+CONTEXT_SETTINGS = dict(help_option_names=['-h', '--help'], max_content_width=160)
# LIST operations
+@cli.command(name='ns-list', short_help='list all NS instances')
@click.option('--filter', default=None,
help='restricts the list to the NS instances matching the filter.')
+@cli.command(name='nsd-list', short_help='list all NS packages')
@click.option('--filter', default=None,
help='restricts the list to the NSD/NSpkg matching the filter')
nsd_list(ctx, filter)
+@cli.command(name='nspkg-list', short_help='list all NS packages')
@click.option('--filter', default=None,
help='restricts the list to the NSD/NSpkg matching the filter')
def nsd_list2(ctx, filter):
- """list all NSD/NS pkg in the system"""
+ """list all NS packages"""
nsd_list(ctx, filter)
+@cli.command(name='vnfd-list', short_help='list all xNF packages (VNF, HNF, PNF)')
@click.option('--nf_type', help='type of NF (vnf, pnf, hnf)')
@click.option('--filter', default=None,
help='restricts the list to the NF pkg matching the filter')
def vnfd_list1(ctx, nf_type, filter):
- """list all VNFD/VNF pkg in the system"""
+ """list all xNF packages (VNF, HNF, PNF)"""
vnfd_list(ctx, nf_type, filter)
+@cli.command(name='vnfpkg-list', short_help='list all xNF packages (VNF, HNF, PNF)')
@click.option('--nf_type', help='type of NF (vnf, pnf, hnf)')
@click.option('--filter', default=None,
help='restricts the list to the NFpkg matching the filter')
def vnfd_list2(ctx, nf_type, filter):
- """list all VNFD/VNF pkg in the system"""
+ """list all xNF packages (VNF, HNF, PNF)"""
vnfd_list(ctx, nf_type, filter)
+@cli.command(name='nfpkg-list', short_help='list all xNF packages (VNF, HNF, PNF)')
@click.option('--nf_type', help='type of NF (vnf, pnf, hnf)')
@click.option('--filter', default=None,
help='restricts the list to the NFpkg matching the filter')
def nfpkg_list(ctx, nf_type, filter):
- """list all NF pkg (VNF pkg, PNF pkg, HNF pkg) in the system"""
+ """list all xNF packages (VNF, HNF, PNF)"""
vnfd_list(ctx, nf_type, filter)
+@cli.command(name='vnf-list', short_help='list all NF instances')
@click.option('--ns', default=None, help='NS instance id or name to restrict the NF list')
@click.option('--filter', default=None,
help='restricts the list to the NF instances matching the filter.')
vnf_list(ctx, ns, filter)
+@cli.command(name='nf-list', short_help='list all NF instances')
@click.option('--ns', default=None, help='NS instance id or name to restrict the NF list')
@click.option('--filter', default=None,
help='restricts the list to the NF instances matching the filter.')
vnf_list(ctx, ns, filter)
+@cli.command(name='ns-op-list', short_help='shows the history of operations over a NS instance')
def ns_op_list(ctx, name):
+@cli.command(name='nsi-list', short_help='list all Network Slice Instances (NSI)')
@click.option('--filter', default=None,
help='restricts the list to the Network Slice Instances matching the filter')
nsi_list(ctx, filter)
+@cli.command(name='netslice-instance-list', short_help='list all Network Slice Instances (NSI)')
@click.option('--filter', default=None,
help='restricts the list to the Network Slice Instances matching the filter')
+@cli.command(name='nst-list', short_help='list all Network Slice Templates (NST)')
@click.option('--filter', default=None,
help='restricts the list to the NST matching the filter')
nst_list(ctx, filter)
+@cli.command(name='netslice-template-list', short_help='list all Network Slice Templates (NST)')
@click.option('--filter', default=None,
help='restricts the list to the NST matching the filter')
+@cli.command(name='nsi-op-list', short_help='shows the history of operations over a Network Slice Instance (NSI)')
def nsi_op_list1(ctx, name):
nsi_op_list(ctx, name)
+@cli.command(name='netslice-instance-op-list', short_help='shows the history of operations over a Network Slice Instance (NSI)')
def nsi_op_list2(ctx, name):
nsi_op_list(ctx, name)
+@cli.command(name='pdu-list', short_help='list all Physical Deployment Units (PDU)')
@click.option('--filter', default=None,
help='restricts the list to the Physical Deployment Units matching the filter')
# print(table)
-@cli.command(name='ns-op-show', short_help='shows the info of an operation')
+@cli.command(name='ns-op-show', short_help='shows the info of a NS operation')
@click.option('--filter', default=None)
def ns_op_show(ctx, id, filter):
- """shows the detailed info of an operation
+ """shows the detailed info of a NS operation
ID: operation identifier
# VIM operations
+@cli.command(name='vim-create', short_help='creates a new VIM account')
help='Name to create datacenter')
+@cli.command(name='vim-delete', short_help='deletes a VIM account')
@click.option('--force', is_flag=True, help='forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions')
+@cli.command(name='vim-list', short_help='list all VIM accounts')
# default=False,
# help='update list from RO')
+@cli.command(name='vim-show', short_help='shows the details of a VIM account')
def vim_show(ctx, name):
# WIM operations
+@cli.command(name='wim-create', short_help='creates a new WIM account')
help='Name for the WIM account')
+@cli.command(name='wim-delete', short_help='deletes a WIM account')
@click.option('--force', is_flag=True, help='forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions')
+@cli.command(name='wim-list', short_help='list all WIM accounts')
@click.option('--filter', default=None,
help='restricts the list to the WIM accounts matching the filter')
+@cli.command(name='wim-show', short_help='shows the details of a WIM account')
def wim_show(ctx, name):
# SDN controller operations
+@cli.command(name='sdnc-create', short_help='creates a new SDN controller')
help='Name to create sdn controller')
+@cli.command(name='sdnc-delete', short_help='deletes an SDN controller')
@click.option('--force', is_flag=True, help='forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions')
+@cli.command(name='sdnc-list', short_help='list all SDN controllers')
@click.option('--filter', default=None,
help='restricts the list to the SDN controllers matching the filter')
+@cli.command(name='sdnc-show', short_help='shows the details of an SDN controller')
def sdnc_show(ctx, name):
# Project mgmt operations
+@cli.command(name='project-create', short_help='creates a new project')
# default='no description',
+@cli.command(name='project-delete', short_help='deletes a project')
#@click.option('--force', is_flag=True, help='forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions')
+@cli.command(name='project-list', short_help='list all projects')
@click.option('--filter', default=None,
help='restricts the list to the projects matching the filter')
+@cli.command(name='project-show', short_help='shows the details of a project')
def project_show(ctx, name):
+@cli.command(name='project-update', short_help='updates a project (only the name can be updated)')
# User mgmt operations
+@cli.command(name='user-create', short_help='creates a new user')
+@cli.command(name='user-update', short_help='updates user information')
# prompt=True,
+@cli.command(name='user-delete', short_help='deletes a user')
#@click.option('--force', is_flag=True, help='forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions')
+@cli.command(name='user-list', short_help='list all users')
@click.option('--filter', default=None,
help='restricts the list to the users matching the filter')
+@cli.command(name='user-show', short_help='shows the details of a user')
def user_show(ctx, name):
# Performance Management operations
+@cli.command(name='ns-metric-export', short_help='exports a metric to the internal OSM bus, which can be read by other apps')
@click.option('--ns', prompt=True, help='NS instance id or name')
@click.option('--vnf', prompt=True,
help='VNF name (VNF member index as declared in the NSD)')
# Other operations
+@cli.command(name='upload-package', short_help='uploads a VNF package or NS package')
def upload_package(ctx, filename):
# print(table)
+@cli.command(name='ns-action', short_help='executes an action/primitive over a NS instance')
@click.option('--vnf_name', default=None, help='member-vnf-index if the target is a vnf instead of a ns)')
@click.option('--vdu_id', default=None, help='vdu-id if the target is a vdu o a vnf')
+@cli.command(name='vnf-scale', short_help='executes a VNF scale (adding/removing VDUs)')
@click.option('--scaling-group', prompt=True, help="scaling-group-descriptor name to use")
# Role Management Operations #
-@cli.command(name='role-create', short_help='creates a role')
+@cli.command(name='role-create', short_help='creates a new role')