TO test the LP mocklet via command line: Part 1: Run the test server infrastructure 1. ssh into a VM, navigate to your workspace rift root and run ./rift-shell 2. navigate to: modules/core/mc/rwmc/test 3. run: $ python3 ./ -m ethsim -c --skip-prepare-vm --mock --skip-ui The --skip-ui option prevents the server infrastructure from loading Composer and the UI (to save time loading, especially if you are going to be running the server in your own dev environment). Part 2: Run the mocklet 1. repeat step 1 above 2. navigate to: modules/core/mc/rwlp_dts_mock 3. If the rwlp_dts_mock/node_modules directory does not exist, run: $ npm install 4. Start the mocklet after the server ( has completed initialization To start the mocklet: $ node lp_mock_client.js 5. After the mocklet has started, open another terminal window (can be anywhere that can access the restconf server on your VM) and run the following: Seed the descriptors and instance config objects, run: $ ./ Now you are ready to test retrieving an ns-instance-opdata object $