This commit also includes external DB configuration option.
Change-Id: Iddb4adfae582ecfc6af2d797716e386420ad1df8
Signed-off-by: sousaedu <>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2021 Canonical Ltd.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact:
+# To get in touch with the maintainers, please contact:
- ".yamllint"
ignore: |
+ cover/
+ venv
+ release/
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2021 Canonical Ltd.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact:
+# To get in touch with the maintainers, please contact:
+# pylint: disable=E0213
+from ipaddress import ip_network
import logging
from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Dict, List, NoReturn
+from typing import NoReturn, Optional
from urllib.parse import urlparse
-from ops.charm import CharmBase
-from ops.framework import EventBase, StoredState
from ops.main import main
-from ops.model import ActiveStatus, Application, BlockedStatus, MaintenanceStatus, Unit
-from oci_image import OCIImageResource, OCIImageResourceError
+from opslib.osm.charm import CharmedOsmBase, RelationsMissing
+from opslib.osm.interfaces.grafana import GrafanaDashboardTarget
+from opslib.osm.interfaces.kafka import KafkaClient
+from opslib.osm.interfaces.prometheus import PrometheusScrapeTarget
+from opslib.osm.pod import (
+ ContainerV3Builder,
+ IngressResourceV3Builder,
+ PodSpecV3Builder,
+from opslib.osm.validator import ModelValidator, validator
-from pod_spec import make_pod_spec
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+PORT = 9308
-class RelationsMissing(Exception):
- def __init__(self, missing_relations: List):
- self.message = ""
- if missing_relations and isinstance(missing_relations, list):
- self.message += f'Waiting for {", ".join(missing_relations)} relation'
- if "," in self.message:
- self.message += "s"
+class ConfigModel(ModelValidator):
+ site_url: Optional[str]
+ cluster_issuer: Optional[str]
+ ingress_whitelist_source_range: Optional[str]
+ tls_secret_name: Optional[str]
-class RelationDefinition:
- def __init__(self, relation_name: str, keys: List, source_type):
- if source_type != Application and source_type != Unit:
- raise TypeError(
- "source_type should be ops.model.Application or ops.model.Unit"
- )
- self.relation_name = relation_name
- self.keys = keys
- self.source_type = source_type
-def check_missing_relation_data(
- data: Dict,
- expected_relations_data: List[RelationDefinition],
- missing_relations = []
- for relation_data in expected_relations_data:
- if not all(
- f"{relation_data.relation_name}_{k}" in data for k in relation_data.keys
- ):
- missing_relations.append(relation_data.relation_name)
- if missing_relations:
- raise RelationsMissing(missing_relations)
-def get_relation_data(
- charm: CharmBase,
- relation_data: RelationDefinition,
-) -> Dict:
- data = {}
- relation = charm.model.get_relation(relation_data.relation_name)
- if relation:
- self_app_unit = (
- if relation_data.source_type == Application else charm.unit
- )
- expected_type = relation_data.source_type
- for app_unit in
- if app_unit != self_app_unit and isinstance(app_unit, expected_type):
- if all(k in[app_unit] for k in relation_data.keys):
- for k in relation_data.keys:
- data[f"{relation_data.relation_name}_{k}"] =[
- app_unit
- ].get(k)
- break
- return data
+ @validator("site_url")
+ def validate_site_url(cls, v):
+ if v:
+ parsed = urlparse(v)
+ if not parsed.scheme.startswith("http"):
+ raise ValueError("value must start with http")
+ return v
-class KafkaExporterCharm(CharmBase):
- """Kafka Exporter Charm."""
+ @validator("ingress_whitelist_source_range")
+ def validate_ingress_whitelist_source_range(cls, v):
+ if v:
+ ip_network(v)
+ return v
- state = StoredState()
+class KafkaExporterCharm(CharmedOsmBase):
def __init__(self, *args) -> NoReturn:
- """Kafka Exporter Charm constructor."""
- super().__init__(*args)
- # Internal state initialization
- self.state.set_default(pod_spec=None)
- self.image = OCIImageResource(self, "image")
- # Registering regular events
- self.framework.observe(self.on.start, self.configure_pod)
- self.framework.observe(self.on.config_changed, self.configure_pod)
+ super().__init__(*args, oci_image="image")
- # Registering required relation events
- self.framework.observe(self.on.kafka_relation_changed, self.configure_pod)
+ # Provision Kafka relation to exchange information
+ self.kafka_client = KafkaClient(self, "kafka")
+ self.framework.observe(self.on["kafka"].relation_changed, self.configure_pod)
+ self.framework.observe(self.on["kafka"].relation_broken, self.configure_pod)
- # Registering required relation departed events
- self.framework.observe(self.on.kafka_relation_departed, self.configure_pod)
- # Registering provided relation events
+ # Register relation to provide a Scraping Target
+ self.scrape_target = PrometheusScrapeTarget(self, "prometheus-scrape")
- self.on.prometheus_scrape_relation_joined, self._publish_scrape_info
+ self.on["prometheus-scrape"].relation_joined, self._publish_scrape_info
+ # Register relation to provide a Dasboard Target
+ self.dashboard_target = GrafanaDashboardTarget(self, "grafana-dashboard")
- self.on.grafana_dashboard_relation_joined, self._publish_dashboard_info
+ self.on["grafana-dashboard"].relation_joined, self._publish_dashboard_info
- def _publish_scrape_info(self, event: EventBase) -> NoReturn:
- """Publishes scrape information.
+ def _publish_scrape_info(self, event) -> NoReturn:
+ """Publishes scraping information for Prometheus.
+ Args:
+ event (EventBase): Prometheus relation event.
+ """
+ if self.unit.is_leader():
+ hostname = (
+ urlparse(self.model.config["site_url"]).hostname
+ if self.model.config["site_url"]
+ else
+ )
+ port = str(PORT)
+ if self.model.config.get("site_url", "").startswith("https://"):
+ port = "443"
+ elif self.model.config.get("site_url", "").startswith("http://"):
+ port = "80"
+ self.scrape_target.publish_info(
+ hostname=hostname,
+ port=port,
+ metrics_path="/metrics",
+ scrape_interval="30s",
+ scrape_timeout="15s",
+ )
+ def _publish_dashboard_info(self, event) -> NoReturn:
+ """Publish dashboards for Grafana.
- event (EventBase): Exporter relation event.
+ event (EventBase): Grafana relation event.
- rel_data = {
- "hostname": urlparse(self.model.config["site_url"]).hostname
- if self.model.config["site_url"]
- else,
- "port": "80" if self.model.config["site_url"] else str(KAFKA_EXPORTER_PORT),
- "metrics_path": "/metrics",
- "scrape_interval": "30s",
- "scrape_timeout": "15s",
- }
- for k, v in rel_data.items():
-[self.unit][k] = v
- def _publish_dashboard_info(self, event: EventBase) -> NoReturn:
- """Publishes dashboard information.
+ if self.unit.is_leader():
+ self.dashboard_target.publish_info(
+ name="osm-kafka",
+ dashboard=Path("files/kafka_exporter_dashboard.json").read_text(),
+ )
+ def _check_missing_dependencies(self, config: ConfigModel):
+ """Check if there is any relation missing.
- event (EventBase): Exporter relation event.
+ config (ConfigModel): object with configuration information.
+ Raises:
+ RelationsMissing: if kafka is missing.
- rel_data = {
- "name": "osm-kafka",
- "dashboard": Path("files/kafka_exporter_dashboard.json").read_text(),
- }
- for k, v in rel_data.items():
-[self.unit][k] = v
- @property
- def relations_requirements(self):
- return [RelationDefinition("kafka", ["host", "port"], Unit)]
- def get_relation_state(self):
- relation_state = {}
- for relation_requirements in self.relations_requirements:
- data = get_relation_data(self, relation_requirements)
- relation_state = {**relation_state, **data}
- check_missing_relation_data(relation_state, self.relations_requirements)
- return relation_state
- def configure_pod(self, _=None) -> NoReturn:
- """Assemble the pod spec and apply it, if possible.
+ missing_relations = []
+ if self.kafka_client.is_missing_data_in_unit():
+ missing_relations.append("kafka")
+ if missing_relations:
+ raise RelationsMissing(missing_relations)
+ def build_pod_spec(self, image_info):
+ """Build the PodSpec to be used.
- event (EventBase): Hook or Relation event that started the
- function.
+ image_info (str): container image information.
+ Returns:
+ Dict: PodSpec information.
- if not self.unit.is_leader():
- self.unit.status = ActiveStatus("ready")
- return
- relation_state = None
- try:
- relation_state = self.get_relation_state()
- except RelationsMissing as exc:
- logger.exception("Relation missing error")
- self.unit.status = BlockedStatus(exc.message)
- return
- self.unit.status = MaintenanceStatus("Assembling pod spec")
- # Fetch image information
- try:
- self.unit.status = MaintenanceStatus("Fetching image information")
- image_info = self.image.fetch()
- except OCIImageResourceError:
- self.unit.status = BlockedStatus("Error fetching image information")
- return
- try:
- pod_spec = make_pod_spec(
- image_info,
- self.model.config,
- relation_state,
- self.port,
+ # Validate config
+ config = ConfigModel(**dict(self.config))
+ # Check relations
+ self._check_missing_dependencies(config)
+ # Create Builder for the PodSpec
+ pod_spec_builder = PodSpecV3Builder()
+ # Build container
+ container_builder = ContainerV3Builder(, image_info)
+ container_builder.add_port(, port=PORT)
+ container_builder.add_http_readiness_probe(
+ path="/api/health",
+ port=PORT,
+ initial_delay_seconds=10,
+ period_seconds=10,
+ timeout_seconds=5,
+ success_threshold=1,
+ failure_threshold=3,
+ )
+ container_builder.add_http_liveness_probe(
+ path="/api/health",
+ port=PORT,
+ initial_delay_seconds=60,
+ timeout_seconds=30,
+ failure_threshold=10,
+ )
+ container_builder.add_command(
+ [
+ "kafka_exporter",
+ f"--kafka.server={}:{self.kafka_client.port}",
+ ]
+ )
+ container =
+ # Add container to PodSpec
+ pod_spec_builder.add_container(container)
+ # Add ingress resources to PodSpec if site url exists
+ if config.site_url:
+ parsed = urlparse(config.site_url)
+ annotations = {}
+ ingress_resource_builder = IngressResourceV3Builder(
+ f"{}-ingress", annotations
- except ValueError as exc:
- logger.exception("Config/Relation data validation error")
- self.unit.status = BlockedStatus(str(exc))
- return
- if self.state.pod_spec != pod_spec:
- self.model.pod.set_spec(pod_spec)
- self.state.pod_spec = pod_spec
+ if config.ingress_whitelist_source_range:
+ annotations[
+ ""
+ ] = config.ingress_whitelist_source_range
+ if config.cluster_issuer:
+ annotations[""] = config.cluster_issuer
+ if parsed.scheme == "https":
+ ingress_resource_builder.add_tls(
+ [parsed.hostname], config.tls_secret_name
+ )
+ else:
+ annotations[""] = "false"
+ ingress_resource_builder.add_rule(parsed.hostname,, PORT)
+ ingress_resource =
+ pod_spec_builder.add_ingress_resource(ingress_resource)
+ logger.debug(
- self.unit.status = ActiveStatus("ready")
+ return
if __name__ == "__main__":
-import logging
from ipaddress import ip_network
+import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, List
from urllib.parse import urlparse
"""Init mocking for unit tests."""
import sys
import mock
+class OCIImageResourceErrorMock(Exception):
+ pass
oci_image = mock.MagicMock()
+oci_image.OCIImageResourceError = OCIImageResourceErrorMock
sys.modules["oci_image"] = oci_image
+sys.modules["oci_image"].OCIImageResource().fetch.return_value = {}
+import sys
from typing import NoReturn
import unittest
-from ops.model import BlockedStatus
-from ops.testing import Harness
from charm import KafkaExporterCharm
+from ops.model import ActiveStatus, BlockedStatus
+from ops.testing import Harness
class TestCharm(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self) -> NoReturn:
"""Test setup"""
+ self.image_info = sys.modules["oci_image"].OCIImageResource().fetch()
self.harness = Harness(KafkaExporterCharm)
+ self.config = {
+ "ingress_whitelist_source_range": "",
+ "tls_secret_name": "",
+ "site_url": "",
+ "cluster_issuer": "vault-issuer",
+ }
+ self.harness.update_config(self.config)
- def test_on_start_without_relations(self) -> NoReturn:
- """Test installation without any relation."""
- self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+ def test_config_changed_no_relations(
+ self,
+ ) -> NoReturn:
+ """Test ingress resources without HTTP."""
- # Verifying status
- self.assertIsInstance(self.harness.charm.unit.status, BlockedStatus)
+ self.harness.charm.on.config_changed.emit()
- # Verifying status message
- self.assertGreater(len(self.harness.charm.unit.status.message), 0)
+ # Assertions
+ self.assertIsInstance(self.harness.charm.unit.status, BlockedStatus)
+ print(self.harness.charm.unit.status.message)
- self.harness.charm.unit.status.message.startswith("Waiting for ")
+ all(
+ relation in self.harness.charm.unit.status.message
+ for relation in ["kafka"]
+ )
- self.assertIn("kafka", self.harness.charm.unit.status.message)
- self.assertTrue(self.harness.charm.unit.status.message.endswith(" relation"))
- def test_on_start_with_relations_without_http(self) -> NoReturn:
- """Test deployment."""
- expected_result = {
- "version": 3,
- "containers": [
- {
- "name": "kafka-exporter",
- "imageDetails": self.harness.charm.image.fetch(),
- "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
- "ports": [
- {
- "name": "kafka-exporter",
- "containerPort": 9308,
- "protocol": "TCP",
- }
- ],
- "envConfig": {},
- "command": ["kafka_exporter", "--kafka.server=kafka:9090"],
- "kubernetes": {
- "readinessProbe": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/api/health",
- "port": 9308,
- },
- "initialDelaySeconds": 10,
- "periodSeconds": 10,
- "timeoutSeconds": 5,
- "successThreshold": 1,
- "failureThreshold": 3,
- },
- "livenessProbe": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/api/health",
- "port": 9308,
- },
- "initialDelaySeconds": 60,
- "timeoutSeconds": 30,
- "failureThreshold": 10,
- },
- },
- },
- ],
- "kubernetesResources": {"ingressResources": []},
- }
+ def test_config_changed_non_leader(
+ self,
+ ) -> NoReturn:
+ """Test ingress resources without HTTP."""
+ self.harness.set_leader(is_leader=False)
+ self.harness.charm.on.config_changed.emit()
- self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+ # Assertions
+ self.assertIsInstance(self.harness.charm.unit.status, ActiveStatus)
- # Initializing the kafka relation
- relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("kafka", "kafka")
- self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "kafka/0")
- self.harness.update_relation_data(
- relation_id,
- "kafka/0",
- {
- "host": "kafka",
- "port": "9090",
- },
- )
+ def test_with_relations(
+ self,
+ ) -> NoReturn:
+ "Test with relations"
+ self.initialize_kafka_relation()
# Verifying status
self.assertNotIsInstance(self.harness.charm.unit.status, BlockedStatus)
- pod_spec, _ = self.harness.get_pod_spec()
- self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, pod_spec)
- def test_ingress_resources_with_http(self) -> NoReturn:
- """Test ingress resources with HTTP."""
- expected_result = {
- "version": 3,
- "containers": [
- {
- "name": "kafka-exporter",
- "imageDetails": self.harness.charm.image.fetch(),
- "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
- "ports": [
- {
- "name": "kafka-exporter",
- "containerPort": 9308,
- "protocol": "TCP",
- }
- ],
- "envConfig": {},
- "command": ["kafka_exporter", "--kafka.server=kafka:9090"],
- "kubernetes": {
- "readinessProbe": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/api/health",
- "port": 9308,
- },
- "initialDelaySeconds": 10,
- "periodSeconds": 10,
- "timeoutSeconds": 5,
- "successThreshold": 1,
- "failureThreshold": 3,
- },
- "livenessProbe": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/api/health",
- "port": 9308,
- },
- "initialDelaySeconds": 60,
- "timeoutSeconds": 30,
- "failureThreshold": 10,
- },
- },
- },
- ],
- "kubernetesResources": {
- "ingressResources": [
- {
- "name": "kafka-exporter-ingress",
- "annotations": {
- "": "false",
- },
- "spec": {
- "rules": [
- {
- "host": "kafka-exporter",
- "http": {
- "paths": [
- {
- "path": "/",
- "backend": {
- "serviceName": "kafka-exporter",
- "servicePort": 9308,
- },
- }
- ]
- },
- }
- ]
- },
- }
- ],
- },
- }
- self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
- # Initializing the kafka relation
- relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("kafka", "kafka")
- self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "kafka/0")
+ def initialize_kafka_relation(self):
+ kafka_relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("kafka", "kafka")
+ self.harness.add_relation_unit(kafka_relation_id, "kafka/0")
- relation_id,
- "kafka/0",
- {
- "host": "kafka",
- "port": "9090",
- },
+ kafka_relation_id, "kafka/0", {"host": "kafka", "port": 9092}
- self.harness.update_config({"site_url": "http://kafka-exporter"})
- pod_spec, _ = self.harness.get_pod_spec()
- self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, pod_spec)
- def test_ingress_resources_with_https(self) -> NoReturn:
- """Test ingress resources with HTTPS."""
- expected_result = {
- "version": 3,
- "containers": [
- {
- "name": "kafka-exporter",
- "imageDetails": self.harness.charm.image.fetch(),
- "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
- "ports": [
- {
- "name": "kafka-exporter",
- "containerPort": 9308,
- "protocol": "TCP",
- }
- ],
- "envConfig": {},
- "command": ["kafka_exporter", "--kafka.server=kafka:9090"],
- "kubernetes": {
- "readinessProbe": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/api/health",
- "port": 9308,
- },
- "initialDelaySeconds": 10,
- "periodSeconds": 10,
- "timeoutSeconds": 5,
- "successThreshold": 1,
- "failureThreshold": 3,
- },
- "livenessProbe": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/api/health",
- "port": 9308,
- },
- "initialDelaySeconds": 60,
- "timeoutSeconds": 30,
- "failureThreshold": 10,
- },
- },
- },
- ],
- "kubernetesResources": {
- "ingressResources": [
- {
- "name": "kafka-exporter-ingress",
- "annotations": {},
- "spec": {
- "rules": [
- {
- "host": "kafka-exporter",
- "http": {
- "paths": [
- {
- "path": "/",
- "backend": {
- "serviceName": "kafka-exporter",
- "servicePort": 9308,
- },
- }
- ]
- },
- }
- ],
- "tls": [
- {
- "hosts": ["kafka-exporter"],
- "secretName": "kafka-exporter",
- }
- ],
- },
- }
- ],
- },
- }
- self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
- # Initializing the kafka relation
- relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("kafka", "kafka")
- self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "kafka/0")
- self.harness.update_relation_data(
- relation_id,
- "kafka/0",
- {
- "host": "kafka",
- "port": "9090",
- },
- )
- self.harness.update_config(
- {
- "site_url": "https://kafka-exporter",
- "tls_secret_name": "kafka-exporter",
- }
- )
- pod_spec, _ = self.harness.get_pod_spec()
- self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, pod_spec)
- def test_ingress_resources_with_https_and_ingress_whitelist(self) -> NoReturn:
- """Test ingress resources with HTTPS and ingress whitelist."""
- expected_result = {
- "version": 3,
- "containers": [
- {
- "name": "kafka-exporter",
- "imageDetails": self.harness.charm.image.fetch(),
- "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
- "ports": [
- {
- "name": "kafka-exporter",
- "containerPort": 9308,
- "protocol": "TCP",
- }
- ],
- "envConfig": {},
- "command": ["kafka_exporter", "--kafka.server=kafka:9090"],
- "kubernetes": {
- "readinessProbe": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/api/health",
- "port": 9308,
- },
- "initialDelaySeconds": 10,
- "periodSeconds": 10,
- "timeoutSeconds": 5,
- "successThreshold": 1,
- "failureThreshold": 3,
- },
- "livenessProbe": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/api/health",
- "port": 9308,
- },
- "initialDelaySeconds": 60,
- "timeoutSeconds": 30,
- "failureThreshold": 10,
- },
- },
- },
- ],
- "kubernetesResources": {
- "ingressResources": [
- {
- "name": "kafka-exporter-ingress",
- "annotations": {
- "": "",
- },
- "spec": {
- "rules": [
- {
- "host": "kafka-exporter",
- "http": {
- "paths": [
- {
- "path": "/",
- "backend": {
- "serviceName": "kafka-exporter",
- "servicePort": 9308,
- },
- }
- ]
- },
- }
- ],
- "tls": [
- {
- "hosts": ["kafka-exporter"],
- "secretName": "kafka-exporter",
- }
- ],
- },
- }
- ],
- },
- }
- self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
- # Initializing the kafka relation
- relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("kafka", "kafka")
- self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "kafka/0")
- self.harness.update_relation_data(
- relation_id,
- "kafka/0",
- {
- "host": "kafka",
- "port": "9090",
- },
- )
- self.harness.update_config(
- {
- "site_url": "https://kafka-exporter",
- "tls_secret_name": "kafka-exporter",
- "ingress_whitelist_source_range": "",
- }
- )
- pod_spec, _ = self.harness.get_pod_spec()
- self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, pod_spec)
- def test_on_kafka_unit_relation_changed(self) -> NoReturn:
- """Test to see if kafka relation is updated."""
- self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
- relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("kafka", "kafka")
- self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "kafka/0")
- self.harness.update_relation_data(
- relation_id,
- "kafka/0",
- {
- "host": "kafka",
- "port": "9090",
- },
- )
- # Verifying status
- self.assertNotIsInstance(self.harness.charm.unit.status, BlockedStatus)
- def test_publish_target_info(self) -> NoReturn:
- """Test to see if target relation is updated."""
- expected_result = {
- "hostname": "kafka-exporter",
- "port": "9308",
- "metrics_path": "/metrics",
- "scrape_interval": "30s",
- "scrape_timeout": "15s",
- }
- self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
- relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("prometheus-scrape", "prometheus")
- self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "prometheus/0")
- relation_data = self.harness.get_relation_data(relation_id, "kafka-exporter/0")
- self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, relation_data)
- def test_publish_target_info_with_site_url(self) -> NoReturn:
- """Test to see if target relation is updated."""
- expected_result = {
- "hostname": "kafka-exporter-osm",
- "port": "80",
- "metrics_path": "/metrics",
- "scrape_interval": "30s",
- "scrape_timeout": "15s",
- }
- self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
- self.harness.update_config({"site_url": "http://kafka-exporter-osm"})
- relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("prometheus-scrape", "prometheus")
- self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "prometheus/0")
- relation_data = self.harness.get_relation_data(relation_id, "kafka-exporter/0")
- self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, relation_data)
- def test_publish_dashboard_info(self) -> NoReturn:
- """Test to see if dashboard relation is updated."""
- self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
- relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("grafana-dashboard", "grafana")
- self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "grafana/0")
- relation_data = self.harness.get_relation_data(relation_id, "kafka-exporter/0")
- self.assertTrue("dashboard" in relation_data)
- self.assertTrue(len(relation_data["dashboard"]) > 0)
if __name__ == "__main__":
+# class TestCharm(unittest.TestCase):
+# """Kafka Exporter Charm unit tests."""
+# def setUp(self) -> NoReturn:
+# """Test setup"""
+# self.harness = Harness(KafkaExporterCharm)
+# self.harness.set_leader(is_leader=True)
+# self.harness.begin()
+# def test_on_start_without_relations(self) -> NoReturn:
+# """Test installation without any relation."""
+# self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+# # Verifying status
+# self.assertIsInstance(self.harness.charm.unit.status, BlockedStatus)
+# # Verifying status message
+# self.assertGreater(len(self.harness.charm.unit.status.message), 0)
+# self.assertTrue(
+# self.harness.charm.unit.status.message.startswith("Waiting for ")
+# )
+# self.assertIn("kafka", self.harness.charm.unit.status.message)
+# self.assertTrue(self.harness.charm.unit.status.message.endswith(" relation"))
+# def test_on_start_with_relations_without_http(self) -> NoReturn:
+# """Test deployment."""
+# expected_result = {
+# "version": 3,
+# "containers": [
+# {
+# "name": "kafka-exporter",
+# "imageDetails": self.harness.charm.image.fetch(),
+# "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
+# "ports": [
+# {
+# "name": "kafka-exporter",
+# "containerPort": 9308,
+# "protocol": "TCP",
+# }
+# ],
+# "envConfig": {},
+# "command": ["kafka_exporter", "--kafka.server=kafka:9090"],
+# "kubernetes": {
+# "readinessProbe": {
+# "httpGet": {
+# "path": "/api/health",
+# "port": 9308,
+# },
+# "initialDelaySeconds": 10,
+# "periodSeconds": 10,
+# "timeoutSeconds": 5,
+# "successThreshold": 1,
+# "failureThreshold": 3,
+# },
+# "livenessProbe": {
+# "httpGet": {
+# "path": "/api/health",
+# "port": 9308,
+# },
+# "initialDelaySeconds": 60,
+# "timeoutSeconds": 30,
+# "failureThreshold": 10,
+# },
+# },
+# },
+# ],
+# "kubernetesResources": {"ingressResources": []},
+# }
+# self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+# # Initializing the kafka relation
+# relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("kafka", "kafka")
+# self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "kafka/0")
+# self.harness.update_relation_data(
+# relation_id,
+# "kafka/0",
+# {
+# "host": "kafka",
+# "port": "9090",
+# },
+# )
+# # Verifying status
+# self.assertNotIsInstance(self.harness.charm.unit.status, BlockedStatus)
+# pod_spec, _ = self.harness.get_pod_spec()
+# self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, pod_spec)
+# def test_ingress_resources_with_http(self) -> NoReturn:
+# """Test ingress resources with HTTP."""
+# expected_result = {
+# "version": 3,
+# "containers": [
+# {
+# "name": "kafka-exporter",
+# "imageDetails": self.harness.charm.image.fetch(),
+# "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
+# "ports": [
+# {
+# "name": "kafka-exporter",
+# "containerPort": 9308,
+# "protocol": "TCP",
+# }
+# ],
+# "envConfig": {},
+# "command": ["kafka_exporter", "--kafka.server=kafka:9090"],
+# "kubernetes": {
+# "readinessProbe": {
+# "httpGet": {
+# "path": "/api/health",
+# "port": 9308,
+# },
+# "initialDelaySeconds": 10,
+# "periodSeconds": 10,
+# "timeoutSeconds": 5,
+# "successThreshold": 1,
+# "failureThreshold": 3,
+# },
+# "livenessProbe": {
+# "httpGet": {
+# "path": "/api/health",
+# "port": 9308,
+# },
+# "initialDelaySeconds": 60,
+# "timeoutSeconds": 30,
+# "failureThreshold": 10,
+# },
+# },
+# },
+# ],
+# "kubernetesResources": {
+# "ingressResources": [
+# {
+# "name": "kafka-exporter-ingress",
+# "annotations": {
+# "": "false",
+# },
+# "spec": {
+# "rules": [
+# {
+# "host": "kafka-exporter",
+# "http": {
+# "paths": [
+# {
+# "path": "/",
+# "backend": {
+# "serviceName": "kafka-exporter",
+# "servicePort": 9308,
+# },
+# }
+# ]
+# },
+# }
+# ]
+# },
+# }
+# ],
+# },
+# }
+# self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+# # Initializing the kafka relation
+# relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("kafka", "kafka")
+# self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "kafka/0")
+# self.harness.update_relation_data(
+# relation_id,
+# "kafka/0",
+# {
+# "host": "kafka",
+# "port": "9090",
+# },
+# )
+# self.harness.update_config({"site_url": "http://kafka-exporter"})
+# pod_spec, _ = self.harness.get_pod_spec()
+# self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, pod_spec)
+# def test_ingress_resources_with_https(self) -> NoReturn:
+# """Test ingress resources with HTTPS."""
+# expected_result = {
+# "version": 3,
+# "containers": [
+# {
+# "name": "kafka-exporter",
+# "imageDetails": self.harness.charm.image.fetch(),
+# "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
+# "ports": [
+# {
+# "name": "kafka-exporter",
+# "containerPort": 9308,
+# "protocol": "TCP",
+# }
+# ],
+# "envConfig": {},
+# "command": ["kafka_exporter", "--kafka.server=kafka:9090"],
+# "kubernetes": {
+# "readinessProbe": {
+# "httpGet": {
+# "path": "/api/health",
+# "port": 9308,
+# },
+# "initialDelaySeconds": 10,
+# "periodSeconds": 10,
+# "timeoutSeconds": 5,
+# "successThreshold": 1,
+# "failureThreshold": 3,
+# },
+# "livenessProbe": {
+# "httpGet": {
+# "path": "/api/health",
+# "port": 9308,
+# },
+# "initialDelaySeconds": 60,
+# "timeoutSeconds": 30,
+# "failureThreshold": 10,
+# },
+# },
+# },
+# ],
+# "kubernetesResources": {
+# "ingressResources": [
+# {
+# "name": "kafka-exporter-ingress",
+# "annotations": {},
+# "spec": {
+# "rules": [
+# {
+# "host": "kafka-exporter",
+# "http": {
+# "paths": [
+# {
+# "path": "/",
+# "backend": {
+# "serviceName": "kafka-exporter",
+# "servicePort": 9308,
+# },
+# }
+# ]
+# },
+# }
+# ],
+# "tls": [
+# {
+# "hosts": ["kafka-exporter"],
+# "secretName": "kafka-exporter",
+# }
+# ],
+# },
+# }
+# ],
+# },
+# }
+# self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+# # Initializing the kafka relation
+# relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("kafka", "kafka")
+# self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "kafka/0")
+# self.harness.update_relation_data(
+# relation_id,
+# "kafka/0",
+# {
+# "host": "kafka",
+# "port": "9090",
+# },
+# )
+# self.harness.update_config(
+# {
+# "site_url": "https://kafka-exporter",
+# "tls_secret_name": "kafka-exporter",
+# }
+# )
+# pod_spec, _ = self.harness.get_pod_spec()
+# self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, pod_spec)
+# def test_ingress_resources_with_https_and_ingress_whitelist(self) -> NoReturn:
+# """Test ingress resources with HTTPS and ingress whitelist."""
+# expected_result = {
+# "version": 3,
+# "containers": [
+# {
+# "name": "kafka-exporter",
+# "imageDetails": self.harness.charm.image.fetch(),
+# "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
+# "ports": [
+# {
+# "name": "kafka-exporter",
+# "containerPort": 9308,
+# "protocol": "TCP",
+# }
+# ],
+# "envConfig": {},
+# "command": ["kafka_exporter", "--kafka.server=kafka:9090"],
+# "kubernetes": {
+# "readinessProbe": {
+# "httpGet": {
+# "path": "/api/health",
+# "port": 9308,
+# },
+# "initialDelaySeconds": 10,
+# "periodSeconds": 10,
+# "timeoutSeconds": 5,
+# "successThreshold": 1,
+# "failureThreshold": 3,
+# },
+# "livenessProbe": {
+# "httpGet": {
+# "path": "/api/health",
+# "port": 9308,
+# },
+# "initialDelaySeconds": 60,
+# "timeoutSeconds": 30,
+# "failureThreshold": 10,
+# },
+# },
+# },
+# ],
+# "kubernetesResources": {
+# "ingressResources": [
+# {
+# "name": "kafka-exporter-ingress",
+# "annotations": {
+# "": "",
+# },
+# "spec": {
+# "rules": [
+# {
+# "host": "kafka-exporter",
+# "http": {
+# "paths": [
+# {
+# "path": "/",
+# "backend": {
+# "serviceName": "kafka-exporter",
+# "servicePort": 9308,
+# },
+# }
+# ]
+# },
+# }
+# ],
+# "tls": [
+# {
+# "hosts": ["kafka-exporter"],
+# "secretName": "kafka-exporter",
+# }
+# ],
+# },
+# }
+# ],
+# },
+# }
+# self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+# # Initializing the kafka relation
+# relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("kafka", "kafka")
+# self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "kafka/0")
+# self.harness.update_relation_data(
+# relation_id,
+# "kafka/0",
+# {
+# "host": "kafka",
+# "port": "9090",
+# },
+# )
+# self.harness.update_config(
+# {
+# "site_url": "https://kafka-exporter",
+# "tls_secret_name": "kafka-exporter",
+# "ingress_whitelist_source_range": "",
+# }
+# )
+# pod_spec, _ = self.harness.get_pod_spec()
+# self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, pod_spec)
+# def test_on_kafka_unit_relation_changed(self) -> NoReturn:
+# """Test to see if kafka relation is updated."""
+# self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+# relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("kafka", "kafka")
+# self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "kafka/0")
+# self.harness.update_relation_data(
+# relation_id,
+# "kafka/0",
+# {
+# "host": "kafka",
+# "port": "9090",
+# },
+# )
+# # Verifying status
+# self.assertNotIsInstance(self.harness.charm.unit.status, BlockedStatus)
+# def test_publish_target_info(self) -> NoReturn:
+# """Test to see if target relation is updated."""
+# expected_result = {
+# "hostname": "kafka-exporter",
+# "port": "9308",
+# "metrics_path": "/metrics",
+# "scrape_interval": "30s",
+# "scrape_timeout": "15s",
+# }
+# self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+# relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("prometheus-scrape", "prometheus")
+# self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "prometheus/0")
+# relation_data = self.harness.get_relation_data(relation_id, "kafka-exporter/0")
+# self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, relation_data)
+# def test_publish_target_info_with_site_url(self) -> NoReturn:
+# """Test to see if target relation is updated."""
+# expected_result = {
+# "hostname": "kafka-exporter-osm",
+# "port": "80",
+# "metrics_path": "/metrics",
+# "scrape_interval": "30s",
+# "scrape_timeout": "15s",
+# }
+# self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+# self.harness.update_config({"site_url": "http://kafka-exporter-osm"})
+# relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("prometheus-scrape", "prometheus")
+# self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "prometheus/0")
+# relation_data = self.harness.get_relation_data(relation_id, "kafka-exporter/0")
+# self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, relation_data)
+# def test_publish_dashboard_info(self) -> NoReturn:
+# """Test to see if dashboard relation is updated."""
+# self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+# relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("grafana-dashboard", "grafana")
+# self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "grafana/0")
+# relation_data = self.harness.get_relation_data(relation_id, "kafka-exporter/0")
+# self.assertTrue("dashboard" in relation_data)
+# self.assertTrue(len(relation_data["dashboard"]) > 0)
+# if __name__ == "__main__":
+# unittest.main()
# To get in touch with the maintainers, please contact:
-skipsdist = True
-envlist = unit, lint
-sitepackages = False
-skip_missing_interpreters = False
+envlist = black, cover, flake8, pylint, yamllint, safety
+skipsdist = true
+toxworkdir = /tmp/.tox
-basepython = python3
+basepython = python3.8
+setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir}
+deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
+deps = black
+commands =
+ black --check --diff src/ tests/
+deps = {[testenv]deps}
+ -r{toxinidir}/requirements-test.txt
+ coverage
+ nose2
+commands =
+ sh -c 'rm -f nosetests.xml'
+ coverage erase
+ nose2 -C --coverage src
+ coverage report --omit='*tests*'
+ coverage html -d ./cover --omit='*tests*'
+ coverage xml -o coverage.xml --omit=*tests*
+whitelist_externals = sh
+deps = flake8
+ flake8-import-order
+commands =
+ flake8 src/ tests/
+deps = {[testenv]deps}
+ -r{toxinidir}/requirements-test.txt
+ pylint
+commands =
+ pylint -E src/ tests/
setenv =
- PYTHONPATH = {toxinidir}/src
- CHARM_NAME = kafka-exporter
+deps = {[testenv]deps}
+ safety
+commands =
+ - safety check --full-report
+deps = {[testenv]deps}
+ -r{toxinidir}/requirements-test.txt
+ yamllint
+commands = yamllint .
+deps = charmcraft
whitelist_externals =
- rm
- unzip
+ cp
commands =
- rm -rf release kafka-exporter.charm
charmcraft build
- unzip kafka-exporter.charm -d release
+ cp -r build release
-commands =
- coverage erase
- stestr run --slowest --test-path=./tests --top-dir=./
- coverage combine
- coverage html -d cover
- coverage xml -o cover/coverage.xml
- coverage report
-deps =
- coverage
- stestr
- mock
- ops
-setenv =
- {[testenv]setenv}
- PYTHON=coverage run
-deps =
- black
- yamllint
- flake8
-commands =
- black --check --diff . --exclude "build/|.tox/|mod/|lib/"
- yamllint .
- flake8 . --max-line-length=100 --ignore="E501,W503,W504,F722" --exclude "build/ .tox/ mod/ lib/"
-branch = True
-concurrency = multiprocessing
-parallel = True
-source =
- .
-omit =
- .tox/*
- tests/*
+ignore =
+ W291,
+ W293,
+ W503,
+ E123,
+ E125,
+ E226,
+ E241,
+exclude =
+ .git,
+ __pycache__,
+ .tox,
+max-line-length = 120
+show-source = True
+builtins = _
+max-complexity = 10
+import-order-style = google
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2021 Canonical Ltd.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact:
+# To get in touch with the maintainers, please contact:
- ".yamllint"
ignore: |
+ cover/
+ venv
+ release/
type: string
description: Name of the cluster issuer for TLS certificates
default: ""
+ mongodb_uri:
+ type: string
+ description: MongoDB URI (external database)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2021 Canonical Ltd.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact:
+# To get in touch with the maintainers, please contact:
+# pylint: disable=E0213
+from ipaddress import ip_network
import logging
from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Dict, List, NoReturn
+from typing import NoReturn, Optional
from urllib.parse import urlparse
-from ops.charm import CharmBase
-from ops.framework import EventBase, StoredState
from ops.main import main
-from ops.model import ActiveStatus, Application, BlockedStatus, MaintenanceStatus, Unit
-from oci_image import OCIImageResource, OCIImageResourceError
+from opslib.osm.charm import CharmedOsmBase, RelationsMissing
+from opslib.osm.interfaces.grafana import GrafanaDashboardTarget
+from opslib.osm.interfaces.mongo import MongoClient
+from opslib.osm.interfaces.prometheus import PrometheusScrapeTarget
+from opslib.osm.pod import (
+ ContainerV3Builder,
+ IngressResourceV3Builder,
+ PodSpecV3Builder,
+from opslib.osm.validator import ModelValidator, validator
-from pod_spec import make_pod_spec
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+PORT = 9216
-class RelationsMissing(Exception):
- def __init__(self, missing_relations: List):
- self.message = ""
- if missing_relations and isinstance(missing_relations, list):
- self.message += f'Waiting for {", ".join(missing_relations)} relation'
- if "," in self.message:
- self.message += "s"
+class ConfigModel(ModelValidator):
+ site_url: Optional[str]
+ cluster_issuer: Optional[str]
+ ingress_whitelist_source_range: Optional[str]
+ tls_secret_name: Optional[str]
+ mongodb_uri: Optional[str]
+ @validator("site_url")
+ def validate_site_url(cls, v):
+ if v:
+ parsed = urlparse(v)
+ if not parsed.scheme.startswith("http"):
+ raise ValueError("value must start with http")
+ return v
-class RelationDefinition:
- def __init__(self, relation_name: str, keys: List, source_type):
- if source_type != Application and source_type != Unit:
- raise TypeError(
- "source_type should be ops.model.Application or ops.model.Unit"
- )
- self.relation_name = relation_name
- self.keys = keys
- self.source_type = source_type
-def check_missing_relation_data(
- data: Dict,
- expected_relations_data: List[RelationDefinition],
- missing_relations = []
- for relation_data in expected_relations_data:
- if not all(
- f"{relation_data.relation_name}_{k}" in data for k in relation_data.keys
- ):
- missing_relations.append(relation_data.relation_name)
- if missing_relations:
- raise RelationsMissing(missing_relations)
-def get_relation_data(
- charm: CharmBase,
- relation_data: RelationDefinition,
-) -> Dict:
- data = {}
- relation = charm.model.get_relation(relation_data.relation_name)
- if relation:
- self_app_unit = (
- if relation_data.source_type == Application else charm.unit
- )
- expected_type = relation_data.source_type
- for app_unit in
- if app_unit != self_app_unit and isinstance(app_unit, expected_type):
- if all(k in[app_unit] for k in relation_data.keys):
- for k in relation_data.keys:
- data[f"{relation_data.relation_name}_{k}"] =[
- app_unit
- ].get(k)
- break
- return data
+ @validator("ingress_whitelist_source_range")
+ def validate_ingress_whitelist_source_range(cls, v):
+ if v:
+ ip_network(v)
+ return v
+ @validator("mongodb_uri")
+ def validate_mongodb_uri(cls, v):
+ if v and not v.startswith("mongodb://"):
+ raise ValueError("mongodb_uri is not properly formed")
+ return v
-class MongodbExporterCharm(CharmBase):
- """Mongodb Exporter Charm."""
- state = StoredState()
+class MongodbExporterCharm(CharmedOsmBase):
def __init__(self, *args) -> NoReturn:
- """Mongodb Exporter Charm constructor."""
- super().__init__(*args)
- # Internal state initialization
- self.state.set_default(pod_spec=None)
+ super().__init__(*args, oci_image="image")
- self.image = OCIImageResource(self, "image")
+ # Provision Kafka relation to exchange information
+ self.mongodb_client = MongoClient(self, "mongodb")
+ self.framework.observe(self.on["mongodb"].relation_changed, self.configure_pod)
+ self.framework.observe(self.on["mongodb"].relation_broken, self.configure_pod)
- # Registering regular events
- self.framework.observe(self.on.start, self.configure_pod)
- self.framework.observe(self.on.config_changed, self.configure_pod)
- # Registering required relation events
- self.framework.observe(self.on.mongodb_relation_changed, self.configure_pod)
- # Registering required relation departed events
- self.framework.observe(self.on.mongodb_relation_departed, self.configure_pod)
- # Registering provided relation events
+ # Register relation to provide a Scraping Target
+ self.scrape_target = PrometheusScrapeTarget(self, "prometheus-scrape")
- self.on.prometheus_scrape_relation_joined, self._publish_scrape_info
+ self.on["prometheus-scrape"].relation_joined, self._publish_scrape_info
+ # Register relation to provide a Dasboard Target
+ self.dashboard_target = GrafanaDashboardTarget(self, "grafana-dashboard")
- self.on.grafana_dashboard_relation_joined, self._publish_dashboard_info
+ self.on["grafana-dashboard"].relation_joined, self._publish_dashboard_info
- def _publish_scrape_info(self, event: EventBase) -> NoReturn:
- """Publishes scrape information.
+ def _publish_scrape_info(self, event) -> NoReturn:
+ """Publishes scraping information for Prometheus.
- event (EventBase): Exporter relation event.
+ event (EventBase): Prometheus relation event.
- rel_data = {
- "hostname": urlparse(self.model.config["site_url"]).hostname
- if self.model.config["site_url"]
- else,
- "port": "80"
- if self.model.config["site_url"]
- "metrics_path": "/metrics",
- "scrape_interval": "30s",
- "scrape_timeout": "15s",
- }
- for k, v in rel_data.items():
-[self.unit][k] = v
- def _publish_dashboard_info(self, event: EventBase) -> NoReturn:
- """Publishes dashboard information.
+ if self.unit.is_leader():
+ hostname = (
+ urlparse(self.model.config["site_url"]).hostname
+ if self.model.config["site_url"]
+ else
+ )
+ port = str(PORT)
+ if self.model.config.get("site_url", "").startswith("https://"):
+ port = "443"
+ elif self.model.config.get("site_url", "").startswith("http://"):
+ port = "80"
+ self.scrape_target.publish_info(
+ hostname=hostname,
+ port=port,
+ metrics_path="/metrics",
+ scrape_interval="30s",
+ scrape_timeout="15s",
+ )
+ def _publish_dashboard_info(self, event) -> NoReturn:
+ """Publish dashboards for Grafana.
- event (EventBase): Exporter relation event.
+ event (EventBase): Grafana relation event.
- rel_data = {
- "name": "osm-mongodb",
- "dashboard": Path("files/mongodb_exporter_dashboard.json").read_text(),
- }
- for k, v in rel_data.items():
-[self.unit][k] = v
- @property
- def relations_requirements(self):
- return [RelationDefinition("mongodb", ["connection_string"], Unit)]
- def get_relation_state(self):
- relation_state = {}
- for relation_requirements in self.relations_requirements:
- data = get_relation_data(self, relation_requirements)
- relation_state = {**relation_state, **data}
- check_missing_relation_data(relation_state, self.relations_requirements)
- return relation_state
- def configure_pod(self, _=None) -> NoReturn:
- """Assemble the pod spec and apply it, if possible.
+ if self.unit.is_leader():
+ self.dashboard_target.publish_info(
+ name="osm-mongodb",
+ dashboard=Path("files/mongodb_exporter_dashboard.json").read_text(),
+ )
+ def _check_missing_dependencies(self, config: ConfigModel):
+ """Check if there is any relation missing.
- event (EventBase): Hook or Relation event that started the
- function.
+ config (ConfigModel): object with configuration information.
+ Raises:
+ RelationsMissing: if kafka is missing.
- if not self.unit.is_leader():
- self.unit.status = ActiveStatus("ready")
- return
- relation_state = None
- try:
- relation_state = self.get_relation_state()
- except RelationsMissing as exc:
- logger.exception("Relation missing error")
- self.unit.status = BlockedStatus(exc.message)
- return
- self.unit.status = MaintenanceStatus("Assembling pod spec")
- # Fetch image information
- try:
- self.unit.status = MaintenanceStatus("Fetching image information")
- image_info = self.image.fetch()
- except OCIImageResourceError:
- self.unit.status = BlockedStatus("Error fetching image information")
- return
- try:
- pod_spec = make_pod_spec(
- image_info,
- self.model.config,
- relation_state,
- self.port,
+ missing_relations = []
+ if not config.mongodb_uri and self.mongodb_client.is_missing_data_in_unit():
+ missing_relations.append("mongodb")
+ if missing_relations:
+ raise RelationsMissing(missing_relations)
+ def build_pod_spec(self, image_info):
+ """Build the PodSpec to be used.
+ Args:
+ image_info (str): container image information.
+ Returns:
+ Dict: PodSpec information.
+ """
+ # Validate config
+ config = ConfigModel(**dict(self.config))
+ if config.mongodb_uri and not self.mongodb_client.is_missing_data_in_unit():
+ raise Exception("Mongodb data cannot be provided via config and relation")
+ # Check relations
+ self._check_missing_dependencies(config)
+ # Create Builder for the PodSpec
+ pod_spec_builder = PodSpecV3Builder()
+ # Build container
+ container_builder = ContainerV3Builder(, image_info)
+ container_builder.add_port(, port=PORT)
+ container_builder.add_http_readiness_probe(
+ path="/api/health",
+ port=PORT,
+ initial_delay_seconds=10,
+ period_seconds=10,
+ timeout_seconds=5,
+ success_threshold=1,
+ failure_threshold=3,
+ )
+ container_builder.add_http_liveness_probe(
+ path="/api/health",
+ port=PORT,
+ initial_delay_seconds=60,
+ timeout_seconds=30,
+ failure_threshold=10,
+ )
+ unparsed = (
+ config.mongodb_uri
+ if config.mongodb_uri
+ else self.mongodb_client.connection_string
+ )
+ parsed = urlparse(unparsed)
+ mongodb_uri = f"mongodb://{parsed.netloc.split(',')[0]}{parsed.path}"
+ if parsed.query:
+ mongodb_uri += f"?{parsed.query}"
+ container_builder.add_envs(
+ {
+ "MONGODB_URI": mongodb_uri,
+ }
+ )
+ container =
+ # Add container to PodSpec
+ pod_spec_builder.add_container(container)
+ # Add ingress resources to PodSpec if site url exists
+ if config.site_url:
+ parsed = urlparse(config.site_url)
+ annotations = {}
+ ingress_resource_builder = IngressResourceV3Builder(
+ f"{}-ingress", annotations
- except ValueError as exc:
- logger.exception("Config/Relation data validation error")
- self.unit.status = BlockedStatus(str(exc))
- return
- if self.state.pod_spec != pod_spec:
- self.model.pod.set_spec(pod_spec)
- self.state.pod_spec = pod_spec
+ if config.ingress_whitelist_source_range:
+ annotations[
+ ""
+ ] = config.ingress_whitelist_source_range
+ if config.cluster_issuer:
+ annotations[""] = config.cluster_issuer
+ if parsed.scheme == "https":
+ ingress_resource_builder.add_tls(
+ [parsed.hostname], config.tls_secret_name
+ )
+ else:
+ annotations[""] = "false"
+ ingress_resource_builder.add_rule(parsed.hostname,, PORT)
+ ingress_resource =
+ pod_spec_builder.add_ingress_resource(ingress_resource)
+ logger.debug(
- self.unit.status = ActiveStatus("ready")
+ return
if __name__ == "__main__":
-import logging
from ipaddress import ip_network
+import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, List
from urllib.parse import urlparse
"""Init mocking for unit tests."""
import sys
import mock
+class OCIImageResourceErrorMock(Exception):
+ pass
oci_image = mock.MagicMock()
+oci_image.OCIImageResourceError = OCIImageResourceErrorMock
sys.modules["oci_image"] = oci_image
+sys.modules["oci_image"].OCIImageResource().fetch.return_value = {}
+import sys
from typing import NoReturn
import unittest
-from ops.model import BlockedStatus
-from ops.testing import Harness
from charm import MongodbExporterCharm
+from ops.model import ActiveStatus, BlockedStatus
+from ops.testing import Harness
class TestCharm(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self) -> NoReturn:
"""Test setup"""
+ self.image_info = sys.modules["oci_image"].OCIImageResource().fetch()
self.harness = Harness(MongodbExporterCharm)
+ self.config = {
+ "ingress_whitelist_source_range": "",
+ "tls_secret_name": "",
+ "site_url": "",
+ "cluster_issuer": "vault-issuer",
+ }
+ self.harness.update_config(self.config)
- def test_on_start_without_relations(self) -> NoReturn:
- """Test installation without any relation."""
- self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+ def test_config_changed_no_relations(
+ self,
+ ) -> NoReturn:
+ """Test ingress resources without HTTP."""
- # Verifying status
- self.assertIsInstance(self.harness.charm.unit.status, BlockedStatus)
+ self.harness.charm.on.config_changed.emit()
- # Verifying status message
- self.assertGreater(len(self.harness.charm.unit.status.message), 0)
+ # Assertions
+ self.assertIsInstance(self.harness.charm.unit.status, BlockedStatus)
+ print(self.harness.charm.unit.status.message)
- self.harness.charm.unit.status.message.startswith("Waiting for ")
+ all(
+ relation in self.harness.charm.unit.status.message
+ for relation in ["mongodb"]
+ )
- self.assertIn("mongodb", self.harness.charm.unit.status.message)
- self.assertTrue(self.harness.charm.unit.status.message.endswith(" relation"))
- def test_on_start_with_relations_without_http(self) -> NoReturn:
- """Test deployment."""
- expected_result = {
- "version": 3,
- "containers": [
- {
- "name": "mongodb-exporter",
- "imageDetails": self.harness.charm.image.fetch(),
- "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
- "ports": [
- {
- "name": "mongo-exporter",
- "containerPort": 9216,
- "protocol": "TCP",
- }
- ],
- "envConfig": {
- "MONGODB_URI": "mongodb://mongo",
- },
- "kubernetes": {
- "readinessProbe": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/api/health",
- "port": 9216,
- },
- "initialDelaySeconds": 10,
- "periodSeconds": 10,
- "timeoutSeconds": 5,
- "successThreshold": 1,
- "failureThreshold": 3,
- },
- "livenessProbe": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/api/health",
- "port": 9216,
- },
- "initialDelaySeconds": 60,
- "timeoutSeconds": 30,
- "failureThreshold": 10,
- },
- },
- },
- ],
- "kubernetesResources": {"ingressResources": []},
- }
+ def test_config_changed_non_leader(
+ self,
+ ) -> NoReturn:
+ """Test ingress resources without HTTP."""
+ self.harness.set_leader(is_leader=False)
+ self.harness.charm.on.config_changed.emit()
- self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+ # Assertions
+ self.assertIsInstance(self.harness.charm.unit.status, ActiveStatus)
- # Initializing the mongodb relation
- relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("mongodb", "mongodb")
- self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "mongodb/0")
- self.harness.update_relation_data(
- relation_id,
- "mongodb/0",
- {
- "connection_string": "mongodb://mongo",
- },
- )
+ def test_with_relations(
+ self,
+ ) -> NoReturn:
+ "Test with relations"
+ self.initialize_mongo_relation()
# Verifying status
self.assertNotIsInstance(self.harness.charm.unit.status, BlockedStatus)
- pod_spec, _ = self.harness.get_pod_spec()
- self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, pod_spec)
- def test_ingress_resources_with_http(self) -> NoReturn:
- """Test ingress resources with HTTP."""
- expected_result = {
- "version": 3,
- "containers": [
- {
- "name": "mongodb-exporter",
- "imageDetails": self.harness.charm.image.fetch(),
- "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
- "ports": [
- {
- "name": "mongo-exporter",
- "containerPort": 9216,
- "protocol": "TCP",
- }
- ],
- "envConfig": {
- "MONGODB_URI": "mongodb://mongo",
- },
- "kubernetes": {
- "readinessProbe": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/api/health",
- "port": 9216,
- },
- "initialDelaySeconds": 10,
- "periodSeconds": 10,
- "timeoutSeconds": 5,
- "successThreshold": 1,
- "failureThreshold": 3,
- },
- "livenessProbe": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/api/health",
- "port": 9216,
- },
- "initialDelaySeconds": 60,
- "timeoutSeconds": 30,
- "failureThreshold": 10,
- },
- },
- },
- ],
- "kubernetesResources": {
- "ingressResources": [
- {
- "name": "mongodb-exporter-ingress",
- "annotations": {
- "": "false",
- },
- "spec": {
- "rules": [
- {
- "host": "mongodb-exporter",
- "http": {
- "paths": [
- {
- "path": "/",
- "backend": {
- "serviceName": "mongodb-exporter",
- "servicePort": 9216,
- },
- }
- ]
- },
- }
- ]
- },
- }
- ],
- },
- }
- self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
- # Initializing the mongodb relation
- relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("mongodb", "mongodb")
- self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "mongodb/0")
- self.harness.update_relation_data(
- relation_id,
- "mongodb/0",
- {
- "connection_string": "mongodb://mongo",
- },
- )
- self.harness.update_config({"site_url": "http://mongodb-exporter"})
- pod_spec, _ = self.harness.get_pod_spec()
- self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, pod_spec)
- def test_ingress_resources_with_https(self) -> NoReturn:
- """Test ingress resources with HTTPS."""
- expected_result = {
- "version": 3,
- "containers": [
- {
- "name": "mongodb-exporter",
- "imageDetails": self.harness.charm.image.fetch(),
- "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
- "ports": [
- {
- "name": "mongo-exporter",
- "containerPort": 9216,
- "protocol": "TCP",
- }
- ],
- "envConfig": {
- "MONGODB_URI": "mongodb://mongo",
- },
- "kubernetes": {
- "readinessProbe": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/api/health",
- "port": 9216,
- },
- "initialDelaySeconds": 10,
- "periodSeconds": 10,
- "timeoutSeconds": 5,
- "successThreshold": 1,
- "failureThreshold": 3,
- },
- "livenessProbe": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/api/health",
- "port": 9216,
- },
- "initialDelaySeconds": 60,
- "timeoutSeconds": 30,
- "failureThreshold": 10,
- },
- },
- },
- ],
- "kubernetesResources": {
- "ingressResources": [
- {
- "name": "mongodb-exporter-ingress",
- "annotations": {},
- "spec": {
- "rules": [
- {
- "host": "mongodb-exporter",
- "http": {
- "paths": [
- {
- "path": "/",
- "backend": {
- "serviceName": "mongodb-exporter",
- "servicePort": 9216,
- },
- }
- ]
- },
- }
- ],
- "tls": [
- {
- "hosts": ["mongodb-exporter"],
- "secretName": "mongodb-exporter",
- }
- ],
- },
- }
- ],
- },
- }
- self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
- # Initializing the mongodb relation
- relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("mongodb", "mongodb")
- self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "mongodb/0")
- self.harness.update_relation_data(
- relation_id,
- "mongodb/0",
- {
- "connection_string": "mongodb://mongo",
- },
- )
- self.harness.update_config(
- {
- "site_url": "https://mongodb-exporter",
- "tls_secret_name": "mongodb-exporter",
- }
- )
- pod_spec, _ = self.harness.get_pod_spec()
- self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, pod_spec)
- def test_ingress_resources_with_https_and_ingress_whitelist(self) -> NoReturn:
- """Test ingress resources with HTTPS and ingress whitelist."""
- expected_result = {
- "version": 3,
- "containers": [
- {
- "name": "mongodb-exporter",
- "imageDetails": self.harness.charm.image.fetch(),
- "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
- "ports": [
- {
- "name": "mongo-exporter",
- "containerPort": 9216,
- "protocol": "TCP",
- }
- ],
- "envConfig": {
- "MONGODB_URI": "mongodb://mongo",
- },
- "kubernetes": {
- "readinessProbe": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/api/health",
- "port": 9216,
- },
- "initialDelaySeconds": 10,
- "periodSeconds": 10,
- "timeoutSeconds": 5,
- "successThreshold": 1,
- "failureThreshold": 3,
- },
- "livenessProbe": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/api/health",
- "port": 9216,
- },
- "initialDelaySeconds": 60,
- "timeoutSeconds": 30,
- "failureThreshold": 10,
- },
- },
- },
- ],
- "kubernetesResources": {
- "ingressResources": [
- {
- "name": "mongodb-exporter-ingress",
- "annotations": {
- "": "",
- },
- "spec": {
- "rules": [
- {
- "host": "mongodb-exporter",
- "http": {
- "paths": [
- {
- "path": "/",
- "backend": {
- "serviceName": "mongodb-exporter",
- "servicePort": 9216,
- },
- }
- ]
- },
- }
- ],
- "tls": [
- {
- "hosts": ["mongodb-exporter"],
- "secretName": "mongodb-exporter",
- }
- ],
- },
- }
- ],
- },
- }
- self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
- # Initializing the mongodb relation
- relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("mongodb", "mongodb")
- self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "mongodb/0")
- self.harness.update_relation_data(
- relation_id,
- "mongodb/0",
- {
- "connection_string": "mongodb://mongo",
- },
- )
- self.harness.update_config(
- {
- "site_url": "https://mongodb-exporter",
- "tls_secret_name": "mongodb-exporter",
- "ingress_whitelist_source_range": "",
- }
- )
- pod_spec, _ = self.harness.get_pod_spec()
- self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, pod_spec)
- def test_on_mongodb_unit_relation_changed(self) -> NoReturn:
- """Test to see if mongodb relation is updated."""
- self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
- # Initializing the mongodb relation
- relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("mongodb", "mongodb")
- self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "mongodb/0")
- self.harness.update_relation_data(
- relation_id,
- "mongodb/0",
- {
- "connection_string": "mongodb://mongo",
- },
- )
+ def test_with_config(
+ self,
+ ) -> NoReturn:
+ "Test with config"
+ self.initialize_mongo_relation()
# Verifying status
self.assertNotIsInstance(self.harness.charm.unit.status, BlockedStatus)
- def test_publish_scrape_info(self) -> NoReturn:
- """Test to see if scrape relation is updated."""
- expected_result = {
- "hostname": "mongodb-exporter",
- "port": "9216",
- "metrics_path": "/metrics",
- "scrape_interval": "30s",
- "scrape_timeout": "15s",
- }
- self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
- relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("prometheus-scrape", "prometheus")
- self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "prometheus/0")
- relation_data = self.harness.get_relation_data(
- relation_id, "mongodb-exporter/0"
- )
- self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, relation_data)
- def test_publish_scrape_info_with_site_url(self) -> NoReturn:
- """Test to see if target relation is updated."""
- expected_result = {
- "hostname": "mongodb-exporter-osm",
- "port": "80",
- "metrics_path": "/metrics",
- "scrape_interval": "30s",
- "scrape_timeout": "15s",
- }
- self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
- self.harness.update_config({"site_url": "http://mongodb-exporter-osm"})
- relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("prometheus-scrape", "prometheus")
- self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "prometheus/0")
- relation_data = self.harness.get_relation_data(
- relation_id, "mongodb-exporter/0"
- )
+ def test_mongodb_exception_relation_and_config(
+ self,
+ ) -> NoReturn:
+ self.initialize_mongo_config()
+ self.initialize_mongo_relation()
- self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, relation_data)
- def test_publish_dashboard_info(self) -> NoReturn:
- """Test to see if dashboard relation is updated."""
- self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+ # Verifying status
+ self.assertIsInstance(self.harness.charm.unit.status, BlockedStatus)
- relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("grafana-dashboard", "grafana")
- self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "grafana/0")
- relation_data = self.harness.get_relation_data(
- relation_id, "mongodb-exporter/0"
+ def initialize_mongo_relation(self):
+ mongodb_relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("mongodb", "mongodb")
+ self.harness.add_relation_unit(mongodb_relation_id, "mongodb/0")
+ self.harness.update_relation_data(
+ mongodb_relation_id,
+ "mongodb/0",
+ {"connection_string": "mongodb://mongo:27017"},
- self.assertEqual("osm-mongodb", relation_data["name"])
- self.assertTrue("dashboard" in relation_data)
- self.assertTrue(len(relation_data["dashboard"]) > 0)
+ def initialize_mongo_config(self):
+ self.harness.update_config({"mongodb_uri": "mongodb://mongo:27017"})
if __name__ == "__main__":
+# class TestCharm(unittest.TestCase):
+# """Mongodb Exporter Charm unit tests."""
+# def setUp(self) -> NoReturn:
+# """Test setup"""
+# self.harness = Harness(MongodbExporterCharm)
+# self.harness.set_leader(is_leader=True)
+# self.harness.begin()
+# def test_on_start_without_relations(self) -> NoReturn:
+# """Test installation without any relation."""
+# self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+# # Verifying status
+# self.assertIsInstance(self.harness.charm.unit.status, BlockedStatus)
+# # Verifying status message
+# self.assertGreater(len(self.harness.charm.unit.status.message), 0)
+# self.assertTrue(
+# self.harness.charm.unit.status.message.startswith("Waiting for ")
+# )
+# self.assertIn("mongodb", self.harness.charm.unit.status.message)
+# self.assertTrue(self.harness.charm.unit.status.message.endswith(" relation"))
+# def test_on_start_with_relations_without_http(self) -> NoReturn:
+# """Test deployment."""
+# expected_result = {
+# "version": 3,
+# "containers": [
+# {
+# "name": "mongodb-exporter",
+# "imageDetails": self.harness.charm.image.fetch(),
+# "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
+# "ports": [
+# {
+# "name": "mongo-exporter",
+# "containerPort": 9216,
+# "protocol": "TCP",
+# }
+# ],
+# "envConfig": {
+# "MONGODB_URI": "mongodb://mongo",
+# },
+# "kubernetes": {
+# "readinessProbe": {
+# "httpGet": {
+# "path": "/api/health",
+# "port": 9216,
+# },
+# "initialDelaySeconds": 10,
+# "periodSeconds": 10,
+# "timeoutSeconds": 5,
+# "successThreshold": 1,
+# "failureThreshold": 3,
+# },
+# "livenessProbe": {
+# "httpGet": {
+# "path": "/api/health",
+# "port": 9216,
+# },
+# "initialDelaySeconds": 60,
+# "timeoutSeconds": 30,
+# "failureThreshold": 10,
+# },
+# },
+# },
+# ],
+# "kubernetesResources": {"ingressResources": []},
+# }
+# self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+# # Initializing the mongodb relation
+# relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("mongodb", "mongodb")
+# self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "mongodb/0")
+# self.harness.update_relation_data(
+# relation_id,
+# "mongodb/0",
+# {
+# "connection_string": "mongodb://mongo",
+# },
+# )
+# # Verifying status
+# self.assertNotIsInstance(self.harness.charm.unit.status, BlockedStatus)
+# pod_spec, _ = self.harness.get_pod_spec()
+# self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, pod_spec)
+# def test_ingress_resources_with_http(self) -> NoReturn:
+# """Test ingress resources with HTTP."""
+# expected_result = {
+# "version": 3,
+# "containers": [
+# {
+# "name": "mongodb-exporter",
+# "imageDetails": self.harness.charm.image.fetch(),
+# "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
+# "ports": [
+# {
+# "name": "mongo-exporter",
+# "containerPort": 9216,
+# "protocol": "TCP",
+# }
+# ],
+# "envConfig": {
+# "MONGODB_URI": "mongodb://mongo",
+# },
+# "kubernetes": {
+# "readinessProbe": {
+# "httpGet": {
+# "path": "/api/health",
+# "port": 9216,
+# },
+# "initialDelaySeconds": 10,
+# "periodSeconds": 10,
+# "timeoutSeconds": 5,
+# "successThreshold": 1,
+# "failureThreshold": 3,
+# },
+# "livenessProbe": {
+# "httpGet": {
+# "path": "/api/health",
+# "port": 9216,
+# },
+# "initialDelaySeconds": 60,
+# "timeoutSeconds": 30,
+# "failureThreshold": 10,
+# },
+# },
+# },
+# ],
+# "kubernetesResources": {
+# "ingressResources": [
+# {
+# "name": "mongodb-exporter-ingress",
+# "annotations": {
+# "": "false",
+# },
+# "spec": {
+# "rules": [
+# {
+# "host": "mongodb-exporter",
+# "http": {
+# "paths": [
+# {
+# "path": "/",
+# "backend": {
+# "serviceName": "mongodb-exporter",
+# "servicePort": 9216,
+# },
+# }
+# ]
+# },
+# }
+# ]
+# },
+# }
+# ],
+# },
+# }
+# self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+# # Initializing the mongodb relation
+# relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("mongodb", "mongodb")
+# self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "mongodb/0")
+# self.harness.update_relation_data(
+# relation_id,
+# "mongodb/0",
+# {
+# "connection_string": "mongodb://mongo",
+# },
+# )
+# self.harness.update_config({"site_url": "http://mongodb-exporter"})
+# pod_spec, _ = self.harness.get_pod_spec()
+# self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, pod_spec)
+# def test_ingress_resources_with_https(self) -> NoReturn:
+# """Test ingress resources with HTTPS."""
+# expected_result = {
+# "version": 3,
+# "containers": [
+# {
+# "name": "mongodb-exporter",
+# "imageDetails": self.harness.charm.image.fetch(),
+# "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
+# "ports": [
+# {
+# "name": "mongo-exporter",
+# "containerPort": 9216,
+# "protocol": "TCP",
+# }
+# ],
+# "envConfig": {
+# "MONGODB_URI": "mongodb://mongo",
+# },
+# "kubernetes": {
+# "readinessProbe": {
+# "httpGet": {
+# "path": "/api/health",
+# "port": 9216,
+# },
+# "initialDelaySeconds": 10,
+# "periodSeconds": 10,
+# "timeoutSeconds": 5,
+# "successThreshold": 1,
+# "failureThreshold": 3,
+# },
+# "livenessProbe": {
+# "httpGet": {
+# "path": "/api/health",
+# "port": 9216,
+# },
+# "initialDelaySeconds": 60,
+# "timeoutSeconds": 30,
+# "failureThreshold": 10,
+# },
+# },
+# },
+# ],
+# "kubernetesResources": {
+# "ingressResources": [
+# {
+# "name": "mongodb-exporter-ingress",
+# "annotations": {},
+# "spec": {
+# "rules": [
+# {
+# "host": "mongodb-exporter",
+# "http": {
+# "paths": [
+# {
+# "path": "/",
+# "backend": {
+# "serviceName": "mongodb-exporter",
+# "servicePort": 9216,
+# },
+# }
+# ]
+# },
+# }
+# ],
+# "tls": [
+# {
+# "hosts": ["mongodb-exporter"],
+# "secretName": "mongodb-exporter",
+# }
+# ],
+# },
+# }
+# ],
+# },
+# }
+# self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+# # Initializing the mongodb relation
+# relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("mongodb", "mongodb")
+# self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "mongodb/0")
+# self.harness.update_relation_data(
+# relation_id,
+# "mongodb/0",
+# {
+# "connection_string": "mongodb://mongo",
+# },
+# )
+# self.harness.update_config(
+# {
+# "site_url": "https://mongodb-exporter",
+# "tls_secret_name": "mongodb-exporter",
+# }
+# )
+# pod_spec, _ = self.harness.get_pod_spec()
+# self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, pod_spec)
+# def test_ingress_resources_with_https_and_ingress_whitelist(self) -> NoReturn:
+# """Test ingress resources with HTTPS and ingress whitelist."""
+# expected_result = {
+# "version": 3,
+# "containers": [
+# {
+# "name": "mongodb-exporter",
+# "imageDetails": self.harness.charm.image.fetch(),
+# "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
+# "ports": [
+# {
+# "name": "mongo-exporter",
+# "containerPort": 9216,
+# "protocol": "TCP",
+# }
+# ],
+# "envConfig": {
+# "MONGODB_URI": "mongodb://mongo",
+# },
+# "kubernetes": {
+# "readinessProbe": {
+# "httpGet": {
+# "path": "/api/health",
+# "port": 9216,
+# },
+# "initialDelaySeconds": 10,
+# "periodSeconds": 10,
+# "timeoutSeconds": 5,
+# "successThreshold": 1,
+# "failureThreshold": 3,
+# },
+# "livenessProbe": {
+# "httpGet": {
+# "path": "/api/health",
+# "port": 9216,
+# },
+# "initialDelaySeconds": 60,
+# "timeoutSeconds": 30,
+# "failureThreshold": 10,
+# },
+# },
+# },
+# ],
+# "kubernetesResources": {
+# "ingressResources": [
+# {
+# "name": "mongodb-exporter-ingress",
+# "annotations": {
+# "": "",
+# },
+# "spec": {
+# "rules": [
+# {
+# "host": "mongodb-exporter",
+# "http": {
+# "paths": [
+# {
+# "path": "/",
+# "backend": {
+# "serviceName": "mongodb-exporter",
+# "servicePort": 9216,
+# },
+# }
+# ]
+# },
+# }
+# ],
+# "tls": [
+# {
+# "hosts": ["mongodb-exporter"],
+# "secretName": "mongodb-exporter",
+# }
+# ],
+# },
+# }
+# ],
+# },
+# }
+# self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+# # Initializing the mongodb relation
+# relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("mongodb", "mongodb")
+# self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "mongodb/0")
+# self.harness.update_relation_data(
+# relation_id,
+# "mongodb/0",
+# {
+# "connection_string": "mongodb://mongo",
+# },
+# )
+# self.harness.update_config(
+# {
+# "site_url": "https://mongodb-exporter",
+# "tls_secret_name": "mongodb-exporter",
+# "ingress_whitelist_source_range": "",
+# }
+# )
+# pod_spec, _ = self.harness.get_pod_spec()
+# self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, pod_spec)
+# def test_on_mongodb_unit_relation_changed(self) -> NoReturn:
+# """Test to see if mongodb relation is updated."""
+# self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+# # Initializing the mongodb relation
+# relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("mongodb", "mongodb")
+# self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "mongodb/0")
+# self.harness.update_relation_data(
+# relation_id,
+# "mongodb/0",
+# {
+# "connection_string": "mongodb://mongo",
+# },
+# )
+# # Verifying status
+# self.assertNotIsInstance(self.harness.charm.unit.status, BlockedStatus)
+# def test_publish_scrape_info(self) -> NoReturn:
+# """Test to see if scrape relation is updated."""
+# expected_result = {
+# "hostname": "mongodb-exporter",
+# "port": "9216",
+# "metrics_path": "/metrics",
+# "scrape_interval": "30s",
+# "scrape_timeout": "15s",
+# }
+# self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+# relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("prometheus-scrape", "prometheus")
+# self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "prometheus/0")
+# relation_data = self.harness.get_relation_data(
+# relation_id, "mongodb-exporter/0"
+# )
+# self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, relation_data)
+# def test_publish_scrape_info_with_site_url(self) -> NoReturn:
+# """Test to see if target relation is updated."""
+# expected_result = {
+# "hostname": "mongodb-exporter-osm",
+# "port": "80",
+# "metrics_path": "/metrics",
+# "scrape_interval": "30s",
+# "scrape_timeout": "15s",
+# }
+# self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+# self.harness.update_config({"site_url": "http://mongodb-exporter-osm"})
+# relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("prometheus-scrape", "prometheus")
+# self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "prometheus/0")
+# relation_data = self.harness.get_relation_data(
+# relation_id, "mongodb-exporter/0"
+# )
+# self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, relation_data)
+# def test_publish_dashboard_info(self) -> NoReturn:
+# """Test to see if dashboard relation is updated."""
+# self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+# relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("grafana-dashboard", "grafana")
+# self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "grafana/0")
+# relation_data = self.harness.get_relation_data(
+# relation_id, "mongodb-exporter/0"
+# )
+# self.assertEqual("osm-mongodb", relation_data["name"])
+# self.assertTrue("dashboard" in relation_data)
+# self.assertTrue(len(relation_data["dashboard"]) > 0)
+# if __name__ == "__main__":
+# unittest.main()
# To get in touch with the maintainers, please contact:
-skipsdist = True
-envlist = unit, lint
-sitepackages = False
-skip_missing_interpreters = False
+envlist = black, cover, flake8, pylint, yamllint, safety
+skipsdist = true
+toxworkdir = /tmp/.tox
-basepython = python3
+basepython = python3.8
+setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir}
+deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
+deps = black
+commands =
+ black --check --diff src/ tests/
+deps = {[testenv]deps}
+ -r{toxinidir}/requirements-test.txt
+ coverage
+ nose2
+commands =
+ sh -c 'rm -f nosetests.xml'
+ coverage erase
+ nose2 -C --coverage src
+ coverage report --omit='*tests*'
+ coverage html -d ./cover --omit='*tests*'
+ coverage xml -o coverage.xml --omit=*tests*
+whitelist_externals = sh
+deps = flake8
+ flake8-import-order
+commands =
+ flake8 src/ tests/
+deps = {[testenv]deps}
+ -r{toxinidir}/requirements-test.txt
+ pylint
+commands =
+ pylint -E src/ tests/
setenv =
- PYTHONPATH = {toxinidir}/src
- CHARM_NAME = mongodb-exporter
+deps = {[testenv]deps}
+ safety
+commands =
+ - safety check --full-report
+deps = {[testenv]deps}
+ -r{toxinidir}/requirements-test.txt
+ yamllint
+commands = yamllint .
+deps = charmcraft
whitelist_externals =
- rm
- unzip
+ cp
commands =
- rm -rf release mongodb-exporter.charm
charmcraft build
- unzip mongodb-exporter.charm -d release
+ cp -r build release
-commands =
- coverage erase
- stestr run --slowest --test-path=./tests --top-dir=./
- coverage combine
- coverage html -d cover
- coverage xml -o cover/coverage.xml
- coverage report
-deps =
- coverage
- stestr
- mock
- ops
-setenv =
- {[testenv]setenv}
- PYTHON=coverage run
-deps =
- black
- yamllint
- flake8
-commands =
- black --check --diff . --exclude "build/|.tox/|mod/|lib/"
- yamllint .
- flake8 . --max-line-length=100 --ignore="E501,W503,W504,F722" --exclude "build/ .tox/ mod/ lib/"
-branch = True
-concurrency = multiprocessing
-parallel = True
-source =
- .
-omit =
- .tox/*
- tests/*
+ignore =
+ W291,
+ W293,
+ W503,
+ E123,
+ E125,
+ E226,
+ E241,
+exclude =
+ .git,
+ __pycache__,
+ .tox,
+max-line-length = 120
+show-source = True
+builtins = _
+max-complexity = 10
+import-order-style = google
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2021 Canonical Ltd.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact:
+# To get in touch with the maintainers, please contact:
- ".yamllint"
ignore: |
+ cover/
+ venv
+ release/
type: string
description: Name of the cluster issuer for TLS certificates
default: ""
+ mysql_uri:
+ type: string
+ description: MySQL URI (external database)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2021 Canonical Ltd.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact:
+# To get in touch with the maintainers, please contact:
+# pylint: disable=E0213
+from ipaddress import ip_network
import logging
from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Dict, List, NoReturn
+from typing import NoReturn, Optional
from urllib.parse import urlparse
-from ops.charm import CharmBase
-from ops.framework import EventBase, StoredState
from ops.main import main
-from ops.model import ActiveStatus, Application, BlockedStatus, MaintenanceStatus, Unit
-from oci_image import OCIImageResource, OCIImageResourceError
+from opslib.osm.charm import CharmedOsmBase, RelationsMissing
+from opslib.osm.interfaces.grafana import GrafanaDashboardTarget
+from opslib.osm.interfaces.mysql import MysqlClient
+from opslib.osm.interfaces.prometheus import PrometheusScrapeTarget
+from opslib.osm.pod import (
+ ContainerV3Builder,
+ IngressResourceV3Builder,
+ PodSpecV3Builder,
+from opslib.osm.validator import ModelValidator, validator
-from pod_spec import make_pod_spec
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+PORT = 9104
-class RelationsMissing(Exception):
- def __init__(self, missing_relations: List):
- self.message = ""
- if missing_relations and isinstance(missing_relations, list):
- self.message += f'Waiting for {", ".join(missing_relations)} relation'
- if "," in self.message:
- self.message += "s"
+class ConfigModel(ModelValidator):
+ site_url: Optional[str]
+ cluster_issuer: Optional[str]
+ ingress_whitelist_source_range: Optional[str]
+ tls_secret_name: Optional[str]
+ mysql_uri: Optional[str]
-class RelationDefinition:
- def __init__(self, relation_name: str, keys: List, source_type):
- if source_type != Application and source_type != Unit:
- raise TypeError(
- "source_type should be ops.model.Application or ops.model.Unit"
- )
- self.relation_name = relation_name
- self.keys = keys
- self.source_type = source_type
-def check_missing_relation_data(
- data: Dict,
- expected_relations_data: List[RelationDefinition],
- missing_relations = []
- for relation_data in expected_relations_data:
- if not all(
- f"{relation_data.relation_name}_{k}" in data for k in relation_data.keys
- ):
- missing_relations.append(relation_data.relation_name)
- if missing_relations:
- raise RelationsMissing(missing_relations)
-def get_relation_data(
- charm: CharmBase,
- relation_data: RelationDefinition,
-) -> Dict:
- data = {}
- relation = charm.model.get_relation(relation_data.relation_name)
- if relation:
- self_app_unit = (
- if relation_data.source_type == Application else charm.unit
- )
- expected_type = relation_data.source_type
- for app_unit in
- if app_unit != self_app_unit and isinstance(app_unit, expected_type):
- if all(k in[app_unit] for k in relation_data.keys):
- for k in relation_data.keys:
- data[f"{relation_data.relation_name}_{k}"] =[
- app_unit
- ].get(k)
- break
- return data
+ @validator("site_url")
+ def validate_site_url(cls, v):
+ if v:
+ parsed = urlparse(v)
+ if not parsed.scheme.startswith("http"):
+ raise ValueError("value must start with http")
+ return v
+ @validator("ingress_whitelist_source_range")
+ def validate_ingress_whitelist_source_range(cls, v):
+ if v:
+ ip_network(v)
+ return v
-class MysqldExporterCharm(CharmBase):
- """Mysqld Exporter Charm."""
+ @validator("mysql_uri")
+ def validate_mysql_uri(cls, v):
+ if v and not v.startswith("mysql://"):
+ raise ValueError("mysql_uri is not properly formed")
+ return v
- state = StoredState()
+class MysqlExporterCharm(CharmedOsmBase):
def __init__(self, *args) -> NoReturn:
- """Mysqld Exporter Charm constructor."""
- super().__init__(*args)
- # Internal state initialization
- self.state.set_default(pod_spec=None)
- self.image = OCIImageResource(self, "image")
- # Registering regular events
- self.framework.observe(self.on.start, self.configure_pod)
- self.framework.observe(self.on.config_changed, self.configure_pod)
- # Registering required relation events
- self.framework.observe(self.on.mysql_relation_changed, self.configure_pod)
+ super().__init__(*args, oci_image="image")
- # Registering required relation departed events
- self.framework.observe(self.on.mysql_relation_departed, self.configure_pod)
+ # Provision Kafka relation to exchange information
+ self.mysql_client = MysqlClient(self, "mysql")
+ self.framework.observe(self.on["mysql"].relation_changed, self.configure_pod)
+ self.framework.observe(self.on["mysql"].relation_broken, self.configure_pod)
- # Registering provided relation events
+ # Register relation to provide a Scraping Target
+ self.scrape_target = PrometheusScrapeTarget(self, "prometheus-scrape")
- self.on.prometheus_scrape_relation_joined, self._publish_scrape_info
+ self.on["prometheus-scrape"].relation_joined, self._publish_scrape_info
+ # Register relation to provide a Dasboard Target
+ self.dashboard_target = GrafanaDashboardTarget(self, "grafana-dashboard")
- self.on.grafana_dashboard_relation_joined, self._publish_dashboard_info
+ self.on["grafana-dashboard"].relation_joined, self._publish_dashboard_info
- def _publish_scrape_info(self, event: EventBase) -> NoReturn:
- """Publishes scrape information.
+ def _publish_scrape_info(self, event) -> NoReturn:
+ """Publishes scraping information for Prometheus.
- event (EventBase): Exporter relation event.
+ event (EventBase): Prometheus relation event.
- rel_data = {
- "hostname": urlparse(self.model.config["site_url"]).hostname
- if self.model.config["site_url"]
- else,
- "port": "80"
- if self.model.config["site_url"]
- "metrics_path": "/metrics",
- "scrape_interval": "30s",
- "scrape_timeout": "15s",
- }
- for k, v in rel_data.items():
-[self.unit][k] = v
- def _publish_dashboard_info(self, event: EventBase) -> NoReturn:
- """Publishes dashboard information.
+ if self.unit.is_leader():
+ hostname = (
+ urlparse(self.model.config["site_url"]).hostname
+ if self.model.config["site_url"]
+ else
+ )
+ port = str(PORT)
+ if self.model.config.get("site_url", "").startswith("https://"):
+ port = "443"
+ elif self.model.config.get("site_url", "").startswith("http://"):
+ port = "80"
+ self.scrape_target.publish_info(
+ hostname=hostname,
+ port=port,
+ metrics_path="/metrics",
+ scrape_interval="30s",
+ scrape_timeout="15s",
+ )
+ def _publish_dashboard_info(self, event) -> NoReturn:
+ """Publish dashboards for Grafana.
- event (EventBase): Exporter relation event.
+ event (EventBase): Grafana relation event.
- rel_data = {
- "name": "osm-mysql",
- "dashboard": Path("files/mysql_exporter_dashboard.json").read_text(),
- }
- for k, v in rel_data.items():
-[self.unit][k] = v
- @property
- def relations_requirements(self):
- return [
- RelationDefinition(
- "mysql", ["host", "port", "user", "password", "root_password"], Unit
+ if self.unit.is_leader():
+ self.dashboard_target.publish_info(
+ name="osm-mysql",
+ dashboard=Path("files/mysql_exporter_dashboard.json").read_text(),
- ]
- def get_relation_state(self):
- relation_state = {}
- for relation_requirements in self.relations_requirements:
- data = get_relation_data(self, relation_requirements)
- relation_state = {**relation_state, **data}
- check_missing_relation_data(relation_state, self.relations_requirements)
- return relation_state
+ def _check_missing_dependencies(self, config: ConfigModel):
+ """Check if there is any relation missing.
+ Args:
+ config (ConfigModel): object with configuration information.
+ Raises:
+ RelationsMissing: if kafka is missing.
+ """
+ missing_relations = []
- def configure_pod(self, _=None) -> NoReturn:
- """Assemble the pod spec and apply it, if possible.
+ if not config.mysql_uri and self.mysql_client.is_missing_data_in_unit():
+ missing_relations.append("mysql")
+ if missing_relations:
+ raise RelationsMissing(missing_relations)
+ def build_pod_spec(self, image_info):
+ """Build the PodSpec to be used.
- event (EventBase): Hook or Relation event that started the
- function.
+ image_info (str): container image information.
+ Returns:
+ Dict: PodSpec information.
- if not self.unit.is_leader():
- self.unit.status = ActiveStatus("ready")
- return
- relation_state = None
- try:
- relation_state = self.get_relation_state()
- except RelationsMissing as exc:
- logger.exception("Relation missing error")
- self.unit.status = BlockedStatus(exc.message)
- return
- self.unit.status = MaintenanceStatus("Assembling pod spec")
- # Fetch image information
- try:
- self.unit.status = MaintenanceStatus("Fetching image information")
- image_info = self.image.fetch()
- except OCIImageResourceError:
- self.unit.status = BlockedStatus("Error fetching image information")
- return
- try:
- pod_spec = make_pod_spec(
- image_info,
- self.model.config,
- relation_state,
- self.port,
+ # Validate config
+ config = ConfigModel(**dict(self.config))
+ if config.mysql_uri and not self.mysql_client.is_missing_data_in_unit():
+ raise Exception("Mysql data cannot be provided via config and relation")
+ # Check relations
+ self._check_missing_dependencies(config)
+ # Create Builder for the PodSpec
+ pod_spec_builder = PodSpecV3Builder()
+ # Build container
+ container_builder = ContainerV3Builder(, image_info)
+ container_builder.add_port(, port=PORT)
+ container_builder.add_http_readiness_probe(
+ path="/api/health",
+ port=PORT,
+ initial_delay_seconds=10,
+ period_seconds=10,
+ timeout_seconds=5,
+ success_threshold=1,
+ failure_threshold=3,
+ )
+ container_builder.add_http_liveness_probe(
+ path="/api/health",
+ port=PORT,
+ initial_delay_seconds=60,
+ timeout_seconds=30,
+ failure_threshold=10,
+ )
+ data_source = (
+ config.mysql_uri.replace("mysql://", "").split("/")[0]
+ if config.mysql_uri
+ else f"root:{self.mysql_client.root_password}@{}:{self.mysql_client.port}"
+ )
+ container_builder.add_envs(
+ {
+ "DATA_SOURCE_NAME": data_source,
+ }
+ )
+ container =
+ # Add container to PodSpec
+ pod_spec_builder.add_container(container)
+ # Add ingress resources to PodSpec if site url exists
+ if config.site_url:
+ parsed = urlparse(config.site_url)
+ annotations = {}
+ ingress_resource_builder = IngressResourceV3Builder(
+ f"{}-ingress", annotations
- except ValueError as exc:
- logger.exception("Config/Relation data validation error")
- self.unit.status = BlockedStatus(str(exc))
- return
- if self.state.pod_spec != pod_spec:
- self.model.pod.set_spec(pod_spec)
- self.state.pod_spec = pod_spec
+ if config.ingress_whitelist_source_range:
+ annotations[
+ ""
+ ] = config.ingress_whitelist_source_range
+ if config.cluster_issuer:
+ annotations[""] = config.cluster_issuer
+ if parsed.scheme == "https":
+ ingress_resource_builder.add_tls(
+ [parsed.hostname], config.tls_secret_name
+ )
+ else:
+ annotations[""] = "false"
+ ingress_resource_builder.add_rule(parsed.hostname,, PORT)
+ ingress_resource =
+ pod_spec_builder.add_ingress_resource(ingress_resource)
+ logger.debug(
- self.unit.status = ActiveStatus("ready")
+ return
if __name__ == "__main__":
- main(MysqldExporterCharm)
+ main(MysqlExporterCharm)
-import logging
from ipaddress import ip_network
+import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, List
from urllib.parse import urlparse
"""Init mocking for unit tests."""
import sys
import mock
+class OCIImageResourceErrorMock(Exception):
+ pass
oci_image = mock.MagicMock()
+oci_image.OCIImageResourceError = OCIImageResourceErrorMock
sys.modules["oci_image"] = oci_image
+sys.modules["oci_image"].OCIImageResource().fetch.return_value = {}
+import sys
from typing import NoReturn
import unittest
-from ops.model import BlockedStatus
+from charm import MysqlExporterCharm
+from ops.model import ActiveStatus, BlockedStatus
from ops.testing import Harness
-from charm import MysqldExporterCharm
class TestCharm(unittest.TestCase):
"""Mysql Exporter Charm unit tests."""
def setUp(self) -> NoReturn:
"""Test setup"""
- self.harness = Harness(MysqldExporterCharm)
+ self.image_info = sys.modules["oci_image"].OCIImageResource().fetch()
+ self.harness = Harness(MysqlExporterCharm)
+ self.config = {
+ "ingress_whitelist_source_range": "",
+ "tls_secret_name": "",
+ "site_url": "",
+ "cluster_issuer": "vault-issuer",
+ }
+ self.harness.update_config(self.config)
- def test_on_start_without_relations(self) -> NoReturn:
- """Test installation without any relation."""
- self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+ def test_config_changed_no_relations(
+ self,
+ ) -> NoReturn:
+ """Test ingress resources without HTTP."""
- # Verifying status
- self.assertIsInstance(self.harness.charm.unit.status, BlockedStatus)
+ self.harness.charm.on.config_changed.emit()
- # Verifying status message
- self.assertGreater(len(self.harness.charm.unit.status.message), 0)
+ # Assertions
+ self.assertIsInstance(self.harness.charm.unit.status, BlockedStatus)
+ print(self.harness.charm.unit.status.message)
- self.harness.charm.unit.status.message.startswith("Waiting for ")
+ all(
+ relation in self.harness.charm.unit.status.message
+ for relation in ["mysql"]
+ )
- self.assertIn("mysql", self.harness.charm.unit.status.message)
- self.assertTrue(self.harness.charm.unit.status.message.endswith(" relation"))
- def test_on_start_with_relations_without_http(self) -> NoReturn:
- """Test deployment."""
- expected_result = {
- "version": 3,
- "containers": [
- {
- "name": "mysqld-exporter",
- "imageDetails": self.harness.charm.image.fetch(),
- "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
- "ports": [
- {
- "name": "mysqld-exporter",
- "containerPort": 9104,
- "protocol": "TCP",
- }
- ],
- "envConfig": {"DATA_SOURCE_NAME": "root:rootpw@(mysql:3306)/"},
- "kubernetes": {
- "readinessProbe": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/api/health",
- "port": 9104,
- },
- "initialDelaySeconds": 10,
- "periodSeconds": 10,
- "timeoutSeconds": 5,
- "successThreshold": 1,
- "failureThreshold": 3,
- },
- "livenessProbe": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/api/health",
- "port": 9104,
- },
- "initialDelaySeconds": 60,
- "timeoutSeconds": 30,
- "failureThreshold": 10,
- },
- },
- },
- ],
- "kubernetesResources": {"ingressResources": []},
- }
+ def test_config_changed_non_leader(
+ self,
+ ) -> NoReturn:
+ """Test ingress resources without HTTP."""
+ self.harness.set_leader(is_leader=False)
+ self.harness.charm.on.config_changed.emit()
- self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+ # Assertions
+ self.assertIsInstance(self.harness.charm.unit.status, ActiveStatus)
- # Initializing the mysql relation
- relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("mysql", "mysql")
- self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "mysql/0")
- self.harness.update_relation_data(
- relation_id,
- "mysql/0",
- {
- "host": "mysql",
- "port": "3306",
- "user": "mano",
- "password": "manopw",
- "root_password": "rootpw",
- },
- )
+ def test_with_relations(
+ self,
+ ) -> NoReturn:
+ "Test with relations"
+ self.initialize_mysql_relation()
# Verifying status
self.assertNotIsInstance(self.harness.charm.unit.status, BlockedStatus)
- pod_spec, _ = self.harness.get_pod_spec()
- self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, pod_spec)
- def test_ingress_resources_with_http(self) -> NoReturn:
- """Test ingress resources with HTTP."""
- expected_result = {
- "version": 3,
- "containers": [
- {
- "name": "mysqld-exporter",
- "imageDetails": self.harness.charm.image.fetch(),
- "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
- "ports": [
- {
- "name": "mysqld-exporter",
- "containerPort": 9104,
- "protocol": "TCP",
- }
- ],
- "envConfig": {"DATA_SOURCE_NAME": "root:rootpw@(mysql:3306)/"},
- "kubernetes": {
- "readinessProbe": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/api/health",
- "port": 9104,
- },
- "initialDelaySeconds": 10,
- "periodSeconds": 10,
- "timeoutSeconds": 5,
- "successThreshold": 1,
- "failureThreshold": 3,
- },
- "livenessProbe": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/api/health",
- "port": 9104,
- },
- "initialDelaySeconds": 60,
- "timeoutSeconds": 30,
- "failureThreshold": 10,
- },
- },
- },
- ],
- "kubernetesResources": {
- "ingressResources": [
- {
- "name": "mysqld-exporter-ingress",
- "annotations": {
- "": "false",
- },
- "spec": {
- "rules": [
- {
- "host": "mysqld-exporter",
- "http": {
- "paths": [
- {
- "path": "/",
- "backend": {
- "serviceName": "mysqld-exporter",
- "servicePort": 9104,
- },
- }
- ]
- },
- }
- ]
- },
- }
- ],
- },
- }
- self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
- # Initializing the mysql relation
- relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("mysql", "mysql")
- self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "mysql/0")
- self.harness.update_relation_data(
- relation_id,
- "mysql/0",
- {
- "host": "mysql",
- "port": "3306",
- "user": "mano",
- "password": "manopw",
- "root_password": "rootpw",
- },
- )
- self.harness.update_config({"site_url": "http://mysqld-exporter"})
- pod_spec, _ = self.harness.get_pod_spec()
- self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, pod_spec)
- def test_ingress_resources_with_https(self) -> NoReturn:
- """Test ingress resources with HTTPS."""
- expected_result = {
- "version": 3,
- "containers": [
- {
- "name": "mysqld-exporter",
- "imageDetails": self.harness.charm.image.fetch(),
- "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
- "ports": [
- {
- "name": "mysqld-exporter",
- "containerPort": 9104,
- "protocol": "TCP",
- }
- ],
- "envConfig": {"DATA_SOURCE_NAME": "root:rootpw@(mysql:3306)/"},
- "kubernetes": {
- "readinessProbe": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/api/health",
- "port": 9104,
- },
- "initialDelaySeconds": 10,
- "periodSeconds": 10,
- "timeoutSeconds": 5,
- "successThreshold": 1,
- "failureThreshold": 3,
- },
- "livenessProbe": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/api/health",
- "port": 9104,
- },
- "initialDelaySeconds": 60,
- "timeoutSeconds": 30,
- "failureThreshold": 10,
- },
- },
- },
- ],
- "kubernetesResources": {
- "ingressResources": [
- {
- "name": "mysqld-exporter-ingress",
- "annotations": {},
- "spec": {
- "rules": [
- {
- "host": "mysqld-exporter",
- "http": {
- "paths": [
- {
- "path": "/",
- "backend": {
- "serviceName": "mysqld-exporter",
- "servicePort": 9104,
- },
- }
- ]
- },
- }
- ],
- "tls": [
- {
- "hosts": ["mysqld-exporter"],
- "secretName": "mysqld-exporter",
- }
- ],
- },
- }
- ],
- },
- }
- self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
- # Initializing the mysql relation
- relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("mysql", "mysql")
- self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "mysql/0")
- self.harness.update_relation_data(
- relation_id,
- "mysql/0",
- {
- "host": "mysql",
- "port": "3306",
- "user": "mano",
- "password": "manopw",
- "root_password": "rootpw",
- },
- )
- self.harness.update_config(
- {
- "site_url": "https://mysqld-exporter",
- "tls_secret_name": "mysqld-exporter",
- }
- )
- pod_spec, _ = self.harness.get_pod_spec()
- self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, pod_spec)
- def test_ingress_resources_with_https_and_ingress_whitelist(self) -> NoReturn:
- """Test ingress resources with HTTPS and ingress whitelist."""
- expected_result = {
- "version": 3,
- "containers": [
- {
- "name": "mysqld-exporter",
- "imageDetails": self.harness.charm.image.fetch(),
- "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
- "ports": [
- {
- "name": "mysqld-exporter",
- "containerPort": 9104,
- "protocol": "TCP",
- }
- ],
- "envConfig": {"DATA_SOURCE_NAME": "root:rootpw@(mysql:3306)/"},
- "kubernetes": {
- "readinessProbe": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/api/health",
- "port": 9104,
- },
- "initialDelaySeconds": 10,
- "periodSeconds": 10,
- "timeoutSeconds": 5,
- "successThreshold": 1,
- "failureThreshold": 3,
- },
- "livenessProbe": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/api/health",
- "port": 9104,
- },
- "initialDelaySeconds": 60,
- "timeoutSeconds": 30,
- "failureThreshold": 10,
- },
- },
- },
- ],
- "kubernetesResources": {
- "ingressResources": [
- {
- "name": "mysqld-exporter-ingress",
- "annotations": {
- "": "",
- },
- "spec": {
- "rules": [
- {
- "host": "mysqld-exporter",
- "http": {
- "paths": [
- {
- "path": "/",
- "backend": {
- "serviceName": "mysqld-exporter",
- "servicePort": 9104,
- },
- }
- ]
- },
- }
- ],
- "tls": [
- {
- "hosts": ["mysqld-exporter"],
- "secretName": "mysqld-exporter",
- }
- ],
- },
- }
- ],
- },
- }
- self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
- # Initializing the mysql relation
- relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("mysql", "mysql")
- self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "mysql/0")
- self.harness.update_relation_data(
- relation_id,
- "mysql/0",
- {
- "host": "mysql",
- "port": "3306",
- "user": "mano",
- "password": "manopw",
- "root_password": "rootpw",
- },
- )
- self.harness.update_config(
- {
- "site_url": "https://mysqld-exporter",
- "tls_secret_name": "mysqld-exporter",
- "ingress_whitelist_source_range": "",
- }
- )
+ def test_with_config(
+ self,
+ ) -> NoReturn:
+ "Test with config"
+ self.initialize_mysql_relation()
- pod_spec, _ = self.harness.get_pod_spec()
+ # Verifying status
+ self.assertNotIsInstance(self.harness.charm.unit.status, BlockedStatus)
- self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, pod_spec)
+ def test_mysql_exception_relation_and_config(
+ self,
+ ) -> NoReturn:
+ self.initialize_mysql_config()
+ self.initialize_mysql_relation()
- def test_on_mysql_unit_relation_changed(self) -> NoReturn:
- """Test to see if mysql relation is updated."""
- self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+ # Verifying status
+ self.assertIsInstance(self.harness.charm.unit.status, BlockedStatus)
- relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("mysql", "mysql")
- self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "mysql/0")
+ def initialize_mysql_relation(self):
+ mongodb_relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("mysql", "mysql")
+ self.harness.add_relation_unit(mongodb_relation_id, "mysql/0")
- relation_id,
+ mongodb_relation_id,
- "host": "mysql",
- "port": "3306",
- "user": "mano",
- "password": "manopw",
- "root_password": "rootpw",
+ "user": "user",
+ "password": "pass",
+ "host": "host",
+ "port": "1234",
+ "database": "pol",
+ "root_password": "root_password",
- # Verifying status
- self.assertNotIsInstance(self.harness.charm.unit.status, BlockedStatus)
- def test_publish_target_info(self) -> NoReturn:
- """Test to see if target relation is updated."""
- expected_result = {
- "hostname": "mysqld-exporter",
- "port": "9104",
- "metrics_path": "/metrics",
- "scrape_interval": "30s",
- "scrape_timeout": "15s",
- }
- self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
- relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("prometheus-scrape", "prometheus")
- self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "prometheus/0")
- relation_data = self.harness.get_relation_data(relation_id, "mysqld-exporter/0")
- self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, relation_data)
- def test_publish_scrape_info_with_site_url(self) -> NoReturn:
- """Test to see if target relation is updated."""
- expected_result = {
- "hostname": "mysqld-exporter-osm",
- "port": "80",
- "metrics_path": "/metrics",
- "scrape_interval": "30s",
- "scrape_timeout": "15s",
- }
- self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
- self.harness.update_config({"site_url": "http://mysqld-exporter-osm"})
- relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("prometheus-scrape", "prometheus")
- self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "prometheus/0")
- relation_data = self.harness.get_relation_data(relation_id, "mysqld-exporter/0")
- self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, relation_data)
- def test_publish_dashboard_info(self) -> NoReturn:
- """Test to see if dashboard relation is updated."""
- self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
- relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("grafana-dashboard", "grafana")
- self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "grafana/0")
- relation_data = self.harness.get_relation_data(relation_id, "mysqld-exporter/0")
- self.assertTrue("dashboard" in relation_data)
- self.assertTrue(len(relation_data["dashboard"]) > 0)
- self.assertEqual(relation_data["name"], "osm-mysql")
+ def initialize_mysql_config(self):
+ self.harness.update_config({"mysql_uri": "mysql://user:pass@mysql-host:3306"})
if __name__ == "__main__":
+# class TestCharm(unittest.TestCase):
+# """Mysql Exporter Charm unit tests."""
+# def setUp(self) -> NoReturn:
+# """Test setup"""
+# self.harness = Harness(MysqldExporterCharm)
+# self.harness.set_leader(is_leader=True)
+# self.harness.begin()
+# def test_on_start_without_relations(self) -> NoReturn:
+# """Test installation without any relation."""
+# self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+# # Verifying status
+# self.assertIsInstance(self.harness.charm.unit.status, BlockedStatus)
+# # Verifying status message
+# self.assertGreater(len(self.harness.charm.unit.status.message), 0)
+# self.assertTrue(
+# self.harness.charm.unit.status.message.startswith("Waiting for ")
+# )
+# self.assertIn("mysql", self.harness.charm.unit.status.message)
+# self.assertTrue(self.harness.charm.unit.status.message.endswith(" relation"))
+# def test_on_start_with_relations_without_http(self) -> NoReturn:
+# """Test deployment."""
+# expected_result = {
+# "version": 3,
+# "containers": [
+# {
+# "name": "mysqld-exporter",
+# "imageDetails": self.harness.charm.image.fetch(),
+# "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
+# "ports": [
+# {
+# "name": "mysqld-exporter",
+# "containerPort": 9104,
+# "protocol": "TCP",
+# }
+# ],
+# "envConfig": {"DATA_SOURCE_NAME": "root:rootpw@(mysql:3306)/"},
+# "kubernetes": {
+# "readinessProbe": {
+# "httpGet": {
+# "path": "/api/health",
+# "port": 9104,
+# },
+# "initialDelaySeconds": 10,
+# "periodSeconds": 10,
+# "timeoutSeconds": 5,
+# "successThreshold": 1,
+# "failureThreshold": 3,
+# },
+# "livenessProbe": {
+# "httpGet": {
+# "path": "/api/health",
+# "port": 9104,
+# },
+# "initialDelaySeconds": 60,
+# "timeoutSeconds": 30,
+# "failureThreshold": 10,
+# },
+# },
+# },
+# ],
+# "kubernetesResources": {"ingressResources": []},
+# }
+# self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+# # Initializing the mysql relation
+# relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("mysql", "mysql")
+# self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "mysql/0")
+# self.harness.update_relation_data(
+# relation_id,
+# "mysql/0",
+# {
+# "host": "mysql",
+# "port": "3306",
+# "user": "mano",
+# "password": "manopw",
+# "root_password": "rootpw",
+# },
+# )
+# # Verifying status
+# self.assertNotIsInstance(self.harness.charm.unit.status, BlockedStatus)
+# pod_spec, _ = self.harness.get_pod_spec()
+# self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, pod_spec)
+# def test_ingress_resources_with_http(self) -> NoReturn:
+# """Test ingress resources with HTTP."""
+# expected_result = {
+# "version": 3,
+# "containers": [
+# {
+# "name": "mysqld-exporter",
+# "imageDetails": self.harness.charm.image.fetch(),
+# "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
+# "ports": [
+# {
+# "name": "mysqld-exporter",
+# "containerPort": 9104,
+# "protocol": "TCP",
+# }
+# ],
+# "envConfig": {"DATA_SOURCE_NAME": "root:rootpw@(mysql:3306)/"},
+# "kubernetes": {
+# "readinessProbe": {
+# "httpGet": {
+# "path": "/api/health",
+# "port": 9104,
+# },
+# "initialDelaySeconds": 10,
+# "periodSeconds": 10,
+# "timeoutSeconds": 5,
+# "successThreshold": 1,
+# "failureThreshold": 3,
+# },
+# "livenessProbe": {
+# "httpGet": {
+# "path": "/api/health",
+# "port": 9104,
+# },
+# "initialDelaySeconds": 60,
+# "timeoutSeconds": 30,
+# "failureThreshold": 10,
+# },
+# },
+# },
+# ],
+# "kubernetesResources": {
+# "ingressResources": [
+# {
+# "name": "mysqld-exporter-ingress",
+# "annotations": {
+# "": "false",
+# },
+# "spec": {
+# "rules": [
+# {
+# "host": "mysqld-exporter",
+# "http": {
+# "paths": [
+# {
+# "path": "/",
+# "backend": {
+# "serviceName": "mysqld-exporter",
+# "servicePort": 9104,
+# },
+# }
+# ]
+# },
+# }
+# ]
+# },
+# }
+# ],
+# },
+# }
+# self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+# # Initializing the mysql relation
+# relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("mysql", "mysql")
+# self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "mysql/0")
+# self.harness.update_relation_data(
+# relation_id,
+# "mysql/0",
+# {
+# "host": "mysql",
+# "port": "3306",
+# "user": "mano",
+# "password": "manopw",
+# "root_password": "rootpw",
+# },
+# )
+# self.harness.update_config({"site_url": "http://mysqld-exporter"})
+# pod_spec, _ = self.harness.get_pod_spec()
+# self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, pod_spec)
+# def test_ingress_resources_with_https(self) -> NoReturn:
+# """Test ingress resources with HTTPS."""
+# expected_result = {
+# "version": 3,
+# "containers": [
+# {
+# "name": "mysqld-exporter",
+# "imageDetails": self.harness.charm.image.fetch(),
+# "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
+# "ports": [
+# {
+# "name": "mysqld-exporter",
+# "containerPort": 9104,
+# "protocol": "TCP",
+# }
+# ],
+# "envConfig": {"DATA_SOURCE_NAME": "root:rootpw@(mysql:3306)/"},
+# "kubernetes": {
+# "readinessProbe": {
+# "httpGet": {
+# "path": "/api/health",
+# "port": 9104,
+# },
+# "initialDelaySeconds": 10,
+# "periodSeconds": 10,
+# "timeoutSeconds": 5,
+# "successThreshold": 1,
+# "failureThreshold": 3,
+# },
+# "livenessProbe": {
+# "httpGet": {
+# "path": "/api/health",
+# "port": 9104,
+# },
+# "initialDelaySeconds": 60,
+# "timeoutSeconds": 30,
+# "failureThreshold": 10,
+# },
+# },
+# },
+# ],
+# "kubernetesResources": {
+# "ingressResources": [
+# {
+# "name": "mysqld-exporter-ingress",
+# "annotations": {},
+# "spec": {
+# "rules": [
+# {
+# "host": "mysqld-exporter",
+# "http": {
+# "paths": [
+# {
+# "path": "/",
+# "backend": {
+# "serviceName": "mysqld-exporter",
+# "servicePort": 9104,
+# },
+# }
+# ]
+# },
+# }
+# ],
+# "tls": [
+# {
+# "hosts": ["mysqld-exporter"],
+# "secretName": "mysqld-exporter",
+# }
+# ],
+# },
+# }
+# ],
+# },
+# }
+# self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+# # Initializing the mysql relation
+# relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("mysql", "mysql")
+# self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "mysql/0")
+# self.harness.update_relation_data(
+# relation_id,
+# "mysql/0",
+# {
+# "host": "mysql",
+# "port": "3306",
+# "user": "mano",
+# "password": "manopw",
+# "root_password": "rootpw",
+# },
+# )
+# self.harness.update_config(
+# {
+# "site_url": "https://mysqld-exporter",
+# "tls_secret_name": "mysqld-exporter",
+# }
+# )
+# pod_spec, _ = self.harness.get_pod_spec()
+# self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, pod_spec)
+# def test_ingress_resources_with_https_and_ingress_whitelist(self) -> NoReturn:
+# """Test ingress resources with HTTPS and ingress whitelist."""
+# expected_result = {
+# "version": 3,
+# "containers": [
+# {
+# "name": "mysqld-exporter",
+# "imageDetails": self.harness.charm.image.fetch(),
+# "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
+# "ports": [
+# {
+# "name": "mysqld-exporter",
+# "containerPort": 9104,
+# "protocol": "TCP",
+# }
+# ],
+# "envConfig": {"DATA_SOURCE_NAME": "root:rootpw@(mysql:3306)/"},
+# "kubernetes": {
+# "readinessProbe": {
+# "httpGet": {
+# "path": "/api/health",
+# "port": 9104,
+# },
+# "initialDelaySeconds": 10,
+# "periodSeconds": 10,
+# "timeoutSeconds": 5,
+# "successThreshold": 1,
+# "failureThreshold": 3,
+# },
+# "livenessProbe": {
+# "httpGet": {
+# "path": "/api/health",
+# "port": 9104,
+# },
+# "initialDelaySeconds": 60,
+# "timeoutSeconds": 30,
+# "failureThreshold": 10,
+# },
+# },
+# },
+# ],
+# "kubernetesResources": {
+# "ingressResources": [
+# {
+# "name": "mysqld-exporter-ingress",
+# "annotations": {
+# "": "",
+# },
+# "spec": {
+# "rules": [
+# {
+# "host": "mysqld-exporter",
+# "http": {
+# "paths": [
+# {
+# "path": "/",
+# "backend": {
+# "serviceName": "mysqld-exporter",
+# "servicePort": 9104,
+# },
+# }
+# ]
+# },
+# }
+# ],
+# "tls": [
+# {
+# "hosts": ["mysqld-exporter"],
+# "secretName": "mysqld-exporter",
+# }
+# ],
+# },
+# }
+# ],
+# },
+# }
+# self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+# # Initializing the mysql relation
+# relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("mysql", "mysql")
+# self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "mysql/0")
+# self.harness.update_relation_data(
+# relation_id,
+# "mysql/0",
+# {
+# "host": "mysql",
+# "port": "3306",
+# "user": "mano",
+# "password": "manopw",
+# "root_password": "rootpw",
+# },
+# )
+# self.harness.update_config(
+# {
+# "site_url": "https://mysqld-exporter",
+# "tls_secret_name": "mysqld-exporter",
+# "ingress_whitelist_source_range": "",
+# }
+# )
+# pod_spec, _ = self.harness.get_pod_spec()
+# self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, pod_spec)
+# def test_on_mysql_unit_relation_changed(self) -> NoReturn:
+# """Test to see if mysql relation is updated."""
+# self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+# relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("mysql", "mysql")
+# self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "mysql/0")
+# self.harness.update_relation_data(
+# relation_id,
+# "mysql/0",
+# {
+# "host": "mysql",
+# "port": "3306",
+# "user": "mano",
+# "password": "manopw",
+# "root_password": "rootpw",
+# },
+# )
+# # Verifying status
+# self.assertNotIsInstance(self.harness.charm.unit.status, BlockedStatus)
+# def test_publish_target_info(self) -> NoReturn:
+# """Test to see if target relation is updated."""
+# expected_result = {
+# "hostname": "mysqld-exporter",
+# "port": "9104",
+# "metrics_path": "/metrics",
+# "scrape_interval": "30s",
+# "scrape_timeout": "15s",
+# }
+# self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+# relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("prometheus-scrape", "prometheus")
+# self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "prometheus/0")
+# relation_data = self.harness.get_relation_data(relation_id, "mysqld-exporter/0")
+# self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, relation_data)
+# def test_publish_scrape_info_with_site_url(self) -> NoReturn:
+# """Test to see if target relation is updated."""
+# expected_result = {
+# "hostname": "mysqld-exporter-osm",
+# "port": "80",
+# "metrics_path": "/metrics",
+# "scrape_interval": "30s",
+# "scrape_timeout": "15s",
+# }
+# self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+# self.harness.update_config({"site_url": "http://mysqld-exporter-osm"})
+# relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("prometheus-scrape", "prometheus")
+# self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "prometheus/0")
+# relation_data = self.harness.get_relation_data(relation_id, "mysqld-exporter/0")
+# self.assertDictEqual(expected_result, relation_data)
+# def test_publish_dashboard_info(self) -> NoReturn:
+# """Test to see if dashboard relation is updated."""
+# self.harness.charm.on.start.emit()
+# relation_id = self.harness.add_relation("grafana-dashboard", "grafana")
+# self.harness.add_relation_unit(relation_id, "grafana/0")
+# relation_data = self.harness.get_relation_data(relation_id, "mysqld-exporter/0")
+# self.assertTrue("dashboard" in relation_data)
+# self.assertTrue(len(relation_data["dashboard"]) > 0)
+# self.assertEqual(relation_data["name"], "osm-mysql")
+# if __name__ == "__main__":
+# unittest.main()
# To get in touch with the maintainers, please contact:
-skipsdist = True
-envlist = unit, lint
-sitepackages = False
-skip_missing_interpreters = False
+envlist = black, cover, flake8, pylint, yamllint, safety
+skipsdist = true
+toxworkdir = /tmp/.tox
-basepython = python3
+basepython = python3.8
+setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir}
+deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
+deps = black
+commands =
+ black --check --diff src/ tests/
+deps = {[testenv]deps}
+ -r{toxinidir}/requirements-test.txt
+ coverage
+ nose2
+commands =
+ sh -c 'rm -f nosetests.xml'
+ coverage erase
+ nose2 -C --coverage src
+ coverage report --omit='*tests*'
+ coverage html -d ./cover --omit='*tests*'
+ coverage xml -o coverage.xml --omit=*tests*
+whitelist_externals = sh
+deps = flake8
+ flake8-import-order
+commands =
+ flake8 src/ tests/
+deps = {[testenv]deps}
+ -r{toxinidir}/requirements-test.txt
+ pylint
+commands =
+ pylint -E src/ tests/
setenv =
- PYTHONPATH = {toxinidir}/src
- CHARM_NAME = mysqld-exporter
+deps = {[testenv]deps}
+ safety
+commands =
+ - safety check --full-report
+deps = {[testenv]deps}
+ -r{toxinidir}/requirements-test.txt
+ yamllint
+commands = yamllint .
+deps = charmcraft
whitelist_externals =
- rm
- unzip
+ cp
commands =
- rm -rf release mysqld-exporter.charm
charmcraft build
- unzip mysqld-exporter.charm -d release
+ cp -r build release
-commands =
- coverage erase
- stestr run --slowest --test-path=./tests --top-dir=./
- coverage combine
- coverage html -d cover
- coverage xml -o cover/coverage.xml
- coverage report
-deps =
- coverage
- stestr
- mock
- ops
-setenv =
- {[testenv]setenv}
- PYTHON=coverage run
-deps =
- black
- yamllint
- flake8
-commands =
- black --check --diff . --exclude "build/|.tox/|mod/|lib/"
- yamllint .
- flake8 . --max-line-length=100 --ignore="E501,W503,W504,F722" --exclude "build/ .tox/ mod/ lib/"
-branch = True
-concurrency = multiprocessing
-parallel = True
-source =
- .
-omit =
- .tox/*
- tests/*
+ignore =
+ W291,
+ W293,
+ W503,
+ E123,
+ E125,
+ E226,
+ E241,
+exclude =
+ .git,
+ __pycache__,
+ .tox,
+max-line-length = 120
+show-source = True
+builtins = _
+max-complexity = 10
+import-order-style = google
# To get in touch with the maintainers, please contact:
\ No newline at end of file