- See how to deprecate commands and options: <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50366719/correct-way-to-deprecate-parameter-alias-in-click>
- Evaluate the possibility to re-structure code to uniform all commands: `check`, `table_headers`, `run`, `output`
--- /dev/null
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright ETSI Contributors and Others.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import click
+from osmclient.common.exceptions import ClientException
+from osmclient.cli_commands import utils
+from prettytable import PrettyTable
+import json
+import os
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger("osmclient")
+@click.option("--ns", prompt=True, help="NS instance id or name")
+ "--vnf", prompt=True, help="VNF name (VNF member index as declared in the NSD)"
+@click.option("--vdu", prompt=True, help="VDU name (VDU name as declared in the VNFD)")
+@click.option("--metric", prompt=True, help="Name of the metric (e.g. cpu_utilization)")
+ "--severity",
+ default="WARNING",
+ help="severity of the alarm (WARNING, MINOR, MAJOR, CRITICAL, INDETERMINATE)",
+ "--threshold_value",
+ prompt=True,
+ help="threshold value that, when crossed, an alarm is triggered",
+ "--threshold_operator",
+ prompt=True,
+ help="threshold operator describing the comparison (GE, LE, GT, LT, EQ)",
+ "--statistic",
+ default="AVERAGE",
+ help="statistic (AVERAGE, MINIMUM, MAXIMUM, COUNT, SUM)",
+def ns_alarm_create(
+ ctx,
+ name,
+ ns,
+ vnf,
+ vdu,
+ metric,
+ severity,
+ threshold_value,
+ threshold_operator,
+ statistic,
+ """creates a new alarm for a NS instance"""
+ # TODO: Check how to validate threshold_value.
+ # Should it be an integer (1-100), percentage, or decimal (0.01-1.00)?
+ logger.debug("")
+ ns_instance = ctx.obj.ns.get(ns)
+ alarm = {}
+ alarm["alarm_name"] = name
+ alarm["ns_id"] = ns_instance["_id"]
+ alarm["correlation_id"] = ns_instance["_id"]
+ alarm["vnf_member_index"] = vnf
+ alarm["vdu_name"] = vdu
+ alarm["metric_name"] = metric
+ alarm["severity"] = severity
+ alarm["threshold_value"] = int(threshold_value)
+ alarm["operation"] = threshold_operator
+ alarm["statistic"] = statistic
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ ctx.obj.ns.create_alarm(alarm)
+@click.command(name="alarm-show", short_help="show alarm details")
+def alarm_show(ctx, uuid):
+ """Show alarm's detail information"""
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ resp = ctx.obj.ns.get_alarm(uuid=uuid)
+ alarm_filter = [
+ "uuid",
+ "name",
+ "metric",
+ "statistic",
+ "threshold",
+ "operation",
+ "ns-id",
+ "vnf-id",
+ "vdu_name",
+ "action",
+ "status",
+ ]
+ table = PrettyTable(["key", "attribute"])
+ try:
+ # Arrange and return the response data
+ alarm = resp.replace("ObjectId", "")
+ for key in alarm_filter:
+ if key == "uuid":
+ value = alarm.get(key)
+ key = "alarm-id"
+ elif key == "name":
+ value = alarm.get(key)
+ key = "alarm-name"
+ elif key == "ns-id":
+ value = alarm["tags"].get("ns_id")
+ elif key == "vdu_name":
+ value = alarm["tags"].get("vdu_name")
+ elif key == "status":
+ value = alarm["alarm_status"]
+ else:
+ value = alarm[key]
+ table.add_row(
+ [key, utils.wrap_text(text=json.dumps(value, indent=2), width=100)]
+ )
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+ except Exception:
+ print(resp)
+ # TODO: check the reason for the try-except
+# List alarm
+@click.command(name="alarm-list", short_help="list all alarms")
+ "--ns_id", default=None, required=False, help="List out alarm for given ns id"
+def alarm_list(ctx, ns_id):
+ """list all alarms"""
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ project_name = os.getenv("OSM_PROJECT", "admin")
+ # TODO: check the reason for this^
+ resp = ctx.obj.ns.get_alarm(project_name=project_name, ns_id=ns_id)
+ table = PrettyTable(
+ ["alarm-id", "metric", "threshold", "operation", "action", "status"]
+ )
+ if resp:
+ # return the response data in a table
+ resp = resp.replace("ObjectId", "")
+ for alarm in resp:
+ table.add_row(
+ [
+ utils.wrap_text(text=str(alarm["uuid"]), width=38),
+ alarm["metric"],
+ alarm["threshold"],
+ alarm["operation"],
+ utils.wrap_text(text=alarm["action"], width=25),
+ alarm["alarm_status"],
+ ]
+ )
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+# Update alarm
+@click.command(name="alarm-update", short_help="Update a alarm")
+@click.option("--threshold", default=None, help="Alarm threshold")
+@click.option("--is_enable", default=None, type=bool, help="enable or disable alarm")
+def alarm_update(ctx, uuid, threshold, is_enable):
+ """
+ Update alarm
+ """
+ if not threshold and is_enable is None:
+ raise ClientException(
+ "Please provide option to update i.e threshold or is_enable"
+ )
+ ctx.obj.ns.update_alarm(uuid, threshold, is_enable)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright ETSI Contributors and Others.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import click
+from osmclient.cli_commands import utils
+from prettytable import PrettyTable
+import yaml
+import json
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger("osmclient")
+@click.command(name="k8scluster-add", short_help="adds a K8s cluster to OSM")
+ "--creds", prompt=True, help="credentials file, i.e. a valid `.kube/config` file"
+@click.option("--version", prompt=True, help="Kubernetes version")
+ "--vim", prompt=True, help="VIM target, the VIM where the cluster resides"
+ "--k8s-nets",
+ prompt=True,
+ help='''list of VIM networks, in JSON inline format, where the cluster is
+ accessible via L3 routing, e.g. "{(k8s_net1:vim_network1) [,(k8s_net2:vim_network2) ...]}"''',
+ "--init-helm2/--skip-helm2",
+ required=False,
+ default=True,
+ help="Initialize helm v2",
+ "--init-helm3/--skip-helm3",
+ required=False,
+ default=True,
+ help="Initialize helm v3",
+ "--init-jujubundle/--skip-jujubundle",
+ required=False,
+ default=True,
+ help="Initialize juju-bundle",
+@click.option("--description", default=None, help="human readable description")
+ "--namespace",
+ default="kube-system",
+ help="namespace to be used for its operation, defaults to `kube-system`",
+ "--wait",
+ required=False,
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it "
+ "until the operation is completed, or timeout",
+ "--cni",
+ default=None,
+ help="list of CNI plugins, in JSON inline format, used in the cluster",
+# @click.option('--skip-init',
+# is_flag=True,
+# help='If set, K8s cluster is assumed to be ready for its use with OSM')
+def k8scluster_add(
+ ctx,
+ name,
+ creds,
+ version,
+ vim,
+ k8s_nets,
+ init_helm2,
+ init_helm3,
+ init_jujubundle,
+ description,
+ namespace,
+ wait,
+ cni,
+ """adds a K8s cluster to OSM
+ NAME: name of the K8s cluster
+ """
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ cluster = {}
+ cluster["name"] = name
+ with open(creds, "r") as cf:
+ cluster["credentials"] = yaml.safe_load(cf.read())
+ cluster["k8s_version"] = version
+ cluster["vim_account"] = vim
+ cluster["nets"] = yaml.safe_load(k8s_nets)
+ if not (init_helm2 and init_jujubundle and init_helm3):
+ cluster["deployment_methods"] = {
+ "helm-chart": init_helm2,
+ "juju-bundle": init_jujubundle,
+ "helm-chart-v3": init_helm3,
+ }
+ if description:
+ cluster["description"] = description
+ if namespace:
+ cluster["namespace"] = namespace
+ if cni:
+ cluster["cni"] = yaml.safe_load(cni)
+ ctx.obj.k8scluster.create(name, cluster, wait)
+@click.command(name="k8scluster-update", short_help="updates a K8s cluster")
+@click.option("--newname", help="New name for the K8s cluster")
+@click.option("--creds", help="credentials file, i.e. a valid `.kube/config` file")
+@click.option("--version", help="Kubernetes version")
+@click.option("--vim", help="VIM target, the VIM where the cluster resides")
+ "--k8s-nets",
+ help='''list of VIM networks, in JSON inline format, where the cluster is accessible
+ via L3 routing, e.g. "{(k8s_net1:vim_network1) [,(k8s_net2:vim_network2) ...]}"''',
+@click.option("--description", help="human readable description")
+ "--namespace",
+ help="namespace to be used for its operation, defaults to `kube-system`",
+ "--wait",
+ required=False,
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it "
+ "until the operation is completed, or timeout",
+ "--cni", help="list of CNI plugins, in JSON inline format, used in the cluster"
+def k8scluster_update(
+ ctx, name, newname, creds, version, vim, k8s_nets, description, namespace, wait, cni
+ """updates a K8s cluster
+ NAME: name or ID of the K8s cluster
+ """
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ cluster = {}
+ if newname:
+ cluster["name"] = newname
+ if creds:
+ with open(creds, "r") as cf:
+ cluster["credentials"] = yaml.safe_load(cf.read())
+ if version:
+ cluster["k8s_version"] = version
+ if vim:
+ cluster["vim_account"] = vim
+ if k8s_nets:
+ cluster["nets"] = yaml.safe_load(k8s_nets)
+ if description:
+ cluster["description"] = description
+ if namespace:
+ cluster["namespace"] = namespace
+ if cni:
+ cluster["cni"] = yaml.safe_load(cni)
+ ctx.obj.k8scluster.update(name, cluster, wait)
+@click.command(name="k8scluster-delete", short_help="deletes a K8s cluster")
+ "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion from the DB (not recommended)"
+ "--wait",
+ required=False,
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it "
+ "until the operation is completed, or timeout",
+def k8scluster_delete(ctx, name, force, wait):
+ """deletes a K8s cluster
+ NAME: name or ID of the K8s cluster to be deleted
+ """
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ ctx.obj.k8scluster.delete(name, force, wait)
+ "--filter",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the list to the K8s clusters matching the filter",
+@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
+@click.option("--long", is_flag=True, help="get more details")
+def k8scluster_list(ctx, filter, literal, long):
+ """list all K8s clusters"""
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ if filter:
+ filter = "&".join(filter)
+ resp = ctx.obj.k8scluster.list(filter)
+ if literal:
+ print(yaml.safe_dump(resp, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
+ return
+ if long:
+ table = PrettyTable(
+ [
+ "Name",
+ "Id",
+ "Project",
+ "Version",
+ "VIM",
+ "K8s-nets",
+ "Deployment methods",
+ "Operational State",
+ "Op. state (details)",
+ "Description",
+ "Detailed status",
+ ]
+ )
+ project_list = ctx.obj.project.list()
+ else:
+ table = PrettyTable(
+ ["Name", "Id", "VIM", "Operational State", "Op. state details"]
+ )
+ try:
+ vim_list = ctx.obj.vim.list()
+ except Exception:
+ vim_list = []
+ for cluster in resp:
+ logger.debug("Cluster details: {}".format(yaml.safe_dump(cluster)))
+ vim_name = utils.get_vim_name(vim_list, cluster["vim_account"])
+ # vim_info = '{} ({})'.format(vim_name,cluster['vim_account'])
+ vim_info = vim_name
+ op_state_details = "Helm: {}\nJuju: {}".format(
+ cluster["_admin"].get("helm-chart", {}).get("operationalState", "-"),
+ cluster["_admin"].get("juju-bundle", {}).get("operationalState", "-"),
+ )
+ if long:
+ project_id, project_name = utils.get_project(project_list, cluster)
+ # project_info = '{} ({})'.format(project_name, project_id)
+ project_info = project_name
+ detailed_status = cluster["_admin"].get("detailed-status", "-")
+ table.add_row(
+ [
+ cluster["name"],
+ cluster["_id"],
+ project_info,
+ cluster["k8s_version"],
+ vim_info,
+ json.dumps(cluster["nets"]),
+ json.dumps(cluster["deployment_methods"]),
+ cluster["_admin"]["operationalState"],
+ op_state_details,
+ utils.trunc_text(cluster.get("description") or "", 40),
+ utils.wrap_text(text=detailed_status, width=40),
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ table.add_row(
+ [
+ cluster["name"],
+ cluster["_id"],
+ vim_info,
+ cluster["_admin"]["operationalState"],
+ op_state_details,
+ ]
+ )
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+@click.command(name="k8scluster-show", short_help="shows the details of a K8s cluster")
+@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
+def k8scluster_show(ctx, name, literal):
+ """shows the details of a K8s cluster
+ NAME: name or ID of the K8s cluster
+ """
+ resp = ctx.obj.k8scluster.get(name)
+ if literal:
+ print(yaml.safe_dump(resp, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
+ return
+ table = PrettyTable(["key", "attribute"])
+ for k, v in list(resp.items()):
+ table.add_row([k, utils.wrap_text(text=json.dumps(v, indent=2), width=100)])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright ETSI Contributors and Others.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import click
+from osmclient.cli_commands import utils
+import time
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger("osmclient")
+ name="ns-metric-export",
+ short_help="exports a metric to the internal OSM bus, which can be read by other apps",
+@click.option("--ns", prompt=True, help="NS instance id or name")
+ "--vnf", prompt=True, help="VNF name (VNF member index as declared in the NSD)"
+@click.option("--vdu", prompt=True, help="VDU name (VDU name as declared in the VNFD)")
+@click.option("--metric", prompt=True, help="name of the metric (e.g. cpu_utilization)")
+# @click.option('--period', default='1w',
+# help='metric collection period (e.g. 20s, 30m, 2h, 3d, 1w)')
+ "--interval", help="periodic interval (seconds) to export metrics continuously"
+def ns_metric_export(ctx, ns, vnf, vdu, metric, interval):
+ """exports a metric to the internal OSM bus, which can be read by other apps"""
+ # TODO: Check how to validate interval.
+ # Should it be an integer (seconds), or should a suffix (s,m,h,d,w) also be permitted?
+ logger.debug("")
+ ns_instance = ctx.obj.ns.get(ns)
+ metric_data = {}
+ metric_data["ns_id"] = ns_instance["_id"]
+ metric_data["correlation_id"] = ns_instance["_id"]
+ metric_data["vnf_member_index"] = vnf
+ metric_data["vdu_name"] = vdu
+ metric_data["metric_name"] = metric
+ metric_data["collection_unit"] = "WEEK"
+ metric_data["collection_period"] = 1
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ if not interval:
+ print("{}".format(ctx.obj.ns.export_metric(metric_data)))
+ else:
+ i = 1
+ while True:
+ print("{} {}".format(ctx.obj.ns.export_metric(metric_data), i))
+ time.sleep(int(interval))
+ i += 1
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright ETSI Contributors and Others.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import click
+from osmclient.common.exceptions import ClientException
+from osmclient.cli_commands import utils
+from prettytable import PrettyTable
+import yaml
+import json
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger("osmclient")
+def nsi_list(ctx, filter):
+ """list all Network Slice Instances"""
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ if filter:
+ filter = "&".join(filter)
+ resp = ctx.obj.nsi.list(filter)
+ table = PrettyTable(
+ [
+ "netslice instance name",
+ "id",
+ "operational status",
+ "config status",
+ "detailed status",
+ ]
+ )
+ for nsi in resp:
+ nsi_name = nsi["name"]
+ nsi_id = nsi["_id"]
+ opstatus = (
+ nsi["operational-status"] if "operational-status" in nsi else "Not found"
+ )
+ configstatus = nsi["config-status"] if "config-status" in nsi else "Not found"
+ detailed_status = (
+ nsi["detailed-status"] if "detailed-status" in nsi else "Not found"
+ )
+ if configstatus == "config_not_needed":
+ configstatus = "configured (no charms)"
+ table.add_row([nsi_name, nsi_id, opstatus, configstatus, detailed_status])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+@click.command(name="nsi-list", short_help="list all Network Slice Instances (NSI)")
+ "--filter",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the list to the Network Slice Instances matching the filter",
+def nsi_list1(ctx, filter):
+ """list all Network Slice Instances (NSI)"""
+ logger.debug("")
+ nsi_list(ctx, filter)
+ name="netslice-instance-list", short_help="list all Network Slice Instances (NSI)"
+ "--filter",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the list to the Network Slice Instances matching the filter",
+def nsi_list2(ctx, filter):
+ """list all Network Slice Instances (NSI)"""
+ logger.debug("")
+ nsi_list(ctx, filter)
+def nsi_show(ctx, name, literal, filter):
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ nsi = ctx.obj.nsi.get(name)
+ if literal:
+ print(yaml.safe_dump(nsi, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
+ return
+ table = PrettyTable(["field", "value"])
+ for k, v in list(nsi.items()):
+ if not filter or k in filter:
+ table.add_row([k, json.dumps(v, indent=2)])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+ name="nsi-show", short_help="shows the content of a Network Slice Instance (NSI)"
+@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
+ "--filter",
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the information to the fields in the filter",
+def nsi_show1(ctx, name, literal, filter):
+ """shows the content of a Network Slice Instance (NSI)
+ NAME: name or ID of the Network Slice Instance
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ nsi_show(ctx, name, literal, filter)
+ name="netslice-instance-show",
+ short_help="shows the content of a Network Slice Instance (NSI)",
+@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
+ "--filter",
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the information to the fields in the filter",
+def nsi_show2(ctx, name, literal, filter):
+ """shows the content of a Network Slice Instance (NSI)
+ NAME: name or ID of the Network Slice Instance
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ nsi_show(ctx, name, literal, filter)
+def nsi_create(
+ ctx, nst_name, nsi_name, vim_account, ssh_keys, config, config_file, wait
+ """creates a new Network Slice Instance (NSI)"""
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ if config_file:
+ if config:
+ raise ClientException(
+ '"--config" option is incompatible with "--config_file" option'
+ )
+ with open(config_file, "r") as cf:
+ config = cf.read()
+ ctx.obj.nsi.create(
+ nst_name,
+ nsi_name,
+ config=config,
+ ssh_keys=ssh_keys,
+ account=vim_account,
+ wait=wait,
+ )
+@click.command(name="nsi-create", short_help="creates a new Network Slice Instance")
+@click.option("--nsi_name", prompt=True, help="name of the Network Slice Instance")
+@click.option("--nst_name", prompt=True, help="name of the Network Slice Template")
+ "--vim_account",
+ prompt=True,
+ help="default VIM account id or name for the deployment",
+ "--ssh_keys", default=None, help="comma separated list of keys to inject to vnfs"
+ "--config",
+ default=None,
+ help="Netslice specific yaml configuration:\n"
+ "netslice_subnet: [\n"
+ "id: TEXT, vim_account: TEXT,\n"
+ "vnf: [member-vnf-index: TEXT, vim_account: TEXT]\n"
+ "vld: [name: TEXT, vim-network-name: TEXT or DICT with vim_account, vim_net entries]\n"
+ "additionalParamsForNsi: {param: value, ...}\n"
+ "additionalParamsForsubnet: [{id: SUBNET_ID, additionalParamsForNs: {}, additionalParamsForVnf: {}}]\n"
+ "],\n"
+ "netslice-vld: [name: TEXT, vim-network-name: TEXT or DICT with vim_account, vim_net entries]",
+ "--config_file", default=None, help="nsi specific yaml configuration file"
+ "--wait",
+ required=False,
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it "
+ "until the operation is completed, or timeout",
+def nsi_create1(
+ ctx, nst_name, nsi_name, vim_account, ssh_keys, config, config_file, wait
+ """creates a new Network Slice Instance (NSI)"""
+ logger.debug("")
+ nsi_create(
+ ctx, nst_name, nsi_name, vim_account, ssh_keys, config, config_file, wait=wait
+ )
+ name="netslice-instance-create", short_help="creates a new Network Slice Instance"
+@click.option("--nsi_name", prompt=True, help="name of the Network Slice Instance")
+@click.option("--nst_name", prompt=True, help="name of the Network Slice Template")
+ "--vim_account",
+ prompt=True,
+ help="default VIM account id or name for the deployment",
+ "--ssh_keys", default=None, help="comma separated list of keys to inject to vnfs"
+ "--config",
+ default=None,
+ help="Netslice specific yaml configuration:\n"
+ "netslice_subnet: [\n"
+ "id: TEXT, vim_account: TEXT,\n"
+ "vnf: [member-vnf-index: TEXT, vim_account: TEXT]\n"
+ "vld: [name: TEXT, vim-network-name: TEXT or DICT with vim_account, vim_net entries]"
+ "],\n"
+ "netslice-vld: [name: TEXT, vim-network-name: TEXT or DICT with vim_account, vim_net entries]",
+ "--config_file", default=None, help="nsi specific yaml configuration file"
+ "--wait",
+ required=False,
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it "
+ "until the operation is completed, or timeout",
+def nsi_create2(
+ ctx, nst_name, nsi_name, vim_account, ssh_keys, config, config_file, wait
+ """creates a new Network Slice Instance (NSI)"""
+ logger.debug("")
+ nsi_create(
+ ctx, nst_name, nsi_name, vim_account, ssh_keys, config, config_file, wait=wait
+ )
+def nsi_delete(ctx, name, force, wait):
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ ctx.obj.nsi.delete(name, force, wait=wait)
+@click.command(name="nsi-delete", short_help="deletes a Network Slice Instance (NSI)")
+ "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions"
+ "--wait",
+ required=False,
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it "
+ "until the operation is completed, or timeout",
+def nsi_delete1(ctx, name, force, wait):
+ """deletes a Network Slice Instance (NSI)
+ NAME: name or ID of the Network Slice instance to be deleted
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ nsi_delete(ctx, name, force, wait=wait)
+ name="netslice-instance-delete", short_help="deletes a Network Slice Instance (NSI)"
+ "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions"
+def nsi_delete2(ctx, name, force, wait):
+ """deletes a Network Slice Instance (NSI)
+ NAME: name or ID of the Network Slice instance to be deleted
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ nsi_delete(ctx, name, force, wait=wait)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright ETSI Contributors and Others.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import click
+from osmclient.cli_commands import utils
+from prettytable import PrettyTable
+import json
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger("osmclient")
+def nsi_op_list(ctx, name):
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ resp = ctx.obj.nsi.list_op(name)
+ table = PrettyTable(["id", "operation", "status"])
+ for op in resp:
+ table.add_row([op["id"], op["lcmOperationType"], op["operationState"]])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+ name="nsi-op-list",
+ short_help="shows the history of operations over a Network Slice Instance (NSI)",
+def nsi_op_list1(ctx, name):
+ """shows the history of operations over a Network Slice Instance (NSI)
+ NAME: name or ID of the Network Slice Instance
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ nsi_op_list(ctx, name)
+ name="netslice-instance-op-list",
+ short_help="shows the history of operations over a Network Slice Instance (NSI)",
+def nsi_op_list2(ctx, name):
+ """shows the history of operations over a Network Slice Instance (NSI)
+ NAME: name or ID of the Network Slice Instance
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ nsi_op_list(ctx, name)
+def nsi_op_show(ctx, id, filter):
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ op_info = ctx.obj.nsi.get_op(id)
+ table = PrettyTable(["field", "value"])
+ for k, v in list(op_info.items()):
+ if not filter or k in filter:
+ table.add_row([k, json.dumps(v, indent=2)])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+ name="nsi-op-show",
+ short_help="shows the info of an operation over a Network Slice Instance(NSI)",
+ "--filter",
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the information to the fields in the filter",
+def nsi_op_show1(ctx, id, filter):
+ """shows the info of an operation over a Network Slice Instance(NSI)
+ ID: operation identifier
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ nsi_op_show(ctx, id, filter)
+ name="netslice-instance-op-show",
+ short_help="shows the info of an operation over a Network Slice Instance(NSI)",
+ "--filter",
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the information to the fields in the filter",
+def nsi_op_show2(ctx, id, filter):
+ """shows the info of an operation over a Network Slice Instance(NSI)
+ ID: operation identifier
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ nsi_op_show(ctx, id, filter)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright ETSI Contributors and Others.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import click
+from osmclient.cli_commands import utils
+from prettytable import PrettyTable
+import yaml
+import json
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger("osmclient")
+def nst_list(ctx, filter):
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ if filter:
+ filter = "&".join(filter)
+ resp = ctx.obj.nst.list(filter)
+ table = PrettyTable(["nst name", "id"])
+ for nst in resp:
+ name = nst["name"] if "name" in nst else "-"
+ table.add_row([name, nst["_id"]])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+@click.command(name="nst-list", short_help="list all Network Slice Templates (NST)")
+ "--filter",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the list to the NST matching the filter",
+def nst_list1(ctx, filter):
+ """list all Network Slice Templates (NST) in the system"""
+ logger.debug("")
+ nst_list(ctx, filter)
+ name="netslice-template-list", short_help="list all Network Slice Templates (NST)"
+ "--filter",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the list to the NST matching the filter",
+def nst_list2(ctx, filter):
+ """list all Network Slice Templates (NST) in the system"""
+ logger.debug("")
+ nst_list(ctx, filter)
+def nst_show(ctx, name, literal):
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ resp = ctx.obj.nst.get(name)
+ # resp = ctx.obj.nst.get_individual(name)
+ if literal:
+ print(yaml.safe_dump(resp, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
+ return
+ table = PrettyTable(["field", "value"])
+ for k, v in list(resp.items()):
+ table.add_row([k, utils.wrap_text(json.dumps(v, indent=2), 100)])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+ name="nst-show", short_help="shows the content of a Network Slice Template (NST)"
+@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
+def nst_show1(ctx, name, literal):
+ """shows the content of a Network Slice Template (NST)
+ NAME: name or ID of the NST
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ nst_show(ctx, name, literal)
+ name="netslice-template-show",
+ short_help="shows the content of a Network Slice Template (NST)",
+@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
+def nst_show2(ctx, name, literal):
+ """shows the content of a Network Slice Template (NST)
+ NAME: name or ID of the NST
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ nst_show(ctx, name, literal)
+def nst_create(ctx, filename, overwrite):
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ ctx.obj.nst.create(filename, overwrite)
+ name="nst-create", short_help="creates a new Network Slice Template (NST)"
+ "--overwrite",
+ "overwrite",
+ default=None, # hidden=True,
+ help="Deprecated. Use override",
+ "--override",
+ "overwrite",
+ default=None,
+ help="overrides fields in descriptor, format: "
+ '"key1.key2...=value[;key3...=value;...]"',
+def nst_create1(ctx, filename, overwrite):
+ """creates a new Network Slice Template (NST)
+ FILENAME: NST package folder, NST yaml file or NSTpkg tar.gz file
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ nst_create(ctx, filename, overwrite)
+ name="netslice-template-create",
+ short_help="creates a new Network Slice Template (NST)",
+ "--overwrite",
+ "overwrite",
+ default=None, # hidden=True,
+ help="Deprecated. Use override",
+ "--override",
+ "overwrite",
+ default=None,
+ help="overrides fields in descriptor, format: "
+ '"key1.key2...=value[;key3...=value;...]"',
+def nst_create2(ctx, filename, overwrite):
+ """creates a new Network Slice Template (NST)
+ FILENAME: NST yaml file or NSTpkg tar.gz file
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ nst_create(ctx, filename, overwrite)
+def nst_update(ctx, name, content):
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ ctx.obj.nst.update(name, content)
+@click.command(name="nst-update", short_help="updates a Network Slice Template (NST)")
+ "--content",
+ default=None,
+ help="filename with the NST/NSTpkg replacing the current one",
+def nst_update1(ctx, name, content):
+ """updates a Network Slice Template (NST)
+ NAME: name or ID of the NSD/NSpkg
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ nst_update(ctx, name, content)
+ name="netslice-template-update", short_help="updates a Network Slice Template (NST)"
+ "--content",
+ default=None,
+ help="filename with the NST/NSTpkg replacing the current one",
+def nst_update2(ctx, name, content):
+ """updates a Network Slice Template (NST)
+ NAME: name or ID of the NSD/NSpkg
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ nst_update(ctx, name, content)
+def nst_delete(ctx, name, force):
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ ctx.obj.nst.delete(name, force)
+@click.command(name="nst-delete", short_help="deletes a Network Slice Template (NST)")
+ "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions"
+def nst_delete1(ctx, name, force):
+ """deletes a Network Slice Template (NST)
+ NAME: name or ID of the NST/NSTpkg to be deleted
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ nst_delete(ctx, name, force)
+ name="netslice-template-delete", short_help="deletes a Network Slice Template (NST)"
+ "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions"
+def nst_delete2(ctx, name, force):
+ """deletes a Network Slice Template (NST)
+ NAME: name or ID of the NST/NSTpkg to be deleted
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ nst_delete(ctx, name, force)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright ETSI Contributors and Others.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import click
+from osmclient.common.exceptions import ClientException
+from osmclient.cli_commands import utils
+from prettytable import PrettyTable
+import yaml
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger("osmclient")
+def vnfd_list(ctx, nf_type, filter, long):
+ logger.debug("")
+ if nf_type:
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, "--nf_type")
+ elif filter:
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, "--filter")
+ if filter:
+ filter = "&".join(filter)
+ if nf_type:
+ if nf_type == "vnf":
+ nf_filter = "_admin.type=vnfd"
+ elif nf_type == "pnf":
+ nf_filter = "_admin.type=pnfd"
+ elif nf_type == "hnf":
+ nf_filter = "_admin.type=hnfd"
+ else:
+ raise ClientException(
+ 'wrong value for "--nf_type" option, allowed values: vnf, pnf, hnf'
+ )
+ if filter:
+ filter = "{}&{}".format(nf_filter, filter)
+ else:
+ filter = nf_filter
+ if filter:
+ resp = ctx.obj.vnfd.list(filter)
+ else:
+ resp = ctx.obj.vnfd.list()
+ # print(yaml.safe_dump(resp))
+ fullclassname = ctx.obj.__module__ + "." + ctx.obj.__class__.__name__
+ if fullclassname == "osmclient.sol005.client.Client":
+ if long:
+ table = PrettyTable(
+ [
+ "nfpkg name",
+ "id",
+ "desc type",
+ "vendor",
+ "version",
+ "onboarding state",
+ "operational state",
+ "usage state",
+ "date",
+ "last update",
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ table = PrettyTable(["nfpkg name", "id", "desc type"])
+ for vnfd in resp:
+ name = vnfd.get("id", vnfd.get("name", "-"))
+ descriptor_type = "sol006" if "product-name" in vnfd else "rel8"
+ if long:
+ onb_state = vnfd["_admin"].get("onboardingState", "-")
+ op_state = vnfd["_admin"].get("operationalState", "-")
+ vendor = vnfd.get("provider", vnfd.get("vendor"))
+ version = vnfd.get("version")
+ usage_state = vnfd["_admin"].get("usageState", "-")
+ date = datetime.fromtimestamp(vnfd["_admin"]["created"]).strftime(
+ "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
+ )
+ last_update = datetime.fromtimestamp(
+ vnfd["_admin"]["modified"]
+ ).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
+ table.add_row(
+ [
+ name,
+ vnfd["_id"],
+ descriptor_type,
+ vendor,
+ version,
+ onb_state,
+ op_state,
+ usage_state,
+ date,
+ last_update,
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ table.add_row([name, vnfd["_id"], descriptor_type])
+ else:
+ table = PrettyTable(["nfpkg name", "id"])
+ for vnfd in resp:
+ table.add_row([vnfd["name"], vnfd["id"]])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+@click.command(name="vnfd-list", short_help="list all xNF packages (VNF, HNF, PNF)")
+@click.option("--nf_type", help="type of NF (vnf, pnf, hnf)")
+ "--filter",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the list to the NF pkg matching the filter",
+@click.option("--long", is_flag=True, help="get more details")
+def vnfd_list1(ctx, nf_type, filter, long):
+ """list all xNF packages (VNF, HNF, PNF)"""
+ logger.debug("")
+ vnfd_list(ctx, nf_type, filter, long)
+@click.command(name="vnfpkg-list", short_help="list all xNF packages (VNF, HNF, PNF)")
+@click.option("--nf_type", help="type of NF (vnf, pnf, hnf)")
+ "--filter",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the list to the NFpkg matching the filter",
+@click.option("--long", is_flag=True, help="get more details")
+def vnfd_list2(ctx, nf_type, filter, long):
+ """list all xNF packages (VNF, HNF, PNF)"""
+ logger.debug("")
+ vnfd_list(ctx, nf_type, filter, long)
+@click.command(name="nfpkg-list", short_help="list all xNF packages (VNF, HNF, PNF)")
+@click.option("--nf_type", help="type of NF (vnf, pnf, hnf)")
+ "--filter",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the list to the NFpkg matching the filter",
+@click.option("--long", is_flag=True, help="get more details")
+def nfpkg_list(ctx, nf_type, filter, long):
+ """list all xNF packages (VNF, HNF, PNF)"""
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ vnfd_list(ctx, nf_type, filter, long)
+def vnfd_show(ctx, name, literal):
+ logger.debug("")
+ resp = ctx.obj.vnfd.get(name)
+ # resp = ctx.obj.vnfd.get_individual(name)
+ if literal:
+ print(yaml.safe_dump(resp, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
+ return
+ table = PrettyTable(["field", "value"])
+ for k, v in list(resp.items()):
+ table.add_row([k, utils.wrap_text(text=json.dumps(v, indent=2), width=100)])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+@click.command(name="vnfd-show", short_help="shows the details of a NF package")
+@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
+def vnfd_show1(ctx, name, literal):
+ """shows the content of a VNFD
+ NAME: name or ID of the VNFD/VNFpkg
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ vnfd_show(ctx, name, literal)
+@click.command(name="vnfpkg-show", short_help="shows the details of a NF package")
+@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
+def vnfd_show2(ctx, name, literal):
+ """shows the content of a VNFD
+ NAME: name or ID of the VNFD/VNFpkg
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ vnfd_show(ctx, name, literal)
+@click.command(name="nfpkg-show", short_help="shows the details of a NF package")
+@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
+def nfpkg_show(ctx, name, literal):
+ """shows the content of a NF Descriptor
+ NAME: name or ID of the NFpkg
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ vnfd_show(ctx, name, literal)
+def vnfd_create(
+ ctx,
+ filename,
+ overwrite,
+ skip_charm_build,
+ override_epa,
+ override_nonepa,
+ override_paravirt,
+ repo,
+ vendor,
+ version,
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ if repo:
+ filename = ctx.obj.osmrepo.get_pkg("vnf", filename, repo, vendor, version)
+ ctx.obj.vnfd.create(
+ filename,
+ overwrite=overwrite,
+ skip_charm_build=skip_charm_build,
+ override_epa=override_epa,
+ override_nonepa=override_nonepa,
+ override_paravirt=override_paravirt,
+ )
+@click.command(name="vnfd-create", short_help="creates a new VNFD/VNFpkg")
+ "--overwrite", "overwrite", default=None, help="overwrite deprecated, use override"
+ "--override",
+ "overwrite",
+ default=None,
+ help="overrides fields in descriptor, format: "
+ '"key1.key2...=value[;key3...=value;...]"',
+ "--skip-charm-build",
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="The charm will not be compiled, it is assumed to already exist",
+ "--override-epa",
+ required=False,
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="adds guest-epa parameters to all VDU",
+ "--override-nonepa",
+ required=False,
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="removes all guest-epa parameters from all VDU",
+ "--override-paravirt",
+ required=False,
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="overrides all VDU interfaces to PARAVIRT",
+@click.option("--repo", default=None, help="[repository]: Repository name")
+@click.option("--vendor", default=None, help="[repository]: filter by vendor]")
+ "--version",
+ default="latest",
+ help="[repository]: filter by version. Default: latest",
+def vnfd_create1(
+ ctx,
+ filename,
+ overwrite,
+ skip_charm_build,
+ override_epa,
+ override_nonepa,
+ override_paravirt,
+ repo,
+ vendor,
+ version,
+ """creates a new VNFD/VNFpkg
+ \b
+ FILENAME: NF Package tar.gz file, NF Descriptor YAML file or NF Package folder
+ If FILENAME is a file (NF Package tar.gz or NF Descriptor YAML), it is onboarded.
+ If FILENAME is an NF Package folder, it is built and then onboarded.
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ vnfd_create(
+ ctx,
+ filename,
+ overwrite=overwrite,
+ skip_charm_build=skip_charm_build,
+ override_epa=override_epa,
+ override_nonepa=override_nonepa,
+ override_paravirt=override_paravirt,
+ repo=repo,
+ vendor=vendor,
+ version=version,
+ )
+@click.command(name="vnfpkg-create", short_help="creates a new VNFD/VNFpkg")
+ "--overwrite",
+ "overwrite",
+ default=None, # hidden=True,
+ help="Deprecated. Use override",
+ "--override",
+ "overwrite",
+ default=None,
+ help="overrides fields in descriptor, format: "
+ '"key1.key2...=value[;key3...=value;...]"',
+ "--skip-charm-build",
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="The charm will not be compiled, it is assumed to already exist",
+ "--override-epa",
+ required=False,
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="adds guest-epa parameters to all VDU",
+ "--override-nonepa",
+ required=False,
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="removes all guest-epa parameters from all VDU",
+ "--override-paravirt",
+ required=False,
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="overrides all VDU interfaces to PARAVIRT",
+@click.option("--repo", default=None, help="[repository]: Repository name")
+@click.option("--vendor", default=None, help="[repository]: filter by vendor]")
+ "--version",
+ default="latest",
+ help="[repository]: filter by version. Default: latest",
+def vnfd_create2(
+ ctx,
+ filename,
+ overwrite,
+ skip_charm_build,
+ override_epa,
+ override_nonepa,
+ override_paravirt,
+ repo,
+ vendor,
+ version,
+ """creates a new VNFD/VNFpkg
+ \b
+ FILENAME: NF Package tar.gz file, NF Descriptor YAML file or NF Package folder
+ If FILENAME is a file (NF Package tar.gz or NF Descriptor YAML), it is onboarded.
+ If FILENAME is an NF Package folder, it is built and then onboarded.
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ vnfd_create(
+ ctx,
+ filename,
+ overwrite=overwrite,
+ skip_charm_build=skip_charm_build,
+ override_epa=override_epa,
+ override_nonepa=override_nonepa,
+ override_paravirt=override_paravirt,
+ repo=repo,
+ vendor=vendor,
+ version=version,
+ )
+@click.command(name="nfpkg-create", short_help="creates a new NFpkg")
+ "--overwrite",
+ "overwrite",
+ default=None, # hidden=True,
+ help="Deprecated. Use override",
+ "--override",
+ "overwrite",
+ default=None,
+ help="overrides fields in descriptor, format: "
+ '"key1.key2...=value[;key3...=value;...]"',
+ "--skip-charm-build",
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="The charm will not be compiled, it is assumed to already exist",
+ "--override-epa",
+ required=False,
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="adds guest-epa parameters to all VDU",
+ "--override-nonepa",
+ required=False,
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="removes all guest-epa parameters from all VDU",
+ "--override-paravirt",
+ required=False,
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="overrides all VDU interfaces to PARAVIRT",
+@click.option("--repo", default=None, help="[repository]: Repository name")
+@click.option("--vendor", default=None, help="[repository]: filter by vendor]")
+ "--version",
+ default="latest",
+ help="[repository]: filter by version. Default: latest",
+def nfpkg_create(
+ ctx,
+ filename,
+ overwrite,
+ skip_charm_build,
+ override_epa,
+ override_nonepa,
+ override_paravirt,
+ repo,
+ vendor,
+ version,
+ """creates a new NFpkg
+ \b
+ FILENAME: NF Package tar.gz file, NF Descriptor YAML file or NF Package folder
+ If FILENAME is a file (NF Package tar.gz or NF Descriptor YAML), it is onboarded.
+ If FILENAME is an NF Package folder, it is built and then onboarded.
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ vnfd_create(
+ ctx,
+ filename,
+ overwrite=overwrite,
+ skip_charm_build=skip_charm_build,
+ override_epa=override_epa,
+ override_nonepa=override_nonepa,
+ override_paravirt=override_paravirt,
+ repo=repo,
+ vendor=vendor,
+ version=version,
+ )
+def vnfd_update(ctx, name, content):
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ ctx.obj.vnfd.update(name, content)
+@click.command(name="vnfd-update", short_help="updates a new VNFD/VNFpkg")
+ "--content",
+ default=None,
+ help="filename with the VNFD/VNFpkg replacing the current one",
+def vnfd_update1(ctx, name, content):
+ """updates a VNFD/VNFpkg
+ NAME: name or ID of the VNFD/VNFpkg
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ vnfd_update(ctx, name, content)
+@click.command(name="vnfpkg-update", short_help="updates a VNFD/VNFpkg")
+ "--content",
+ default=None,
+ help="filename with the VNFD/VNFpkg replacing the current one",
+def vnfd_update2(ctx, name, content):
+ """updates a VNFD/VNFpkg
+ NAME: VNFD yaml file or VNFpkg tar.gz file
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ vnfd_update(ctx, name, content)
+@click.command(name="nfpkg-update", short_help="updates a NFpkg")
+ "--content", default=None, help="filename with the NFpkg replacing the current one"
+def nfpkg_update(ctx, name, content):
+ """updates a NFpkg
+ NAME: NF Descriptor yaml file or NFpkg tar.gz file
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ vnfd_update(ctx, name, content)
+def vnfd_delete(ctx, name, force):
+ logger.debug("")
+ if not force:
+ ctx.obj.vnfd.delete(name)
+ else:
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, "--force")
+ ctx.obj.vnfd.delete(name, force)
+@click.command(name="vnfd-delete", short_help="deletes a VNFD/VNFpkg")
+ "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions"
+def vnfd_delete1(ctx, name, force):
+ """deletes a VNFD/VNFpkg
+ NAME: name or ID of the VNFD/VNFpkg to be deleted
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ vnfd_delete(ctx, name, force)
+@click.command(name="vnfpkg-delete", short_help="deletes a VNFD/VNFpkg")
+ "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions"
+def vnfd_delete2(ctx, name, force):
+ """deletes a VNFD/VNFpkg
+ NAME: name or ID of the VNFD/VNFpkg to be deleted
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ vnfd_delete(ctx, name, force)
+@click.command(name="nfpkg-delete", short_help="deletes a NFpkg")
+ "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions"
+def nfpkg_delete(ctx, name, force):
+ """deletes a NFpkg
+ NAME: name or ID of the NFpkg to be deleted
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ vnfd_delete(ctx, name, force)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright ETSI Contributors and Others.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import click
+from osmclient.common.exceptions import ClientException
+from osmclient.cli_commands import utils
+from prettytable import PrettyTable
+import yaml
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger("osmclient")
+@click.command(name="ns-list", short_help="list all NS instances")
+ "--filter",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the list to the NS instances matching the filter.",
+ "--long",
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="get more details of the NS (project, vim, deployment status, configuration status.",
+def ns_list(ctx, filter, long):
+ """list all NS instances
+ \b
+ Options:
+ --filter filterExpr Restricts the list to the NS instances matching the filter
+ \b
+ filterExpr consists of one or more strings formatted according to "simpleFilterExpr",
+ concatenated using the "&" character:
+ \b
+ filterExpr := <simpleFilterExpr>["&"<simpleFilterExpr>]*
+ simpleFilterExpr := <attrName>["."<attrName>]*["."<op>]"="<value>[","<value>]*
+ op := "eq" | "neq" | "gt" | "lt" | "gte" | "lte" | "cont" | "ncont"
+ attrName := string
+ value := scalar value
+ \b
+ where:
+ * zero or more occurrences
+ ? zero or one occurrence
+ [] grouping of expressions to be used with ? and *
+ "" quotation marks for marking string constants
+ <> name separator
+ \b
+ "AttrName" is the name of one attribute in the data type that defines the representation
+ of the resource. The dot (".") character in "simpleFilterExpr" allows concatenation of
+ <attrName> entries to filter by attributes deeper in the hierarchy of a structured document.
+ "Op" stands for the comparison operator. If the expression has concatenated <attrName>
+ entries, it means that the operator "op" is applied to the attribute addressed by the last
+ <attrName> entry included in the concatenation. All simple filter expressions are combined
+ by the "AND" logical operator. In a concatenation of <attrName> entries in a <simpleFilterExpr>,
+ the rightmost "attrName" entry in a "simpleFilterExpr" is called "leaf attribute". The
+ concatenation of all "attrName" entries except the leaf attribute is called the "attribute
+ prefix". If an attribute referenced in an expression is an array, an object that contains a
+ corresponding array shall be considered to match the expression if any of the elements in the
+ array matches all expressions that have the same attribute prefix.
+ \b
+ Filter examples:
+ --filter admin-status=ENABLED
+ --filter nsd-ref=<NSD_NAME>
+ --filter nsd.vendor=<VENDOR>
+ --filter nsd.vendor=<VENDOR>&nsd-ref=<NSD_NAME>
+ --filter nsd.constituent-vnfd.vnfd-id-ref=<VNFD_NAME>
+ """
+ def summarize_deployment_status(status_dict):
+ # Nets
+ summary = ""
+ if not status_dict:
+ return summary
+ n_nets = 0
+ status_nets = {}
+ net_list = status_dict.get("nets", [])
+ for net in net_list:
+ n_nets += 1
+ if net["status"] not in status_nets:
+ status_nets[net["status"]] = 1
+ else:
+ status_nets[net["status"]] += 1
+ message = "Nets: "
+ for k, v in status_nets.items():
+ message += "{}:{},".format(k, v)
+ message += "TOTAL:{}".format(n_nets)
+ summary += "{}".format(message)
+ # VMs and VNFs
+ n_vms = 0
+ status_vms = {}
+ status_vnfs = {}
+ vnf_list = status_dict["vnfs"]
+ for vnf in vnf_list:
+ member_vnf_index = vnf["member_vnf_index"]
+ if member_vnf_index not in status_vnfs:
+ status_vnfs[member_vnf_index] = {}
+ for vm in vnf["vms"]:
+ n_vms += 1
+ if vm["status"] not in status_vms:
+ status_vms[vm["status"]] = 1
+ else:
+ status_vms[vm["status"]] += 1
+ if vm["status"] not in status_vnfs[member_vnf_index]:
+ status_vnfs[member_vnf_index][vm["status"]] = 1
+ else:
+ status_vnfs[member_vnf_index][vm["status"]] += 1
+ message = "VMs: "
+ for k, v in status_vms.items():
+ message += "{}:{},".format(k, v)
+ message += "TOTAL:{}".format(n_vms)
+ summary += "\n{}".format(message)
+ summary += "\nNFs:"
+ for k, v in status_vnfs.items():
+ total = 0
+ message = "\n {} VMs: ".format(k)
+ for k2, v2 in v.items():
+ message += "{}:{},".format(k2, v2)
+ total += v2
+ message += "TOTAL:{}".format(total)
+ summary += message
+ return summary
+ def summarize_config_status(ee_list):
+ summary = ""
+ if not ee_list:
+ return summary
+ n_ee = 0
+ status_ee = {}
+ for ee in ee_list:
+ n_ee += 1
+ if ee["elementType"] not in status_ee:
+ status_ee[ee["elementType"]] = {}
+ status_ee[ee["elementType"]][ee["status"]] = 1
+ continue
+ if ee["status"] in status_ee[ee["elementType"]]:
+ status_ee[ee["elementType"]][ee["status"]] += 1
+ else:
+ status_ee[ee["elementType"]][ee["status"]] = 1
+ for elementType in ["KDU", "VDU", "PDU", "VNF", "NS"]:
+ if elementType in status_ee:
+ message = ""
+ total = 0
+ for k, v in status_ee[elementType].items():
+ message += "{}:{},".format(k, v)
+ total += v
+ message += "TOTAL:{}\n".format(total)
+ summary += "{}: {}".format(elementType, message)
+ summary += "TOTAL Exec. Env.: {}".format(n_ee)
+ return summary
+ logger.debug("")
+ if filter:
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, "--filter")
+ filter = "&".join(filter)
+ resp = ctx.obj.ns.list(filter)
+ else:
+ resp = ctx.obj.ns.list()
+ if long:
+ table = PrettyTable(
+ [
+ "ns instance name",
+ "id",
+ "date",
+ "ns state",
+ "current operation",
+ "error details",
+ "project",
+ "vim (inst param)",
+ "deployment status",
+ "configuration status",
+ ]
+ )
+ project_list = ctx.obj.project.list()
+ try:
+ vim_list = ctx.obj.vim.list()
+ except Exception:
+ vim_list = []
+ else:
+ table = PrettyTable(
+ [
+ "ns instance name",
+ "id",
+ "date",
+ "ns state",
+ "current operation",
+ "error details",
+ ]
+ )
+ for ns in resp:
+ fullclassname = ctx.obj.__module__ + "." + ctx.obj.__class__.__name__
+ if fullclassname == "osmclient.sol005.client.Client":
+ nsr = ns
+ logger.debug("NS info: {}".format(nsr))
+ nsr_name = nsr["name"]
+ nsr_id = nsr["_id"]
+ date = datetime.fromtimestamp(nsr["create-time"]).strftime(
+ "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
+ )
+ ns_state = nsr.get("nsState", nsr["_admin"]["nsState"])
+ if long:
+ deployment_status = summarize_deployment_status(
+ nsr.get("deploymentStatus")
+ )
+ config_status = summarize_config_status(nsr.get("configurationStatus"))
+ project_id, project_name = utils.get_project(project_list, nsr)
+ # project = '{} ({})'.format(project_name, project_id)
+ project = project_name
+ vim_id = nsr.get("datacenter")
+ vim_name = utils.get_vim_name(vim_list, vim_id)
+ # vim = '{} ({})'.format(vim_name, vim_id)
+ vim = vim_name
+ if "currentOperation" in nsr:
+ current_operation = "{} ({})".format(
+ nsr["currentOperation"], nsr["currentOperationID"]
+ )
+ else:
+ current_operation = "{} ({})".format(
+ nsr["_admin"].get("current-operation", "-"),
+ nsr["_admin"]["nslcmop"],
+ )
+ error_details = "N/A"
+ if (
+ ns_state == "BROKEN"
+ or ns_state == "DEGRADED"
+ or ("currentOperation" not in nsr and nsr.get("errorDescription"))
+ ):
+ error_details = "{}\nDetail: {}".format(
+ nsr["errorDescription"], nsr["errorDetail"]
+ )
+ else:
+ nsopdata = ctx.obj.ns.get_opdata(ns["id"])
+ nsr = nsopdata["nsr:nsr"]
+ nsr_name = nsr["name-ref"]
+ nsr_id = nsr["ns-instance-config-ref"]
+ date = "-"
+ project = "-"
+ deployment_status = (
+ nsr["operational-status"]
+ if "operational-status" in nsr
+ else "Not found"
+ )
+ ns_state = deployment_status
+ config_status = nsr.get("config-status", "Not found")
+ current_operation = "Unknown"
+ error_details = nsr.get("detailed-status", "Not found")
+ if config_status == "config_not_needed":
+ config_status = "configured (no charms)"
+ if long:
+ table.add_row(
+ [
+ nsr_name,
+ nsr_id,
+ date,
+ ns_state,
+ current_operation,
+ utils.wrap_text(text=error_details, width=40),
+ project,
+ vim,
+ deployment_status,
+ config_status,
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ table.add_row(
+ [
+ nsr_name,
+ nsr_id,
+ date,
+ ns_state,
+ current_operation,
+ utils.wrap_text(text=error_details, width=40),
+ ]
+ )
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+ print('To get the history of all operations over a NS, run "osm ns-op-list NS_ID"')
+ print(
+ 'For more details on the current operation, run "osm ns-op-show OPERATION_ID"'
+ )
+@click.command(name="ns-show", short_help="shows the info of a NS instance")
+@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
+ "--filter",
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the information to the fields in the filter",
+def ns_show(ctx, name, literal, filter):
+ """shows the info of a NS instance
+ NAME: name or ID of the NS instance
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ ns = ctx.obj.ns.get(name)
+ if literal:
+ print(yaml.safe_dump(ns, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
+ return
+ table = PrettyTable(["field", "value"])
+ for k, v in list(ns.items()):
+ if not filter or k in filter:
+ table.add_row([k, utils.wrap_text(text=json.dumps(v, indent=2), width=100)])
+ fullclassname = ctx.obj.__module__ + "." + ctx.obj.__class__.__name__
+ if fullclassname != "osmclient.sol005.client.Client":
+ nsopdata = ctx.obj.ns.get_opdata(ns["id"])
+ nsr_optdata = nsopdata["nsr:nsr"]
+ for k, v in list(nsr_optdata.items()):
+ if not filter or k in filter:
+ table.add_row([k, utils.wrap_text(json.dumps(v, indent=2), width=100)])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+@click.command(name="ns-create", short_help="creates a new Network Service instance")
+@click.option("--ns_name", prompt=True, help="name of the NS instance")
+@click.option("--nsd_name", prompt=True, help="name of the NS descriptor")
+ "--vim_account",
+ prompt=True,
+ help="default VIM account id or name for the deployment",
+@click.option("--admin_status", default="ENABLED", help="administration status")
+ "--ssh_keys",
+ default=None,
+ help="comma separated list of public key files to inject to vnfs",
+@click.option("--config", default=None, help="ns specific yaml configuration")
+@click.option("--config_file", default=None, help="ns specific yaml configuration file")
+ "--wait",
+ required=False,
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it "
+ "until the operation is completed, or timeout",
+@click.option("--timeout", default=None, help="ns deployment timeout")
+def ns_create(
+ ctx,
+ nsd_name,
+ ns_name,
+ vim_account,
+ admin_status,
+ ssh_keys,
+ config,
+ config_file,
+ wait,
+ timeout,
+ """creates a new NS instance"""
+ logger.debug("")
+ if config_file:
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, "--config_file")
+ if config:
+ raise ClientException(
+ '"--config" option is incompatible with "--config_file" option'
+ )
+ with open(config_file, "r") as cf:
+ config = cf.read()
+ ctx.obj.ns.create(
+ nsd_name,
+ ns_name,
+ config=config,
+ ssh_keys=ssh_keys,
+ account=vim_account,
+ wait=wait,
+ timeout=timeout,
+ )
+@click.command(name="ns-delete", short_help="deletes a NS instance")
+ "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions"
+ "--config",
+ default=None,
+ help="specific yaml configuration for the termination, e.g. '{autoremove: False, timeout_ns_terminate: "
+ "600, skip_terminate_primitives: True}'",
+ "--wait",
+ required=False,
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it "
+ "until the operation is completed, or timeout",
+def ns_delete(ctx, name, force, config, wait):
+ """deletes a NS instance
+ NAME: name or ID of the NS instance to be deleted
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ if not force:
+ ctx.obj.ns.delete(name, config=config, wait=wait)
+ else:
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, "--force")
+ ctx.obj.ns.delete(name, force, config=config, wait=wait)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright ETSI Contributors and Others.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import click
+from osmclient.common.exceptions import ClientException
+from osmclient.common.utils import validate_uuid4
+from osmclient.cli_commands import utils
+import yaml
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger("osmclient")
+ name="ns-action", short_help="executes an action/primitive over a NS instance"
+ "--vnf_name",
+ default=None,
+ help="member-vnf-index if the target is a vnf instead of a ns)",
+@click.option("--kdu_name", default=None, help="kdu-name if the target is a kdu)")
+@click.option("--vdu_id", default=None, help="vdu-id if the target is a vdu")
+ "--vdu_count", default=None, type=int, help="number of vdu instance of this vdu_id"
+@click.option("--action_name", prompt=True, help="action name")
+@click.option("--params", default=None, help="action params in YAML/JSON inline string")
+@click.option("--params_file", default=None, help="YAML/JSON file with action params")
+ "--timeout", required=False, default=None, type=int, help="timeout in seconds"
+ "--wait",
+ required=False,
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout",
+def ns_action(
+ ctx,
+ ns_name,
+ vnf_name,
+ kdu_name,
+ vdu_id,
+ vdu_count,
+ action_name,
+ params,
+ params_file,
+ timeout,
+ wait,
+ """executes an action/primitive over a NS instance
+ NS_NAME: name or ID of the NS instance
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ op_data = {}
+ if vnf_name:
+ op_data["member_vnf_index"] = vnf_name
+ if kdu_name:
+ op_data["kdu_name"] = kdu_name
+ if vdu_id:
+ op_data["vdu_id"] = vdu_id
+ if vdu_count is not None:
+ op_data["vdu_count_index"] = vdu_count
+ if timeout:
+ op_data["timeout_ns_action"] = timeout
+ op_data["primitive"] = action_name
+ if params_file:
+ with open(params_file, "r") as pf:
+ params = pf.read()
+ if params:
+ op_data["primitive_params"] = yaml.safe_load(params)
+ else:
+ op_data["primitive_params"] = {}
+ print(ctx.obj.ns.exec_op(ns_name, op_name="action", op_data=op_data, wait=wait))
+ name="vnf-scale", short_help="executes a VNF scale (adding/removing VDUs)"
+ "--scaling-group", prompt=True, help="scaling-group-descriptor name to use"
+ "--scale-in", default=False, is_flag=True, help="performs a scale in operation"
+ "--scale-out",
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="performs a scale out operation (by default)",
+ "--timeout", required=False, default=None, type=int, help="timeout in seconds"
+ "--wait",
+ required=False,
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout",
+def vnf_scale(
+ ctx, ns_name, vnf_name, scaling_group, scale_in, scale_out, timeout, wait
+ """
+ Executes a VNF scale (adding/removing VDUs)
+ \b
+ NS_NAME: name or ID of the NS instance.
+ VNF_NAME: member-vnf-index in the NS to be scaled.
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ if not scale_in and not scale_out:
+ scale_out = True
+ ctx.obj.ns.scale_vnf(
+ ns_name, vnf_name, scaling_group, scale_in, scale_out, wait, timeout
+ )
+@click.command(name="ns-update", short_help="executes an update of a Network Service.")
+ "--updatetype", required=True, type=str, help="available types: CHANGE_VNFPKG"
+ "--config",
+ required=True,
+ type=str,
+ help="extra information for update operation as YAML/JSON inline string as --config"
+ " '{changeVnfPackageData:[{vnfInstanceId: xxx, vnfdId: yyy}]}'",
+ "--timeout", required=False, default=None, type=int, help="timeout in seconds"
+ "--wait",
+ required=False,
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout",
+def ns_update(ctx, ns_name, updatetype, config, timeout, wait):
+ """Executes an update of a Network Service.
+ The update will check new revisions of the Network Functions that are part of the
+ Network Service, and it will update them if needed.
+ Sample update command: osm ns-update ns_instance_id --updatetype CHANGE_VNFPKG
+ --config '{changeVnfPackageData: [{vnfInstanceId: id_x,vnfdId: id_y}]}' --timeout 300 --wait
+ NS_NAME: Network service instance name or ID.
+ """
+ op_data = {
+ "timeout": timeout,
+ "updateType": updatetype,
+ }
+ if config:
+ op_data["config"] = yaml.safe_load(config)
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ ctx.obj.ns.update(ns_name, op_data, wait=wait)
+def iterator_split(iterator, separators):
+ """
+ Splits a tuple or list into several lists whenever a separator is found
+ For instance, the following tuple will be separated with the separator "--vnf" as follows.
+ From:
+ ("--vnf", "A", "--cause", "cause_A", "--vdu", "vdu_A1", "--vnf", "B", "--cause", "cause_B", ...
+ "--vdu", "vdu_B1", "--count_index", "1", "--run-day1", "--vdu", "vdu_B1", "--count_index", "2")
+ To:
+ [
+ ("--vnf", "A", "--cause", "cause_A", "--vdu", "vdu_A1"),
+ ("--vnf", "B", "--cause", "cause_B", "--vdu", "vdu_B1", "--count_index", "1", "--run-day1", ...
+ "--vdu", "vdu_B1", "--count_index", "2")
+ ]
+ Returns as many lists as separators are found
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ if iterator[0] not in separators:
+ raise ClientException(f"Expected one of {separators}. Received: {iterator[0]}.")
+ list_of_lists = []
+ first = 0
+ for i in range(len(iterator)):
+ if iterator[i] in separators:
+ if i == first:
+ continue
+ if i - first < 2:
+ raise ClientException(
+ f"Expected at least one argument after separator (possible separators: {separators})."
+ )
+ list_of_lists.append(list(iterator[first:i]))
+ first = i
+ if (len(iterator) - first) < 2:
+ raise ClientException(
+ f"Expected at least one argument after separator (possible separators: {separators})."
+ )
+ else:
+ list_of_lists.append(list(iterator[first : len(iterator)]))
+ # logger.debug(f"List of lists: {list_of_lists}")
+ return list_of_lists
+def process_common_heal_params(heal_vnf_dict, args):
+ logger.debug("")
+ current_item = "vnf"
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(args):
+ if args[i] == "--cause":
+ if (i + 1 >= len(args)) or args[i + 1].startswith("--"):
+ raise ClientException("No cause was provided after --cause")
+ heal_vnf_dict["cause"] = args[i + 1]
+ i = i + 2
+ continue
+ if args[i] == "--run-day1":
+ if current_item == "vnf":
+ if "additionalParams" not in heal_vnf_dict:
+ heal_vnf_dict["additionalParams"] = {}
+ heal_vnf_dict["additionalParams"]["run-day1"] = True
+ else:
+ # if current_item == "vdu"
+ heal_vnf_dict["additionalParams"]["vdu"][-1]["run-day1"] = True
+ i = i + 1
+ continue
+ if args[i] == "--vdu":
+ if "additionalParams" not in heal_vnf_dict:
+ heal_vnf_dict["additionalParams"] = {}
+ heal_vnf_dict["additionalParams"]["vdu"] = []
+ if (i + 1 >= len(args)) or args[i + 1].startswith("--"):
+ raise ClientException("No VDU ID was provided after --vdu")
+ heal_vnf_dict["additionalParams"]["vdu"].append({"vdu-id": args[i + 1]})
+ current_item = "vdu"
+ i = i + 2
+ continue
+ if args[i] == "--count-index":
+ if current_item == "vnf":
+ raise ClientException(
+ "Option --count-index only applies to VDU, not to VNF"
+ )
+ if (i + 1 >= len(args)) or args[i + 1].startswith("--"):
+ raise ClientException("No count index was provided after --count-index")
+ heal_vnf_dict["additionalParams"]["vdu"][-1]["count-index"] = int(
+ args[i + 1]
+ )
+ i = i + 2
+ continue
+ i = i + 1
+ return
+def process_ns_heal_params(ctx, param, value):
+ """
+ Processes the params in the command ns-heal
+ Click does not allow advanced patterns for positional options like this:
+ --vnf volumes_vnf --cause "Heal several_volumes-VM of several_volumes_vnf"
+ --vdu several_volumes-VM
+ --vnf charm_vnf --cause "Heal two VMs of native_manual_scale_charm_vnf"
+ --vdu mgmtVM --count-index 1 --run-day1
+ --vdu mgmtVM --count-index 2
+ It returns the dictionary with all the params stored in ctx.params["heal_params"]
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ # logger.debug(f"Args: {value}")
+ if param.name != "args":
+ raise ClientException(f"Unexpected param: {param.name}")
+ # Split the tuple "value" by "--vnf"
+ vnfs = iterator_split(value, ["--vnf"])
+ logger.debug(f"VNFs: {vnfs}")
+ heal_dict = {}
+ heal_dict["healVnfData"] = []
+ for vnf in vnfs:
+ # logger.debug(f"VNF: {vnf}")
+ heal_vnf = {}
+ if vnf[1].startswith("--"):
+ raise ClientException("Expected a VNF_ID after --vnf")
+ heal_vnf["vnfInstanceId"] = vnf[1]
+ process_common_heal_params(heal_vnf, vnf[2:])
+ heal_dict["healVnfData"].append(heal_vnf)
+ ctx.params["heal_params"] = heal_dict
+ return
+ name="ns-heal",
+ short_help="heals (recreates) VNFs or VDUs of a NS instance",
+ context_settings=dict(
+ ignore_unknown_options=True,
+ ),
+ "args",
+ nargs=-1,
+ type=click.UNPROCESSED,
+ callback=process_ns_heal_params,
+@click.option("--timeout", type=int, default=None, help="timeout in seconds")
+ "--wait",
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout",
+def ns_heal(ctx, ns_name, args, heal_params, timeout, wait):
+ """heals (recreates) VNFs or VDUs of a NS instance
+ NS_NAME: name or ID of the NS instance
+ \b
+ Options:
+ --vnf TEXT VNF instance ID or VNF id in the NS [required]
+ --cause TEXT human readable cause of the healing
+ --run-day1 indicates whether or not to run day1 primitives for the VNF/VDU
+ --vdu TEXT vdu-id
+ --count-index INTEGER count-index
+ \b
+ Example:
+ osm ns-heal NS_NAME|NS_ID --vnf volumes_vnf --cause "Heal several_volumes-VM of several_volumes_vnf"
+ --vdu several_volumes-VM
+ --vnf charm_vnf --cause "Heal two VMs of native_manual_scale_charm_vnf"
+ --vdu mgmtVM --count-index 1 --run-day1
+ --vdu mgmtVM --count-index 2
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ heal_dict = ctx.params["heal_params"]
+ logger.debug(f"Heal dict:\n{yaml.safe_dump(heal_dict)}")
+ # replace VNF id in the NS by the VNF instance ID
+ for vnf in heal_dict["healVnfData"]:
+ vnf_id = vnf["vnfInstanceId"]
+ if not validate_uuid4(vnf_id):
+ vnf_filter = f"member-vnf-index-ref={vnf_id}"
+ vnf_list = ctx.obj.vnf.list(ns=ns_name, filter=vnf_filter)
+ if len(vnf_list) == 0:
+ raise ClientException(
+ f"No VNF found in NS {ns_name} with filter {vnf_filter}"
+ )
+ elif len(vnf_list) == 1:
+ vnf["vnfInstanceId"] = vnf_list[0]["_id"]
+ else:
+ raise ClientException(
+ f"More than 1 VNF found in NS {ns_name} with filter {vnf_filter}"
+ )
+ logger.debug(f"Heal dict:\n{yaml.safe_dump(heal_dict)}")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ ctx.obj.ns.heal(ns_name, heal_dict, wait, timeout)
+def process_vnf_heal_params(ctx, param, value):
+ """
+ Processes the params in the command vnf-heal
+ Click does not allow advanced patterns for positional options like this:
+ --vdu mgmtVM --count-index 1 --run-day1 --vdu mgmtVM --count-index 2
+ It returns the dictionary with all the params stored in ctx.params["heal_params"]
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ # logger.debug(f"Args: {value}")
+ if param.name != "args":
+ raise ClientException(f"Unexpected param: {param.name}")
+ # Split the tuple "value" by "--vnf"
+ vnf = value
+ heal_dict = {}
+ heal_dict["healVnfData"] = []
+ logger.debug(f"VNF: {vnf}")
+ heal_vnf = {"vnfInstanceId": "id_to_be_substituted"}
+ process_common_heal_params(heal_vnf, vnf)
+ heal_dict["healVnfData"].append(heal_vnf)
+ ctx.params["heal_params"] = heal_dict
+ return
+ name="vnf-heal",
+ short_help="heals (recreates) a VNF instance or the VDUs of a VNF instance",
+ context_settings=dict(
+ ignore_unknown_options=True,
+ ),
+ "args",
+ nargs=-1,
+ type=click.UNPROCESSED,
+ callback=process_vnf_heal_params,
+@click.option("--timeout", type=int, default=None, help="timeout in seconds")
+ "--wait",
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout",
+def vnf_heal(
+ ctx,
+ vnf_name,
+ args,
+ heal_params,
+ timeout,
+ wait,
+ """heals (recreates) a VNF instance or the VDUs of a VNF instance
+ VNF_NAME: name or ID of the VNF instance
+ \b
+ Options:
+ --cause TEXT human readable cause of the healing of the VNF
+ --run-day1 indicates whether or not to run day1 primitives for the VNF/VDU
+ --vdu TEXT vdu-id
+ --count-index INTEGER count-index
+ \b
+ Example:
+ osm vnf-heal VNF_INSTANCE_ID --vdu mgmtVM --count-index 1 --run-day1
+ --vdu mgmtVM --count-index 2
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ heal_dict = ctx.params["heal_params"]
+ heal_dict["healVnfData"][-1]["vnfInstanceId"] = vnf_name
+ logger.debug(f"Heal dict:\n{yaml.safe_dump(heal_dict)}")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ vnfr = ctx.obj.vnf.get(vnf_name)
+ ns_id = vnfr["nsr-id-ref"]
+ ctx.obj.ns.heal(ns_id, heal_dict, wait, timeout)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright ETSI Contributors and Others.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import click
+from osmclient.cli_commands import utils
+from prettytable import PrettyTable
+import yaml
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger("osmclient")
+ name="ns-op-list", short_help="shows the history of operations over a NS instance"
+ "--long", is_flag=True, help="get more details of the NS operation (date, )."
+def ns_op_list(ctx, name, long):
+ """shows the history of operations over a NS instance
+ NAME: name or ID of the NS instance
+ """
+ def formatParams(params):
+ if params["lcmOperationType"] == "instantiate":
+ params.pop("nsDescription")
+ params.pop("nsName")
+ params.pop("nsdId")
+ params.pop("nsr_id")
+ elif params["lcmOperationType"] == "action":
+ params.pop("primitive")
+ params.pop("lcmOperationType")
+ params.pop("nsInstanceId")
+ return params
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ resp = ctx.obj.ns.list_op(name)
+ if long:
+ table = PrettyTable(
+ [
+ "id",
+ "operation",
+ "action_name",
+ "operation_params",
+ "status",
+ "date",
+ "last update",
+ "detail",
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ table = PrettyTable(
+ ["id", "operation", "action_name", "status", "date", "detail"]
+ )
+ # print(yaml.safe_dump(resp))
+ for op in resp:
+ action_name = "N/A"
+ if op["lcmOperationType"] == "action":
+ action_name = op["operationParams"]["primitive"]
+ detail = "-"
+ if op["operationState"] == "PROCESSING":
+ if op.get("queuePosition") is not None and op.get("queuePosition") > 0:
+ detail = "In queue. Current position: {}".format(op["queuePosition"])
+ elif op["lcmOperationType"] in ("instantiate", "terminate"):
+ if op["stage"]:
+ detail = op["stage"]
+ elif op["operationState"] in ("FAILED", "FAILED_TEMP"):
+ detail = op.get("errorMessage", "-")
+ date = datetime.fromtimestamp(op["startTime"]).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
+ last_update = datetime.fromtimestamp(op["statusEnteredTime"]).strftime(
+ "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
+ )
+ if long:
+ table.add_row(
+ [
+ op["id"],
+ op["lcmOperationType"],
+ action_name,
+ utils.wrap_text(
+ text=json.dumps(formatParams(op["operationParams"]), indent=2),
+ width=50,
+ ),
+ op["operationState"],
+ date,
+ last_update,
+ utils.wrap_text(text=detail, width=50),
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ table.add_row(
+ [
+ op["id"],
+ op["lcmOperationType"],
+ action_name,
+ op["operationState"],
+ date,
+ utils.wrap_text(text=detail or "", width=50),
+ ]
+ )
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+@click.command(name="ns-op-show", short_help="shows the info of a NS operation")
+ "--filter",
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the information to the fields in the filter",
+@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
+def ns_op_show(ctx, id, filter, literal):
+ """shows the detailed info of a NS operation
+ ID: operation identifier
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ op_info = ctx.obj.ns.get_op(id)
+ if literal:
+ print(yaml.safe_dump(op_info, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
+ return
+ table = PrettyTable(["field", "value"])
+ for k, v in list(op_info.items()):
+ if not filter or k in filter:
+ table.add_row([k, utils.wrap_text(json.dumps(v, indent=2), 100)])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright ETSI Contributors and Others.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import click
+from osmclient.cli_commands import utils
+from prettytable import PrettyTable
+import yaml
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger("osmclient")
+def nsd_list(ctx, filter, long):
+ logger.debug("")
+ if filter:
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, "--filter")
+ filter = "&".join(filter)
+ resp = ctx.obj.nsd.list(filter)
+ else:
+ resp = ctx.obj.nsd.list()
+ # print(yaml.safe_dump(resp))
+ fullclassname = ctx.obj.__module__ + "." + ctx.obj.__class__.__name__
+ if fullclassname == "osmclient.sol005.client.Client":
+ if long:
+ table = PrettyTable(
+ [
+ "nsd name",
+ "id",
+ "onboarding state",
+ "operational state",
+ "usage state",
+ "date",
+ "last update",
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ table = PrettyTable(["nsd name", "id"])
+ for nsd in resp:
+ name = nsd.get("id", "-")
+ if long:
+ onb_state = nsd["_admin"].get("onboardingState", "-")
+ op_state = nsd["_admin"].get("operationalState", "-")
+ usage_state = nsd["_admin"].get("usageState", "-")
+ date = datetime.fromtimestamp(nsd["_admin"]["created"]).strftime(
+ "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
+ )
+ last_update = datetime.fromtimestamp(
+ nsd["_admin"]["modified"]
+ ).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
+ table.add_row(
+ [
+ name,
+ nsd["_id"],
+ onb_state,
+ op_state,
+ usage_state,
+ date,
+ last_update,
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ table.add_row([name, nsd["_id"]])
+ else:
+ table = PrettyTable(["nsd name", "id"])
+ for nsd in resp:
+ table.add_row([nsd["name"], nsd["id"]])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+@click.command(name="nsd-list", short_help="list all NS packages")
+ "--filter",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the list to the NSD/NSpkg matching the filter",
+@click.option("--long", is_flag=True, help="get more details")
+def nsd_list1(ctx, filter, long):
+ """list all NSD/NS pkg in the system"""
+ logger.debug("")
+ nsd_list(ctx, filter, long)
+@click.command(name="nspkg-list", short_help="list all NS packages")
+ "--filter",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the list to the NSD/NSpkg matching the filter",
+@click.option("--long", is_flag=True, help="get more details")
+def nsd_list2(ctx, filter, long):
+ """list all NS packages"""
+ logger.debug("")
+ nsd_list(ctx, filter, long)
+def nsd_show(ctx, name, literal):
+ logger.debug("")
+ resp = ctx.obj.nsd.get(name)
+ # resp = ctx.obj.nsd.get_individual(name)
+ if literal:
+ print(yaml.safe_dump(resp, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
+ return
+ table = PrettyTable(["field", "value"])
+ for k, v in list(resp.items()):
+ table.add_row([k, utils.wrap_text(text=json.dumps(v, indent=2), width=100)])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+@click.command(name="nsd-show", short_help="shows the details of a NS package")
+@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
+def nsd_show1(ctx, name, literal):
+ """shows the content of a NSD
+ NAME: name or ID of the NSD/NSpkg
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ nsd_show(ctx, name, literal)
+@click.command(name="nspkg-show", short_help="shows the details of a NS package")
+@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
+def nsd_show2(ctx, name, literal):
+ """shows the content of a NSD
+ NAME: name or ID of the NSD/NSpkg
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ nsd_show(ctx, name, literal)
+def nsd_create(ctx, filename, overwrite, skip_charm_build, repo, vendor, version):
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ if repo:
+ filename = ctx.obj.osmrepo.get_pkg("ns", filename, repo, vendor, version)
+ ctx.obj.nsd.create(filename, overwrite=overwrite, skip_charm_build=skip_charm_build)
+@click.command(name="nsd-create", short_help="creates a new NSD/NSpkg")
+ "--overwrite",
+ "overwrite",
+ default=None, # hidden=True,
+ help="Deprecated. Use override",
+ "--override",
+ "overwrite",
+ default=None,
+ help="overrides fields in descriptor, format: "
+ '"key1.key2...=value[;key3...=value;...]"',
+ "--skip-charm-build",
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="The charm will not be compiled, it is assumed to already exist",
+@click.option("--repo", default=None, help="[repository]: Repository name")
+@click.option("--vendor", default=None, help="[repository]: filter by vendor]")
+ "--version",
+ default="latest",
+ help="[repository]: filter by version. Default: latest",
+def nsd_create1(ctx, filename, overwrite, skip_charm_build, repo, vendor, version):
+ """onboards a new NSpkg (alias of nspkg-create) (TO BE DEPRECATED)
+ \b
+ FILENAME: NF Package tar.gz file, NF Descriptor YAML file or NF Package folder
+ If FILENAME is a file (NF Package tar.gz or NF Descriptor YAML), it is onboarded.
+ If FILENAME is an NF Package folder, it is built and then onboarded.
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ nsd_create(
+ ctx,
+ filename,
+ overwrite=overwrite,
+ skip_charm_build=skip_charm_build,
+ repo=repo,
+ vendor=vendor,
+ version=version,
+ )
+@click.command(name="nspkg-create", short_help="creates a new NSD/NSpkg")
+ "--overwrite",
+ "overwrite",
+ default=None, # hidden=True,
+ help="Deprecated. Use override",
+ "--override",
+ "overwrite",
+ default=None,
+ help="overrides fields in descriptor, format: "
+ '"key1.key2...=value[;key3...=value;...]"',
+ "--skip-charm-build",
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="The charm will not be compiled, it is assumed to already exist",
+@click.option("--repo", default=None, help="[repository]: Repository name")
+@click.option("--vendor", default=None, help="[repository]: filter by vendor]")
+ "--version",
+ default="latest",
+ help="[repository]: filter by version. Default: latest",
+def nsd_create2(ctx, filename, overwrite, skip_charm_build, repo, vendor, version):
+ """onboards a new NSpkg
+ \b
+ FILENAME: NF Package tar.gz file, NF Descriptor YAML file or NF Package folder
+ If FILENAME is a file (NF Package tar.gz or NF Descriptor YAML), it is onboarded.
+ If FILENAME is an NF Package folder, it is built and then onboarded.
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ nsd_create(
+ ctx,
+ filename,
+ overwrite=overwrite,
+ skip_charm_build=skip_charm_build,
+ repo=repo,
+ vendor=vendor,
+ version=version,
+ )
+def nsd_update(ctx, name, content):
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ ctx.obj.nsd.update(name, content)
+@click.command(name="nsd-update", short_help="updates a NSD/NSpkg")
+ "--content",
+ default=None,
+ help="filename with the NSD/NSpkg replacing the current one",
+def nsd_update1(ctx, name, content):
+ """updates a NSD/NSpkg
+ NAME: name or ID of the NSD/NSpkg
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ nsd_update(ctx, name, content)
+@click.command(name="nspkg-update", short_help="updates a NSD/NSpkg")
+ "--content",
+ default=None,
+ help="filename with the NSD/NSpkg replacing the current one",
+def nsd_update2(ctx, name, content):
+ """updates a NSD/NSpkg
+ NAME: name or ID of the NSD/NSpkg
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ nsd_update(ctx, name, content)
+def nsd_delete(ctx, name, force):
+ logger.debug("")
+ if not force:
+ ctx.obj.nsd.delete(name)
+ else:
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, "--force")
+ ctx.obj.nsd.delete(name, force)
+@click.command(name="nsd-delete", short_help="deletes a NSD/NSpkg")
+ "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions"
+def nsd_delete1(ctx, name, force):
+ """deletes a NSD/NSpkg
+ NAME: name or ID of the NSD/NSpkg to be deleted
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ nsd_delete(ctx, name, force)
+@click.command(name="nspkg-delete", short_help="deletes a NSD/NSpkg")
+ "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions"
+def nsd_delete2(ctx, name, force):
+ """deletes a NSD/NSpkg
+ NAME: name or ID of the NSD/NSpkg to be deleted
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ nsd_delete(ctx, name, force)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright ETSI Contributors and Others.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import click
+from osmclient.cli_commands import utils
+import pkg_resources
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger("osmclient")
+@click.command(name="version", short_help="shows client and server versions")
+def get_version(ctx):
+ """shows client and server versions"""
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, "version")
+ print("Server version: {}".format(ctx.obj.get_version()))
+ print(
+ "Client version: {}".format(pkg_resources.get_distribution("osmclient").version)
+ )
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright ETSI Contributors and Others.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import click
+from osmclient.cli_commands import utils
+from prettytable import PrettyTable
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger("osmclient")
+ name="package-create", short_help="Create empty VNF or NS package structure"
+ "--base-directory",
+ default=".",
+ help=('(NS/VNF/NST) Set the location for package creation. Default: "."'),
+ "--image",
+ default="image-name",
+ help='(VNF) Set the name of the vdu image. Default "image-name"',
+ "--vdus", default=1, help="(VNF) Set the number of vdus in a VNF. Default 1"
+ "--vcpu", default=1, help="(VNF) Set the number of virtual CPUs in a vdu. Default 1"
+ "--memory",
+ default=1024,
+ help="(VNF) Set the memory size (MB) of the vdu. Default 1024",
+ "--storage", default=10, help="(VNF) Set the disk size (GB) of the vdu. Default 10"
+ "--interfaces",
+ default=0,
+ help="(VNF) Set the number of additional interfaces apart from the management interface. Default 0",
+ "--vendor", default="OSM", help='(NS/VNF) Set the descriptor vendor. Default "OSM"'
+ "--override",
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="(NS/VNF/NST) Flag for overriding the package if exists.",
+ "--detailed",
+ is_flag=True,
+ default=False,
+ help="(NS/VNF/NST) Flag for generating descriptor .yaml with all possible commented options",
+ "--netslice-subnets", default=1, help="(NST) Number of netslice subnets. Default 1"
+ "--netslice-vlds", default=1, help="(NST) Number of netslice vlds. Default 1"
+ "--old",
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="Flag to create a descriptor using the previous OSM format (pre SOL006, OSM<9)",
+def package_create(
+ ctx,
+ package_type,
+ base_directory,
+ package_name,
+ override,
+ image,
+ vdus,
+ vcpu,
+ memory,
+ storage,
+ interfaces,
+ vendor,
+ detailed,
+ netslice_subnets,
+ netslice_vlds,
+ old,
+ """
+ Creates an OSM NS, VNF, NST package
+ \b
+ PACKAGE_TYPE: Package to be created: NS, VNF or NST.
+ PACKAGE_NAME: Name of the package to create the folder with the content.
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ print(
+ "Creating the {} structure: {}/{}".format(
+ package_type.upper(), base_directory, package_name
+ )
+ )
+ resp = ctx.obj.package_tool.create(
+ package_type,
+ base_directory,
+ package_name,
+ override=override,
+ image=image,
+ vdus=vdus,
+ vcpu=vcpu,
+ memory=memory,
+ storage=storage,
+ interfaces=interfaces,
+ vendor=vendor,
+ detailed=detailed,
+ netslice_subnets=netslice_subnets,
+ netslice_vlds=netslice_vlds,
+ old=old,
+ )
+ print(resp)
+ name="package-validate", short_help="Validate descriptors given a base directory"
+@click.argument("base-directory", default=".", required=False)
+ "--recursive/--no-recursive",
+ default=True,
+ help="The activated recursive option will validate the yaml files"
+ " within the indicated directory and in its subdirectories",
+ "--old",
+ is_flag=True,
+ default=False,
+ help="Validates also the descriptors using the previous OSM format (pre SOL006)",
+def package_validate(ctx, base_directory, recursive, old):
+ """
+ Validate descriptors given a base directory.
+ \b
+ BASE_DIRECTORY: Base folder for NS, VNF or NST package.
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ results = ctx.obj.package_tool.validate(base_directory, recursive, old)
+ table = PrettyTable()
+ table.field_names = ["TYPE", "PATH", "VALID", "ERROR"]
+ # Print the dictionary generated by the validation function
+ for result in results:
+ table.add_row(
+ [result["type"], result["path"], result["valid"], result["error"]]
+ )
+ table.sortby = "VALID"
+ table.align["PATH"] = "l"
+ table.align["TYPE"] = "l"
+ table.align["ERROR"] = "l"
+ print(table)
+ name="package-translate", short_help="Translate descriptors given a base directory"
+@click.argument("base-directory", default=".", required=False)
+ "--recursive/--no-recursive",
+ default=True,
+ help="The activated recursive option will translate the yaml files"
+ " within the indicated directory and in its subdirectories",
+ "--dryrun",
+ is_flag=True,
+ default=False,
+ help="Do not translate yet, only make a dry-run to test translation",
+def package_translate(ctx, base_directory, recursive, dryrun):
+ """
+ Translate descriptors given a base directory.
+ \b
+ BASE_DIRECTORY: Stub folder for NS, VNF or NST package.
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ results = ctx.obj.package_tool.translate(base_directory, recursive, dryrun)
+ table = PrettyTable()
+ table.field_names = [
+ "PATH",
+ "VALID",
+ "ERROR",
+ ]
+ # Print the dictionary generated by the validation function
+ for result in results:
+ table.add_row(
+ [
+ result["current type"],
+ result["new type"],
+ result["path"],
+ result["valid"],
+ result["translated"],
+ result["error"],
+ ]
+ )
+ table.sortby = "TRANSLATED"
+ table.align["PATH"] = "l"
+ table.align["TYPE"] = "l"
+ table.align["ERROR"] = "l"
+ print(table)
+@click.command(name="package-build", short_help="Build the tar.gz of the package")
+ "--skip-validation", default=False, is_flag=True, help="skip package validation"
+ "--skip-charm-build",
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="the charm will not be compiled, it is assumed to already exist",
+def package_build(ctx, package_folder, skip_validation, skip_charm_build):
+ """
+ Build the package NS, VNF given the package_folder.
+ \b
+ PACKAGE_FOLDER: Folder of the NS, VNF or NST to be packaged
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ results = ctx.obj.package_tool.build(
+ package_folder,
+ skip_validation=skip_validation,
+ skip_charm_build=skip_charm_build,
+ )
+ print(results)
+ name="descriptor-translate",
+ short_help="Translate input descriptor file from Rel EIGHT OSM descriptors to SOL006 and prints in standard output",
+@click.argument("descriptor-file", required=True)
+def descriptor_translate(ctx, descriptor_file):
+ """
+ Translate input descriptor.
+ \b
+ DESCRIPTOR_FILE: Descriptor file for NS, VNF or Network Slice.
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ result = ctx.obj.package_tool.descriptor_translate(descriptor_file)
+ print(result)
+# TODO: check if this command should be here. It is more related to nspkg and nfpkg
+@click.command(name="upload-package", short_help="uploads a VNF package or NS package")
+ "--skip-charm-build",
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="the charm will not be compiled, it is assumed to already exist",
+def upload_package(ctx, filename, skip_charm_build):
+ """uploads a vnf package or ns package
+ filename: vnf or ns package folder, or vnf or ns package file (tar.gz)
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ ctx.obj.package.upload(filename, skip_charm_build=skip_charm_build)
+ fullclassname = ctx.obj.__module__ + "." + ctx.obj.__class__.__name__
+ if fullclassname != "osmclient.sol005.client.Client":
+ ctx.obj.package.wait_for_upload(filename)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright ETSI Contributors and Others.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import click
+from osmclient.common.exceptions import ClientException
+from osmclient.cli_commands import utils
+from prettytable import PrettyTable
+import yaml
+import json
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger("osmclient")
+@click.command(name="pdu-list", short_help="list all Physical Deployment Units (PDU)")
+ "--filter",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the list to the Physical Deployment Units matching the filter",
+def pdu_list(ctx, filter):
+ """list all Physical Deployment Units (PDU)"""
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ if filter:
+ filter = "&".join(filter)
+ resp = ctx.obj.pdu.list(filter)
+ table = PrettyTable(["pdu name", "id", "type", "mgmt ip address"])
+ for pdu in resp:
+ pdu_name = pdu["name"]
+ pdu_id = pdu["_id"]
+ pdu_type = pdu["type"]
+ pdu_ipaddress = "None"
+ for iface in pdu["interfaces"]:
+ if iface["mgmt"]:
+ pdu_ipaddress = iface["ip-address"]
+ break
+ table.add_row([pdu_name, pdu_id, pdu_type, pdu_ipaddress])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+ name="pdu-show", short_help="shows the content of a Physical Deployment Unit (PDU)"
+@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
+ "--filter",
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the information to the fields in the filter",
+def pdu_show(ctx, name, literal, filter):
+ """shows the content of a Physical Deployment Unit (PDU)
+ NAME: name or ID of the PDU
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ pdu = ctx.obj.pdu.get(name)
+ if literal:
+ print(yaml.safe_dump(pdu, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
+ return
+ table = PrettyTable(["field", "value"])
+ for k, v in list(pdu.items()):
+ if not filter or k in filter:
+ table.add_row([k, json.dumps(v, indent=2)])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+ name="pdu-create", short_help="adds a new Physical Deployment Unit to the catalog"
+@click.option("--name", help="name of the Physical Deployment Unit")
+@click.option("--pdu_type", help="type of PDU (e.g. router, firewall, FW001)")
+ "--interface",
+ help="interface(s) of the PDU: name=<NAME>,mgmt=<true|false>,ip-address=<IP_ADDRESS>"
+ + "[,type=<overlay|underlay>][,mac-address=<MAC_ADDRESS>][,vim-network-name=<VIM_NET_NAME>]",
+ multiple=True,
+@click.option("--description", help="human readable description")
+ "--vim_account",
+ help="list of VIM accounts (in the same VIM) that can reach this PDU\n"
+ + "The format for multiple VIMs is --vim_account <vim_account_id_1> "
+ + "--vim_account <vim_account_id_2> ... --vim_account <vim_account_id_N>",
+ multiple=True,
+ "--descriptor_file",
+ default=None,
+ help="PDU descriptor file (as an alternative to using the other arguments)",
+def pdu_create(
+ ctx, name, pdu_type, interface, description, vim_account, descriptor_file
+ """creates a new Physical Deployment Unit (PDU)"""
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ pdu = create_pdu_dictionary(
+ name, pdu_type, interface, description, vim_account, descriptor_file
+ )
+ ctx.obj.pdu.create(pdu)
+ name="pdu-update", short_help="updates a Physical Deployment Unit to the catalog"
+@click.option("--newname", help="New name for the Physical Deployment Unit")
+@click.option("--pdu_type", help="type of PDU (e.g. router, firewall, FW001)")
+ "--interface",
+ help="interface(s) of the PDU: name=<NAME>,mgmt=<true|false>,ip-address=<IP_ADDRESS>"
+ + "[,type=<overlay|underlay>][,mac-address=<MAC_ADDRESS>][,vim-network-name=<VIM_NET_NAME>]",
+ multiple=True,
+@click.option("--description", help="human readable description")
+ "--vim_account",
+ help="list of VIM accounts (in the same VIM) that can reach this PDU\n"
+ + "The format for multiple VIMs is --vim_account <vim_account_id_1> "
+ + "--vim_account <vim_account_id_2> ... --vim_account <vim_account_id_N>",
+ multiple=True,
+ "--descriptor_file",
+ default=None,
+ help="PDU descriptor file (as an alternative to using the other arguments)",
+def pdu_update(
+ ctx, name, newname, pdu_type, interface, description, vim_account, descriptor_file
+ """Updates a new Physical Deployment Unit (PDU)"""
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ update = True
+ if not newname:
+ newname = name
+ pdu = create_pdu_dictionary(
+ newname, pdu_type, interface, description, vim_account, descriptor_file, update
+ )
+ ctx.obj.pdu.update(name, pdu)
+def create_pdu_dictionary(
+ name, pdu_type, interface, description, vim_account, descriptor_file, update=False
+ logger.debug("")
+ pdu = {}
+ if not descriptor_file:
+ if not update:
+ if not name:
+ raise ClientException(
+ 'in absence of descriptor file, option "--name" is mandatory'
+ )
+ if not pdu_type:
+ raise ClientException(
+ 'in absence of descriptor file, option "--pdu_type" is mandatory'
+ )
+ if not interface:
+ raise ClientException(
+ 'in absence of descriptor file, option "--interface" is mandatory (at least once)'
+ )
+ if not vim_account:
+ raise ClientException(
+ 'in absence of descriptor file, option "--vim_account" is mandatory (at least once)'
+ )
+ else:
+ with open(descriptor_file, "r") as df:
+ pdu = yaml.safe_load(df.read())
+ if name:
+ pdu["name"] = name
+ if pdu_type:
+ pdu["type"] = pdu_type
+ if description:
+ pdu["description"] = description
+ if vim_account:
+ pdu["vim_accounts"] = vim_account
+ if interface:
+ ifaces_list = []
+ for iface in interface:
+ new_iface = {k: v for k, v in [i.split("=") for i in iface.split(",")]}
+ new_iface["mgmt"] = new_iface.get("mgmt", "false").lower() == "true"
+ ifaces_list.append(new_iface)
+ pdu["interfaces"] = ifaces_list
+ return pdu
+@click.command(name="pdu-delete", short_help="deletes a Physical Deployment Unit (PDU)")
+ "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions"
+def pdu_delete(ctx, name, force):
+ """deletes a Physical Deployment Unit (PDU)
+ NAME: name or ID of the PDU to be deleted
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ ctx.obj.pdu.delete(name, force)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright ETSI Contributors and Others.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import click
+from osmclient.common.exceptions import ClientException
+from osmclient.cli_commands import utils
+from prettytable import PrettyTable
+import json
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger("osmclient")
+# Role Management Operations #
+@click.command(name="role-create", short_help="creates a new role")
+@click.option("--permissions", default=None, help="role permissions using a dictionary")
+def role_create(ctx, name, permissions):
+ """
+ Creates a new role.
+ \b
+ NAME: Name or ID of the role.
+ DEFINITION: Definition of grant/denial of access to resources.
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ ctx.obj.role.create(name, permissions)
+@click.command(name="role-update", short_help="updates a role")
+@click.option("--set-name", default=None, help="change name of rle")
+ "--add",
+ default=None,
+ help="yaml format dictionary with permission: True/False to access grant/denial",
+@click.option("--remove", default=None, help="yaml format list to remove a permission")
+def role_update(ctx, name, set_name, add, remove):
+ """
+ Updates a role.
+ \b
+ NAME: Name or ID of the role.
+ DEFINITION: Definition overwrites the old definition.
+ ADD: Grant/denial of access to resource to add.
+ REMOVE: Grant/denial of access to resource to remove.
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ ctx.obj.role.update(name, set_name, None, add, remove)
+@click.command(name="role-delete", short_help="deletes a role")
+def role_delete(ctx, name):
+ """
+ Deletes a role.
+ \b
+ NAME: Name or ID of the role.
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ ctx.obj.role.delete(name)
+@click.command(name="role-list", short_help="list all roles")
+ "--filter",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the list to the projects matching the filter",
+def role_list(ctx, filter):
+ """
+ List all roles.
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ if filter:
+ filter = "&".join(filter)
+ resp = ctx.obj.role.list(filter)
+ table = PrettyTable(["name", "id"])
+ for role in resp:
+ table.add_row([role["name"], role["_id"]])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+@click.command(name="role-show", short_help="show specific role")
+def role_show(ctx, name):
+ """
+ Shows the details of a role.
+ \b
+ NAME: Name or ID of the role.
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ resp = ctx.obj.role.get(name)
+ table = PrettyTable(["key", "attribute"])
+ for k, v in resp.items():
+ table.add_row([k, json.dumps(v, indent=2)])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+# Project mgmt operations
+@click.command(name="project-create", short_help="creates a new project")
+# @click.option('--description',
+# default='no description',
+# help='human readable description')
+@click.option("--domain-name", "domain_name", default=None, help="assign to a domain")
+ "--quotas",
+ "quotas",
+ multiple=True,
+ default=None,
+ help="provide quotas. Can be used several times: 'quota1=number[,quota2=number,...]'. Quotas can be one "
+ "of vnfds, nsds, nsts, pdus, nsrs, nsis, vim_accounts, wim_accounts, sdns, k8sclusters, k8srepos",
+def project_create(ctx, name, domain_name, quotas):
+ """Creates a new project
+ NAME: name of the project
+ DOMAIN_NAME: optional domain name for the project when keystone authentication is used
+ QUOTAS: set quotas for the project
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ project = {"name": name}
+ if domain_name:
+ project["domain_name"] = domain_name
+ quotas_dict = _process_project_quotas(quotas)
+ if quotas_dict:
+ project["quotas"] = quotas_dict
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ ctx.obj.project.create(name, project)
+def _process_project_quotas(quota_list):
+ quotas_dict = {}
+ if not quota_list:
+ return quotas_dict
+ try:
+ for quota in quota_list:
+ for single_quota in quota.split(","):
+ k, v = single_quota.split("=")
+ quotas_dict[k] = None if v in ("None", "null", "") else int(v)
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ raise ClientException(
+ "invalid format for 'quotas'. Use 'k1=v1,v1=v2'. v must be a integer or null"
+ )
+ return quotas_dict
+@click.command(name="project-delete", short_help="deletes a project")
+def project_delete(ctx, name):
+ """deletes a project
+ NAME: name or ID of the project to be deleted
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ ctx.obj.project.delete(name)
+@click.command(name="project-list", short_help="list all projects")
+ "--filter",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the list to the projects matching the filter",
+def project_list(ctx, filter):
+ """list all projects"""
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ if filter:
+ filter = "&".join(filter)
+ resp = ctx.obj.project.list(filter)
+ table = PrettyTable(["name", "id"])
+ for proj in resp:
+ table.add_row([proj["name"], proj["_id"]])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+@click.command(name="project-show", short_help="shows the details of a project")
+def project_show(ctx, name):
+ """shows the details of a project
+ NAME: name or ID of the project
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ resp = ctx.obj.project.get(name)
+ table = PrettyTable(["key", "attribute"])
+ for k, v in resp.items():
+ table.add_row([k, json.dumps(v, indent=2)])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+ name="project-update", short_help="updates a project (only the name can be updated)"
+@click.option("--name", default=None, help="new name for the project")
+ "--quotas",
+ "quotas",
+ multiple=True,
+ default=None,
+ help="change quotas. Can be used several times: 'quota1=number|empty[,quota2=...]' "
+ "(use empty to reset quota to default",
+def project_update(ctx, project, name, quotas):
+ """
+ Update a project name
+ :param ctx:
+ :param project: id or name of the project to modify
+ :param name: new name for the project
+ :param quotas: change quotas of the project
+ :return:
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ project_changes = {}
+ if name:
+ project_changes["name"] = name
+ quotas_dict = _process_project_quotas(quotas)
+ if quotas_dict:
+ project_changes["quotas"] = quotas_dict
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ ctx.obj.project.update(project, project_changes)
+# User mgmt operations
+@click.command(name="user-create", short_help="creates a new user")
+ "--password",
+ prompt=True,
+ hide_input=True,
+ confirmation_prompt=True,
+ help="user password",
+ "--projects",
+ # prompt="Comma separate list of projects",
+ multiple=True,
+ callback=lambda ctx, param, value: "".join(value).split(",")
+ if all(len(x) == 1 for x in value)
+ else value,
+ help="list of project ids that the user belongs to",
+ "--project-role-mappings",
+ "project_role_mappings",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="assign role(s) in a project. Can be used several times: 'project,role1[,role2,...]'",
+@click.option("--domain-name", "domain_name", default=None, help="assign to a domain")
+def user_create(ctx, username, password, projects, project_role_mappings, domain_name):
+ """Creates a new user
+ \b
+ USERNAME: name of the user
+ PASSWORD: password of the user
+ PROJECTS: projects assigned to user (internal only)
+ PROJECT_ROLE_MAPPING: roles in projects assigned to user (keystone)
+ DOMAIN_NAME: optional domain name for the user when keystone authentication is used
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ user = {}
+ user["username"] = username
+ user["password"] = password
+ user["projects"] = projects
+ user["project_role_mappings"] = project_role_mappings
+ if domain_name:
+ user["domain_name"] = domain_name
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ ctx.obj.user.create(username, user)
+@click.command(name="user-update", short_help="updates user information")
+ "--password",
+ # prompt=True,
+ # hide_input=True,
+ # confirmation_prompt=True,
+ help="user password",
+@click.option("--set-username", "set_username", default=None, help="change username")
+ "--set-project",
+ "set_project",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="create/replace the roles for this project: 'project,role1[,role2,...]'",
+ "--remove-project",
+ "remove_project",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="removes project from user: 'project'",
+ "--add-project-role",
+ "add_project_role",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="assign role(s) in a project. Can be used several times: 'project,role1[,role2,...]'",
+ "--remove-project-role",
+ "remove_project_role",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="remove role(s) in a project. Can be used several times: 'project,role1[,role2,...]'",
+@click.option("--change_password", "change_password", help="user's current password")
+ "--new_password",
+ "new_password",
+ help="user's new password to update in expiry condition",
+def user_update(
+ ctx,
+ username,
+ password,
+ set_username,
+ set_project,
+ remove_project,
+ add_project_role,
+ remove_project_role,
+ change_password,
+ new_password,
+ """Update a user information
+ \b
+ USERNAME: name of the user
+ PASSWORD: new password
+ SET_USERNAME: new username
+ SET_PROJECT: creating mappings for project/role(s)
+ REMOVE_PROJECT: deleting mappings for project/role(s)
+ ADD_PROJECT_ROLE: adding mappings for project/role(s)
+ REMOVE_PROJECT_ROLE: removing mappings for project/role(s)
+ CHANGE_PASSWORD: user's current password to change
+ NEW_PASSWORD: user's new password to update in expiry condition
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ user = {}
+ user["password"] = password
+ user["username"] = set_username
+ user["set-project"] = set_project
+ user["remove-project"] = remove_project
+ user["add-project-role"] = add_project_role
+ user["remove-project-role"] = remove_project_role
+ user["change_password"] = change_password
+ user["new_password"] = new_password
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ ctx.obj.user.update(username, user)
+ if not user.get("change_password"):
+ ctx.obj.user.update(username, user)
+ else:
+ ctx.obj.user.update(username, user, pwd_change=True)
+@click.command(name="user-delete", short_help="deletes a user")
+# @click.option('--force', is_flag=True, help='forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions')
+def user_delete(ctx, name):
+ """deletes a user
+ \b
+ NAME: name or ID of the user to be deleted
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ ctx.obj.user.delete(name)
+@click.command(name="user-list", short_help="list all users")
+ "--filter",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the list to the users matching the filter",
+def user_list(ctx, filter):
+ """list all users"""
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ if filter:
+ filter = "&".join(filter)
+ resp = ctx.obj.user.list(filter)
+ table = PrettyTable(["name", "id"])
+ for user in resp:
+ table.add_row([user["username"], user["_id"]])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+@click.command(name="user-show", short_help="shows the details of a user")
+def user_show(ctx, name):
+ """shows the details of a user
+ NAME: name or ID of the user
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ resp = ctx.obj.user.get(name)
+ if "password" in resp:
+ resp["password"] = "********"
+ table = PrettyTable(["key", "attribute"])
+ for k, v in resp.items():
+ table.add_row([k, json.dumps(v, indent=2)])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright ETSI Contributors and Others.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import click
+from osmclient.common.exceptions import NotFound
+from osmclient.cli_commands import utils
+from prettytable import PrettyTable
+import yaml
+import json
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger("osmclient")
+@click.command(name="repo-add", short_help="adds a repo to OSM")
+ "--type",
+ type=click.Choice(["helm-chart", "juju-bundle", "osm"]),
+ default="osm",
+ help="type of repo (helm-chart for Helm Charts, juju-bundle for Juju Bundles, osm for OSM Repositories)",
+@click.option("--description", default=None, help="human readable description")
+ "--user", default=None, help="OSM repository: The username of the OSM repository"
+ "--password",
+ default=None,
+ help="OSM repository: The password of the OSM repository",
+def repo_add(ctx, **kwargs):
+ """adds a repo to OSM
+ NAME: name of the repo
+ URI: URI of the repo
+ """
+ kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None}
+ repo = kwargs
+ repo["url"] = repo.pop("uri")
+ if repo["type"] in ["helm-chart", "juju-bundle"]:
+ ctx.obj.repo.create(repo["name"], repo)
+ else:
+ ctx.obj.osmrepo.create(repo["name"], repo)
+@click.command(name="repo-update", short_help="updates a repo in OSM")
+@click.option("--newname", help="New name for the repo")
+@click.option("--uri", help="URI of the repo")
+@click.option("--description", help="human readable description")
+def repo_update(ctx, name, newname, uri, description):
+ """updates a repo in OSM
+ NAME: name of the repo
+ """
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ repo = {}
+ if newname:
+ repo["name"] = newname
+ if uri:
+ repo["uri"] = uri
+ if description:
+ repo["description"] = description
+ try:
+ ctx.obj.repo.update(name, repo)
+ except NotFound:
+ ctx.obj.osmrepo.update(name, repo)
+ name="repo-index", short_help="Index a repository from a folder with artifacts"
+ "--origin", default=".", help="origin path where the artifacts are located"
+ "--destination", default=".", help="destination path where the index is deployed"
+def repo_index(ctx, origin, destination):
+ """Index a repository
+ NAME: name or ID of the repo to be deleted
+ """
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ ctx.obj.osmrepo.repo_index(origin, destination)
+@click.command(name="repo-delete", short_help="deletes a repo")
+ "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion from the DB (not recommended)"
+def repo_delete(ctx, name, force):
+ """deletes a repo
+ NAME: name or ID of the repo to be deleted
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ try:
+ ctx.obj.repo.delete(name, force=force)
+ except NotFound:
+ ctx.obj.osmrepo.delete(name, force=force)
+ "--filter",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the list to the repos matching the filter",
+@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
+def repo_list(ctx, filter, literal):
+ """list all repos"""
+ # K8s Repositories
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ if filter:
+ filter = "&".join(filter)
+ resp = ctx.obj.repo.list(filter)
+ resp += ctx.obj.osmrepo.list(filter)
+ if literal:
+ print(yaml.safe_dump(resp, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
+ return
+ table = PrettyTable(["Name", "Id", "Type", "URI", "Description"])
+ for repo in resp:
+ # cluster['k8s-nets'] = json.dumps(yaml.safe_load(cluster['k8s-nets']))
+ table.add_row(
+ [
+ repo["name"],
+ repo["_id"],
+ repo["type"],
+ repo["url"],
+ utils.trunc_text(repo.get("description") or "", 40),
+ ]
+ )
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+@click.command(name="repo-show", short_help="shows the details of a repo")
+@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
+def repo_show(ctx, name, literal):
+ """shows the details of a repo
+ NAME: name or ID of the repo
+ """
+ try:
+ resp = ctx.obj.repo.get(name)
+ except NotFound:
+ resp = ctx.obj.osmrepo.get(name)
+ if literal:
+ if resp:
+ print(yaml.safe_dump(resp, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
+ return
+ table = PrettyTable(["key", "attribute"])
+ if resp:
+ for k, v in list(resp.items()):
+ table.add_row([k, json.dumps(v, indent=2)])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+# Catalogue commands
+def pkg_repo_list(ctx, pkgtype, filter, repo, long):
+ resp = ctx.obj.osmrepo.pkg_list(pkgtype, filter, repo)
+ if long:
+ table = PrettyTable(
+ ["nfpkg name", "vendor", "version", "latest", "description", "repository"]
+ )
+ else:
+ table = PrettyTable(["nfpkg name", "repository"])
+ for vnfd in resp:
+ name = vnfd.get("id", vnfd.get("name", "-"))
+ repository = vnfd.get("repository")
+ if long:
+ vendor = vnfd.get("provider", vnfd.get("vendor"))
+ version = vnfd.get("version")
+ description = vnfd.get("description")
+ latest = vnfd.get("latest")
+ table.add_row([name, vendor, version, latest, description, repository])
+ else:
+ table.add_row([name, repository])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+def pkg_repo_show(ctx, pkgtype, name, repo, version, filter, literal):
+ logger.debug("")
+ if filter:
+ filter = "&".join(filter)
+ resp = ctx.obj.osmrepo.pkg_get(pkgtype, name, repo, version, filter)
+ if literal:
+ print(yaml.safe_dump(resp, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
+ return
+ pkgtype += "d"
+ catalog = pkgtype + "-catalog"
+ full_catalog = pkgtype + ":" + catalog
+ if resp.get(catalog):
+ resp = resp.pop(catalog)[pkgtype][0]
+ elif resp.get(full_catalog):
+ resp = resp.pop(full_catalog)[pkgtype][0]
+ table = PrettyTable(["field", "value"])
+ for k, v in list(resp.items()):
+ table.add_row([k, utils.wrap_text(text=json.dumps(v, indent=2), width=100)])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+@click.command(name="vnfpkg-repo-list", short_help="list all xNF from OSM repositories")
+ "--filter",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the list to the NFpkg matching the filter",
+ "--repo", default=None, help="restricts the list to a particular OSM repository"
+@click.option("--long", is_flag=True, help="get more details")
+def nfpkg_repo_list1(ctx, filter, repo, long):
+ """list xNF packages from OSM repositories"""
+ pkgtype = "vnf"
+ pkg_repo_list(ctx, pkgtype, filter, repo, long)
+@click.command(name="nfpkg-repo-list", short_help="list all xNF from OSM repositories")
+ "--filter",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the list to the NFpkg matching the filter",
+ "--repo", default=None, help="restricts the list to a particular OSM repository"
+@click.option("--long", is_flag=True, help="get more details")
+def nfpkg_repo_list2(ctx, filter, repo, long):
+ """list xNF packages from OSM repositories"""
+ pkgtype = "vnf"
+ pkg_repo_list(ctx, pkgtype, filter, repo, long)
+@click.command(name="nsd-repo-list", short_help="list all NS from OSM repositories")
+ "--filter",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the list to the NS matching the filter",
+ "--repo", default=None, help="restricts the list to a particular OSM repository"
+@click.option("--long", is_flag=True, help="get more details")
+def nspkg_repo_list(ctx, filter, repo, long):
+ """list xNF packages from OSM repositories"""
+ pkgtype = "ns"
+ pkg_repo_list(ctx, pkgtype, filter, repo, long)
+@click.command(name="nspkg-repo-list", short_help="list all NS from OSM repositories")
+ "--filter",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the list to the NS matching the filter",
+ "--repo", default=None, help="restricts the list to a particular OSM repository"
+@click.option("--long", is_flag=True, help="get more details")
+def nspkg_repo_list2(ctx, filter, repo, long):
+ """list xNF packages from OSM repositories"""
+ pkgtype = "ns"
+ pkg_repo_list(ctx, pkgtype, filter, repo, long)
+ name="vnfpkg-repo-show",
+ short_help="shows the details of a NF package in an OSM repository",
+@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
+@click.option("--repo", required=True, help="Repository name")
+@click.option("--filter", default=None, multiple=True, help="filter by fields")
+@click.option("--version", default="latest", help="package version")
+def vnfd_show1(ctx, name, repo, version, literal=None, filter=None):
+ """shows the content of a VNFD in a repository
+ NAME: name or ID of the VNFD/VNFpkg
+ """
+ pkgtype = "vnf"
+ pkg_repo_show(ctx, pkgtype, name, repo, version, filter, literal)
+ name="nsd-repo-show",
+ short_help="shows the details of a NS package in an OSM repository",
+@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
+@click.option("--repo", required=True, help="Repository name")
+@click.option("--filter", default=None, multiple=True, help="filter by fields")
+@click.option("--version", default="latest", help="package version")
+def nsd_repo_show(ctx, name, repo, version, literal=None, filter=None):
+ """shows the content of a VNFD in a repository
+ NAME: name or ID of the VNFD/VNFpkg
+ """
+ pkgtype = "ns"
+ pkg_repo_show(ctx, pkgtype, name, repo, version, filter, literal)
+ name="nspkg-repo-show",
+ short_help="shows the details of a NS package in an OSM repository",
+@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
+@click.option("--repo", required=True, help="Repository name")
+@click.option("--filter", default=None, multiple=True, help="filter by fields")
+@click.option("--version", default="latest", help="package version")
+def nsd_repo_show2(ctx, name, repo, version, literal=None, filter=None):
+ """shows the content of a VNFD in a repository
+ NAME: name or ID of the VNFD/VNFpkg
+ """
+ pkgtype = "ns"
+ pkg_repo_show(ctx, pkgtype, name, repo, version, filter, literal)
+ name="nfpkg-repo-show",
+ short_help="shows the details of a NF package in an OSM repository",
+@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
+@click.option("--repo", required=True, help="Repository name")
+@click.option("--filter", default=None, multiple=True, help="filter by fields")
+@click.option("--version", default="latest", help="package version")
+def vnfd_show2(ctx, name, repo, version, literal=None, filter=None):
+ """shows the content of a VNFD in a repository
+ NAME: name or ID of the VNFD/VNFpkg
+ """
+ pkgtype = "vnf"
+ pkg_repo_show(ctx, pkgtype, name, repo, version, filter, literal)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright ETSI Contributors and Others.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import click
+from osmclient.cli_commands import utils
+from prettytable import PrettyTable
+import json
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger("osmclient")
+@click.command(name="sdnc-create", short_help="creates a new SDN controller")
+@click.option("--name", prompt=True, help="Name to create sdn controller")
+@click.option("--type", prompt=True, help="SDN controller type")
+ "--sdn_controller_version", # hidden=True,
+ help="Deprecated. Use --config {version: sdn_controller_version}",
+@click.option("--url", help="URL in format http[s]://HOST:IP/")
+@click.option("--ip_address", help="Deprecated. Use --url") # hidden=True,
+@click.option("--port", help="Deprecated. Use --url") # hidden=True,
+ "--switch_dpid", help="Deprecated. Use --config {switch_id: DPID}" # hidden=True,
+ "--config",
+ help="Extra information for SDN in yaml format, as {switch_id: identity used for the plugin (e.g. DPID: "
+ "Openflow Datapath ID), version: version}",
+@click.option("--user", help="SDN controller username")
+ "--password",
+ hide_input=True,
+ confirmation_prompt=True,
+ help="SDN controller password",
+@click.option("--description", default=None, help="human readable description")
+ "--wait",
+ required=False,
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout",
+def sdnc_create(ctx, **kwargs):
+ """creates a new SDN controller"""
+ logger.debug("")
+ sdncontroller = {
+ x: kwargs[x]
+ for x in kwargs
+ if kwargs[x] and x not in ("wait", "ip_address", "port", "switch_dpid")
+ }
+ if kwargs.get("port"):
+ print("option '--port' is deprecated, use '--url' instead")
+ sdncontroller["port"] = int(kwargs["port"])
+ if kwargs.get("ip_address"):
+ print("option '--ip_address' is deprecated, use '--url' instead")
+ sdncontroller["ip"] = kwargs["ip_address"]
+ if kwargs.get("switch_dpid"):
+ print(
+ "option '--switch_dpid' is deprecated, use '--config={switch_id: id|DPID}' instead"
+ )
+ sdncontroller["dpid"] = kwargs["switch_dpid"]
+ if kwargs.get("sdn_controller_version"):
+ print(
+ "option '--sdn_controller_version' is deprecated, use '--config={version: SDN_CONTROLLER_VERSION}'"
+ " instead"
+ )
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ ctx.obj.sdnc.create(kwargs["name"], sdncontroller, wait=kwargs["wait"])
+@click.command(name="sdnc-update", short_help="updates an SDN controller")
+@click.option("--newname", help="New name for the SDN controller")
+@click.option("--description", default=None, help="human readable description")
+@click.option("--type", help="SDN controller type")
+@click.option("--url", help="URL in format http[s]://HOST:IP/")
+ "--config",
+ help="Extra information for SDN in yaml format, as "
+ "{switch_id: identity used for the plugin (e.g. DPID: "
+ "Openflow Datapath ID), version: version}",
+@click.option("--user", help="SDN controller username")
+@click.option("--password", help="SDN controller password")
+@click.option("--ip_address", help="Deprecated. Use --url") # hidden=True
+@click.option("--port", help="Deprecated. Use --url") # hidden=True
+ "--switch_dpid", help="Deprecated. Use --config {switch_dpid: DPID}"
+) # hidden=True
+ "--sdn_controller_version", help="Deprecated. Use --config {version: VERSION}"
+) # hidden=True
+ "--wait",
+ required=False,
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout",
+def sdnc_update(ctx, **kwargs):
+ """updates an SDN controller
+ NAME: name or ID of the SDN controller
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ sdncontroller = {
+ x: kwargs[x]
+ for x in kwargs
+ if kwargs[x]
+ and x not in ("wait", "ip_address", "port", "switch_dpid", "new_name")
+ }
+ if kwargs.get("newname"):
+ sdncontroller["name"] = kwargs["newname"]
+ if kwargs.get("port"):
+ print("option '--port' is deprecated, use '--url' instead")
+ sdncontroller["port"] = int(kwargs["port"])
+ if kwargs.get("ip_address"):
+ print("option '--ip_address' is deprecated, use '--url' instead")
+ sdncontroller["ip"] = kwargs["ip_address"]
+ if kwargs.get("switch_dpid"):
+ print(
+ "option '--switch_dpid' is deprecated, use '--config={switch_id: id|DPID}' instead"
+ )
+ sdncontroller["dpid"] = kwargs["switch_dpid"]
+ if kwargs.get("sdn_controller_version"):
+ print(
+ "option '--sdn_controller_version' is deprecated, use '---config={version: SDN_CONTROLLER_VERSION}'"
+ " instead"
+ )
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ ctx.obj.sdnc.update(kwargs["name"], sdncontroller, wait=kwargs["wait"])
+@click.command(name="sdnc-delete", short_help="deletes an SDN controller")
+ "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions"
+ "--wait",
+ required=False,
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout",
+def sdnc_delete(ctx, name, force, wait):
+ """deletes an SDN controller
+ NAME: name or ID of the SDN controller to be deleted
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ ctx.obj.sdnc.delete(name, force, wait=wait)
+@click.command(name="sdnc-list", short_help="list all SDN controllers")
+ "--filter",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the list to the SDN controllers matching the filter with format: 'k[.k..]=v[&k[.k]=v2]'",
+def sdnc_list(ctx, filter):
+ """list all SDN controllers"""
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ if filter:
+ filter = "&".join(filter)
+ resp = ctx.obj.sdnc.list(filter)
+ table = PrettyTable(["sdnc name", "id"])
+ for sdnc in resp:
+ table.add_row([sdnc["name"], sdnc["_id"]])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+@click.command(name="sdnc-show", short_help="shows the details of an SDN controller")
+def sdnc_show(ctx, name):
+ """shows the details of an SDN controller
+ NAME: name or ID of the SDN controller
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ resp = ctx.obj.sdnc.get(name)
+ table = PrettyTable(["key", "attribute"])
+ for k, v in list(resp.items()):
+ table.add_row([k, json.dumps(v, indent=2)])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright ETSI Contributors and Others.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import click
+from osmclient.common.exceptions import ClientException
+from osmclient.cli_commands import utils
+from prettytable import PrettyTable
+import json
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger("osmclient")
+ name="subscription-create",
+ short_help="creates a new subscription to a specific event",
+ "--event_type",
+ # type=click.Choice(['ns', 'nspkg', 'vnfpkg'], case_sensitive=False))
+ type=click.Choice(["ns"], case_sensitive=False),
+ help="event type to be subscribed (for the moment, only ns is supported)",
+@click.option("--event", default=None, help="specific yaml configuration for the event")
+ "--event_file", default=None, help="specific yaml configuration file for the event"
+def subscription_create(ctx, event_type, event, event_file):
+ """creates a new subscription to a specific event"""
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ if event_file:
+ if event:
+ raise ClientException(
+ '"--event" option is incompatible with "--event_file" option'
+ )
+ with open(event_file, "r") as cf:
+ event = cf.read()
+ ctx.obj.subscription.create(event_type, event)
+@click.command(name="subscription-delete", short_help="deletes a subscription")
+ "--event_type",
+ # type=click.Choice(['ns', 'nspkg', 'vnfpkg'], case_sensitive=False))
+ type=click.Choice(["ns"], case_sensitive=False),
+ help="event type to be subscribed (for the moment, only ns is supported)",
+ "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions"
+def subscription_delete(ctx, event_type, subscription_id, force):
+ """deletes a subscription
+ SUBSCRIPTION_ID: ID of the subscription to be deleted
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ ctx.obj.subscription.delete(event_type, subscription_id, force)
+@click.command(name="subscription-list", short_help="list all subscriptions")
+ "--event_type",
+ # type=click.Choice(['ns', 'nspkg', 'vnfpkg'], case_sensitive=False))
+ type=click.Choice(["ns"], case_sensitive=False),
+ help="event type to be subscribed (for the moment, only ns is supported)",
+ "--filter",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the list to the subscriptions matching the filter",
+def subscription_list(ctx, event_type, filter):
+ """list all subscriptions"""
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ if filter:
+ filter = "&".join(filter)
+ resp = ctx.obj.subscription.list(event_type, filter)
+ table = PrettyTable(["id", "filter", "CallbackUri"])
+ for sub in resp:
+ table.add_row(
+ [
+ sub["_id"],
+ utils.wrap_text(text=json.dumps(sub["filter"], indent=2), width=70),
+ sub["CallbackUri"],
+ ]
+ )
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+ name="subscription-show", short_help="shows the details of a subscription"
+ "--event_type",
+ # type=click.Choice(['ns', 'nspkg', 'vnfpkg'], case_sensitive=False))
+ type=click.Choice(["ns"], case_sensitive=False),
+ help="event type to be subscribed (for the moment, only ns is supported)",
+ "--filter",
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the information to the fields in the filter",
+def subscription_show(ctx, event_type, subscription_id, filter):
+ """shows the details of a subscription
+ SUBSCRIPTION_ID: ID of the subscription
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ resp = ctx.obj.subscription.get(subscription_id)
+ table = PrettyTable(["key", "attribute"])
+ for k, v in list(resp.items()):
+ if not filter or k in filter:
+ table.add_row([k, utils.wrap_text(text=json.dumps(v, indent=2), width=100)])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright ETSI Contributors and Others.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import textwrap
+import logging
+import yaml
+from osmclient.common.exceptions import ClientException
+logger = logging.getLogger("osmclient")
+def wrap_text(text, width):
+ wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=width)
+ lines = text.splitlines()
+ return "\n".join(map(wrapper.fill, lines))
+def trunc_text(text, length):
+ if len(text) > length:
+ return text[: (length - 3)] + "..."
+ else:
+ return text
+def check_client_version(obj, what, version="sol005"):
+ """
+ Checks the version of the client object and raises error if it not the expected.
+ :param obj: the client object
+ :what: the function or command under evaluation (used when an error is raised)
+ :return: -
+ :raises ClientError: if the specified version does not match the client version
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ fullclassname = obj.__module__ + "." + obj.__class__.__name__
+ message = 'The following commands or options are only supported with the option "--sol005": {}'.format(
+ what
+ )
+ if version == "v1":
+ message = 'The following commands or options are not supported when using option "--sol005": {}'.format(
+ what
+ )
+ if fullclassname != "osmclient.{}.client.Client".format(version):
+ raise ClientException(message)
+ return
+def get_project(project_list, item):
+ # project_list = ctx.obj.project.list()
+ item_project_list = item.get("_admin", {}).get("projects_read")
+ project_id = "None"
+ project_name = "None"
+ if item_project_list:
+ for p1 in item_project_list:
+ project_id = p1
+ for p2 in project_list:
+ if p2["_id"] == project_id:
+ project_name = p2["name"]
+ return project_id, project_name
+ return project_id, project_name
+def get_vim_name(vim_list, vim_id):
+ vim_name = "-"
+ for v in vim_list:
+ if v["uuid"] == vim_id:
+ vim_name = v["name"]
+ break
+ return vim_name
+def create_config(config_file, json_string):
+ """
+ Combines a YAML or JSON file with a JSON string into a Python3 structure
+ It loads the YAML or JSON file 'cfile' into a first dictionary.
+ It loads the JSON string into a second dictionary.
+ Then it updates the first dictionary with the info in the second dictionary.
+ If the field is present in both cfile and cdict, the field in cdict prevails.
+ If both cfile and cdict are None, it returns an empty dict (i.e. {})
+ """
+ config = {}
+ if config_file:
+ with open(config_file, "r") as cf:
+ config = yaml.safe_load(cf.read())
+ if json_string:
+ cdict = yaml.safe_load(json_string)
+ for k, v in cdict.items():
+ config[k] = v
+ return config
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright ETSI Contributors and Others.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import click
+from osmclient.common.exceptions import ClientException
+from osmclient.cli_commands import utils
+from prettytable import PrettyTable
+import yaml
+import json
+import os
+from typing import Any, Dict
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger("osmclient")
+@click.command(name="vca-add", short_help="adds a VCA (Juju controller) to OSM")
+ "--endpoints",
+ prompt=True,
+ help="Comma-separated list of IP or hostnames of the Juju controller",
+@click.option("--user", prompt=True, help="Username with admin priviledges")
+@click.option("--secret", prompt=True, help="Password of the specified username")
+@click.option("--cacert", prompt=True, help="CA certificate")
+ "--lxd-cloud",
+ prompt=True,
+ help="Name of the cloud that will be used for LXD containers (LXD proxy charms)",
+ "--lxd-credentials",
+ prompt=True,
+ help="Name of the cloud credentialsto be used for the LXD cloud",
+ "--k8s-cloud",
+ prompt=True,
+ help="Name of the cloud that will be used for K8s containers (K8s proxy charms)",
+ "--k8s-credentials",
+ prompt=True,
+ help="Name of the cloud credentialsto be used for the K8s cloud",
+ "--model-config",
+ default={},
+ help="Configuration options for the models",
+@click.option("--description", default=None, help="human readable description")
+def vca_add(
+ ctx,
+ name,
+ endpoints,
+ user,
+ secret,
+ cacert,
+ lxd_cloud,
+ lxd_credentials,
+ k8s_cloud,
+ k8s_credentials,
+ model_config,
+ description,
+ """adds a VCA to OSM
+ NAME: name of the VCA
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ vca = {}
+ vca["name"] = name
+ vca["endpoints"] = endpoints.split(",")
+ vca["user"] = user
+ vca["secret"] = secret
+ vca["cacert"] = cacert
+ vca["lxd-cloud"] = lxd_cloud
+ vca["lxd-credentials"] = lxd_credentials
+ vca["k8s-cloud"] = k8s_cloud
+ vca["k8s-credentials"] = k8s_credentials
+ if description:
+ vca["description"] = description
+ if model_config:
+ model_config = load(model_config)
+ vca["model-config"] = model_config
+ ctx.obj.vca.create(name, vca)
+def load(data: Any):
+ logger.debug("")
+ if os.path.isfile(data):
+ return load_file(data)
+ else:
+ try:
+ return json.loads(data)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ raise ClientException(e)
+def load_file(file_path: str) -> Dict:
+ logger.debug("")
+ content = None
+ with open(file_path, "r") as f:
+ content = f.read()
+ try:
+ return yaml.safe_load(content)
+ except yaml.scanner.ScannerError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ return json.loads(content)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ raise ClientException(f"{file_path} must be a valid yaml or json file")
+@click.command(name="vca-update", short_help="updates a VCA")
+ "--endpoints", help="Comma-separated list of IP or hostnames of the Juju controller"
+@click.option("--user", help="Username with admin priviledges")
+@click.option("--secret", help="Password of the specified username")
+@click.option("--cacert", help="CA certificate")
+ "--lxd-cloud",
+ help="Name of the cloud that will be used for LXD containers (LXD proxy charms)",
+ "--lxd-credentials",
+ help="Name of the cloud credentialsto be used for the LXD cloud",
+ "--k8s-cloud",
+ help="Name of the cloud that will be used for K8s containers (K8s proxy charms)",
+ "--k8s-credentials",
+ help="Name of the cloud credentialsto be used for the K8s cloud",
+ "--model-config",
+ help="Configuration options for the models",
+@click.option("--description", default=None, help="human readable description")
+def vca_update(
+ ctx,
+ name,
+ endpoints,
+ user,
+ secret,
+ cacert,
+ lxd_cloud,
+ lxd_credentials,
+ k8s_cloud,
+ k8s_credentials,
+ model_config,
+ description,
+ """updates a VCA
+ NAME: name or ID of the VCA
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ vca = {}
+ vca["name"] = name
+ if endpoints:
+ vca["endpoints"] = endpoints.split(",")
+ if user:
+ vca["user"] = user
+ if secret:
+ vca["secret"] = secret
+ if cacert:
+ vca["cacert"] = cacert
+ if lxd_cloud:
+ vca["lxd-cloud"] = lxd_cloud
+ if lxd_credentials:
+ vca["lxd-credentials"] = lxd_credentials
+ if k8s_cloud:
+ vca["k8s-cloud"] = k8s_cloud
+ if k8s_credentials:
+ vca["k8s-credentials"] = k8s_credentials
+ if description:
+ vca["description"] = description
+ if model_config:
+ model_config = load(model_config)
+ vca["model-config"] = model_config
+ ctx.obj.vca.update(name, vca)
+@click.command(name="vca-delete", short_help="deletes a VCA")
+ "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion from the DB (not recommended)"
+def vca_delete(ctx, name, force):
+ """deletes a VCA
+ NAME: name or ID of the VCA to be deleted
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ ctx.obj.vca.delete(name, force=force)
+ "--filter",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the list to the VCAs matching the filter",
+@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
+@click.option("--long", is_flag=True, help="get more details")
+def vca_list(ctx, filter, literal, long):
+ """list VCAs"""
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ if filter:
+ filter = "&".join(filter)
+ resp = ctx.obj.vca.list(filter)
+ if literal:
+ print(yaml.safe_dump(resp, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
+ return
+ if long:
+ table = PrettyTable(
+ ["Name", "Id", "Project", "Operational State", "Detailed Status"]
+ )
+ project_list = ctx.obj.project.list()
+ else:
+ table = PrettyTable(["Name", "Id", "Operational State"])
+ for vca in resp:
+ logger.debug("VCA details: {}".format(yaml.safe_dump(vca)))
+ if long:
+ project_id, project_name = utils.get_project(project_list, vca)
+ detailed_status = vca.get("_admin", {}).get("detailed-status", "-")
+ table.add_row(
+ [
+ vca["name"],
+ vca["_id"],
+ project_name,
+ vca.get("_admin", {}).get("operationalState", "-"),
+ utils.wrap_text(text=detailed_status, width=40),
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ table.add_row(
+ [
+ vca["name"],
+ vca["_id"],
+ vca.get("_admin", {}).get("operationalState", "-"),
+ ]
+ )
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+@click.command(name="vca-show", short_help="shows the details of a VCA")
+@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
+def vca_show(ctx, name, literal):
+ """shows the details of a VCA
+ NAME: name or ID of the VCA
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ resp = ctx.obj.vca.get(name)
+ if literal:
+ print(yaml.safe_dump(resp, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
+ return
+ table = PrettyTable(["key", "attribute"])
+ for k, v in list(resp.items()):
+ table.add_row([k, utils.wrap_text(text=json.dumps(v, indent=2), width=100)])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright ETSI Contributors and Others.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import click
+from osmclient.cli_commands import utils
+from prettytable import PrettyTable
+import yaml
+import json
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger("osmclient")
+def _check_ca_cert(vim_config: dict) -> None:
+ """
+ Checks if the VIM has a CA certificate.
+ In that case, reads the content and add it to the config
+ : param vim_config: configuration provided with the VIM creation
+ : return: None
+ """
+ if vim_config.get("ca_cert"):
+ with open(vim_config["ca_cert"], "r") as cert_f:
+ vim_config["ca_cert_content"] = str(cert_f.read())
+ del vim_config["ca_cert"]
+@click.command(name="vim-create", short_help="creates a new VIM account")
+@click.option("--name", required=True, help="Name to create datacenter")
+@click.option("--user", default=None, help="VIM username")
+@click.option("--password", default=None, help="VIM password")
+@click.option("--auth_url", default=None, help="VIM url")
+ "--tenant", "--project", "tenant", default=None, help="VIM tenant/project name"
+@click.option("--config", default=None, help="VIM specific config parameters")
+ "--config_file",
+ default=None,
+ help="VIM specific config parameters in YAML or JSON file",
+@click.option("--account_type", default="openstack", help="VIM type")
+@click.option("--description", default=None, help="human readable description")
+ "--sdn_controller",
+ default=None,
+ help="Name or id of the SDN controller associated to this VIM account",
+ "--sdn_port_mapping",
+ default=None,
+ help="File describing the port mapping between compute nodes' ports and switch ports",
+ "--wait",
+ required=False,
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it "
+ "until the operation is completed, or timeout",
+@click.option("--vca", default=None, help="VCA to be used in this VIM account")
+ "--creds", default=None, help="credentials file (only applicable for GCP VIM type)"
+ "--prometheus_config_file",
+ default=None,
+ help="Prometheus configuration to get VIM data",
+def vim_create(
+ ctx,
+ name,
+ user,
+ password,
+ auth_url,
+ tenant,
+ config,
+ config_file,
+ account_type,
+ description,
+ sdn_controller,
+ sdn_port_mapping,
+ wait,
+ vca,
+ creds,
+ prometheus_config_file,
+ """creates a new VIM account"""
+ logger.debug("")
+ if sdn_controller:
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, "--sdn_controller")
+ if sdn_port_mapping:
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, "--sdn_port_mapping")
+ vim = {}
+ if prometheus_config_file:
+ with open(prometheus_config_file) as prometheus_file:
+ prometheus_config_dict = json.load(prometheus_file)
+ vim["prometheus-config"] = prometheus_config_dict
+ vim["vim-username"] = user
+ vim["vim-password"] = password
+ vim["vim-url"] = auth_url
+ vim["vim-tenant-name"] = tenant
+ vim["vim-type"] = account_type
+ vim["description"] = description
+ if vca:
+ vim["vca"] = vca
+ vim_config = utils.create_config(config_file, config)
+ _check_ca_cert(vim_config)
+ if creds:
+ with open(creds, "r") as cf:
+ vim_config["credentials"] = yaml.safe_load(cf.read())
+ ctx.obj.vim.create(
+ name, vim, vim_config, sdn_controller, sdn_port_mapping, wait=wait
+ )
+@click.command(name="vim-update", short_help="updates a VIM account")
+@click.option("--newname", help="New name for the VIM account")
+@click.option("--user", help="VIM username")
+@click.option("--password", help="VIM password")
+@click.option("--auth_url", help="VIM url")
+@click.option("--tenant", help="VIM tenant name")
+@click.option("--config", help="VIM specific config parameters")
+ "--config_file",
+ default=None,
+ help="VIM specific config parameters in YAML or JSON file",
+@click.option("--account_type", help="VIM type")
+@click.option("--description", help="human readable description")
+ "--sdn_controller",
+ default=None,
+ help="Name or id of the SDN controller to be associated with this VIM"
+ "account. Use empty string to disassociate",
+ "--sdn_port_mapping",
+ default=None,
+ help="File describing the port mapping between compute nodes' ports and switch ports",
+ "--wait",
+ required=False,
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it "
+ "until the operation is completed, or timeout",
+ "--creds", default=None, help="credentials file (only applicable for GCP VIM type)"
+ "--prometheus_config_file",
+ default=None,
+ help="Prometheus configuration to get VIM data",
+def vim_update(
+ ctx,
+ name,
+ newname,
+ user,
+ password,
+ auth_url,
+ tenant,
+ config,
+ config_file,
+ account_type,
+ description,
+ sdn_controller,
+ sdn_port_mapping,
+ wait,
+ creds,
+ prometheus_config_file,
+ """updates a VIM account
+ NAME: name or ID of the VIM account
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ vim = {}
+ if newname:
+ vim["name"] = newname
+ if user:
+ vim["vim_user"] = user
+ if password:
+ vim["vim_password"] = password
+ if auth_url:
+ vim["vim_url"] = auth_url
+ if tenant:
+ vim["vim-tenant-name"] = tenant
+ if account_type:
+ vim["vim_type"] = account_type
+ if description:
+ vim["description"] = description
+ vim_config = None
+ if config or config_file:
+ vim_config = utils.create_config(config_file, config)
+ _check_ca_cert(vim_config)
+ if creds:
+ with open(creds, "r") as cf:
+ vim_config["credentials"] = yaml.safe_load(cf.read())
+ if prometheus_config_file:
+ with open(prometheus_config_file) as prometheus_file:
+ prometheus_config_dict = json.load(prometheus_file)
+ vim["prometheus-config"] = prometheus_config_dict
+ logger.info(f"VIM: {vim}, VIM config: {vim_config}")
+ ctx.obj.vim.update(
+ name, vim, vim_config, sdn_controller, sdn_port_mapping, wait=wait
+ )
+@click.command(name="vim-delete", short_help="deletes a VIM account")
+ "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions"
+ "--wait",
+ required=False,
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it "
+ "until the operation is completed, or timeout",
+def vim_delete(ctx, name, force, wait):
+ """deletes a VIM account
+ NAME: name or ID of the VIM account to be deleted
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ if not force:
+ ctx.obj.vim.delete(name, wait=wait)
+ else:
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, "--force")
+ ctx.obj.vim.delete(name, force, wait=wait)
+@click.command(name="vim-list", short_help="list all VIM accounts")
+ "--filter",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the list to the VIM accounts matching the filter",
+ "--long",
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="get more details of the NS (project, vim, deployment status, configuration status.",
+def vim_list(ctx, filter, long):
+ """list all VIM accounts"""
+ logger.debug("")
+ if filter:
+ filter = "&".join(filter)
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, "--filter")
+ fullclassname = ctx.obj.__module__ + "." + ctx.obj.__class__.__name__
+ if fullclassname == "osmclient.sol005.client.Client":
+ resp = ctx.obj.vim.list(filter)
+ if long:
+ table = PrettyTable(
+ ["vim name", "uuid", "project", "operational state", "error details"]
+ )
+ project_list = ctx.obj.project.list()
+ else:
+ table = PrettyTable(["vim name", "uuid", "operational state"])
+ for vim in resp:
+ if long:
+ if "vim_password" in vim:
+ vim["vim_password"] = "********"
+ if "config" in vim and "credentials" in vim["config"]:
+ vim["config"]["credentials"] = "********"
+ logger.debug("VIM details: {}".format(yaml.safe_dump(vim)))
+ vim_state = vim["_admin"].get("operationalState", "-")
+ error_details = "N/A"
+ if vim_state == "ERROR":
+ error_details = vim["_admin"].get("detailed-status", "Not found")
+ project_id, project_name = utils.get_project(project_list, vim)
+ # project_info = '{} ({})'.format(project_name, project_id)
+ project_info = project_name
+ table.add_row(
+ [
+ vim["name"],
+ vim["uuid"],
+ project_info,
+ vim_state,
+ utils.wrap_text(text=error_details, width=80),
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ table.add_row(
+ [vim["name"], vim["uuid"], vim["_admin"].get("operationalState", "-")]
+ )
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+@click.command(name="vim-show", short_help="shows the details of a VIM account")
+ "--filter",
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the information to the fields in the filter",
+@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
+def vim_show(ctx, name, filter, literal):
+ """shows the details of a VIM account
+ NAME: name or ID of the VIM account
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ resp = ctx.obj.vim.get(name)
+ if "vim_password" in resp:
+ resp["vim_password"] = "********"
+ if "config" in resp and "credentials" in resp["config"]:
+ resp["config"]["credentials"] = "********"
+ if literal:
+ print(yaml.safe_dump(resp, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
+ return
+ table = PrettyTable(["key", "attribute"])
+ for k, v in list(resp.items()):
+ if not filter or k in filter:
+ table.add_row([k, utils.wrap_text(text=json.dumps(v, indent=2), width=100)])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright ETSI Contributors and Others.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import click
+from osmclient.common.exceptions import ClientException
+from osmclient.cli_commands import utils
+from prettytable import PrettyTable
+import yaml
+import json
+import time
+from datetime import datetime
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger("osmclient")
+def vnf_list(ctx, ns, filter, long):
+ logger.debug("")
+ if ns or filter:
+ if ns:
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, "--ns")
+ if filter:
+ filter = "&".join(filter)
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, "--filter")
+ resp = ctx.obj.vnf.list(ns, filter)
+ else:
+ resp = ctx.obj.vnf.list()
+ fullclassname = ctx.obj.__module__ + "." + ctx.obj.__class__.__name__
+ if fullclassname == "osmclient.sol005.client.Client":
+ field_names = [
+ "vnf id",
+ "name",
+ "ns id",
+ "vnf member index",
+ "vnfd name",
+ "vim account id",
+ "ip address",
+ ]
+ if long:
+ field_names = [
+ "vnf id",
+ "name",
+ "ns id",
+ "vnf member index",
+ "vnfd name",
+ "vim account id",
+ "ip address",
+ "date",
+ "last update",
+ ]
+ table = PrettyTable(field_names)
+ for vnfr in resp:
+ name = vnfr["name"] if "name" in vnfr else "-"
+ new_row = [
+ vnfr["_id"],
+ name,
+ vnfr["nsr-id-ref"],
+ vnfr["member-vnf-index-ref"],
+ vnfr["vnfd-ref"],
+ vnfr["vim-account-id"],
+ vnfr["ip-address"],
+ ]
+ if long:
+ date = datetime.fromtimestamp(vnfr["_admin"]["created"]).strftime(
+ "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
+ )
+ last_update = datetime.fromtimestamp(
+ vnfr["_admin"]["modified"]
+ ).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
+ new_row.extend([date, last_update])
+ table.add_row(new_row)
+ else:
+ table = PrettyTable(["vnf name", "id", "operational status", "config status"])
+ for vnfr in resp:
+ if "mgmt-interface" not in vnfr:
+ vnfr["mgmt-interface"] = {}
+ vnfr["mgmt-interface"]["ip-address"] = None
+ table.add_row(
+ [
+ vnfr["name"],
+ vnfr["id"],
+ vnfr["operational-status"],
+ vnfr["config-status"],
+ ]
+ )
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+@click.command(name="vnf-list", short_help="list all NF instances")
+ "--ns", default=None, help="NS instance id or name to restrict the NF list"
+ "--filter",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the list to the NF instances matching the filter.",
+@click.option("--long", is_flag=True, help="get more details")
+def vnf_list1(ctx, ns, filter, long):
+ """list all NF instances"""
+ logger.debug("")
+ vnf_list(ctx, ns, filter, long)
+@click.command(name="nf-list", short_help="list all NF instances")
+ "--ns", default=None, help="NS instance id or name to restrict the NF list"
+ "--filter",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the list to the NF instances matching the filter.",
+@click.option("--long", is_flag=True, help="get more details")
+def nf_list(ctx, ns, filter, long):
+ """list all NF instances
+ \b
+ Options:
+ --ns TEXT NS instance id or name to restrict the VNF list
+ --filter filterExpr Restricts the list to the VNF instances matching the filter
+ \b
+ filterExpr consists of one or more strings formatted according to "simpleFilterExpr",
+ concatenated using the "&" character:
+ \b
+ filterExpr := <simpleFilterExpr>["&"<simpleFilterExpr>]*
+ simpleFilterExpr := <attrName>["."<attrName>]*["."<op>]"="<value>[","<value>]*
+ op := "eq" | "neq" | "gt" | "lt" | "gte" | "lte" | "cont" | "ncont"
+ attrName := string
+ value := scalar value
+ \b
+ where:
+ * zero or more occurrences
+ ? zero or one occurrence
+ [] grouping of expressions to be used with ? and *
+ "" quotation marks for marking string constants
+ <> name separator
+ \b
+ "AttrName" is the name of one attribute in the data type that defines the representation
+ of the resource. The dot (".") character in "simpleFilterExpr" allows concatenation of
+ <attrName> entries to filter by attributes deeper in the hierarchy of a structured document.
+ "Op" stands for the comparison operator. If the expression has concatenated <attrName>
+ entries, it means that the operator "op" is applied to the attribute addressed by the last
+ <attrName> entry included in the concatenation. All simple filter expressions are combined
+ by the "AND" logical operator. In a concatenation of <attrName> entries in a <simpleFilterExpr>,
+ the rightmost "attrName" entry in a "simpleFilterExpr" is called "leaf attribute". The
+ concatenation of all "attrName" entries except the leaf attribute is called the "attribute
+ prefix". If an attribute referenced in an expression is an array, an object that contains a
+ corresponding array shall be considered to match the expression if any of the elements in the
+ array matches all expressions that have the same attribute prefix.
+ \b
+ Filter examples:
+ --filter vim-account-id=<VIM_ACCOUNT_ID>
+ --filter vnfd-ref=<VNFD_NAME>
+ --filter vdur.ip-address=<IP_ADDRESS>
+ --filter vnfd-ref=<VNFD_NAME>,vdur.ip-address=<IP_ADDRESS>
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ vnf_list(ctx, ns, filter, long)
+@click.command(name="vnf-show", short_help="shows the info of a VNF instance")
+@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
+ "--filter",
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the information to the fields in the filter",
+@click.option("--kdu", default=None, help="KDU name (whose status will be shown)")
+def vnf_show(ctx, name, literal, filter, kdu):
+ """shows the info of a VNF instance
+ NAME: name or ID of the VNF instance
+ """
+ def print_kdu_status(op_info_status):
+ """print KDU status properly formatted"""
+ try:
+ op_status = yaml.safe_load(op_info_status)
+ if (
+ "namespace" in op_status
+ and "info" in op_status
+ and "last_deployed" in op_status["info"]
+ and "status" in op_status["info"]
+ and "code" in op_status["info"]["status"]
+ and "resources" in op_status["info"]["status"]
+ and "seconds" in op_status["info"]["last_deployed"]
+ ):
+ last_deployed_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(
+ op_status["info"]["last_deployed"]["seconds"]
+ ).strftime("%a %b %d %I:%M:%S %Y")
+ print("LAST DEPLOYED: {}".format(last_deployed_time))
+ print("NAMESPACE: {}".format(op_status["namespace"]))
+ status_code = "UNKNOWN"
+ if op_status["info"]["status"]["code"] == 1:
+ status_code = "DEPLOYED"
+ print("STATUS: {}".format(status_code))
+ print()
+ print("RESOURCES:")
+ print(op_status["info"]["status"]["resources"])
+ if "notes" in op_status["info"]["status"]:
+ print("NOTES:")
+ print(op_status["info"]["status"]["notes"])
+ else:
+ print(op_info_status)
+ except Exception:
+ print(op_info_status)
+ logger.debug("")
+ if kdu:
+ if literal:
+ raise ClientException(
+ '"--literal" option is incompatible with "--kdu" option'
+ )
+ if filter:
+ raise ClientException(
+ '"--filter" option is incompatible with "--kdu" option'
+ )
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ resp = ctx.obj.vnf.get(name)
+ if kdu:
+ ns_id = resp["nsr-id-ref"]
+ op_data = {}
+ op_data["member_vnf_index"] = resp["member-vnf-index-ref"]
+ op_data["kdu_name"] = kdu
+ op_data["primitive"] = "status"
+ op_data["primitive_params"] = {}
+ op_id = ctx.obj.ns.exec_op(ns_id, op_name="action", op_data=op_data, wait=False)
+ t = 0
+ while t < 30:
+ op_info = ctx.obj.ns.get_op(op_id)
+ if op_info["operationState"] == "COMPLETED":
+ print_kdu_status(op_info["detailed-status"])
+ return
+ time.sleep(5)
+ t += 5
+ print("Could not determine KDU status")
+ return
+ if literal:
+ print(yaml.safe_dump(resp, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
+ return
+ table = PrettyTable(["field", "value"])
+ for k, v in list(resp.items()):
+ if not filter or k in filter:
+ table.add_row([k, utils.wrap_text(text=json.dumps(v, indent=2), width=100)])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright ETSI Contributors and Others.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import click
+from osmclient.cli_commands import utils
+from prettytable import PrettyTable
+import json
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger("osmclient")
+@click.command(name="wim-create", short_help="creates a new WIM account")
+@click.option("--name", prompt=True, help="Name for the WIM account")
+@click.option("--user", help="WIM username")
+@click.option("--password", help="WIM password")
+@click.option("--url", prompt=True, help="WIM url")
+@click.option("--config", default=None, help="WIM specific config parameters")
+@click.option("--wim_type", help="WIM type")
+@click.option("--description", default=None, help="human readable description")
+ "--wim_port_mapping",
+ default=None,
+ help="File describing the port mapping between DC edge (datacenters, switches, ports) and WAN edge "
+ "(WAN service endpoint id and info)",
+ "--wait",
+ required=False,
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it "
+ "until the operation is completed, or timeout",
+def wim_create(
+ ctx,
+ name,
+ user,
+ password,
+ url,
+ config,
+ wim_type,
+ description,
+ wim_port_mapping,
+ wait,
+ """creates a new WIM account"""
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ wim = {}
+ if user:
+ wim["user"] = user
+ if password:
+ wim["password"] = password
+ if url:
+ wim["wim_url"] = url
+ wim["wim_type"] = wim_type
+ if description:
+ wim["description"] = description
+ if config:
+ wim["config"] = config
+ ctx.obj.wim.create(name, wim, wim_port_mapping, wait=wait)
+@click.command(name="wim-update", short_help="updates a WIM account")
+@click.option("--newname", help="New name for the WIM account")
+@click.option("--user", help="WIM username")
+@click.option("--password", help="WIM password")
+@click.option("--url", help="WIM url")
+@click.option("--config", help="WIM specific config parameters")
+@click.option("--wim_type", help="WIM type")
+@click.option("--description", help="human readable description")
+ "--wim_port_mapping",
+ default=None,
+ help="File describing the port mapping between DC edge (datacenters, switches, ports) and WAN edge "
+ "(WAN service endpoint id and info)",
+ "--wait",
+ required=False,
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout",
+def wim_update(
+ ctx,
+ name,
+ newname,
+ user,
+ password,
+ url,
+ config,
+ wim_type,
+ description,
+ wim_port_mapping,
+ wait,
+ """updates a WIM account
+ NAME: name or ID of the WIM account
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ wim = {}
+ if newname:
+ wim["name"] = newname
+ if user:
+ wim["user"] = user
+ if password:
+ wim["password"] = password
+ if url:
+ wim["url"] = url
+ if wim_type:
+ wim["wim_type"] = wim_type
+ if description:
+ wim["description"] = description
+ if config:
+ wim["config"] = config
+ ctx.obj.wim.update(name, wim, wim_port_mapping, wait=wait)
+@click.command(name="wim-delete", short_help="deletes a WIM account")
+ "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions"
+ "--wait",
+ required=False,
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout",
+def wim_delete(ctx, name, force, wait):
+ """deletes a WIM account
+ NAME: name or ID of the WIM account to be deleted
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ ctx.obj.wim.delete(name, force, wait=wait)
+@click.command(name="wim-list", short_help="list all WIM accounts")
+ "--filter",
+ default=None,
+ multiple=True,
+ help="restricts the list to the WIM accounts matching the filter",
+def wim_list(ctx, filter):
+ """list all WIM accounts"""
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ if filter:
+ filter = "&".join(filter)
+ resp = ctx.obj.wim.list(filter)
+ table = PrettyTable(["wim name", "uuid"])
+ for wim in resp:
+ table.add_row([wim["name"], wim["uuid"]])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
+@click.command(name="wim-show", short_help="shows the details of a WIM account")
+def wim_show(ctx, name):
+ """shows the details of a WIM account
+ NAME: name or ID of the WIM account
+ """
+ logger.debug("")
+ utils.check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
+ resp = ctx.obj.wim.get(name)
+ if "password" in resp:
+ resp["password"] = "********"
+ table = PrettyTable(["key", "attribute"])
+ for k, v in list(resp.items()):
+ table.add_row([k, json.dumps(v, indent=2)])
+ table.align = "l"
+ print(table)
-# Copyright 2017-2018 Sandvine
-# Copyright 2018 Telefonica
+# Copyright ETSI Contributors and Others.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
-OSM shell/cli
import click
from osmclient import client
-from osmclient.common.exceptions import ClientException, NotFound
-from osmclient.common.utils import validate_uuid4
-from prettytable import PrettyTable
+from osmclient.common.exceptions import ClientException
+from osmclient.cli_commands import (
+ alarms,
+ k8scluster,
+ metrics,
+ netslice_instance,
+ netslice_ops,
+ netslice_template,
+ nfpkg,
+ ns,
+ nslcm_ops,
+ nslcm,
+ nspkg,
+ other,
+ packages,
+ pdus,
+ rbac,
+ repo,
+ sdnc,
+ subscriptions,
+ vca,
+ vim,
+ vnf,
+ wim,
import yaml
-import json
-import time
import pycurl
import os
-import textwrap
-import pkg_resources
import logging
-from datetime import datetime
-from typing import Any, Dict
-def wrap_text(text, width):
- wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=width)
- lines = text.splitlines()
- return "\n".join(map(wrapper.fill, lines))
-def trunc_text(text, length):
- if len(text) > length:
- return text[: (length - 3)] + "..."
- else:
- return text
-def check_client_version(obj, what, version="sol005"):
- """
- Checks the version of the client object and raises error if it not the expected.
- :param obj: the client object
- :what: the function or command under evaluation (used when an error is raised)
- :return: -
- :raises ClientError: if the specified version does not match the client version
- """
- logger.debug("")
- fullclassname = obj.__module__ + "." + obj.__class__.__name__
- message = 'The following commands or options are only supported with the option "--sol005": {}'.format(
- what
- )
- if version == "v1":
- message = 'The following commands or options are not supported when using option "--sol005": {}'.format(
- what
- )
- if fullclassname != "osmclient.{}.client.Client".format(version):
- raise ClientException(message)
- return
-def get_project(project_list, item):
- # project_list = ctx.obj.project.list()
- item_project_list = item.get("_admin", {}).get("projects_read")
- project_id = "None"
- project_name = "None"
- if item_project_list:
- for p1 in item_project_list:
- project_id = p1
- for p2 in project_list:
- if p2["_id"] == project_id:
- project_name = p2["name"]
- return project_id, project_name
- return project_id, project_name
-def get_vim_name(vim_list, vim_id):
- vim_name = "-"
- for v in vim_list:
- if v["uuid"] == vim_id:
- vim_name = v["name"]
- break
- return vim_name
-def create_config(config_file, json_string):
- """
- Combines a YAML or JSON file with a JSON string into a Python3 structure
- It loads the YAML or JSON file 'cfile' into a first dictionary.
- It loads the JSON string into a second dictionary.
- Then it updates the first dictionary with the info in the second dictionary.
- If the field is present in both cfile and cdict, the field in cdict prevails.
- If both cfile and cdict are None, it returns an empty dict (i.e. {})
- """
- config = {}
- if config_file:
- with open(config_file, "r") as cf:
- config = yaml.safe_load(cf.read())
- if json_string:
- cdict = yaml.safe_load(json_string)
- for k, v in cdict.items():
- config[k] = v
- return config
logger = logging.getLogger("osmclient")
-# LIST operations
-@cli_osm.command(name="ns-list", short_help="list all NS instances")
- "--filter",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the list to the NS instances matching the filter.",
- "--long",
- is_flag=True,
- help="get more details of the NS (project, vim, deployment status, configuration status.",
-def ns_list(ctx, filter, long):
- """list all NS instances
- \b
- Options:
- --filter filterExpr Restricts the list to the NS instances matching the filter
- \b
- filterExpr consists of one or more strings formatted according to "simpleFilterExpr",
- concatenated using the "&" character:
- \b
- filterExpr := <simpleFilterExpr>["&"<simpleFilterExpr>]*
- simpleFilterExpr := <attrName>["."<attrName>]*["."<op>]"="<value>[","<value>]*
- op := "eq" | "neq" | "gt" | "lt" | "gte" | "lte" | "cont" | "ncont"
- attrName := string
- value := scalar value
- \b
- where:
- * zero or more occurrences
- ? zero or one occurrence
- [] grouping of expressions to be used with ? and *
- "" quotation marks for marking string constants
- <> name separator
- \b
- "AttrName" is the name of one attribute in the data type that defines the representation
- of the resource. The dot (".") character in "simpleFilterExpr" allows concatenation of
- <attrName> entries to filter by attributes deeper in the hierarchy of a structured document.
- "Op" stands for the comparison operator. If the expression has concatenated <attrName>
- entries, it means that the operator "op" is applied to the attribute addressed by the last
- <attrName> entry included in the concatenation. All simple filter expressions are combined
- by the "AND" logical operator. In a concatenation of <attrName> entries in a <simpleFilterExpr>,
- the rightmost "attrName" entry in a "simpleFilterExpr" is called "leaf attribute". The
- concatenation of all "attrName" entries except the leaf attribute is called the "attribute
- prefix". If an attribute referenced in an expression is an array, an object that contains a
- corresponding array shall be considered to match the expression if any of the elements in the
- array matches all expressions that have the same attribute prefix.
- \b
- Filter examples:
- --filter admin-status=ENABLED
- --filter nsd-ref=<NSD_NAME>
- --filter nsd.vendor=<VENDOR>
- --filter nsd.vendor=<VENDOR>&nsd-ref=<NSD_NAME>
- --filter nsd.constituent-vnfd.vnfd-id-ref=<VNFD_NAME>
- """
- def summarize_deployment_status(status_dict):
- # Nets
- summary = ""
- if not status_dict:
- return summary
- n_nets = 0
- status_nets = {}
- net_list = status_dict.get("nets", [])
- for net in net_list:
- n_nets += 1
- if net["status"] not in status_nets:
- status_nets[net["status"]] = 1
- else:
- status_nets[net["status"]] += 1
- message = "Nets: "
- for k, v in status_nets.items():
- message += "{}:{},".format(k, v)
- message += "TOTAL:{}".format(n_nets)
- summary += "{}".format(message)
- # VMs and VNFs
- n_vms = 0
- status_vms = {}
- status_vnfs = {}
- vnf_list = status_dict["vnfs"]
- for vnf in vnf_list:
- member_vnf_index = vnf["member_vnf_index"]
- if member_vnf_index not in status_vnfs:
- status_vnfs[member_vnf_index] = {}
- for vm in vnf["vms"]:
- n_vms += 1
- if vm["status"] not in status_vms:
- status_vms[vm["status"]] = 1
- else:
- status_vms[vm["status"]] += 1
- if vm["status"] not in status_vnfs[member_vnf_index]:
- status_vnfs[member_vnf_index][vm["status"]] = 1
- else:
- status_vnfs[member_vnf_index][vm["status"]] += 1
- message = "VMs: "
- for k, v in status_vms.items():
- message += "{}:{},".format(k, v)
- message += "TOTAL:{}".format(n_vms)
- summary += "\n{}".format(message)
- summary += "\nNFs:"
- for k, v in status_vnfs.items():
- total = 0
- message = "\n {} VMs: ".format(k)
- for k2, v2 in v.items():
- message += "{}:{},".format(k2, v2)
- total += v2
- message += "TOTAL:{}".format(total)
- summary += message
- return summary
- def summarize_config_status(ee_list):
- summary = ""
- if not ee_list:
- return summary
- n_ee = 0
- status_ee = {}
- for ee in ee_list:
- n_ee += 1
- if ee["elementType"] not in status_ee:
- status_ee[ee["elementType"]] = {}
- status_ee[ee["elementType"]][ee["status"]] = 1
- continue
- if ee["status"] in status_ee[ee["elementType"]]:
- status_ee[ee["elementType"]][ee["status"]] += 1
- else:
- status_ee[ee["elementType"]][ee["status"]] = 1
- for elementType in ["KDU", "VDU", "PDU", "VNF", "NS"]:
- if elementType in status_ee:
- message = ""
- total = 0
- for k, v in status_ee[elementType].items():
- message += "{}:{},".format(k, v)
- total += v
- message += "TOTAL:{}\n".format(total)
- summary += "{}: {}".format(elementType, message)
- summary += "TOTAL Exec. Env.: {}".format(n_ee)
- return summary
- logger.debug("")
- if filter:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, "--filter")
- filter = "&".join(filter)
- resp = ctx.obj.ns.list(filter)
- else:
- resp = ctx.obj.ns.list()
- if long:
- table = PrettyTable(
- [
- "ns instance name",
- "id",
- "date",
- "ns state",
- "current operation",
- "error details",
- "project",
- "vim (inst param)",
- "deployment status",
- "configuration status",
- ]
- )
- project_list = ctx.obj.project.list()
- try:
- vim_list = ctx.obj.vim.list()
- except Exception:
- vim_list = []
- else:
- table = PrettyTable(
- [
- "ns instance name",
- "id",
- "date",
- "ns state",
- "current operation",
- "error details",
- ]
- )
- for ns in resp:
- fullclassname = ctx.obj.__module__ + "." + ctx.obj.__class__.__name__
- if fullclassname == "osmclient.sol005.client.Client":
- nsr = ns
- logger.debug("NS info: {}".format(nsr))
- nsr_name = nsr["name"]
- nsr_id = nsr["_id"]
- date = datetime.fromtimestamp(nsr["create-time"]).strftime(
- "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
- )
- ns_state = nsr.get("nsState", nsr["_admin"]["nsState"])
- if long:
- deployment_status = summarize_deployment_status(
- nsr.get("deploymentStatus")
- )
- config_status = summarize_config_status(nsr.get("configurationStatus"))
- project_id, project_name = get_project(project_list, nsr)
- # project = '{} ({})'.format(project_name, project_id)
- project = project_name
- vim_id = nsr.get("datacenter")
- vim_name = get_vim_name(vim_list, vim_id)
- # vim = '{} ({})'.format(vim_name, vim_id)
- vim = vim_name
- if "currentOperation" in nsr:
- current_operation = "{} ({})".format(
- nsr["currentOperation"], nsr["currentOperationID"]
- )
- else:
- current_operation = "{} ({})".format(
- nsr["_admin"].get("current-operation", "-"),
- nsr["_admin"]["nslcmop"],
- )
- error_details = "N/A"
- if (
- ns_state == "BROKEN"
- or ns_state == "DEGRADED"
- or ("currentOperation" not in nsr and nsr.get("errorDescription"))
- ):
- error_details = "{}\nDetail: {}".format(
- nsr["errorDescription"], nsr["errorDetail"]
- )
- else:
- nsopdata = ctx.obj.ns.get_opdata(ns["id"])
- nsr = nsopdata["nsr:nsr"]
- nsr_name = nsr["name-ref"]
- nsr_id = nsr["ns-instance-config-ref"]
- date = "-"
- project = "-"
- deployment_status = (
- nsr["operational-status"]
- if "operational-status" in nsr
- else "Not found"
- )
- ns_state = deployment_status
- config_status = nsr.get("config-status", "Not found")
- current_operation = "Unknown"
- error_details = nsr.get("detailed-status", "Not found")
- if config_status == "config_not_needed":
- config_status = "configured (no charms)"
- if long:
- table.add_row(
- [
- nsr_name,
- nsr_id,
- date,
- ns_state,
- current_operation,
- wrap_text(text=error_details, width=40),
- project,
- vim,
- deployment_status,
- config_status,
- ]
- )
- else:
- table.add_row(
- [
- nsr_name,
- nsr_id,
- date,
- ns_state,
- current_operation,
- wrap_text(text=error_details, width=40),
- ]
- )
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
- print('To get the history of all operations over a NS, run "osm ns-op-list NS_ID"')
- print(
- 'For more details on the current operation, run "osm ns-op-show OPERATION_ID"'
- )
-def nsd_list(ctx, filter, long):
- logger.debug("")
- if filter:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, "--filter")
- filter = "&".join(filter)
- resp = ctx.obj.nsd.list(filter)
- else:
- resp = ctx.obj.nsd.list()
- # print(yaml.safe_dump(resp))
- fullclassname = ctx.obj.__module__ + "." + ctx.obj.__class__.__name__
- if fullclassname == "osmclient.sol005.client.Client":
- if long:
- table = PrettyTable(
- [
- "nsd name",
- "id",
- "onboarding state",
- "operational state",
- "usage state",
- "date",
- "last update",
- ]
- )
- else:
- table = PrettyTable(["nsd name", "id"])
- for nsd in resp:
- name = nsd.get("id", "-")
- if long:
- onb_state = nsd["_admin"].get("onboardingState", "-")
- op_state = nsd["_admin"].get("operationalState", "-")
- usage_state = nsd["_admin"].get("usageState", "-")
- date = datetime.fromtimestamp(nsd["_admin"]["created"]).strftime(
- "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
- )
- last_update = datetime.fromtimestamp(
- nsd["_admin"]["modified"]
- ).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
- table.add_row(
- [
- name,
- nsd["_id"],
- onb_state,
- op_state,
- usage_state,
- date,
- last_update,
- ]
- )
- else:
- table.add_row([name, nsd["_id"]])
- else:
- table = PrettyTable(["nsd name", "id"])
- for nsd in resp:
- table.add_row([nsd["name"], nsd["id"]])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
-@cli_osm.command(name="nsd-list", short_help="list all NS packages")
- "--filter",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the list to the NSD/NSpkg matching the filter",
-@click.option("--long", is_flag=True, help="get more details")
-def nsd_list1(ctx, filter, long):
- """list all NSD/NS pkg in the system"""
- logger.debug("")
- nsd_list(ctx, filter, long)
-@cli_osm.command(name="nspkg-list", short_help="list all NS packages")
- "--filter",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the list to the NSD/NSpkg matching the filter",
-@click.option("--long", is_flag=True, help="get more details")
-def nsd_list2(ctx, filter, long):
- """list all NS packages"""
- logger.debug("")
- nsd_list(ctx, filter, long)
-def pkg_repo_list(ctx, pkgtype, filter, repo, long):
- resp = ctx.obj.osmrepo.pkg_list(pkgtype, filter, repo)
- if long:
- table = PrettyTable(
- ["nfpkg name", "vendor", "version", "latest", "description", "repository"]
- )
- else:
- table = PrettyTable(["nfpkg name", "repository"])
- for vnfd in resp:
- name = vnfd.get("id", vnfd.get("name", "-"))
- repository = vnfd.get("repository")
- if long:
- vendor = vnfd.get("provider", vnfd.get("vendor"))
- version = vnfd.get("version")
- description = vnfd.get("description")
- latest = vnfd.get("latest")
- table.add_row([name, vendor, version, latest, description, repository])
- else:
- table.add_row([name, repository])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
-def vnfd_list(ctx, nf_type, filter, long):
- logger.debug("")
- if nf_type:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, "--nf_type")
- elif filter:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, "--filter")
- if filter:
- filter = "&".join(filter)
- if nf_type:
- if nf_type == "vnf":
- nf_filter = "_admin.type=vnfd"
- elif nf_type == "pnf":
- nf_filter = "_admin.type=pnfd"
- elif nf_type == "hnf":
- nf_filter = "_admin.type=hnfd"
- else:
- raise ClientException(
- 'wrong value for "--nf_type" option, allowed values: vnf, pnf, hnf'
- )
- if filter:
- filter = "{}&{}".format(nf_filter, filter)
- else:
- filter = nf_filter
- if filter:
- resp = ctx.obj.vnfd.list(filter)
- else:
- resp = ctx.obj.vnfd.list()
- # print(yaml.safe_dump(resp))
- fullclassname = ctx.obj.__module__ + "." + ctx.obj.__class__.__name__
- if fullclassname == "osmclient.sol005.client.Client":
- if long:
- table = PrettyTable(
- [
- "nfpkg name",
- "id",
- "desc type",
- "vendor",
- "version",
- "onboarding state",
- "operational state",
- "usage state",
- "date",
- "last update",
- ]
- )
- else:
- table = PrettyTable(["nfpkg name", "id", "desc type"])
- for vnfd in resp:
- name = vnfd.get("id", vnfd.get("name", "-"))
- descriptor_type = "sol006" if "product-name" in vnfd else "rel8"
- if long:
- onb_state = vnfd["_admin"].get("onboardingState", "-")
- op_state = vnfd["_admin"].get("operationalState", "-")
- vendor = vnfd.get("provider", vnfd.get("vendor"))
- version = vnfd.get("version")
- usage_state = vnfd["_admin"].get("usageState", "-")
- date = datetime.fromtimestamp(vnfd["_admin"]["created"]).strftime(
- "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
- )
- last_update = datetime.fromtimestamp(
- vnfd["_admin"]["modified"]
- ).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
- table.add_row(
- [
- name,
- vnfd["_id"],
- descriptor_type,
- vendor,
- version,
- onb_state,
- op_state,
- usage_state,
- date,
- last_update,
- ]
- )
- else:
- table.add_row([name, vnfd["_id"], descriptor_type])
- else:
- table = PrettyTable(["nfpkg name", "id"])
- for vnfd in resp:
- table.add_row([vnfd["name"], vnfd["id"]])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
-@cli_osm.command(name="vnfd-list", short_help="list all xNF packages (VNF, HNF, PNF)")
-@click.option("--nf_type", help="type of NF (vnf, pnf, hnf)")
- "--filter",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the list to the NF pkg matching the filter",
-@click.option("--long", is_flag=True, help="get more details")
-def vnfd_list1(ctx, nf_type, filter, long):
- """list all xNF packages (VNF, HNF, PNF)"""
- logger.debug("")
- vnfd_list(ctx, nf_type, filter, long)
-@cli_osm.command(name="vnfpkg-list", short_help="list all xNF packages (VNF, HNF, PNF)")
-@click.option("--nf_type", help="type of NF (vnf, pnf, hnf)")
- "--filter",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the list to the NFpkg matching the filter",
-@click.option("--long", is_flag=True, help="get more details")
-def vnfd_list2(ctx, nf_type, filter, long):
- """list all xNF packages (VNF, HNF, PNF)"""
- logger.debug("")
- vnfd_list(ctx, nf_type, filter, long)
-@cli_osm.command(name="nfpkg-list", short_help="list all xNF packages (VNF, HNF, PNF)")
-@click.option("--nf_type", help="type of NF (vnf, pnf, hnf)")
- "--filter",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the list to the NFpkg matching the filter",
-@click.option("--long", is_flag=True, help="get more details")
-def nfpkg_list(ctx, nf_type, filter, long):
- """list all xNF packages (VNF, HNF, PNF)"""
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- vnfd_list(ctx, nf_type, filter, long)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- name="vnfpkg-repo-list", short_help="list all xNF from OSM repositories"
- "--filter",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the list to the NFpkg matching the filter",
- "--repo", default=None, help="restricts the list to a particular OSM repository"
-@click.option("--long", is_flag=True, help="get more details")
-def nfpkg_repo_list1(ctx, filter, repo, long):
- """list xNF packages from OSM repositories"""
- pkgtype = "vnf"
- pkg_repo_list(ctx, pkgtype, filter, repo, long)
- name="nfpkg-repo-list", short_help="list all xNF from OSM repositories"
- "--filter",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the list to the NFpkg matching the filter",
- "--repo", default=None, help="restricts the list to a particular OSM repository"
-@click.option("--long", is_flag=True, help="get more details")
-def nfpkg_repo_list2(ctx, filter, repo, long):
- """list xNF packages from OSM repositories"""
- pkgtype = "vnf"
- pkg_repo_list(ctx, pkgtype, filter, repo, long)
-def vnf_list(ctx, ns, filter, long):
- # try:
- if ns or filter:
- if ns:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, "--ns")
- if filter:
- filter = "&".join(filter)
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, "--filter")
- resp = ctx.obj.vnf.list(ns, filter)
- else:
- resp = ctx.obj.vnf.list()
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- fullclassname = ctx.obj.__module__ + "." + ctx.obj.__class__.__name__
- if fullclassname == "osmclient.sol005.client.Client":
- field_names = [
- "vnf id",
- "name",
- "ns id",
- "vnf member index",
- "vnfd name",
- "vim account id",
- "ip address",
- ]
- if long:
- field_names = [
- "vnf id",
- "name",
- "ns id",
- "vnf member index",
- "vnfd name",
- "vim account id",
- "ip address",
- "date",
- "last update",
- ]
- table = PrettyTable(field_names)
- for vnfr in resp:
- name = vnfr["name"] if "name" in vnfr else "-"
- new_row = [
- vnfr["_id"],
- name,
- vnfr["nsr-id-ref"],
- vnfr["member-vnf-index-ref"],
- vnfr["vnfd-ref"],
- vnfr["vim-account-id"],
- vnfr["ip-address"],
- ]
- if long:
- date = datetime.fromtimestamp(vnfr["_admin"]["created"]).strftime(
- "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
- )
- last_update = datetime.fromtimestamp(
- vnfr["_admin"]["modified"]
- ).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
- new_row.extend([date, last_update])
- table.add_row(new_row)
- else:
- table = PrettyTable(["vnf name", "id", "operational status", "config status"])
- for vnfr in resp:
- if "mgmt-interface" not in vnfr:
- vnfr["mgmt-interface"] = {}
- vnfr["mgmt-interface"]["ip-address"] = None
- table.add_row(
- [
- vnfr["name"],
- vnfr["id"],
- vnfr["operational-status"],
- vnfr["config-status"],
- ]
- )
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
-@cli_osm.command(name="vnf-list", short_help="list all NF instances")
- "--ns", default=None, help="NS instance id or name to restrict the NF list"
- "--filter",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the list to the NF instances matching the filter.",
-@click.option("--long", is_flag=True, help="get more details")
-def vnf_list1(ctx, ns, filter, long):
- """list all NF instances"""
- logger.debug("")
- vnf_list(ctx, ns, filter, long)
-@cli_osm.command(name="nsd-repo-list", short_help="list all NS from OSM repositories")
- "--filter",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the list to the NS matching the filter",
- "--repo", default=None, help="restricts the list to a particular OSM repository"
-@click.option("--long", is_flag=True, help="get more details")
-def nspkg_repo_list(ctx, filter, repo, long):
- """list xNF packages from OSM repositories"""
- pkgtype = "ns"
- pkg_repo_list(ctx, pkgtype, filter, repo, long)
-@cli_osm.command(name="nspkg-repo-list", short_help="list all NS from OSM repositories")
- "--filter",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the list to the NS matching the filter",
- "--repo", default=None, help="restricts the list to a particular OSM repository"
-@click.option("--long", is_flag=True, help="get more details")
-def nspkg_repo_list2(ctx, filter, repo, long):
- """list xNF packages from OSM repositories"""
- pkgtype = "ns"
- pkg_repo_list(ctx, pkgtype, filter, repo, long)
-@cli_osm.command(name="nf-list", short_help="list all NF instances")
- "--ns", default=None, help="NS instance id or name to restrict the NF list"
- "--filter",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the list to the NF instances matching the filter.",
-@click.option("--long", is_flag=True, help="get more details")
-def nf_list(ctx, ns, filter, long):
- """list all NF instances
- \b
- Options:
- --ns TEXT NS instance id or name to restrict the VNF list
- --filter filterExpr Restricts the list to the VNF instances matching the filter
- \b
- filterExpr consists of one or more strings formatted according to "simpleFilterExpr",
- concatenated using the "&" character:
- \b
- filterExpr := <simpleFilterExpr>["&"<simpleFilterExpr>]*
- simpleFilterExpr := <attrName>["."<attrName>]*["."<op>]"="<value>[","<value>]*
- op := "eq" | "neq" | "gt" | "lt" | "gte" | "lte" | "cont" | "ncont"
- attrName := string
- value := scalar value
- \b
- where:
- * zero or more occurrences
- ? zero or one occurrence
- [] grouping of expressions to be used with ? and *
- "" quotation marks for marking string constants
- <> name separator
- \b
- "AttrName" is the name of one attribute in the data type that defines the representation
- of the resource. The dot (".") character in "simpleFilterExpr" allows concatenation of
- <attrName> entries to filter by attributes deeper in the hierarchy of a structured document.
- "Op" stands for the comparison operator. If the expression has concatenated <attrName>
- entries, it means that the operator "op" is applied to the attribute addressed by the last
- <attrName> entry included in the concatenation. All simple filter expressions are combined
- by the "AND" logical operator. In a concatenation of <attrName> entries in a <simpleFilterExpr>,
- the rightmost "attrName" entry in a "simpleFilterExpr" is called "leaf attribute". The
- concatenation of all "attrName" entries except the leaf attribute is called the "attribute
- prefix". If an attribute referenced in an expression is an array, an object that contains a
- corresponding array shall be considered to match the expression if any of the elements in the
- array matches all expressions that have the same attribute prefix.
- \b
- Filter examples:
- --filter vim-account-id=<VIM_ACCOUNT_ID>
- --filter vnfd-ref=<VNFD_NAME>
- --filter vdur.ip-address=<IP_ADDRESS>
- --filter vnfd-ref=<VNFD_NAME>,vdur.ip-address=<IP_ADDRESS>
- """
- logger.debug("")
- vnf_list(ctx, ns, filter, long)
- name="ns-op-list", short_help="shows the history of operations over a NS instance"
- "--long", is_flag=True, help="get more details of the NS operation (date, )."
-def ns_op_list(ctx, name, long):
- """shows the history of operations over a NS instance
- NAME: name or ID of the NS instance
- """
- def formatParams(params):
- if params["lcmOperationType"] == "instantiate":
- params.pop("nsDescription")
- params.pop("nsName")
- params.pop("nsdId")
- params.pop("nsr_id")
- elif params["lcmOperationType"] == "action":
- params.pop("primitive")
- params.pop("lcmOperationType")
- params.pop("nsInstanceId")
- return params
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- resp = ctx.obj.ns.list_op(name)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- if long:
- table = PrettyTable(
- [
- "id",
- "operation",
- "action_name",
- "operation_params",
- "status",
- "date",
- "last update",
- "detail",
- ]
- )
- else:
- table = PrettyTable(
- ["id", "operation", "action_name", "status", "date", "detail"]
- )
- # print(yaml.safe_dump(resp))
- for op in resp:
- action_name = "N/A"
- if op["lcmOperationType"] == "action":
- action_name = op["operationParams"]["primitive"]
- detail = "-"
- if op["operationState"] == "PROCESSING":
- if op.get("queuePosition") is not None and op.get("queuePosition") > 0:
- detail = "In queue. Current position: {}".format(op["queuePosition"])
- elif op["lcmOperationType"] in ("instantiate", "terminate"):
- if op["stage"]:
- detail = op["stage"]
- elif op["operationState"] in ("FAILED", "FAILED_TEMP"):
- detail = op.get("errorMessage", "-")
- date = datetime.fromtimestamp(op["startTime"]).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
- last_update = datetime.fromtimestamp(op["statusEnteredTime"]).strftime(
- "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
- )
- if long:
- table.add_row(
- [
- op["id"],
- op["lcmOperationType"],
- action_name,
- wrap_text(
- text=json.dumps(formatParams(op["operationParams"]), indent=2),
- width=50,
- ),
- op["operationState"],
- date,
- last_update,
- wrap_text(text=detail, width=50),
- ]
- )
- else:
- table.add_row(
- [
- op["id"],
- op["lcmOperationType"],
- action_name,
- op["operationState"],
- date,
- wrap_text(text=detail or "", width=50),
- ]
- )
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
-def nsi_list(ctx, filter):
- """list all Network Slice Instances"""
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- if filter:
- filter = "&".join(filter)
- resp = ctx.obj.nsi.list(filter)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- table = PrettyTable(
- [
- "netslice instance name",
- "id",
- "operational status",
- "config status",
- "detailed status",
- ]
- )
- for nsi in resp:
- nsi_name = nsi["name"]
- nsi_id = nsi["_id"]
- opstatus = (
- nsi["operational-status"] if "operational-status" in nsi else "Not found"
- )
- configstatus = nsi["config-status"] if "config-status" in nsi else "Not found"
- detailed_status = (
- nsi["detailed-status"] if "detailed-status" in nsi else "Not found"
- )
- if configstatus == "config_not_needed":
- configstatus = "configured (no charms)"
- table.add_row([nsi_name, nsi_id, opstatus, configstatus, detailed_status])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
-@cli_osm.command(name="nsi-list", short_help="list all Network Slice Instances (NSI)")
- "--filter",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the list to the Network Slice Instances matching the filter",
-def nsi_list1(ctx, filter):
- """list all Network Slice Instances (NSI)"""
- logger.debug("")
- nsi_list(ctx, filter)
- name="netslice-instance-list", short_help="list all Network Slice Instances (NSI)"
- "--filter",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the list to the Network Slice Instances matching the filter",
-def nsi_list2(ctx, filter):
- """list all Network Slice Instances (NSI)"""
- logger.debug("")
- nsi_list(ctx, filter)
-def nst_list(ctx, filter):
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- if filter:
- filter = "&".join(filter)
- resp = ctx.obj.nst.list(filter)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- # print(yaml.safe_dump(resp))
- table = PrettyTable(["nst name", "id"])
- for nst in resp:
- name = nst["name"] if "name" in nst else "-"
- table.add_row([name, nst["_id"]])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
-@cli_osm.command(name="nst-list", short_help="list all Network Slice Templates (NST)")
- "--filter",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the list to the NST matching the filter",
-def nst_list1(ctx, filter):
- """list all Network Slice Templates (NST) in the system"""
- logger.debug("")
- nst_list(ctx, filter)
- name="netslice-template-list", short_help="list all Network Slice Templates (NST)"
- "--filter",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the list to the NST matching the filter",
-def nst_list2(ctx, filter):
- """list all Network Slice Templates (NST) in the system"""
- logger.debug("")
- nst_list(ctx, filter)
-def nsi_op_list(ctx, name):
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- resp = ctx.obj.nsi.list_op(name)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- table = PrettyTable(["id", "operation", "status"])
- for op in resp:
- table.add_row([op["id"], op["lcmOperationType"], op["operationState"]])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
- name="nsi-op-list",
- short_help="shows the history of operations over a Network Slice Instance (NSI)",
-def nsi_op_list1(ctx, name):
- """shows the history of operations over a Network Slice Instance (NSI)
- NAME: name or ID of the Network Slice Instance
- """
- logger.debug("")
- nsi_op_list(ctx, name)
- name="netslice-instance-op-list",
- short_help="shows the history of operations over a Network Slice Instance (NSI)",
-def nsi_op_list2(ctx, name):
- """shows the history of operations over a Network Slice Instance (NSI)
- NAME: name or ID of the Network Slice Instance
- """
- logger.debug("")
- nsi_op_list(ctx, name)
-@cli_osm.command(name="pdu-list", short_help="list all Physical Deployment Units (PDU)")
- "--filter",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the list to the Physical Deployment Units matching the filter",
-def pdu_list(ctx, filter):
- """list all Physical Deployment Units (PDU)"""
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- if filter:
- filter = "&".join(filter)
- resp = ctx.obj.pdu.list(filter)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- table = PrettyTable(["pdu name", "id", "type", "mgmt ip address"])
- for pdu in resp:
- pdu_name = pdu["name"]
- pdu_id = pdu["_id"]
- pdu_type = pdu["type"]
- pdu_ipaddress = "None"
- for iface in pdu["interfaces"]:
- if iface["mgmt"]:
- pdu_ipaddress = iface["ip-address"]
- break
- table.add_row([pdu_name, pdu_id, pdu_type, pdu_ipaddress])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
-# SHOW operations
-def nsd_show(ctx, name, literal):
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- resp = ctx.obj.nsd.get(name)
- # resp = ctx.obj.nsd.get_individual(name)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- if literal:
- print(yaml.safe_dump(resp, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
- return
- table = PrettyTable(["field", "value"])
- for k, v in list(resp.items()):
- table.add_row([k, wrap_text(text=json.dumps(v, indent=2), width=100)])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
-@cli_osm.command(name="nsd-show", short_help="shows the details of a NS package")
-@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
-def nsd_show1(ctx, name, literal):
- """shows the content of a NSD
- NAME: name or ID of the NSD/NSpkg
- """
- logger.debug("")
- nsd_show(ctx, name, literal)
-@cli_osm.command(name="nspkg-show", short_help="shows the details of a NS package")
-@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
-def nsd_show2(ctx, name, literal):
- """shows the content of a NSD
- NAME: name or ID of the NSD/NSpkg
- """
- logger.debug("")
- nsd_show(ctx, name, literal)
-def vnfd_show(ctx, name, literal):
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- resp = ctx.obj.vnfd.get(name)
- # resp = ctx.obj.vnfd.get_individual(name)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- if literal:
- print(yaml.safe_dump(resp, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
- return
- table = PrettyTable(["field", "value"])
- for k, v in list(resp.items()):
- table.add_row([k, wrap_text(text=json.dumps(v, indent=2), width=100)])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
-def pkg_repo_show(ctx, pkgtype, name, repo, version, filter, literal):
- logger.debug("")
- if filter:
- filter = "&".join(filter)
- # try:
- resp = ctx.obj.osmrepo.pkg_get(pkgtype, name, repo, version, filter)
- if literal:
- print(yaml.safe_dump(resp, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
- return
- pkgtype += "d"
- catalog = pkgtype + "-catalog"
- full_catalog = pkgtype + ":" + catalog
- if resp.get(catalog):
- resp = resp.pop(catalog)[pkgtype][0]
- elif resp.get(full_catalog):
- resp = resp.pop(full_catalog)[pkgtype][0]
- table = PrettyTable(["field", "value"])
- for k, v in list(resp.items()):
- table.add_row([k, wrap_text(text=json.dumps(v, indent=2), width=100)])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
-@cli_osm.command(name="vnfd-show", short_help="shows the details of a NF package")
-@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
-def vnfd_show1(ctx, name, literal):
- """shows the content of a VNFD
- NAME: name or ID of the VNFD/VNFpkg
- """
- logger.debug("")
- vnfd_show(ctx, name, literal)
-@cli_osm.command(name="vnfpkg-show", short_help="shows the details of a NF package")
-@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
-def vnfd_show2(ctx, name, literal):
- """shows the content of a VNFD
- NAME: name or ID of the VNFD/VNFpkg
- """
- logger.debug("")
- vnfd_show(ctx, name, literal)
- name="vnfpkg-repo-show",
- short_help="shows the details of a NF package in an OSM repository",
-@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
-@click.option("--repo", required=True, help="Repository name")
-@click.option("--filter", default=None, multiple=True, help="filter by fields")
-@click.option("--version", default="latest", help="package version")
-def vnfd_show3(ctx, name, repo, version, literal=None, filter=None):
- """shows the content of a VNFD in a repository
- NAME: name or ID of the VNFD/VNFpkg
- """
- pkgtype = "vnf"
- pkg_repo_show(ctx, pkgtype, name, repo, version, filter, literal)
- name="nsd-repo-show",
- short_help="shows the details of a NS package in an OSM repository",
-@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
-@click.option("--repo", required=True, help="Repository name")
-@click.option("--filter", default=None, multiple=True, help="filter by fields")
-@click.option("--version", default="latest", help="package version")
-def nsd_repo_show(ctx, name, repo, version, literal=None, filter=None):
- """shows the content of a VNFD in a repository
- NAME: name or ID of the VNFD/VNFpkg
- """
- pkgtype = "ns"
- pkg_repo_show(ctx, pkgtype, name, repo, version, filter, literal)
- name="nspkg-repo-show",
- short_help="shows the details of a NS package in an OSM repository",
-@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
-@click.option("--repo", required=True, help="Repository name")
-@click.option("--filter", default=None, multiple=True, help="filter by fields")
-@click.option("--version", default="latest", help="package version")
-def nsd_repo_show2(ctx, name, repo, version, literal=None, filter=None):
- """shows the content of a VNFD in a repository
- NAME: name or ID of the VNFD/VNFpkg
- """
- pkgtype = "ns"
- pkg_repo_show(ctx, pkgtype, name, repo, version, filter, literal)
-@cli_osm.command(name="nfpkg-show", short_help="shows the details of a NF package")
-@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
-def nfpkg_show(ctx, name, literal):
- """shows the content of a NF Descriptor
- NAME: name or ID of the NFpkg
- """
- logger.debug("")
- vnfd_show(ctx, name, literal)
- name="nfpkg-repo-show",
- short_help="shows the details of a NF package in an OSM repository",
-@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
-@click.option("--repo", required=True, help="Repository name")
-@click.option("--filter", default=None, multiple=True, help="filter by fields")
-@click.option("--version", default="latest", help="package version")
-def vnfd_show4(ctx, name, repo, version, literal=None, filter=None):
- """shows the content of a VNFD in a repository
- NAME: name or ID of the VNFD/VNFpkg
- """
- pkgtype = "vnf"
- pkg_repo_show(ctx, pkgtype, name, repo, version, filter, literal)
-@cli_osm.command(name="ns-show", short_help="shows the info of a NS instance")
-@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
- "--filter",
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the information to the fields in the filter",
-def ns_show(ctx, name, literal, filter):
- """shows the info of a NS instance
- NAME: name or ID of the NS instance
- """
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- ns = ctx.obj.ns.get(name)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- if literal:
- print(yaml.safe_dump(ns, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
- return
- table = PrettyTable(["field", "value"])
- for k, v in list(ns.items()):
- if not filter or k in filter:
- table.add_row([k, wrap_text(text=json.dumps(v, indent=2), width=100)])
- fullclassname = ctx.obj.__module__ + "." + ctx.obj.__class__.__name__
- if fullclassname != "osmclient.sol005.client.Client":
- nsopdata = ctx.obj.ns.get_opdata(ns["id"])
- nsr_optdata = nsopdata["nsr:nsr"]
- for k, v in list(nsr_optdata.items()):
- if not filter or k in filter:
- table.add_row([k, wrap_text(json.dumps(v, indent=2), width=100)])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
-@cli_osm.command(name="vnf-show", short_help="shows the info of a VNF instance")
-@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
- "--filter",
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the information to the fields in the filter",
-@click.option("--kdu", default=None, help="KDU name (whose status will be shown)")
-def vnf_show(ctx, name, literal, filter, kdu):
- """shows the info of a VNF instance
- NAME: name or ID of the VNF instance
- """
- def print_kdu_status(op_info_status):
- """print KDU status properly formatted"""
- try:
- op_status = yaml.safe_load(op_info_status)
- if (
- "namespace" in op_status
- and "info" in op_status
- and "last_deployed" in op_status["info"]
- and "status" in op_status["info"]
- and "code" in op_status["info"]["status"]
- and "resources" in op_status["info"]["status"]
- and "seconds" in op_status["info"]["last_deployed"]
- ):
- last_deployed_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(
- op_status["info"]["last_deployed"]["seconds"]
- ).strftime("%a %b %d %I:%M:%S %Y")
- print("LAST DEPLOYED: {}".format(last_deployed_time))
- print("NAMESPACE: {}".format(op_status["namespace"]))
- status_code = "UNKNOWN"
- if op_status["info"]["status"]["code"] == 1:
- status_code = "DEPLOYED"
- print("STATUS: {}".format(status_code))
- print()
- print("RESOURCES:")
- print(op_status["info"]["status"]["resources"])
- if "notes" in op_status["info"]["status"]:
- print("NOTES:")
- print(op_status["info"]["status"]["notes"])
- else:
- print(op_info_status)
- except Exception:
- print(op_info_status)
- logger.debug("")
- if kdu:
- if literal:
- raise ClientException(
- '"--literal" option is incompatible with "--kdu" option'
- )
- if filter:
- raise ClientException(
- '"--filter" option is incompatible with "--kdu" option'
- )
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- resp = ctx.obj.vnf.get(name)
- if kdu:
- ns_id = resp["nsr-id-ref"]
- op_data = {}
- op_data["member_vnf_index"] = resp["member-vnf-index-ref"]
- op_data["kdu_name"] = kdu
- op_data["primitive"] = "status"
- op_data["primitive_params"] = {}
- op_id = ctx.obj.ns.exec_op(ns_id, op_name="action", op_data=op_data, wait=False)
- t = 0
- while t < 30:
- op_info = ctx.obj.ns.get_op(op_id)
- if op_info["operationState"] == "COMPLETED":
- print_kdu_status(op_info["detailed-status"])
- return
- time.sleep(5)
- t += 5
- print("Could not determine KDU status")
- return
- if literal:
- print(yaml.safe_dump(resp, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
- return
- table = PrettyTable(["field", "value"])
- for k, v in list(resp.items()):
- if not filter or k in filter:
- table.add_row([k, wrap_text(text=json.dumps(v, indent=2), width=100)])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-# @cli_osm.command(name='vnf-monitoring-show')
-# @click.argument('vnf_name')
-# @click.pass_context
-# def vnf_monitoring_show(ctx, vnf_name):
-# try:
-# check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name, 'v1')
-# resp = ctx.obj.vnf.get_monitoring(vnf_name)
-# except ClientException as e:
-# print(str(e))
-# exit(1)
-# table = PrettyTable(['vnf name', 'monitoring name', 'value', 'units'])
-# if resp is not None:
-# for monitor in resp:
-# table.add_row(
-# [vnf_name,
-# monitor['name'],
-# monitor['value-integer'],
-# monitor['units']])
-# table.align = 'l'
-# print(table)
-# @cli_osm.command(name='ns-monitoring-show')
-# @click.argument('ns_name')
-# @click.pass_context
-# def ns_monitoring_show(ctx, ns_name):
-# try:
-# check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name, 'v1')
-# resp = ctx.obj.ns.get_monitoring(ns_name)
-# except ClientException as e:
-# print(str(e))
-# exit(1)
-# table = PrettyTable(['vnf name', 'monitoring name', 'value', 'units'])
-# for key, val in list(resp.items()):
-# for monitor in val:
-# table.add_row(
-# [key,
-# monitor['name'],
-# monitor['value-integer'],
-# monitor['units']])
-# table.align = 'l'
-# print(table)
-@cli_osm.command(name="ns-op-show", short_help="shows the info of a NS operation")
- "--filter",
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the information to the fields in the filter",
-@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
-def ns_op_show(ctx, id, filter, literal):
- """shows the detailed info of a NS operation
- ID: operation identifier
- """
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- op_info = ctx.obj.ns.get_op(id)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- if literal:
- print(yaml.safe_dump(op_info, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
- return
- table = PrettyTable(["field", "value"])
- for k, v in list(op_info.items()):
- if not filter or k in filter:
- table.add_row([k, wrap_text(json.dumps(v, indent=2), 100)])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
-def nst_show(ctx, name, literal):
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- resp = ctx.obj.nst.get(name)
- # resp = ctx.obj.nst.get_individual(name)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- if literal:
- print(yaml.safe_dump(resp, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
- return
- table = PrettyTable(["field", "value"])
- for k, v in list(resp.items()):
- table.add_row([k, wrap_text(json.dumps(v, indent=2), 100)])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
- name="nst-show", short_help="shows the content of a Network Slice Template (NST)"
-@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
-def nst_show1(ctx, name, literal):
- """shows the content of a Network Slice Template (NST)
- NAME: name or ID of the NST
- """
- logger.debug("")
- nst_show(ctx, name, literal)
- name="netslice-template-show",
- short_help="shows the content of a Network Slice Template (NST)",
-@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
-def nst_show2(ctx, name, literal):
- """shows the content of a Network Slice Template (NST)
- NAME: name or ID of the NST
- """
- logger.debug("")
- nst_show(ctx, name, literal)
-def nsi_show(ctx, name, literal, filter):
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- nsi = ctx.obj.nsi.get(name)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- if literal:
- print(yaml.safe_dump(nsi, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
- return
- table = PrettyTable(["field", "value"])
- for k, v in list(nsi.items()):
- if not filter or k in filter:
- table.add_row([k, json.dumps(v, indent=2)])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
- name="nsi-show", short_help="shows the content of a Network Slice Instance (NSI)"
-@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
- "--filter",
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the information to the fields in the filter",
-def nsi_show1(ctx, name, literal, filter):
- """shows the content of a Network Slice Instance (NSI)
- NAME: name or ID of the Network Slice Instance
- """
- logger.debug("")
- nsi_show(ctx, name, literal, filter)
- name="netslice-instance-show",
- short_help="shows the content of a Network Slice Instance (NSI)",
-@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
- "--filter",
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the information to the fields in the filter",
-def nsi_show2(ctx, name, literal, filter):
- """shows the content of a Network Slice Instance (NSI)
- NAME: name or ID of the Network Slice Instance
- """
- logger.debug("")
- nsi_show(ctx, name, literal, filter)
-def nsi_op_show(ctx, id, filter):
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- op_info = ctx.obj.nsi.get_op(id)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- table = PrettyTable(["field", "value"])
- for k, v in list(op_info.items()):
- if not filter or k in filter:
- table.add_row([k, json.dumps(v, indent=2)])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
- name="nsi-op-show",
- short_help="shows the info of an operation over a Network Slice Instance(NSI)",
- "--filter",
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the information to the fields in the filter",
-def nsi_op_show1(ctx, id, filter):
- """shows the info of an operation over a Network Slice Instance(NSI)
- ID: operation identifier
- """
- logger.debug("")
- nsi_op_show(ctx, id, filter)
- name="netslice-instance-op-show",
- short_help="shows the info of an operation over a Network Slice Instance(NSI)",
- "--filter",
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the information to the fields in the filter",
-def nsi_op_show2(ctx, id, filter):
- """shows the info of an operation over a Network Slice Instance(NSI)
- ID: operation identifier
- """
- logger.debug("")
- nsi_op_show(ctx, id, filter)
- name="pdu-show", short_help="shows the content of a Physical Deployment Unit (PDU)"
-@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
- "--filter",
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the information to the fields in the filter",
-def pdu_show(ctx, name, literal, filter):
- """shows the content of a Physical Deployment Unit (PDU)
- NAME: name or ID of the PDU
- """
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- pdu = ctx.obj.pdu.get(name)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- if literal:
- print(yaml.safe_dump(pdu, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
- return
- table = PrettyTable(["field", "value"])
- for k, v in list(pdu.items()):
- if not filter or k in filter:
- table.add_row([k, json.dumps(v, indent=2)])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
-# CREATE operations
-def nsd_create(ctx, filename, overwrite, skip_charm_build, repo, vendor, version):
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- if repo:
- filename = ctx.obj.osmrepo.get_pkg("ns", filename, repo, vendor, version)
- ctx.obj.nsd.create(filename, overwrite=overwrite, skip_charm_build=skip_charm_build)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="nsd-create", short_help="creates a new NSD/NSpkg")
- "--overwrite",
- "overwrite",
- default=None, # hidden=True,
- help="Deprecated. Use override",
- "--override",
- "overwrite",
- default=None,
- help="overrides fields in descriptor, format: "
- '"key1.key2...=value[;key3...=value;...]"',
- "--skip-charm-build",
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="The charm will not be compiled, it is assumed to already exist",
-@click.option("--repo", default=None, help="[repository]: Repository name")
-@click.option("--vendor", default=None, help="[repository]: filter by vendor]")
- "--version",
- default="latest",
- help="[repository]: filter by version. Default: latest",
-def nsd_create1(ctx, filename, overwrite, skip_charm_build, repo, vendor, version):
- """onboards a new NSpkg (alias of nspkg-create) (TO BE DEPRECATED)
- \b
- FILENAME: NF Package tar.gz file, NF Descriptor YAML file or NF Package folder
- If FILENAME is a file (NF Package tar.gz or NF Descriptor YAML), it is onboarded.
- If FILENAME is an NF Package folder, it is built and then onboarded.
- """
- logger.debug("")
- nsd_create(
- ctx,
- filename,
- overwrite=overwrite,
- skip_charm_build=skip_charm_build,
- repo=repo,
- vendor=vendor,
- version=version,
- )
-@cli_osm.command(name="nspkg-create", short_help="creates a new NSD/NSpkg")
- "--overwrite",
- "overwrite",
- default=None, # hidden=True,
- help="Deprecated. Use override",
- "--override",
- "overwrite",
- default=None,
- help="overrides fields in descriptor, format: "
- '"key1.key2...=value[;key3...=value;...]"',
- "--skip-charm-build",
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="The charm will not be compiled, it is assumed to already exist",
-@click.option("--repo", default=None, help="[repository]: Repository name")
-@click.option("--vendor", default=None, help="[repository]: filter by vendor]")
- "--version",
- default="latest",
- help="[repository]: filter by version. Default: latest",
-def nsd_pkg_create(ctx, filename, overwrite, skip_charm_build, repo, vendor, version):
- """onboards a new NSpkg
- \b
- FILENAME: NF Package tar.gz file, NF Descriptor YAML file or NF Package folder
- If FILENAME is a file (NF Package tar.gz or NF Descriptor YAML), it is onboarded.
- If FILENAME is an NF Package folder, it is built and then onboarded.
- """
- logger.debug("")
- nsd_create(
- ctx,
- filename,
- overwrite=overwrite,
- skip_charm_build=skip_charm_build,
- repo=repo,
- vendor=vendor,
- version=version,
- )
-def vnfd_create(
- ctx,
- filename,
- overwrite,
- skip_charm_build,
- override_epa,
- override_nonepa,
- override_paravirt,
- repo,
- vendor,
- version,
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- if repo:
- filename = ctx.obj.osmrepo.get_pkg("vnf", filename, repo, vendor, version)
- ctx.obj.vnfd.create(
- filename,
- overwrite=overwrite,
- skip_charm_build=skip_charm_build,
- override_epa=override_epa,
- override_nonepa=override_nonepa,
- override_paravirt=override_paravirt,
- )
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="vnfd-create", short_help="creates a new VNFD/VNFpkg")
- "--overwrite", "overwrite", default=None, help="overwrite deprecated, use override"
- "--override",
- "overwrite",
- default=None,
- help="overrides fields in descriptor, format: "
- '"key1.key2...=value[;key3...=value;...]"',
- "--skip-charm-build",
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="The charm will not be compiled, it is assumed to already exist",
- "--override-epa",
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="adds guest-epa parameters to all VDU",
- "--override-nonepa",
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="removes all guest-epa parameters from all VDU",
- "--override-paravirt",
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="overrides all VDU interfaces to PARAVIRT",
-@click.option("--repo", default=None, help="[repository]: Repository name")
-@click.option("--vendor", default=None, help="[repository]: filter by vendor]")
- "--version",
- default="latest",
- help="[repository]: filter by version. Default: latest",
-def vnfd_create1(
- ctx,
- filename,
- overwrite,
- skip_charm_build,
- override_epa,
- override_nonepa,
- override_paravirt,
- repo,
- vendor,
- version,
- """creates a new VNFD/VNFpkg
- \b
- FILENAME: NF Package tar.gz file, NF Descriptor YAML file or NF Package folder
- If FILENAME is a file (NF Package tar.gz or NF Descriptor YAML), it is onboarded.
- If FILENAME is an NF Package folder, it is built and then onboarded.
- """
- logger.debug("")
- vnfd_create(
- ctx,
- filename,
- overwrite=overwrite,
- skip_charm_build=skip_charm_build,
- override_epa=override_epa,
- override_nonepa=override_nonepa,
- override_paravirt=override_paravirt,
- repo=repo,
- vendor=vendor,
- version=version,
- )
-@cli_osm.command(name="vnfpkg-create", short_help="creates a new VNFD/VNFpkg")
- "--overwrite",
- "overwrite",
- default=None, # hidden=True,
- help="Deprecated. Use override",
- "--override",
- "overwrite",
- default=None,
- help="overrides fields in descriptor, format: "
- '"key1.key2...=value[;key3...=value;...]"',
- "--skip-charm-build",
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="The charm will not be compiled, it is assumed to already exist",
- "--override-epa",
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="adds guest-epa parameters to all VDU",
- "--override-nonepa",
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="removes all guest-epa parameters from all VDU",
- "--override-paravirt",
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="overrides all VDU interfaces to PARAVIRT",
-@click.option("--repo", default=None, help="[repository]: Repository name")
-@click.option("--vendor", default=None, help="[repository]: filter by vendor]")
- "--version",
- default="latest",
- help="[repository]: filter by version. Default: latest",
-def vnfd_create2(
- ctx,
- filename,
- overwrite,
- skip_charm_build,
- override_epa,
- override_nonepa,
- override_paravirt,
- repo,
- vendor,
- version,
- """creates a new VNFD/VNFpkg
- \b
- FILENAME: NF Package tar.gz file, NF Descriptor YAML file or NF Package folder
- If FILENAME is a file (NF Package tar.gz or NF Descriptor YAML), it is onboarded.
- If FILENAME is an NF Package folder, it is built and then onboarded.
- """
- logger.debug("")
- vnfd_create(
- ctx,
- filename,
- overwrite=overwrite,
- skip_charm_build=skip_charm_build,
- override_epa=override_epa,
- override_nonepa=override_nonepa,
- override_paravirt=override_paravirt,
- repo=repo,
- vendor=vendor,
- version=version,
- )
-@cli_osm.command(name="nfpkg-create", short_help="creates a new NFpkg")
- "--overwrite",
- "overwrite",
- default=None, # hidden=True,
- help="Deprecated. Use override",
- "--override",
- "overwrite",
- default=None,
- help="overrides fields in descriptor, format: "
- '"key1.key2...=value[;key3...=value;...]"',
- "--skip-charm-build",
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="The charm will not be compiled, it is assumed to already exist",
- "--override-epa",
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="adds guest-epa parameters to all VDU",
- "--override-nonepa",
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="removes all guest-epa parameters from all VDU",
- "--override-paravirt",
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="overrides all VDU interfaces to PARAVIRT",
-@click.option("--repo", default=None, help="[repository]: Repository name")
-@click.option("--vendor", default=None, help="[repository]: filter by vendor]")
- "--version",
- default="latest",
- help="[repository]: filter by version. Default: latest",
-def nfpkg_create(
- ctx,
- filename,
- overwrite,
- skip_charm_build,
- override_epa,
- override_nonepa,
- override_paravirt,
- repo,
- vendor,
- version,
- """creates a new NFpkg
- \b
- FILENAME: NF Package tar.gz file, NF Descriptor YAML file or NF Package folder
- If FILENAME is a file (NF Package tar.gz or NF Descriptor YAML), it is onboarded.
- If FILENAME is an NF Package folder, it is built and then onboarded.
- """
- logger.debug("")
- vnfd_create(
- ctx,
- filename,
- overwrite=overwrite,
- skip_charm_build=skip_charm_build,
- override_epa=override_epa,
- override_nonepa=override_nonepa,
- override_paravirt=override_paravirt,
- repo=repo,
- vendor=vendor,
- version=version,
- )
-@cli_osm.command(name="ns-create", short_help="creates a new Network Service instance")
-@click.option("--ns_name", prompt=True, help="name of the NS instance")
-@click.option("--nsd_name", prompt=True, help="name of the NS descriptor")
- "--vim_account",
- prompt=True,
- help="default VIM account id or name for the deployment",
-@click.option("--admin_status", default="ENABLED", help="administration status")
- "--ssh_keys",
- default=None,
- help="comma separated list of public key files to inject to vnfs",
-@click.option("--config", default=None, help="ns specific yaml configuration")
-@click.option("--config_file", default=None, help="ns specific yaml configuration file")
- "--wait",
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it "
- "until the operation is completed, or timeout",
-@click.option("--timeout", default=None, help="ns deployment timeout")
-def ns_create(
- ctx,
- nsd_name,
- ns_name,
- vim_account,
- admin_status,
- ssh_keys,
- config,
- config_file,
- wait,
- timeout,
- """creates a new NS instance"""
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- if config_file:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, "--config_file")
- if config:
- raise ClientException(
- '"--config" option is incompatible with "--config_file" option'
- )
- with open(config_file, "r") as cf:
- config = cf.read()
- ctx.obj.ns.create(
- nsd_name,
- ns_name,
- config=config,
- ssh_keys=ssh_keys,
- account=vim_account,
- wait=wait,
- timeout=timeout,
- )
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-def nst_create(ctx, filename, overwrite):
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- ctx.obj.nst.create(filename, overwrite)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- name="nst-create", short_help="creates a new Network Slice Template (NST)"
- "--overwrite",
- "overwrite",
- default=None, # hidden=True,
- help="Deprecated. Use override",
- "--override",
- "overwrite",
- default=None,
- help="overrides fields in descriptor, format: "
- '"key1.key2...=value[;key3...=value;...]"',
-def nst_create1(ctx, filename, overwrite):
- """creates a new Network Slice Template (NST)
- FILENAME: NST package folder, NST yaml file or NSTpkg tar.gz file
- """
- logger.debug("")
- nst_create(ctx, filename, overwrite)
- name="netslice-template-create",
- short_help="creates a new Network Slice Template (NST)",
- "--overwrite",
- "overwrite",
- default=None, # hidden=True,
- help="Deprecated. Use override",
- "--override",
- "overwrite",
- default=None,
- help="overrides fields in descriptor, format: "
- '"key1.key2...=value[;key3...=value;...]"',
-def nst_create2(ctx, filename, overwrite):
- """creates a new Network Slice Template (NST)
- FILENAME: NST yaml file or NSTpkg tar.gz file
- """
- logger.debug("")
- nst_create(ctx, filename, overwrite)
-def nsi_create(
- ctx, nst_name, nsi_name, vim_account, ssh_keys, config, config_file, wait
- """creates a new Network Slice Instance (NSI)"""
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- if config_file:
- if config:
- raise ClientException(
- '"--config" option is incompatible with "--config_file" option'
- )
- with open(config_file, "r") as cf:
- config = cf.read()
- ctx.obj.nsi.create(
- nst_name,
- nsi_name,
- config=config,
- ssh_keys=ssh_keys,
- account=vim_account,
- wait=wait,
- )
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="nsi-create", short_help="creates a new Network Slice Instance")
-@click.option("--nsi_name", prompt=True, help="name of the Network Slice Instance")
-@click.option("--nst_name", prompt=True, help="name of the Network Slice Template")
- "--vim_account",
- prompt=True,
- help="default VIM account id or name for the deployment",
- "--ssh_keys", default=None, help="comma separated list of keys to inject to vnfs"
- "--config",
- default=None,
- help="Netslice specific yaml configuration:\n"
- "netslice_subnet: [\n"
- "id: TEXT, vim_account: TEXT,\n"
- "vnf: [member-vnf-index: TEXT, vim_account: TEXT]\n"
- "vld: [name: TEXT, vim-network-name: TEXT or DICT with vim_account, vim_net entries]\n"
- "additionalParamsForNsi: {param: value, ...}\n"
- "additionalParamsForsubnet: [{id: SUBNET_ID, additionalParamsForNs: {}, additionalParamsForVnf: {}}]\n"
- "],\n"
- "netslice-vld: [name: TEXT, vim-network-name: TEXT or DICT with vim_account, vim_net entries]",
- "--config_file", default=None, help="nsi specific yaml configuration file"
- "--wait",
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it "
- "until the operation is completed, or timeout",
-def nsi_create1(
- ctx, nst_name, nsi_name, vim_account, ssh_keys, config, config_file, wait
- """creates a new Network Slice Instance (NSI)"""
- logger.debug("")
- nsi_create(
- ctx, nst_name, nsi_name, vim_account, ssh_keys, config, config_file, wait=wait
- )
- name="netslice-instance-create", short_help="creates a new Network Slice Instance"
-@click.option("--nsi_name", prompt=True, help="name of the Network Slice Instance")
-@click.option("--nst_name", prompt=True, help="name of the Network Slice Template")
- "--vim_account",
- prompt=True,
- help="default VIM account id or name for the deployment",
- "--ssh_keys", default=None, help="comma separated list of keys to inject to vnfs"
- "--config",
- default=None,
- help="Netslice specific yaml configuration:\n"
- "netslice_subnet: [\n"
- "id: TEXT, vim_account: TEXT,\n"
- "vnf: [member-vnf-index: TEXT, vim_account: TEXT]\n"
- "vld: [name: TEXT, vim-network-name: TEXT or DICT with vim_account, vim_net entries]"
- "],\n"
- "netslice-vld: [name: TEXT, vim-network-name: TEXT or DICT with vim_account, vim_net entries]",
- "--config_file", default=None, help="nsi specific yaml configuration file"
- "--wait",
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it "
- "until the operation is completed, or timeout",
-def nsi_create2(
- ctx, nst_name, nsi_name, vim_account, ssh_keys, config, config_file, wait
- """creates a new Network Slice Instance (NSI)"""
- logger.debug("")
- nsi_create(
- ctx, nst_name, nsi_name, vim_account, ssh_keys, config, config_file, wait=wait
- )
- name="pdu-create", short_help="adds a new Physical Deployment Unit to the catalog"
-@click.option("--name", help="name of the Physical Deployment Unit")
-@click.option("--pdu_type", help="type of PDU (e.g. router, firewall, FW001)")
- "--interface",
- help="interface(s) of the PDU: name=<NAME>,mgmt=<true|false>,ip-address=<IP_ADDRESS>"
- + "[,type=<overlay|underlay>][,mac-address=<MAC_ADDRESS>][,vim-network-name=<VIM_NET_NAME>]",
- multiple=True,
-@click.option("--description", help="human readable description")
- "--vim_account",
- help="list of VIM accounts (in the same VIM) that can reach this PDU\n"
- + "The format for multiple VIMs is --vim_account <vim_account_id_1> "
- + "--vim_account <vim_account_id_2> ... --vim_account <vim_account_id_N>",
- multiple=True,
- "--descriptor_file",
- default=None,
- help="PDU descriptor file (as an alternative to using the other arguments)",
-def pdu_create(
- ctx, name, pdu_type, interface, description, vim_account, descriptor_file
- """creates a new Physical Deployment Unit (PDU)"""
- logger.debug("")
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- pdu = create_pdu_dictionary(
- name, pdu_type, interface, description, vim_account, descriptor_file
- )
- ctx.obj.pdu.create(pdu)
-# UPDATE PDU operation #
- name="pdu-update", short_help="updates a Physical Deployment Unit to the catalog"
-@click.option("--newname", help="New name for the Physical Deployment Unit")
-@click.option("--pdu_type", help="type of PDU (e.g. router, firewall, FW001)")
- "--interface",
- help="interface(s) of the PDU: name=<NAME>,mgmt=<true|false>,ip-address=<IP_ADDRESS>"
- + "[,type=<overlay|underlay>][,mac-address=<MAC_ADDRESS>][,vim-network-name=<VIM_NET_NAME>]",
- multiple=True,
-@click.option("--description", help="human readable description")
- "--vim_account",
- help="list of VIM accounts (in the same VIM) that can reach this PDU\n"
- + "The format for multiple VIMs is --vim_account <vim_account_id_1> "
- + "--vim_account <vim_account_id_2> ... --vim_account <vim_account_id_N>",
- multiple=True,
- "--descriptor_file",
- default=None,
- help="PDU descriptor file (as an alternative to using the other arguments)",
-def pdu_update(
- ctx, name, newname, pdu_type, interface, description, vim_account, descriptor_file
- """Updates a new Physical Deployment Unit (PDU)"""
- logger.debug("")
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- update = True
- if not newname:
- newname = name
- pdu = create_pdu_dictionary(
- newname, pdu_type, interface, description, vim_account, descriptor_file, update
- )
- ctx.obj.pdu.update(name, pdu)
-def create_pdu_dictionary(
- name, pdu_type, interface, description, vim_account, descriptor_file, update=False
- logger.debug("")
- pdu = {}
- if not descriptor_file:
- if not update:
- if not name:
- raise ClientException(
- 'in absence of descriptor file, option "--name" is mandatory'
- )
- if not pdu_type:
- raise ClientException(
- 'in absence of descriptor file, option "--pdu_type" is mandatory'
- )
- if not interface:
- raise ClientException(
- 'in absence of descriptor file, option "--interface" is mandatory (at least once)'
- )
- if not vim_account:
- raise ClientException(
- 'in absence of descriptor file, option "--vim_account" is mandatory (at least once)'
- )
- else:
- with open(descriptor_file, "r") as df:
- pdu = yaml.safe_load(df.read())
- if name:
- pdu["name"] = name
- if pdu_type:
- pdu["type"] = pdu_type
- if description:
- pdu["description"] = description
- if vim_account:
- pdu["vim_accounts"] = vim_account
- if interface:
- ifaces_list = []
- for iface in interface:
- new_iface = {k: v for k, v in [i.split("=") for i in iface.split(",")]}
- new_iface["mgmt"] = new_iface.get("mgmt", "false").lower() == "true"
- ifaces_list.append(new_iface)
- pdu["interfaces"] = ifaces_list
- return pdu
-# UPDATE operations
-def nsd_update(ctx, name, content):
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- ctx.obj.nsd.update(name, content)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="nsd-update", short_help="updates a NSD/NSpkg")
- "--content",
- default=None,
- help="filename with the NSD/NSpkg replacing the current one",
-def nsd_update1(ctx, name, content):
- """updates a NSD/NSpkg
- NAME: name or ID of the NSD/NSpkg
- """
- logger.debug("")
- nsd_update(ctx, name, content)
-@cli_osm.command(name="nspkg-update", short_help="updates a NSD/NSpkg")
- "--content",
- default=None,
- help="filename with the NSD/NSpkg replacing the current one",
-def nsd_update2(ctx, name, content):
- """updates a NSD/NSpkg
- NAME: name or ID of the NSD/NSpkg
- """
- logger.debug("")
- nsd_update(ctx, name, content)
-def vnfd_update(ctx, name, content):
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- ctx.obj.vnfd.update(name, content)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="vnfd-update", short_help="updates a new VNFD/VNFpkg")
- "--content",
- default=None,
- help="filename with the VNFD/VNFpkg replacing the current one",
-def vnfd_update1(ctx, name, content):
- """updates a VNFD/VNFpkg
- NAME: name or ID of the VNFD/VNFpkg
- """
- logger.debug("")
- vnfd_update(ctx, name, content)
-@cli_osm.command(name="vnfpkg-update", short_help="updates a VNFD/VNFpkg")
- "--content",
- default=None,
- help="filename with the VNFD/VNFpkg replacing the current one",
-def vnfd_update2(ctx, name, content):
- """updates a VNFD/VNFpkg
- NAME: VNFD yaml file or VNFpkg tar.gz file
- """
- logger.debug("")
- vnfd_update(ctx, name, content)
-@cli_osm.command(name="nfpkg-update", short_help="updates a NFpkg")
- "--content", default=None, help="filename with the NFpkg replacing the current one"
-def nfpkg_update(ctx, name, content):
- """updates a NFpkg
- NAME: NF Descriptor yaml file or NFpkg tar.gz file
- """
- logger.debug("")
- vnfd_update(ctx, name, content)
-def nst_update(ctx, name, content):
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- ctx.obj.nst.update(name, content)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="nst-update", short_help="updates a Network Slice Template (NST)")
- "--content",
- default=None,
- help="filename with the NST/NSTpkg replacing the current one",
-def nst_update1(ctx, name, content):
- """updates a Network Slice Template (NST)
- NAME: name or ID of the NSD/NSpkg
- """
- logger.debug("")
- nst_update(ctx, name, content)
- name="netslice-template-update", short_help="updates a Network Slice Template (NST)"
- "--content",
- default=None,
- help="filename with the NST/NSTpkg replacing the current one",
-def nst_update2(ctx, name, content):
- """updates a Network Slice Template (NST)
- NAME: name or ID of the NSD/NSpkg
- """
- logger.debug("")
- nst_update(ctx, name, content)
-# DELETE operations
-def nsd_delete(ctx, name, force):
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- if not force:
- ctx.obj.nsd.delete(name)
- else:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, "--force")
- ctx.obj.nsd.delete(name, force)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="nsd-delete", short_help="deletes a NSD/NSpkg")
- "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions"
-def nsd_delete1(ctx, name, force):
- """deletes a NSD/NSpkg
- NAME: name or ID of the NSD/NSpkg to be deleted
- """
- logger.debug("")
- nsd_delete(ctx, name, force)
-@cli_osm.command(name="nspkg-delete", short_help="deletes a NSD/NSpkg")
- "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions"
-def nsd_delete2(ctx, name, force):
- """deletes a NSD/NSpkg
- NAME: name or ID of the NSD/NSpkg to be deleted
- """
- logger.debug("")
- nsd_delete(ctx, name, force)
-def vnfd_delete(ctx, name, force):
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- if not force:
- ctx.obj.vnfd.delete(name)
- else:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, "--force")
- ctx.obj.vnfd.delete(name, force)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="vnfd-delete", short_help="deletes a VNFD/VNFpkg")
- "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions"
-def vnfd_delete1(ctx, name, force):
- """deletes a VNFD/VNFpkg
- NAME: name or ID of the VNFD/VNFpkg to be deleted
- """
- logger.debug("")
- vnfd_delete(ctx, name, force)
-@cli_osm.command(name="vnfpkg-delete", short_help="deletes a VNFD/VNFpkg")
- "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions"
-def vnfd_delete2(ctx, name, force):
- """deletes a VNFD/VNFpkg
- NAME: name or ID of the VNFD/VNFpkg to be deleted
- """
- logger.debug("")
- vnfd_delete(ctx, name, force)
-@cli_osm.command(name="nfpkg-delete", short_help="deletes a NFpkg")
- "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions"
-def nfpkg_delete(ctx, name, force):
- """deletes a NFpkg
- NAME: name or ID of the NFpkg to be deleted
- """
- logger.debug("")
- vnfd_delete(ctx, name, force)
-@cli_osm.command(name="ns-delete", short_help="deletes a NS instance")
- "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions"
- "--config",
- default=None,
- help="specific yaml configuration for the termination, e.g. '{autoremove: False, timeout_ns_terminate: "
- "600, skip_terminate_primitives: True}'",
- "--wait",
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it "
- "until the operation is completed, or timeout",
-def ns_delete(ctx, name, force, config, wait):
- """deletes a NS instance
- NAME: name or ID of the NS instance to be deleted
- """
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- if not force:
- ctx.obj.ns.delete(name, config=config, wait=wait)
- else:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, "--force")
- ctx.obj.ns.delete(name, force, config=config, wait=wait)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-def nst_delete(ctx, name, force):
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- ctx.obj.nst.delete(name, force)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="nst-delete", short_help="deletes a Network Slice Template (NST)")
- "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions"
-def nst_delete1(ctx, name, force):
- """deletes a Network Slice Template (NST)
- NAME: name or ID of the NST/NSTpkg to be deleted
- """
- logger.debug("")
- nst_delete(ctx, name, force)
- name="netslice-template-delete", short_help="deletes a Network Slice Template (NST)"
- "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions"
-def nst_delete2(ctx, name, force):
- """deletes a Network Slice Template (NST)
- NAME: name or ID of the NST/NSTpkg to be deleted
- """
- logger.debug("")
- nst_delete(ctx, name, force)
-def nsi_delete(ctx, name, force, wait):
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- ctx.obj.nsi.delete(name, force, wait=wait)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="nsi-delete", short_help="deletes a Network Slice Instance (NSI)")
- "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions"
- "--wait",
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it "
- "until the operation is completed, or timeout",
-def nsi_delete1(ctx, name, force, wait):
- """deletes a Network Slice Instance (NSI)
- NAME: name or ID of the Network Slice instance to be deleted
- """
- logger.debug("")
- nsi_delete(ctx, name, force, wait=wait)
- name="netslice-instance-delete", short_help="deletes a Network Slice Instance (NSI)"
- "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions"
-def nsi_delete2(ctx, name, force, wait):
- """deletes a Network Slice Instance (NSI)
- NAME: name or ID of the Network Slice instance to be deleted
- """
- logger.debug("")
- nsi_delete(ctx, name, force, wait=wait)
- name="pdu-delete", short_help="deletes a Physical Deployment Unit (PDU)"
- "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions"
-def pdu_delete(ctx, name, force):
- """deletes a Physical Deployment Unit (PDU)
- NAME: name or ID of the PDU to be deleted
- """
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- ctx.obj.pdu.delete(name, force)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-# VIM operations
-def _check_ca_cert(vim_config: dict) -> None:
- """
- Checks if the VIM has a CA certificate.
- In that case, reads the content and add it to the config
- : param vim_config: configuration provided with the VIM creation
- : return: None
- """
- if vim_config.get("ca_cert"):
- with open(vim_config["ca_cert"], "r") as cert_f:
- vim_config["ca_cert_content"] = str(cert_f.read())
- del vim_config["ca_cert"]
-@cli_osm.command(name="vim-create", short_help="creates a new VIM account")
-@click.option("--name", required=True, help="Name to create datacenter")
-@click.option("--user", default=None, help="VIM username")
-@click.option("--password", default=None, help="VIM password")
-@click.option("--auth_url", default=None, help="VIM url")
- "--tenant", "--project", "tenant", default=None, help="VIM tenant/project name"
-@click.option("--config", default=None, help="VIM specific config parameters")
- "--config_file",
- default=None,
- help="VIM specific config parameters in YAML or JSON file",
-@click.option("--account_type", default="openstack", help="VIM type")
-@click.option("--description", default=None, help="human readable description")
- "--sdn_controller",
- default=None,
- help="Name or id of the SDN controller associated to this VIM account",
- "--sdn_port_mapping",
- default=None,
- help="File describing the port mapping between compute nodes' ports and switch ports",
- "--wait",
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it "
- "until the operation is completed, or timeout",
-@click.option("--vca", default=None, help="VCA to be used in this VIM account")
- "--creds", default=None, help="credentials file (only applycable for GCP VIM type)"
- "--prometheus_config_file",
- default=None,
- help="Prometheus configuration to get VIM data",
-def vim_create(
- ctx,
- name,
- user,
- password,
- auth_url,
- tenant,
- config,
- config_file,
- account_type,
- description,
- sdn_controller,
- sdn_port_mapping,
- wait,
- vca,
- creds,
- prometheus_config_file,
- """creates a new VIM account"""
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- if sdn_controller:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, "--sdn_controller")
- if sdn_port_mapping:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, "--sdn_port_mapping")
- vim = {}
- if prometheus_config_file:
- with open(prometheus_config_file) as prometheus_file:
- prometheus_config_dict = json.load(prometheus_file)
- vim["prometheus-config"] = prometheus_config_dict
- vim["vim-username"] = user
- vim["vim-password"] = password
- vim["vim-url"] = auth_url
- vim["vim-tenant-name"] = tenant
- vim["vim-type"] = account_type
- vim["description"] = description
- if vca:
- vim["vca"] = vca
- vim_config = create_config(config_file, config)
- _check_ca_cert(vim_config)
- if creds:
- with open(creds, "r") as cf:
- vim_config["credentials"] = yaml.safe_load(cf.read())
- ctx.obj.vim.create(
- name, vim, vim_config, sdn_controller, sdn_port_mapping, wait=wait
- )
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="vim-update", short_help="updates a VIM account")
-@click.option("--newname", help="New name for the VIM account")
-@click.option("--user", help="VIM username")
-@click.option("--password", help="VIM password")
-@click.option("--auth_url", help="VIM url")
-@click.option("--tenant", help="VIM tenant name")
-@click.option("--config", help="VIM specific config parameters")
- "--config_file",
- default=None,
- help="VIM specific config parameters in YAML or JSON file",
-@click.option("--account_type", help="VIM type")
-@click.option("--description", help="human readable description")
- "--sdn_controller",
- default=None,
- help="Name or id of the SDN controller to be associated with this VIM"
- "account. Use empty string to disassociate",
- "--sdn_port_mapping",
- default=None,
- help="File describing the port mapping between compute nodes' ports and switch ports",
- "--wait",
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it "
- "until the operation is completed, or timeout",
- "--creds", default=None, help="credentials file (only applycable for GCP VIM type)"
- "--prometheus_config_file",
- default=None,
- help="Prometheus configuration to get VIM data",
-def vim_update(
- ctx,
- name,
- newname,
- user,
- password,
- auth_url,
- tenant,
- config,
- config_file,
- account_type,
- description,
- sdn_controller,
- sdn_port_mapping,
- wait,
- creds,
- prometheus_config_file,
- """updates a VIM account
- NAME: name or ID of the VIM account
- """
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- vim = {}
- if newname:
- vim["name"] = newname
- if user:
- vim["vim_user"] = user
- if password:
- vim["vim_password"] = password
- if auth_url:
- vim["vim_url"] = auth_url
- if tenant:
- vim["vim-tenant-name"] = tenant
- if account_type:
- vim["vim_type"] = account_type
- if description:
- vim["description"] = description
- vim_config = None
- if config or config_file:
- vim_config = create_config(config_file, config)
- _check_ca_cert(vim_config)
- if creds:
- with open(creds, "r") as cf:
- vim_config["credentials"] = yaml.safe_load(cf.read())
- if prometheus_config_file:
- with open(prometheus_config_file) as prometheus_file:
- prometheus_config_dict = json.load(prometheus_file)
- vim["prometheus-config"] = prometheus_config_dict
- logger.info(f"VIM: {vim}, VIM config: {vim_config}")
- ctx.obj.vim.update(
- name, vim, vim_config, sdn_controller, sdn_port_mapping, wait=wait
- )
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="vim-delete", short_help="deletes a VIM account")
- "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions"
- "--wait",
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it "
- "until the operation is completed, or timeout",
-def vim_delete(ctx, name, force, wait):
- """deletes a VIM account
- NAME: name or ID of the VIM account to be deleted
- """
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- if not force:
- ctx.obj.vim.delete(name, wait=wait)
- else:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, "--force")
- ctx.obj.vim.delete(name, force, wait=wait)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="vim-list", short_help="list all VIM accounts")
-# @click.option('--ro_update/--no_ro_update',
-# default=False,
-# help='update list from RO')
- "--filter",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the list to the VIM accounts matching the filter",
- "--long",
- is_flag=True,
- help="get more details of the NS (project, vim, deployment status, configuration status.",
-def vim_list(ctx, filter, long):
- """list all VIM accounts"""
- logger.debug("")
- if filter:
- filter = "&".join(filter)
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, "--filter")
- # if ro_update:
- # check_client_version(ctx.obj, '--ro_update', 'v1')
- fullclassname = ctx.obj.__module__ + "." + ctx.obj.__class__.__name__
- if fullclassname == "osmclient.sol005.client.Client":
- resp = ctx.obj.vim.list(filter)
- # else:
- # resp = ctx.obj.vim.list(ro_update)
- if long:
- table = PrettyTable(
- ["vim name", "uuid", "project", "operational state", "error details"]
- )
- project_list = ctx.obj.project.list()
- else:
- table = PrettyTable(["vim name", "uuid", "operational state"])
- for vim in resp:
- if long:
- if "vim_password" in vim:
- vim["vim_password"] = "********"
- if "config" in vim and "credentials" in vim["config"]:
- vim["config"]["credentials"] = "********"
- logger.debug("VIM details: {}".format(yaml.safe_dump(vim)))
- vim_state = vim["_admin"].get("operationalState", "-")
- error_details = "N/A"
- if vim_state == "ERROR":
- error_details = vim["_admin"].get("detailed-status", "Not found")
- project_id, project_name = get_project(project_list, vim)
- # project_info = '{} ({})'.format(project_name, project_id)
- project_info = project_name
- table.add_row(
- [
- vim["name"],
- vim["uuid"],
- project_info,
- vim_state,
- wrap_text(text=error_details, width=80),
- ]
- )
- else:
- table.add_row(
- [vim["name"], vim["uuid"], vim["_admin"].get("operationalState", "-")]
- )
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
-@cli_osm.command(name="vim-show", short_help="shows the details of a VIM account")
- "--filter",
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the information to the fields in the filter",
-@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
-def vim_show(ctx, name, filter, literal):
- """shows the details of a VIM account
- NAME: name or ID of the VIM account
- """
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- resp = ctx.obj.vim.get(name)
- if "vim_password" in resp:
- resp["vim_password"] = "********"
- if "config" in resp and "credentials" in resp["config"]:
- resp["config"]["credentials"] = "********"
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- if literal:
- print(yaml.safe_dump(resp, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
- return
- table = PrettyTable(["key", "attribute"])
- for k, v in list(resp.items()):
- if not filter or k in filter:
- table.add_row([k, wrap_text(text=json.dumps(v, indent=2), width=100)])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
-# WIM operations
-@cli_osm.command(name="wim-create", short_help="creates a new WIM account")
-@click.option("--name", prompt=True, help="Name for the WIM account")
-@click.option("--user", help="WIM username")
-@click.option("--password", help="WIM password")
-@click.option("--url", prompt=True, help="WIM url")
-# @click.option('--tenant',
-# help='wIM tenant name')
-@click.option("--config", default=None, help="WIM specific config parameters")
-@click.option("--wim_type", help="WIM type")
-@click.option("--description", default=None, help="human readable description")
- "--wim_port_mapping",
- default=None,
- help="File describing the port mapping between DC edge (datacenters, switches, ports) and WAN edge "
- "(WAN service endpoint id and info)",
- "--wait",
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it "
- "until the operation is completed, or timeout",
-def wim_create(
- ctx,
- name,
- user,
- password,
- url,
- # tenant,
- config,
- wim_type,
- description,
- wim_port_mapping,
- wait,
- """creates a new WIM account"""
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- # if sdn_controller:
- # check_client_version(ctx.obj, '--sdn_controller')
- # if sdn_port_mapping:
- # check_client_version(ctx.obj, '--sdn_port_mapping')
- wim = {}
- if user:
- wim["user"] = user
- if password:
- wim["password"] = password
- if url:
- wim["wim_url"] = url
- # if tenant: wim['tenant'] = tenant
- wim["wim_type"] = wim_type
- if description:
- wim["description"] = description
- if config:
- wim["config"] = config
- ctx.obj.wim.create(name, wim, wim_port_mapping, wait=wait)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="wim-update", short_help="updates a WIM account")
-@click.option("--newname", help="New name for the WIM account")
-@click.option("--user", help="WIM username")
-@click.option("--password", help="WIM password")
-@click.option("--url", help="WIM url")
-@click.option("--config", help="WIM specific config parameters")
-@click.option("--wim_type", help="WIM type")
-@click.option("--description", help="human readable description")
- "--wim_port_mapping",
- default=None,
- help="File describing the port mapping between DC edge (datacenters, switches, ports) and WAN edge "
- "(WAN service endpoint id and info)",
- "--wait",
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout",
-def wim_update(
- ctx,
- name,
- newname,
- user,
- password,
- url,
- config,
- wim_type,
- description,
- wim_port_mapping,
- wait,
- """updates a WIM account
- NAME: name or ID of the WIM account
- """
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- wim = {}
- if newname:
- wim["name"] = newname
- if user:
- wim["user"] = user
- if password:
- wim["password"] = password
- if url:
- wim["url"] = url
- # if tenant: wim['tenant'] = tenant
- if wim_type:
- wim["wim_type"] = wim_type
- if description:
- wim["description"] = description
- if config:
- wim["config"] = config
- ctx.obj.wim.update(name, wim, wim_port_mapping, wait=wait)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="wim-delete", short_help="deletes a WIM account")
- "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions"
- "--wait",
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout",
-def wim_delete(ctx, name, force, wait):
- """deletes a WIM account
- NAME: name or ID of the WIM account to be deleted
- """
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- ctx.obj.wim.delete(name, force, wait=wait)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="wim-list", short_help="list all WIM accounts")
- "--filter",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the list to the WIM accounts matching the filter",
-def wim_list(ctx, filter):
- """list all WIM accounts"""
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- if filter:
- filter = "&".join(filter)
- resp = ctx.obj.wim.list(filter)
- table = PrettyTable(["wim name", "uuid"])
- for wim in resp:
- table.add_row([wim["name"], wim["uuid"]])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="wim-show", short_help="shows the details of a WIM account")
-def wim_show(ctx, name):
- """shows the details of a WIM account
- NAME: name or ID of the WIM account
- """
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- resp = ctx.obj.wim.get(name)
- if "password" in resp:
- resp["password"] = "********"
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- table = PrettyTable(["key", "attribute"])
- for k, v in list(resp.items()):
- table.add_row([k, json.dumps(v, indent=2)])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
-# SDN controller operations
-@cli_osm.command(name="sdnc-create", short_help="creates a new SDN controller")
-@click.option("--name", prompt=True, help="Name to create sdn controller")
-@click.option("--type", prompt=True, help="SDN controller type")
- "--sdn_controller_version", # hidden=True,
- help="Deprecated. Use --config {version: sdn_controller_version}",
-@click.option("--url", help="URL in format http[s]://HOST:IP/")
-@click.option("--ip_address", help="Deprecated. Use --url") # hidden=True,
-@click.option("--port", help="Deprecated. Use --url") # hidden=True,
- "--switch_dpid", help="Deprecated. Use --config {switch_id: DPID}" # hidden=True,
- "--config",
- help="Extra information for SDN in yaml format, as {switch_id: identity used for the plugin (e.g. DPID: "
- "Openflow Datapath ID), version: version}",
-@click.option("--user", help="SDN controller username")
- "--password",
- hide_input=True,
- confirmation_prompt=True,
- help="SDN controller password",
-@click.option("--description", default=None, help="human readable description")
- "--wait",
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout",
-def sdnc_create(ctx, **kwargs):
- """creates a new SDN controller"""
- logger.debug("")
- sdncontroller = {
- x: kwargs[x]
- for x in kwargs
- if kwargs[x] and x not in ("wait", "ip_address", "port", "switch_dpid")
- }
- if kwargs.get("port"):
- print("option '--port' is deprecated, use '--url' instead")
- sdncontroller["port"] = int(kwargs["port"])
- if kwargs.get("ip_address"):
- print("option '--ip_address' is deprecated, use '--url' instead")
- sdncontroller["ip"] = kwargs["ip_address"]
- if kwargs.get("switch_dpid"):
- print(
- "option '--switch_dpid' is deprecated, use '--config={switch_id: id|DPID}' instead"
- )
- sdncontroller["dpid"] = kwargs["switch_dpid"]
- if kwargs.get("sdn_controller_version"):
- print(
- "option '--sdn_controller_version' is deprecated, use '--config={version: SDN_CONTROLLER_VERSION}'"
- " instead"
- )
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- ctx.obj.sdnc.create(kwargs["name"], sdncontroller, wait=kwargs["wait"])
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="sdnc-update", short_help="updates an SDN controller")
-@click.option("--newname", help="New name for the SDN controller")
-@click.option("--description", default=None, help="human readable description")
-@click.option("--type", help="SDN controller type")
-@click.option("--url", help="URL in format http[s]://HOST:IP/")
- "--config",
- help="Extra information for SDN in yaml format, as "
- "{switch_id: identity used for the plugin (e.g. DPID: "
- "Openflow Datapath ID), version: version}",
-@click.option("--user", help="SDN controller username")
-@click.option("--password", help="SDN controller password")
-@click.option("--ip_address", help="Deprecated. Use --url") # hidden=True
-@click.option("--port", help="Deprecated. Use --url") # hidden=True
- "--switch_dpid", help="Deprecated. Use --config {switch_dpid: DPID}"
-) # hidden=True
- "--sdn_controller_version", help="Deprecated. Use --config {version: VERSION}"
-) # hidden=True
- "--wait",
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout",
-def sdnc_update(ctx, **kwargs):
- """updates an SDN controller
- NAME: name or ID of the SDN controller
- """
- logger.debug("")
- sdncontroller = {
- x: kwargs[x]
- for x in kwargs
- if kwargs[x]
- and x not in ("wait", "ip_address", "port", "switch_dpid", "new_name")
- }
- if kwargs.get("newname"):
- sdncontroller["name"] = kwargs["newname"]
- if kwargs.get("port"):
- print("option '--port' is deprecated, use '--url' instead")
- sdncontroller["port"] = int(kwargs["port"])
- if kwargs.get("ip_address"):
- print("option '--ip_address' is deprecated, use '--url' instead")
- sdncontroller["ip"] = kwargs["ip_address"]
- if kwargs.get("switch_dpid"):
- print(
- "option '--switch_dpid' is deprecated, use '--config={switch_id: id|DPID}' instead"
- )
- sdncontroller["dpid"] = kwargs["switch_dpid"]
- if kwargs.get("sdn_controller_version"):
- print(
- "option '--sdn_controller_version' is deprecated, use '---config={version: SDN_CONTROLLER_VERSION}'"
- " instead"
- )
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- ctx.obj.sdnc.update(kwargs["name"], sdncontroller, wait=kwargs["wait"])
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="sdnc-delete", short_help="deletes an SDN controller")
- "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions"
- "--wait",
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout",
-def sdnc_delete(ctx, name, force, wait):
- """deletes an SDN controller
- NAME: name or ID of the SDN controller to be deleted
- """
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- ctx.obj.sdnc.delete(name, force, wait=wait)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="sdnc-list", short_help="list all SDN controllers")
- "--filter",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the list to the SDN controllers matching the filter with format: 'k[.k..]=v[&k[.k]=v2]'",
-def sdnc_list(ctx, filter):
- """list all SDN controllers"""
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- if filter:
- filter = "&".join(filter)
- resp = ctx.obj.sdnc.list(filter)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- table = PrettyTable(["sdnc name", "id"])
- for sdnc in resp:
- table.add_row([sdnc["name"], sdnc["_id"]])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
-@cli_osm.command(name="sdnc-show", short_help="shows the details of an SDN controller")
-def sdnc_show(ctx, name):
- """shows the details of an SDN controller
- NAME: name or ID of the SDN controller
- """
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- resp = ctx.obj.sdnc.get(name)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- table = PrettyTable(["key", "attribute"])
- for k, v in list(resp.items()):
- table.add_row([k, json.dumps(v, indent=2)])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
-# K8s cluster operations
-@cli_osm.command(name="k8scluster-add", short_help="adds a K8s cluster to OSM")
- "--creds", prompt=True, help="credentials file, i.e. a valid `.kube/config` file"
-@click.option("--version", prompt=True, help="Kubernetes version")
- "--vim", prompt=True, help="VIM target, the VIM where the cluster resides"
- "--k8s-nets",
- prompt=True,
- help='''list of VIM networks, in JSON inline format, where the cluster is
- accessible via L3 routing, e.g. "{(k8s_net1:vim_network1) [,(k8s_net2:vim_network2) ...]}"''',
- "--init-helm2/--skip-helm2",
- required=False,
- default=True,
- help="Initialize helm v2",
- "--init-helm3/--skip-helm3",
- required=False,
- default=True,
- help="Initialize helm v3",
- "--init-jujubundle/--skip-jujubundle",
- required=False,
- default=True,
- help="Initialize juju-bundle",
-@click.option("--description", default=None, help="human readable description")
- "--namespace",
- default="kube-system",
- help="namespace to be used for its operation, defaults to `kube-system`",
- "--wait",
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it "
- "until the operation is completed, or timeout",
- "--cni",
- default=None,
- help="list of CNI plugins, in JSON inline format, used in the cluster",
-# @click.option('--skip-init',
-# is_flag=True,
-# help='If set, K8s cluster is assumed to be ready for its use with OSM')
-# @click.option('--wait',
-# is_flag=True,
-# help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout')
-def k8scluster_add(
- ctx,
- name,
- creds,
- version,
- vim,
- k8s_nets,
- init_helm2,
- init_helm3,
- init_jujubundle,
- description,
- namespace,
- wait,
- cni,
- """adds a K8s cluster to OSM
- NAME: name of the K8s cluster
- """
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- cluster = {}
- cluster["name"] = name
- with open(creds, "r") as cf:
- cluster["credentials"] = yaml.safe_load(cf.read())
- cluster["k8s_version"] = version
- cluster["vim_account"] = vim
- cluster["nets"] = yaml.safe_load(k8s_nets)
- if not (init_helm2 and init_jujubundle and init_helm3):
- cluster["deployment_methods"] = {
- "helm-chart": init_helm2,
- "juju-bundle": init_jujubundle,
- "helm-chart-v3": init_helm3,
- }
- if description:
- cluster["description"] = description
- if namespace:
- cluster["namespace"] = namespace
- if cni:
- cluster["cni"] = yaml.safe_load(cni)
- ctx.obj.k8scluster.create(name, cluster, wait)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="k8scluster-update", short_help="updates a K8s cluster")
-@click.option("--newname", help="New name for the K8s cluster")
-@click.option("--creds", help="credentials file, i.e. a valid `.kube/config` file")
-@click.option("--version", help="Kubernetes version")
-@click.option("--vim", help="VIM target, the VIM where the cluster resides")
- "--k8s-nets",
- help='''list of VIM networks, in JSON inline format, where the cluster is accessible
- via L3 routing, e.g. "{(k8s_net1:vim_network1) [,(k8s_net2:vim_network2) ...]}"''',
-@click.option("--description", help="human readable description")
- "--namespace",
- help="namespace to be used for its operation, defaults to `kube-system`",
- "--wait",
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it "
- "until the operation is completed, or timeout",
- "--cni", help="list of CNI plugins, in JSON inline format, used in the cluster"
-def k8scluster_update(
- ctx, name, newname, creds, version, vim, k8s_nets, description, namespace, wait, cni
- """updates a K8s cluster
- NAME: name or ID of the K8s cluster
- """
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- cluster = {}
- if newname:
- cluster["name"] = newname
- if creds:
- with open(creds, "r") as cf:
- cluster["credentials"] = yaml.safe_load(cf.read())
- if version:
- cluster["k8s_version"] = version
- if vim:
- cluster["vim_account"] = vim
- if k8s_nets:
- cluster["nets"] = yaml.safe_load(k8s_nets)
- if description:
- cluster["description"] = description
- if namespace:
- cluster["namespace"] = namespace
- if cni:
- cluster["cni"] = yaml.safe_load(cni)
- ctx.obj.k8scluster.update(name, cluster, wait)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="k8scluster-delete", short_help="deletes a K8s cluster")
- "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion from the DB (not recommended)"
- "--wait",
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it "
- "until the operation is completed, or timeout",
-def k8scluster_delete(ctx, name, force, wait):
- """deletes a K8s cluster
- NAME: name or ID of the K8s cluster to be deleted
- """
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- ctx.obj.k8scluster.delete(name, force, wait)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- "--filter",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the list to the K8s clusters matching the filter",
-@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
-@click.option("--long", is_flag=True, help="get more details")
-def k8scluster_list(ctx, filter, literal, long):
- """list all K8s clusters"""
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- if filter:
- filter = "&".join(filter)
- resp = ctx.obj.k8scluster.list(filter)
- if literal:
- print(yaml.safe_dump(resp, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
- return
- if long:
- table = PrettyTable(
- [
- "Name",
- "Id",
- "Project",
- "Version",
- "VIM",
- "K8s-nets",
- "Deployment methods",
- "Operational State",
- "Op. state (details)",
- "Description",
- "Detailed status",
- ]
- )
- project_list = ctx.obj.project.list()
- else:
- table = PrettyTable(
- ["Name", "Id", "VIM", "Operational State", "Op. state details"]
- )
- try:
- vim_list = ctx.obj.vim.list()
- except Exception:
- vim_list = []
- for cluster in resp:
- logger.debug("Cluster details: {}".format(yaml.safe_dump(cluster)))
- vim_name = get_vim_name(vim_list, cluster["vim_account"])
- # vim_info = '{} ({})'.format(vim_name,cluster['vim_account'])
- vim_info = vim_name
- op_state_details = "Helm: {}\nJuju: {}".format(
- cluster["_admin"].get("helm-chart", {}).get("operationalState", "-"),
- cluster["_admin"].get("juju-bundle", {}).get("operationalState", "-"),
- )
- if long:
- project_id, project_name = get_project(project_list, cluster)
- # project_info = '{} ({})'.format(project_name, project_id)
- project_info = project_name
- detailed_status = cluster["_admin"].get("detailed-status", "-")
- table.add_row(
- [
- cluster["name"],
- cluster["_id"],
- project_info,
- cluster["k8s_version"],
- vim_info,
- json.dumps(cluster["nets"]),
- json.dumps(cluster["deployment_methods"]),
- cluster["_admin"]["operationalState"],
- op_state_details,
- trunc_text(cluster.get("description") or "", 40),
- wrap_text(text=detailed_status, width=40),
- ]
- )
- else:
- table.add_row(
- [
- cluster["name"],
- cluster["_id"],
- vim_info,
- cluster["_admin"]["operationalState"],
- op_state_details,
- ]
- )
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- name="k8scluster-show", short_help="shows the details of a K8s cluster"
-@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
-def k8scluster_show(ctx, name, literal):
- """shows the details of a K8s cluster
- NAME: name or ID of the K8s cluster
- """
- # try:
- resp = ctx.obj.k8scluster.get(name)
- if literal:
- print(yaml.safe_dump(resp, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
- return
- table = PrettyTable(["key", "attribute"])
- for k, v in list(resp.items()):
- table.add_row([k, wrap_text(text=json.dumps(v, indent=2), width=100)])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-# VCA operations
-@cli_osm.command(name="vca-add", short_help="adds a VCA (Juju controller) to OSM")
- "--endpoints",
- prompt=True,
- help="Comma-separated list of IP or hostnames of the Juju controller",
-@click.option("--user", prompt=True, help="Username with admin priviledges")
-@click.option("--secret", prompt=True, help="Password of the specified username")
-@click.option("--cacert", prompt=True, help="CA certificate")
- "--lxd-cloud",
- prompt=True,
- help="Name of the cloud that will be used for LXD containers (LXD proxy charms)",
- "--lxd-credentials",
- prompt=True,
- help="Name of the cloud credentialsto be used for the LXD cloud",
- "--k8s-cloud",
- prompt=True,
- help="Name of the cloud that will be used for K8s containers (K8s proxy charms)",
- "--k8s-credentials",
- prompt=True,
- help="Name of the cloud credentialsto be used for the K8s cloud",
- "--model-config",
- default={},
- help="Configuration options for the models",
-@click.option("--description", default=None, help="human readable description")
-def vca_add(
- ctx,
- name,
- endpoints,
- user,
- secret,
- cacert,
- lxd_cloud,
- lxd_credentials,
- k8s_cloud,
- k8s_credentials,
- model_config,
- description,
- """adds a VCA to OSM
- NAME: name of the VCA
- """
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- vca = {}
- vca["name"] = name
- vca["endpoints"] = endpoints.split(",")
- vca["user"] = user
- vca["secret"] = secret
- vca["cacert"] = cacert
- vca["lxd-cloud"] = lxd_cloud
- vca["lxd-credentials"] = lxd_credentials
- vca["k8s-cloud"] = k8s_cloud
- vca["k8s-credentials"] = k8s_credentials
- if description:
- vca["description"] = description
- if model_config:
- model_config = load(model_config)
- vca["model-config"] = model_config
- ctx.obj.vca.create(name, vca)
-def load(data: Any):
- if os.path.isfile(data):
- return load_file(data)
- else:
- try:
- return json.loads(data)
- except ValueError as e:
- raise ClientException(e)
-def load_file(file_path: str) -> Dict:
- content = None
- with open(file_path, "r") as f:
- content = f.read()
- try:
- return yaml.safe_load(content)
- except yaml.scanner.ScannerError:
- pass
- try:
- return json.loads(content)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- raise ClientException(f"{file_path} must be a valid yaml or json file")
-@cli_osm.command(name="vca-update", short_help="updates a K8s cluster")
- "--endpoints", help="Comma-separated list of IP or hostnames of the Juju controller"
-@click.option("--user", help="Username with admin priviledges")
-@click.option("--secret", help="Password of the specified username")
-@click.option("--cacert", help="CA certificate")
- "--lxd-cloud",
- help="Name of the cloud that will be used for LXD containers (LXD proxy charms)",
- "--lxd-credentials",
- help="Name of the cloud credentialsto be used for the LXD cloud",
- "--k8s-cloud",
- help="Name of the cloud that will be used for K8s containers (K8s proxy charms)",
- "--k8s-credentials",
- help="Name of the cloud credentialsto be used for the K8s cloud",
- "--model-config",
- help="Configuration options for the models",
-@click.option("--description", default=None, help="human readable description")
-def vca_update(
- ctx,
- name,
- endpoints,
- user,
- secret,
- cacert,
- lxd_cloud,
- lxd_credentials,
- k8s_cloud,
- k8s_credentials,
- model_config,
- description,
- """updates a K8s cluster
- NAME: name or ID of the K8s cluster
- """
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- vca = {}
- vca["name"] = name
- if endpoints:
- vca["endpoints"] = endpoints.split(",")
- if user:
- vca["user"] = user
- if secret:
- vca["secret"] = secret
- if cacert:
- vca["cacert"] = cacert
- if lxd_cloud:
- vca["lxd-cloud"] = lxd_cloud
- if lxd_credentials:
- vca["lxd-credentials"] = lxd_credentials
- if k8s_cloud:
- vca["k8s-cloud"] = k8s_cloud
- if k8s_credentials:
- vca["k8s-credentials"] = k8s_credentials
- if description:
- vca["description"] = description
- if model_config:
- model_config = load(model_config)
- vca["model-config"] = model_config
- ctx.obj.vca.update(name, vca)
-@cli_osm.command(name="vca-delete", short_help="deletes a K8s cluster")
- "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion from the DB (not recommended)"
-def vca_delete(ctx, name, force):
- """deletes a K8s cluster
- NAME: name or ID of the K8s cluster to be deleted
- """
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- ctx.obj.vca.delete(name, force=force)
- "--filter",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the list to the VCAs matching the filter",
-@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
-@click.option("--long", is_flag=True, help="get more details")
-def vca_list(ctx, filter, literal, long):
- """list VCAs"""
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- if filter:
- filter = "&".join(filter)
- resp = ctx.obj.vca.list(filter)
- if literal:
- print(yaml.safe_dump(resp, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
- return
- if long:
- table = PrettyTable(
- ["Name", "Id", "Project", "Operational State", "Detailed Status"]
- )
- project_list = ctx.obj.project.list()
- else:
- table = PrettyTable(["Name", "Id", "Operational State"])
- for vca in resp:
- logger.debug("VCA details: {}".format(yaml.safe_dump(vca)))
- if long:
- project_id, project_name = get_project(project_list, vca)
- detailed_status = vca.get("_admin", {}).get("detailed-status", "-")
- table.add_row(
- [
- vca["name"],
- vca["_id"],
- project_name,
- vca.get("_admin", {}).get("operationalState", "-"),
- wrap_text(text=detailed_status, width=40),
- ]
- )
- else:
- table.add_row(
- [
- vca["name"],
- vca["_id"],
- vca.get("_admin", {}).get("operationalState", "-"),
- ]
- )
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
-@cli_osm.command(name="vca-show", short_help="shows the details of a K8s cluster")
-@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
-def vca_show(ctx, name, literal):
- """shows the details of a K8s cluster
- NAME: name or ID of the K8s cluster
- """
- # try:
- resp = ctx.obj.vca.get(name)
- if literal:
- print(yaml.safe_dump(resp, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
- return
- table = PrettyTable(["key", "attribute"])
- for k, v in list(resp.items()):
- table.add_row([k, wrap_text(text=json.dumps(v, indent=2), width=100)])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
-# Repo operations
-@cli_osm.command(name="repo-add", short_help="adds a repo to OSM")
- "--type",
- type=click.Choice(["helm-chart", "juju-bundle", "osm"]),
- default="osm",
- help="type of repo (helm-chart for Helm Charts, juju-bundle for Juju Bundles, osm for OSM Repositories)",
-@click.option("--description", default=None, help="human readable description")
- "--user", default=None, help="OSM repository: The username of the OSM repository"
- "--password",
- default=None,
- help="OSM repository: The password of the OSM repository",
-# @click.option('--wait',
-# is_flag=True,
-# help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout')
-def repo_add(ctx, **kwargs):
- """adds a repo to OSM
- NAME: name of the repo
- URI: URI of the repo
- """
- # try:
- kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None}
- repo = kwargs
- repo["url"] = repo.pop("uri")
- if repo["type"] in ["helm-chart", "juju-bundle"]:
- ctx.obj.repo.create(repo["name"], repo)
- else:
- ctx.obj.osmrepo.create(repo["name"], repo)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="repo-update", short_help="updates a repo in OSM")
-@click.option("--newname", help="New name for the repo")
-@click.option("--uri", help="URI of the repo")
-@click.option("--description", help="human readable description")
-# @click.option('--wait',
-# is_flag=True,
-# help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout')
-def repo_update(ctx, name, newname, uri, description):
- """updates a repo in OSM
- NAME: name of the repo
- """
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- repo = {}
- if newname:
- repo["name"] = newname
- if uri:
- repo["uri"] = uri
- if description:
- repo["description"] = description
- try:
- ctx.obj.repo.update(name, repo)
- except NotFound:
- ctx.obj.osmrepo.update(name, repo)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- name="repo-index", short_help="Index a repository from a folder with artifacts"
- "--origin", default=".", help="origin path where the artifacts are located"
- "--destination", default=".", help="destination path where the index is deployed"
-def repo_index(ctx, origin, destination):
- """Index a repository
- NAME: name or ID of the repo to be deleted
- """
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- ctx.obj.osmrepo.repo_index(origin, destination)
-@cli_osm.command(name="repo-delete", short_help="deletes a repo")
- "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion from the DB (not recommended)"
-# @click.option('--wait',
-# is_flag=True,
-# help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout')
-def repo_delete(ctx, name, force):
- """deletes a repo
- NAME: name or ID of the repo to be deleted
- """
- logger.debug("")
- try:
- ctx.obj.repo.delete(name, force=force)
- except NotFound:
- ctx.obj.osmrepo.delete(name, force=force)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- "--filter",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the list to the repos matching the filter",
-@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
-def repo_list(ctx, filter, literal):
- """list all repos"""
- # try:
- # K8s Repositories
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- if filter:
- filter = "&".join(filter)
- resp = ctx.obj.repo.list(filter)
- resp += ctx.obj.osmrepo.list(filter)
- if literal:
- print(yaml.safe_dump(resp, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
- return
- table = PrettyTable(["Name", "Id", "Type", "URI", "Description"])
- for repo in resp:
- # cluster['k8s-nets'] = json.dumps(yaml.safe_load(cluster['k8s-nets']))
- table.add_row(
- [
- repo["name"],
- repo["_id"],
- repo["type"],
- repo["url"],
- trunc_text(repo.get("description") or "", 40),
- ]
- )
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="repo-show", short_help="shows the details of a repo")
-@click.option("--literal", is_flag=True, help="print literally, no pretty table")
-def repo_show(ctx, name, literal):
- """shows the details of a repo
- NAME: name or ID of the repo
- """
- try:
- resp = ctx.obj.repo.get(name)
- except NotFound:
- resp = ctx.obj.osmrepo.get(name)
- if literal:
- if resp:
- print(yaml.safe_dump(resp, indent=4, default_flow_style=False))
- return
- table = PrettyTable(["key", "attribute"])
- if resp:
- for k, v in list(resp.items()):
- table.add_row([k, json.dumps(v, indent=2)])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-# Project mgmt operations
-@cli_osm.command(name="project-create", short_help="creates a new project")
-# @click.option('--description',
-# default='no description',
-# help='human readable description')
-@click.option("--domain-name", "domain_name", default=None, help="assign to a domain")
- "--quotas",
- "quotas",
- multiple=True,
- default=None,
- help="provide quotas. Can be used several times: 'quota1=number[,quota2=number,...]'. Quotas can be one "
- "of vnfds, nsds, nsts, pdus, nsrs, nsis, vim_accounts, wim_accounts, sdns, k8sclusters, k8srepos",
-def project_create(ctx, name, domain_name, quotas):
- """Creates a new project
- NAME: name of the project
- DOMAIN_NAME: optional domain name for the project when keystone authentication is used
- QUOTAS: set quotas for the project
- """
- logger.debug("")
- project = {"name": name}
- if domain_name:
- project["domain_name"] = domain_name
- quotas_dict = _process_project_quotas(quotas)
- if quotas_dict:
- project["quotas"] = quotas_dict
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- ctx.obj.project.create(name, project)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-def _process_project_quotas(quota_list):
- quotas_dict = {}
- if not quota_list:
- return quotas_dict
- try:
- for quota in quota_list:
- for single_quota in quota.split(","):
- k, v = single_quota.split("=")
- quotas_dict[k] = None if v in ("None", "null", "") else int(v)
- except (ValueError, TypeError):
- raise ClientException(
- "invalid format for 'quotas'. Use 'k1=v1,v1=v2'. v must be a integer or null"
- )
- return quotas_dict
-@cli_osm.command(name="project-delete", short_help="deletes a project")
-# @click.option('--force', is_flag=True, help='forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions')
-def project_delete(ctx, name):
- """deletes a project
- NAME: name or ID of the project to be deleted
- """
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- ctx.obj.project.delete(name)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="project-list", short_help="list all projects")
- "--filter",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the list to the projects matching the filter",
-def project_list(ctx, filter):
- """list all projects"""
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- if filter:
- filter = "&".join(filter)
- resp = ctx.obj.project.list(filter)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- table = PrettyTable(["name", "id"])
- for proj in resp:
- table.add_row([proj["name"], proj["_id"]])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
-@cli_osm.command(name="project-show", short_help="shows the details of a project")
-def project_show(ctx, name):
- """shows the details of a project
- NAME: name or ID of the project
- """
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- resp = ctx.obj.project.get(name)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- table = PrettyTable(["key", "attribute"])
- for k, v in resp.items():
- table.add_row([k, json.dumps(v, indent=2)])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
- name="project-update", short_help="updates a project (only the name can be updated)"
-@click.option("--name", default=None, help="new name for the project")
- "--quotas",
- "quotas",
- multiple=True,
- default=None,
- help="change quotas. Can be used several times: 'quota1=number|empty[,quota2=...]' "
- "(use empty to reset quota to default",
-def project_update(ctx, project, name, quotas):
- """
- Update a project name
- :param ctx:
- :param project: id or name of the project to modify
- :param name: new name for the project
- :param quotas: change quotas of the project
- :return:
- """
- logger.debug("")
- project_changes = {}
- if name:
- project_changes["name"] = name
- quotas_dict = _process_project_quotas(quotas)
- if quotas_dict:
- project_changes["quotas"] = quotas_dict
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- ctx.obj.project.update(project, project_changes)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
-# User mgmt operations
-@cli_osm.command(name="user-create", short_help="creates a new user")
- "--password",
- prompt=True,
- hide_input=True,
- confirmation_prompt=True,
- help="user password",
- "--projects",
- # prompt="Comma separate list of projects",
- multiple=True,
- callback=lambda ctx, param, value: "".join(value).split(",")
- if all(len(x) == 1 for x in value)
- else value,
- help="list of project ids that the user belongs to",
- "--project-role-mappings",
- "project_role_mappings",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="assign role(s) in a project. Can be used several times: 'project,role1[,role2,...]'",
-@click.option("--domain-name", "domain_name", default=None, help="assign to a domain")
-def user_create(ctx, username, password, projects, project_role_mappings, domain_name):
- """Creates a new user
- \b
- USERNAME: name of the user
- PASSWORD: password of the user
- PROJECTS: projects assigned to user (internal only)
- PROJECT_ROLE_MAPPING: roles in projects assigned to user (keystone)
- DOMAIN_NAME: optional domain name for the user when keystone authentication is used
- """
- logger.debug("")
- user = {}
- user["username"] = username
- user["password"] = password
- user["projects"] = projects
- user["project_role_mappings"] = project_role_mappings
- if domain_name:
- user["domain_name"] = domain_name
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- ctx.obj.user.create(username, user)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="user-update", short_help="updates user information")
- "--password",
- # prompt=True,
- # hide_input=True,
- # confirmation_prompt=True,
- help="user password",
-@click.option("--set-username", "set_username", default=None, help="change username")
- "--set-project",
- "set_project",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="create/replace the roles for this project: 'project,role1[,role2,...]'",
- "--remove-project",
- "remove_project",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="removes project from user: 'project'",
- "--add-project-role",
- "add_project_role",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="assign role(s) in a project. Can be used several times: 'project,role1[,role2,...]'",
- "--remove-project-role",
- "remove_project_role",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="remove role(s) in a project. Can be used several times: 'project,role1[,role2,...]'",
-@click.option("--change_password", "change_password", help="user's current password")
- "--new_password",
- "new_password",
- help="user's new password to update in expiry condition",
-def user_update(
- ctx,
- username,
- password,
- set_username,
- set_project,
- remove_project,
- add_project_role,
- remove_project_role,
- change_password,
- new_password,
- """Update a user information
- \b
- USERNAME: name of the user
- PASSWORD: new password
- SET_USERNAME: new username
- SET_PROJECT: creating mappings for project/role(s)
- REMOVE_PROJECT: deleting mappings for project/role(s)
- ADD_PROJECT_ROLE: adding mappings for project/role(s)
- REMOVE_PROJECT_ROLE: removing mappings for project/role(s)
- CHANGE_PASSWORD: user's current password to change
- NEW_PASSWORD: user's new password to update in expiry condition
- """
- logger.debug("")
- user = {}
- user["password"] = password
- user["username"] = set_username
- user["set-project"] = set_project
- user["remove-project"] = remove_project
- user["add-project-role"] = add_project_role
- user["remove-project-role"] = remove_project_role
- user["change_password"] = change_password
- user["new_password"] = new_password
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- if not user.get("change_password"):
- ctx.obj.user.update(username, user)
- else:
- ctx.obj.user.update(username, user, pwd_change=True)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="user-delete", short_help="deletes a user")
-# @click.option('--force', is_flag=True, help='forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions')
-def user_delete(ctx, name):
- """deletes a user
- \b
- NAME: name or ID of the user to be deleted
- """
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- ctx.obj.user.delete(name)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="user-list", short_help="list all users")
- "--filter",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the list to the users matching the filter",
-def user_list(ctx, filter):
- """list all users"""
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- if filter:
- filter = "&".join(filter)
- resp = ctx.obj.user.list(filter)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- table = PrettyTable(["name", "id"])
- for user in resp:
- table.add_row([user["username"], user["_id"]])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
-@cli_osm.command(name="user-show", short_help="shows the details of a user")
-def user_show(ctx, name):
- """shows the details of a user
- NAME: name or ID of the user
- """
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- resp = ctx.obj.user.get(name)
- if "password" in resp:
- resp["password"] = "********"
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- table = PrettyTable(["key", "attribute"])
- for k, v in resp.items():
- table.add_row([k, json.dumps(v, indent=2)])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
-# Fault Management operations
-@click.option("--ns", prompt=True, help="NS instance id or name")
- "--vnf", prompt=True, help="VNF name (VNF member index as declared in the NSD)"
-@click.option("--vdu", prompt=True, help="VDU name (VDU name as declared in the VNFD)")
-@click.option("--metric", prompt=True, help="Name of the metric (e.g. cpu_utilization)")
- "--severity",
- default="WARNING",
- help="severity of the alarm (WARNING, MINOR, MAJOR, CRITICAL, INDETERMINATE)",
- "--threshold_value",
- prompt=True,
- help="threshold value that, when crossed, an alarm is triggered",
- "--threshold_operator",
- prompt=True,
- help="threshold operator describing the comparison (GE, LE, GT, LT, EQ)",
- "--statistic",
- default="AVERAGE",
- help="statistic (AVERAGE, MINIMUM, MAXIMUM, COUNT, SUM)",
-def ns_alarm_create(
- ctx,
- name,
- ns,
- vnf,
- vdu,
- metric,
- severity,
- threshold_value,
- threshold_operator,
- statistic,
- """creates a new alarm for a NS instance"""
- # TODO: Check how to validate threshold_value.
- # Should it be an integer (1-100), percentage, or decimal (0.01-1.00)?
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- ns_instance = ctx.obj.ns.get(ns)
- alarm = {}
- alarm["alarm_name"] = name
- alarm["ns_id"] = ns_instance["_id"]
- alarm["correlation_id"] = ns_instance["_id"]
- alarm["vnf_member_index"] = vnf
- alarm["vdu_name"] = vdu
- alarm["metric_name"] = metric
- alarm["severity"] = severity
- alarm["threshold_value"] = int(threshold_value)
- alarm["operation"] = threshold_operator
- alarm["statistic"] = statistic
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- ctx.obj.ns.create_alarm(alarm)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-# @cli_osm.command(name='ns-alarm-delete')
-# @click.argument('name')
-# @click.pass_context
-# def ns_alarm_delete(ctx, name):
-# """deletes an alarm
-# NAME: name of the alarm to be deleted
-# """
-# try:
-# check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
-# ctx.obj.ns.delete_alarm(name)
-# except ClientException as e:
-# print(str(e))
-# exit(1)
-# Performance Management operations
- name="ns-metric-export",
- short_help="exports a metric to the internal OSM bus, which can be read by other apps",
-@click.option("--ns", prompt=True, help="NS instance id or name")
- "--vnf", prompt=True, help="VNF name (VNF member index as declared in the NSD)"
-@click.option("--vdu", prompt=True, help="VDU name (VDU name as declared in the VNFD)")
-@click.option("--metric", prompt=True, help="name of the metric (e.g. cpu_utilization)")
-# @click.option('--period', default='1w',
-# help='metric collection period (e.g. 20s, 30m, 2h, 3d, 1w)')
- "--interval", help="periodic interval (seconds) to export metrics continuously"
-def ns_metric_export(ctx, ns, vnf, vdu, metric, interval):
- """exports a metric to the internal OSM bus, which can be read by other apps"""
- # TODO: Check how to validate interval.
- # Should it be an integer (seconds), or should a suffix (s,m,h,d,w) also be permitted?
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- ns_instance = ctx.obj.ns.get(ns)
- metric_data = {}
- metric_data["ns_id"] = ns_instance["_id"]
- metric_data["correlation_id"] = ns_instance["_id"]
- metric_data["vnf_member_index"] = vnf
- metric_data["vdu_name"] = vdu
- metric_data["metric_name"] = metric
- metric_data["collection_unit"] = "WEEK"
- metric_data["collection_period"] = 1
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- if not interval:
- print("{}".format(ctx.obj.ns.export_metric(metric_data)))
- else:
- i = 1
- while True:
- print("{} {}".format(ctx.obj.ns.export_metric(metric_data), i))
- time.sleep(int(interval))
- i += 1
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-# Subscription operations
- name="subscription-create",
- short_help="creates a new subscription to a specific event",
- "--event_type",
- # type=click.Choice(['ns', 'nspkg', 'vnfpkg'], case_sensitive=False))
- type=click.Choice(["ns"], case_sensitive=False),
- help="event type to be subscribed (for the moment, only ns is supported)",
-@click.option("--event", default=None, help="specific yaml configuration for the event")
- "--event_file", default=None, help="specific yaml configuration file for the event"
-def subscription_create(ctx, event_type, event, event_file):
- """creates a new subscription to a specific event"""
- logger.debug("")
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- if event_file:
- if event:
- raise ClientException(
- '"--event" option is incompatible with "--event_file" option'
- )
- with open(event_file, "r") as cf:
- event = cf.read()
- ctx.obj.subscription.create(event_type, event)
-@cli_osm.command(name="subscription-delete", short_help="deletes a subscription")
- "--event_type",
- # type=click.Choice(['ns', 'nspkg', 'vnfpkg'], case_sensitive=False))
- type=click.Choice(["ns"], case_sensitive=False),
- help="event type to be subscribed (for the moment, only ns is supported)",
- "--force", is_flag=True, help="forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions"
-def subscription_delete(ctx, event_type, subscription_id, force):
- """deletes a subscription
- SUBSCRIPTION_ID: ID of the subscription to be deleted
- """
- logger.debug("")
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- ctx.obj.subscription.delete(event_type, subscription_id, force)
-@cli_osm.command(name="subscription-list", short_help="list all subscriptions")
- "--event_type",
- # type=click.Choice(['ns', 'nspkg', 'vnfpkg'], case_sensitive=False))
- type=click.Choice(["ns"], case_sensitive=False),
- help="event type to be subscribed (for the moment, only ns is supported)",
- "--filter",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the list to the subscriptions matching the filter",
-def subscription_list(ctx, event_type, filter):
- """list all subscriptions"""
- logger.debug("")
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- if filter:
- filter = "&".join(filter)
- resp = ctx.obj.subscription.list(event_type, filter)
- table = PrettyTable(["id", "filter", "CallbackUri"])
- for sub in resp:
- table.add_row(
- [
- sub["_id"],
- wrap_text(text=json.dumps(sub["filter"], indent=2), width=70),
- sub["CallbackUri"],
- ]
- )
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
- name="subscription-show", short_help="shows the details of a subscription"
- "--event_type",
- # type=click.Choice(['ns', 'nspkg', 'vnfpkg'], case_sensitive=False))
- type=click.Choice(["ns"], case_sensitive=False),
- help="event type to be subscribed (for the moment, only ns is supported)",
- "--filter",
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the information to the fields in the filter",
-def subscription_show(ctx, event_type, subscription_id, filter):
- """shows the details of a subscription
- SUBSCRIPTION_ID: ID of the subscription
- """
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- resp = ctx.obj.subscription.get(subscription_id)
- table = PrettyTable(["key", "attribute"])
- for k, v in list(resp.items()):
- if not filter or k in filter:
- table.add_row([k, wrap_text(text=json.dumps(v, indent=2), width=100)])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
-# Other operations
-@cli_osm.command(name="version", short_help="shows client and server versions")
-def get_version(ctx):
- """shows client and server versions"""
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, "version")
- print("Server version: {}".format(ctx.obj.get_version()))
- print(
- "Client version: {}".format(pkg_resources.get_distribution("osmclient").version)
- )
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- name="upload-package", short_help="uploads a VNF package or NS package"
- "--skip-charm-build",
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="the charm will not be compiled, it is assumed to already exist",
-def upload_package(ctx, filename, skip_charm_build):
- """uploads a vnf package or ns package
- filename: vnf or ns package folder, or vnf or ns package file (tar.gz)
- """
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- ctx.obj.package.upload(filename, skip_charm_build=skip_charm_build)
- fullclassname = ctx.obj.__module__ + "." + ctx.obj.__class__.__name__
- if fullclassname != "osmclient.sol005.client.Client":
- ctx.obj.package.wait_for_upload(filename)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-# @cli_osm.command(name='ns-scaling-show')
-# @click.argument('ns_name')
-# @click.pass_context
-# def show_ns_scaling(ctx, ns_name):
-# """shows the status of a NS scaling operation
-# NS_NAME: name of the NS instance being scaled
-# """
-# try:
-# check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name, 'v1')
-# resp = ctx.obj.ns.list()
-# except ClientException as e:
-# print(str(e))
-# exit(1)
-# table = PrettyTable(
-# ['group-name',
-# 'instance-id',
-# 'operational status',
-# 'create-time',
-# 'vnfr ids'])
-# for ns in resp:
-# if ns_name == ns['name']:
-# nsopdata = ctx.obj.ns.get_opdata(ns['id'])
-# scaling_records = nsopdata['nsr:nsr']['scaling-group-record']
-# for record in scaling_records:
-# if 'instance' in record:
-# instances = record['instance']
-# for inst in instances:
-# table.add_row(
-# [record['scaling-group-name-ref'],
-# inst['instance-id'],
-# inst['op-status'],
-# time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
-# time.localtime(
-# inst['create-time'])),
-# inst['vnfrs']])
-# table.align = 'l'
-# print(table)
-# @cli_osm.command(name='ns-scale')
-# @click.argument('ns_name')
-# @click.option('--ns_scale_group', prompt=True)
-# @click.option('--index', prompt=True)
-# @click.option('--wait',
-# required=False,
-# default=False,
-# is_flag=True,
-# help='do not return the control immediately, but keep it \
-# until the operation is completed, or timeout')
-# @click.pass_context
-# def ns_scale(ctx, ns_name, ns_scale_group, index, wait):
-# """scales NS
-# NS_NAME: name of the NS instance to be scaled
-# """
-# try:
-# check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name, 'v1')
-# ctx.obj.ns.scale(ns_name, ns_scale_group, index, wait=wait)
-# except ClientException as e:
-# print(str(e))
-# exit(1)
-# @cli_osm.command(name='config-agent-list')
-# @click.pass_context
-# def config_agent_list(ctx):
-# """list config agents"""
-# try:
-# check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name, 'v1')
-# except ClientException as e:
-# print(str(e))
-# exit(1)
-# table = PrettyTable(['name', 'account-type', 'details'])
-# for account in ctx.obj.vca.list():
-# table.add_row(
-# [account['name'],
-# account['account-type'],
-# account['juju']])
-# table.align = 'l'
-# print(table)
-# @cli_osm.command(name='config-agent-delete')
-# @click.argument('name')
-# @click.pass_context
-# def config_agent_delete(ctx, name):
-# """deletes a config agent
-# NAME: name of the config agent to be deleted
-# """
-# try:
-# check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name, 'v1')
-# ctx.obj.vca.delete(name)
-# except ClientException as e:
-# print(str(e))
-# exit(1)
-# @cli_osm.command(name='config-agent-add')
-# @click.option('--name',
-# prompt=True)
-# @click.option('--account_type',
-# prompt=True)
-# @click.option('--server',
-# prompt=True)
-# @click.option('--user',
-# prompt=True)
-# @click.option('--secret',
-# prompt=True,
-# hide_input=True,
-# confirmation_prompt=True)
-# @click.pass_context
-# def config_agent_add(ctx, name, account_type, server, user, secret):
-# """adds a config agent"""
-# try:
-# check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name, 'v1')
-# ctx.obj.vca.create(name, account_type, server, user, secret)
-# except ClientException as e:
-# print(str(e))
-# exit(1)
-# @cli_osm.command(name='ro-dump')
-# @click.pass_context
-# def ro_dump(ctx):
-# """shows RO agent information"""
-# check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name, 'v1')
-# resp = ctx.obj.vim.get_resource_orchestrator()
-# table = PrettyTable(['key', 'attribute'])
-# for k, v in list(resp.items()):
-# table.add_row([k, json.dumps(v, indent=2)])
-# table.align = 'l'
-# print(table)
-# @cli_osm.command(name='vcs-list')
-# @click.pass_context
-# def vcs_list(ctx):
-# check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name, 'v1')
-# resp = ctx.obj.utils.get_vcs_info()
-# table = PrettyTable(['component name', 'state'])
-# for component in resp:
-# table.add_row([component['component_name'], component['state']])
-# table.align = 'l'
-# print(table)
- name="ns-action", short_help="executes an action/primitive over a NS instance"
- "--vnf_name",
- default=None,
- help="member-vnf-index if the target is a vnf instead of a ns)",
-@click.option("--kdu_name", default=None, help="kdu-name if the target is a kdu)")
-@click.option("--vdu_id", default=None, help="vdu-id if the target is a vdu")
- "--vdu_count", default=None, type=int, help="number of vdu instance of this vdu_id"
-@click.option("--action_name", prompt=True, help="action name")
-@click.option("--params", default=None, help="action params in YAML/JSON inline string")
-@click.option("--params_file", default=None, help="YAML/JSON file with action params")
- "--timeout", required=False, default=None, type=int, help="timeout in seconds"
- "--wait",
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout",
-def ns_action(
- ctx,
- ns_name,
- vnf_name,
- kdu_name,
- vdu_id,
- vdu_count,
- action_name,
- params,
- params_file,
- timeout,
- wait,
- """executes an action/primitive over a NS instance
- NS_NAME: name or ID of the NS instance
- """
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- op_data = {}
- if vnf_name:
- op_data["member_vnf_index"] = vnf_name
- if kdu_name:
- op_data["kdu_name"] = kdu_name
- if vdu_id:
- op_data["vdu_id"] = vdu_id
- if vdu_count is not None:
- op_data["vdu_count_index"] = vdu_count
- if timeout:
- op_data["timeout_ns_action"] = timeout
- op_data["primitive"] = action_name
- if params_file:
- with open(params_file, "r") as pf:
- params = pf.read()
- if params:
- op_data["primitive_params"] = yaml.safe_load(params)
- else:
- op_data["primitive_params"] = {}
- print(ctx.obj.ns.exec_op(ns_name, op_name="action", op_data=op_data, wait=wait))
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- name="vnf-scale", short_help="executes a VNF scale (adding/removing VDUs)"
- "--scaling-group", prompt=True, help="scaling-group-descriptor name to use"
- "--scale-in", default=False, is_flag=True, help="performs a scale in operation"
- "--scale-out",
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="performs a scale out operation (by default)",
- "--timeout", required=False, default=None, type=int, help="timeout in seconds"
- "--wait",
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout",
-def vnf_scale(
- ctx, ns_name, vnf_name, scaling_group, scale_in, scale_out, timeout, wait
- """
- Executes a VNF scale (adding/removing VDUs)
- \b
- NS_NAME: name or ID of the NS instance.
- VNF_NAME: member-vnf-index in the NS to be scaled.
- """
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- if not scale_in and not scale_out:
- scale_out = True
- ctx.obj.ns.scale_vnf(
- ns_name, vnf_name, scaling_group, scale_in, scale_out, wait, timeout
- )
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- name="ns-update", short_help="executes an update of a Network Service."
- "--updatetype", required=True, type=str, help="available types: CHANGE_VNFPKG"
- "--config",
- required=True,
- type=str,
- help="extra information for update operation as YAML/JSON inline string as --config"
- " '{changeVnfPackageData:[{vnfInstanceId: xxx, vnfdId: yyy}]}'",
- "--timeout", required=False, default=None, type=int, help="timeout in seconds"
- "--wait",
- required=False,
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout",
-def update(ctx, ns_name, updatetype, config, timeout, wait):
- """Executes an update of a Network Service.
- The update will check new revisions of the Network Functions that are part of the
- Network Service, and it will update them if needed.
- Sample update command: osm ns-update ns_instance_id --updatetype CHANGE_VNFPKG
- --config '{changeVnfPackageData: [{vnfInstanceId: id_x,vnfdId: id_y}]}' --timeout 300 --wait
- NS_NAME: Network service instance name or ID.
- """
- op_data = {
- "timeout": timeout,
- "updateType": updatetype,
- }
- if config:
- op_data["config"] = yaml.safe_load(config)
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- ctx.obj.ns.update(ns_name, op_data, wait=wait)
-def iterator_split(iterator, separators):
- """
- Splits a tuple or list into several lists whenever a separator is found
- For instance, the following tuple will be separated with the separator "--vnf" as follows.
- From:
- ("--vnf", "A", "--cause", "cause_A", "--vdu", "vdu_A1", "--vnf", "B", "--cause", "cause_B", ...
- "--vdu", "vdu_B1", "--count_index", "1", "--run-day1", "--vdu", "vdu_B1", "--count_index", "2")
- To:
- [
- ("--vnf", "A", "--cause", "cause_A", "--vdu", "vdu_A1"),
- ("--vnf", "B", "--cause", "cause_B", "--vdu", "vdu_B1", "--count_index", "1", "--run-day1", ...
- "--vdu", "vdu_B1", "--count_index", "2")
- ]
- Returns as many lists as separators are found
- """
- logger.debug("")
- if iterator[0] not in separators:
- raise ClientException(f"Expected one of {separators}. Received: {iterator[0]}.")
- list_of_lists = []
- first = 0
- for i in range(len(iterator)):
- if iterator[i] in separators:
- if i == first:
- continue
- if i - first < 2:
- raise ClientException(
- f"Expected at least one argument after separator (possible separators: {separators})."
- )
- list_of_lists.append(list(iterator[first:i]))
- first = i
- if (len(iterator) - first) < 2:
- raise ClientException(
- f"Expected at least one argument after separator (possible separators: {separators})."
- )
- else:
- list_of_lists.append(list(iterator[first : len(iterator)]))
- # logger.debug(f"List of lists: {list_of_lists}")
- return list_of_lists
-def process_common_heal_params(heal_vnf_dict, args):
- logger.debug("")
- current_item = "vnf"
- i = 0
- while i < len(args):
- if args[i] == "--cause":
- if (i + 1 >= len(args)) or args[i + 1].startswith("--"):
- raise ClientException("No cause was provided after --cause")
- heal_vnf_dict["cause"] = args[i + 1]
- i = i + 2
- continue
- if args[i] == "--run-day1":
- if current_item == "vnf":
- if "additionalParams" not in heal_vnf_dict:
- heal_vnf_dict["additionalParams"] = {}
- heal_vnf_dict["additionalParams"]["run-day1"] = True
- else:
- # if current_item == "vdu"
- heal_vnf_dict["additionalParams"]["vdu"][-1]["run-day1"] = True
- i = i + 1
- continue
- if args[i] == "--vdu":
- if "additionalParams" not in heal_vnf_dict:
- heal_vnf_dict["additionalParams"] = {}
- heal_vnf_dict["additionalParams"]["vdu"] = []
- if (i + 1 >= len(args)) or args[i + 1].startswith("--"):
- raise ClientException("No VDU ID was provided after --vdu")
- heal_vnf_dict["additionalParams"]["vdu"].append({"vdu-id": args[i + 1]})
- current_item = "vdu"
- i = i + 2
- continue
- if args[i] == "--count-index":
- if current_item == "vnf":
- raise ClientException(
- "Option --count-index only applies to VDU, not to VNF"
- )
- if (i + 1 >= len(args)) or args[i + 1].startswith("--"):
- raise ClientException("No count index was provided after --count-index")
- heal_vnf_dict["additionalParams"]["vdu"][-1]["count-index"] = int(
- args[i + 1]
- )
- i = i + 2
- continue
- i = i + 1
- return
-def process_ns_heal_params(ctx, param, value):
- """
- Processes the params in the command ns-heal
- Click does not allow advanced patterns for positional options like this:
- --vnf volumes_vnf --cause "Heal several_volumes-VM of several_volumes_vnf"
- --vdu several_volumes-VM
- --vnf charm_vnf --cause "Heal two VMs of native_manual_scale_charm_vnf"
- --vdu mgmtVM --count-index 1 --run-day1
- --vdu mgmtVM --count-index 2
- It returns the dictionary with all the params stored in ctx.params["heal_params"]
- """
- logger.debug("")
- # logger.debug(f"Args: {value}")
- if param.name != "args":
- raise ClientException(f"Unexpected param: {param.name}")
- # Split the tuple "value" by "--vnf"
- vnfs = iterator_split(value, ["--vnf"])
- logger.debug(f"VNFs: {vnfs}")
- heal_dict = {}
- heal_dict["healVnfData"] = []
- for vnf in vnfs:
- # logger.debug(f"VNF: {vnf}")
- heal_vnf = {}
- if vnf[1].startswith("--"):
- raise ClientException("Expected a VNF_ID after --vnf")
- heal_vnf["vnfInstanceId"] = vnf[1]
- process_common_heal_params(heal_vnf, vnf[2:])
- heal_dict["healVnfData"].append(heal_vnf)
- ctx.params["heal_params"] = heal_dict
- return
- name="ns-heal",
- short_help="heals (recreates) VNFs or VDUs of a NS instance",
- context_settings=dict(
- ignore_unknown_options=True,
- ),
- "args",
- nargs=-1,
- type=click.UNPROCESSED,
- callback=process_ns_heal_params,
-@click.option("--timeout", type=int, default=None, help="timeout in seconds")
- "--wait",
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout",
-def ns_heal(ctx, ns_name, args, heal_params, timeout, wait):
- """heals (recreates) VNFs or VDUs of a NS instance
- NS_NAME: name or ID of the NS instance
- \b
- Options:
- --vnf TEXT VNF instance ID or VNF id in the NS [required]
- --cause TEXT human readable cause of the healing
- --run-day1 indicates whether or not to run day1 primitives for the VNF/VDU
- --vdu TEXT vdu-id
- --count-index INTEGER count-index
- \b
- Example:
- osm ns-heal NS_NAME|NS_ID --vnf volumes_vnf --cause "Heal several_volumes-VM of several_volumes_vnf"
- --vdu several_volumes-VM
- --vnf charm_vnf --cause "Heal two VMs of native_manual_scale_charm_vnf"
- --vdu mgmtVM --count-index 1 --run-day1
- --vdu mgmtVM --count-index 2
- """
- logger.debug("")
- heal_dict = ctx.params["heal_params"]
- logger.debug(f"Heal dict:\n{yaml.safe_dump(heal_dict)}")
- # replace VNF id in the NS by the VNF instance ID
- for vnf in heal_dict["healVnfData"]:
- vnf_id = vnf["vnfInstanceId"]
- if not validate_uuid4(vnf_id):
- vnf_filter = f"member-vnf-index-ref={vnf_id}"
- vnf_list = ctx.obj.vnf.list(ns=ns_name, filter=vnf_filter)
- if len(vnf_list) == 0:
- raise ClientException(
- f"No VNF found in NS {ns_name} with filter {vnf_filter}"
- )
- elif len(vnf_list) == 1:
- vnf["vnfInstanceId"] = vnf_list[0]["_id"]
- else:
- raise ClientException(
- f"More than 1 VNF found in NS {ns_name} with filter {vnf_filter}"
- )
- logger.debug(f"Heal dict:\n{yaml.safe_dump(heal_dict)}")
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- ctx.obj.ns.heal(ns_name, heal_dict, wait, timeout)
- exit(0)
-def process_vnf_heal_params(ctx, param, value):
- """
- Processes the params in the command vnf-heal
- Click does not allow advanced patterns for positional options like this:
- --vdu mgmtVM --count-index 1 --run-day1 --vdu mgmtVM --count-index 2
- It returns the dictionary with all the params stored in ctx.params["heal_params"]
- """
- logger.debug("")
- # logger.debug(f"Args: {value}")
- if param.name != "args":
- raise ClientException(f"Unexpected param: {param.name}")
- # Split the tuple "value" by "--vnf"
- vnf = value
- heal_dict = {}
- heal_dict["healVnfData"] = []
- logger.debug(f"VNF: {vnf}")
- heal_vnf = {"vnfInstanceId": "id_to_be_substituted"}
- process_common_heal_params(heal_vnf, vnf)
- heal_dict["healVnfData"].append(heal_vnf)
- ctx.params["heal_params"] = heal_dict
- return
- name="vnf-heal",
- short_help="heals (recreates) a VNF instance or the VDUs of a VNF instance",
- context_settings=dict(
- ignore_unknown_options=True,
- ),
- "args",
- nargs=-1,
- type=click.UNPROCESSED,
- callback=process_vnf_heal_params,
-@click.option("--timeout", type=int, default=None, help="timeout in seconds")
- "--wait",
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout",
-def vnf_heal2(
- ctx,
- vnf_name,
- args,
- heal_params,
- timeout,
- wait,
- """heals (recreates) a VNF instance or the VDUs of a VNF instance
- VNF_NAME: name or ID of the VNF instance
- \b
- Options:
- --cause TEXT human readable cause of the healing of the VNF
- --run-day1 indicates whether or not to run day1 primitives for the VNF/VDU
- --vdu TEXT vdu-id
- --count-index INTEGER count-index
- \b
- Example:
- osm vnf-heal VNF_INSTANCE_ID --vdu mgmtVM --count-index 1 --run-day1
- --vdu mgmtVM --count-index 2
- """
- logger.debug("")
- heal_dict = ctx.params["heal_params"]
- heal_dict["healVnfData"][-1]["vnfInstanceId"] = vnf_name
- logger.debug(f"Heal dict:\n{yaml.safe_dump(heal_dict)}")
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- vnfr = ctx.obj.vnf.get(vnf_name)
- ns_id = vnfr["nsr-id-ref"]
- ctx.obj.ns.heal(ns_id, heal_dict, wait, timeout)
- exit(0)
-@cli_osm.command(name="alarm-show", short_help="show alarm details")
-def alarm_show(ctx, uuid):
- """Show alarm's detail information"""
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- resp = ctx.obj.ns.get_alarm(uuid=uuid)
- alarm_filter = [
- "uuid",
- "name",
- "metric",
- "statistic",
- "threshold",
- "operation",
- "ns-id",
- "vnf-id",
- "vdu_name",
- "action",
- "status",
- ]
- table = PrettyTable(["key", "attribute"])
- try:
- # Arrange and return the response data
- alarm = resp.replace("ObjectId", "")
- for key in alarm_filter:
- if key == "uuid":
- value = alarm.get(key)
- key = "alarm-id"
- elif key == "name":
- value = alarm.get(key)
- key = "alarm-name"
- elif key == "ns-id":
- value = alarm["tags"].get("ns_id")
- elif key == "vdu_name":
- value = alarm["tags"].get("vdu_name")
- elif key == "status":
- value = alarm["alarm_status"]
- else:
- value = alarm[key]
- table.add_row([key, wrap_text(text=json.dumps(value, indent=2), width=100)])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
- except Exception:
- print(resp)
-# List alarm
-@cli_osm.command(name="alarm-list", short_help="list all alarms")
- "--ns_id", default=None, required=False, help="List out alarm for given ns id"
-def alarm_list(ctx, ns_id):
- """list all alarm"""
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- project_name = os.getenv("OSM_PROJECT", "admin")
- resp = ctx.obj.ns.get_alarm(project_name=project_name, ns_id=ns_id)
- table = PrettyTable(
- ["alarm-id", "metric", "threshold", "operation", "action", "status"]
- )
- if resp:
- # return the response data in a table
- resp = resp.replace("ObjectId", "")
- for alarm in resp:
- table.add_row(
- [
- wrap_text(text=str(alarm["uuid"]), width=38),
- alarm["metric"],
- alarm["threshold"],
- alarm["operation"],
- wrap_text(text=alarm["action"], width=25),
- alarm["alarm_status"],
- ]
- )
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
-# Update alarm
-@cli_osm.command(name="alarm-update", short_help="Update a alarm")
-@click.option("--threshold", default=None, help="Alarm threshold")
-@click.option("--is_enable", default=None, type=bool, help="enable or disable alarm")
-def alarm_update(ctx, uuid, threshold, is_enable):
- """
- Update alarm
- """
- if not threshold and is_enable is None:
- raise ClientException(
- "Please provide option to update i.e threshold or is_enable"
- )
- ctx.obj.ns.update_alarm(uuid, threshold, is_enable)
-# Role Management Operations #
-@cli_osm.command(name="role-create", short_help="creates a new role")
-@click.option("--permissions", default=None, help="role permissions using a dictionary")
-def role_create(ctx, name, permissions):
- """
- Creates a new role.
- \b
- NAME: Name or ID of the role.
- DEFINITION: Definition of grant/denial of access to resources.
- """
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- ctx.obj.role.create(name, permissions)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="role-update", short_help="updates a role")
-@click.option("--set-name", default=None, help="change name of rle")
-# @click.option('--permissions',
-# default=None,
-# help='provide a yaml format dictionary with incremental changes. Values can be bool or None to delete')
- "--add",
- default=None,
- help="yaml format dictionary with permission: True/False to access grant/denial",
-@click.option("--remove", default=None, help="yaml format list to remove a permission")
-def role_update(ctx, name, set_name, add, remove):
- """
- Updates a role.
- \b
- NAME: Name or ID of the role.
- DEFINITION: Definition overwrites the old definition.
- ADD: Grant/denial of access to resource to add.
- REMOVE: Grant/denial of access to resource to remove.
- """
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- ctx.obj.role.update(name, set_name, None, add, remove)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="role-delete", short_help="deletes a role")
-# @click.option('--force', is_flag=True, help='forces the deletion bypassing pre-conditions')
-def role_delete(ctx, name):
- """
- Deletes a role.
- \b
- NAME: Name or ID of the role.
- """
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- ctx.obj.role.delete(name)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="role-list", short_help="list all roles")
- "--filter",
- default=None,
- multiple=True,
- help="restricts the list to the projects matching the filter",
-def role_list(ctx, filter):
- """
- List all roles.
- """
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- if filter:
- filter = "&".join(filter)
- resp = ctx.obj.role.list(filter)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- table = PrettyTable(["name", "id"])
- for role in resp:
- table.add_row([role["name"], role["_id"]])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
-@cli_osm.command(name="role-show", short_help="show specific role")
-def role_show(ctx, name):
- """
- Shows the details of a role.
- \b
- NAME: Name or ID of the role.
- """
- logger.debug("")
- # try:
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- resp = ctx.obj.role.get(name)
- # except ClientException as e:
- # print(str(e))
- # exit(1)
- table = PrettyTable(["key", "attribute"])
- for k, v in resp.items():
- table.add_row([k, json.dumps(v, indent=2)])
- table.align = "l"
- print(table)
-@cli_osm.command(name="package-create", short_help="Create empty NS package structure")
- "--base-directory",
- default=".",
- help=('(NS/VNF/NST) Set the location for package creation. Default: "."'),
- "--image",
- default="image-name",
- help='(VNF) Set the name of the vdu image. Default "image-name"',
- "--vdus", default=1, help="(VNF) Set the number of vdus in a VNF. Default 1"
- "--vcpu", default=1, help="(VNF) Set the number of virtual CPUs in a vdu. Default 1"
- "--memory",
- default=1024,
- help="(VNF) Set the memory size (MB) of the vdu. Default 1024",
- "--storage", default=10, help="(VNF) Set the disk size (GB) of the vdu. Default 10"
- "--interfaces",
- default=0,
- help="(VNF) Set the number of additional interfaces apart from the management interface. Default 0",
- "--vendor", default="OSM", help='(NS/VNF) Set the descriptor vendor. Default "OSM"'
- "--override",
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="(NS/VNF/NST) Flag for overriding the package if exists.",
- "--detailed",
- is_flag=True,
- default=False,
- help="(NS/VNF/NST) Flag for generating descriptor .yaml with all possible commented options",
- "--netslice-subnets", default=1, help="(NST) Number of netslice subnets. Default 1"
- "--netslice-vlds", default=1, help="(NST) Number of netslice vlds. Default 1"
- "--old",
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="Flag to create a descriptor using the previous OSM format (pre SOL006, OSM<9)",
-def package_create(
- ctx,
- package_type,
- base_directory,
- package_name,
- override,
- image,
- vdus,
- vcpu,
- memory,
- storage,
- interfaces,
- vendor,
- detailed,
- netslice_subnets,
- netslice_vlds,
- old,
- """
- Creates an OSM NS, VNF, NST package
- \b
- PACKAGE_TYPE: Package to be created: NS, VNF or NST.
- PACKAGE_NAME: Name of the package to create the folder with the content.
- """
- # try:
- logger.debug("")
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- print(
- "Creating the {} structure: {}/{}".format(
- package_type.upper(), base_directory, package_name
- )
- )
- resp = ctx.obj.package_tool.create(
- package_type,
- base_directory,
- package_name,
- override=override,
- image=image,
- vdus=vdus,
- vcpu=vcpu,
- memory=memory,
- storage=storage,
- interfaces=interfaces,
- vendor=vendor,
- detailed=detailed,
- netslice_subnets=netslice_subnets,
- netslice_vlds=netslice_vlds,
- old=old,
- )
- print(resp)
- # except ClientException as inst:
- # print("ERROR: {}".format(inst))
- # exit(1)
- name="package-validate", short_help="Validate descriptors given a base directory"
-@click.argument("base-directory", default=".", required=False)
- "--recursive/--no-recursive",
- default=True,
- help="The activated recursive option will validate the yaml files"
- " within the indicated directory and in its subdirectories",
- "--old",
- is_flag=True,
- default=False,
- help="Validates also the descriptors using the previous OSM format (pre SOL006)",
-def package_validate(ctx, base_directory, recursive, old):
- """
- Validate descriptors given a base directory.
- \b
- BASE_DIRECTORY: Base folder for NS, VNF or NST package.
- """
- # try:
- logger.debug("")
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- results = ctx.obj.package_tool.validate(base_directory, recursive, old)
- table = PrettyTable()
- table.field_names = ["TYPE", "PATH", "VALID", "ERROR"]
- # Print the dictionary generated by the validation function
- for result in results:
- table.add_row(
- [result["type"], result["path"], result["valid"], result["error"]]
- )
- table.sortby = "VALID"
- table.align["PATH"] = "l"
- table.align["TYPE"] = "l"
- table.align["ERROR"] = "l"
- print(table)
- # except ClientException as inst:
- # print("ERROR: {}".format(inst))
- # exit(1)
- name="package-translate", short_help="Translate descriptors given a base directory"
-@click.argument("base-directory", default=".", required=False)
- "--recursive/--no-recursive",
- default=True,
- help="The activated recursive option will translate the yaml files"
- " within the indicated directory and in its subdirectories",
- "--dryrun",
- is_flag=True,
- default=False,
- help="Do not translate yet, only make a dry-run to test translation",
-def package_translate(ctx, base_directory, recursive, dryrun):
- """
- Translate descriptors given a base directory.
- \b
- BASE_DIRECTORY: Stub folder for NS, VNF or NST package.
- """
- logger.debug("")
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- results = ctx.obj.package_tool.translate(base_directory, recursive, dryrun)
- table = PrettyTable()
- table.field_names = [
- "PATH",
- "VALID",
- "ERROR",
- ]
- # Print the dictionary generated by the validation function
- for result in results:
- table.add_row(
- [
- result["current type"],
- result["new type"],
- result["path"],
- result["valid"],
- result["translated"],
- result["error"],
- ]
- )
- table.sortby = "TRANSLATED"
- table.align["PATH"] = "l"
- table.align["TYPE"] = "l"
- table.align["ERROR"] = "l"
- print(table)
- # except ClientException as inst:
- # print("ERROR: {}".format(inst))
- # exit(1)
-@cli_osm.command(name="package-build", short_help="Build the tar.gz of the package")
- "--skip-validation", default=False, is_flag=True, help="skip package validation"
- "--skip-charm-build",
- default=False,
- is_flag=True,
- help="the charm will not be compiled, it is assumed to already exist",
-def package_build(ctx, package_folder, skip_validation, skip_charm_build):
- """
- Build the package NS, VNF given the package_folder.
- \b
- PACKAGE_FOLDER: Folder of the NS, VNF or NST to be packaged
- """
- # try:
- logger.debug("")
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- results = ctx.obj.package_tool.build(
- package_folder,
- skip_validation=skip_validation,
- skip_charm_build=skip_charm_build,
- )
- print(results)
- # except ClientException as inst:
- # print("ERROR: {}".format(inst))
- # exit(1)
- name="descriptor-translate",
- short_help="Translate input descriptor file from Rel EIGHT OSM descriptors to SOL006 and prints in standard output",
-@click.argument("descriptor-file", required=True)
-def descriptor_translate(ctx, descriptor_file):
- """
- Translate input descriptor.
- \b
- DESCRIPTOR_FILE: Descriptor file for NS, VNF or Network Slice.
- """
- logger.debug("")
- check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
- result = ctx.obj.package_tool.descriptor_translate(descriptor_file)
- print(result)
+# pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
def cli():
- cli_osm() # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
+ cli_osm.add_command(alarms.alarm_list)
+ cli_osm.add_command(alarms.alarm_show)
+ cli_osm.add_command(alarms.alarm_update)
+ cli_osm.add_command(alarms.ns_alarm_create)
+ cli_osm.add_command(k8scluster.k8scluster_add)
+ cli_osm.add_command(k8scluster.k8scluster_delete)
+ cli_osm.add_command(k8scluster.k8scluster_list)
+ cli_osm.add_command(k8scluster.k8scluster_show)
+ cli_osm.add_command(k8scluster.k8scluster_update)
+ cli_osm.add_command(metrics.ns_metric_export)
+ cli_osm.add_command(k8scluster.k8scluster_delete)
+ cli_osm.add_command(k8scluster.k8scluster_list)
+ cli_osm.add_command(k8scluster.k8scluster_show)
+ cli_osm.add_command(k8scluster.k8scluster_update)
+ cli_osm.add_command(netslice_instance.nsi_create1)
+ cli_osm.add_command(netslice_instance.nsi_create2)
+ cli_osm.add_command(netslice_instance.nsi_delete1)
+ cli_osm.add_command(netslice_instance.nsi_delete2)
+ cli_osm.add_command(netslice_instance.nsi_list1)
+ cli_osm.add_command(netslice_instance.nsi_list2)
+ cli_osm.add_command(netslice_instance.nsi_show1)
+ cli_osm.add_command(netslice_instance.nsi_show2)
+ cli_osm.add_command(netslice_ops.nsi_op_list1)
+ cli_osm.add_command(netslice_ops.nsi_op_list2)
+ cli_osm.add_command(netslice_ops.nsi_op_show1)
+ cli_osm.add_command(netslice_ops.nsi_op_show2)
+ cli_osm.add_command(netslice_template.nst_create1)
+ cli_osm.add_command(netslice_template.nst_create2)
+ cli_osm.add_command(netslice_template.nst_delete1)
+ cli_osm.add_command(netslice_template.nst_delete2)
+ cli_osm.add_command(netslice_template.nst_list1)
+ cli_osm.add_command(netslice_template.nst_list2)
+ cli_osm.add_command(netslice_template.nst_show1)
+ cli_osm.add_command(netslice_template.nst_show2)
+ cli_osm.add_command(netslice_template.nst_update1)
+ cli_osm.add_command(netslice_template.nst_update2)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nfpkg.nfpkg_create)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nfpkg.nfpkg_delete)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nfpkg.nfpkg_list)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nfpkg.nfpkg_show)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nfpkg.nfpkg_update)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nfpkg.vnfd_create1)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nfpkg.vnfd_create2)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nfpkg.vnfd_delete1)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nfpkg.vnfd_delete2)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nfpkg.vnfd_list1)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nfpkg.vnfd_list2)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nfpkg.vnfd_show1)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nfpkg.vnfd_show2)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nfpkg.vnfd_update1)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nfpkg.vnfd_update2)
+ cli_osm.add_command(ns.ns_create)
+ cli_osm.add_command(ns.ns_delete)
+ cli_osm.add_command(ns.ns_list)
+ cli_osm.add_command(ns.ns_show)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nslcm_ops.ns_op_list)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nslcm_ops.ns_op_show)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nslcm.ns_action)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nslcm.vnf_scale)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nslcm.ns_update)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nslcm.ns_heal)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nslcm.vnf_heal)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nspkg.nsd_create1)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nspkg.nsd_create2)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nspkg.nsd_delete1)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nspkg.nsd_delete2)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nspkg.nsd_list1)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nspkg.nsd_list2)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nspkg.nsd_show1)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nspkg.nsd_show2)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nspkg.nsd_update1)
+ cli_osm.add_command(nspkg.nsd_update2)
+ cli_osm.add_command(other.get_version)
+ cli_osm.add_command(packages.descriptor_translate)
+ cli_osm.add_command(packages.package_build)
+ cli_osm.add_command(packages.package_create)
+ cli_osm.add_command(packages.package_translate)
+ cli_osm.add_command(packages.package_validate)
+ cli_osm.add_command(packages.upload_package)
+ cli_osm.add_command(pdus.pdu_create)
+ cli_osm.add_command(pdus.pdu_delete)
+ cli_osm.add_command(pdus.pdu_list)
+ cli_osm.add_command(pdus.pdu_show)
+ cli_osm.add_command(pdus.pdu_update)
+ cli_osm.add_command(rbac.project_create)
+ cli_osm.add_command(rbac.project_delete)
+ cli_osm.add_command(rbac.project_list)
+ cli_osm.add_command(rbac.project_show)
+ cli_osm.add_command(rbac.project_update)
+ cli_osm.add_command(rbac.role_create)
+ cli_osm.add_command(rbac.role_delete)
+ cli_osm.add_command(rbac.role_list)
+ cli_osm.add_command(rbac.role_show)
+ cli_osm.add_command(rbac.role_update)
+ cli_osm.add_command(rbac.user_create)
+ cli_osm.add_command(rbac.user_delete)
+ cli_osm.add_command(rbac.user_list)
+ cli_osm.add_command(rbac.user_show)
+ cli_osm.add_command(rbac.user_update)
+ cli_osm.add_command(repo.repo_add)
+ cli_osm.add_command(repo.repo_delete)
+ cli_osm.add_command(repo.repo_list)
+ cli_osm.add_command(repo.repo_show)
+ cli_osm.add_command(repo.repo_update)
+ cli_osm.add_command(repo.repo_index)
+ cli_osm.add_command(repo.nfpkg_repo_list1)
+ cli_osm.add_command(repo.nfpkg_repo_list2)
+ cli_osm.add_command(repo.nfpkg_repo_list2)
+ cli_osm.add_command(repo.nspkg_repo_list)
+ cli_osm.add_command(repo.nspkg_repo_list2)
+ cli_osm.add_command(repo.nsd_repo_show)
+ cli_osm.add_command(repo.nsd_repo_show2)
+ cli_osm.add_command(repo.vnfd_show1)
+ cli_osm.add_command(repo.vnfd_show2)
+ cli_osm.add_command(sdnc.sdnc_create)
+ cli_osm.add_command(sdnc.sdnc_delete)
+ cli_osm.add_command(sdnc.sdnc_list)
+ cli_osm.add_command(sdnc.sdnc_show)
+ cli_osm.add_command(sdnc.sdnc_update)
+ cli_osm.add_command(subscriptions.subscription_create)
+ cli_osm.add_command(subscriptions.subscription_delete)
+ cli_osm.add_command(subscriptions.subscription_list)
+ cli_osm.add_command(subscriptions.subscription_show)
+ cli_osm.add_command(vca.vca_add)
+ cli_osm.add_command(vca.vca_delete)
+ cli_osm.add_command(vca.vca_list)
+ cli_osm.add_command(vca.vca_show)
+ cli_osm.add_command(vca.vca_update)
+ cli_osm.add_command(vim.vim_create)
+ cli_osm.add_command(vim.vim_delete)
+ cli_osm.add_command(vim.vim_list)
+ cli_osm.add_command(vim.vim_show)
+ cli_osm.add_command(vim.vim_update)
+ cli_osm.add_command(vnf.nf_list)
+ cli_osm.add_command(vnf.vnf_list1)
+ cli_osm.add_command(vnf.vnf_show)
+ cli_osm.add_command(wim.wim_create)
+ cli_osm.add_command(wim.wim_delete)
+ cli_osm.add_command(wim.wim_list)
+ cli_osm.add_command(wim.wim_show)
+ cli_osm.add_command(wim.wim_update)
+ cli_osm()
except pycurl.error as exc:
# limitations under the License.
+from click.testing import CliRunner
import json
import unittest
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
import yaml
-from click.testing import CliRunner
-from osmclient.scripts import osm
+from osmclient.cli_commands import vca
class TestVca(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.runner = CliRunner()
mock_get_project.return_value = ("5678", "project")
self.ctx_obj.vca.list.return_value = [self.vca_data]
- osm.cli_osm,
- ["vca-list", "--filter", "somefilter"],
+ vca.vca_list,
+ obj=self.ctx_obj,
+ args=["--filter", "somefilter"],
mock_get_project.return_value = ("5678", "project")
self.ctx_obj.vca.list.return_value = [self.vca_data]
- osm.cli_osm,
- ["vca-list", "--filter", "somefilter", "--long"],
+ vca.vca_list,
+ obj=self.ctx_obj,
+ args=["--filter", "somefilter", "--long"],
mock_client.return_value = self.ctx_obj
self.ctx_obj.vca.list.return_value = [self.vca_data]
- osm.cli_osm,
- ["vca-list", "--literal"],
+ vca.vca_list,
+ obj=self.ctx_obj,
+ args=["--literal"],
mock_pretty_table.return_value = self.table
self.ctx_obj.vca.get.return_value = self.vca_data
- osm.cli_osm,
- ["vca-show", "name"],
+ vca.vca_show,
+ obj=self.ctx_obj,
+ args=["name"],
mock_pretty_table.assert_called_with(["key", "attribute"])
mock_client.return_value = self.ctx_obj
self.ctx_obj.vca.get.return_value = self.vca_data
- osm.cli_osm,
- ["vca-show", "name", "--literal"],
+ vca.vca_show,
+ obj=self.ctx_obj,
+ args=["name", "--literal"],
mock_client.return_value = self.ctx_obj
- osm.cli_osm,
- ["vca-update", "name"],
+ vca.vca_update,
+ obj=self.ctx_obj,
+ args=["name"],
self.ctx_obj.vca.update.assert_called_with("name", {"name": "name"})
mock_client.return_value = self.ctx_obj
- osm.cli_osm,
- [
- "vca-update",
+ vca.vca_update,
+ obj=self.ctx_obj,
+ args=[
mock_client.return_value = self.ctx_obj
- osm.cli_osm,
- [
- "vca-add",
+ vca.vca_add,
+ obj=self.ctx_obj,
+ args=[
mock_client.return_value = self.ctx_obj
- osm.cli_osm,
- ["vca-delete", "name"],
+ vca.vca_delete,
+ obj=self.ctx_obj,
+ args=["name"],
self.ctx_obj.vca.delete.assert_called_with("name", force=False)
- data = osm.load(json.dumps({"juju-https-proxy": "http://squid:3128"}))
+ data = vca.load(json.dumps({"juju-https-proxy": "http://squid:3128"}))
self.assertEqual(data, {"juju-https-proxy": "http://squid:3128"})
# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
import json
+import unittest
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch, mock_open
from click.testing import CliRunner
-from osmclient.scripts import osm
+from osmclient.cli_commands import vim
class TestVim(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.runner = CliRunner()
mock_create_config.return_value = {"ca_cert": "/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"}
vim_config = mock_create_config.return_value
with patch("builtins.open", mock_open(read_data="test")):
- osm.cli_osm,
- [
- "vim-create",
+ vim.vim_create,
+ obj=self.ctx_obj,
+ args=[
mock_create_config.return_value = {}
with patch("builtins.open", mock_open(read_data="test")):
- osm.cli_osm,
- [
- "vim-create",
+ vim.vim_create,
+ obj=self.ctx_obj,
+ args=[
mock_create_config.return_value = {}
with patch("builtins.open", mock_open(read_data="test")):
- osm.cli_osm,
- [
- "vim-create",
+ vim.vim_create,
+ obj=self.ctx_obj,
+ args=[
mock_create_config.return_value = {"ca_cert": "/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"}
vim_config = mock_create_config.return_value
with patch("builtins.open", mock_open(read_data="test")):
- osm.cli_osm,
- [
- "vim-update",
+ vim.vim_update,
+ obj=self.ctx_obj,
+ args=[
json.dumps({"ca_cert": "/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"}),
mock_client.return_value = self.ctx_obj
with patch("builtins.open", mock_open(read_data="test")):
- osm.cli_osm,
- [
- "vim-update",
+ vim.vim_update,
+ obj=self.ctx_obj,
+ args=[
mock_create_config.return_value = {}
with patch("builtins.open", mock_open(read_data="test")):
- osm.cli_osm,
- [
- "vim-update",
+ vim.vim_update,
+ obj=self.ctx_obj,
+ args=[
from osmclient.common.exceptions import NotFound
from osmclient.common.exceptions import ClientException
import json
+import logging
class VCA(object):
def __init__(self, http=None, client=None):
self._http = http
self._client = client
+ self._logger = logging.getLogger("osmclient")
self._apiName = "/admin"
self._apiVersion = "/v1"
self._apiResource = "/vca"
def create(self, name, vca):
+ self._logger.debug("")
http_code, resp = self._http.post_cmd(
endpoint=self._apiBase, postfields_dict=vca
def update(self, name, vca):
+ self._logger.debug("")
vca_id = self.get(name)["_id"]
def get_id(self, name):
+ self._logger.debug("")
"""Returns a VCA id from a VCA name"""
for vca in self.list():
if name == vca["name"]:
raise NotFound("VCA {} not found".format(name))
def delete(self, name, force=False):
+ self._logger.debug("")
vca_id = name
if not utils.validate_uuid4(name):
def list(self, cmd_filter=None):
"""Returns a list of K8s clusters"""
+ self._logger.debug("")
filter_string = ""
if cmd_filter:
def get(self, name):
"""Returns a VCA based on name or id"""
+ self._logger.debug("")
vca_id = name
if not utils.validate_uuid4(name):