# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. *** Settings *** Documentation Library to manage VIM Targets. Library String Library Collections Library OperatingSystem # Gerardo Resource %{ROBOT_DEVOPS_FOLDER}/lib/prometheus_lib.robot *** Variables *** ${success_return_code} 0 ${delete_max_wait_time} 1min ${delete_pol_time} 15sec ${vim_status_max_wait_time} 3min ${vim_status_pol_time} 15sec ${vim_opstate_max_wait_time} 40sec ${vim_opstate_pol_time} 10sec *** Keywords *** Create VIM Target [Documentation] Create a VIM Target in OSM. ... The optional parameters (such as 'config' or 'sdn_controller') are given to this function in name=value format. These parameters will be appended to the 'osm vim-create' command with the next syntax: --param_name=param_value ... Return the ID of the created VIM Target. ... Example of execution: ... \${vim_account_id}= Create VIM Target \${vim_name} \${vim_user} \${vim_password} \${vim_auth_url} \${vim_tenant} \${vim_account_type} config='{...}' [Arguments] ${vim_name} ${vim_user} ${vim_password} ${vim_auth_url} ${vim_tenant} ${vim_account_type} @{optional_parameters} ${osm_vim_create_command}= Set Variable osm vim-create --name ${vim_name} --user ${vim_user} --password ${vim_password} --auth_url ${vim_auth_url} --tenant ${vim_tenant} --account_type ${vim_account_type} FOR ${param} IN @{optional_parameters} ${match} ${param_name} ${param_value} = Should Match Regexp ${param} (.+)=(.+) msg=Syntax error in optional parameters ${osm_vim_create_command}= Catenate ${osm_vim_create_command} --${param_name}=${param_value} END ${rc} ${stdout}= Run and Return RC and Output ${osm_vim_create_command} Log ${stdout} Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} ${success_return_code} [Return] ${stdout} Delete VIM Target [Arguments] ${vim_name} ${rc} ${stdout}= Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Run and Return RC and Output osm vim-delete ${vim_name} Log ${stdout} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${delete_max_wait_time} ${delete_pol_time} Check for VIM Target ${vim_name} Get VIM Targets ${rc} ${stdout}= Run and Return RC and Output osm vim-list Log ${stdout} Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} ${success_return_code} Check for VIM Target [Arguments] ${vim_name} ${rc} ${stdout}= Run and Return RC and Output osm vim-list | awk '{print $2}' | grep ${vim_name} Should Not Be Equal As Strings ${stdout} ${vim_name} Check for VIM Target Metric [Arguments] ${vim_name} ${prometheus_host} ${prometheus_port} ${prometheus_user} ${prometheus_password} ${vim_account_id}= Get VIM Target ID ${vim_name} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${vim_status_max_wait_time} ${vim_status_pol_time} Check If VIM Target Has Metric ${vim_account_id} ${prometheus_host} ${prometheus_port} ${prometheus_user} ${prometheus_password} Check for VIM Target Status [Arguments] ${vim_name} ${prometheus_host} ${prometheus_port} ${prometheus_user} ${prometheus_password} ${vim_account_id}= Get VIM Target ID ${vim_name} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${vim_status_max_wait_time} ${vim_status_pol_time} Check If VIM Target Is Available ${vim_account_id} ${prometheus_host} ${prometheus_port} ${prometheus_user} ${prometheus_password} Get VIM Target ID [Arguments] ${vim_name} ${rc} ${stdout}= Run and Return RC and Output osm vim-list | grep " ${vim_name} " | awk '{print $4}' Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} ${success_return_code} Should Not Be Equal As Strings ${stdout} ${EMPTY} msg=VIM Target '${vim_name}' not found values=false [Return] ${stdout} Check VIM Target Operational State [Arguments] ${vim_name} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${vim_opstate_max_wait_time} ${vim_opstate_pol_time} Check If VIM Target Is Enabled ${vim_name} Check If VIM Target Is Enabled [Arguments] ${vim_name} ${rc} ${stdout}= Run and Return RC and Output osm vim-list | grep " ${vim_name} " | awk '{print $6}' Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} ${success_return_code} Should Be Equal As Strings ${stdout} ENABLED msg=VIM Target '${vim_name}' is not enabled values=false Check If VIM Target Is Available [Arguments] ${vim_account_id} ${prometheus_host} ${prometheus_port} ${prometheus_user} ${prometheus_password} ${metric}= Get Metric ${prometheus_host} ${prometheus_port} ${prometheus_user} ${prometheus_password} osm_vim_status vim_account_id=${vim_account_id} Should Be Equal As Integers ${metric} 1 msg=VIM Target '${vim_account_id}' is not active values=false Check If VIM Target Has Metric [Arguments] ${vim_account_id} ${prometheus_host} ${prometheus_port} ${prometheus_user} ${prometheus_password} ${metric}= Get Metric ${prometheus_host} ${prometheus_port} ${prometheus_user} ${prometheus_password} osm_vim_status vim_account_id=${vim_account_id} Should Be True ${metric} <2 msg=VIM Target '${vim_account_id}' has no metric