*** Comments *** # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. *** Settings *** Documentation [HEAL-03] Healing of multiple VDUs Library OperatingSystem Library String Library Collections Library Process Library SSHLibrary Resource ../lib/vnfd_lib.resource Resource ../lib/vnf_lib.resource Resource ../lib/nsd_lib.resource Resource ../lib/ns_lib.resource Resource ../lib/ns_operation_lib.resource Resource ../lib/ssh_lib.resource Resource ../lib/openstack_lib.resource Test Tags heal_03 cluster_heal daily regression Suite Teardown Run Keyword And Ignore Error Suite Cleanup *** Variables *** # NS and VNF descriptor package folder and ids ${VNFD_VOLUMES_PKG} several_volumes_vnf ${VNFD_VOLUMES_NAME} several_volumes-vnf ${VDU_VOLUMES_NAME} several_volumes-VM ${VNF_SEVERAL_INDEX} several_volumes_vnf ${VNFD_MANUALSCALE_PKG} manual_scale_vnf ${VNFD_MANUALSCALE_NAME} manual_scale-vnf ${VDU_MANUALSCALE_NAME} mgmtVM ${VNF_MANUALSCALE_INDEX} manual_scale_vnf ${VNF_MANUALSCALE_SCALING_GROUP} manual-scaling_mgmtVM ${VNF_MANUALSCALE_CLOUDINIT_FILE} /root/helloworld.txt ${VNF_MANUALSCALE_DAY1_FILE} /home/ubuntu/first-touch ${NSD_PKG} volumes_healing_ns ${NSD_NAME} volumes_healing-ns # NS instance name and configuration ${NS_NAME} heal_03 ${NS_CONFIG} {vld: [ {name: mgmtnet, vim-network-name: %{VIM_MGMT_NET}} ] } ${NS_TIMEOUT} 6min ${SCALE_WAIT_TIME} 5min # SSH keys and username to be used ${PUBLICKEY} %{HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ${PRIVATEKEY} %{HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa ${USERNAME} ubuntu ${PASSWORD} ${EMPTY} ${SUCCESS_RETURN_CODE} 0 @{VIM_VDUS} @{EMPTY} @{VIM_VOLUMES} @{EMPTY} *** Test Cases *** Create VNF Descriptors [Documentation] Upload VNF packages for the testsuite. Create VNFD '%{PACKAGES_FOLDER}/${VNFD_MANUALSCALE_PKG}' Create VNFD '%{PACKAGES_FOLDER}/${VNFD_VOLUMES_PKG}' Create NS Descriptor [Documentation] Upload NS package for the testsuite. Create NSD '%{PACKAGES_FOLDER}/${NSD_PKG}' Network Service Instance Test [Documentation] Instantiate NS for the testsuite. ${id}= Create Network Service ${NSD_NAME} %{VIM_TARGET} ${NS_NAME} ${NS_CONFIG} ${PUBLICKEY} ${NS_TIMEOUT} Set Suite Variable ${NS_ID} ${id} Get NS Id [Documentation] Get NS identifier and stores as suite variable to be used later on. [Tags] cleanup ${variables}= Get Variables IF not "\${ns_id}" in "${variables}" ${id}= Get Ns Id ${NS_NAME} Set Suite Variable ${NS_ID} ${id} END Scale Out Manual Scale VNF [Documentation] Perform a manual scale-out operation of the manual scale VNF. ${vnf_id}= Get Vnf Id ${NS_ID} ${VNF_MANUALSCALE_INDEX} Set Suite Variable ${VNF_MANUALSCALE_ID} ${vnf_id} @{vdur_list}= Get Vnf Vdur Names ${VNF_MANUALSCALE_ID} ${vdurs}= Get Length ${vdur_list} Set Suite Variable ${INITIAL_VDUR_COUNT} ${vdurs} Execute Manual VNF Scale ${NS_NAME} ${VNF_MANUALSCALE_INDEX} ${VNF_MANUALSCALE_SCALING_GROUP} SCALE_OUT ${SCALE_WAIT_TIME} @{vdur_list}= Get Vnf Vdur Names ${VNF_MANUALSCALE_ID} ${vdurs}= Get Length ${vdur_list} IF ${vdurs} != ${INITIAL_VDUR_COUNT} + 1 Fail msg=There is no new VDU records in the VNF after Scale Out Get VIM Objects [Documentation] Retrieve all VMs and volumes from the NS and stores them in VIM_VDUS and VIM_VOLUMES lists. Variable Should Exist ${NS_ID} msg=NS is not available @{vnf_id_list}= Get Ns Vnf List ${NS_ID} Log ${vnf_id_list} FOR ${vnf_id} IN @{vnf_id_list} Log ${vnf_id} ${id}= Get VNF VIM ID ${vnf_id} @{vdu_ids}= Split String ${id} Append To List ${VIM_VDUS} @{vdu_ids} END FOR ${vdu_id} IN @{VIM_VDUS} ${volumes_attached}= Get Server Property ${vdu_id} volumes_attached ${match}= Get Regexp Matches ${volumes_attached} '([0-9a-f\-]+)' 1 IF ${match} != @{EMPTY} IF not "${match}[0]" in "@{VIM_VOLUMES}" Append To List ${VIM_VOLUMES} ${match}[0] END END END Log Many @{VIM_VDUS} Log Many @{VIM_VOLUMES} Get Manual Scale VNF Info [Documentation] Get VDU ID and IP addresses of the manual scale VNF and stores them in VDU_MANUALSCALE_IDS and MANUALSCALE_IP_LIST. Variable Should Exist ${NS_ID} msg=NS is not available ${variables}= Get Variables IF not "\${VNF_MANUALSCALE_ID}" in "${variables}" ${vnf_id}= Get Vnf Id ${NS_ID} ${VNF_MANUALSCALE_INDEX} Set Suite Variable ${VNF_MANUALSCALE_ID} ${vnf_id} END ${id}= Get VNF VIM ID ${VNF_MANUALSCALE_ID} @{vdu_manualscale_ids}= Split String ${id} Set Suite Variable @{VDU_MANUALSCALE_IDS} @{vdu_manualscale_ids} Log ${VDU_MANUALSCALE_IDS}[1] @{manualscale_ip_list}= Get Vnf Vdur IPs ${VNF_MANUALSCALE_ID} Set Suite Variable @{MANUALSCALE_IP_LIST} @{manualscale_ip_list} Get Volume VNF Info [Documentation] Get info about volumes and VM of the VNF with several volumes and stores them in suite variables. Variable Should Exist ${NS_ID} msg=NS is not available ${ip_addr}= Get Vnf Management Ip Address ${NS_ID} ${VNF_SEVERAL_INDEX} Log ${ip_addr} Set Suite Variable ${VNF_VOLUMES_IP_ADDR} ${ip_addr} ${vnf_id}= Get Vnf Id ${NS_ID} ${VNF_SEVERAL_INDEX} Set Suite Variable ${VNF_VOLUMES_ID} ${vnf_id} ${id}= Get VNF VIM ID ${vnf_id} Set Suite Variable ${VDU_VOLUMES_ID} ${id} Log ${VDU_VOLUMES_ID} @{volumes_ip_list}= Get Vnf Vdur IPs ${VNF_VOLUMES_ID} Set Suite Variable @{VOLUMES_IP_LIST} @{volumes_ip_list} Log @{VOLUMES_IP_LIST} Stop VDUs [Documentation] Stop all VMs. Variable Should Exist @{VDU_MANUALSCALE_IDS} msg=Manual Scale VDUs are not available Variable Should Exist ${VDU_VOLUMES_ID} msg=Volume VDU is not available Stop Server ${VDU_MANUALSCALE_IDS}[1] Stop Server ${VDU_MANUALSCALE_IDS}[2] Stop Server ${VDU_VOLUMES_ID} Sleep 30 Heal VDUs [Documentation] Heal manually via OSM commands all stopped VMs . They should be started again. Variable Should Exist ${VNF_MANUALSCALE_ID} msg=Manual Scale VNF is not available Variable Should Exist ${VNF_VOLUMES_ID} msg=Volume VNF is not available Heal Network Service ${NS_ID} --vnf ${VNF_VOLUMES_ID} --cause "Heal myvdu1 of several_volumes_vnf" --vdu several_volumes-VM --vnf ${VNF_MANUALSCALE_ID} --cause "Heal two VMs of manual_scale_vnf" --vdu mgmtVM --count-index 1 --run-day1 --vdu mgmtVM --count-index 2 # Check VNFs After Healing # [Documentation] Check that the IDs of the VM and volumes have not changed after healing. # Variable Should Exist ${VNF_MANUALSCALE_ID} msg=Manual scale VNF is not available # Variable Should Exist ${VNF_VOLUMES_ID} msg=Volume VNF is not available # ${id}= Get VNF VIM ID ${VNF_MANUALSCALE_ID} # @{ids}= Split String ${id} # Should Be Equal ${VDU_MANUALSCALE_IDS}[0] ${ids}[0] VDU[0] id has changed after healing # Should Not Be Equal ${VDU_MANUALSCALE_IDS}[1] ${ids}[1] VDU[1] id has not changed after healing # Should Not Be Equal ${VDU_MANUALSCALE_IDS}[2] ${ids}[2] VDU[2] id has not changed after healing # ${id}= Get VNF VIM ID ${VNF_VOLUMES_ID} # Should Not Be Equal ${id} ${VDU_VOLUMES_ID} VDU id has not changed after healing # ${ip}= Get Vdu Attribute ${VNF_MANUALSCALE_ID} ip-address 1 # ${stdout}= Execute Remote Command Check Rc Return Output ${ip} ${USERNAME} ${PASSWORD} ${PRIVATEKEY} sudo ls ${VNF_MANUALSCALE_CLOUDINIT_FILE} # Log ${stdout} # Check If Remote File Exists ${ip} ${USERNAME} ${PASSWORD} ${PRIVATEKEY} ${VNF_MANUALSCALE_DAY1_FILE} Update VIM Objects [Documentation] Retrieve all VMs and volumes from the NS and stores them in VIM_VDUS and VIM_VOLUMES lists. ... This is done again to guarantee that all objects are cleaned in the VIM in case the heal operation ... added new objects. Variable Should Exist ${NS_ID} msg=NS is not available @{vdu_updated}= Create List @{vnf_id_list}= Get Ns Vnf List ${NS_ID} FOR ${vnf_id} IN @{vnf_id_list} ${id}= Get VNF VIM ID ${vnf_id} @{vdu_ids}= Split String ${id} Append To List ${vdu_updated} @{vdu_ids} FOR ${id} IN @{vdu_ids} IF not "${id}" in "@{VIM_VDUS}" Append To List ${VIM_VDUS} ${id} END END END FOR ${vdu_id} IN @{vdu_updated} ${volumes_attached}= Get Server Property ${vdu_id} volumes_attached ${match}= Get Regexp Matches ${volumes_attached} '([0-9a-f\-]+)' 1 IF ${match} != @{EMPTY} IF not "${match}[0]" in "@{VIM_VOLUMES}" Append To List ${VIM_VOLUMES} ${match}[0] END END END Log Many @{VIM_VDUS} Log Many @{VIM_VOLUMES} Delete NS Instance [Documentation] Delete NS instance. [Tags] cleanup Delete NS ${NS_NAME} Delete NS Descriptor [Documentation] Delete NS package from OSM. [Tags] cleanup Delete NSD ${NSD_NAME} Delete VNF Descriptors [Documentation] Delete VNF packages from OSM. [Tags] cleanup Delete VNFD ${VNFD_VOLUMES_NAME} Delete VNFD ${VNFD_MANUALSCALE_NAME} Delete Objects In VIM [Documentation] Delete any remaining objects (volumes, VMs, etc.) in the VIM. [Tags] cleanup ${error}= Set Variable 0 FOR ${vol_id} IN @{VIM_VOLUMES} Log Checking if volume ${vol_id} is still in VIM ${exists}= Check If Volume Exists ${vol_id} IF ${exists} ${error}= Set Variable 1 Log Deleting volume ${vol_id} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Delete Volume ${vol_id} END END FOR ${vdu_id} IN @{VIM_VDUS} Log Checking if server ${vdu_id} is still in VIM ${status}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Get Server Property ${vdu_id} id Log ${status}[0] IF '${status}[0]' == 'PASS' ${error}= Set Variable 1 Log Deleting server ${vdu_id} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Delete Server ${vdu_id} END END IF ${error}==1 Fail Some objects created by test were not deleted in VIM END *** Keywords *** Suite Cleanup [Documentation] Test Suit Cleanup: Deleting Descriptor, instance and vim Run Keyword If Any Tests Failed Delete NS ${NS_NAME} Run Keyword If Any Tests Failed Delete NSD ${NSD_NAME} Run Keyword If Any Tests Failed Delete VNFD ${VNFD_VOLUMES_NAME} Run Keyword If Any Tests Failed Delete VNFD ${VNFD_MANUALSCALE_NAME}