = vnfd.get("dc")
+ # 2. perform some checks to ensure we can start the container
+ assert(docker_name is not None)
+ assert(target_dc is not None)
+ if not self._check_docker_image_exists(docker_name):
+ raise Exception(
+ "Docker image %r not found. Abort." % docker_name)
+ # 3. get the resource limits
+ res_req = u.get("resource_requirements")
+ cpu_list = res_req.get("cpu").get("cores")
+ if cpu_list is None:
+ cpu_list = res_req.get("cpu").get("vcpus")
+ if cpu_list is None:
+ cpu_list = "1"
+ cpu_bw = res_req.get("cpu").get("cpu_bw")
+ if not cpu_bw:
+ cpu_bw = 1
+ mem_num = str(res_req.get("memory").get("size"))
+ if len(mem_num) == 0:
+ mem_num = "2"
+ mem_unit = str(res_req.get("memory").get("size_unit"))
+ if str(mem_unit) == 0:
+ mem_unit = "GB"
+ mem_limit = float(mem_num)
+ if mem_unit == "GB":
+ mem_limit = mem_limit * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
+ elif mem_unit == "MB":
+ mem_limit = mem_limit * 1024 * 1024
+ elif mem_unit == "KB":
+ mem_limit = mem_limit * 1024
+ mem_lim = int(mem_limit)
+ cpu_period, cpu_quota = self._calculate_cpu_cfs_values(
+ float(cpu_bw))
+ # check if we need to deploy the management ports (defined as
+ # type:management both on in the vnfd and nsd)
+ intfs = vnfd.get("connection_points", [])
+ mgmt_intf_names = []
+ mgmt_intfs = [vnf_id + ':' + intf['id']
+ for intf in intfs if intf.get('type') == 'management']
+ # check if any of these management interfaces are used in a
+ # management-type network in the nsd
+ for nsd_intf_name in mgmt_intfs:
+ vlinks = [l["connection_points_reference"]
+ for l in self.nsd.get("virtual_links", [])]
+ for link in vlinks:
+ if nsd_intf_name in link and self.check_mgmt_interface(
+ link):
+ # this is indeed a management interface and can be
+ # skipped
+ vnf_id, vnf_interface, vnf_sap_docker_name = parse_interface(
+ nsd_intf_name)
+ found_interfaces = [
+ intf for intf in intfs if intf.get('id') == vnf_interface]
+ intfs.remove(found_interfaces[0])
+ mgmt_intf_names.append(vnf_interface)
+ # 4. generate the volume paths for the docker container
+ volumes = list()
+ # a volume to extract log files
+ docker_log_path = "/tmp/results/%s/%s" % (self.uuid, vnf_id)
+ LOG.debug("LOG path for vnf %s is %s." % (vnf_id, docker_log_path))
+ if not os.path.exists(docker_log_path):
+ LOG.debug("Creating folder %s" % docker_log_path)
+ os.makedirs(docker_log_path)
+ volumes.append(docker_log_path + ":/mnt/share/")
+ # 5. do the dc.startCompute(name="foobar") call to run the container
+ # TODO consider flavors, and other annotations
+ # TODO: get all vnf id's from the nsd for this vnfd and use those as dockername
+ # use the vnf_id in the nsd as docker name
+ # so deployed containers can be easily mapped back to the nsd
+ LOG.info("Starting %r as %r in DC %r" %
+ (vnf_name, vnf_id, vnfd.get("dc")))
+ LOG.debug("Interfaces for %r: %r" % (vnf_id, intfs))
+ vnfi = target_dc.startCompute(
+ vnf_id,
+ network=intfs,
+ image=docker_name,
+ flavor_name="small",
+ cpu_quota=cpu_quota,
+ cpu_period=cpu_period,
+ cpuset=cpu_list,
+ mem_limit=mem_lim,
+ volumes=volumes,
+ type=kwargs.get('type', 'docker'))
+ # rename the docker0 interfaces (eth0) to the management port name
+ # defined in the VNFD
+ for intf_name in mgmt_intf_names:
+ self._vnf_reconfigure_network(
+ vnfi, 'eth0', new_name=intf_name)
+ return vnfi
+ def _stop_vnfi(self, vnfi):
+ """
+ Stop a VNF instance.
+ :param vnfi: vnf instance to be stopped
+ """
+ # Find the correct datacenter
+ status = vnfi.getStatus()
+ dc = vnfi.datacenter
+ # stop the vnfi
+ LOG.info("Stopping the vnf instance contained in %r in DC %r" %
+ (status["name"], dc))
+ dc.stopCompute(status["name"])
+ def _get_vnf_instance(self, instance_uuid, vnf_id):
+ """
+ Returns the Docker object for the given VNF id (or Docker name).
+ :param instance_uuid: UUID of the service instance to search in.
+ :param name: VNF name or Docker name. We are fuzzy here.
+ :return:
+ """
+ dn = vnf_id
+ for vnfi in self.instances[instance_uuid]["vnf_instances"]:
+ if vnfi.name == dn:
+ return vnfi
+ LOG.warning("No container with name: {0} found.".format(dn))
+ return None
+ @staticmethod
+ def _vnf_reconfigure_network(vnfi, if_name, net_str=None, new_name=None):
+ """
+ Reconfigure the network configuration of a specific interface
+ of a running container.
+ :param vnfi: container instance
+ :param if_name: interface name
+ :param net_str: network configuration string, e.g.,
+ :return:
+ """
+ # assign new ip address
+ if net_str is not None:
+ intf = vnfi.intf(intf=if_name)
+ if intf is not None:
+ intf.setIP(net_str)
+ LOG.debug("Reconfigured network of %s:%s to %r" %
+ (vnfi.name, if_name, net_str))
+ else:
+ LOG.warning("Interface not found: %s:%s. Network reconfiguration skipped." % (
+ vnfi.name, if_name))
+ if new_name is not None:
+ vnfi.cmd('ip link set', if_name, 'down')
+ vnfi.cmd('ip link set', if_name, 'name', new_name)
+ vnfi.cmd('ip link set', new_name, 'up')
+ LOG.debug("Reconfigured interface name of %s:%s to %s" %
+ (vnfi.name, if_name, new_name))
+ def _trigger_emulator_start_scripts_in_vnfis(self, vnfi_list):
+ for vnfi in vnfi_list:
+ config = vnfi.dcinfo.get("Config", dict())
+ env = config.get("Env", list())
+ for env_var in env:
+ var, cmd = map(str.strip, map(str, env_var.split('=', 1)))
+ LOG.debug("%r = %r" % (var, cmd))
+ if var == "SON_EMU_CMD":
+ LOG.info("Executing entry point script in %r: %r" %
+ (vnfi.name, cmd))
+ # execute command in new thread to ensure that GK is not
+ # blocked by VNF
+ t = threading.Thread(target=vnfi.cmdPrint, args=(cmd,))
+ t.daemon = True
+ t.start()
+ def _trigger_emulator_stop_scripts_in_vnfis(self, vnfi_list):
+ for vnfi in vnfi_list:
+ config = vnfi.dcinfo.get("Config", dict())
+ env = config.get("Env", list())
+ for env_var in env:
+ var, cmd = map(str.strip, map(str, env_var.split('=', 1)))
+ if var == "SON_EMU_CMD_STOP":
+ LOG.info("Executing stop script in %r: %r" %
+ (vnfi.name, cmd))
+ # execute command in new thread to ensure that GK is not
+ # blocked by VNF
+ t = threading.Thread(target=vnfi.cmdPrint, args=(cmd,))
+ t.daemon = True
+ t.start()
+ def _unpack_service_package(self):
+ """
+ unzip *.son file and store contents in CATALOG_FOLDER/services/<service_uuid>/
+ """
+ LOG.info("Unzipping: %r" % self.package_file_path)
+ with zipfile.ZipFile(self.package_file_path, "r") as z:
+ z.extractall(self.package_content_path)
+ def _load_package_descriptor(self):
+ """
+ Load the main package descriptor YAML and keep it as dict.
+ :return:
+ """
+ self.manifest = load_yaml(
+ os.path.join(
+ self.package_content_path, "TOSCA-Metadata/NAPD.yaml"))
+ def _load_nsd(self):
+ """
+ Load the entry NSD YAML and keep it as dict.
+ :return:
+ """
+ if "package_content" in self.manifest:
+ nsd_path = None
+ for f in self.manifest.get("package_content"):
+ if f.get("content-type") == "application/vnd.5gtango.nsd":
+ nsd_path = os.path.join(
+ self.package_content_path,
+ make_relative_path(f.get("source")))
+ break # always use the first NSD for now
+ if nsd_path is None:
+ raise OnBoardingException("No NSD with type 'application/vnd.5gtango.nsd' found.")
+ self.nsd = load_yaml(nsd_path)
+ GK.net.deployed_nsds.append(self.nsd) # TODO this seems strange (remove?)
+ # create dict to find the vnf_name for any vnf id
+ self.vnf_id2vnf_name = defaultdict(lambda: "NotExistingNode",
+ reduce(lambda x, y: dict(x, **y),
+ map(lambda d: {d["vnf_id"]: d["vnf_name"]},
+ self.nsd["network_functions"])))
+ LOG.debug("Loaded NSD: %r" % self.nsd.get("name"))
+ else:
+ raise OnBoardingException(
+ "No 'package_content' section in package manifest:\n{}"
+ .format(self.manifest))
+ def _load_vnfd(self):
+ """
+ Load all VNFD YAML files referenced in MANIFEST.MF and keep them in dict.
+ :return:
+ """
+ # first make a list of all the vnfds in the package
+ vnfd_set = dict()
+ if "package_content" in self.manifest:
+ for pc in self.manifest.get("package_content"):
+ if pc.get(
+ "content-type") == "application/vnd.5gtango.vnfd":
+ vnfd_path = os.path.join(
+ self.package_content_path,
+ make_relative_path(pc.get("source")))
+ vnfd = load_yaml(vnfd_path)
+ vnfd_set[vnfd.get("name")] = vnfd
+ if len(vnfd_set) < 1:
+ raise OnBoardingException("No VNFDs found.")
+ # then link each vnf_id in the nsd to its vnfd
+ for vnf_id in self.vnf_id2vnf_name:
+ vnf_name = self.vnf_id2vnf_name[vnf_id]
+ self.vnfds[vnf_id] = vnfd_set[vnf_name]
+ LOG.debug("Loaded VNFD: {0} id: {1}".format(vnf_name, vnf_id))
+ def _load_saps(self):
+ # create list of all SAPs
+ # check if we need to deploy management ports
+ SAPs = [p for p in self.nsd["connection_points"]
+ if 'management' not in p.get('type')]
+ else:
+ SAPs = [p for p in self.nsd["connection_points"]]
+ for sap in SAPs:
+ # endpoint needed in this service
+ sap_id, sap_interface, sap_docker_name = parse_interface(sap['id'])
+ # make sure SAP has type set (default internal)
+ sap["type"] = sap.get("type", 'internal')
+ # Each Service Access Point (connection_point) in the nsd is an IP
+ # address on the host
+ if sap["type"] == "external":
+ # add to vnfds to calculate placement later on
+ sap_net = SAP_SUBNETS.pop(0)
+ self.saps[sap_docker_name] = {
+ "name": sap_docker_name, "type": "external", "net": sap_net}
+ # add SAP vnf to list in the NSD so it is deployed later on
+ # each SAP gets a unique VNFD and vnf_id in the NSD and custom
+ # type (only defined in the dummygatekeeper)
+ self.nsd["network_functions"].append(
+ {"vnf_id": sap_docker_name, "vnf_name": sap_docker_name, "vnf_type": "sap_ext"})
+ # Each Service Access Point (connection_point) in the nsd is
+ # getting its own container (default)
+ elif sap["type"] == "internal" or sap["type"] == "management":
+ # add SAP to self.vnfds
+ if SAP_VNFD is None:
+ sapfile = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
+ __name__, "sap_vnfd.yml")
+ else:
+ sapfile = SAP_VNFD
+ sap_vnfd = load_yaml(sapfile)
+ sap_vnfd["connection_points"][0]["id"] = sap_interface
+ sap_vnfd["name"] = sap_docker_name
+ sap_vnfd["type"] = "internal"
+ # add to vnfds to calculate placement later on and deploy
+ self.saps[sap_docker_name] = sap_vnfd
+ # add SAP vnf to list in the NSD so it is deployed later on
+ # each SAP get a unique VNFD and vnf_id in the NSD
+ self.nsd["network_functions"].append(
+ {"vnf_id": sap_docker_name, "vnf_name": sap_docker_name, "vnf_type": "sap_int"})
+ LOG.debug("Loaded SAP: name: {0}, type: {1}".format(
+ sap_docker_name, sap['type']))
+ # create sap lists
+ self.saps_ext = [self.saps[sap]['name']
+ for sap in self.saps if self.saps[sap]["type"] == "external"]
+ self.saps_int = [self.saps[sap]['name']
+ for sap in self.saps if self.saps[sap]["type"] == "internal"]
+ def _start_sap(self, sap, instance_uuid):
+ if not DEPLOY_SAP:
+ return
+ LOG.info('start SAP: {0} ,type: {1}'.format(sap['name'], sap['type']))
+ if sap["type"] == "internal":
+ vnfi = None
+ vnfi = self._start_vnfd(sap, sap['name'], type='sap_int')
+ self.instances[instance_uuid]["vnf_instances"].append(vnfi)
+ elif sap["type"] == "external":
+ target_dc = sap.get("dc")
+ # add interface to dc switch
+ target_dc.attachExternalSAP(sap['name'], sap['net'])
+ def _connect_elines(self, eline_fwd_links, instance_uuid):
+ """
+ Connect all E-LINE links in the NSD
+ :param eline_fwd_links: list of E-LINE links in the NSD
+ :param: instance_uuid of the service
+ :return:
+ """
+ # cookie is used as identifier for the flowrules installed by the dummygatekeeper
+ # eg. different services get a unique cookie for their flowrules
+ cookie = 1
+ for link in eline_fwd_links:
+ # check if we need to deploy this link when its a management link:
+ if self.check_mgmt_interface(
+ link["connection_points_reference"]):
+ continue
+ src_id, src_if_name, src_sap_id = parse_interface(
+ link["connection_points_reference"][0])
+ dst_id, dst_if_name, dst_sap_id = parse_interface(
+ link["connection_points_reference"][1])
+ setChaining = False
+ # check if there is a SAP in the link and chain everything together
+ if src_sap_id in self.saps and dst_sap_id in self.saps:
+ LOG.info(
+ '2 SAPs cannot be chained together : {0} - {1}'.format(src_sap_id, dst_sap_id))
+ continue
+ elif src_sap_id in self.saps_ext:
+ src_id = src_sap_id
+ # set intf name to None so the chaining function will choose
+ # the first one
+ src_if_name = None
+ dst_vnfi = self._get_vnf_instance(instance_uuid, dst_id)
+ if dst_vnfi is not None:
+ # choose first ip address in sap subnet
+ sap_net = self.saps[src_sap_id]['net']
+ sap_ip = "{0}/{1}".format(str(sap_net[2]),
+ sap_net.prefixlen)
+ self._vnf_reconfigure_network(
+ dst_vnfi, dst_if_name, sap_ip)
+ setChaining = True
+ elif dst_sap_id in self.saps_ext:
+ dst_id = dst_sap_id
+ # set intf name to None so the chaining function will choose
+ # the first one
+ dst_if_name = None
+ src_vnfi = self._get_vnf_instance(instance_uuid, src_id)
+ if src_vnfi is not None:
+ sap_net = self.saps[dst_sap_id]['net']
+ sap_ip = "{0}/{1}".format(str(sap_net[2]),
+ sap_net.prefixlen)
+ self._vnf_reconfigure_network(
+ src_vnfi, src_if_name, sap_ip)
+ setChaining = True
+ # Link between 2 VNFs
+ else:
+ # make sure we use the correct sap vnf name
+ if src_sap_id in self.saps_int:
+ src_id = src_sap_id
+ if dst_sap_id in self.saps_int:
+ dst_id = dst_sap_id
+ # re-configure the VNFs IP assignment and ensure that a new
+ # subnet is used for each E-Link
+ src_vnfi = self._get_vnf_instance(instance_uuid, src_id)
+ dst_vnfi = self._get_vnf_instance(instance_uuid, dst_id)
+ if src_vnfi is not None and dst_vnfi is not None:
+ eline_net = ELINE_SUBNETS.pop(0)
+ ip1 = "{0}/{1}".format(str(eline_net[1]),
+ eline_net.prefixlen)
+ ip2 = "{0}/{1}".format(str(eline_net[2]),
+ eline_net.prefixlen)
+ self._vnf_reconfigure_network(src_vnfi, src_if_name, ip1)
+ self._vnf_reconfigure_network(dst_vnfi, dst_if_name, ip2)
+ setChaining = True
+ # Set the chaining
+ if setChaining:
+ GK.net.setChain(
+ src_id, dst_id,
+ vnf_src_interface=src_if_name, vnf_dst_interface=dst_if_name,
+ bidirectional=BIDIRECTIONAL_CHAIN, cmd="add-flow", cookie=cookie, priority=10)
+ LOG.debug(
+ "Setting up E-Line link. (%s:%s) -> (%s:%s)" % (
+ src_id, src_if_name, dst_id, dst_if_name))
+ def _connect_elans(self, elan_fwd_links, instance_uuid):
+ """
+ Connect all E-LAN links in the NSD
+ :param elan_fwd_links: list of E-LAN links in the NSD
+ :param: instance_uuid of the service
+ :return:
+ """
+ for link in elan_fwd_links:
+ # check if we need to deploy this link when its a management link:
+ if self.check_mgmt_interface(
+ link["connection_points_reference"]):
+ continue
+ elan_vnf_list = []
+ # check if an external SAP is in the E-LAN (then a subnet is
+ # already defined)
+ intfs_elan = [intf for intf in link["connection_points_reference"]]
+ lan_sap = self.check_ext_saps(intfs_elan)
+ if lan_sap:
+ lan_net = self.saps[lan_sap]['net']
+ lan_hosts = list(lan_net.hosts())
+ else:
+ lan_net = ELAN_SUBNETS.pop(0)
+ lan_hosts = list(lan_net.hosts())
+ # generate lan ip address for all interfaces except external SAPs
+ for intf in link["connection_points_reference"]:
+ # skip external SAPs, they already have an ip
+ vnf_id, vnf_interface, vnf_sap_docker_name = parse_interface(
+ intf)
+ if vnf_sap_docker_name in self.saps_ext:
+ elan_vnf_list.append(
+ {'name': vnf_sap_docker_name, 'interface': vnf_interface})
+ continue
+ ip_address = "{0}/{1}".format(str(lan_hosts.pop(0)),
+ lan_net.prefixlen)
+ vnf_id, intf_name, vnf_sap_id = parse_interface(intf)
+ # make sure we use the correct sap vnf name
+ src_docker_name = vnf_id
+ if vnf_sap_id in self.saps_int:
+ src_docker_name = vnf_sap_id
+ vnf_id = vnf_sap_id
+ LOG.debug(
+ "Setting up E-LAN interface. (%s:%s) -> %s" % (
+ vnf_id, intf_name, ip_address))
+ # re-configure the VNFs IP assignment and ensure that a new subnet is used for each E-LAN
+ # E-LAN relies on the learning switch capability of Ryu which has to be turned on in the topology
+ # (DCNetwork(controller=RemoteController, enable_learning=True)), so no explicit chaining is necessary.
+ vnfi = self._get_vnf_instance(instance_uuid, vnf_id)
+ if vnfi is not None:
+ self._vnf_reconfigure_network(vnfi, intf_name, ip_address)
+ # add this vnf and interface to the E-LAN for tagging
+ elan_vnf_list.append(
+ {'name': src_docker_name, 'interface': intf_name})
+ # install the VLAN tags for this E-LAN
+ GK.net.setLAN(elan_vnf_list)
+ def _load_docker_files(self):
+ """
+ Get all paths to Dockerfiles from VNFDs and store them in dict.
+ :return:
+ """
+ for k, v in self.vnfds.iteritems():
+ for vu in v.get("virtual_deployment_units"):
+ if vu.get("vm_image_format") == "docker":
+ vm_image = vu.get("vm_image")
+ docker_path = os.path.join(
+ self.package_content_path,
+ make_relative_path(vm_image))
+ self.local_docker_files[k] = docker_path
+ LOG.debug("Found Dockerfile (%r): %r" % (k, docker_path))
+ def _load_docker_urls(self):
+ """
+ Get all URLs to pre-build docker images in some repo.
+ :return:
+ """
+ # also merge sap dicts, because internal saps also need a docker
+ # container
+ all_vnfs = self.vnfds.copy()
+ all_vnfs.update(self.saps)
+ for k, v in all_vnfs.iteritems():
+ for vu in v.get("virtual_deployment_units", {}):
+ if vu.get("vm_image_format") == "docker":
+ url = vu.get("vm_image")
+ if url is not None:
+ url = url.replace("http://", "")
+ self.remote_docker_image_urls[k] = url
+ LOG.debug("Found Docker image URL (%r): %r" %
+ (k, self.remote_docker_image_urls[k]))
+ def _build_images_from_dockerfiles(self):
+ """
+ Build Docker images for each local Dockerfile found in the package: self.local_docker_files
+ """
+ return # do not build anything in standalone mode
+ dc = DockerClient()
+ LOG.info("Building %d Docker images (this may take several minutes) ..." % len(
+ self.local_docker_files))
+ for k, v in self.local_docker_files.iteritems():
+ for line in dc.build(path=v.replace(
+ "Dockerfile", ""), tag=k, rm=False, nocache=False):
+ LOG.debug("DOCKER BUILD: %s" % line)
+ LOG.info("Docker image created: %s" % k)
+ def _pull_predefined_dockerimages(self):
+ """
+ If the package contains URLs to pre-build Docker images, we download them with this method.
+ """
+ dc = DockerClient()
+ for url in self.remote_docker_image_urls.itervalues():
+ # only pull if not present (speedup for development)
+ if not FORCE_PULL:
+ if len(dc.images.list(name=url)) > 0:
+ LOG.debug("Image %r present. Skipping pull." % url)
+ continue
+ LOG.info("Pulling image: %r" % url)
+ # this seems to fail with latest docker api version 2.0.2
+ # dc.images.pull(url,
+ # insecure_registry=True)
+ # using docker cli instead
+ cmd = ["docker",
+ "pull",
+ url,
+ ]
+ Popen(cmd).wait()
+ def _check_docker_image_exists(self, image_name):
+ """
+ Query the docker service and check if the given image exists
+ :param image_name: name of the docker image
+ :return:
+ """
+ return len(DockerClient().images.list(name=image_name)) > 0
+ def _calculate_placement(self, algorithm):
+ """
+ Do placement by adding the a field "dc" to
+ each VNFD that points to one of our
+ data center objects known to the gatekeeper.
+ """
+ assert(len(self.vnfds) > 0)
+ assert(len(GK.dcs) > 0)
+ # instantiate algorithm an place
+ p = algorithm()
+ p.place(self.nsd, self.vnfds, self.saps, GK.dcs)
+ LOG.info("Using placement algorithm: %r" % p.__class__.__name__)
+ # lets print the placement result
+ for name, vnfd in self.vnfds.iteritems():
+ LOG.info("Placed VNF %r on DC %r" % (name, str(vnfd.get("dc"))))
+ for sap in self.saps:
+ sap_dict = self.saps[sap]
+ LOG.info("Placed SAP %r on DC %r" % (sap, str(sap_dict.get("dc"))))
+ def _calculate_cpu_cfs_values(self, cpu_time_percentage):
+ """
+ Calculate cpu period and quota for CFS
+ :param cpu_time_percentage: percentage of overall CPU to be used
+ :return: cpu_period, cpu_quota
+ """
+ if cpu_time_percentage is None:
+ return -1, -1
+ if cpu_time_percentage < 0:
+ return -1, -1
+ # (see: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/scheduler/sched-bwc.txt)
+ # Attention minimum cpu_quota is 1ms (micro)
+ cpu_period = 1000000 # lets consider a fixed period of 1000000 microseconds for now
+ LOG.debug("cpu_period is %r, cpu_percentage is %r" %
+ (cpu_period, cpu_time_percentage))
+ # calculate the fraction of cpu time for this container
+ cpu_quota = cpu_period * cpu_time_percentage
+ # ATTENTION >= 1000 to avoid a invalid argument system error ... no
+ # idea why
+ if cpu_quota < 1000:
+ LOG.debug("cpu_quota before correcting: %r" % cpu_quota)
+ cpu_quota = 1000
+ LOG.warning("Increased CPU quota to avoid system error.")
+ LOG.debug("Calculated: cpu_period=%f / cpu_quota=%f" %
+ (cpu_period, cpu_quota))
+ return int(cpu_period), int(cpu_quota)
+ def check_ext_saps(self, intf_list):
+ # check if the list of interfacs contains an external SAP
+ saps_ext = [self.saps[sap]['name']
+ for sap in self.saps if self.saps[sap]["type"] == "external"]
+ for intf_name in intf_list:
+ vnf_id, vnf_interface, vnf_sap_docker_name = parse_interface(
+ intf_name)
+ if vnf_sap_docker_name in saps_ext:
+ return vnf_sap_docker_name
+ def check_mgmt_interface(self, intf_list):
+ SAPs_mgmt = [p.get('id') for p in self.nsd["connection_points"]
+ if 'management' in p.get('type')]
+ for intf_name in intf_list:
+ if intf_name in SAPs_mgmt:
+ return True
+Some (simple) placement algorithms
+class FirstDcPlacement(object):
+ """
+ Placement: Always use one and the same data center from the GK.dcs dict.
+ """
+ def place(self, nsd, vnfds, saps, dcs):
+ for id, vnfd in vnfds.iteritems():
+ vnfd["dc"] = list(dcs.itervalues())[0]
+class RoundRobinDcPlacement(object):
+ """
+ Placement: Distribute VNFs across all available DCs in a round robin fashion.
+ """
+ def place(self, nsd, vnfds, saps, dcs):
+ c = 0
+ dcs_list = list(dcs.itervalues())
+ for id, vnfd in vnfds.iteritems():
+ vnfd["dc"] = dcs_list[c % len(dcs_list)]
+ c += 1 # inc. c to use next DC
+class RoundRobinDcPlacementWithSAPs(object):
+ """
+ Placement: Distribute VNFs across all available DCs in a round robin fashion,
+ every SAP is instantiated on the same DC as the connected VNF.
+ """
+ def place(self, nsd, vnfds, saps, dcs):
+ # place vnfs
+ c = 0
+ dcs_list = list(dcs.itervalues())
+ for id, vnfd in vnfds.iteritems():
+ vnfd["dc"] = dcs_list[c % len(dcs_list)]
+ c += 1 # inc. c to use next DC
+ # place SAPs
+ vlinks = nsd.get("virtual_links", [])
+ eline_fwd_links = [l for l in vlinks if (
+ l["connectivity_type"] == "E-Line")]
+ elan_fwd_links = [l for l in vlinks if (
+ l["connectivity_type"] == "E-LAN")]
+ # SAPs on E-Line links are placed on the same DC as the VNF on the
+ # E-Line
+ for link in eline_fwd_links:
+ src_id, src_if_name, src_sap_id = parse_interface(
+ link["connection_points_reference"][0])
+ dst_id, dst_if_name, dst_sap_id = parse_interface(
+ link["connection_points_reference"][1])
+ # check if there is a SAP in the link
+ if src_sap_id in saps:
+ # get dc where connected vnf is mapped to
+ dc = vnfds[dst_id]['dc']
+ saps[src_sap_id]['dc'] = dc
+ if dst_sap_id in saps:
+ # get dc where connected vnf is mapped to
+ dc = vnfds[src_id]['dc']
+ saps[dst_sap_id]['dc'] = dc
+ # SAPs on E-LANs are placed on a random DC
+ dcs_list = list(dcs.itervalues())
+ dc_len = len(dcs_list)
+ for link in elan_fwd_links:
+ for intf in link["connection_points_reference"]:
+ # find SAP interfaces
+ intf_id, intf_name, intf_sap_id = parse_interface(intf)
+ if intf_sap_id in saps:
+ dc = dcs_list[randint(0, dc_len - 1)]
+ saps[intf_sap_id]['dc'] = dc
+Resource definitions and API endpoints
+class Packages(fr.Resource):
+ def post(self):
+ """
+ Upload a *.son service package to the dummy gatekeeper.
+ We expect request with a *.son file and store it in UPLOAD_FOLDER
+ :return: UUID
+ """
+ try:
+ # get file contents
+ LOG.info("POST /packages called")
+ # lets search for the package in the request
+ is_file_object = False # make API more robust: file can be in data or in files field
+ if "package" in request.files:
+ son_file = request.files["package"]
+ is_file_object = True
+ elif len(request.data) > 0:
+ son_file = request.data
+ else:
+ return {"service_uuid": None, "size": 0, "sha1": None,
+ "error": "upload failed. file not found."}, 500
+ # generate a uuid to reference this package
+ service_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
+ file_hash = hashlib.sha1(str(son_file)).hexdigest()
+ # ensure that upload folder exists
+ ensure_dir(UPLOAD_FOLDER)
+ upload_path = os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, "%s.son" % service_uuid)
+ # store *.son file to disk
+ if is_file_object:
+ son_file.save(upload_path)
+ else:
+ with open(upload_path, 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(son_file)
+ size = os.path.getsize(upload_path)
+ # first stop and delete any other running services
+ service_list = copy.copy(GK.services)
+ for service_uuid in service_list:
+ instances_list = copy.copy(
+ GK.services[service_uuid].instances)
+ for instance_uuid in instances_list:
+ # valid service and instance UUID, stop service
+ GK.services.get(service_uuid).stop_service(
+ instance_uuid)
+ LOG.info("service instance with uuid %r stopped." %
+ instance_uuid)
+ # create a service object and register it
+ s = Service(service_uuid, file_hash, upload_path)
+ GK.register_service_package(service_uuid, s)
+ # automatically deploy the service
+ # ok, we have a service uuid, lets start the service
+ reset_subnets()
+ GK.services.get(service_uuid).start_service()
+ # generate the JSON result
+ return {"service_uuid": service_uuid, "size": size,
+ "sha1": file_hash, "error": None}, 201
+ except BaseException:
+ LOG.exception("Service package upload failed:")
+ return {"service_uuid": None, "size": 0,
+ "sha1": None, "error": "upload failed"}, 500
+ def get(self):
+ """
+ Return a list of UUID's of uploaded service packages.
+ :return: dict/list
+ """
+ LOG.info("GET /packages")
+ return {"service_uuid_list": list(GK.services.iterkeys())}
+class Instantiations(fr.Resource):
+ def post(self):
+ """
+ Instantiate a service specified by its UUID.
+ Will return a new UUID to identify the running service instance.
+ :return: UUID
+ """
+ LOG.info("POST /instantiations (or /requests) called")
+ # try to extract the service uuid from the request
+ json_data = request.get_json(force=True)
+ service_uuid = json_data.get("service_uuid")
+ # lets be a bit fuzzy here to make testing easier
+ if (service_uuid is None or service_uuid ==
+ "latest") and len(GK.services) > 0:
+ # if we don't get a service uuid, we simple start the first service
+ # in the list
+ service_uuid = list(GK.services.iterkeys())[0]
+ if service_uuid in GK.services:
+ # ok, we have a service uuid, lets start the service
+ service_instance_uuid = GK.services.get(
+ service_uuid).start_service()
+ return {"service_instance_uuid": service_instance_uuid}, 201
+ return "Service not found", 404
+ def get(self):
+ """
+ Returns a list of UUIDs containing all running services.
+ :return: dict / list
+ """
+ LOG.info("GET /instantiations")
+ return {"service_instantiations_list": [
+ list(s.instances.iterkeys()) for s in GK.services.itervalues()]}
+ def delete(self):
+ """
+ Stops a running service specified by its service and instance UUID.
+ """
+ # try to extract the service and instance UUID from the request
+ json_data = request.get_json(force=True)
+ service_uuid = json_data.get("service_uuid")
+ instance_uuid = json_data.get("service_instance_uuid")
+ # try to be fuzzy
+ if service_uuid is None and len(GK.services) > 0:
+ # if we don't get a service uuid, we simply stop the last service
+ # in the list
+ service_uuid = list(GK.services.iterkeys())[0]
+ if instance_uuid is None and len(
+ GK.services[service_uuid].instances) > 0:
+ instance_uuid = list(
+ GK.services[service_uuid].instances.iterkeys())[0]
+ if service_uuid in GK.services and instance_uuid in GK.services[service_uuid].instances:
+ # valid service and instance UUID, stop service
+ GK.services.get(service_uuid).stop_service(instance_uuid)
+ return "service instance with uuid %r stopped." % instance_uuid, 200
+ return "Service not found", 404
+class Exit(fr.Resource):
+ def put(self):
+ """
+ Stop the running Containernet instance regardless of data transmitted
+ """
+ list(GK.dcs.values())[0].net.stop()
+def initialize_GK():
+ global GK
+ GK = Gatekeeper()
+# create a single, global GK object
+GK = None
+# setup Flask
+app = Flask(__name__)
+app.config['MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH'] = 512 * 1024 * 1024 # 512 MB max upload
+api = fr.Api(app)
+# define endpoints
+api.add_resource(Packages, '/packages', '/api/v2/packages')
+api.add_resource(Instantiations, '/instantiations',
+ '/api/v2/instantiations', '/api/v2/requests')
+api.add_resource(Exit, '/emulator/exit')
+def start_rest_api(host, port, datacenters=dict()):
+ GK.dcs = datacenters
+ GK.net = get_dc_network()
+ # start the Flask server (not the best performance but ok for our use case)
+ app.run(host=host,
+ port=port,
+ debug=True,
+ use_reloader=False # this is needed to run Flask in a non-main thread
+ )
+def ensure_dir(name):
+ if not os.path.exists(name):
+ os.makedirs(name)
+def load_yaml(path):
+ with open(path, "r") as f:
+ try:
+ r = yaml.load(f)
+ except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
+ LOG.exception("YAML parse error: %r" % str(exc))
+ r = dict()
+ return r
+def make_relative_path(path):
+ if path.startswith("file://"):
+ path = path.replace("file://", "", 1)
+ if path.startswith("/"):
+ path = path.replace("/", "", 1)
+ return path
+def get_dc_network():
+ """
+ retrieve the DCnetwork where this dummygatekeeper (GK) connects to.
+ Assume at least 1 datacenter is connected to this GK, and that all datacenters belong to the same DCNetwork
+ :return:
+ """
+ assert (len(GK.dcs) > 0)
+ return GK.dcs.values()[0].net
+def parse_interface(interface_name):
+ """
+ convert the interface name in the nsd to the according vnf_id, vnf_interface names
+ :param interface_name:
+ :return:
+ """
+ if ':' in interface_name:
+ vnf_id, vnf_interface = interface_name.split(':')
+ vnf_sap_docker_name = interface_name.replace(':', '_')
+ else:
+ vnf_id = interface_name
+ vnf_interface = interface_name
+ vnf_sap_docker_name = interface_name
+ return vnf_id, vnf_interface, vnf_sap_docker_name
+def reset_subnets():
+ # private subnet definitions for the generated interfaces
+ # 10.10.xxx.0/24
+ global SAP_SUBNETS
+ SAP_SUBNETS = generate_subnets('10.10', 0, subnet_size=50, mask=30)
+ # 10.20.xxx.0/30
+ ELAN_SUBNETS = generate_subnets('10.20', 0, subnet_size=50, mask=24)
+ # 10.30.xxx.0/30
+ ELINE_SUBNETS = generate_subnets('10.30', 0, subnet_size=50, mask=30)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ """
+ Lets allow to run the API in standalone mode.
+ """
+ logging.getLogger("werkzeug").setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ start_rest_api("", 8000)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2018 SONATA-NFV, 5GTANGO and Paderborn University
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Neither the name of the SONATA-NFV, 5GTANGO, Paderborn University
+# nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote
+# products derived from this software without specific prior written
+# permission.
+# This work has been performed in the framework of the SONATA project,
+# funded by the European Commission under Grant number 671517 through
+# the Horizon 2020 and 5G-PPP programmes. The authors would like to
+# acknowledge the contributions of their colleagues of the SONATA
+# partner consortium (www.sonata-nfv.eu).
+# This work has also been performed in the framework of the 5GTANGO project,
+# funded by the European Commission under Grant number 761493 through
+# the Horizon 2020 and 5G-PPP programmes. The authors would like to
+# acknowledge the contributions of their colleagues of the 5GTANGO
+# partner consortium (www.5gtango.eu).
+import time
+import requests
+import json
+from emuvim.test.base import SimpleTestTopology
+from emuvim.api.tango import TangoLLCMEndpoint
+from emuvim.api.tango.llcm import initialize_GK, parse_interface
+from ipaddress import ip_network
+PACKAGE_PATH = "misc/eu.5gtango.emulator-example-service.0.1.tgo"
+class testTangoLLCM(SimpleTestTopology):
+ # @unittest.skip("disabled")
+ def test_tango_llcm_start_service(self):
+ # create network
+ self.createNet(nswitches=0, ndatacenter=2, nhosts=2,
+ ndockers=0, enable_learning=True)
+ # setup links
+ self.net.addLink(self.dc[0], self.h[0])
+ self.net.addLink(self.dc[0], self.dc[1])
+ self.net.addLink(self.h[1], self.dc[1])
+ # connect llcm to data centers
+ sdkg1 = TangoLLCMEndpoint("", 56000)
+ sdkg1.connectDatacenter(self.dc[0])
+ sdkg1.connectDatacenter(self.dc[1])
+ # run the dummy gatekeeper (in another thread, don't block)
+ sdkg1.start()
+ time.sleep(3)
+ # start Mininet network
+ self.startNet()
+ time.sleep(3)
+ print "starting tests"
+ # board package
+ files = {"package": open(PACKAGE_PATH, "rb")}
+ r = requests.post("", files=files)
+ self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 201)
+ self.assertTrue(json.loads(r.text).get("service_uuid") is not None)
+ # instantiate service
+ self.service_uuid = json.loads(r.text).get("service_uuid")
+ r2 = requests.post("",
+ data=json.dumps({"service_uuid": self.service_uuid}))
+ self.assertEqual(r2.status_code, 201)
+ # give the emulator some time to instantiate everything
+ time.sleep(2)
+ # check get request APIs
+ r3 = requests.get("")
+ self.assertEqual(len(json.loads(r3.text).get("service_uuid_list")), 1)
+ r4 = requests.get("")
+ self.assertEqual(len(json.loads(r4.text).get(
+ "service_instantiations_list")), 1)
+ # check number of running nodes
+ self.assertTrue(len(self.getContainernetContainers()) == 2)
+ self.assertTrue(len(self.net.hosts) == 4)
+ self.assertTrue(len(self.net.switches) == 2)
+ # check compute list result (considering placement)
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.dc[0].listCompute()), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.dc[1].listCompute()), 1)
+ # check connectivity by using ping
+ ELAN_list = []
+ # check E-Line connection, by checking the IP addresses
+ for link in self.net.deployed_elines:
+ vnf_src, intf_src, vnf_sap_docker_name = parse_interface(
+ link['connection_points_reference'][0])
+ print vnf_src, intf_src
+ src = self.net.getNodeByName(vnf_src)
+ if not src:
+ continue
+ network_list = src.getNetworkStatus()
+ src_ip = [intf['ip']
+ for intf in network_list if intf['intf_name'] == intf_src][0]
+ src_mask = [intf['netmask']
+ for intf in network_list if intf['intf_name'] == intf_src][0]
+ vnf_dst, intf_dst, vnf_sap_docker_name = parse_interface(
+ link['connection_points_reference'][1])
+ dst = self.net.getNodeByName(vnf_dst)
+ if not dst:
+ continue
+ network_list = dst.getNetworkStatus()
+ dst_ip = [intf['ip']
+ for intf in network_list if intf['intf_name'] == intf_dst][0]
+ dst_mask = [intf['netmask']
+ for intf in network_list if intf['intf_name'] == intf_dst][0]
+ print "src = {0}:{1} ip={2} ".format(
+ vnf_src, intf_src, src_ip, src_mask)
+ print "dst = {0}:{1} ip={2} ".format(
+ vnf_dst, intf_dst, dst_ip, dst_mask)
+ # check if the E-Line IP's are in the same subnet
+ ret = ip_network(u'{0}'.format(src_ip, src_mask), strict=False)\
+ .compare_networks(ip_network(u'{0}'.format(dst_ip, dst_mask), strict=False))
+ self.assertTrue(ret == 0)
+ for vnf in self.dc[0].listCompute():
+ # check E LAN connection
+ network_list = vnf.getNetworkStatus()
+ mgmt_ip = [intf['ip']
+ for intf in network_list if intf['intf_name'] == 'mgmt']
+ self.assertTrue(len(mgmt_ip) > 0)
+ ip_address = mgmt_ip[0]
+ ELAN_list.append(ip_address)
+ print ip_address
+ # check ELAN connection by ping over the mgmt network (needs to be
+ # configured as ELAN in the test service)
+ for vnf in self.dc[0].listCompute():
+ network_list = vnf.getNetworkStatus()
+ mgmt_ip = [intf['ip']
+ for intf in network_list if intf['intf_name'] == 'mgmt']
+ self.assertTrue(len(mgmt_ip) > 0)
+ ip_address = mgmt_ip[0]
+ print ELAN_list
+ print ip_address
+ test_ip_list = list(ELAN_list)
+ test_ip_list.remove(ip_address)
+ for ip in test_ip_list:
+ # only take ip address, without netmask
+ p = self.net.ping([vnf], manualdestip=ip.split('/')[0])
+ print p
+ self.assertTrue(p <= 0.0)
+ # stop Mininet network
+ self.stopNet()
+ initialize_GK()
+ # @unittest.skip("disabled")
+ def test_tango_llcm_stop_service(self):
+ # create network
+ self.createNet(ndatacenter=2, nhosts=2)
+ # setup links
+ self.net.addLink(self.dc[0], self.h[0])
+ self.net.addLink(self.dc[0], self.dc[1])
+ self.net.addLink(self.h[1], self.dc[1])
+ # connect dummy GK to data centers
+ sdkg1 = TangoLLCMEndpoint("", 56001)
+ sdkg1.connectDatacenter(self.dc[0])
+ sdkg1.connectDatacenter(self.dc[1])
+ # run the dummy gatekeeper (in another thread, don't block)
+ sdkg1.start()
+ time.sleep(3)
+ # start Mininet network
+ self.startNet()
+ time.sleep(3)
+ print "starting tests"
+ # board package
+ files = {"package": open(PACKAGE_PATH, "rb")}
+ r = requests.post("", files=files)
+ self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 201)
+ self.assertTrue(json.loads(r.text).get("service_uuid") is not None)
+ # instantiate service
+ self.service_uuid = json.loads(r.text).get("service_uuid")
+ r2 = requests.post("",
+ data=json.dumps({"service_uuid": self.service_uuid}))
+ self.assertEqual(r2.status_code, 201)
+ # give the emulator some time to instantiate everything
+ time.sleep(2)
+ # check get request APIs
+ r3 = requests.get("")
+ self.assertEqual(len(json.loads(r3.text).get("service_uuid_list")), 1)
+ r4 = requests.get("")
+ self.assertEqual(len(json.loads(r4.text).get(
+ "service_instantiations_list")), 1)
+ # check number of running nodes
+ self.assertTrue(len(self.getContainernetContainers()) == 2)
+ self.assertTrue(len(self.net.hosts) == 4)
+ self.assertTrue(len(self.net.switches) == 2)
+ # check compute list result (considering placement)
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.dc[0].listCompute()), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.dc[1].listCompute()), 1)
+ # stop the service
+ service_instance_uuid = json.loads(
+ r2.text).get("service_instance_uuid")
+ self.assertTrue(service_instance_uuid is not None)
+ requests.delete("", data=json.dumps(
+ {"service_uuid": self.service_uuid, "service_instance_uuid": service_instance_uuid}))
+ r5 = requests.get("")
+ # note that there was 1 instance before
+ self.assertTrue(len(json.loads(r5.text).get(
+ "service_instantiations_list")), 0)
+ # stop Mininet network
+ self.stopNet()
+ initialize_GK()