__author__='Sergio Gonzalez'
__date__ ='$18-apr-2019 23:59:59$'
+import base64
import vimconn
import logging
import netaddr
from azure.mgmt.network import NetworkManagementClient
from azure.mgmt.compute import ComputeManagementClient
from msrestazure.azure_exceptions import CloudError
+if getenv('OSMRO_PDB_DEBUG'):
+ import sys
+ print(sys.path)
+ import pdb
+ pdb.set_trace()
class vimconnector(vimconn.vimconnector):
provision_state2osm = {
tenant=(tenant_id or tenant_name)
+ self.tenant=(tenant_id or tenant_name)
if 'subscription_id' in config:
self.subscription_id = config.get('subscription_id')
def _get_resource_name_from_resource_id(self, resource_id):
- return str(resource_id.split('/')[-1])
+ try:
+ resource=str(resource_id.split('/')[-1])
+ return resource
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Resource name '{}' not found".format(resource_id))
def _get_location_from_resource_group(self, resource_group_name):
- return self.conn.resource_groups.get(resource_group_name).location
+ try:
+ location=self.conn.resource_groups.get(resource_group_name).location
+ return location
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Location '{}' not found".format(resource_group_name))
def _get_resource_group_name_from_resource_id(self, resource_id):
- return str(resource_id.split('/')[4])
+ try:
+ rg=str(resource_id.split('/')[4])
+ return rg
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Resource group '{}' not found".format(resource_id))
+ def _get_net_name_from_resource_id(self, resource_id):
+ try:
+ net_name=str(resource_id.split('/')[8])
+ return net_name
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("Net name '{}' not found".format(resource_id))
def _check_subnets_for_vm(self, net_list):
# All subnets must belong to the same resource group and vnet
- if len(set(self._get_resource_group_name_from_resource_id(net['id']) +
- self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(net['id']) for net in net_list)) != 1:
- raise self.format_vimconn_exception('Azure VMs can only attach to subnets in same VNET')
+ # File "/root/RO/build/osm_ro/vimconn_azure.py", line 110, in <genexpr>
+ # self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(net['id']) for net in net_list)) != 1:
+ #if len(set(self._get_resource_group_name_from_resource_id(net['net_id']) +
+ # self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(net['net_id']) for net in net_list)) != 2:
+ # raise self.format_vimconn_exception('Azure VMs can only attach to subnets in same VNET')
+ self.logger.debug('Checking subnets for VM')
+ num_elem_set = len(set(self._get_resource_group_name_from_resource_id(net['net_id']) +
+ self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(net['net_id']) for net in net_list))
+ if ( num_elem_set != 1 ):
+ raise self.format_vimconn_exception('Azure VMs can only attach to subnets in same VNET')
def format_vimconn_exception(self, e):
self.conn = None
self.conn_vnet = None
- raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException(type(e).__name__ + ': ' + str(e))
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException(type(e).__name__ + ': ' + str(e))
def _check_or_create_resource_group(self):
self.conn.resource_groups.create_or_update(self.resource_group, {'location': self.region})
def _check_or_create_vnet(self):
vnet = self.conn_vnet.virtual_networks.get(self.resource_group, self.vnet_name)
self.vnet_address_space = vnet.address_space.address_prefixes[0]
self.vnet_id = vnet.id
except CloudError as e:
if e.error.error == "ResourceNotFound":
self.vnet_address_space = ""
self.conn_vnet.virtual_networks.create_or_update(self.resource_group, self.vnet_name, vnet_params)
vnet = self.conn_vnet.virtual_networks.get(self.resource_group, self.vnet_name)
self.vnet_id = vnet.id
Format is vimconnector dependent, but do not use nested dictionaries and a value of None should be the same
as not present.
return self._new_subnet(net_name, ip_profile)
def _new_subnet(self, net_name, ip_profile):
ip_profile = {"subnet_address": str(ip_range)}
+ self.logger.debug('ip_profile: ' + str(ip_range))
vimconn.vimconnException("Cannot find a non-used subnet range in {}".format(self.vnet_address_space))
+ else:
+ ip_profile = {"subnet_address": ip_profile['subnet_address']}
- subnet_name = "{}-{}".format(net_name[:24], uuid4())
+ #subnet_name = "{}-{}".format(net_name[:24], uuid4())
+ subnet_name = net_name[:24]
subnet_params= {
'address_prefix': ip_profile['subnet_address']
- self.conn_vnet.subnets.create_or_update(self.resource_group, self.vnet_name, subnet_name, subnet_params)
- return "{}/subnet/{}".format(self.vnet_id, subnet_name), None
+ self.logger.debug('subnet_name : {}'.format(subnet_name))
+ async_creation=self.conn_vnet.subnets.create_or_update(self.resource_group, self.vnet_name, subnet_name, subnet_params)
+ async_creation.wait()
+ #return "{}/subnet/{}".format(self.vnet_id, subnet_name), None
+ return "{}/subnets/{}".format(self.vnet_id, subnet_name), None
except Exception as e:
- def _create_nic(self, subnet_id, nic_name, static_ip=None):
+ def _create_nic(self, net, nic_name, static_ip=None):
- resource_group_name=self._get_resource_group_name_from_resource_id(subnet_id)
- location = self._get_location_from_resource_group(resource_group_name)
- if static_ip:
- async_nic_creation = self.conn_vnet.network_interfaces.create_or_update(
- resource_group_name,
- nic_name,
- {
- 'location': location,
- 'ip_configurations': [{
- 'name': nic_name + 'ipconfiguration',
- 'privateIPAddress': static_ip,
- 'privateIPAllocationMethod': 'Static',
- 'subnet': {
- 'id': subnet_id
- }
- }]
- }
- )
- else:
- async_nic_creation = self.conn_vnet.network_interfaces.create_or_update(
- resource_group_name,
- nic_name,
- {
+ subnet_id = net['net_id']
+ location = self._get_location_from_resource_group(self.resource_group)
+ try:
+ if static_ip:
+ async_nic_creation = self.conn_vnet.network_interfaces.create_or_update(
+ self.resource_group,
+ nic_name,
+ {
+ 'location': location,
+ 'ip_configurations': [{
+ 'name': nic_name + '-ipconfiguration',
+ 'privateIPAddress': static_ip,
+ 'privateIPAllocationMethod': 'Static',
+ 'subnet': {
+ 'id': subnet_id
+ }
+ }]
+ }
+ )
+ async_nic_creation.wait()
+ else:
+ ip_configuration_name = nic_name + '-ipconfiguration'
+ self.logger.debug('Create NIC')
+ async_nic_creation = self.conn_vnet.network_interfaces.create_or_update(
+ self.resource_group,
+ nic_name,
+ {
+ 'location': location,
+ 'ip_configurations': [{
+ 'name': ip_configuration_name,
+ 'subnet': {
+ 'id': subnet_id
+ }
+ }]
+ }
+ )
+ async_nic_creation.wait()
+ public_ip = net.get('floating_ip')
+ if public_ip and public_ip == True:
+ self.logger.debug('Creating PUBLIC IP')
+ public_ip_addess_params = {
'location': location,
- 'ip_configurations': [{
- 'name': nic_name + 'ipconfiguration',
- 'subnet': {
- 'id': subnet_id
- }
- }]
+ 'public_ip_allocation_method': 'Dynamic'
- )
+ public_ip_name = nic_name + '-public-ip'
+ public_ip = self.conn_vnet.public_ip_addresses.create_or_update(
+ self.resource_group,
+ public_ip_name,
+ public_ip_addess_params
+ )
+ self.logger.debug('Create PUBLIC IP: {}'.format(public_ip.result()))
+ # Asociate NIC to Public IP
+ self.logger.debug('Getting NIC DATA')
+ nic_data = self.conn_vnet.network_interfaces.get(
+ self.resource_group,
+ nic_name)
+ nic_data.ip_configurations[0].public_ip_address = public_ip.result()
+ self.logger.debug('Updating NIC with public IP')
+ self.conn_vnet.network_interfaces.create_or_update(
+ self.resource_group,
+ nic_name,
+ nic_data)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ result = async_nic_creation.result()
return async_nic_creation.result()
- def get_image_list(self, filter_dict={}):
- """
- The urn contains for marketplace 'publisher:offer:sku:version'
+ def new_flavor(self, flavor_data):
- :param filter_dict:
- :return:
+ if flavor_data:
+ flavor_id = self.get_flavor_id_from_data(flavor_data)
+ if flavor_id != []:
+ return flavor_id
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("flavor '{}' not found".format(flavor_data))
+ else:
+ vimconn.vimconnException("There is no data in the flavor_data input parameter")
+ def new_tenant(self,tenant_name,tenant_description):
+ raise vimconn.vimconnAuthException("It is not possible to create a TENANT in AZURE")
+ def new_image(self, image_dict):
+ self._reload_connection()
+ try:
+ self.logger.debug('new_image - image_dict - {}'.format(image_dict))
+ if image_dict.get("name"):
+ image_name = image_dict.get("name")
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("There is no name in the image input data")
+ if image_dict.get("location"):
+ params = image_dict["location"].split(":")
+ if len(params) >= 4:
+ publisher = params[0]
+ offer = params[1]
+ sku = params[2]
+ version = params[3]
+ #image_params = {'location': self.region, 'publisher': publisher, 'offer': offer, 'sku': sku, 'version': version }
+ image_params = {'location': self.region}
+ self.conn_compute.images.create_or_update()
+ async_creation=self.conn_compute.images.create_or_update(self.resource_group, image_name, image_params)
+ image_id = async_creation.result().id
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnException("The image location is not correct: {}".format(image_dict["location"]))
+ return image_id
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ def get_image_id_from_path(self, path):
+ """Get the image id from image path in the VIM database.
+ Returns the image_id or raises a vimconnNotFoundException
- image_list = []
+ def get_image_list(self, filter_dict={}):
+ """Obtain tenant images from VIM
+ Filter_dict can be:
+ name: image name
+ id: image uuid
+ checksum: image checksum
+ location: image path
+ Returns the image list of dictionaries:
+ [{<the fields at Filter_dict plus some VIM specific>}, ...]
+ List can be empty
+ """
+ image_list = []
if filter_dict.get("name"):
params = filter_dict["name"].split(":")
if len(params) >= 3:
'id': str(image.id),
'name': self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(image.id)
- return image_list
- images = self.conn_compute.virtual_machine_images.list()
- for image in images:
- # TODO implement filter_dict
- if filter_dict:
- if filter_dict.get("id") and str(image.id) != filter_dict["id"]:
- continue
- if filter_dict.get("name") and \
- self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(image.id) != filter_dict["name"]:
- continue
- # TODO add checksum
- image_list.append({
- 'id': str(image.id),
- 'name': self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(image.id),
- })
return image_list
def get_network_list(self, filter_dict={}):
self.logger.debug('Getting all subnets from VIM')
- vnet = self.conn_vnet.virtual_networks.get(self.config["resource_group"], self.vnet_name)
+ vnet = self.conn_vnet.virtual_networks.get(self.resource_group, self.vnet_name)
subnet_list = []
for subnet in vnet.subnets:
- # TODO implement filter_dict
if filter_dict:
if filter_dict.get("id") and str(subnet.id) != filter_dict["id"]:
if filter_dict.get("name") and \
- self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(subnet.id) != filter_dict["name"]:
+ str(subnet.id) != filter_dict["name"]:
+ name = self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(subnet.id)
'id': str(subnet.id),
- 'name': self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(subnet.id),
- 'status': str(vnet.provisioning_state), # TODO Does subnet contains status???
- 'cidr_block': str(subnet.address_prefix)
+ 'name': self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(subnet.id),
+ 'status' : self.provision_state2osm[subnet.provisioning_state],
+ 'cidr_block': str(subnet.address_prefix),
+ 'type': 'bridge',
+ 'shared': False
return subnet_list
except Exception as e:
return self._new_vminstance(vm_name, image_id, flavor_id, net_list)
- def _new_vminstance(self, vm_name, image_id, flavor_id, net_list, cloud_config=None, disk_list=None,
- availability_zone_index=None, availability_zone_list=None):
- #Create NICs
+ #def _new_vminstance(self, vm_name, image_id, flavor_id, net_list, cloud_config=None, disk_list=None,
+ # availability_zone_index=None, availability_zone_list=None):
+ def new_vminstance(self, name, description, start, image_id, flavor_id, net_list, cloud_config=None,
+ disk_list=None,
+ availability_zone_index=None, availability_zone_list=None):
vm_nics = []
for idx, net in enumerate(net_list):
- subnet_id=net['subnet_id']
- nic_name = vm_name + '-nic-'+str(idx)
- vm_nic = self._create_nic(subnet_id, nic_name)
+ # Fault with subnet_id
+ # subnet_id=net['subnet_id']
+ # subnet_id=net['net_id']
+ nic_name = name + '-nic-'+str(idx)
+ vm_nic = self._create_nic(net, nic_name)
vm_nics.append({ 'id': str(vm_nic.id)})
+ # image_id are several fields of the image_id
+ image_reference = self.get_image_reference(image_id)
+ # The virtual machine name must have less or 64 characters and it can not have the following
+ # characters: (~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) = + _ [ ] { } \ | ; : ' " , < > / ?.)
+ vm_name_aux = self.check_vm_name(name)
+ # cloud-init configuration
+ # cloud config
+ if cloud_config:
+ config_drive, userdata = self._create_user_data(cloud_config)
+ custom_data = base64.b64encode(userdata.encode('utf-8')).decode('latin-1')
+ os_profile = {
+ 'computer_name': vm_name_aux, # TODO if vm_name cannot be repeated add uuid4() suffix
+ 'admin_username': 'osm', # TODO is it mandatory???
+ 'admin_password': 'Osm-osm', # TODO is it mandatory???
+ 'custom_data': custom_data
+ }
+ else:
+ os_profile = {
+ 'computer_name': vm_name_aux, # TODO if vm_name cannot be repeated add uuid4() suffix
+ 'admin_username': 'osm', # TODO is it mandatory???
+ 'admin_password': 'Osm-osm', # TODO is it mandatory???
+ }
vm_parameters = {
'location': self.region,
- 'os_profile': {
- 'computer_name': vm_name, # TODO if vm_name cannot be repeated add uuid4() suffix
- 'admin_username': 'sergio', # TODO is it mandatory???
- 'linuxConfiguration': {
- 'disablePasswordAuthentication': 'true',
- 'ssh': {
- 'publicKeys': [
- {
- 'path': '/home/sergio/.ssh/authorized_keys',
- 'keyData': self.pub_key
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
+ 'os_profile': os_profile,
'hardware_profile': {
- 'vm_size':flavor_id
+ 'vm_size': flavor_id
'storage_profile': {
- 'image_reference': image_id
+ 'image_reference': image_reference
'network_profile': {
'network_interfaces': [
creation_result = self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.create_or_update(
- vm_name,
+ vm_name_aux,
- run_command_parameters = {
- 'command_id': 'RunShellScript', # For linux, don't change it
- 'script': [
- 'date > /home/sergio/test.txt'
- ]
- }
- poller = self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.run_command(
- self.resource_group,
- vm_name,
- run_command_parameters
- )
- # TODO return a tuple (vm-ID, None)
+ #creation_result.wait()
+ result = creation_result.result()
+ for index, subnet in enumerate(net_list):
+ net_list[index]['vim_id'] = result.id
+ if start == True:
+ #self.logger.debug('Arrancamos VM y esperamos')
+ start_result = self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.start(
+ self.resource_group,
+ vm_name_aux)
+ #start_result.wait()
+ return result.id, None
+ #run_command_parameters = {
+ # 'command_id': 'RunShellScript', # For linux, don't change it
+ # 'script': [
+ # 'date > /tmp/test.txt'
+ # ]
+ #}
except Exception as e:
+ #self.logger.debug('AZURE <=== EX: _new_vminstance', exc_info=True)
+ # It is necesary extract from image_id data to create the VM with this format
+ # 'image_reference': {
+ # 'publisher': vm_reference['publisher'],
+ # 'offer': vm_reference['offer'],
+ # 'sku': vm_reference['sku'],
+ # 'version': vm_reference['version']
+ # },
+ def get_image_reference(self, imagen):
+ # The data input format example:
+ # /Subscriptions/ca3d18ab-d373-4afb-a5d6-7c44f098d16a/Providers/Microsoft.Compute/Locations/westeurope/
+ # Publishers/Canonical/ArtifactTypes/VMImage/
+ # Offers/UbuntuServer/
+ # Skus/18.04-LTS/
+ # Versions/18.04.201809110
+ publiser = str(imagen.split('/')[8])
+ offer = str(imagen.split('/')[12])
+ sku = str(imagen.split('/')[14])
+ version = str(imagen.split('/')[16])
+ return {
+ 'publisher': publiser,
+ 'offer': offer,
+ 'sku': sku,
+ 'version': version
+ }
+ # Azure VM names can not have some special characters
+ def check_vm_name( self, vm_name ):
+ #chars_not_allowed_list = ['~','!','@','#','$','%','^','&','*','(',')','=','+','_','[',']','{','}','|',';',':','<','>','/','?','.']
+ chars_not_allowed_list = "~!@#$%^&*()=+_[]{}|;:<>/?."
+ # First: the VM name max length is 64 characters
+ vm_name_aux = vm_name[:64]
+ # Second: replace not allowed characters
+ for elem in chars_not_allowed_list :
+ # Check if string is in the main string
+ if elem in vm_name_aux :
+ #self.logger.debug('Dentro del IF')
+ # Replace the string
+ vm_name_aux = vm_name_aux.replace(elem, '-')
+ return vm_name_aux
def get_flavor_id_from_data(self, flavor_dict):
self.logger.debug("Getting flavor id from data")
- self._reload_connection()
- vm_sizes_list = [vm_size.serialize() for vm_size in self.conn_compute.virtual_machine_sizes.list(self.region)]
- cpus = flavor_dict['vcpus']
- memMB = flavor_dict['ram']
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ vm_sizes_list = [vm_size.serialize() for vm_size in self.conn_compute.virtual_machine_sizes.list(self.region)]
+ cpus = flavor_dict['vcpus']
+ memMB = flavor_dict['ram']
+ filteredSizes = [size for size in vm_sizes_list if size['numberOfCores'] >= cpus and size['memoryInMB'] >= memMB]
+ listedFilteredSizes = sorted(filteredSizes, key=lambda k: k['numberOfCores'])
- filteredSizes = [size for size in vm_sizes_list if size['numberOfCores'] > cpus and size['memoryInMB'] > memMB]
- listedFilteredSizes = sorted(filteredSizes, key=lambda k: k['numberOfCores'])
+ return listedFilteredSizes[0]['name']
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
- return listedFilteredSizes[0]['name']
+ def _get_flavor_id_from_flavor_name(self, flavor_name):
+ self.logger.debug("Getting flavor id from falvor name {}".format(flavor_name))
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ vm_sizes_list = [vm_size.serialize() for vm_size in self.conn_compute.virtual_machine_sizes.list(self.region)]
+ output_flavor = None
+ for size in vm_sizes_list:
+ if size['name'] == flavor_name:
+ output_flavor = size
+ return output_flavor
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
def check_vim_connectivity(self):
raise vimconn.vimconnException("Connectivity issue with Azure API: {}".format(e))
def get_network(self, net_id):
- resGroup = self._get_resource_group_name_from_resource_id(net_id)
resName = self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(net_id)
- vnet = self.conn_vnet.virtual_networks.get(resGroup, resName)
- return vnet
- def delete_network(self, net_id):
- resGroup = self._get_resource_group_name_from_resource_id(net_id)
+ filter_dict = {'name' : net_id}
+ network_list = self.get_network_list(filter_dict)
+ if not network_list:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("network '{}' not found".format(net_id))
+ else:
+ return network_list[0]
+ # Added created_items because it is neccesary
+ # self.vim.delete_network(net_vim_id, task["extra"].get("created_items"))
+ # TypeError: delete_network() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)
+ def delete_network(self, net_id, created_items=None):
+ self.logger.debug('Deletting network {} - {}'.format(self.resource_group, net_id))
resName = self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(net_id)
- self.conn_vnet.virtual_networks.delete(resGroup, resName)
- def delete_vminstance(self, vm_id):
- resGroup = self._get_resource_group_name_from_resource_id(net_id)
- resName = self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(net_id)
+ filter_dict = {'name' : net_id}
+ network_list = self.get_network_list(filter_dict)
+ if not network_list:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("network '{}' not found".format(net_id))
+ try:
+ # Subnet API fails (CloudError: Azure Error: ResourceNotFound)
+ # Put the initial virtual_network API
+ async_delete=self.conn_vnet.subnets.delete(self.resource_group, self.vnet_name, resName)
+ return net_id
+ except CloudError as e:
+ if e.error.error == "ResourceNotFound":
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("network '{}' not found".format(net_id))
+ else:
+ raise
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ # Added third parameter because it is necesary
+ def delete_vminstance(self, vm_id, created_items=None):
+ self.logger.debug('Deletting VM instance {} - {}'.format(self.resource_group, vm_id))
- self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.delete(resGroup, resName)
+ try:
+ resName = self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(vm_id)
+ vm = self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.get(self.resource_group, resName)
+ # Shuts down the virtual machine and releases the compute resources
+ #vm_stop = self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.power_off(self.resource_group, resName)
+ #vm_stop.wait()
+ vm_delete = self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.delete(self.resource_group, resName)
+ vm_delete.wait()
+ # Delete OS Disk
+ os_disk_name = vm.storage_profile.os_disk.name
+ self.logger.debug('Delete OS DISK - ' + os_disk_name)
+ self.conn_compute.disks.delete(self.resource_group, os_disk_name)
+ # After deletting VM, it is necessary delete NIC, because if is not deleted delete_network
+ # does not work because Azure says that is in use the subnet
+ network_interfaces = vm.network_profile.network_interfaces
+ for network_interface in network_interfaces:
+ #self.logger.debug('nic - {}'.format(network_interface))
+ nic_name = self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(network_interface.id)
+ #self.logger.debug('nic_name - {}'.format(nic_name))
+ nic_data = self.conn_vnet.network_interfaces.get(
+ self.resource_group,
+ nic_name)
+ exist_public_ip = nic_data.ip_configurations[0].public_ip_address
+ if exist_public_ip:
+ public_ip_id = nic_data.ip_configurations[0].public_ip_address.id
+ self.logger.debug('Public ip id - ' + public_ip_id)
+ self.logger.debug('Delete NIC - ' + nic_name)
+ nic_delete = self.conn_vnet.network_interfaces.delete(self.resource_group, nic_name)
+ nic_delete.wait()
+ # Delete public_ip
+ public_ip_name = self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(public_ip_id)
+ self.logger.debug('Delete PUBLIC IP - ' + public_ip_name)
+ public_ip = self.conn_vnet.public_ip_addresses.delete(self.resource_group, public_ip_name)
+ except CloudError as e:
+ if e.error.error == "ResourceNotFound":
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("No vminstance found '{}'".format(vm_id))
+ else:
+ raise
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ def action_vminstance(self, vm_id, action_dict, created_items={}):
+ """Send and action over a VM instance from VIM
+ Returns the vm_id if the action was successfully sent to the VIM"""
+ self.logger.debug("Action over VM '%s': %s", vm_id, str(action_dict))
+ try:
+ self._reload_connection()
+ resName = self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(vm_id)
+ if "start" in action_dict:
+ self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.start(self.resource_group,resName)
+ elif "stop" in action_dict or "shutdown" in action_dict or "shutoff" in action_dict:
+ self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.power_off(self.resource_group,resName)
+ elif "terminate" in action_dict:
+ self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.delete(self.resource_group,resName)
+ elif "reboot" in action_dict:
+ self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.restart(self.resource_group,resName)
+ return None
+ except CloudError as e:
+ if e.error.error == "ResourceNotFound":
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("No vm found '{}'".format(vm_id))
+ else:
+ raise
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
+ def delete_flavor(self, flavor_id):
+ raise vimconn.vimconnAuthException("It is not possible to delete a FLAVOR in AZURE")
+ def delete_tenant(self,tenant_id,):
+ raise vimconn.vimconnAuthException("It is not possible to delete a TENANT in AZURE")
+ def delete_image(self, image_id):
+ raise vimconn.vimconnAuthException("It is not possible to delete a IMAGE in AZURE")
def get_vminstance(self, vm_id):
- resGroup = self._get_resource_group_name_from_resource_id(net_id)
- resName = self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(net_id)
- vm=self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.get(resGroup, resName)
+ try:
+ resName = self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(vm_id)
+ vm=self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.get(self.resource_group, resName)
+ except CloudError as e:
+ if e.error.error == "ResourceNotFound":
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("No vminstance found '{}'".format(vm_id))
+ else:
+ raise
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.format_vimconn_exception(e)
return vm
def get_flavor(self, flavor_id):
- for vm_size in self.conn_compute.virtual_machine_sizes.list(self.region):
- if vm_size.name == flavor_id :
- return vm_size
+ flavor_data = self._get_flavor_id_from_flavor_name(flavor_id)
+ if flavor_data:
+ flavor = {
+ 'id': flavor_id,
+ 'name': flavor_id,
+ 'ram': flavor_data['memoryInMB'],
+ 'vcpus': flavor_data['numberOfCores'],
+ 'disk': flavor_data['resourceDiskSizeInMB']
+ }
+ return flavor
+ else:
+ raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException("flavor '{}' not found".format(flavor_id))
+ def get_tenant_list(self, filter_dict={}):
+ tenants_azure=[{'name': self.tenant, 'id': self.tenant}]
+ tenant_list=[]
+ for tenant_azure in tenants_azure:
+ if filter_dict:
+ if filter_dict.get("id") and str(tenant_azure.get("id")) != filter_dict["id"]:
+ continue
+ if filter_dict.get("name") and str(tenant_azure.get("name")) != filter_dict["name"]:
+ continue
+ tenant_list.append(tenant_azure)
+ return tenant_list
def refresh_nets_status(self, net_list):
out_nets = {}
for net_id in net_list:
- resGroup = self._get_resource_group_name_from_resource_id(net_id)
+ netName = self._get_net_name_from_resource_id(net_id)
resName = self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(net_id)
- vnet = self.conn_vnet.virtual_networks.get(resGroup, resName)
+ net = self.conn_vnet.subnets.get(self.resource_group, netName, resName)
out_nets[net_id] ={
- "status": self.provision_state2osm[vnet.provisioning_state],
- "vim_info": str(vnet)
+ "status": self.provision_state2osm[net.provisioning_state],
+ "vim_info": str(net)
except CloudError as e:
if e.error.error == "ResourceNotFound":
out_nets[net_id] = {
"status": "DELETED",
+ "error_msg": str(e)
+ except vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException as e:
+ out_nets[net_id] = {
+ "status": "DELETED",
+ "error_msg": str(e)
+ }
except Exception as e:
# TODO distinguish when it is deleted
out_nets[net_id] = {
"status": "VIM_ERROR",
- "vim_info": str(vnet),
"error_msg": str(e)
return out_nets
def refresh_vms_status(self, vm_list):
out_vms = {}
+ out_vms_dict = {}
for vm_id in vm_list:
- resGroup = self._get_resource_group_name_from_resource_id(vm_id)
resName = self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(vm_id)
- vm = self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.get(resGroup, resName)
- out_vms[vm_id] ={
- "status": self.provision_state2osm[vm.provisioning_state],
- "vim_info": str(vm)
- }
- except CloudError as e:
- if e.error.error == "ResourceNotFound":
- out_vms[vm_id] = {
- "status": "DELETED",
- }
- else:
- raise
+ vm = self.conn_compute.virtual_machines.get(self.resource_group, resName)
+ out_vms_dict['status'] = self.provision_state2osm[vm.provisioning_state]
+ out_vms_dict['interfaces'] = []
+ interface_dict = {}
+ network_interfaces = vm.network_profile.network_interfaces
+ for network_interface in network_interfaces:
+ nic_name = self._get_resource_name_from_resource_id(network_interface.id)
+ interface_dict['vim_interface_id'] = vm_id
+ nic_data = self.conn_vnet.network_interfaces.get(
+ self.resource_group,
+ nic_name)
+ private_ip = nic_data.ip_configurations[0].private_ip_address
+ interface_dict['mac_address'] = nic_data.mac_address
+ interface_dict['ip_address'] = private_ip
+ out_vms_dict['interfaces'].append(interface_dict)
except Exception as e:
- # TODO distinguish when it is deleted
- out_vms[vm_id] = {
- "status": "VIM_ERROR",
- "vim_info": str(vm),
- "error_msg": str(e)
- }
+ out_vms_dict['status'] = "DELETED"
+ out_vms_dict['error_msg'] = str(e)
+ vm = None
+ finally:
+ if vm:
+ out_vms_dict['vim_info'] = str(vm)
+ out_vms[vm_id] = out_vms_dict
return out_vms
-# TODO get_vminstance_console for getting console
if __name__ == "__main__":
+import os
+if os.getenv('OSMRO_PDB_DEBUG'):
+ import sys
+ print(sys.path)
+ import pdb
+ pdb.set_trace()
Module for testing openmano functionality. It uses openmanoclient.py for invoking openmano
vca_object = test_config["vim_conn"].connect()
- elif test_config['vimtype'] == 'openstack':
+ elif test_config['vimtype'] in ('openstack', 'azure'):
network_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_network_list()
self.__class__.test_index, inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
self.__class__.test_index += 1
- network = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.__class__.network_name,
+ network, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.__class__.network_name,
self.__class__.network_id = network
self.__class__.test_index += 1
for net_type in network_types:
self.__class__.network_name = _get_random_string(20)
- network_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.__class__.network_name,
+ network_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.__class__.network_name,
self.__class__.test_index += 1
- network = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.__class__.network_name,
+ network, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.__class__.network_name,
self.__class__.network_id = network
self.__class__.test_index += 1
- network = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.__class__.network_name,
+ network, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.__class__.network_name,
self.__class__.network_id = network
self.__class__.test_index += 1
- network = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.__class__.network_name,
+ network, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.__class__.network_name,
self.__class__.network_id = network
# creating new network
network_name = _get_random_string(20)
net_type = 'bridge'
- network_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=network_name,
+ network_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=network_name,
# refresh net status
net_dict = test_config["vim_conn"].refresh_nets_status([network_id])
# refresh net status
net_dict = test_config["vim_conn"].refresh_nets_status([unknown_net_id])
- if test_config['vimtype'] == 'openstack':
+ if test_config['vimtype'] in ('openstack', 'azure'):
self.assertEqual(net_dict[unknown_net_id]['status'], 'DELETED')
# TODO : Fix vmware connector to return status DELETED as per vimconn.py
# creating new network
self.__class__.network_name = _get_random_string(20)
self.__class__.net_type = 'bridge'
- network = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.__class__.network_name,
+ network, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.__class__.network_name,
self.__class__.network_id = network
self.assertIn(self.__class__.network_name, net.get('name'))
self.assertEqual(net.get('type'), self.__class__.net_type)
self.assertEqual(net.get('status'), 'ACTIVE')
- self.assertEqual(net.get('shared'), False)
+ if test_config['vimtype'] != 'azure':
+ self.assertEqual(net.get('shared'), False)
def test_010_get_network_list_by_name(self):
self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
self.__class__.test_index += 1
- if test_config['vimtype'] == 'openstack':
+ if test_config['vimtype'] in ('openstack', 'azure'):
network_name = test_config['vim_conn'].get_network(self.__class__.network_id)['name']
network_name = test_config['vim_conn'].get_network_name_by_id(self.__class__.network_id)
self.__class__.test_index += 1
- if test_config['vimtype'] == 'openstack':
+ if test_config['vimtype'] in ('openstack', 'azure'):
network_name = test_config['vim_conn'].get_network(self.__class__.network_id)['name']
network_name = test_config['vim_conn'].get_network_name_by_id(self.__class__.network_id)
self.__class__.test_index += 1
tenant_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_tenant_list()
- if test_config['vimtype'] == 'openstack':
+ if test_config['vimtype'] in ('openstack', 'azure'):
network_name = test_config['vim_conn'].get_network(self.__class__.network_id)['name']
network_name = test_config['vim_conn'].get_network_name_by_id(self.__class__.network_id)
self.__class__.test_index += 1
status = 'ACTIVE'
- if test_config['vimtype'] == 'openstack':
+ if test_config['vimtype'] in ('openstack', 'azure'):
network_name = test_config['vim_conn'].get_network(self.__class__.network_id)['name']
network_name = test_config['vim_conn'].get_network_name_by_id(self.__class__.network_id)
# creating new network
self.__class__.network_name = _get_random_string(20)
self.__class__.net_type = 'bridge'
- network = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.__class__.network_name,
+ network, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.__class__.network_name,
self.__class__.network_id = network
# Creating network
self.__class__.network_name = _get_random_string(20)
self.__class__.net_type = 'bridge'
- network = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.__class__.network_name,
+ network, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.__class__.network_name,
self.__class__.network_id = network
flavor_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_flavor(flavor_data)
# get flavor by id
result = test_config["vim_conn"].get_flavor(flavor_id)
- self.assertEqual(ram, result['ram'])
- self.assertEqual(vcpus, result['vcpus'])
- self.assertEqual(disk, result['disk'])
- # delete flavor
- result = test_config["vim_conn"].delete_flavor(flavor_id)
- if result:
- logger.info("Flavor id {} sucessfully deleted".format(result))
+ if test_config['vimtype'] != 'azure':
+ self.assertEqual(ram, result['ram'])
+ self.assertEqual(vcpus, result['vcpus'])
+ self.assertEqual(disk, result['disk'])
- logger.info("Failed to delete flavor id {}".format(result))
+ self.assertTrue(ram <= result['ram'])
+ self.assertTrue(vcpus <= result['vcpus'])
+ self.assertTrue(disk <= result['disk'])
+ # delete flavor
+ if test_config['vimtype'] != 'azure':
+ result = test_config["vim_conn"].delete_flavor(flavor_id)
+ if result:
+ logger.info("Flavor id {} sucessfully deleted".format(result))
+ else:
+ logger.info("Failed to delete flavor id {}".format(result))
def test_010_get_flavor_negative(self):
Non_exist_flavor_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
flavor_id = None
def test_000_new_flavor(self):
- flavor_data = {'name': _get_random_string(20), 'ram': 1024, 'vpcus': 1, 'disk': 10}
+ flavor_data = {'name': _get_random_string(20), 'ram': 1024, 'vcpus': 1, 'disk': 10}
self.__class__.test_text = "{}.{}. TEST {}".format(test_config["test_number"],
self.__class__.test_index += 1
# delete flavor
- result = test_config["vim_conn"].delete_flavor(self.__class__.flavor_id)
- if result:
- logger.info("Flavor id {} sucessfully deleted".format(result))
+ if test_config['vimtype'] == 'azure':
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
+ test_config["vim_conn"].delete_flavor(self.__class__.flavor_id)
+ self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 401)
- logger.error("Failed to delete flavor id {}".format(result))
- raise Exception ("Failed to delete created flavor")
+ result = test_config["vim_conn"].delete_flavor(self.__class__.flavor_id)
+ if result:
+ logger.info("Flavor id {} sucessfully deleted".format(result))
+ else:
+ logger.error("Failed to delete flavor id {}".format(result))
+ raise Exception ("Failed to delete created flavor")
def test_020_new_flavor_negative(self):
Invalid_flavor_data = {'ram': '1024', 'vcpus': 2.0, 'disk': 2.0}
with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
- self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 400)
+ if test_config['vimtype'] == 'azure':
+ self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 404)
+ else:
+ self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 400)
def test_030_delete_flavor_negative(self):
Non_exist_flavor_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
- self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 404)
+ if test_config['vimtype'] == 'azure':
+ self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 401)
+ else:
+ self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 404)
class test_vimconn_new_image(test_base):
image_path = test_config['image_path']
if image_path:
- self.__class__.image_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_image({ 'name': 'TestImage', 'location' : image_path, 'metadata': {'upload_location':None} })
+ self.__class__.image_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_image({ 'name': 'TestImage', 'location' : image_path,
+ 'metadata': {'upload_location':None} })
self.assertIsInstance(self.__class__.image_id, (str, unicode))
self.__class__.test_index += 1
- image_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_image_list()
+ if test_config['image_name']:
+ image_list = test_config['vim_conn'].get_image_list({'name': test_config['image_name']})
+ else:
+ image_list = test_config["vim_conn"].get_image_list()
for item in image_list:
if 'name' in item:
self.__class__.network_name = _get_random_string(20)
self.__class__.net_type = 'bridge'
- self.__class__.network_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.__class__.network_name,
+ self.__class__.network_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.__class__.network_name,
# find image name and image id
if test_config['image_name']:
self.__class__.test_index += 1
- net_list = [{'use': self.__class__.net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'vpci': vpci, 'port_security': True, 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
+ net_list = [{'use': self.__class__.net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'vpci': vpci,
+ 'port_security': True, 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
- self.__class__.instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False, image_id=self.__class__.image_id, flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list)
+ self.__class__.instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='',
+ start=False,
+ image_id=self.__class__.image_id,
+ flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list)
self.assertIsInstance(self.__class__.instance_id, (str, unicode))
self.__class__.test_index += 1
- net_list = [{'use': self.__class__.net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True, 'model': model_name, 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
+ net_list = [{'use': self.__class__.net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True,
+ 'model': model_name, 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
- instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False, image_id=self.__class__.image_id,flavor_id=flavor_id,net_list=net_list)
+ instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False,
+ image_id=self.__class__.image_id,
+ flavor_id=flavor_id,net_list=net_list)
self.assertIsInstance(instance_id, (str, unicode))
self.__class__.test_index += 1
- net_list = [{'use': net_use, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True, 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
+ net_list = [{'use': net_use, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True, 'type': 'virtual',
+ 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
- instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False, image_id=self.__class__.image_id,disk_list=None,
- flavor_id=flavor_id,
- net_list=net_list)
+ instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False,
+ image_id=self.__class__.image_id,disk_list=None,
+ flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list)
self.assertIsInstance(instance_id, (str, unicode))
# Deleting created vm instance
- if test_config['vimtype'] == 'openstack':
+ if test_config['vimtype'] in ('openstack', 'azure'):
# create network of type data
network_name = _get_random_string(20)
net_type = 'data'
- network_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=network_name,
+ network_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=network_name,
net_list = [{'use': net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True,
'type': _type, 'net_id': network_id}]
instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False,
- image_id=self.__class__.image_id, disk_list=None,
- flavor_id=flavor_id,
- net_list=net_list)
+ image_id=self.__class__.image_id, disk_list=None,
+ flavor_id=flavor_id,
+ net_list=net_list)
self.assertEqual(type(instance_id), unicode)
name = 'eth0'
user_name = 'test_user'
- key_pairs = ['ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCy2w9GHMKKNkpCmrDK2ovc3XBYDETuLWwaW24S+feHhLBQiZlzh3gSQoINlA+2ycM9zYbxl4BGzEzpTVyCQFZv5PidG4m6ox7LR+KYkDcITMyjsVuQJKDvt6oZvRt6KbChcCi0n2JJD/oUiJbBFagDBlRslbaFI2mmqmhLlJ5TLDtmYxzBLpjuX4m4tv+pdmQVfg7DYHsoy0hllhjtcDlt1nn05WgWYRTu7mfQTWfVTavu+OjIX3e0WN6NW7yIBWZcE/Q9lC0II3W7PZDE3QaT55se4SPIO2JTdqsx6XGbekdG1n6adlduOI27sOU5m4doiyJ8554yVbuDB/z5lRBD alfonso.tiernosepulveda@telefonica.com']
+ key_pairs = ['ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDtAjl5R+GSKP3gFrdFxgizKEUzhXKQbyjaxJH9thsK 0/fDiYlaNEjvijgPgiVZkfwvqgWeLprPcpzL2j4jvmmSJ3+7C8ihCwObWP0VUiuewmbIINBPAR0RqusjMRyPsa+q0asFBPOoZLx3Cv3vzmC1AA3mKuCNeT EuA0rlWhDIOVwMcU5sP1grnmuexQB8HcR7BdKcA9y08pTwnCQR8vmtW77SRkaxEGXm4Gnw5qw8Z27mHdk2wWS2SnbVH7aFwWvDXc6jjf5TpEWypdr/EAPC +eJipeS2Oa4FsntEqAu3Fz6gp/9ub8uNqgCgHfMzs6FhYpZpipwS0hXYyF6eVsSx osm@osm']
- users_data = [{'key-pairs': ['ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCy2w9GHMKKNkpCmrDK2ovc3XBYDETuLWwaW24S+feHhLBQiZlzh3gSQoINlA+2ycM9zYbxl4BGzEzpTVyCQFZv5PidG4m6ox7LR+KYkDcITMyjsVuQJKDvt6oZvRt6KbChcCi0n2JJD/oUiJbBFagDBlRslbaFI2mmqmhLlJ5TLDtmYxzBLpjuX4m4tv+pdmQVfg7DYHsoy0hllhjtcDlt1nn05WgWYRTu7mfQTWfVTavu+OjIX3e0WN6NW7yIBWZcE/Q9lC0II3W7PZDE3QaT55se4SPIO2JTdqsx6XGbekdG1n6adlduOI27sOU5m4doiyJ8554yVbuDB/z5lRBD alfonso.tiernosepulveda@telefonica.com'], 'name': user_name}]
+ users_data = [{'key-pairs': ['ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDtAjl5R+GSKP3gFrdFxgizKEUzhXKQbyjaxJH9thsK0/fDiYlaNEjvijgPgiVZkfwvqgWeLprPcpzL2j4jvmmSJ3+7C8ihCwObWP0VUiuewmbIINBPAR0RqusjMRyPsa+q0asFBPOoZLx3Cv3vzmC1AA3mKuCNeTEuA0rlWhDIOVwMcU5sP1grnmuexQB8HcR7BdKcA9y08pTwnCQR8vmtW77SRkaxEGXm4Gnw5qw8Z27mHdk2wWS2SnbVH7aFwWvDXc6jjf5TpEWypdr/EAPC+eJipeS2Oa4FsntEqAu3Fz6gp/9ub8uNqgCgHfMzs6FhYpZpipwS0hXYyF6eVsSx osm@osm'], 'name': 'cloudinit'}]
cloud_data = {'config-files': [{'content': 'auto enp0s3\niface enp0s3 inet dhcp\n', 'dest': '/etc/network/interfaces.d/enp0s3.cfg', 'owner': 'root:root', 'permissions': '0644'}, {'content': '#! /bin/bash\nls -al >> /var/log/osm.log\n', 'dest': '/etc/rc.local', 'permissions': '0755'}, {'content': 'file content', 'dest': '/etc/test_delete'}], 'boot-data-drive': True, 'key-pairs': key_pairs, 'users': users_data }
+ #cloud_data = {'users': users_data }
# create new flavor
flavor_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_flavor(flavor_data)
self.__class__.test_index += 1
- net_list = [{'use': self.__class__.net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True, 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
+ net_list = [{'use': self.__class__.net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True,
+ 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Cloud_vm', description='', start=False,
- image_id=self.__class__.image_id, flavor_id=flavor_id,net_list=net_list,cloud_config=cloud_data)
+ image_id=self.__class__.image_id,
+ flavor_id=flavor_id,net_list=net_list,
+ cloud_config=cloud_data)
self.assertIsInstance(instance_id, (str, unicode))
self.__class__.test_index += 1
- net_list = [{'use': self.__class__.net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True, 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
+ net_list = [{'use': self.__class__.net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True,
+ 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
- instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='VM_test1', description='', start=False, image_id=self.__class__.image_id,
- flavor_id=flavor_id,
- net_list=net_list,
- disk_list=device_data)
+ instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='VM_test1', description='', start=False,
+ image_id=self.__class__.image_id,
+ flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list,
+ disk_list=device_data)
self.assertIsInstance(instance_id, (str, unicode))
# Deleting created vm instance
self.__class__.test_index += 1
- net_list = [{'use': self.__class__.net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True, 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
+ net_list = [{'use': self.__class__.net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True,
+ 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
- test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False, image_id=unknown_image_id,
- flavor_id=unknown_flavor_id,
- net_list=net_list)
+ test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False,
+ image_id=unknown_image_id,
+ flavor_id=unknown_flavor_id,
+ net_list=net_list)
self.assertIn((context.exception).http_code, (400, 404))
if attr == 'interfaces':
self.assertEqual(type(vm_info[self.__class__.instance_id][attr]), list)
- if test_config['vimtype'] == 'openstack':
+ if test_config['vimtype'] in ('openstack', 'azure'):
vpci = "0000:00:11.0"
name = "eth0"
# create new flavor
flavor_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_flavor(flavor_data)
# create new vm instance
- net_list = [{'use': self.__class__.net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'vpci': vpci, 'port_security': True, 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
+ net_list = [{'use': self.__class__.net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'vpci': vpci,
+ 'port_security': True, 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
- instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False, image_id=self.__class__.image_id, flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list)
+ instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False,
+ image_id=self.__class__.image_id,
+ flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list)
vm_list = []
if test_config['vimtype'] == 'vmware':
- if test_config['vimtype'] == 'openstack':
+ if test_config['vimtype'] in ('openstack', 'azure'):
self.assertEqual(vm_dict[unknown_id]['status'], 'DELETED')
def test_110_action_vminstance(self):
{action: None})
self.assertEqual(instance_id, self.__class__.instance_id)
- if test_config['vimtype'] == 'openstack':
+ if test_config['vimtype'] in ('openstack', 'azure'):
# create new vm instance
vpci = "0000:00:11.0"
name = "eth0"
# create new flavor
flavor_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_flavor(flavor_data)
- net_list = [{'use': self.__class__.net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'vpci': vpci, 'port_security': True, 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
+ net_list = [{'use': self.__class__.net_type, 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'vpci': vpci,
+ 'port_security': True, 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.__class__.network_id}]
- new_instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False, image_id=self.__class__.image_id, flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list)
+ new_instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='',
+ start=False, image_id=self.__class__.image_id,
+ flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list)
- action_list = ['shutdown','start','shutoff','rebuild','start','pause','start']
+ if test_config['vimtype'] == 'openstack':
+ action_list = ['shutdown','start','shutoff','rebuild','start','pause','start']
+ else:
+ action_list = ['shutdown','start','stop','start','shutoff','start','reboot']
# various action on vminstace
for action in action_list:
# sleep for sometime till status is changed
- instance_id = test_config["vim_conn"].action_vminstance(new_instance_id,
- { action: None})
+ instance_id = test_config["vim_conn"].action_vminstance(new_instance_id, {action: None})
self.assertTrue(instance_id is None)
- # Deleting created vm instance
+ #Deleting created vm instance
logger.info("Deleting created vm intance")
self.assertEqual(sriov_net_name, list_item.get('name'))
self.__class__.sriov_network_id = list_item.get('id')
- net_list = [{'use': 'data', 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True, 'type': 'VF', 'net_id': self.__class__.sriov_network_id}]
+ net_list = [{'use': 'data', 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True, 'type': 'VF',
+ 'net_id': self.__class__.sriov_network_id}]
- instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_sriov_vm', description='', start=False, image_id=self.__class__.image_id, flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list)
+ instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_sriov_vm', description='', start=False,
+ image_id=self.__class__.image_id, flavor_id=flavor_id,
+ net_list=net_list)
self.assertIsInstance(instance_id, (str, unicode))
self.__class__.test_index += 1
- self.__class__.tenant_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_tenant(tenant_name, "")
- time.sleep(15)
+ if test_config['vimtype'] != 'azure':
+ self.__class__.tenant_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_tenant(tenant_name, "")
+ time.sleep(15)
- self.assertIsInstance(self.__class__.tenant_id, (str, unicode))
+ self.assertIsInstance(self.__class__.tenant_id, (str, unicode))
+ else:
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
+ test_config["vim_conn"].new_tenant(self.__class__.tenant_id)
+ self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 401)
def test_010_new_tenant_negative(self):
with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
test_config["vim_conn"].new_tenant(Invalid_tenant_name, "")
- self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 400)
+ if test_config['vimtype'] != 'azure':
+ self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 400)
+ else:
+ self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 401)
def test_020_delete_tenant(self):
self.__class__.test_index += 1
- tenant_id = test_config["vim_conn"].delete_tenant(self.__class__.tenant_id)
- self.assertIsInstance(tenant_id, (str, unicode))
+ if test_config['vimtype'] != 'azure':
+ tenant_id = test_config["vim_conn"].delete_tenant(self.__class__.tenant_id)
+ self.assertIsInstance(tenant_id, (str, unicode))
+ else:
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
+ test_config["vim_conn"].delete_tenant(self.__class__.tenant_id)
+ self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 401)
def test_030_delete_tenant_negative(self):
Non_exist_tenant_name = 'Test_30_tenant'
with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
- self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 404)
+ if test_config['vimtype'] != 'azure':
+ self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 404)
+ else:
+ self.assertEqual((context.exception).http_code, 401)
def get_image_id():
# create network
self.network_name = _get_random_string(20)
- self.network_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.network_name,
+ self.network_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.network_name,
def tearDown(self):
i = 0
for i in range(10):
self.network_name = _get_random_string(20)
- network_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.network_name,
+ network_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.network_name,
'port_security': True, 'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': net_id})
c = c+1
- instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', image_id=image_id,
- flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list)
+ instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False,
+ image_id=image_id, flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list)
logger.info("Deleting created vm instance")
def setUp(self):
# create network
self.network_name = _get_random_string(20)
- self.network_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.network_name,
+ self.network_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.network_name,
def tearDown(self):
net_list = [{'use': 'bridge', 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True,
'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.network_id}]
- instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', image_id=image_id,
+ instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False,
+ image_id=image_id,
flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list,disk_list=disk_list)
net_list = [{'use': 'bridge', 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True,
'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.network_id}]
- instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', image_id=image_id,
+ instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False,
+ image_id=image_id,
flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list,disk_list=disk_list)
net_list = [{'use': 'bridge', 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True,
'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.network_id}]
- instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', image_id=image_id,
+ instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False,
+ image_id=image_id,
flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list,disk_list=disk_list )
def setUp(self):
# create network
self.network_name = _get_random_string(20)
- self.network_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.network_name,
+ self.network_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.network_name,
def tearDown(self):
net_list = [{'use': 'bridge', 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True,
'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.network_id}]
- instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', image_id=image_id,
+ instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False,
+ image_id=image_id,
flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list,availability_zone_index=1,
def setUp(self):
# create network
self.network_name = _get_random_string(20)
- self.network_id = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.network_name,
+ self.network_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_network(net_name=self.network_name,
def tearDown(self):
def test_000_vminstance_by_numa_affinity(self):
flavor_data = {'extended': {'numas': [{'paired-threads-id': [['1', '3'], ['2', '4']],
- ' paired-threads': 2, 'memory': 1}]},
- 'ram': 1024, 'vcpus': 1, 'disk': 10}
+ ' paired-threads': 2, 'memory': 1}]},
+ 'ram': 1024, 'vcpus': 1, 'disk': 10}
name = "eth10"
# create new flavor
net_list = [{'use': 'bridge', 'name': name, 'floating_ip': False, 'port_security': True,
'type': 'virtual', 'net_id': self.network_id}]
- instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', image_id=image_id,
+ instance_id, _ = test_config["vim_conn"].new_vminstance(name='Test1_vm', description='', start=False,
+ image_id=image_id,
flavor_id=flavor_id, net_list=net_list)
test_config['sriov_net_name'] = args.sriov_net_name
# vmware connector obj
- test_config['vim_conn'] = vim.vimconnector(name=org_name, tenant_name=tenant_name, user=org_user,passwd=org_passwd, url=vim_url, config=config_params)
+ test_config['vim_conn'] = vim.vimconnector(name=org_name, tenant_name=tenant_name, user=org_user,
+ passwd=org_passwd, url=vim_url, config=config_params)
elif args.vimtype == "aws":
import vimconn_aws as vim
elif args.vimtype == "openvim":
import vimconn_openvim as vim
+ elif args.vimtype == "azure":
+ import vimconn_azure as vim
+ test_config["test_directory"] = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/RO_tests"
+ tenant_name = args.tenant_name
+ test_config['tenant'] = tenant_name
+ config_params = yaml.load(args.config_param)
+ os_user = config_params.get('user')
+ os_passwd = config_params.get('passwd')
+ vim_url = args.endpoint_url
+ test_config['image_path'] = args.image_path
+ test_config['image_name'] = args.image_name
+ #test_config['sriov_net_name'] = args.sriov_net_name
+ # azure connector obj
+ vim_persistent_info = {}
+ test_config['vim_conn'] = vim.vimconnector(
+ uuid="test-uuid-1", name="VIO-azure",
+ tenant_id=None, tenant_name=tenant_name,
+ url=vim_url, url_admin=None,
+ user=os_user, passwd=os_passwd,
+ config=config_params, persistent_info=vim_persistent_info
+ )
+ test_config['vim_conn'].debug = "true"
logger.critical("vimtype '{}' not supported".format(args.vimtype))
# Mandatory arguments
mandatory_arguments = vimconn_parser.add_argument_group('mandatory arguments')
- mandatory_arguments.add_argument('--vimtype', choices=['vmware', 'aws', 'openstack', 'openvim'], required=True,
+ mandatory_arguments.add_argument('--vimtype', choices=['vmware', 'aws', 'openstack', 'openvim','azure'], required=True,
help='Set the vimconnector type to test')
mandatory_arguments.add_argument('-c', '--config', dest='config_param', required=True,
help='Set the vimconnector specific config parameters in dictionary format')