# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. *** Settings *** Documentation [BASIC-26] Secure connection to helm execution environments. Library OperatingSystem Library SSHLibrary Resource %{ROBOT_DEVOPS_FOLDER}/lib/vnfd_lib.robot Resource %{ROBOT_DEVOPS_FOLDER}/lib/nsd_lib.robot Resource %{ROBOT_DEVOPS_FOLDER}/lib/ns_lib.robot Resource %{ROBOT_DEVOPS_FOLDER}/lib/ssh_lib.robot Force Tags basic_26 cluster_ee_config daily regression Suite Teardown Run Keyword And Ignore Error Suite Cleanup *** Variables *** # NS and VNF descriptor package folder and ids ${vnfd_pkg} simple_ee_vnf ${vnfd_name} simple_ee-vnf ${nsd_pkg} simple_ee_ns ${nsd_name} simple_ee-ns # NS instance name and configuration ${ns_name} basic_26_secure_helm_ee_test ${ns_config} {vld: [ {name: mgmtnet, vim-network-name: %{VIM_MGMT_NET}} ] } # SSH keys and username to be used ${publickey} %{HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ${privatekey} %{OSM_RSA_FILE} ${username} ubuntu ${password} ${EMPTY} ${action_name} touch ${new_action_name} mkdir ${vnf_member_index} simple ${day_1_file_name} /home/ubuntu/first-touch ${ns_timeout} 15min ${host} %{OSM_HOSTNAME} ${username} ubuntu *** Test Cases *** Create VNF Descriptor ${id}= Create VNFD '%{PACKAGES_FOLDER}/${vnfd_pkg}' Set Suite Variable ${vnfd_id} ${id} Create NS Descriptor Create NSD '%{PACKAGES_FOLDER}/${nsd_pkg}' Instantiate Network Service ${id}= Create Network Service ${nsd_name} %{VIM_TARGET} ${ns_name} ${ns_config} ${publickey} ${ns_timeout} Set Suite Variable ${ns_id} ${id} Get Management Ip Address ${ip_addr} Get Vnf Management Ip Address ${ns_id} ${vnf_member_index} Log ${ip_addr} Set Suite Variable ${vnf_ip_addr} ${ip_addr} Test SSH Access Variable Should Exist ${vnf_ip_addr} msg=IP address of the management VNF '${vnf_member_index}' is not available Sleep 30s Waiting ssh daemon to be up Test SSH Connection ${vnf_ip_addr} ${username} ${password} ${privatekey} Check Remote File Created Via Day 1 Operation [Documentation] Check whether the file created in the previous test via Day 1 operations exist or not. Check If remote File Exists ${vnf_ip_addr} ${username} ${password} ${privatekey} ${day_1_file_name} Get data from EE pod Open Connection ${host} Login With Public Key ${username} keyfile=${privatekey} ${pod}= Execute Remote Command Check Rc Return Output ${host} ${username} ${password} ${privatekey} kubectl get pod -n ${ns_id} --no-headers -o custom-columns=":metadata.name" ${svc}= Execute Remote Command Check Rc Return Output ${host} ${username} ${password} ${privatekey} kubectl get svc -n ${ns_id} -l app.kubernetes.io/name=eechart -o jsonpath='{.items[0].spec.clusterIP}' Set Suite Variable ${pod_name} ${pod} Set Suite Variable ${svc_ip} ${svc} Fail when trying to access gRPC server without TLS ${command} = Catenate python3 osm_ee/frontend_client.py ${svc_ip} 50050 sleep ${result}= Execute Remote Command Check Rc Return Output ${host} ${username} ${password} ${privatekey} kubectl exec -it -n ${ns_id} ${pod_name} -- ${command} Should Contain ${result} Connection lost Delete NS Instance [Tags] cleanup Delete NS ${ns_name} Delete NS Descriptor [Tags] cleanup Delete NSD ${nsd_name} Delete VNF Descriptor [Tags] cleanup Delete VNFD ${vnfd_name} *** Keywords *** Suite Cleanup [Documentation] Test Suite Cleanup: Deleting descriptors and NS instance Run Keyword If Any Tests Failed Delete NS ${ns_name} Run Keyword If Any Tests Failed Delete NSD ${nsd_name} Run Keyword If Any Tests Failed Delete VNFD ${vnfd_name}