--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2018 David García, University of the Basque Country
+# Copyright 2018 University of the Basque Country
+# This file is part of openmano
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Contact information at http://i2t.ehu.eus
+# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# implied.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import requests
+import json
+import logging
+from enum import Enum
+from wimconn import WimConnector, WimConnectorError
+class WimError(Enum):
+ UNREACHABLE = 'Unable to reach the WIM.',
+ SERVICE_TYPE_ERROR = 'Unexpected service_type. Only "L2" is accepted.',
+ 'Unexpected number of connection points: 2 expected.',
+ 'Unexpected service_endpoint_encapsulation_type. \
+ Only "dotq1" is accepted.',
+ BANDWIDTH = 'Unable to get the bandwidth.',
+ STATUS = 'Unable to get the status for the service.',
+ DELETE = 'Unable to delete service.',
+ CLEAR_ALL = 'Unable to clear all the services',
+ UNKNOWN_ACTION = 'Unknown action invoked.',
+ BACKUP = 'Unable to get the backup parameter.',
+ UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE = "Unsupported feature"
+class WimAPIActions(Enum):
+class DynpacConnector(WimConnector):
+ __supported_service_types = ["ELINE (L2)"]
+ __supported_encapsulation_types = ["dot1q"]
+ __WIM_LOGGER = 'openmano.wimconn.dynpac'
+ __ENCAPSULATION_TYPE_PARAM = "service_endpoint_encapsulation_type"
+ __BACKUP_PARAM = "backup"
+ __BANDWIDTH_PARAM = "bandwidth"
+ __SERVICE_ENDPOINT_PARAM = "service_endpoint_id"
+ __WAN_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_PARAM = "wan_service_endpoint_id"
+ __WAN_MAPPING_INFO_PARAM = "wan_service_mapping_info"
+ __SW_ID_PARAM = "wan_switch_dpid"
+ __SW_PORT_PARAM = "wan_switch_port"
+ __VLAN_PARAM = "vlan"
+ # Public functions exposed to the Resource Orchestrator
+ def __init__(self, wim, wim_account, config):
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__WIM_LOGGER)
+ self.__wim = wim
+ self.__wim_account = wim_account
+ self.__config = config
+ self.__wim_url = self.__wim.get("wim_url")
+ self.__user = wim_account.get("user")
+ self.__passwd = wim_account.get("passwd")
+ self.logger.info("Initialized.")
+ def create_connectivity_service(self,
+ service_type,
+ connection_points,
+ **kwargs):
+ self.__check_service(service_type, connection_points, kwargs)
+ body = self.__get_body(service_type, connection_points, kwargs)
+ headers = {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
+ endpoint = "{}/service/create".format(self.__wim_url)
+ try:
+ response = requests.post(endpoint, data=body, headers=headers)
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ self.__exception(e.message, http_code=503)
+ if response.status_code != 200:
+ error = json.loads(response.content)
+ reason = "Reason: {}. ".format(error.get("code"))
+ description = "Description: {}.".format(error.get("description"))
+ exception = reason + description
+ self.__exception(exception, http_code=response.status_code)
+ uuid = response.content
+ self.logger.info("Service with uuid {} created.".format(uuid))
+ return (uuid, None)
+ def edit_connectivity_service(self, service_uuid,
+ conn_info, connection_points,
+ **kwargs):
+ self.__exception(WimError.UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE, http_code=501)
+ def get_connectivity_service_status(self, service_uuid):
+ endpoint = "{}/service/status/{}".format(self.__wim_url, service_uuid)
+ try:
+ response = requests.get(endpoint)
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ self.__exception(e.message, http_code=503)
+ if response.status_code != 200:
+ self.__exception(WimError.STATUS, http_code=response.status_code)
+ self.logger.info("Status for service with uuid {}: {}"
+ .format(service_uuid, response.content))
+ return response.content
+ def delete_connectivity_service(self, service_uuid, conn_info):
+ endpoint = "{}/service/delete/{}".format(self.__wim_url, service_uuid)
+ try:
+ response = requests.delete(endpoint)
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ self.__exception(e.message, http_code=503)
+ if response.status_code != 200:
+ self.__exception(WimError.DELETE, http_code=response.status_code)
+ self.logger.info("Service with uuid: {} deleted".format(service_uuid))
+ def clear_all_connectivity_services(self):
+ endpoint = "{}/service/clearAll".format(self.__wim_url)
+ try:
+ response = requests.delete(endpoint)
+ http_code = response.status_code
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ self.__exception(e.message, http_code=503)
+ if http_code != 200:
+ self.__exception(WimError.CLEAR_ALL, http_code=http_code)
+ self.logger.info("{} services deleted".format(response.content))
+ return "{} services deleted".format(response.content)
+ def check_connectivity(self):
+ endpoint = "{}/checkConnectivity".format(self.__wim_url)
+ auth = (self.__user, self.__passwd)
+ try:
+ response = requests.get(endpoint, auth=auth)
+ http_code = response.status_code
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ self.__exception(e.message, http_code=503)
+ if http_code != 200:
+ self.__exception(WimError.UNREACHABLE, http_code=http_code)
+ self.logger.info("Connectivity checked")
+ # Private functions
+ def __exception(self, x, **kwargs):
+ http_code = kwargs.get("http_code")
+ if hasattr(x, "value"):
+ error = x.value
+ else:
+ error = x
+ self.logger.error(error)
+ raise WimConnectorError(error, http_code=http_code)
+ def __check_service(self, service_type, connection_points, kwargs):
+ if service_type not in self.__supported_service_types:
+ self.__exception(WimError.SERVICE_TYPE_ERROR, http_code=400)
+ if len(connection_points) != 2:
+ self.__exception(WimError.CONNECTION_POINTS_SIZE, http_code=400)
+ for connection_point in connection_points:
+ enc_type = connection_point.get(self.__ENCAPSULATION_TYPE_PARAM)
+ if enc_type not in self.__supported_encapsulation_types:
+ self.__exception(WimError.ENCAPSULATION_TYPE, http_code=400)
+ bandwidth = kwargs.get(self.__BANDWIDTH_PARAM)
+ if not isinstance(bandwidth, int):
+ self.__exception(WimError.BANDWIDTH, http_code=400)
+ backup = kwargs.get(self.__BACKUP_PARAM)
+ if not isinstance(backup, bool):
+ self.__exception(WimError.BACKUP, http_code=400)
+ def __get_body(self, service_type, connection_points, kwargs):
+ port_mapping = self.__config.get("port_mapping")
+ selected_ports = []
+ for connection_point in connection_points:
+ endpoint_id = connection_point.get(self.__SERVICE_ENDPOINT_PARAM)
+ port = filter(lambda x: x.get(self.__WAN_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_PARAM)
+ == endpoint_id, port_mapping)[0]
+ wsmpi_json = port.get(self.__WAN_MAPPING_INFO_PARAM)
+ port_info = json.loads(wsmpi_json)
+ selected_ports.append(port_info)
+ if service_type == "ELINE (L2)":
+ service_type = "L2"
+ body = {
+ "connection_points": [{
+ "wan_switch_dpid": selected_ports[0].get(self.__SW_ID_PARAM),
+ "wan_switch_port": selected_ports[0].get(self.__SW_PORT_PARAM),
+ "wan_vlan": connection_points[0].get(self.__VLAN_PARAM)
+ }, {
+ "wan_switch_dpid": selected_ports[1].get(self.__SW_ID_PARAM),
+ "wan_switch_port": selected_ports[1].get(self.__SW_PORT_PARAM),
+ "wan_vlan": connection_points[1].get(self.__VLAN_PARAM)
+ }],
+ "bandwidth": kwargs.get(self.__BANDWIDTH_PARAM),
+ "service_type": service_type,
+ "backup": kwargs.get(self.__BACKUP_PARAM)
+ }
+ return "body={}".format(json.dumps(body))