from juju.controller import Controller
from juju.model import ModelObserver
+from juju.errors import JujuAPIError
# We might need this to connect to the websocket securely, but test and verify.
return self.default_model
+ async def Relate(self, ns_name, vnfd):
+ """Create a relation between the charm-enabled VDUs in a VNF.
+ The Relation mapping has two parts: the id of the vdu owning the endpoint, and the name of the endpoint.
+ vdu:
+ ...
+ relation:
+ - provides: dataVM:db
+ requires: mgmtVM:app
+ This tells N2VC that the charm referred to by the dataVM vdu offers a relation named 'db', and the mgmtVM vdu has an 'app' endpoint that should be connected to a database.
+ :param str ns_name: The name of the network service.
+ :param dict vnfd: The parsed yaml VNF descriptor.
+ """
+ # Currently, the call to Relate() is made automatically after the
+ # deployment of each charm; if the relation depends on a charm that
+ # hasn't been deployed yet, the call will fail silently. This will
+ # prevent an API breakage, with the intent of making this an explicitly
+ # required call in a more object-oriented refactor of the N2VC API.
+ configs = []
+ vnf_config = vnfd.get("vnf-configuration")
+ if vnf_config:
+ juju = vnf_config['juju']
+ if juju:
+ configs.append(vnf_config)
+ for vdu in vnfd['vdu']:
+ vdu_config = vdu.get('vdu-configuration')
+ if vdu_config:
+ juju = vdu_config['juju']
+ if juju:
+ configs.append(vdu_config)
+ def _get_application_name(name):
+ """Get the application name that's mapped to a vnf/vdu."""
+ vnf_member_index = 0
+ vnf_name = vnfd['name']
+ for vdu in vnfd.get('vdu'):
+ # Compare the named portion of the relation to the vdu's id
+ if vdu['id'] == name:
+ application_name = self.FormatApplicationName(
+ ns_name,
+ vnf_name,
+ str(vnf_member_index),
+ )
+ return application_name
+ else:
+ vnf_member_index += 1
+ return None
+ # Loop through relations
+ for cfg in configs:
+ if 'juju' in cfg:
+ if 'relation' in juju:
+ for rel in juju['relation']:
+ try:
+ # get the application name for the provides
+ (name, endpoint) = rel['provides'].split(':')
+ application_name = _get_application_name(name)
+ provides = "{}:{}".format(
+ application_name,
+ endpoint
+ )
+ # get the application name for thr requires
+ (name, endpoint) = rel['requires'].split(':')
+ application_name = _get_application_name(name)
+ requires = "{}:{}".format(
+ application_name,
+ endpoint
+ )
+ self.log.debug("Relation: {} <-> {}".format(
+ provides,
+ requires
+ ))
+ await self.add_relation(
+ ns_name,
+ provides,
+ requires,
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.log.debug("Exception: {}".format(e))
+ return
async def DeployCharms(self, model_name, application_name, vnfd,
charm_path, params={}, machine_spec={},
callback=None, *callback_args):
+ # Map the vdu id<->app name,
+ #
+ await self.Relate(model_name, vnfd)
# #######################################
# # Execute initial config primitive(s) #
# #######################################
return False
# Non-public methods
- async def add_relation(self, a, b, via=None):
+ async def add_relation(self, model_name, relation1, relation2):
Add a relation between two application endpoints.
- :param a An application endpoint
- :param b An application endpoint
- :param via The egress subnet(s) for outbound traffic, e.g.,
- (,
+ :param str model_name Name of the network service.
+ :param str relation1 '<application>[:<relation_name>]'
+ :param str relation12 '<application>[:<relation_name>]'
if not self.authenticated:
await self.login()
- m = await self.get_model()
+ m = await self.get_model(model_name)
- m.add_relation(a, b, via)
- finally:
- await m.disconnect()
+ await m.add_relation(relation1, relation2)
+ except JujuAPIError as e:
+ # If one of the applications in the relationship doesn't exist,
+ # or the relation has already been added, let the operation fail
+ # silently.
+ if 'not found' in e.message:
+ return
+ if 'already exists' in e.message:
+ return
+ raise e
# async def apply_config(self, config, application):
# """Apply a configuration to the application."""