/* * * Copyright 2016 RIFT.IO Inc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * */ module rwcal { namespace "http://riftio.com/ns/riftware-1.0/rwcal"; prefix "rwcal"; import rw-base { prefix rwbase; } import rw-pb-ext { prefix "rwpb"; } import rw-yang-types { prefix "rwt"; } import rw-log { prefix "rwlog"; } import mano-types { prefix "manotypes"; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix "inet"; } revision 2014-12-30 { description "Initial revision."; reference "RIFT RWCAL cloud data"; } typedef connection-status { description "Connection status for the cloud account"; type enumeration { enum unknown; enum validating; enum success; enum failure; } } typedef disk-format { type enumeration { enum ami; enum ari; enum aki; enum vhd; enum vmdk; enum raw; enum qcow2; enum vdi; enum iso; } } typedef container-format { type enumeration{ enum ami; enum ari; enum aki; enum bare; enum ovf; } } grouping connection-status { container connection-status { config false; rwpb:msg-new CloudConnectionStatus; leaf status { type connection-status; } leaf details { type string; } } } uses connection-status; typedef sdn-account-type { description "SDN account type"; type enumeration { enum odl; enum mock; enum sdnsim; } } grouping sdn-provider-auth { leaf account-type { type sdn-account-type; } choice provider-specific-info { container odl { leaf username { type string { length "1..255"; } } leaf password { type string { length "1..32"; } } leaf url { type string { length "1..255"; } } } container mock { leaf username { type string; } leaf plugin-name { type string; default "rwsdn_mock"; } } container sdnsim { leaf username { type string; } leaf plugin-name { type string; default "rwsdn_sim"; } } } } grouping provider-auth { leaf account-type { type manotypes:cloud-account-type; } choice provider-specific-info { container mock { leaf username { type string; } leaf plugin-name { type string; default "rwcal_mock"; } leaf dynamic-flavor-support { type boolean; default true; } } container aws { leaf key { type string; } leaf secret { type string; } leaf region { type string; } leaf vpcid { description "VPC ID to use to instantiate EC2 instances"; type string; } leaf ssh-key { description "Key pair name to connect to EC2 instance"; type string; } leaf availability-zone { description "Availability zone where EC2 instance should be started"; type string; } leaf default-subnet-id { description "Default subnet ID to create network interface at instance creation time"; type string; } leaf plugin-name { type string; default "rwcal_aws"; } leaf dynamic-flavor-support { type boolean; default true; } } container openstack { leaf key { type string; mandatory true; } leaf secret { type string; mandatory true; } leaf auth_url { type string; mandatory true; } leaf tenant { type string; mandatory true; } leaf admin { type boolean; default false; } leaf mgmt-network { type string; mandatory true; } leaf plugin-name { type string; default "rwcal_openstack"; } leaf-list security-groups { type string; description "Names of the security groups for the VM"; } leaf dynamic-flavor-support { type boolean; default true; } leaf floating-ip-pool { type string; description "Name of floating IP pool to use for floating IP address assignement"; } leaf cert-validate { type boolean; default false; description "Certificate validatation policy in case of SSL/TLS connection"; } } container openmano { leaf host { type string; default "localhost"; } leaf port { type uint16; default 9090; } leaf tenant-id { type string { length "36"; } mandatory true; } leaf plugin-name { type string; default "rwcal_openmano"; } } container vsphere { leaf username { type string; } leaf password { type string; } leaf url { type string; } leaf plugin-name { type string; default "rwcal-python"; } leaf dynamic-flavor-support { type boolean; default false; } } container cloudsim { leaf plugin-name { type string; default "rwcal_cloudsim"; } leaf dynamic-flavor-support { type boolean; default true; } } container cloudsim_proxy { leaf host { type string; default "localhost"; } leaf plugin-name { type string; default "rwcal_cloudsimproxy"; } leaf dynamic-flavor-support { type boolean; default true; } } container openvim { leaf host { type string; mandatory true; } leaf port { type uint16; default 9080; } leaf tenant-name { type string; description "Mandatory parameter to indicate openvim tenant name"; mandatory true; } leaf mgmt-network { type string; mandatory true; } leaf plugin-name { type string; default "rwcal_openmano_vimconnector"; } leaf dynamic-flavor-support { type boolean; default true; } container image-management { description " Information required for OpenVim image upload operation"; leaf username { description "Username for host access"; type string; } leaf password { description "Password for host access"; type string; } leaf image-directory-path { description "Name of the directory on the host where image needs to be copied"; type string; default "/opt/VNF/images"; } } } } } grouping vm-info-item { leaf vm-name { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 255; type string; } leaf vm-size { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf vm-id { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf flavor-id { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf image-id { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf state { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf availability-zone { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf tenant-name { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf host-name { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf management-ip { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf public-ip { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf allocate-public-address { rwpb:field-inline "true"; description "If this VM should allocate a floating public IP address"; type boolean; default false; } list private-ip-list { key "ip-address"; leaf ip-address { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } } list public-ip-list { key "ip-address"; leaf ip-address { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } } list port-list { key "port-id"; leaf port-id { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } } list network-list { key "network-id"; leaf network-id { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } } container cloud-init { leaf userdata { description "The userdata field for cloud-init should contain the contents of the script that cloud-init should invoke when configuring the system. Note that this script is expected to be in the cloud-config format"; type string; } } container user_tags { leaf node-id { type string; } leaf pci_assignement { type string; } leaf tag1 { type string; } } leaf server-group { type string; } } grouping image-info-item { leaf id { type string; } leaf name { type string; } choice image_file { leaf location { description "Image URL location"; type string; } leaf fileno { description "Image file descriptor"; type uint32; } } leaf checksum { type string; } leaf virtual_size_mbytes { description "Virtual size of the image"; type uint64; } leaf disk_format { description "Format of the Disk"; type disk-format; default "qcow2"; } leaf container_format { description "Format of the container"; type container-format; default "bare"; } leaf state { description "State of the Image object in CAL"; type enumeration { enum active; enum inactive; enum failed; enum unknown; } default "unknown"; } container user-tags { description "User tags associated with Image"; leaf checksum { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } } } grouping network-info-item { leaf network-name { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf network-id { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf subnet { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } uses manotypes:provider-network; } grouping port-info-item { leaf port-name { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 255; type string; } leaf port-id { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf port-state { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf network-id { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf ip-address { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf vm-id { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf port-type { description "Type of the port"; type enumeration { enum normal; enum macvtap; enum direct; } default "normal"; } choice provider-specific-info { container lxc { leaf veth-name { type string; } } } } container cloud-accounts { list cloud-account-list { rwpb:msg-new CloudAccount; key "name"; leaf name { type string; } uses provider-auth; } } container vim-resources { rwpb:msg-new VimResources; config false; list vminfo-list { rwpb:msg-new VMInfoItem; config false; key "vm-id"; uses vm-info-item; } list imageinfo-list { rwpb:msg-new ImageInfoItem; config false; key "id"; uses image-info-item; } list tenantinfo-list { rwpb:msg-new TenantInfoItem; config false; key "tenant-id"; leaf tenant-name { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf tenant-id { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } } list userinfo-list { rwpb:msg-new UserInfoItem; config false; key "user-id"; leaf user-name{ rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf user-id { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } } list roleinfo-list { rwpb:msg-new RoleInfoItem; config false; key "role-id"; leaf role-name { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf role-id { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } } list hostinfo-list { rwpb:msg-new HostInfoItem; config false; key "host-id"; leaf host-name { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf host-id { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } } list networkinfo-list { rwpb:msg-new NetworkInfoItem; config false; key "network-id"; uses network-info-item; } list portinfo-list { rwpb:msg-new PortInfoItem; config false; key "port-id"; uses port-info-item; } list flavorinfo-list { rwpb:msg-new FlavorInfoItem; config false; key "id"; leaf id { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf name { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 255; type string; } uses manotypes:vm-flavor; uses manotypes:guest-epa; uses manotypes:vswitch-epa; uses manotypes:hypervisor-epa; uses manotypes:host-epa; uses manotypes:placement-group-input; } } grouping virtual-link-create-params { leaf name { description "Name of the Virtual-Link"; rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 255; type string; } leaf subnet { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf associate-public-ip { type boolean; default false; } leaf vim-network-name { description "Name of network in VIM account. This is used to indicate pre-provisioned network name in cloud account."; type string; } uses manotypes:provider-network; uses manotypes:ip-profile-info; } container virtual-link-req-params { description "This object defines the parameters required to create a virtual-link"; rwpb:msg-new VirtualLinkReqParams; uses virtual-link-create-params; } grouping connection-point-type { leaf type { description "Specifies the type of connection point VIRTIO : Use the traditional VIRTIO interface. PCI-PASSTHROUGH : Use PCI-PASSTHROUGH interface. SR-IOV : Use SR-IOV interface. E1000 : Emulate E1000 interface. RTL8139 : Emulate RTL8139 interface. PCNET : Emulate PCNET interface."; type enumeration { enum VIRTIO; enum PCI-PASSTHROUGH; enum SR-IOV; enum E1000; enum RTL8139; enum PCNET; } default "VIRTIO"; } } grouping vdu-create-params { leaf name { description "Name of the VDU"; rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 255; type string; } leaf mgmt-vpci { description "Specifies the virtual PCI address. Expressed in the following format dddd:dd:dd.d. For example 0000:00:12.0. This information can be used to pass as metadata during the VM creation."; type string; } uses manotypes:vm-flavor; uses manotypes:guest-epa; uses manotypes:vswitch-epa; uses manotypes:hypervisor-epa; uses manotypes:host-epa; leaf node-id { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf flavor-id { description "CAL assigned flavor-id for the VDU image"; rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf image-id { description "CAL assigned image-id for the VDU image"; rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf image-name { description "Image name which can be used to lookup the image-id"; type string; rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 256; } leaf image-checksum { description "Image md5sum checksum used in combination with image name to lookup image-id "; type string; rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 32; } uses manotypes:placement-group-input; list connection-points { key "name"; leaf name { description "Name of the connection point"; type string; } leaf virtual-link-id { description "CAL assigned resource Id for the Virtual Link"; type string; } leaf associate-public-ip { type boolean; default false; } leaf vpci { description "Specifies the virtual PCI address. Expressed in the following format dddd:dd:dd.d. For example 0000:00:12.0. This information can be used to pass as metadata during the VM creation."; type string; } leaf security-group { description "Name of the security group"; type string; } leaf static-ip-address { description "Static IP address for the connection point"; type inet:ip-address; } uses connection-point-type; } leaf mgmt-network { description "Explicit mgmt-network name, otherwise the mgmt-network from Cloud account is used"; type string; } leaf allocate-public-address { description "If this VDU needs public IP address"; type boolean; default false; } container vdu-init { leaf userdata { description "The userdata field for vdu-init should contain the contents of the script that cloud-init should invoke when configuring the system. Note that this script is expected to be in the cloud-config format"; type string; } } list volumes { key "name"; leaf name { description "Name of the disk-volumes, e.g. vda, vdb etc"; type string; } uses manotypes:volume-info; } } container vdu-init-params { description "This object defines the parameters required to create a VDU"; rwpb:msg-new VDUInitParams; uses vdu-create-params; } container vdu-modify-params { description "This object defines the parameters required to modify VDU"; rwpb:msg-new VDUModifyParams; leaf vdu-id { description "CAL assigned id for VDU to which this connection point belongs"; rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf image-id { description "CAL assigned image-id for the VDU image"; rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } list connection-points-add { key "name"; leaf name { description "Name of the connection point"; type string; } leaf virtual-link-id { description "CAL assigned resource Id for the Virtual Link"; type string; } leaf associate-public-ip { type boolean; default false; } leaf static-ip-address { description "Static IP address for the connection point"; type inet:ip-address; } uses connection-point-type; } list connection-points-remove { key "connection-point-id"; leaf connection-point-id { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } } } grouping connection-point-info-params { leaf connection-point-id { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf name { description "Name of the connection point"; type string; } leaf virtual-link-id { description "CAL assigned resource ID of the Virtual-Link"; rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf vdu-id { description "CAL assigned id for VDU to which this connection point belongs"; rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf state { description "CMP agnostic generic state of the connection point"; type enumeration { enum active; enum inactive; enum failed; enum unknown; } } leaf ip-address { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf public-ip { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } } grouping virtual-link-info-params { leaf name { description "Name of the Virtual-Link"; rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 255; type string; } leaf state { description "State of the Virtual Link"; type enumeration { enum active; enum inactive; enum failed; enum unknown; } default "unknown"; } leaf virtual-link-id { description "CAL assigned resource ID of the Virtual-Link"; rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } list connection-points { key connection-point-id; uses connection-point-info-params; } leaf subnet { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } uses manotypes:provider-network; } grouping vdu-info-params { leaf vdu-id { description "CAL assigned id for VDU"; rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf name { description "Name of the VDU"; rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 255; type string; } leaf flavor-id { description "CAL assigned flavor-id for the VDU image"; rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf image-id { description "CAL assigned image-id for the VDU image"; rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf node-id { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf state { description "State of the VDU"; type enumeration { enum active; enum inactive; enum failed; enum unknown; } default "unknown"; } leaf management-ip { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } leaf public-ip { rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } uses manotypes:vm-flavor; uses manotypes:guest-epa; uses manotypes:vswitch-epa; uses manotypes:hypervisor-epa; uses manotypes:host-epa; uses manotypes:placement-group-input; list connection-points { key connection-point-id; uses connection-point-info-params; } leaf console-url { type string; description "Console URL from the VIM, if available"; } list volumes { key "name"; leaf name { description "Name of the disk-volumes, e.g. vda, vdb etc"; type string; } leaf volume-id { description "CAL assigned volume-id "; rwpb:field-inline "true"; rwpb:field-string-max 64; type string; } } } container vnf-resources { rwpb:msg-new VNFResources; config false; list virtual-link-info-list { rwpb:msg-new VirtualLinkInfoParams; config false; key virtual-link-id; uses virtual-link-info-params; } list vdu-info-list { rwpb:msg-new VDUInfoParams; config false; key vdu-id; uses vdu-info-params; } } } /* vim: set ts=2:sw=2: */