--- /dev/null
+import http
+import logging
+import pytest
+from unittest.mock import MagicMock
+from osm_common.dbbase import DbException
+from osm_common.dbmemory import DbMemory
+__author__ = 'Eduardo Sousa <eduardosousa@av.it.pt>'
+def db_memory():
+ db = DbMemory()
+ return db
+def db_memory_with_data():
+ db = DbMemory()
+ db.create("test", {"_id": 1, "data": 1})
+ db.create("test", {"_id": 2, "data": 2})
+ db.create("test", {"_id": 3, "data": 3})
+ return db
+def empty_exception_message():
+ return 'database exception '
+def get_one_exception_message(filter):
+ return "database exception Not found entry with filter='{}'".format(filter)
+def get_one_multiple_exception_message(filter):
+ return "database exception Found more than one entry with filter='{}'".format(filter)
+def del_one_exception_message(filter):
+ return "database exception Not found entry with filter='{}'".format(filter)
+def replace_exception_message(filter):
+ return "database exception Not found entry with filter='{}'".format(filter)
+def test_constructor():
+ db = DbMemory()
+ assert db.logger == logging.getLogger('db')
+ assert len(db.db) == 0
+def test_constructor_with_logger():
+ logger_name = 'db_local'
+ db = DbMemory(logger_name=logger_name)
+ assert db.logger == logging.getLogger(logger_name)
+ assert len(db.db) == 0
+def test_db_connect():
+ logger_name = 'db_local'
+ config = {'logger_name': logger_name}
+ db = DbMemory()
+ db.db_connect(config)
+ assert db.logger == logging.getLogger(logger_name)
+ assert len(db.db) == 0
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("table, filter", [
+ ("test", {}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 1}),
+ ("test", {"data": 1}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 1, "data": 1}),
+def test_get_list_with_empty_db(db_memory, table, filter):
+ result = db_memory.get_list(table, filter)
+ assert len(result) == 0
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("table, filter, expected_data", [
+ ("test", {}, [{"_id": 1, "data": 1}, {"_id": 2, "data": 2}, {"_id": 3, "data": 3}]),
+ ("test", {"_id": 1}, [{"_id": 1, "data": 1}]),
+ ("test", {"data": 1}, [{"_id": 1, "data": 1}]),
+ ("test", {"_id": 1, "data": 1}, [{"_id": 1, "data": 1}]),
+ ("test", {"_id": 2}, [{"_id": 2, "data": 2}]),
+ ("test", {"data": 2}, [{"_id": 2, "data": 2}]),
+ ("test", {"_id": 2, "data": 2}, [{"_id": 2, "data": 2}]),
+ ("test", {"_id": 4}, []),
+ ("test", {"data": 4}, []),
+ ("test", {"_id": 4, "data": 4}, []),
+ ("test_table", {}, []),
+ ("test_table", {"_id": 1}, []),
+ ("test_table", {"data": 1}, []),
+ ("test_table", {"_id": 1, "data": 1}, []),
+def test_get_list_with_non_empty_db(db_memory_with_data, table, filter, expected_data):
+ result = db_memory_with_data.get_list(table, filter)
+ assert len(result) == len(expected_data)
+ for data in expected_data:
+ assert data in result
+def test_get_list_exception(db_memory_with_data):
+ table = 'test'
+ filter = {}
+ db_memory_with_data._find = MagicMock(side_effect=Exception())
+ with pytest.raises(DbException) as excinfo:
+ db_memory_with_data.get_list(table, filter)
+ assert str(excinfo.value) == empty_exception_message()
+ assert excinfo.value.http_code == http.HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("table, filter, expected_data", [
+ ("test", {"_id": 1}, {"_id": 1, "data": 1}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 2}, {"_id": 2, "data": 2}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 3}, {"_id": 3, "data": 3}),
+ ("test", {"data": 1}, {"_id": 1, "data": 1}),
+ ("test", {"data": 2}, {"_id": 2, "data": 2}),
+ ("test", {"data": 3}, {"_id": 3, "data": 3}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 1, "data": 1}, {"_id": 1, "data": 1}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 2, "data": 2}, {"_id": 2, "data": 2}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 3, "data": 3}, {"_id": 3, "data": 3}),
+def test_get_one(db_memory_with_data, table, filter, expected_data):
+ result = db_memory_with_data.get_one(table, filter)
+ assert result == expected_data
+ assert len(db_memory_with_data.db) == 1
+ assert table in db_memory_with_data.db
+ assert len(db_memory_with_data.db[table]) == 3
+ assert result in db_memory_with_data.db[table]
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("table, filter, expected_data", [
+ ("test", {}, {"_id": 1, "data": 1}),
+def test_get_one_with_multiple_results(db_memory_with_data, table, filter, expected_data):
+ result = db_memory_with_data.get_one(table, filter, fail_on_more=False)
+ assert result == expected_data
+ assert len(db_memory_with_data.db) == 1
+ assert table in db_memory_with_data.db
+ assert len(db_memory_with_data.db[table]) == 3
+ assert result in db_memory_with_data.db[table]
+def test_get_one_with_multiple_results_exception(db_memory_with_data):
+ table = "test"
+ filter = {}
+ with pytest.raises(DbException) as excinfo:
+ db_memory_with_data.get_one(table, filter)
+ assert str(excinfo.value) == (empty_exception_message() + get_one_multiple_exception_message(filter))
+# assert excinfo.value.http_code == http.HTTPStatus.CONFLICT
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("table, filter", [
+ ("test", {"_id": 4}),
+ ("test", {"data": 4}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 4, "data": 4}),
+ ("test_table", {"_id": 4}),
+ ("test_table", {"data": 4}),
+ ("test_table", {"_id": 4, "data": 4}),
+def test_get_one_with_non_empty_db_exception(db_memory_with_data, table, filter):
+ with pytest.raises(DbException) as excinfo:
+ db_memory_with_data.get_one(table, filter)
+ assert str(excinfo.value) == (empty_exception_message() + get_one_exception_message(filter))
+ assert excinfo.value.http_code == http.HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("table, filter", [
+ ("test", {"_id": 4}),
+ ("test", {"data": 4}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 4, "data": 4}),
+ ("test_table", {"_id": 4}),
+ ("test_table", {"data": 4}),
+ ("test_table", {"_id": 4, "data": 4}),
+def test_get_one_with_non_empty_db_none(db_memory_with_data, table, filter):
+ result = db_memory_with_data.get_one(table, filter, fail_on_empty=False)
+ assert result == None
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("table, filter", [
+ ("test", {"_id": 4}),
+ ("test", {"data": 4}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 4, "data": 4}),
+ ("test_table", {"_id": 4}),
+ ("test_table", {"data": 4}),
+ ("test_table", {"_id": 4, "data": 4}),
+def test_get_one_with_empty_db_exception(db_memory, table, filter):
+ with pytest.raises(DbException) as excinfo:
+ db_memory.get_one(table, filter)
+ assert str(excinfo.value) == (empty_exception_message() + get_one_exception_message(filter))
+ assert excinfo.value.http_code == http.HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("table, filter", [
+ ("test", {"_id": 4}),
+ ("test", {"data": 4}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 4, "data": 4}),
+ ("test_table", {"_id": 4}),
+ ("test_table", {"data": 4}),
+ ("test_table", {"_id": 4, "data": 4}),
+def test_get_one_with_empty_db_none(db_memory, table, filter):
+ result = db_memory.get_one(table, filter, fail_on_empty=False)
+ assert result == None
+def test_get_one_generic_exception(db_memory_with_data):
+ table = 'test'
+ filter = {}
+ db_memory_with_data._find = MagicMock(side_effect=Exception())
+ with pytest.raises(DbException) as excinfo:
+ db_memory_with_data.get_one(table, filter)
+ assert str(excinfo.value) == empty_exception_message()
+ assert excinfo.value.http_code == http.HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("table, filter, expected_data", [
+# ("test", {}, []),
+ ("test", {"_id": 1}, [{"_id": 2, "data": 2}, {"_id": 3, "data": 3}]),
+ ("test", {"_id": 2}, [{"_id": 1, "data": 1}, {"_id": 3, "data": 3}]),
+ ("test", {"_id": 1, "data": 1}, [{"_id": 2, "data": 2}, {"_id": 3, "data": 3}]),
+ ("test", {"_id": 2, "data": 2}, [{"_id": 1, "data": 1}, {"_id": 3, "data": 3}]),
+def test_del_list_with_non_empty_db(db_memory_with_data, table, filter, expected_data):
+ result = db_memory_with_data.del_list(table, filter)
+ assert result["deleted"] == (3 - len(expected_data))
+ assert len(db_memory_with_data.db) == 1
+ assert table in db_memory_with_data.db
+ assert len(db_memory_with_data.db[table]) == len(expected_data)
+ for data in expected_data:
+ assert data in db_memory_with_data.db[table]
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("table, filter", [
+ ("test", {}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 1}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 2}),
+ ("test", {"data": 1}),
+ ("test", {"data": 2}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 1, "data": 1}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 2, "data": 2}),
+def test_del_list_with_empty_db(db_memory, table, filter):
+ result = db_memory.del_list(table, filter)
+ assert result['deleted'] == 0
+def test_del_list_generic_exception(db_memory_with_data):
+ table = 'test'
+ filter = {}
+ db_memory_with_data._find = MagicMock(side_effect=Exception())
+ with pytest.raises(DbException) as excinfo:
+ db_memory_with_data.del_list(table, filter)
+ assert str(excinfo.value) == empty_exception_message()
+ assert excinfo.value.http_code == http.HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("table, filter, data", [
+ ("test", {}, {"_id": 1, "data": 1}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 1}, {"_id": 1, "data": 1}),
+ ("test", {"data": 1}, {"_id": 1, "data": 1}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 1, "data": 1}, {"_id": 1, "data": 1}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 2}, {"_id": 2, "data": 2}),
+ ("test", {"data": 2}, {"_id": 2, "data": 2}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 2, "data": 2}, {"_id": 2, "data": 2}),
+def test_del_one(db_memory_with_data, table, filter, data):
+ result = db_memory_with_data.del_one(table, filter)
+ assert result == {"deleted": 1}
+ assert len(db_memory_with_data.db) == 1
+ assert table in db_memory_with_data.db
+ assert len(db_memory_with_data.db[table]) == 2
+ assert data not in db_memory_with_data.db[table]
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("table, filter", [
+ ("test", {}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 1}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 2}),
+ ("test", {"data": 1}),
+ ("test", {"data": 2}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 1, "data": 1}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 2, "data": 2}),
+ ("test_table", {}),
+ ("test_table", {"_id": 1}),
+ ("test_table", {"_id": 2}),
+ ("test_table", {"data": 1}),
+ ("test_table", {"data": 2}),
+ ("test_table", {"_id": 1, "data": 1}),
+ ("test_table", {"_id": 2, "data": 2}),
+def test_del_one_with_empty_db_exception(db_memory, table, filter):
+ with pytest.raises(DbException) as excinfo:
+ db_memory.del_one(table, filter)
+ assert str(excinfo.value) == (empty_exception_message() + del_one_exception_message(filter))
+ assert excinfo.value.http_code == http.HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("table, filter", [
+ ("test", {}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 1}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 2}),
+ ("test", {"data": 1}),
+ ("test", {"data": 2}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 1, "data": 1}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 2, "data": 2}),
+ ("test_table", {}),
+ ("test_table", {"_id": 1}),
+ ("test_table", {"_id": 2}),
+ ("test_table", {"data": 1}),
+ ("test_table", {"data": 2}),
+ ("test_table", {"_id": 1, "data": 1}),
+ ("test_table", {"_id": 2, "data": 2}),
+def test_del_one_with_empty_db_none(db_memory, table, filter):
+ result = db_memory.del_one(table, filter, fail_on_empty=False)
+ assert result == None
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("table, filter", [
+ ("test", {"_id": 4}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 5}),
+ ("test", {"data": 4}),
+ ("test", {"data": 5}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 1, "data": 2}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 2, "data": 3}),
+ ("test_table", {}),
+ ("test_table", {"_id": 1}),
+ ("test_table", {"_id": 2}),
+ ("test_table", {"data": 1}),
+ ("test_table", {"data": 2}),
+ ("test_table", {"_id": 1, "data": 1}),
+ ("test_table", {"_id": 2, "data": 2}),
+def test_del_one_with_non_empty_db_exception(db_memory_with_data, table, filter):
+ with pytest.raises(DbException) as excinfo:
+ db_memory_with_data.del_one(table, filter)
+ assert str(excinfo.value) == (empty_exception_message() + del_one_exception_message(filter))
+ assert excinfo.value.http_code == http.HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("table, filter", [
+ ("test", {"_id": 4}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 5}),
+ ("test", {"data": 4}),
+ ("test", {"data": 5}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 1, "data": 2}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 2, "data": 3}),
+ ("test_table", {}),
+ ("test_table", {"_id": 1}),
+ ("test_table", {"_id": 2}),
+ ("test_table", {"data": 1}),
+ ("test_table", {"data": 2}),
+ ("test_table", {"_id": 1, "data": 1}),
+ ("test_table", {"_id": 2, "data": 2}),
+def test_del_one_with_non_empty_db_none(db_memory_with_data, table, filter):
+ result = db_memory_with_data.del_one(table, filter, fail_on_empty=False)
+ assert result == None
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("fail_on_empty", [
+ (True),
+ (False),
+def test_del_one_generic_exception(db_memory_with_data, fail_on_empty):
+ table = 'test'
+ filter = {}
+ db_memory_with_data._find = MagicMock(side_effect=Exception())
+ with pytest.raises(DbException) as excinfo:
+ db_memory_with_data.del_one(table, filter, fail_on_empty=fail_on_empty)
+ assert str(excinfo.value) == empty_exception_message()
+ assert excinfo.value.http_code == http.HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("table, filter, indata", [
+ ("test", {}, {"_id": 1, "data": 42}),
+ ("test", {}, {"_id": 3, "data": 42}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 1}, {"_id": 3, "data": 42}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 3}, {"_id": 3, "data": 42}),
+ ("test", {"data": 1}, {"_id": 3, "data": 42}),
+ ("test", {"data": 3}, {"_id": 3, "data": 42}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 1, "data": 1}, {"_id": 3, "data": 42}),
+ ("test", {"_id": 3, "data": 3}, {"_id": 3, "data": 42}),
+def test_replace(db_memory_with_data, table, filter, indata):
+ result = db_memory_with_data.replace(table, filter, indata)
+ assert result == {"updated": 1}
+ assert len(db_memory_with_data.db) == 1
+ assert table in db_memory_with_data.db
+ assert len(db_memory_with_data.db[table]) == 3
+ assert indata in db_memory_with_data.db[table]
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("table, filter, indata", [
+ ("test", {}, {'_id': 1, 'data': 1}),
+ ("test", {}, {'_id': 2, 'data': 1}),
+ ("test", {}, {'_id': 1, 'data': 2}),
+ ("test", {'_id': 1}, {'_id': 1, 'data': 1}),
+ ("test", {'_id': 1, 'data': 1}, {'_id': 1, 'data': 1}),
+ ("test_table", {}, {'_id': 1, 'data': 1}),
+ ("test_table", {}, {'_id': 2, 'data': 1}),
+ ("test_table", {}, {'_id': 1, 'data': 2}),
+ ("test_table", {'_id': 1}, {'_id': 1, 'data': 1}),
+ ("test_table", {'_id': 1, 'data': 1}, {'_id': 1, 'data': 1}),
+def test_replace_without_data_exception(db_memory, table, filter, indata):
+ with pytest.raises(DbException) as excinfo:
+ db_memory.replace(table, filter, indata, fail_on_empty=True)
+ assert str(excinfo.value) == (empty_exception_message() + replace_exception_message(filter))
+ assert excinfo.value.http_code == http.HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("table, filter, indata", [
+ ("test", {}, {'_id': 1, 'data': 1}),
+ ("test", {}, {'_id': 2, 'data': 1}),
+ ("test", {}, {'_id': 1, 'data': 2}),
+ ("test", {'_id': 1}, {'_id': 1, 'data': 1}),
+ ("test", {'_id': 1, 'data': 1}, {'_id': 1, 'data': 1}),
+ ("test_table", {}, {'_id': 1, 'data': 1}),
+ ("test_table", {}, {'_id': 2, 'data': 1}),
+ ("test_table", {}, {'_id': 1, 'data': 2}),
+ ("test_table", {'_id': 1}, {'_id': 1, 'data': 1}),
+ ("test_table", {'_id': 1, 'data': 1}, {'_id': 1, 'data': 1}),
+def test_replace_without_data_none(db_memory, table, filter, indata):
+ result = db_memory.replace(table, filter, indata, fail_on_empty=False)
+ assert result == None
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("table, filter, indata", [
+ ("test_table", {}, {'_id': 1, 'data': 1}),
+ ("test_table", {}, {'_id': 2, 'data': 1}),
+ ("test_table", {}, {'_id': 1, 'data': 2}),
+ ("test_table", {'_id': 1}, {'_id': 1, 'data': 1}),
+ ("test_table", {'_id': 1, 'data': 1}, {'_id': 1, 'data': 1}),
+def test_replace_with_data_exception(db_memory_with_data, table, filter, indata):
+ with pytest.raises(DbException) as excinfo:
+ db_memory_with_data.replace(table, filter, indata, fail_on_empty=True)
+ assert str(excinfo.value) == (empty_exception_message() + replace_exception_message(filter))
+ assert excinfo.value.http_code == http.HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("table, filter, indata", [
+ ("test_table", {}, {'_id': 1, 'data': 1}),
+ ("test_table", {}, {'_id': 2, 'data': 1}),
+ ("test_table", {}, {'_id': 1, 'data': 2}),
+ ("test_table", {'_id': 1}, {'_id': 1, 'data': 1}),
+ ("test_table", {'_id': 1, 'data': 1}, {'_id': 1, 'data': 1}),
+def test_replace_with_data_none(db_memory_with_data, table, filter, indata):
+ result = db_memory_with_data.replace(table, filter, indata, fail_on_empty=False)
+ assert result == None
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("fail_on_empty", [
+ (True),
+ (False),
+def test_replace_generic_exception(db_memory_with_data, fail_on_empty):
+ table = 'test'
+ filter = {}
+ indata = {'_id': 1, 'data': 1}
+ db_memory_with_data._find = MagicMock(side_effect=Exception())
+ with pytest.raises(DbException) as excinfo:
+ db_memory_with_data.replace(table, filter, indata, fail_on_empty=fail_on_empty)
+ assert str(excinfo.value) == empty_exception_message()
+ assert excinfo.value.http_code == http.HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("table, id, data", [
+ ("test", "1", {"data": 1}),
+ ("test", "1", {"data": 2}),
+ ("test", "2", {"data": 1}),
+ ("test", "2", {"data": 2}),
+ ("test_table", "1", {"data": 1}),
+ ("test_table", "1", {"data": 2}),
+ ("test_table", "2", {"data": 1}),
+ ("test_table", "2", {"data": 2}),
+ ("test", "1", {"data_1": 1, "data_2": 2}),
+ ("test", "1", {"data_1": 2, "data_2": 1}),
+ ("test", "2", {"data_1": 1, "data_2": 2}),
+ ("test", "2", {"data_1": 2, "data_2": 1}),
+ ("test_table", "1", {"data_1": 1, "data_2": 2}),
+ ("test_table", "1", {"data_1": 2, "data_2": 1}),
+ ("test_table", "2", {"data_1": 1, "data_2": 2}),
+ ("test_table", "2", {"data_1": 2, "data_2": 1}),
+def test_create_with_empty_db_with_id(db_memory, table, id, data):
+ data_to_insert = data
+ data_to_insert['_id'] = id
+ returned_id = db_memory.create(table, data_to_insert)
+ assert returned_id == id
+ assert len(db_memory.db) == 1
+ assert table in db_memory.db
+ assert len(db_memory.db[table]) == 1
+ assert data_to_insert in db_memory.db[table]
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("table, id, data", [
+ ("test", "4", {"data": 1}),
+ ("test", "5", {"data": 2}),
+ ("test", "4", {"data": 1}),
+ ("test", "5", {"data": 2}),
+ ("test_table", "4", {"data": 1}),
+ ("test_table", "5", {"data": 2}),
+ ("test_table", "4", {"data": 1}),
+ ("test_table", "5", {"data": 2}),
+ ("test", "4", {"data_1": 1, "data_2": 2}),
+ ("test", "5", {"data_1": 2, "data_2": 1}),
+ ("test", "4", {"data_1": 1, "data_2": 2}),
+ ("test", "5", {"data_1": 2, "data_2": 1}),
+ ("test_table", "4", {"data_1": 1, "data_2": 2}),
+ ("test_table", "5", {"data_1": 2, "data_2": 1}),
+ ("test_table", "4", {"data_1": 1, "data_2": 2}),
+ ("test_table", "5", {"data_1": 2, "data_2": 1}),
+def test_create_with_non_empty_db_with_id(db_memory_with_data, table, id, data):
+ data_to_insert = data
+ data_to_insert['_id'] = id
+ returned_id = db_memory_with_data.create(table, data_to_insert)
+ assert returned_id == id
+ assert len(db_memory_with_data.db) == (1 if table == 'test' else 2)
+ assert table in db_memory_with_data.db
+ assert len(db_memory_with_data.db[table]) == (4 if table == 'test' else 1)
+ assert data_to_insert in db_memory_with_data.db[table]
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("table, data", [
+ ("test", {"data": 1}),
+ ("test", {"data": 2}),
+ ("test", {"data": 1}),
+ ("test", {"data": 2}),
+ ("test_table", {"data": 1}),
+ ("test_table", {"data": 2}),
+ ("test_table", {"data": 1}),
+ ("test_table", {"data": 2}),
+ ("test", {"data_1": 1, "data_2": 2}),
+ ("test", {"data_1": 2, "data_2": 1}),
+ ("test", {"data_1": 1, "data_2": 2}),
+ ("test", {"data_1": 2, "data_2": 1}),
+ ("test_table", {"data_1": 1, "data_2": 2}),
+ ("test_table", {"data_1": 2, "data_2": 1}),
+ ("test_table", {"data_1": 1, "data_2": 2}),
+ ("test_table", {"data_1": 2, "data_2": 1}),
+def test_create_with_empty_db_without_id(db_memory, table, data):
+ returned_id = db_memory.create(table, data)
+ assert len(db_memory.db) == 1
+ assert table in db_memory.db
+ assert len(db_memory.db[table]) == 1
+ data_inserted = data
+ data_inserted['_id'] = returned_id
+ assert data_inserted in db_memory.db[table]
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("table, data", [
+ ("test", {"data": 1}),
+ ("test", {"data": 2}),
+ ("test", {"data": 1}),
+ ("test", {"data": 2}),
+ ("test_table", {"data": 1}),
+ ("test_table", {"data": 2}),
+ ("test_table", {"data": 1}),
+ ("test_table", {"data": 2}),
+ ("test", {"data_1": 1, "data_2": 2}),
+ ("test", {"data_1": 2, "data_2": 1}),
+ ("test", {"data_1": 1, "data_2": 2}),
+ ("test", {"data_1": 2, "data_2": 1}),
+ ("test_table", {"data_1": 1, "data_2": 2}),
+ ("test_table", {"data_1": 2, "data_2": 1}),
+ ("test_table", {"data_1": 1, "data_2": 2}),
+ ("test_table", {"data_1": 2, "data_2": 1}),
+def test_create_with_non_empty_db_without_id(db_memory_with_data, table, data):
+ returned_id = db_memory_with_data.create(table, data)
+ assert len(db_memory_with_data.db) == (1 if table == 'test' else 2)
+ assert table in db_memory_with_data.db
+ assert len(db_memory_with_data.db[table]) == (4 if table == 'test' else 1)
+ data_inserted = data
+ data_inserted['_id'] = returned_id
+ assert data_inserted in db_memory_with_data.db[table]
+def test_create_with_exception(db_memory):
+ table = "test"
+ data = {"_id": 1, "data": 1}
+ db_memory.db = MagicMock()
+ db_memory.db.__contains__.side_effect = Exception()
+ with pytest.raises(DbException) as excinfo:
+ db_memory.create(table, data)
+ assert str(excinfo.value) == empty_exception_message()
+ assert excinfo.value.http_code == http.HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND