import React from 'react'; import { Link } from 'react-router'; import DashboardCard from 'widgets/dashboard_card/dashboard_card.jsx'; import LaunchpadFleetActions from'../launchpadFleetActions'; import LaunchpadFleetStore from '../launchpadFleetStore'; import UpTime from 'widgets/uptime/uptime.jsx'; /* * TODO: Handle when page is loading. See recordView for ref */ /* * key - NSR property name * label - Text to display for the header column label * colClass - class to add for rendering this column * transform: function to call to display the value for the property */ const FIELD_KEYS = [ { // was using 'short-name' key: 'name', label: 'NS Name', colClass: 'nsColNsName', transform: function(nsr, key) { let val = nsr[key]; let title = '"' + val + '" Click to open the viewport dashboard.'; let sdnpresent = nsr['sdn-account'] ? true: false; return ( {val} ) } }, { key: 'nsd_name', label: 'nsd', colClass: 'nsColNsdName', transform: function(nsr, key) { let val=nsr[key]; return ( {val} ); } }, { key: 'operational-status', label: 'Status', colClass: 'nsColStatus', transform: function(nsr, key, isLoading) { let val = null; if(isLoading) { if (nsr['operational-status'] == 'running') { if(nsr['config-status'] == 'configuring') { val = 'Configuring' } else { val = 'Configuration Failed' } } else { val = nsr['operational-status']; } } else { val = 'Active' } return ( {val}); } }, { key: 'create-time', label: 'Uptime', colClass: 'nsColUptime', transform: function(nsr, key) { let val = nsr[key]; return (); } } ]; /* * Render the network service grid header row */ class NsListHeader extends React.Component { render() { const {fieldKeys, ...props} = this.props; return (
{ (field, index) =>
); } } /* * Render a row for the network service */ class NsListItem extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = {}; this.state.isLoading = this.isLoading(props) this.state.failed = false; } renderFieldBody(nsr, field, isLoading) { return field.transform(nsr, field.key, isLoading); } columnStyle(field) { return { 'width': field.width } } classNames(isCardOpen) { return "nsListItemRow" + (isCardOpen ? " openedCard" : ""); } openDashboard(nsr_id) { window.location.href = '//' + window.location.hostname + ':' + window.location.port + '/index.html' + + window.location.hash + '/' + nsr_id + '/detail'; launchpadFleetStore.closeSocket(); } componentWillReceiveProps(props) { this.setState({ isLoading: this.isLoading(props) }) } isLoading(props) { return !((props.nsr['operational-status'] == 'running') && (props.nsr['config-status'] == 'configured')) } actionButton(glyphValue, title, onClick) { return (
); } render() { let failed = this.state.failed; let isLoading = this.state.isLoading || failed; const {nsr, isCardOpen, fieldKeys, ...props} = this.props; const self = this; return (
{ (field, index) =>
{self.renderFieldBody(nsr, field, isLoading)}
{ (isCardOpen) ? this.actionButton("circle-x", "Close network service card", function() { LaunchpadFleetActions.closeNsrCard(; }) : this.actionButton("arrow-circle-right", "Open network service card", function() { LaunchpadFleetActions.openNsrCard(; }) }
); } } /* * Used for development/debugging layout */ class EmptyNsListItem extends React.Component { render() { const {fieldKeys, ...props} = this.props; return (
{ (field, index) =>
); } } /* * Used for development/debugging layout */ class MockNsListItem extends React.Component { simNsr() { return { name: 'Grue', nsd_name: 'Dungeon X', 'operational-status': 'Hunting', 'create-time': 1163507750 }; } render() { const {fieldKeys, mockNsr, isCardOpen, ...props} = this.props; let nsr = mockNsr; if (!nsr) { nsr = this.simNsr(); } return ( ); } } MockNsListItem.defaultProps = { isCardOpen: false } class NsList extends React.Component { emptyRows(count) { let emptyRows = []; for (var i=0; i < count; i++) { emptyRows.push( ); } return emptyRows; } mockNsRows(count) { let mockNsRows = []; let isCardOpen = false; for (var i=0; i < count; i++) { isCardOpen = !isCardOpen; mockNsRows.push( ); } return mockNsRows; } render() { const {nsrs, openedNsrIDs, fieldKeys, ...props} = this.props; return (
{, index) => )} {this.mockNsRows(this.props.mockNsRows)} {this.emptyRows(this.props.emptyRows)}
); } } NsList.defaultProps = { mockNsRows: 0, emptyRows: 0 } export default class NsListPanel extends React.Component { handleInstantiateNetworkService = () => { this.context.router.push({pathname:'instantiate'}); } handleShowHideToggle(newState) { return function() { LaunchpadFleetActions.setNsListPanelVisible(newState); } } panelToolbar() { let plusButton = require("style/img/launchpad-add-fleet-icon.png"); return (
Instantiate Service
); } render() { const {nsrs, openedNsrIDs, emptyRows, isVisible, ...props} = this.props; const fieldKeys = FIELD_KEYS; let glyphValue = (isVisible) ? "chevron-left" : "chevron-right"; let totalNSRs = nsrs && nsrs.length; let runningNSRs = 0; let failedNSRs = 0; let scalingOutNSRs = 0; let scalingInNSRs = 0; let initializingNSRs = 0; nsrs && => { nsr['operational-status'] == 'running' && runningNSRs++; nsr['operational-status'] == 'failed' && failedNSRs++; nsr['operational-status'] == 'scaling-out' && scalingOutNSRs++; nsr['operational-status'] == 'scaling-in' && scalingInNSRs++; ( nsr['operational-status'] == 'init' || nsr['operational-status'] == 'vl-init-phase' || nsr['operational-status'] == 'vnf-init-phase' ) && initializingNSRs++; }); if (isVisible) { let title = (
Total: {totalNSRs} Running: {runningNSRs} Failed: {failedNSRs} Scaling Out: {scalingOutNSRs} Scaling In: {scalingInNSRs} Initializing: {initializingNSRs}
); return ( {this.panelToolbar()} ); } else { return ( ); } } } NsListPanel.contextTypes = { router: React.PropTypes.object }; NsListPanel.defaultProps = { isVisible: true }